"""Various algorithms for helping identifying numbers and sequences.""" from __future__ import print_function, division from sympy.utilities import public from sympy.core.compatibility import range from sympy.core import Function, Symbol from sympy.core.numbers import Zero from sympy import (sympify, floor, lcm, denom, Integer, Rational, exp, integrate) @public def find_simple_recurrence_vector(l): """ This function is used internally by other functions from the sympy.concrete.guess module. While most users may want to rather use the function find_simple_recurrence when looking for recurrence relations among rational numbers, the current function may still be useful when some post-processing has to be done. The function returns a vector of length n when a recurrence relation of order n is detected in the sequence of rational numbers v. If the returned vector has a length 1, then the returned value is always the list [0], which means that no relation has been found. While the functions is intended to be used with rational numbers, it should work for other kinds of real numbers except for some cases involving quadratic numbers; for that reason it should be used with some caution when the argument is not a list of rational numbers. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.concrete.guess import find_simple_recurrence_vector >>> from sympy import fibonacci >>> find_simple_recurrence_vector([fibonacci(k) for k in range(12)]) [1, -1, -1] See also ======== See the function sympy.concrete.guess.find_simple_recurrence which is more user-friendly. """ q1 = [0] q2 = [Integer(1)] z = len(l) >> 1 while len(q2) <= z: b = 0 while l[b]==0: b += 1 if b == len(l): c = 1 for x in q2: c = lcm(c, denom(x)) if q2[0]*c < 0: c = -c for k in range(len(q2)): q2[k] = int(q2[k]*c) return q2 m = [Integer(1)/l[b]] for k in range(b+1, len(l)): s = 0 for j in range(b, k): s -= l[j+1] * m[b-j-1] m.append(s/l[b]) l = m a, l[0] = l[0], 0 q = [0] * max(len(q2), b+len(q1)) for k in range(len(q2)): q[k] = a*q2[k] for k in range(b, b+len(q1)): q[k] += q1[k-b] while q[-1]==0: q.pop() # because trailing zeros can occur q1, q2 = q2, q return [0] @public def find_simple_recurrence(v, A=Function('a'), N=Symbol('n')): """ Detects and returns a recurrence relation from a sequence of several integer (or rational) terms. The name of the function in the returned expression is 'a' by default; the main variable is 'n' by default. The smallest index in the returned expression is always n (and never n-1, n-2, etc.). Examples ======== >>> from sympy.concrete.guess import find_simple_recurrence >>> from sympy import fibonacci >>> find_simple_recurrence([fibonacci(k) for k in range(12)]) -a(n) - a(n + 1) + a(n + 2) >>> from sympy import Function, Symbol >>> a = [1, 1, 1] >>> for k in range(15): a.append(5*a[-1]-3*a[-2]+8*a[-3]) >>> find_simple_recurrence(a, A=Function('f'), N=Symbol('i')) -8*f(i) + 3*f(i + 1) - 5*f(i + 2) + f(i + 3) """ p = find_simple_recurrence_vector(v) n = len(p) if n <= 1: return Zero() rel = Zero() for k in range(n): rel += A(N+n-1-k)*p[k] return rel @public def rationalize(x, maxcoeff=10000): """ Helps identifying a rational number from a float (or mpmath.mpf) value by using a continued fraction. The algorithm stops as soon as a large partial quotient is detected (greater than 10000 by default). Examples ======== >>> from sympy.concrete.guess import rationalize >>> from mpmath import cos, pi >>> rationalize(cos(pi/3)) 1/2 >>> from mpmath import mpf >>> rationalize(mpf("0.333333333333333")) 1/3 While the function is rather intended to help 'identifying' rational values, it may be used in some cases for approximating real numbers. (Though other functions may be more relevant in that case.) >>> rationalize(pi, maxcoeff = 250) 355/113 See also ======== Several other methods can approximate a real number as a rational, like: * fractions.Fraction.from_decimal * fractions.Fraction.from_float * mpmath.identify * mpmath.pslq by using the following syntax: mpmath.pslq([x, 1]) * mpmath.findpoly by using the following syntax: mpmath.findpoly(x, 1) * sympy.simplify.nsimplify (which is a more general function) The main difference between the current function and all these variants is that control focuses on magnitude of partial quotients here rather than on global precision of the approximation. If the real is "known to be" a rational number, the current function should be able to detect it correctly with the default settings even when denominator is great (unless its expansion contains unusually big partial quotients) which may occur when studying sequences of increasing numbers. If the user cares more on getting simple fractions, other methods may be more convenient. """ p0, p1 = 0, 1 q0, q1 = 1, 0 a = floor(x) while a < maxcoeff or q1==0: p = a*p1 + p0 q = a*q1 + q0 p0, p1 = p1, p q0, q1 = q1, q if x==a: break x = 1/(x-a) a = floor(x) return sympify(p) / q @public def guess_generating_function_rational(v, X=Symbol('x')): """ Tries to "guess" a rational generating function for a sequence of rational numbers v. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.concrete.guess import guess_generating_function_rational >>> from sympy import fibonacci >>> l = [fibonacci(k) for k in range(5,15)] >>> guess_generating_function_rational(l) (3*x + 5)/(-x**2 - x + 1) See also ======== See function sympy.series.approximants and mpmath.pade """ # a) compute the denominator as q q = find_simple_recurrence_vector(v) n = len(q) if n <= 1: return None # b) compute the numerator as p p = [sum(v[i-k]*q[k] for k in range(min(i+1, n))) for i in range(len(v))] # TODO: maybe better with: len(v)>>1 return (sum(p[k]*X**k for k in range(len(p))) / sum(q[k]*X**k for k in range(n))) @public def guess_generating_function(v, X=Symbol('x'), types=['all'], maxsqrtn=2): """ Tries to "guess" a generating function for a sequence of rational numbers v. Only a few patterns are implemented yet. The function returns a dictionary where keys are the name of a given type of generating function. Six types are currently implemented: type | formal definition -------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ogf | f(x) = Sum( a_k * x^k , k: 0..infinity ) egf | f(x) = Sum( a_k * x^k / k! , k: 0..infinity ) lgf | f(x) = Sum( (-1)^(k+1) a_k * x^k / k , k: 1..infinity ) | (with initial index being hold as 1 rather than 0) hlgf | f(x) = Sum( a_k * x^k / k , k: 1..infinity ) | (with initial index being hold as 1 rather than 0) lgdogf | f(x) = derivate( log(Sum( a_k * x^k, k: 0..infinity )), x) lgdegf | f(x) = derivate( log(Sum( a_k * x^k / k!, k: 0..infinity )), x) In order to spare time, the user can select only some types of generating functions (default being ['all']). While forgetting to use a list in the case of a single type may seem to work most of the time as in: types='ogf' this (convenient) syntax may lead to unexpected extra results in some cases. Discarding a type when calling the function does not mean that the type will not be present in the returned dictionary; it only means that no extra computation will be performed for that type, but the function may still add it in the result when it can be easily converted from another type. Two generating functions (lgdogf and lgdegf) are not even computed if the initial term of the sequence is 0; it may be useful in that case to try again after having removed the leading zeros. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.concrete.guess import guess_generating_function as ggf >>> ggf([k+1 for k in range(12)], types=['ogf', 'lgf', 'hlgf']) {'hlgf': 1/(-x + 1), 'lgf': 1/(x + 1), 'ogf': 1/(x**2 - 2*x + 1)} >>> from sympy import sympify >>> l = sympify("[3/2, 11/2, 0, -121/2, -363/2, 121]") >>> ggf(l) {'ogf': (x + 3/2)/(11*x**2 - 3*x + 1)} >>> from sympy import fibonacci >>> ggf([fibonacci(k) for k in range(5, 15)], types=['ogf']) {'ogf': (3*x + 5)/(-x**2 - x + 1)} >>> from sympy import simplify, factorial >>> ggf([factorial(k) for k in range(12)], types=['ogf', 'egf', 'lgf']) {'egf': 1/(-x + 1)} >>> ggf([k+1 for k in range(12)], types=['egf']) {'egf': (x + 1)*exp(x), 'lgdegf': (x + 2)/(x + 1)} N-th root of a rational function can also be detected (below is an example coming from the sequence A108626 from http://oeis.org). The greatest n-th root to be tested is specified as maxsqrtn (default 2). >>> ggf([1, 2, 5, 14, 41, 124, 383, 1200, 3799, 12122, 38919])['ogf'] sqrt(1/(x**4 + 2*x**2 - 4*x + 1)) References ========== "Concrete Mathematics", R.L. Graham, D.E. Knuth, O. Patashnik https://oeis.org/wiki/Generating_functions """ # List of all types of all g.f. known by the algorithm if 'all' in types: types = ['ogf', 'egf', 'lgf', 'hlgf', 'lgdogf', 'lgdegf'] result = {} # Ordinary Generating Function (ogf) if 'ogf' in types: # Perform some convolutions of the sequence with itself t = [1 if k==0 else 0 for k in range(len(v))] for d in range(max(1, maxsqrtn)): t = [sum(t[n-i]*v[i] for i in range(n+1)) for n in range(len(v))] g = guess_generating_function_rational(t, X=X) if g: result['ogf'] = g**Rational(1, d+1) break # Exponential Generating Function (egf) if 'egf' in types: # Transform sequence (division by factorial) w, f = [], Integer(1) for i, k in enumerate(v): f *= i if i else 1 w.append(k/f) # Perform some convolutions of the sequence with itself t = [1 if k==0 else 0 for k in range(len(w))] for d in range(max(1, maxsqrtn)): t = [sum(t[n-i]*w[i] for i in range(n+1)) for n in range(len(w))] g = guess_generating_function_rational(t, X=X) if g: result['egf'] = g**Rational(1, d+1) break # Logarithmic Generating Function (lgf) if 'lgf' in types: # Transform sequence (multiplication by (-1)^(n+1) / n) w, f = [], Integer(-1) for i, k in enumerate(v): f = -f w.append(f*k/Integer(i+1)) # Perform some convolutions of the sequence with itself t = [1 if k==0 else 0 for k in range(len(w))] for d in range(max(1, maxsqrtn)): t = [sum(t[n-i]*w[i] for i in range(n+1)) for n in range(len(w))] g = guess_generating_function_rational(t, X=X) if g: result['lgf'] = g**Rational(1, d+1) break # Hyperbolic logarithmic Generating Function (hlgf) if 'hlgf' in types: # Transform sequence (division by n+1) w = [] for i, k in enumerate(v): w.append(k/Integer(i+1)) # Perform some convolutions of the sequence with itself t = [1 if k==0 else 0 for k in range(len(w))] for d in range(max(1, maxsqrtn)): t = [sum(t[n-i]*w[i] for i in range(n+1)) for n in range(len(w))] g = guess_generating_function_rational(t, X=X) if g: result['hlgf'] = g**Rational(1, d+1) break # Logarithmic derivative of ordinary generating Function (lgdogf) if v[0] != 0 and ('lgdogf' in types or ('ogf' in types and 'ogf' not in result)): # Transform sequence by computing f'(x)/f(x) # because log(f(x)) = integrate( f'(x)/f(x) ) a, w = sympify(v[0]), [] for n in range(len(v)-1): w.append( (v[n+1]*(n+1) - sum(w[-i-1]*v[i+1] for i in range(n)))/a) # Perform some convolutions of the sequence with itself t = [1 if k==0 else 0 for k in range(len(w))] for d in range(max(1, maxsqrtn)): t = [sum(t[n-i]*w[i] for i in range(n+1)) for n in range(len(w))] g = guess_generating_function_rational(t, X=X) if g: result['lgdogf'] = g**Rational(1, d+1) if 'ogf' not in result: result['ogf'] = exp(integrate(result['lgdogf'], X)) break # Logarithmic derivative of exponential generating Function (lgdegf) if v[0] != 0 and ('lgdegf' in types or ('egf' in types and 'egf' not in result)): # Transform sequence / step 1 (division by factorial) z, f = [], Integer(1) for i, k in enumerate(v): f *= i if i else 1 z.append(k/f) # Transform sequence / step 2 by computing f'(x)/f(x) # because log(f(x)) = integrate( f'(x)/f(x) ) a, w = z[0], [] for n in range(len(z)-1): w.append( (z[n+1]*(n+1) - sum(w[-i-1]*z[i+1] for i in range(n)))/a) # Perform some convolutions of the sequence with itself t = [1 if k==0 else 0 for k in range(len(w))] for d in range(max(1, maxsqrtn)): t = [sum(t[n-i]*w[i] for i in range(n+1)) for n in range(len(w))] g = guess_generating_function_rational(t, X=X) if g: result['lgdegf'] = g**Rational(1, d+1) if 'egf' not in result: result['egf'] = exp(integrate(result['lgdegf'], X)) break return result