""" Algorithms for solving the Risch differential equation. Given a differential field K of characteristic 0 that is a simple monomial extension of a base field k and f, g in K, the Risch Differential Equation problem is to decide if there exist y in K such that Dy + f*y == g and to find one if there are some. If t is a monomial over k and the coefficients of f and g are in k(t), then y is in k(t), and the outline of the algorithm here is given as: 1. Compute the normal part n of the denominator of y. The problem is then reduced to finding y' in k, where y == y'/n. 2. Compute the special part s of the denominator of y. The problem is then reduced to finding y'' in k[t], where y == y''/(n*s) 3. Bound the degree of y''. 4. Reduce the equation Dy + f*y == g to a similar equation with f, g in k[t]. 5. Find the solutions in k[t] of bounded degree of the reduced equation. See Chapter 6 of "Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental Functions" by Manuel Bronstein. See also the docstring of risch.py. """ from __future__ import print_function, division from operator import mul from sympy.core import oo from sympy.core.compatibility import reduce from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy from sympy.polys import Poly, gcd, ZZ, cancel from sympy.integrals.risch import (gcdex_diophantine, frac_in, derivation, splitfactor, NonElementaryIntegralException, DecrementLevel) # TODO: Add messages to NonElementaryIntegralException errors def order_at(a, p, t): """ Computes the order of a at p, with respect to t. For a, p in k[t], the order of a at p is defined as nu_p(a) = max({n in Z+ such that p**n|a}), where a != 0. If a == 0, nu_p(a) = +oo. To compute the order at a rational function, a/b, use the fact that nu_p(a/b) == nu_p(a) - nu_p(b). """ if a.is_zero: return oo if p == Poly(t, t): return a.as_poly(t).ET()[0][0] # Uses binary search for calculating the power. power_list collects the tuples # (p^k,k) where each k is some power of 2. After deciding the largest k # such that k is power of 2 and p^k|a the loop iteratively calculates # the actual power. power_list = [] p1 = p r = a.rem(p1) tracks_power = 1 while r.is_zero: power_list.append((p1,tracks_power)) p1 = p1*p1 tracks_power *= 2 r = a.rem(p1) n = 0 product = Poly(1, t) while len(power_list) != 0: final = power_list.pop() productf = product*final[0] r = a.rem(productf) if r.is_zero: n += final[1] product = productf return n def order_at_oo(a, d, t): """ Computes the order of a/d at oo (infinity), with respect to t. For f in k(t), the order or f at oo is defined as deg(d) - deg(a), where f == a/d. """ if a.is_zero: return oo return d.degree(t) - a.degree(t) def weak_normalizer(a, d, DE, z=None): """ Weak normalization. Given a derivation D on k[t] and f == a/d in k(t), return q in k[t] such that f - Dq/q is weakly normalized with respect to t. f in k(t) is said to be "weakly normalized" with respect to t if residue_p(f) is not a positive integer for any normal irreducible p in k[t] such that f is in R_p (Definition 6.1.1). If f has an elementary integral, this is equivalent to no logarithm of integral(f) whose argument depends on t has a positive integer coefficient, where the arguments of the logarithms not in k(t) are in k[t]. Returns (q, f - Dq/q) """ z = z or Dummy('z') dn, ds = splitfactor(d, DE) # Compute d1, where dn == d1*d2**2*...*dn**n is a square-free # factorization of d. g = gcd(dn, dn.diff(DE.t)) d_sqf_part = dn.quo(g) d1 = d_sqf_part.quo(gcd(d_sqf_part, g)) a1, b = gcdex_diophantine(d.quo(d1).as_poly(DE.t), d1.as_poly(DE.t), a.as_poly(DE.t)) r = (a - Poly(z, DE.t)*derivation(d1, DE)).as_poly(DE.t).resultant( d1.as_poly(DE.t)) r = Poly(r, z) if not r.has(z): return (Poly(1, DE.t), (a, d)) N = [i for i in r.real_roots() if i in ZZ and i > 0] q = reduce(mul, [gcd(a - Poly(n, DE.t)*derivation(d1, DE), d1) for n in N], Poly(1, DE.t)) dq = derivation(q, DE) sn = q*a - d*dq sd = q*d sn, sd = sn.cancel(sd, include=True) return (q, (sn, sd)) def normal_denom(fa, fd, ga, gd, DE): """ Normal part of the denominator. Given a derivation D on k[t] and f, g in k(t) with f weakly normalized with respect to t, either raise NonElementaryIntegralException, in which case the equation Dy + f*y == g has no solution in k(t), or the quadruplet (a, b, c, h) such that a, h in k[t], b, c in k, and for any solution y in k(t) of Dy + f*y == g, q = y*h in k satisfies a*Dq + b*q == c. This constitutes step 1 in the outline given in the rde.py docstring. """ dn, ds = splitfactor(fd, DE) en, es = splitfactor(gd, DE) p = dn.gcd(en) h = en.gcd(en.diff(DE.t)).quo(p.gcd(p.diff(DE.t))) a = dn*h c = a*h if c.div(en)[1]: # en does not divide dn*h**2 raise NonElementaryIntegralException ca = c*ga ca, cd = ca.cancel(gd, include=True) ba = a*fa - dn*derivation(h, DE)*fd ba, bd = ba.cancel(fd, include=True) # (dn*h, dn*h*f - dn*Dh, dn*h**2*g, h) return (a, (ba, bd), (ca, cd), h) def special_denom(a, ba, bd, ca, cd, DE, case='auto'): """ Special part of the denominator. case is one of {'exp', 'tan', 'primitive'} for the hyperexponential, hypertangent, and primitive cases, respectively. For the hyperexponential (resp. hypertangent) case, given a derivation D on k[t] and a in k[t], b, c, in k with Dt/t in k (resp. Dt/(t**2 + 1) in k, sqrt(-1) not in k), a != 0, and gcd(a, t) == 1 (resp. gcd(a, t**2 + 1) == 1), return the quadruplet (A, B, C, 1/h) such that A, B, C, h in k[t] and for any solution q in k of a*Dq + b*q == c, r = qh in k[t] satisfies A*Dr + B*r == C. For case == 'primitive', k == k[t], so it returns (a, b, c, 1) in this case. This constitutes step 2 of the outline given in the rde.py docstring. """ from sympy.integrals.prde import parametric_log_deriv # TODO: finish writing this and write tests if case == 'auto': case = DE.case if case == 'exp': p = Poly(DE.t, DE.t) elif case == 'tan': p = Poly(DE.t**2 + 1, DE.t) elif case in ['primitive', 'base']: B = ba.to_field().quo(bd) C = ca.to_field().quo(cd) return (a, B, C, Poly(1, DE.t)) else: raise ValueError("case must be one of {'exp', 'tan', 'primitive', " "'base'}, not %s." % case) nb = order_at(ba, p, DE.t) - order_at(bd, p, DE.t) nc = order_at(ca, p, DE.t) - order_at(cd, p, DE.t) n = min(0, nc - min(0, nb)) if not nb: # Possible cancellation. if case == 'exp': dcoeff = DE.d.quo(Poly(DE.t, DE.t)) with DecrementLevel(DE): # We are guaranteed to not have problems, # because case != 'base'. alphaa, alphad = frac_in(-ba.eval(0)/bd.eval(0)/a.eval(0), DE.t) etaa, etad = frac_in(dcoeff, DE.t) A = parametric_log_deriv(alphaa, alphad, etaa, etad, DE) if A is not None: a, m, z = A if a == 1: n = min(n, m) elif case == 'tan': dcoeff = DE.d.quo(Poly(DE.t**2+1, DE.t)) with DecrementLevel(DE): # We are guaranteed to not have problems, # because case != 'base'. alphaa, alphad = frac_in(im(-ba.eval(sqrt(-1))/bd.eval(sqrt(-1))/a.eval(sqrt(-1))), DE.t) betaa, betad = frac_in(re(-ba.eval(sqrt(-1))/bd.eval(sqrt(-1))/a.eval(sqrt(-1))), DE.t) etaa, etad = frac_in(dcoeff, DE.t) if recognize_log_derivative(2*betaa, betad, DE): A = parametric_log_deriv(alphaa*sqrt(-1)*betad+alphad*betaa, alphad*betad, etaa, etad, DE) if A is not None: a, m, z = A if a == 1: n = min(n, m) N = max(0, -nb, n - nc) pN = p**N pn = p**-n A = a*pN B = ba*pN.quo(bd) + Poly(n, DE.t)*a*derivation(p, DE).quo(p)*pN C = (ca*pN*pn).quo(cd) h = pn # (a*p**N, (b + n*a*Dp/p)*p**N, c*p**(N - n), p**-n) return (A, B, C, h) def bound_degree(a, b, cQ, DE, case='auto', parametric=False): """ Bound on polynomial solutions. Given a derivation D on k[t] and a, b, c in k[t] with a != 0, return n in ZZ such that deg(q) <= n for any solution q in k[t] of a*Dq + b*q == c, when parametric=False, or deg(q) <= n for any solution c1, ..., cm in Const(k) and q in k[t] of a*Dq + b*q == Sum(ci*gi, (i, 1, m)) when parametric=True. For parametric=False, cQ is c, a Poly; for parametric=True, cQ is Q == [q1, ..., qm], a list of Polys. This constitutes step 3 of the outline given in the rde.py docstring. """ from sympy.integrals.prde import (parametric_log_deriv, limited_integrate, is_log_deriv_k_t_radical_in_field) # TODO: finish writing this and write tests if case == 'auto': case = DE.case da = a.degree(DE.t) db = b.degree(DE.t) # The parametric and regular cases are identical, except for this part if parametric: dc = max([i.degree(DE.t) for i in cQ]) else: dc = cQ.degree(DE.t) alpha = cancel(-b.as_poly(DE.t).LC().as_expr()/ a.as_poly(DE.t).LC().as_expr()) if case == 'base': n = max(0, dc - max(db, da - 1)) if db == da - 1 and alpha.is_Integer: n = max(0, alpha, dc - db) elif case == 'primitive': if db > da: n = max(0, dc - db) else: n = max(0, dc - da + 1) etaa, etad = frac_in(DE.d, DE.T[DE.level - 1]) t1 = DE.t with DecrementLevel(DE): alphaa, alphad = frac_in(alpha, DE.t) if db == da - 1: # if alpha == m*Dt + Dz for z in k and m in ZZ: try: (za, zd), m = limited_integrate(alphaa, alphad, [(etaa, etad)], DE) except NonElementaryIntegralException: pass else: if len(m) != 1: raise ValueError("Length of m should be 1") n = max(n, m[0]) elif db == da: # if alpha == Dz/z for z in k*: # beta = -lc(a*Dz + b*z)/(z*lc(a)) # if beta == m*Dt + Dw for w in k and m in ZZ: # n = max(n, m) A = is_log_deriv_k_t_radical_in_field(alphaa, alphad, DE) if A is not None: aa, z = A if aa == 1: beta = -(a*derivation(z, DE).as_poly(t1) + b*z.as_poly(t1)).LC()/(z.as_expr()*a.LC()) betaa, betad = frac_in(beta, DE.t) try: (za, zd), m = limited_integrate(betaa, betad, [(etaa, etad)], DE) except NonElementaryIntegralException: pass else: if len(m) != 1: raise ValueError("Length of m should be 1") n = max(n, m[0]) elif case == 'exp': n = max(0, dc - max(db, da)) if da == db: etaa, etad = frac_in(DE.d.quo(Poly(DE.t, DE.t)), DE.T[DE.level - 1]) with DecrementLevel(DE): alphaa, alphad = frac_in(alpha, DE.t) A = parametric_log_deriv(alphaa, alphad, etaa, etad, DE) if A is not None: # if alpha == m*Dt/t + Dz/z for z in k* and m in ZZ: # n = max(n, m) a, m, z = A if a == 1: n = max(n, m) elif case in ['tan', 'other_nonlinear']: delta = DE.d.degree(DE.t) lam = DE.d.LC() alpha = cancel(alpha/lam) n = max(0, dc - max(da + delta - 1, db)) if db == da + delta - 1 and alpha.is_Integer: n = max(0, alpha, dc - db) else: raise ValueError("case must be one of {'exp', 'tan', 'primitive', " "'other_nonlinear', 'base'}, not %s." % case) return n def spde(a, b, c, n, DE): """ Rothstein's Special Polynomial Differential Equation algorithm. Given a derivation D on k[t], an integer n and a, b, c in k[t] with a != 0, either raise NonElementaryIntegralException, in which case the equation a*Dq + b*q == c has no solution of degree at most n in k[t], or return the tuple (B, C, m, alpha, beta) such that B, C, alpha, beta in k[t], m in ZZ, and any solution q in k[t] of degree at most n of a*Dq + b*q == c must be of the form q == alpha*h + beta, where h in k[t], deg(h) <= m, and Dh + B*h == C. This constitutes step 4 of the outline given in the rde.py docstring. """ zero = Poly(0, DE.t) alpha = Poly(1, DE.t) beta = Poly(0, DE.t) while True: if c.is_zero: return (zero, zero, 0, zero, beta) # -1 is more to the point if (n < 0) is True: raise NonElementaryIntegralException g = a.gcd(b) if not c.rem(g).is_zero: # g does not divide c raise NonElementaryIntegralException a, b, c = a.quo(g), b.quo(g), c.quo(g) if a.degree(DE.t) == 0: b = b.to_field().quo(a) c = c.to_field().quo(a) return (b, c, n, alpha, beta) r, z = gcdex_diophantine(b, a, c) b += derivation(a, DE) c = z - derivation(r, DE) n -= a.degree(DE.t) beta += alpha * r alpha *= a def no_cancel_b_large(b, c, n, DE): """ Poly Risch Differential Equation - No cancellation: deg(b) large enough. Given a derivation D on k[t], n either an integer or +oo, and b, c in k[t] with b != 0 and either D == d/dt or deg(b) > max(0, deg(D) - 1), either raise NonElementaryIntegralException, in which case the equation Dq + b*q == c has no solution of degree at most n in k[t], or a solution q in k[t] of this equation with deg(q) < n. """ q = Poly(0, DE.t) while not c.is_zero: m = c.degree(DE.t) - b.degree(DE.t) if not 0 <= m <= n: # n < 0 or m < 0 or m > n raise NonElementaryIntegralException p = Poly(c.as_poly(DE.t).LC()/b.as_poly(DE.t).LC()*DE.t**m, DE.t, expand=False) q = q + p n = m - 1 c = c - derivation(p, DE) - b*p return q def no_cancel_b_small(b, c, n, DE): """ Poly Risch Differential Equation - No cancellation: deg(b) small enough. Given a derivation D on k[t], n either an integer or +oo, and b, c in k[t] with deg(b) < deg(D) - 1 and either D == d/dt or deg(D) >= 2, either raise NonElementaryIntegralException, in which case the equation Dq + b*q == c has no solution of degree at most n in k[t], or a solution q in k[t] of this equation with deg(q) <= n, or the tuple (h, b0, c0) such that h in k[t], b0, c0, in k, and for any solution q in k[t] of degree at most n of Dq + bq == c, y == q - h is a solution in k of Dy + b0*y == c0. """ q = Poly(0, DE.t) while not c.is_zero: if n == 0: m = 0 else: m = c.degree(DE.t) - DE.d.degree(DE.t) + 1 if not 0 <= m <= n: # n < 0 or m < 0 or m > n raise NonElementaryIntegralException if m > 0: p = Poly(c.as_poly(DE.t).LC()/(m*DE.d.as_poly(DE.t).LC())*DE.t**m, DE.t, expand=False) else: if b.degree(DE.t) != c.degree(DE.t): raise NonElementaryIntegralException if b.degree(DE.t) == 0: return (q, b.as_poly(DE.T[DE.level - 1]), c.as_poly(DE.T[DE.level - 1])) p = Poly(c.as_poly(DE.t).LC()/b.as_poly(DE.t).LC(), DE.t, expand=False) q = q + p n = m - 1 c = c - derivation(p, DE) - b*p return q # TODO: better name for this function def no_cancel_equal(b, c, n, DE): """ Poly Risch Differential Equation - No cancellation: deg(b) == deg(D) - 1 Given a derivation D on k[t] with deg(D) >= 2, n either an integer or +oo, and b, c in k[t] with deg(b) == deg(D) - 1, either raise NonElementaryIntegralException, in which case the equation Dq + b*q == c has no solution of degree at most n in k[t], or a solution q in k[t] of this equation with deg(q) <= n, or the tuple (h, m, C) such that h in k[t], m in ZZ, and C in k[t], and for any solution q in k[t] of degree at most n of Dq + b*q == c, y == q - h is a solution in k[t] of degree at most m of Dy + b*y == C. """ q = Poly(0, DE.t) lc = cancel(-b.as_poly(DE.t).LC()/DE.d.as_poly(DE.t).LC()) if lc.is_Integer and lc.is_positive: M = lc else: M = -1 while not c.is_zero: m = max(M, c.degree(DE.t) - DE.d.degree(DE.t) + 1) if not 0 <= m <= n: # n < 0 or m < 0 or m > n raise NonElementaryIntegralException u = cancel(m*DE.d.as_poly(DE.t).LC() + b.as_poly(DE.t).LC()) if u.is_zero: return (q, m, c) if m > 0: p = Poly(c.as_poly(DE.t).LC()/u*DE.t**m, DE.t, expand=False) else: if c.degree(DE.t) != DE.d.degree(DE.t) - 1: raise NonElementaryIntegralException else: p = c.as_poly(DE.t).LC()/b.as_poly(DE.t).LC() q = q + p n = m - 1 c = c - derivation(p, DE) - b*p return q def cancel_primitive(b, c, n, DE): """ Poly Risch Differential Equation - Cancellation: Primitive case. Given a derivation D on k[t], n either an integer or +oo, b in k, and c in k[t] with Dt in k and b != 0, either raise NonElementaryIntegralException, in which case the equation Dq + b*q == c has no solution of degree at most n in k[t], or a solution q in k[t] of this equation with deg(q) <= n. """ from sympy.integrals.prde import is_log_deriv_k_t_radical_in_field with DecrementLevel(DE): ba, bd = frac_in(b, DE.t) A = is_log_deriv_k_t_radical_in_field(ba, bd, DE) if A is not None: n, z = A if n == 1: # b == Dz/z raise NotImplementedError("is_deriv_in_field() is required to " " solve this problem.") # if z*c == Dp for p in k[t] and deg(p) <= n: # return p/z # else: # raise NonElementaryIntegralException if c.is_zero: return c # return 0 if n < c.degree(DE.t): raise NonElementaryIntegralException q = Poly(0, DE.t) while not c.is_zero: m = c.degree(DE.t) if n < m: raise NonElementaryIntegralException with DecrementLevel(DE): a2a, a2d = frac_in(c.LC(), DE.t) sa, sd = rischDE(ba, bd, a2a, a2d, DE) stm = Poly(sa.as_expr()/sd.as_expr()*DE.t**m, DE.t, expand=False) q += stm n = m - 1 c -= b*stm + derivation(stm, DE) return q def cancel_exp(b, c, n, DE): """ Poly Risch Differential Equation - Cancellation: Hyperexponential case. Given a derivation D on k[t], n either an integer or +oo, b in k, and c in k[t] with Dt/t in k and b != 0, either raise NonElementaryIntegralException, in which case the equation Dq + b*q == c has no solution of degree at most n in k[t], or a solution q in k[t] of this equation with deg(q) <= n. """ from sympy.integrals.prde import parametric_log_deriv eta = DE.d.quo(Poly(DE.t, DE.t)).as_expr() with DecrementLevel(DE): etaa, etad = frac_in(eta, DE.t) ba, bd = frac_in(b, DE.t) A = parametric_log_deriv(ba, bd, etaa, etad, DE) if A is not None: a, m, z = A if a == 1: raise NotImplementedError("is_deriv_in_field() is required to " "solve this problem.") # if c*z*t**m == Dp for p in k and q = p/(z*t**m) in k[t] and # deg(q) <= n: # return q # else: # raise NonElementaryIntegralException if c.is_zero: return c # return 0 if n < c.degree(DE.t): raise NonElementaryIntegralException q = Poly(0, DE.t) while not c.is_zero: m = c.degree(DE.t) if n < m: raise NonElementaryIntegralException # a1 = b + m*Dt/t a1 = b.as_expr() with DecrementLevel(DE): # TODO: Write a dummy function that does this idiom a1a, a1d = frac_in(a1, DE.t) a1a = a1a*etad + etaa*a1d*Poly(m, DE.t) a1d = a1d*etad a2a, a2d = frac_in(c.LC(), DE.t) sa, sd = rischDE(a1a, a1d, a2a, a2d, DE) stm = Poly(sa.as_expr()/sd.as_expr()*DE.t**m, DE.t, expand=False) q += stm n = m - 1 c -= b*stm + derivation(stm, DE) # deg(c) becomes smaller return q def solve_poly_rde(b, cQ, n, DE, parametric=False): """ Solve a Polynomial Risch Differential Equation with degree bound n. This constitutes step 4 of the outline given in the rde.py docstring. For parametric=False, cQ is c, a Poly; for parametric=True, cQ is Q == [q1, ..., qm], a list of Polys. """ from sympy.integrals.prde import (prde_no_cancel_b_large, prde_no_cancel_b_small) # No cancellation if not b.is_zero and (DE.case == 'base' or b.degree(DE.t) > max(0, DE.d.degree(DE.t) - 1)): if parametric: return prde_no_cancel_b_large(b, cQ, n, DE) return no_cancel_b_large(b, cQ, n, DE) elif (b.is_zero or b.degree(DE.t) < DE.d.degree(DE.t) - 1) and \ (DE.case == 'base' or DE.d.degree(DE.t) >= 2): if parametric: return prde_no_cancel_b_small(b, cQ, n, DE) R = no_cancel_b_small(b, cQ, n, DE) if isinstance(R, Poly): return R else: # XXX: Might k be a field? (pg. 209) h, b0, c0 = R with DecrementLevel(DE): b0, c0 = b0.as_poly(DE.t), c0.as_poly(DE.t) if b0 is None: # See above comment raise ValueError("b0 should be a non-Null value") if c0 is None: raise ValueError("c0 should be a non-Null value") y = solve_poly_rde(b0, c0, n, DE).as_poly(DE.t) return h + y elif DE.d.degree(DE.t) >= 2 and b.degree(DE.t) == DE.d.degree(DE.t) - 1 and \ n > -b.as_poly(DE.t).LC()/DE.d.as_poly(DE.t).LC(): # TODO: Is this check necessary, and if so, what should it do if it fails? # b comes from the first element returned from spde() if not b.as_poly(DE.t).LC().is_number: raise TypeError("Result should be a number") if parametric: raise NotImplementedError("prde_no_cancel_b_equal() is not yet " "implemented.") R = no_cancel_equal(b, cQ, n, DE) if isinstance(R, Poly): return R else: h, m, C = R # XXX: Or should it be rischDE()? y = solve_poly_rde(b, C, m, DE) return h + y else: # Cancellation if b.is_zero: raise NotImplementedError("Remaining cases for Poly (P)RDE are " "not yet implemented (is_deriv_in_field() required).") else: if DE.case == 'exp': if parametric: raise NotImplementedError("Parametric RDE cancellation " "hyperexponential case is not yet implemented.") return cancel_exp(b, cQ, n, DE) elif DE.case == 'primitive': if parametric: raise NotImplementedError("Parametric RDE cancellation " "primitive case is not yet implemented.") return cancel_primitive(b, cQ, n, DE) else: raise NotImplementedError("Other Poly (P)RDE cancellation " "cases are not yet implemented (%s)." % case) if parametric: raise NotImplementedError("Remaining cases for Poly PRDE not yet " "implemented.") raise NotImplementedError("Remaining cases for Poly RDE not yet " "implemented.") def rischDE(fa, fd, ga, gd, DE): """ Solve a Risch Differential Equation: Dy + f*y == g. See the outline in the docstring of rde.py for more information about the procedure used. Either raise NonElementaryIntegralException, in which case there is no solution y in the given differential field, or return y in k(t) satisfying Dy + f*y == g, or raise NotImplementedError, in which case, the algorithms necessary to solve the given Risch Differential Equation have not yet been implemented. """ _, (fa, fd) = weak_normalizer(fa, fd, DE) a, (ba, bd), (ca, cd), hn = normal_denom(fa, fd, ga, gd, DE) A, B, C, hs = special_denom(a, ba, bd, ca, cd, DE) try: # Until this is fully implemented, use oo. Note that this will almost # certainly cause non-termination in spde() (unless A == 1), and # *might* lead to non-termination in the next step for a nonelementary # integral (I don't know for certain yet). Fortunately, spde() is # currently written recursively, so this will just give # RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded. n = bound_degree(A, B, C, DE) except NotImplementedError: # Useful for debugging: # import warnings # warnings.warn("rischDE: Proceeding with n = oo; may cause " # "non-termination.") n = oo B, C, m, alpha, beta = spde(A, B, C, n, DE) if C.is_zero: y = C else: y = solve_poly_rde(B, C, m, DE) return (alpha*y + beta, hn*hs)