"""Inference in propositional logic""" from __future__ import print_function, division from sympy.logic.boolalg import And, Not, conjuncts, to_cnf from sympy.core.compatibility import ordered from sympy.core.sympify import sympify def literal_symbol(literal): """ The symbol in this literal (without the negation). Examples ======== >>> from sympy.abc import A >>> from sympy.logic.inference import literal_symbol >>> literal_symbol(A) A >>> literal_symbol(~A) A """ if literal is True or literal is False: return literal try: if literal.is_Symbol: return literal if literal.is_Not: return literal_symbol(literal.args[0]) else: raise ValueError except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Argument must be a boolean literal.") def satisfiable(expr, algorithm="dpll2", all_models=False): """ Check satisfiability of a propositional sentence. Returns a model when it succeeds. Returns {true: true} for trivially true expressions. On setting all_models to True, if given expr is satisfiable then returns a generator of models. However, if expr is unsatisfiable then returns a generator containing the single element False. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.abc import A, B >>> from sympy.logic.inference import satisfiable >>> satisfiable(A & ~B) {A: True, B: False} >>> satisfiable(A & ~A) False >>> satisfiable(True) {True: True} >>> next(satisfiable(A & ~A, all_models=True)) False >>> models = satisfiable((A >> B) & B, all_models=True) >>> next(models) {A: False, B: True} >>> next(models) {A: True, B: True} >>> def use_models(models): ... for model in models: ... if model: ... # Do something with the model. ... print(model) ... else: ... # Given expr is unsatisfiable. ... print("UNSAT") >>> use_models(satisfiable(A >> ~A, all_models=True)) {A: False} >>> use_models(satisfiable(A ^ A, all_models=True)) UNSAT """ expr = to_cnf(expr) if algorithm == "dpll": from sympy.logic.algorithms.dpll import dpll_satisfiable return dpll_satisfiable(expr) elif algorithm == "dpll2": from sympy.logic.algorithms.dpll2 import dpll_satisfiable return dpll_satisfiable(expr, all_models) raise NotImplementedError def valid(expr): """ Check validity of a propositional sentence. A valid propositional sentence is True under every assignment. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.abc import A, B >>> from sympy.logic.inference import valid >>> valid(A | ~A) True >>> valid(A | B) False References ========== .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Validity """ return not satisfiable(Not(expr)) def pl_true(expr, model={}, deep=False): """ Returns whether the given assignment is a model or not. If the assignment does not specify the value for every proposition, this may return None to indicate 'not obvious'. Parameters ========== model : dict, optional, default: {} Mapping of symbols to boolean values to indicate assignment. deep: boolean, optional, default: False Gives the value of the expression under partial assignments correctly. May still return None to indicate 'not obvious'. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.abc import A, B, C >>> from sympy.logic.inference import pl_true >>> pl_true( A & B, {A: True, B: True}) True >>> pl_true(A & B, {A: False}) False >>> pl_true(A & B, {A: True}) >>> pl_true(A & B, {A: True}, deep=True) >>> pl_true(A >> (B >> A)) >>> pl_true(A >> (B >> A), deep=True) True >>> pl_true(A & ~A) >>> pl_true(A & ~A, deep=True) False >>> pl_true(A & B & (~A | ~B), {A: True}) >>> pl_true(A & B & (~A | ~B), {A: True}, deep=True) False """ from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol from sympy.logic.boolalg import BooleanFunction boolean = (True, False) def _validate(expr): if isinstance(expr, Symbol) or expr in boolean: return True if not isinstance(expr, BooleanFunction): return False return all(_validate(arg) for arg in expr.args) if expr in boolean: return expr expr = sympify(expr) if not _validate(expr): raise ValueError("%s is not a valid boolean expression" % expr) model = dict((k, v) for k, v in model.items() if v in boolean) result = expr.subs(model) if result in boolean: return bool(result) if deep: model = dict((k, True) for k in result.atoms()) if pl_true(result, model): if valid(result): return True else: if not satisfiable(result): return False return None def entails(expr, formula_set={}): """ Check whether the given expr_set entail an expr. If formula_set is empty then it returns the validity of expr. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.abc import A, B, C >>> from sympy.logic.inference import entails >>> entails(A, [A >> B, B >> C]) False >>> entails(C, [A >> B, B >> C, A]) True >>> entails(A >> B) False >>> entails(A >> (B >> A)) True References ========== .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_consequence """ formula_set = list(formula_set) formula_set.append(Not(expr)) return not satisfiable(And(*formula_set)) class KB(object): """Base class for all knowledge bases""" def __init__(self, sentence=None): self.clauses_ = set() if sentence: self.tell(sentence) def tell(self, sentence): raise NotImplementedError def ask(self, query): raise NotImplementedError def retract(self, sentence): raise NotImplementedError @property def clauses(self): return list(ordered(self.clauses_)) class PropKB(KB): """A KB for Propositional Logic. Inefficient, with no indexing.""" def tell(self, sentence): """Add the sentence's clauses to the KB Examples ======== >>> from sympy.logic.inference import PropKB >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> l = PropKB() >>> l.clauses [] >>> l.tell(x | y) >>> l.clauses [Or(x, y)] >>> l.tell(y) >>> l.clauses [y, Or(x, y)] """ for c in conjuncts(to_cnf(sentence)): self.clauses_.add(c) def ask(self, query): """Checks if the query is true given the set of clauses. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.logic.inference import PropKB >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> l = PropKB() >>> l.tell(x & ~y) >>> l.ask(x) True >>> l.ask(y) False """ return entails(query, self.clauses_) def retract(self, sentence): """Remove the sentence's clauses from the KB Examples ======== >>> from sympy.logic.inference import PropKB >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> l = PropKB() >>> l.clauses [] >>> l.tell(x | y) >>> l.clauses [Or(x, y)] >>> l.retract(x | y) >>> l.clauses [] """ for c in conjuncts(to_cnf(sentence)): self.clauses_.discard(c)