""" This module has all the classes and functions related to waves in optics. **Contains** * TWave """ from __future__ import print_function, division __all__ = ['TWave'] from sympy import (sympify, pi, sin, cos, sqrt, Symbol, S, symbols, Derivative, atan2) from sympy.core.expr import Expr from sympy.physics.units import c class TWave(Expr): r""" This is a simple transverse sine wave travelling in a one dimensional space. Basic properties are required at the time of creation of the object but they can be changed later with respective methods provided. It has been represented as :math:`A \times cos(k*x - \omega \times t + \phi )` where :math:`A` is amplitude, :math:`\omega` is angular velocity, :math:`k`is wavenumber, :math:`x` is a spatial variable to represent the position on the dimension on which the wave propagates and :math:`\phi` is phase angle of the wave. Arguments ========= amplitude : Sympifyable Amplitude of the wave. frequency : Sympifyable Frequency of the wave. phase : Sympifyable Phase angle of the wave. time_period : Sympifyable Time period of the wave. n : Sympifyable Refractive index of the medium. Raises ======= ValueError : When neither frequency nor time period is provided or they are not consistent. TypeError : When anyting other than TWave objects is added. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.physics.optics import TWave >>> A1, phi1, A2, phi2, f = symbols('A1, phi1, A2, phi2, f') >>> w1 = TWave(A1, f, phi1) >>> w2 = TWave(A2, f, phi2) >>> w3 = w1 + w2 # Superposition of two waves >>> w3 TWave(sqrt(A1**2 + 2*A1*A2*cos(phi1 - phi2) + A2**2), f, atan2(A1*cos(phi1) + A2*cos(phi2), A1*sin(phi1) + A2*sin(phi2))) >>> w3.amplitude sqrt(A1**2 + 2*A1*A2*cos(phi1 - phi2) + A2**2) >>> w3.phase atan2(A1*cos(phi1) + A2*cos(phi2), A1*sin(phi1) + A2*sin(phi2)) >>> w3.speed 299792458*m/(n*s) >>> w3.angular_velocity 2*pi*f """ def __init__( self, amplitude, frequency=None, phase=S.Zero, time_period=None, n=Symbol('n')): frequency = sympify(frequency) amplitude = sympify(amplitude) phase = sympify(phase) time_period = sympify(time_period) n = sympify(n) self._frequency = frequency self._amplitude = amplitude self._phase = phase self._time_period = time_period self._n = n if time_period is not None: self._frequency = 1/self._time_period if frequency is not None: self._time_period = 1/self._frequency if time_period is not None: if frequency != 1/time_period: raise ValueError("frequency and time_period should be consistent.") if frequency is None and time_period is None: raise ValueError("Either frequency or time period is needed.") @property def frequency(self): """ Returns the frequency of the wave. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.physics.optics import TWave >>> A, phi, f = symbols('A, phi, f') >>> w = TWave(A, f, phi) >>> w.frequency f """ return self._frequency @property def time_period(self): """ Returns the time period of the wave. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.physics.optics import TWave >>> A, phi, f = symbols('A, phi, f') >>> w = TWave(A, f, phi) >>> w.time_period 1/f """ return self._time_period @property def wavelength(self): """ Returns wavelength of the wave. It depends on the medium of the wave. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.physics.optics import TWave >>> A, phi, f = symbols('A, phi, f') >>> w = TWave(A, f, phi) >>> w.wavelength 299792458*m/(f*n*s) """ return c/(self._frequency*self._n) @property def amplitude(self): """ Returns the amplitude of the wave. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.physics.optics import TWave >>> A, phi, f = symbols('A, phi, f') >>> w = TWave(A, f, phi) >>> w.amplitude A """ return self._amplitude @property def phase(self): """ Returns the phase angle of the wave. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.physics.optics import TWave >>> A, phi, f = symbols('A, phi, f') >>> w = TWave(A, f, phi) >>> w.phase phi """ return self._phase @property def speed(self): """ Returns the speed of travelling wave. It is medium dependent. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.physics.optics import TWave >>> A, phi, f = symbols('A, phi, f') >>> w = TWave(A, f, phi) >>> w.speed 299792458*m/(n*s) """ return self.wavelength*self._frequency @property def angular_velocity(self): """ Returns angular velocity of the wave. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.physics.optics import TWave >>> A, phi, f = symbols('A, phi, f') >>> w = TWave(A, f, phi) >>> w.angular_velocity 2*pi*f """ return 2*pi*self._frequency @property def wavenumber(self): """ Returns wavenumber of the wave. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.physics.optics import TWave >>> A, phi, f = symbols('A, phi, f') >>> w = TWave(A, f, phi) >>> w.wavenumber pi*f*n*s/(149896229*m) """ return 2*pi/self.wavelength def __str__(self): """String representation of a TWave.""" from sympy.printing import sstr return type(self).__name__ + sstr(self.args) __repr__ = __str__ def __add__(self, other): """ Addition of two waves will result in their superposition. The type of interference will depend on their phase angles. """ if isinstance(other, TWave): if self._frequency == other._frequency and self.wavelength == other.wavelength: return TWave(sqrt(self._amplitude**2 + other._amplitude**2 + 2 * self.amplitude*other.amplitude*cos( self._phase - other.phase)), self.frequency, atan2(self._amplitude*cos(self._phase) +other._amplitude*cos(other._phase), self._amplitude*sin(self._phase) +other._amplitude*sin(other._phase)) ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Interference of waves with different frequencies" " has not been implemented.") else: raise TypeError(type(other).__name__ + " and TWave objects can't be added.") def _eval_rewrite_as_sin(self, *args): return self._amplitude*sin(self.wavenumber*Symbol('x') - self.angular_velocity*Symbol('t') + self._phase + pi/2, evaluate=False) def _eval_rewrite_as_cos(self, *args): return self._amplitude*cos(self.wavenumber*Symbol('x') - self.angular_velocity*Symbol('t') + self._phase) def _eval_rewrite_as_pde(self, *args): from sympy import Function mu, epsilon, x, t = symbols('mu, epsilon, x, t') E = Function('E') return Derivative(E(x, t), x, 2) + mu*epsilon*Derivative(E(x, t), t, 2) def _eval_rewrite_as_exp(self, *args): from sympy import exp, I return self._amplitude*exp(I*(self.wavenumber*Symbol('x') - self.angular_velocity*Symbol('t') + self._phase))