#TODO: # -Implement Clebsch-Gordan symmetries # -Improve simplification method # -Implement new simpifications """Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients.""" from __future__ import print_function, division from sympy import (Add, expand, Eq, Expr, Mul, Piecewise, Pow, sqrt, Sum, symbols, sympify, Wild) from sympy.core.compatibility import range from sympy.printing.pretty.stringpict import prettyForm, stringPict from sympy.functions.special.tensor_functions import KroneckerDelta from sympy.physics.wigner import clebsch_gordan, wigner_3j, wigner_6j, wigner_9j __all__ = [ 'CG', 'Wigner3j', 'Wigner6j', 'Wigner9j', 'cg_simp' ] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CG Coefficients #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Wigner3j(Expr): """Class for the Wigner-3j symbols Wigner 3j-symbols are coefficients determined by the coupling of two angular momenta. When created, they are expressed as symbolic quantities that, for numerical parameters, can be evaluated using the ``.doit()`` method [1]_. Parameters ========== j1, m1, j2, m2, j3, m3 : Number, Symbol Terms determining the angular momentum of coupled angular momentum systems. Examples ======== Declare a Wigner-3j coefficient and calcualte its value >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.cg import Wigner3j >>> w3j = Wigner3j(6,0,4,0,2,0) >>> w3j Wigner3j(6, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0) >>> w3j.doit() sqrt(715)/143 See Also ======== CG: Clebsch-Gordan coefficients References ========== .. [1] Varshalovich, D A, Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum. 1988. """ is_commutative = True def __new__(cls, j1, m1, j2, m2, j3, m3): args = map(sympify, (j1, m1, j2, m2, j3, m3)) return Expr.__new__(cls, *args) @property def j1(self): return self.args[0] @property def m1(self): return self.args[1] @property def j2(self): return self.args[2] @property def m2(self): return self.args[3] @property def j3(self): return self.args[4] @property def m3(self): return self.args[5] @property def is_symbolic(self): return not all([arg.is_number for arg in self.args]) # This is modified from the _print_Matrix method def _pretty(self, printer, *args): m = ((printer._print(self.j1), printer._print(self.m1)), (printer._print(self.j2), printer._print(self.m2)), (printer._print(self.j3), printer._print(self.m3))) hsep = 2 vsep = 1 maxw = [-1] * 3 for j in range(3): maxw[j] = max([ m[j][i].width() for i in range(2) ]) D = None for i in range(2): D_row = None for j in range(3): s = m[j][i] wdelta = maxw[j] - s.width() wleft = wdelta //2 wright = wdelta - wleft s = prettyForm(*s.right(' '*wright)) s = prettyForm(*s.left(' '*wleft)) if D_row is None: D_row = s continue D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(' '*hsep)) D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(s)) if D is None: D = D_row continue for _ in range(vsep): D = prettyForm(*D.below(' ')) D = prettyForm(*D.below(D_row)) D = prettyForm(*D.parens()) return D def _latex(self, printer, *args): label = map(printer._print, (self.j1, self.j2, self.j3, self.m1, self.m2, self.m3)) return r'\left(\begin{array}{ccc} %s & %s & %s \\ %s & %s & %s \end{array}\right)' % \ tuple(label) def doit(self, **hints): if self.is_symbolic: raise ValueError("Coefficients must be numerical") return wigner_3j(self.j1, self.j2, self.j3, self.m1, self.m2, self.m3) class CG(Wigner3j): """Class for Clebsch-Gordan coefficient Clebsch-Gordan coefficients describe the angular momentum coupling between two systems. The coefficients give the expansion of a coupled total angular momentum state and an uncoupled tensor product state. The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are defined as [1]_: .. math :: C^{j_1,m_1}_{j_2,m_2,j_3,m_3} = \langle j_1,m_1;j_2,m_2 | j_3,m_3\\rangle Parameters ========== j1, m1, j2, m2, j3, m3 : Number, Symbol Terms determining the angular momentum of coupled angular momentum systems. Examples ======== Define a Clebsch-Gordan coefficient and evaluate its value >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.cg import CG >>> from sympy import S >>> cg = CG(S(3)/2, S(3)/2, S(1)/2, -S(1)/2, 1, 1) >>> cg CG(3/2, 3/2, 1/2, -1/2, 1, 1) >>> cg.doit() sqrt(3)/2 See Also ======== Wigner3j: Wigner-3j symbols References ========== .. [1] Varshalovich, D A, Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum. 1988. """ def doit(self, **hints): if self.is_symbolic: raise ValueError("Coefficients must be numerical") return clebsch_gordan(self.j1, self.j2, self.j3, self.m1, self.m2, self.m3) def _pretty(self, printer, *args): bot = printer._print_seq( (self.j1, self.m1, self.j2, self.m2), delimiter=',') top = printer._print_seq((self.j3, self.m3), delimiter=',') pad = max(top.width(), bot.width()) bot = prettyForm(*bot.left(' ')) top = prettyForm(*top.left(' ')) if not pad == bot.width(): bot = prettyForm(*bot.right(' ' * (pad - bot.width()))) if not pad == top.width(): top = prettyForm(*top.right(' ' * (pad - top.width()))) s = stringPict('C' + ' '*pad) s = prettyForm(*s.below(bot)) s = prettyForm(*s.above(top)) return s def _latex(self, printer, *args): label = map(printer._print, (self.j3, self.m3, self.j1, self.m1, self.j2, self.m2)) return r'C^{%s,%s}_{%s,%s,%s,%s}' % tuple(label) class Wigner6j(Expr): """Class for the Wigner-6j symbols See Also ======== Wigner3j: Wigner-3j symbols """ def __new__(cls, j1, j2, j12, j3, j, j23): args = map(sympify, (j1, j2, j12, j3, j, j23)) return Expr.__new__(cls, *args) @property def j1(self): return self.args[0] @property def j2(self): return self.args[1] @property def j12(self): return self.args[2] @property def j3(self): return self.args[3] @property def j(self): return self.args[4] @property def j23(self): return self.args[5] @property def is_symbolic(self): return not all([arg.is_number for arg in self.args]) # This is modified from the _print_Matrix method def _pretty(self, printer, *args): m = ((printer._print(self.j1), printer._print(self.j3)), (printer._print(self.j2), printer._print(self.j)), (printer._print(self.j12), printer._print(self.j23))) hsep = 2 vsep = 1 maxw = [-1] * 3 for j in range(3): maxw[j] = max([ m[j][i].width() for i in range(2) ]) D = None for i in range(2): D_row = None for j in range(3): s = m[j][i] wdelta = maxw[j] - s.width() wleft = wdelta //2 wright = wdelta - wleft s = prettyForm(*s.right(' '*wright)) s = prettyForm(*s.left(' '*wleft)) if D_row is None: D_row = s continue D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(' '*hsep)) D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(s)) if D is None: D = D_row continue for _ in range(vsep): D = prettyForm(*D.below(' ')) D = prettyForm(*D.below(D_row)) D = prettyForm(*D.parens(left='{', right='}')) return D def _latex(self, printer, *args): label = map(printer._print, (self.j1, self.j2, self.j12, self.j3, self.j, self.j23)) return r'\left\{\begin{array}{ccc} %s & %s & %s \\ %s & %s & %s \end{array}\right\}' % \ tuple(label) def doit(self, **hints): if self.is_symbolic: raise ValueError("Coefficients must be numerical") return wigner_6j(self.j1, self.j2, self.j12, self.j3, self.j, self.j23) class Wigner9j(Expr): """Class for the Wigner-9j symbols See Also ======== Wigner3j: Wigner-3j symbols """ def __new__(cls, j1, j2, j12, j3, j4, j34, j13, j24, j): args = map(sympify, (j1, j2, j12, j3, j4, j34, j13, j24, j)) return Expr.__new__(cls, *args) @property def j1(self): return self.args[0] @property def j2(self): return self.args[1] @property def j12(self): return self.args[2] @property def j3(self): return self.args[3] @property def j4(self): return self.args[4] @property def j34(self): return self.args[5] @property def j13(self): return self.args[6] @property def j24(self): return self.args[7] @property def j(self): return self.args[8] @property def is_symbolic(self): return not all([arg.is_number for arg in self.args]) # This is modified from the _print_Matrix method def _pretty(self, printer, *args): m = ( (printer._print( self.j1), printer._print(self.j3), printer._print(self.j13)), (printer._print( self.j2), printer._print(self.j4), printer._print(self.j24)), (printer._print(self.j12), printer._print(self.j34), printer._print(self.j))) hsep = 2 vsep = 1 maxw = [-1] * 3 for j in range(3): maxw[j] = max([ m[j][i].width() for i in range(3) ]) D = None for i in range(3): D_row = None for j in range(3): s = m[j][i] wdelta = maxw[j] - s.width() wleft = wdelta //2 wright = wdelta - wleft s = prettyForm(*s.right(' '*wright)) s = prettyForm(*s.left(' '*wleft)) if D_row is None: D_row = s continue D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(' '*hsep)) D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(s)) if D is None: D = D_row continue for _ in range(vsep): D = prettyForm(*D.below(' ')) D = prettyForm(*D.below(D_row)) D = prettyForm(*D.parens(left='{', right='}')) return D def _latex(self, printer, *args): label = map(printer._print, (self.j1, self.j2, self.j12, self.j3, self.j4, self.j34, self.j13, self.j24, self.j)) return r'\left\{\begin{array}{ccc} %s & %s & %s \\ %s & %s & %s \\ %s & %s & %s \end{array}\right\}' % \ tuple(label) def doit(self, **hints): if self.is_symbolic: raise ValueError("Coefficients must be numerical") return wigner_9j(self.j1, self.j2, self.j12, self.j3, self.j4, self.j34, self.j13, self.j24, self.j) def cg_simp(e): """Simplify and combine CG coefficients This function uses various symmetry and properties of sums and products of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients to simplify statements involving these terms [1]_. Examples ======== Simplify the sum over CG(a,alpha,0,0,a,alpha) for all alpha to 2*a+1 >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.cg import CG, cg_simp >>> a = CG(1,1,0,0,1,1) >>> b = CG(1,0,0,0,1,0) >>> c = CG(1,-1,0,0,1,-1) >>> cg_simp(a+b+c) 3 See Also ======== CG: Clebsh-Gordan coefficients References ========== .. [1] Varshalovich, D A, Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum. 1988. """ if isinstance(e, Add): return _cg_simp_add(e) elif isinstance(e, Sum): return _cg_simp_sum(e) elif isinstance(e, Mul): return Mul(*[cg_simp(arg) for arg in e.args]) elif isinstance(e, Pow): return Pow(cg_simp(e.base), e.exp) else: return e def _cg_simp_add(e): #TODO: Improve simplification method """Takes a sum of terms involving Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and simplifies the terms. First, we create two lists, cg_part, which is all the terms involving CG coefficients, and other_part, which is all other terms. The cg_part list is then passed to the simplification methods, which return the new cg_part and any additional terms that are added to other_part """ cg_part = [] other_part = [] e = expand(e) for arg in e.args: if arg.has(CG): if isinstance(arg, Sum): other_part.append(_cg_simp_sum(arg)) elif isinstance(arg, Mul): terms = 1 for term in arg.args: if isinstance(term, Sum): terms *= _cg_simp_sum(term) else: terms *= term if terms.has(CG): cg_part.append(terms) else: other_part.append(terms) else: cg_part.append(arg) else: other_part.append(arg) cg_part, other = _check_varsh_871_1(cg_part) other_part.append(other) cg_part, other = _check_varsh_871_2(cg_part) other_part.append(other) cg_part, other = _check_varsh_872_9(cg_part) other_part.append(other) return Add(*cg_part) + Add(*other_part) def _check_varsh_871_1(term_list): # Sum( CG(a,alpha,b,0,a,alpha), (alpha, -a, a)) == KroneckerDelta(b,0) a, alpha, b, lt = map(Wild, ('a', 'alpha', 'b', 'lt')) expr = lt*CG(a, alpha, b, 0, a, alpha) simp = (2*a + 1)*KroneckerDelta(b, 0) sign = lt/abs(lt) build_expr = 2*a + 1 index_expr = a + alpha return _check_cg_simp(expr, simp, sign, lt, term_list, (a, alpha, b, lt), (a, b), build_expr, index_expr) def _check_varsh_871_2(term_list): # Sum((-1)**(a-alpha)*CG(a,alpha,a,-alpha,c,0),(alpha,-a,a)) a, alpha, c, lt = map(Wild, ('a', 'alpha', 'c', 'lt')) expr = lt*CG(a, alpha, a, -alpha, c, 0) simp = sqrt(2*a + 1)*KroneckerDelta(c, 0) sign = (-1)**(a - alpha)*lt/abs(lt) build_expr = 2*a + 1 index_expr = a + alpha return _check_cg_simp(expr, simp, sign, lt, term_list, (a, alpha, c, lt), (a, c), build_expr, index_expr) def _check_varsh_872_9(term_list): # Sum( CG(a,alpha,b,beta,c,gamma)*CG(a,alpha',b,beta',c,gamma), (gamma, -c, c), (c, abs(a-b), a+b)) a, alpha, alphap, b, beta, betap, c, gamma, lt = map(Wild, ( 'a', 'alpha', 'alphap', 'b', 'beta', 'betap', 'c', 'gamma', 'lt')) # Case alpha==alphap, beta==betap # For numerical alpha,beta expr = lt*CG(a, alpha, b, beta, c, gamma)**2 simp = 1 sign = lt/abs(lt) x = abs(a - b) y = abs(alpha + beta) build_expr = a + b + 1 - Piecewise((x, x > y), (0, Eq(x, y)), (y, y > x)) index_expr = a + b - c term_list, other1 = _check_cg_simp(expr, simp, sign, lt, term_list, (a, alpha, b, beta, c, gamma, lt), (a, alpha, b, beta), build_expr, index_expr) # For symbolic alpha,beta x = abs(a - b) y = a + b build_expr = (y + 1 - x)*(x + y + 1) index_expr = (c - x)*(x + c) + c + gamma term_list, other2 = _check_cg_simp(expr, simp, sign, lt, term_list, (a, alpha, b, beta, c, gamma, lt), (a, alpha, b, beta), build_expr, index_expr) # Case alpha!=alphap or beta!=betap # Note: this only works with leading term of 1, pattern matching is unable to match when there is a Wild leading term # For numerical alpha,alphap,beta,betap expr = CG(a, alpha, b, beta, c, gamma)*CG(a, alphap, b, betap, c, gamma) simp = KroneckerDelta(alpha, alphap)*KroneckerDelta(beta, betap) sign = sympify(1) x = abs(a - b) y = abs(alpha + beta) build_expr = a + b + 1 - Piecewise((x, x > y), (0, Eq(x, y)), (y, y > x)) index_expr = a + b - c term_list, other3 = _check_cg_simp(expr, simp, sign, sympify(1), term_list, (a, alpha, alphap, b, beta, betap, c, gamma), (a, alpha, alphap, b, beta, betap), build_expr, index_expr) # For symbolic alpha,alphap,beta,betap x = abs(a - b) y = a + b build_expr = (y + 1 - x)*(x + y + 1) index_expr = (c - x)*(x + c) + c + gamma term_list, other4 = _check_cg_simp(expr, simp, sign, sympify(1), term_list, (a, alpha, alphap, b, beta, betap, c, gamma), (a, alpha, alphap, b, beta, betap), build_expr, index_expr) return term_list, other1 + other2 + other4 def _check_cg_simp(expr, simp, sign, lt, term_list, variables, dep_variables, build_index_expr, index_expr): """ Checks for simplifications that can be made, returning a tuple of the simplified list of terms and any terms generated by simplification. Parameters ========== expr: expression The expression with Wild terms that will be matched to the terms in the sum simp: expression The expression with Wild terms that is substituted in place of the CG terms in the case of simplification sign: expression The expression with Wild terms denoting the sign that is on expr that must match lt: expression The expression with Wild terms that gives the leading term of the matched expr term_list: list A list of all of the terms is the sum to be simplified variables: list A list of all the variables that appears in expr dep_variables: list A list of the variables that must match for all the terms in the sum, i.e. the dependant variables build_index_expr: expression Expression with Wild terms giving the number of elements in cg_index index_expr: expression Expression with Wild terms giving the index terms have when storing them to cg_index """ other_part = 0 i = 0 while i < len(term_list): sub_1 = _check_cg(term_list[i], expr, len(variables)) if sub_1 is None: i += 1 continue if not sympify(build_index_expr.subs(sub_1)).is_number: i += 1 continue sub_dep = [(x, sub_1[x]) for x in dep_variables] cg_index = [None] * build_index_expr.subs(sub_1) for j in range(i, len(term_list)): sub_2 = _check_cg(term_list[j], expr.subs(sub_dep), len(variables) - len(dep_variables), sign=(sign.subs(sub_1), sign.subs(sub_dep))) if sub_2 is None: continue if not sympify(index_expr.subs(sub_dep).subs(sub_2)).is_number: continue cg_index[index_expr.subs(sub_dep).subs(sub_2)] = j, expr.subs(lt, 1).subs(sub_dep).subs(sub_2), lt.subs(sub_2), sign.subs(sub_dep).subs(sub_2) if all(i is not None for i in cg_index): min_lt = min(*[ abs(term[2]) for term in cg_index ]) indicies = [ term[0] for term in cg_index] indicies.sort() indicies.reverse() [ term_list.pop(i) for i in indicies ] for term in cg_index: if abs(term[2]) > min_lt: term_list.append( (term[2] - min_lt*term[3]) * term[1] ) other_part += min_lt * (sign*simp).subs(sub_1) else: i += 1 return term_list, other_part def _check_cg(cg_term, expr, length, sign=None): """Checks whether a term matches the given expression""" # TODO: Check for symmetries matches = cg_term.match(expr) if matches is None: return if sign is not None: if not isinstance(sign, tuple): raise TypeError('sign must be a tuple') if not sign[0] == (sign[1]).subs(matches): return if len(matches) == length: return matches def _cg_simp_sum(e): e = _check_varsh_sum_871_1(e) e = _check_varsh_sum_871_2(e) e = _check_varsh_sum_872_4(e) return e def _check_varsh_sum_871_1(e): a = Wild('a') alpha = symbols('alpha') b = Wild('b') match = e.match(Sum(CG(a, alpha, b, 0, a, alpha), (alpha, -a, a))) if match is not None and len(match) == 2: return ((2*a + 1)*KroneckerDelta(b, 0)).subs(match) return e def _check_varsh_sum_871_2(e): a = Wild('a') alpha = symbols('alpha') c = Wild('c') match = e.match( Sum((-1)**(a - alpha)*CG(a, alpha, a, -alpha, c, 0), (alpha, -a, a))) if match is not None and len(match) == 2: return (sqrt(2*a + 1)*KroneckerDelta(c, 0)).subs(match) return e def _check_varsh_sum_872_4(e): a = Wild('a') alpha = Wild('alpha') b = Wild('b') beta = Wild('beta') c = Wild('c') cp = Wild('cp') gamma = Wild('gamma') gammap = Wild('gammap') match1 = e.match(Sum(CG(a, alpha, b, beta, c, gamma)*CG( a, alpha, b, beta, cp, gammap), (alpha, -a, a), (beta, -b, b))) if match1 is not None and len(match1) == 8: return (KroneckerDelta(c, cp)*KroneckerDelta(gamma, gammap)).subs(match1) match2 = e.match(Sum( CG(a, alpha, b, beta, c, gamma)**2, (alpha, -a, a), (beta, -b, b))) if match2 is not None and len(match2) == 6: return 1 return e def _cg_list(term): if isinstance(term, CG): return (term,), 1, 1 cg = [] coeff = 1 if not (isinstance(term, Mul) or isinstance(term, Pow)): raise NotImplementedError('term must be CG, Add, Mul or Pow') if isinstance(term, Pow) and sympify(term.exp).is_number: if sympify(term.exp).is_number: [ cg.append(term.base) for _ in range(term.exp) ] else: return (term,), 1, 1 if isinstance(term, Mul): for arg in term.args: if isinstance(arg, CG): cg.append(arg) else: coeff *= arg return cg, coeff, coeff/abs(coeff)