"""Matplotlib based plotting of quantum circuits. Todo: * Optimize printing of large circuits. * Get this to work with single gates. * Do a better job checking the form of circuits to make sure it is a Mul of Gates. * Get multi-target gates plotting. * Get initial and final states to plot. * Get measurements to plot. Might need to rethink measurement as a gate issue. * Get scale and figsize to be handled in a better way. * Write some tests/examples! """ from __future__ import print_function, division from sympy import Mul from sympy.core.compatibility import u, range from sympy.external import import_module from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import Gate, OneQubitGate, CGate, CGateS from sympy.core.core import BasicMeta from sympy.core.assumptions import ManagedProperties __all__ = [ 'CircuitPlot', 'circuit_plot', 'labeller', 'Mz', 'Mx', 'CreateOneQubitGate', 'CreateCGate', ] np = import_module('numpy') matplotlib = import_module( 'matplotlib', __import__kwargs={'fromlist': ['pyplot']}, catch=(RuntimeError,)) # This is raised in environments that have no display. if not np or not matplotlib: class CircuitPlot(object): def __init__(*args, **kwargs): raise ImportError('numpy or matplotlib not available.') def circuit_plot(*args, **kwargs): raise ImportError('numpy or matplotlib not available.') else: pyplot = matplotlib.pyplot Line2D = matplotlib.lines.Line2D Circle = matplotlib.patches.Circle #from matplotlib import rc #rc('text',usetex=True) class CircuitPlot(object): """A class for managing a circuit plot.""" scale = 1.0 fontsize = 20.0 linewidth = 1.0 control_radius = 0.05 not_radius = 0.15 swap_delta = 0.05 labels = [] inits = {} label_buffer = 0.5 def __init__(self, c, nqubits, **kwargs): self.circuit = c self.ngates = len(self.circuit.args) self.nqubits = nqubits self.update(kwargs) self._create_grid() self._create_figure() self._plot_wires() self._plot_gates() self._finish() def update(self, kwargs): """Load the kwargs into the instance dict.""" self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def _create_grid(self): """Create the grid of wires.""" scale = self.scale wire_grid = np.arange(0.0, self.nqubits*scale, scale, dtype=float) gate_grid = np.arange(0.0, self.ngates*scale, scale, dtype=float) self._wire_grid = wire_grid self._gate_grid = gate_grid def _create_figure(self): """Create the main matplotlib figure.""" self._figure = pyplot.figure( figsize=(self.ngates*self.scale, self.nqubits*self.scale), facecolor='w', edgecolor='w' ) ax = self._figure.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1, frameon=True ) ax.set_axis_off() offset = 0.5*self.scale ax.set_xlim(self._gate_grid[0] - offset, self._gate_grid[-1] + offset) ax.set_ylim(self._wire_grid[0] - offset, self._wire_grid[-1] + offset) ax.set_aspect('equal') self._axes = ax def _plot_wires(self): """Plot the wires of the circuit diagram.""" xstart = self._gate_grid[0] xstop = self._gate_grid[-1] xdata = (xstart - self.scale, xstop + self.scale) for i in range(self.nqubits): ydata = (self._wire_grid[i], self._wire_grid[i]) line = Line2D( xdata, ydata, color='k', lw=self.linewidth ) self._axes.add_line(line) if self.labels: init_label_buffer = 0 if self.inits.get(self.labels[i]): init_label_buffer = 0.25 self._axes.text( xdata[0]-self.label_buffer-init_label_buffer,ydata[0], render_label(self.labels[i],self.inits), size=self.fontsize, color='k',ha='center',va='center') self._plot_measured_wires() def _plot_measured_wires(self): ismeasured = self._measurements() xstop = self._gate_grid[-1] dy = 0.04 # amount to shift wires when doubled # Plot doubled wires after they are measured for im in ismeasured: xdata = (self._gate_grid[ismeasured[im]],xstop+self.scale) ydata = (self._wire_grid[im]+dy,self._wire_grid[im]+dy) line = Line2D( xdata, ydata, color='k', lw=self.linewidth ) self._axes.add_line(line) # Also double any controlled lines off these wires for i,g in enumerate(self._gates()): if isinstance(g, CGate) or isinstance(g, CGateS): wires = g.controls + g.targets for wire in wires: if wire in ismeasured and \ self._gate_grid[i] > self._gate_grid[ismeasured[wire]]: ydata = min(wires), max(wires) xdata = self._gate_grid[i]-dy, self._gate_grid[i]-dy line = Line2D( xdata, ydata, color='k', lw=self.linewidth ) self._axes.add_line(line) def _gates(self): """Create a list of all gates in the circuit plot.""" gates = [] if isinstance(self.circuit, Mul): for g in reversed(self.circuit.args): if isinstance(g, Gate): gates.append(g) elif isinstance(self.circuit, Gate): gates.append(self.circuit) return gates def _plot_gates(self): """Iterate through the gates and plot each of them.""" for i, gate in enumerate(self._gates()): gate.plot_gate(self, i) def _measurements(self): """Return a dict {i:j} where i is the index of the wire that has been measured, and j is the gate where the wire is measured. """ ismeasured = {} for i,g in enumerate(self._gates()): if getattr(g,'measurement',False): for target in g.targets: if target in ismeasured: if ismeasured[target] > i: ismeasured[target] = i else: ismeasured[target] = i return ismeasured def _finish(self): # Disable clipping to make panning work well for large circuits. for o in self._figure.findobj(): o.set_clip_on(False) def one_qubit_box(self, t, gate_idx, wire_idx): """Draw a box for a single qubit gate.""" x = self._gate_grid[gate_idx] y = self._wire_grid[wire_idx] self._axes.text( x, y, t, color='k', ha='center', va='center', bbox=dict(ec='k', fc='w', fill=True, lw=self.linewidth), size=self.fontsize ) def two_qubit_box(self, t, gate_idx, wire_idx): """Draw a box for a two qubit gate. Doesn't work yet. """ x = self._gate_grid[gate_idx] y = self._wire_grid[wire_idx]+0.5 print(self._gate_grid) print(self._wire_grid) obj = self._axes.text( x, y, t, color='k', ha='center', va='center', bbox=dict(ec='k', fc='w', fill=True, lw=self.linewidth), size=self.fontsize ) def control_line(self, gate_idx, min_wire, max_wire): """Draw a vertical control line.""" xdata = (self._gate_grid[gate_idx], self._gate_grid[gate_idx]) ydata = (self._wire_grid[min_wire], self._wire_grid[max_wire]) line = Line2D( xdata, ydata, color='k', lw=self.linewidth ) self._axes.add_line(line) def control_point(self, gate_idx, wire_idx): """Draw a control point.""" x = self._gate_grid[gate_idx] y = self._wire_grid[wire_idx] radius = self.control_radius c = Circle( (x, y), radius*self.scale, ec='k', fc='k', fill=True, lw=self.linewidth ) self._axes.add_patch(c) def not_point(self, gate_idx, wire_idx): """Draw a NOT gates as the circle with plus in the middle.""" x = self._gate_grid[gate_idx] y = self._wire_grid[wire_idx] radius = self.not_radius c = Circle( (x, y), radius, ec='k', fc='w', fill=False, lw=self.linewidth ) self._axes.add_patch(c) l = Line2D( (x, x), (y - radius, y + radius), color='k', lw=self.linewidth ) self._axes.add_line(l) def swap_point(self, gate_idx, wire_idx): """Draw a swap point as a cross.""" x = self._gate_grid[gate_idx] y = self._wire_grid[wire_idx] d = self.swap_delta l1 = Line2D( (x - d, x + d), (y - d, y + d), color='k', lw=self.linewidth ) l2 = Line2D( (x - d, x + d), (y + d, y - d), color='k', lw=self.linewidth ) self._axes.add_line(l1) self._axes.add_line(l2) def circuit_plot(c, nqubits, **kwargs): """Draw the circuit diagram for the circuit with nqubits. Parameters ========== c : circuit The circuit to plot. Should be a product of Gate instances. nqubits : int The number of qubits to include in the circuit. Must be at least as big as the largest `min_qubits`` of the gates. """ return CircuitPlot(c, nqubits, **kwargs) def render_label(label, inits={}): """Slightly more flexible way to render labels. >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.circuitplot import render_label >>> render_label('q0') '$|q0\\\\rangle$' >>> render_label('q0', {'q0':'0'}) '$|q0\\\\rangle=|0\\\\rangle$' """ init = inits.get(label) if init: return r'$|%s\rangle=|%s\rangle$' % (label, init) return r'$|%s\rangle$' % label def labeller(n, symbol='q'): """Autogenerate labels for wires of quantum circuits. Parameters ========== n : int number of qubits in the circuit symbol : string A character string to precede all gate labels. E.g. 'q_0', 'q_1', etc. >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.circuitplot import labeller >>> labeller(2) ['q_1', 'q_0'] >>> labeller(3,'j') ['j_2', 'j_1', 'j_0'] """ return ['%s_%d' % (symbol,n-i-1) for i in range(n)] class Mz(OneQubitGate): """Mock-up of a z measurement gate. This is in circuitplot rather than gate.py because it's not a real gate, it just draws one. """ measurement = True gate_name='Mz' gate_name_latex=u('M_z') class Mx(OneQubitGate): """Mock-up of an x measurement gate. This is in circuitplot rather than gate.py because it's not a real gate, it just draws one. """ measurement = True gate_name='Mx' gate_name_latex=u('M_x') class CreateOneQubitGate(ManagedProperties): def __new__(mcl, name, latexname=None): if not latexname: latexname = name return BasicMeta.__new__(mcl, name + "Gate", (OneQubitGate,), {'gate_name': name, 'gate_name_latex': latexname}) def CreateCGate(name, latexname=None): """Use a lexical closure to make a controlled gate. """ if not latexname: latexname = name onequbitgate = CreateOneQubitGate(name, latexname) def ControlledGate(ctrls,target): return CGate(tuple(ctrls),onequbitgate(target)) return ControlledGate