from __future__ import print_function, division from sympy.core.add import Add from sympy.core.compatibility import ordered, range from sympy.core.function import expand_log from sympy.core.power import Pow from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import (LambertW, exp, log) from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import root from sympy.polys.polytools import Poly, factor from sympy.core.function import _mexpand from sympy.simplify.simplify import separatevars from sympy.simplify.radsimp import collect from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve, _invert def _filtered_gens(poly, symbol): """process the generators of ``poly``, returning the set of generators that have ``symbol``. If there are two generators that are inverses of each other, prefer the one that has no denominator. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.solvers.bivariate import _filtered_gens >>> from sympy import Poly, exp >>> from import x >>> _filtered_gens(Poly(x + 1/x + exp(x)), x) set([x, exp(x)]) """ gens = set([g for g in poly.gens if symbol in g.free_symbols]) for g in list(gens): ag = 1/g if g in gens and ag in gens: if ag.as_numer_denom()[1] is not S.One: g = ag gens.remove(g) return gens def _mostfunc(lhs, func, X=None): """Returns the term in lhs which contains the most of the func-type things e.g. log(log(x)) wins over log(x) if both terms appear. ``func`` can be a function (exp, log, etc...) or any other SymPy object, like Pow. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.solvers.bivariate import _mostfunc >>> from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import exp >>> from sympy.utilities.pytest import raises >>> from import x, y >>> _mostfunc(exp(x) + exp(exp(x) + 2), exp) exp(exp(x) + 2) >>> _mostfunc(exp(x) + exp(exp(y) + 2), exp, x) exp(x) >>> _mostfunc(exp(x) + exp(exp(y) + 2), exp, x) exp(x) >>> _mostfunc(x, exp, x) is None True >>> _mostfunc(exp(x) + exp(x*y), exp, x) exp(x) """ fterms = [tmp for tmp in lhs.atoms(func) if (not X or X.is_Symbol and X in tmp.free_symbols or not X.is_Symbol and tmp.has(X))] if len(fterms) == 1: return fterms[0] elif fterms: return max(list(ordered(fterms)), key=lambda x: x.count(func)) return None def _linab(arg, symbol): """Return ``a, b, X`` assuming ``arg`` can be written as ``a*X + b`` where ``X`` is a symbol-dependent factor and ``a`` and ``b`` are independent of ``symbol``. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import exp >>> from sympy.solvers.bivariate import _linab >>> from import x, y >>> from sympy import S >>> _linab(S(2), x) (2, 0, 1) >>> _linab(2*x, x) (2, 0, x) >>> _linab(y + y*x + 2*x, x) (y + 2, y, x) >>> _linab(3 + 2*exp(x), x) (2, 3, exp(x)) """ arg = arg.expand() ind, dep = arg.as_independent(symbol) if not arg.is_Add: b = 0 a, x = ind, dep else: b = ind a, x = separatevars(dep).as_independent(symbol, as_Add=False) if x.could_extract_minus_sign(): a = -a x = -x return a, b, x def _lambert(eq, x): """ Given an expression assumed to be in the form ``F(X, a..f) = a*log(b*X + c) + d*X + f = 0`` where X = g(x) and x = g^-1(X), return the Lambert solution if possible: ``x = g^-1(-c/b + (a/d)*W(d/(a*b)*exp(c*d/a/b)*exp(-f/a)))``. """ eq = _mexpand(expand_log(eq)) mainlog = _mostfunc(eq, log, x) if not mainlog: return [] # violated assumptions other = eq.subs(mainlog, 0) if (-other).func is log: eq = (eq - other).subs(mainlog, mainlog.args[0]) mainlog = mainlog.args[0] if mainlog.func is not log: return [] # violated assumptions other = -(-other).args[0] eq += other if not x in other.free_symbols: return [] # violated assumptions d, f, X2 = _linab(other, x) logterm = collect(eq - other, mainlog) a = logterm.as_coefficient(mainlog) if a is None or x in a.free_symbols: return [] # violated assumptions logarg = mainlog.args[0] b, c, X1 = _linab(logarg, x) if X1 != X2: return [] # violated assumptions u = Dummy('rhs') sol = [] # check only real solutions: for k in [-1, 0]: l = LambertW(d/(a*b)*exp(c*d/a/b)*exp(-f/a), k) # if W's arg is between -1/e and 0 there is # a -1 branch real solution, too. if k and not l.is_real: continue rhs = -c/b + (a/d)*l solns = solve(X1 - u, x) for i, tmp in enumerate(solns): solns[i] = tmp.subs(u, rhs) sol.append(solns[i]) return sol def _solve_lambert(f, symbol, gens): """Return solution to ``f`` if it is a Lambert-type expression else raise NotImplementedError. The equality, ``f(x, a..f) = a*log(b*X + c) + d*X - f = 0`` has the solution, `X = -c/b + (a/d)*W(d/(a*b)*exp(c*d/a/b)*exp(f/a))`. There are a variety of forms for `f(X, a..f)` as enumerated below: 1a1) if B**B = R for R not [0, 1] then log(B) + log(log(B)) = log(log(R)) X = log(B), a = 1, b = 1, c = 0, d = 1, f = log(log(R)) 1a2) if B*(b*log(B) + c)**a = R then log(B) + a*log(b*log(B) + c) = log(R) X = log(B); d=1, f=log(R) 1b) if a*log(b*B + c) + d*B = R then X = B, f = R 2a) if (b*B + c)*exp(d*B + g) = R then log(b*B + c) + d*B + g = log(R) a = 1, f = log(R) - g, X = B 2b) if -b*B + g*exp(d*B + h) = c then log(g) + d*B + h - log(b*B + c) = 0 a = -1, f = -h - log(g), X = B 3) if d*p**(a*B + g) - b*B = c then log(d) + (a*B + g)*log(p) - log(c + b*B) = 0 a = -1, d = a*log(p), f = -log(d) - g*log(p) """ nrhs, lhs = f.as_independent(symbol, as_Add=True) rhs = -nrhs lamcheck = [tmp for tmp in gens if (tmp.func in [exp, log] or (tmp.is_Pow and symbol in tmp.exp.free_symbols))] if not lamcheck: raise NotImplementedError() if lhs.is_Mul: lhs = expand_log(log(lhs)) rhs = log(rhs) lhs = factor(lhs, deep=True) # make sure we are inverted as completely as possible r = Dummy() i, lhs = _invert(lhs - r, symbol) rhs = i.xreplace({r: rhs}) # For the first ones: # 1a1) B**B = R != 0 (when 0, there is only a solution if the base is 0, # but if it is, the exp is 0 and 0**0=1 # comes back as B*log(B) = log(R) # 1a2) B*(a + b*log(B))**p = R or with monomial expanded or with whole # thing expanded comes back unchanged # log(B) + p*log(a + b*log(B)) = log(R) # lhs is Mul: # expand log of both sides to give: # log(B) + log(log(B)) = log(log(R)) # 1b) d*log(a*B + b) + c*B = R # lhs is Add: # isolate c*B and expand log of both sides: # log(c) + log(B) = log(R - d*log(a*B + b)) soln = [] if not soln: mainlog = _mostfunc(lhs, log, symbol) if mainlog: if lhs.is_Mul and rhs != 0: soln = _lambert(log(lhs) - log(rhs), symbol) elif lhs.is_Add: other = lhs.subs(mainlog, 0) if other and not other.is_Add and [ tmp for tmp in other.atoms(Pow) if symbol in tmp.free_symbols]: if not rhs: diff = log(other) - log(other - lhs) else: diff = log(lhs - other) - log(rhs - other) soln = _lambert(expand_log(diff), symbol) else: #it's ready to go soln = _lambert(lhs - rhs, symbol) # For the next two, # collect on main exp # 2a) (b*B + c)*exp(d*B + g) = R # lhs is mul: # log to give # log(b*B + c) + d*B = log(R) - g # 2b) -b*B + g*exp(d*B + h) = R # lhs is add: # add b*B # log and rearrange # log(R + b*B) - d*B = log(g) + h if not soln: mainexp = _mostfunc(lhs, exp, symbol) if mainexp: lhs = collect(lhs, mainexp) if lhs.is_Mul and rhs != 0: soln = _lambert(expand_log(log(lhs) - log(rhs)), symbol) elif lhs.is_Add: # move all but mainexp-containing term to rhs other = lhs.subs(mainexp, 0) mainterm = lhs - other rhs = rhs - other if (mainterm.could_extract_minus_sign() and rhs.could_extract_minus_sign()): mainterm *= -1 rhs *= -1 diff = log(mainterm) - log(rhs) soln = _lambert(expand_log(diff), symbol) # 3) d*p**(a*B + b) + c*B = R # collect on main pow # log(R - c*B) - a*B*log(p) = log(d) + b*log(p) if not soln: mainpow = _mostfunc(lhs, Pow, symbol) if mainpow and symbol in mainpow.exp.free_symbols: lhs = collect(lhs, mainpow) if lhs.is_Mul and rhs != 0: soln = _lambert(expand_log(log(lhs) - log(rhs)), symbol) elif lhs.is_Add: # move all but mainpow-containing term to rhs other = lhs.subs(mainpow, 0) mainterm = lhs - other rhs = rhs - other diff = log(mainterm) - log(rhs) soln = _lambert(expand_log(diff), symbol) if not soln: raise NotImplementedError('%s does not appear to have a solution in ' 'terms of LambertW' % f) return list(ordered(soln)) def bivariate_type(f, x, y, **kwargs): """Given an expression, f, 3 tests will be done to see what type of composite bivariate it might be, options for u(x, y) are:: x*y x+y x*y+x x*y+y If it matches one of these types, ``u(x, y)``, ``P(u)`` and dummy variable ``u`` will be returned. Solving ``P(u)`` for ``u`` and equating the solutions to ``u(x, y)`` and then solving for ``x`` or ``y`` is equivalent to solving the original expression for ``x`` or ``y``. If ``x`` and ``y`` represent two functions in the same variable, e.g. ``x = g(t)`` and ``y = h(t)``, then if ``u(x, y) - p`` can be solved for ``t`` then these represent the solutions to ``P(u) = 0`` when ``p`` are the solutions of ``P(u) = 0``. Only positive values of ``u`` are considered. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve >>> from sympy.solvers.bivariate import bivariate_type >>> from import x, y >>> eq = (x**2 - 3).subs(x, x + y) >>> bivariate_type(eq, x, y) (x + y, _u**2 - 3, _u) >>> uxy, pu, u = _ >>> usol = solve(pu, u); usol [sqrt(3)] >>> [solve(uxy - s) for s in solve(pu, u)] [[{x: -y + sqrt(3)}]] >>> all(eq.subs(s).equals(0) for sol in _ for s in sol) True """ u = Dummy('u', positive=True) if kwargs.pop('first', True): p = Poly(f, x, y) f = p.as_expr() _x = Dummy() _y = Dummy() rv = bivariate_type(Poly(f.subs({x: _x, y: _y}), _x, _y), _x, _y, first=False) if rv: reps = {_x: x, _y: y} return rv[0].xreplace(reps), rv[1].xreplace(reps), rv[2] return p = f f = p.as_expr() # f(x*y) args = Add.make_args(p.as_expr()) new = [] for a in args: a = _mexpand(a.subs(x, u/y)) free = a.free_symbols if x in free or y in free: break new.append(a) else: return x*y, Add(*new), u def ok(f, v, c): new = _mexpand(f.subs(v, c)) free = new.free_symbols return None if (x in free or y in free) else new # f(a*x + b*y) new = [] d = if == d: a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d), d) b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d) new = ok(f, x, (u - b*y)/a) if new is not None: return a*x + b*y, new, u # f(a*x*y + b*y) new = [] d = if == d: for itry in range(2): a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d*y**d), d) b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d) new = ok(f, x, (u - b*y)/a/y) if new is not None: return a*x*y + b*y, new, u x, y = y, x