"""Miscellaneous stuff that doesn't really fit anywhere else.""" from __future__ import print_function, division import sys import os import re as _re from textwrap import fill, dedent from sympy.core.compatibility import get_function_name, range def filldedent(s, w=70): """ Strips leading and trailing empty lines from a copy of `s`, then dedents, fills and returns it. Empty line stripping serves to deal with docstrings like this one that start with a newline after the initial triple quote, inserting an empty line at the beginning of the string.""" return '\n' + fill(dedent(str(s)).strip('\n'), width=w) def rawlines(s): """Return a cut-and-pastable string that, when printed, is equivalent to the input. The string returned is formatted so it can be indented nicely within tests; in some cases it is wrapped in the dedent function which has to be imported from textwrap. Examples ======== Note: because there are characters in the examples below that need to be escaped because they are themselves within a triple quoted docstring, expressions below look more complicated than they would be if they were printed in an interpreter window. >>> from sympy.utilities.misc import rawlines >>> from sympy import TableForm >>> s = str(TableForm([[1, 10]], headings=(None, ['a', 'bee']))) >>> print(rawlines(s)) # the \\ appears as \ when printed ( 'a bee\\n' '-----\\n' '1 10 ' ) >>> print(rawlines('''this ... that''')) dedent('''\\ this that''') >>> print(rawlines('''this ... that ... ''')) dedent('''\\ this that ''') >>> s = \"\"\"this ... is a triple ''' ... \"\"\" >>> print(rawlines(s)) dedent(\"\"\"\\ this is a triple ''' \"\"\") >>> print(rawlines('''this ... that ... ''')) ( 'this\\n' 'that\\n' ' ' ) """ lines = s.split('\n') if len(lines) == 1: return repr(lines[0]) triple = ["'''" in s, '"""' in s] if any(li.endswith(' ') for li in lines) or '\\' in s or all(triple): rv = ["("] # add on the newlines trailing = s.endswith('\n') last = len(lines) - 1 for i, li in enumerate(lines): if i != last or trailing: rv.append(repr(li)[:-1] + '\\n\'') else: rv.append(repr(li)) return '\n '.join(rv) + '\n)' else: rv = '\n '.join(lines) if triple[0]: return 'dedent("""\\\n %s""")' % rv else: return "dedent('''\\\n %s''')" % rv size = getattr(sys, "maxint", None) if size is None: # Python 3 doesn't have maxint size = sys.maxsize if size > 2**32: ARCH = "64-bit" else: ARCH = "32-bit" # XXX: PyPy doesn't support hash randomization HASH_RANDOMIZATION = getattr(sys.flags, 'hash_randomization', False) _debug_tmp = [] _debug_iter = 0 def debug_decorator(func): """If SYMPY_DEBUG is True, it will print a nice execution tree with arguments and results of all decorated functions, else do nothing. """ from sympy import SYMPY_DEBUG if not SYMPY_DEBUG: return func def maketree(f, *args, **kw): global _debug_tmp global _debug_iter oldtmp = _debug_tmp _debug_tmp = [] _debug_iter += 1 def tree(subtrees): def indent(s, type=1): x = s.split("\n") r = "+-%s\n" % x[0] for a in x[1:]: if a == "": continue if type == 1: r += "| %s\n" % a else: r += " %s\n" % a return r if len(subtrees) == 0: return "" f = [] for a in subtrees[:-1]: f.append(indent(a)) f.append(indent(subtrees[-1], 2)) return ''.join(f) # If there is a bug and the algorithm enters an infinite loop, enable the # following lines. It will print the names and parameters of all major functions # that are called, *before* they are called #from sympy.core.compatibility import reduce #print("%s%s %s%s" % (_debug_iter, reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, \ # map(lambda x: '-', range(1, 2 + _debug_iter))), get_function_name(f), args)) r = f(*args, **kw) _debug_iter -= 1 s = "%s%s = %s\n" % (get_function_name(f), args, r) if _debug_tmp != []: s += tree(_debug_tmp) _debug_tmp = oldtmp _debug_tmp.append(s) if _debug_iter == 0: print((_debug_tmp[0])) _debug_tmp = [] return r def decorated(*args, **kwargs): return maketree(func, *args, **kwargs) return decorated def debug(*args): """ Print ``*args`` if SYMPY_DEBUG is True, else do nothing. """ from sympy import SYMPY_DEBUG if SYMPY_DEBUG: print(*args, file=sys.stderr) def find_executable(executable, path=None): """Try to find 'executable' in the directories listed in 'path' (a string listing directories separated by 'os.pathsep'; defaults to os.environ['PATH']). Returns the complete filename or None if not found """ if path is None: path = os.environ['PATH'] paths = path.split(os.pathsep) extlist = [''] if os.name == 'os2': (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(executable) # executable files on OS/2 can have an arbitrary extension, but # .exe is automatically appended if no dot is present in the name if not ext: executable = executable + ".exe" elif sys.platform == 'win32': pathext = os.environ['PATHEXT'].lower().split(os.pathsep) (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(executable) if ext.lower() not in pathext: extlist = pathext for ext in extlist: execname = executable + ext if os.path.isfile(execname): return execname else: for p in paths: f = os.path.join(p, execname) if os.path.isfile(f): return f else: return None def func_name(x): '''Return function name of `x` (if defined) else the `type(x)`. See Also ======== sympy.core.compatibility get_function_name ''' return getattr(getattr(x, 'func', x), '__name__', type(x)) def _replace(reps): """Return a function that can make the replacements, given in ``reps``, on a string. The replacements should be given as mapping. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.utilities.misc import _replace >>> f = _replace(dict(foo='bar', d='t')) >>> f('food') 'bart' >>> f = _replace({}) >>> f('food') 'food' """ if not reps: return lambda x: x D = lambda match: reps[match.group(0)] pattern = _re.compile("|".join( [_re.escape(k) for k, v in reps.items()]), _re.M) return lambda string: pattern.sub(D, string) def replace(string, *reps): """Return ``string`` with all keys in ``reps`` replaced with their corresponding values, longer strings first, irrespective of the order they are given. ``reps`` may be passed as tuples or a single mapping. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.utilities.misc import replace >>> replace('foo', {'oo': 'ar', 'f': 'b'}) 'bar' >>> replace("spamham sha", ("spam", "eggs"), ("sha","md5")) 'eggsham md5' There is no guarantee that a unique answer will be obtained if keys in a mapping overlap (i.e. are the same length and have some identical sequence at the beginning/end): >>> reps = [ ... ('ab', 'x'), ... ('bc', 'y')] >>> replace('abc', *reps) in ('xc', 'ay') True References ========== .. [1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6116978/python-replace-multiple-strings """ if len(reps) == 1: kv = reps[0] if type(kv) is dict: reps = kv else: return string.replace(*kv) else: reps = dict(reps) return _replace(reps)(string) def translate(s, a, b=None, c=None): """Return ``s`` where characters have been replaced or deleted. SYNTAX ====== translate(s, None, deletechars): all characters in ``deletechars`` are deleted translate(s, map [,deletechars]): all characters in ``deletechars`` (if provided) are deleted then the replacements defined by map are made; if the keys of map are strings then the longer ones are handled first. Multicharacter deletions should have a value of ''. translate(s, oldchars, newchars, deletechars) all characters in ``deletechars`` are deleted then each character in ``oldchars`` is replaced with the corresponding character in ``newchars`` Examples ======== >>> from sympy.utilities.misc import translate >>> from sympy.core.compatibility import unichr >>> abc = 'abc' >>> translate(abc, None, 'a') 'bc' >>> translate(abc, {'a': 'x'}, 'c') 'xb' >>> translate(abc, {'abc': 'x', 'a': 'y'}) 'x' >>> translate('abcd', 'ac', 'AC', 'd') 'AbC' There is no guarantee that a unique answer will be obtained if keys in a mapping overlap are the same length and have some identical sequences at the beginning/end: >>> translate(abc, {'ab': 'x', 'bc': 'y'}) in ('xc', 'ay') True """ from sympy.core.compatibility import maketrans # when support for Python 2 is dropped, this try/except can be #removed try: ''.translate(None, '') py3 = False except TypeError: py3 = True mr = {} if a is None: assert c is None if not b: return s c = b a = b = '' else: if type(a) is dict: short = {} for k in list(a.keys()): if (len(k) == 1 and len(a[k]) == 1): short[k] = a.pop(k) mr = a c = b if short: a, b = [''.join(i) for i in list(zip(*short.items()))] else: a = b = '' else: assert len(a) == len(b) if py3: if c: s = s.translate(maketrans('', '', c)) s = replace(s, mr) return s.translate(maketrans(a, b)) else: # when support for Python 2 is dropped, this if-else-block # can be replaced with the if-clause if c: c = list(c) rem = {} for i in range(-1, -1 - len(c), -1): if ord(c[i]) > 255: rem[c[i]] = '' c.pop(i) s = s.translate(None, ''.join(c)) s = replace(s, rem) if a: a = list(a) b = list(b) for i in range(-1, -1 - len(a), -1): if ord(a[i]) > 255 or ord(b[i]) > 255: mr[a.pop(i)] = b.pop(i) a = ''.join(a) b = ''.join(b) s = replace(s, mr) table = maketrans(a, b) # s may have become unicode which uses the py3 syntax for translate if type(table) is str and type(s) is str: s = s.translate(table) else: s = s.translate(dict( [(i, ord(c)) for i, c in enumerate(table)])) return s