# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ######################################################################## # # License: BSD # Created: February 10, 2004 # Author: Francesc Alted - faltet@pytables.com # # $Id$ # ######################################################################## """This utility lets you repack your data files in a flexible way. Pass the flag -h to this for help on usage. """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import time import os.path import argparse import warnings from tables.file import open_file from tables.group import Group from tables.leaf import Filters from tables.flavor import internal_flavor from tables.exceptions import OldIndexWarning, NoSuchNodeError, FlavorWarning from tables._past import previous_api # Global variables verbose = False regoldindexes = True createsysattrs = True numpy_aliases = [ 'numeric', 'Numeric', 'numarray', 'NumArray', 'CharArray', ] def newdst_group(dstfileh, dstgroup, title, filters): group = dstfileh.root # Now, create the new group. This works even if dstgroup == '/' for nodename in dstgroup.split('/'): if nodename == '': continue # First try if possible intermediate groups does already exist. try: group2 = dstfileh.get_node(group, nodename) except NoSuchNodeError: # The group does not exist. Create it. group2 = dstfileh.create_group(group, nodename, title=title, filters=filters) group = group2 return group newdstGroup = previous_api(newdst_group) def recreate_indexes(table, dstfileh, dsttable): listoldindexes = table._listoldindexes if listoldindexes != []: if not regoldindexes: if verbose: print("[I]Not regenerating indexes for table: '%s:%s'" % (dstfileh.filename, dsttable._v_pathname)) return # Now, recreate the indexed columns if verbose: print("[I]Regenerating indexes for table: '%s:%s'" % (dstfileh.filename, dsttable._v_pathname)) for colname in listoldindexes: if verbose: print("[I]Indexing column: '%s'. Please wait..." % colname) colobj = dsttable.cols._f_col(colname) # We don't specify the filters for the indexes colobj.create_index(filters=None) recreateIndexes = previous_api(recreate_indexes) def copy_leaf(srcfile, dstfile, srcnode, dstnode, title, filters, copyuserattrs, overwritefile, overwrtnodes, stats, start, stop, step, chunkshape, sortby, check_CSI, propindexes, upgradeflavors): # Open the source file srcfileh = open_file(srcfile, 'r') # Get the source node (that should exist) srcnode = srcfileh.get_node(srcnode) # Get the destination node and its parent last_slash = dstnode.rindex('/') if last_slash == len(dstnode)-1: # print("Detected a trailing slash in destination node. " # "Interpreting it as a destination group.") dstgroup = dstnode[:-1] elif last_slash > 0: dstgroup = dstnode[:last_slash] else: dstgroup = "/" dstleaf = dstnode[last_slash + 1:] if dstleaf == "": dstleaf = srcnode.name # Check whether the destination group exists or not if os.path.isfile(dstfile) and not overwritefile: dstfileh = open_file(dstfile, 'a', pytables_sys_attrs=createsysattrs) try: dstgroup = dstfileh.get_node(dstgroup) except: # The dstgroup does not seem to exist. Try creating it. dstgroup = newdst_group(dstfileh, dstgroup, title, filters) else: # The node exists, but it is really a group? if not isinstance(dstgroup, Group): # No. Should we overwrite it? if overwrtnodes: parent = dstgroup._v_parent last_slash = dstgroup._v_pathname.rindex('/') dstgroupname = dstgroup._v_pathname[last_slash + 1:] dstgroup.remove() dstgroup = dstfileh.create_group(parent, dstgroupname, title=title, filters=filters) else: raise RuntimeError("Please check that the node names are " "not duplicated in destination, and " "if so, add the --overwrite-nodes " "flag if desired.") else: # The destination file does not exist or will be overwritten. dstfileh = open_file(dstfile, 'w', title=title, filters=filters, pytables_sys_attrs=createsysattrs) dstgroup = newdst_group(dstfileh, dstgroup, title="", filters=filters) # Finally, copy srcnode to dstnode try: dstnode = srcnode.copy( dstgroup, dstleaf, filters=filters, copyuserattrs=copyuserattrs, overwrite=overwrtnodes, stats=stats, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, chunkshape=chunkshape, sortby=sortby, check_CSI=check_CSI, propindexes=propindexes) except: (type_, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() print("Problems doing the copy from '%s:%s' to '%s:%s'" % (srcfile, srcnode, dstfile, dstnode)) print("The error was --> %s: %s" % (type_, value)) print("The destination file looks like:\n", dstfileh) # Close all the open files: srcfileh.close() dstfileh.close() raise RuntimeError("Please check that the node names are not " "duplicated in destination, and if so, add " "the --overwrite-nodes flag if desired.") # Upgrade flavors in dstnode, if required if upgradeflavors: if srcfileh.format_version.startswith("1"): # Remove original flavor in case the source file has 1.x format dstnode.del_attr('FLAVOR') elif srcfileh.format_version < "2.1": if dstnode.get_attr('FLAVOR') in numpy_aliases: dstnode.set_attr('FLAVOR', internal_flavor) # Recreate possible old indexes in destination node if srcnode._c_classid == "TABLE": recreate_indexes(srcnode, dstfileh, dstnode) # Close all the open files: srcfileh.close() dstfileh.close() copyLeaf = previous_api(copy_leaf) def copy_children(srcfile, dstfile, srcgroup, dstgroup, title, recursive, filters, copyuserattrs, overwritefile, overwrtnodes, stats, start, stop, step, chunkshape, sortby, check_CSI, propindexes, upgradeflavors, use_hardlinks=True): """Copy the children from source group to destination group""" # Open the source file with srcgroup as root_uep srcfileh = open_file(srcfile, 'r', root_uep=srcgroup) # Assign the root to srcgroup srcgroup = srcfileh.root created_dstgroup = False # Check whether the destination group exists or not if os.path.isfile(dstfile) and not overwritefile: dstfileh = open_file(dstfile, 'a', pytables_sys_attrs=createsysattrs) try: dstgroup = dstfileh.get_node(dstgroup) except NoSuchNodeError: # The dstgroup does not seem to exist. Try creating it. dstgroup = newdst_group(dstfileh, dstgroup, title, filters) created_dstgroup = True else: # The node exists, but it is really a group? if not isinstance(dstgroup, Group): # No. Should we overwrite it? if overwrtnodes: parent = dstgroup._v_parent last_slash = dstgroup._v_pathname.rindex('/') dstgroupname = dstgroup._v_pathname[last_slash + 1:] dstgroup.remove() dstgroup = dstfileh.create_group(parent, dstgroupname, title=title, filters=filters) else: raise RuntimeError("Please check that the node names are " "not duplicated in destination, and " "if so, add the --overwrite-nodes " "flag if desired.") else: # The destination file does not exist or will be overwritten. dstfileh = open_file(dstfile, 'w', title=title, filters=filters, pytables_sys_attrs=createsysattrs) dstgroup = newdst_group(dstfileh, dstgroup, title="", filters=filters) created_dstgroup = True # Copy the attributes to dstgroup, if needed if created_dstgroup and copyuserattrs: srcgroup._v_attrs._f_copy(dstgroup) # Finally, copy srcgroup children to dstgroup try: srcgroup._f_copy_children( dstgroup, recursive=recursive, filters=filters, copyuserattrs=copyuserattrs, overwrite=overwrtnodes, stats=stats, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, chunkshape=chunkshape, sortby=sortby, check_CSI=check_CSI, propindexes=propindexes, use_hardlinks=use_hardlinks) except: (type_, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() print("Problems doing the copy from '%s:%s' to '%s:%s'" % (srcfile, srcgroup, dstfile, dstgroup)) print("The error was --> %s: %s" % (type_, value)) print("The destination file looks like:\n", dstfileh) # Close all the open files: srcfileh.close() dstfileh.close() raise RuntimeError("Please check that the node names are not " "duplicated in destination, and if so, add the " "--overwrite-nodes flag if desired. In " "particular, pay attention that root_uep is not " "fooling you.") # Upgrade flavors in dstnode, if required if upgradeflavors: for dstnode in dstgroup._f_walknodes("Leaf"): if srcfileh.format_version.startswith("1"): # Remove original flavor in case the source file has 1.x format dstnode.del_attr('FLAVOR') elif srcfileh.format_version < "2.1": if dstnode.get_attr('FLAVOR') in numpy_aliases: dstnode.set_attr('FLAVOR', internal_flavor) # Convert the remaining tables with old indexes (if any) for table in srcgroup._f_walknodes("Table"): dsttable = dstfileh.get_node(dstgroup, table._v_pathname) recreate_indexes(table, dstfileh, dsttable) # Close all the open files: srcfileh.close() dstfileh.close() copyChildren = previous_api(copy_children) def _get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='''This utility is very powerful and lets you copy any leaf, group or complete subtree into another file. During the copy process you are allowed to change the filter properties if you want so. Also, in the case of duplicated pathnames, you can decide if you want to overwrite already existing nodes on the destination file. Generally speaking, ptrepack can be useful in may situations, like replicating a subtree in another file, change the filters in objects and see how affect this to the compression degree or I/O performance, consolidating specific data in repositories or even *importing* generic HDF5 files and create true PyTables counterparts.''') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='show verbose information', ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--overwrite', action='store_true', dest='overwritefile', help='overwrite destination file', ) parser.add_argument( '-R', '--range', dest='rng', metavar='RANGE', help='''select a RANGE of rows (in the form "start,stop,step") during the copy of *all* the leaves. Default values are "None,None,1", which means a copy of all the rows.''', ) parser.add_argument( '--non-recursive', action='store_false', default=True, dest='recursive', help='do not do a recursive copy. Default is to do it', ) parser.add_argument( '--dest-title', dest='title', default='', help='title for the new file (if not specified, the source is copied)', ) parser.add_argument( '--dont-create-sysattrs', action='store_false', default=True, dest='createsysattrs', help='do not create sys attrs (default is to do it)', ) parser.add_argument( '--dont-copy-userattrs', action='store_false', default=True, dest='copyuserattrs', help='do not copy the user attrs (default is to do it)', ) parser.add_argument( '--overwrite-nodes', action='store_true', dest='overwrtnodes', help='''overwrite destination nodes if they exist. Default is to not overwrite them''', ) parser.add_argument( '--complevel', type=int, default=0, help='''set a compression level (0 for no compression, which is the default)''', ) parser.add_argument( '--complib', choices=( "zlib", "lzo", "bzip2", "blosc", "blosc:blosclz", "blosc:lz4", "blosc:lz4hc", "blosc:snappy", "blosc:zlib"), default='zlib', help='''set the compression library to be used during the copy. Defaults to %(default)s''', ) parser.add_argument( '--shuffle', type=int, choices=(0, 1), help='''activate or not the shuffling filter (default is active if complevel > 0)''', ) parser.add_argument( '--fletcher32', type=int, choices=(0, 1), help='''whether to activate or not the fletcher32 filter (not active by default)''', ) parser.add_argument( '--keep-source-filters', action='store_true', dest='keepfilters', help='''use the original filters in source files. The default is not doing that if any of --complevel, --complib, --shuffle or --fletcher32 option is specified''', ) parser.add_argument( '--chunkshape', default='keep', help='''set a chunkshape. Possible options are: "keep" | "auto" | int | tuple. A value of "auto" computes a sensible value for the chunkshape of the leaves copied. The default is to "keep" the original value''', ) parser.add_argument( '--upgrade-flavors', action='store_true', dest='upgradeflavors', help='''when repacking PyTables 1.x or PyTables 2.x files, the flavor of leaves will be unset. With this, such a leaves will be serialized as objects with the internal flavor ('numpy' for 3.x series)''', ) parser.add_argument( '--dont-regenerate-old-indexes', action='store_false', default=True, dest='regoldindexes', help='''disable regenerating old indexes. The default is to regenerate old indexes as they are found''', ) parser.add_argument( '--sortby', metavar='COLUMN', help='''do a table copy sorted by the index in "column". For reversing the order, use a negative value in the "step" part of "RANGE" (see "-r" flag). Only applies to table objects''', ) parser.add_argument( '--checkCSI', action='store_true', help='Force the check for a CSI index for the --sortby column', ) parser.add_argument( '--propindexes', action='store_true', help='''propagate the indexes existing in original tables. The default is to not propagate them. Only applies to table objects''', ) parser.add_argument( 'src', metavar='sourcefile:sourcegroup', help='source file/group', ) parser.add_argument( 'dst', metavar='destfile:destgroup', help='destination file/group', ) return parser def main(): global verbose global regoldindexes global createsysattrs parser = _get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() # check arguments if args.rng: try: args.rng = eval("slice(" + args.rng + ")") except Exception: parser.error("Error when getting the range parameter.") if args.chunkshape.isdigit() or args.chunkshape.startswith('('): args.chunkshape = eval(args.chunkshape) if args.complevel < 0 or args.complevel > 9: parser.error( 'invalid "complevel" value, it sould be in te range [0, 9]' ) # Catch the files passed as the last arguments src = args.src.split(':') dst = args.dst.split(':') if len(src) == 1: srcfile, srcnode = src[0], "/" else: srcfile, srcnode = src if len(dst) == 1: dstfile, dstnode = dst[0], "/" else: dstfile, dstnode = dst if srcnode == "": # case where filename == "filename:" instead of "filename:/" srcnode = "/" if dstnode == "": # case where filename == "filename:" instead of "filename:/" dstnode = "/" # Ignore the warnings for tables that contains oldindexes # (these will be handled by the copying routines) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=OldIndexWarning) # Ignore the flavors warnings during upgrading flavor operations if args.upgradeflavors: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FlavorWarning) # Build the Filters instance filter_params = ( args.complevel, args.complib, args.shuffle, args.fletcher32, ) if (filter_params == (None,) * 4 or args.keepfilters): filters = None else: if args.complevel is None: args.complevel = 0 if args.shuffle is None: if args.complevel > 0: args.shuffle = True else: args.shuffle = False if args.complib is None: args.complib = "zlib" if args.fletcher32 is None: args.fletcher32 = False filters = Filters(complevel=args.complevel, complib=args.complib, shuffle=args.shuffle, fletcher32=args.fletcher32) # The start, stop and step params: start, stop, step = None, None, 1 # Defaults if args.rng: start, stop, step = args.rng.start, args.rng.stop, args.rng.step # Set globals verbose = args.verbose regoldindexes = args.regoldindexes createsysattrs = args.createsysattrs # Some timing t1 = time.time() cpu1 = time.clock() # Copy the file if verbose: print("+=+" * 20) print("Recursive copy:", args.recursive) print("Applying filters:", filters) if args.sortby is not None: print("Sorting table(s) by column:", args.sortby) print("Forcing a CSI creation:", args.checkCSI) if args.propindexes: print("Recreating indexes in copied table(s)") print("Start copying %s:%s to %s:%s" % (srcfile, srcnode, dstfile, dstnode)) print("+=+" * 20) # Check whether the specified source node is a group or a leaf h5srcfile = open_file(srcfile, 'r') srcnodeobject = h5srcfile.get_node(srcnode) # Close the file again h5srcfile.close() stats = {'groups': 0, 'leaves': 0, 'links': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'hardlinks': 0} if isinstance(srcnodeobject, Group): copy_children( srcfile, dstfile, srcnode, dstnode, title=args.title, recursive=args.recursive, filters=filters, copyuserattrs=args.copyuserattrs, overwritefile=args.overwritefile, overwrtnodes=args.overwrtnodes, stats=stats, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, chunkshape=args.chunkshape, sortby=args.sortby, check_CSI=args.checkCSI, propindexes=args.propindexes, upgradeflavors=args.upgradeflavors, use_hardlinks=True) else: # If not a Group, it should be a Leaf copy_leaf( srcfile, dstfile, srcnode, dstnode, title=args.title, filters=filters, copyuserattrs=args.copyuserattrs, overwritefile=args.overwritefile, overwrtnodes=args.overwrtnodes, stats=stats, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, chunkshape=args.chunkshape, sortby=args.sortby, check_CSI=args.checkCSI, propindexes=args.propindexes, upgradeflavors=args.upgradeflavors) # Gather some statistics t2 = time.time() cpu2 = time.clock() tcopy = round(t2 - t1, 3) cpucopy = round(cpu2 - cpu1, 3) tpercent = int(round(cpucopy / tcopy, 2) * 100) if verbose: ngroups = stats['groups'] nleaves = stats['leaves'] nlinks = stats['links'] nhardlinks = stats['hardlinks'] nbytescopied = stats['bytes'] nnodes = ngroups + nleaves + nlinks + nhardlinks print( "Groups copied:", ngroups, ", Leaves copied:", nleaves, ", Links copied:", nlinks, ", Hard links copied:", nhardlinks, ) if args.copyuserattrs: print("User attrs copied") else: print("User attrs not copied") print("KBytes copied:", round(nbytescopied / 1024., 3)) print("Time copying: %s s (real) %s s (cpu) %s%%" % ( tcopy, cpucopy, tpercent)) print("Copied nodes/sec: ", round((nnodes) / float(tcopy), 1)) print("Copied KB/s :", int(nbytescopied / (tcopy * 1024)))