# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ######################################################################## # # License: BSD # Created: November 8, 2014 # Author: Alistair Muldal - alimuldal@gmail.com # # $Id$ # ######################################################################## """This utility prints the contents of an HDF5 file as a tree. Pass the flag -h to this for help on usage. """ import tables import numpy as np import os import argparse from collections import defaultdict, deque import warnings def _get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=''' `pttree` is designed to give a quick overview of the contents of a PyTables HDF5 file by printing a depth-indented list of nodes, similar to the output of the Unix `tree` function. It can also display the size, shape and compression states of individual nodes, as well as summary information for the whole file. For a more verbose output (including metadata), see `ptdump`. ''') parser.add_argument( '-L', '--max-level', type=int, dest='max_depth', help='maximum branch depth of tree to display (-1 == no limit)', ) parser.add_argument( '-S', '--sort-by', type=str, dest='sort_by', help='artificially order nodes, can be either "size", "name" or "none"' ) parser.add_argument( '--print-size', action='store_true', dest='print_size', help='print size of each node/branch', ) parser.add_argument( '--no-print-size', action='store_false', dest='print_size', ) parser.add_argument( '--print-shape', action='store_true', dest='print_shape', help='print shape of each node', ) parser.add_argument( '--no-print-shape', action='store_false', dest='print_shape', ) parser.add_argument( '--print-compression', action='store_true', dest='print_compression', help='print compression library(level) for each compressed node', ) parser.add_argument( '--no-print-compression', action='store_false', dest='print_compression', ) parser.add_argument( '--print-percent', action='store_true', dest='print_percent', help='print size of each node as a %% of the total tree size on disk', ) parser.add_argument( '--no-print-percent', action='store_false', dest='print_percent', ) parser.add_argument( '--use-si-units', action='store_true', dest='use_si_units', help='report sizes in SI units (1 MB == 10^6 B)', ) parser.add_argument( '--use-binary-units', action='store_false', dest='use_si_units', help='report sizes in binary units (1 MiB == 2^20 B)', ) parser.add_argument('src', metavar='filename[:nodepath]', help='path to the root of the tree structure') parser.set_defaults(max_depth=1, sort_by="size", print_size=True, print_percent=True, print_shape=False, print_compression=False, use_si_units=False) return parser def main(): parser = _get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() # Catch the files passed as the last arguments src = args.__dict__.pop('src').split(':') if len(src) == 1: filename, nodename = src[0], "/" else: filename, nodename = src if nodename == "": # case where filename == "filename:" instead of "filename:/" nodename = "/" with tables.open_file(filename, 'r') as f: tree_str = get_tree_str(f, nodename, **args.__dict__) print tree_str pass def get_tree_str(f, where='/', max_depth=-1, print_class=True, print_size=True, print_percent=True, print_shape=False, print_compression=False, print_total=True, sort_by=None, use_si_units=False): """ Generate the ASCII string representing the tree structure, and the summary info (if requested) """ root = f.get_node(where) root._g_check_open() start_depth = root._v_depth if max_depth < 0: max_depth = os.sys.maxint b2h = bytes2human(use_si_units) # we will pass over each node in the tree twice # on the first pass we'll start at the root node and recurse down the # branches, finding all of the leaf nodes and calculating the total size # over all tables and arrays total_in_mem = 0 total_on_disk = 0 total_items = 0 # defaultdicts for holding the cumulative branch sizes at each node in_mem = defaultdict(lambda: 0.) on_disk = defaultdict(lambda: 0.) leaf_count = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # keep track of node addresses within the HDF5 file so that we don't count # nodes with multiple references (i.e. hardlinks) multiple times ref_count = defaultdict(lambda: 0) ref_idx = defaultdict(lambda: 0) hl_addresses = defaultdict(lambda: None) hl_targets = defaultdict(lambda: '') stack = deque(root) leaves = deque() while stack: node = stack.pop() if isinstance(node, tables.link.Link): # we treat links like leaves, except we don't dereference them to # get their sizes or addresses leaves.append(node) continue path = node._v_pathname addr, rc = node._get_obj_info() ref_count[addr] += 1 ref_idx[path] = ref_count[addr] hl_addresses[path] = addr if isinstance(node, tables.Leaf): # only count the size of a hardlinked leaf the first time it is # visited if ref_count[addr] == 1: try: m = node.size_in_memory d = node.size_on_disk # size of this node in_mem[path] += m on_disk[path] += d leaf_count[path] += 1 # total over all nodes total_in_mem += m total_on_disk += d total_items += 1 # arbitrarily treat this node as the 'target' for all other # hardlinks that point to the same address hl_targets[addr] = path except NotImplementedError as e: # size_on_disk is not implemented for VLArrays warnings.warn(e.message) # push leaf nodes onto the stack for the next pass leaves.append(node) elif isinstance(node, tables.Group): # don't recurse down the same hardlinked branch multiple times! if ref_count[addr] == 1: stack.extend(node._v_children.values()) hl_targets[addr] = path # if we've already visited this group's address, treat it as a leaf # instead else: leaves.append(node) # on the second pass we start at each leaf and work upwards towards the # root node, computing the cumulative size of each branch at each node, and # instantiating a PrettyTree object for each node to create an ASCII # representation of the tree structure # this will store the PrettyTree objects for every node we're printing pretty = {} stack = leaves while stack: node = stack.pop() path = node._v_pathname parent = node._v_parent parent_path = parent._v_pathname # cumulative size at parent node in_mem[parent_path] += in_mem[path] on_disk[parent_path] += on_disk[path] leaf_count[parent_path] += leaf_count[path] depth = node._v_depth - start_depth # if we're deeper than the max recursion depth, we print nothing if not depth > max_depth: # create a PrettyTree representation of this node name = node._v_name if print_class: name += " (%s)" % node.__class__.__name__ labels = [] pct = 100 * on_disk[path] / total_on_disk # if the address of this object has a ref_count > 1, it has # multiple hardlinks if ref_count[hl_addresses[path]] > 1: name += ', addr=%i, ref=%i/%i' % ( hl_addresses[path], ref_idx[path], ref_count[hl_addresses[path]] ) if isinstance(node, tables.link.Link): labels.append('softlink --> %s' % node.target) elif ref_idx[path] > 1: labels.append('hardlink --> %s' % hl_targets[hl_addresses[path]]) elif isinstance(node, (tables.Array, tables.Table)): if print_size: sizestr = 'mem=%s, disk=%s' % ( b2h(in_mem[path]), b2h(on_disk[path])) if print_percent: sizestr += ' [%4.1f%%]' % pct labels.append(sizestr) if print_shape: labels.append('shape=%s' % repr(node.shape)) if print_compression: lib = node.filters.complib level = node.filters.complevel if level: compstr = '%s(%i)' % (lib, level) else: compstr = 'None' labels.append('compression=%s' % compstr) # if we're at our max recursion depth, we'll print summary # information for this branch elif depth == max_depth: itemstr = '... %i leaves' % leaf_count[path] if print_size: itemstr += ', mem=%s, disk=%s' % ( b2h(in_mem[path]), b2h(on_disk[path])) if print_percent: itemstr += ' [%4.1f%%]' % pct labels.append(itemstr) # create a PrettyTree for this node, if one doesn't exist already if path not in pretty: pretty.update({path: PrettyTree()}) pretty[path].name = name pretty[path].labels = labels if sort_by == 'size': # descending size order pretty[path].sort_by = -pct elif sort_by == 'name': pretty[path].sort_by = node._v_name else: # natural order if path is '/': # root is not in root._v_children pretty[path].sort_by = 0 else: pretty[path].sort_by = parent._v_children.values( ).index(node) # exclude root node or we'll get infinite recursions (since '/' is # the parent of '/') if path is not '/': # create a PrettyTree for the parent of this node, if one # doesn't exist already if parent_path not in pretty: pretty.update({parent_path: PrettyTree()}) # make this PrettyTree a child of the parent PrettyTree pretty[parent_path].add_child(pretty[path]) if node is not root and parent not in stack: # we append to the 'bottom' of the stack, so that we exhaust all of # the nodes at this level before going up a level in the tree stack.appendleft(parent) out_str = '\n' + '-' * 60 + '\n' * 2 out_str += str(pretty[root._v_pathname]) + '\n' * 2 if print_total: avg_ratio = float(total_on_disk) / total_in_mem fsize = os.stat(f.filename).st_size out_str += '-' * 60 + '\n' out_str += 'Total branch leaves: %i\n' % total_items out_str += 'Total branch size: %s in memory, %s on disk\n' % ( b2h(total_in_mem), b2h(total_on_disk)) out_str += 'Mean compression ratio: %.2f\n' % avg_ratio out_str += 'HDF5 file size: %s\n' % b2h(fsize) out_str += '-' * 60 + '\n' return out_str class PrettyTree(object): """ A pretty ASCII representation of a recursive tree structure. Each node can have multiple labels, given as a list of strings. Example: -------- A = PrettyTree('A', labels=['wow']) B = PrettyTree('B', labels=['such tree']) C = PrettyTree('C', children=[A, B]) D = PrettyTree('D', labels=['so recursive']) root = PrettyTree('root', labels=['many nodes'], children=[C, D]) print root Credit to Andrew Cooke's blog: """ def __init__(self, name=None, children=None, labels=None, sort_by=None): # NB: do NOT assign default list/dict arguments in the function # declaration itself - these objects are shared between ALL instances # of PrettyTree, and by assigning to them it's easy to get into # infinite recursions, e.g. when 'self in self.children == True' if children is None: children = [] if labels is None: labels = [] self.name = name self.children = children self.labels = labels self.sort_by = sort_by def add_child(self, child): # some basic checks to help to avoid infinite recursion assert child is not self assert self not in child.children if child not in self.children: self.children.append(child) def tree_lines(self): yield self.name for label in self.labels: yield ' ' + label children = sorted(self.children, key=(lambda c: c.sort_by)) last = children[-1] if children else None for child in children: prefix = '`--' if child is last else '+--' for line in child.tree_lines(): yield prefix + line prefix = ' ' if child is last else '| ' def __str__(self): return "\n".join(self.tree_lines()) def __repr__(self): return '<%s at %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self))) def bytes2human(use_si_units=False): if use_si_units: prefixes = 'TB', 'GB', 'MB', 'kB', 'B' values = 1E12, 1E9, 1E6, 1E3, 1 else: prefixes = 'TiB', 'GiB', 'MiB', 'KiB', 'B' values = 2 ** 40, 2 ** 30, 2 ** 20, 2 ** 10, 1 def b2h(nbytes): for (prefix, value) in zip(prefixes, values): scaled = float(nbytes) / value if scaled >= 1: break return "%.1f%s" % (scaled, prefix) return b2h def make_test_file(prefix='/tmp'): f = tables.open_file(os.path.join(prefix, 'test_pttree.hdf5'), 'w') g1 = f.create_group('/', 'group1') g1a = f.create_group(g1, 'group1a') g1b = f.create_group(g1, 'group1b') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='bzip2') for gg in g1a, g1b: f.create_carray(gg, 'zeros128b', obj=np.zeros(32, dtype=np.float64), filters=filters) f.create_carray(gg, 'random128b', obj=np.random.rand(32), filters=filters) g2 = f.create_group('/', 'group2') softlink = f.create_soft_link(g2, 'softlink_g1_z128', '/group1/group1a/zeros128b') hardlink = f.create_hard_link(g2, 'hardlink_g1a_z128', '/group1/group1a/zeros128b') hlgroup = f.create_hard_link(g2, 'hardlink_g1a', '/group1/group1a') return f