# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests for the path module. This suite runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows right now. To extend the platform support, just add appropriate pathnames for your platform (os.name) in each place where the p() function is called. Then report the result. If you can't get the test to run at all on your platform, there's probably a bug in path.py -- please report the issue in the issue tracker at https://github.com/jaraco/path.py. TestScratchDir.test_touch() takes a while to run. It sleeps a few seconds to allow some time to pass between calls to check the modify time on files. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function import codecs import os import sys import shutil import time import ntpath import posixpath import textwrap import platform import importlib import pytest from path import Path, tempdir from path import CaseInsensitivePattern as ci from path import SpecialResolver from path import Multi def p(**choices): """ Choose a value from several possible values, based on os.name """ return choices[os.name] class TestBasics: def test_relpath(self): root = Path(p(nt='C:\\', posix='/')) foo = root / 'foo' quux = foo / 'quux' bar = foo / 'bar' boz = bar / 'Baz' / 'Boz' up = Path(os.pardir) # basics assert root.relpathto(boz) == Path('foo')/'bar'/'Baz'/'Boz' assert bar.relpathto(boz) == Path('Baz')/'Boz' assert quux.relpathto(boz) == up/'bar'/'Baz'/'Boz' assert boz.relpathto(quux) == up/up/up/'quux' assert boz.relpathto(bar) == up/up # Path is not the first element in concatenation assert root.relpathto(boz) == 'foo'/Path('bar')/'Baz'/'Boz' # x.relpathto(x) == curdir assert root.relpathto(root) == os.curdir assert boz.relpathto(boz) == os.curdir # Make sure case is properly noted (or ignored) assert boz.relpathto(boz.normcase()) == os.curdir # relpath() cwd = Path(os.getcwd()) assert boz.relpath() == cwd.relpathto(boz) if os.name == 'nt': # Check relpath across drives. d = Path('D:\\') assert d.relpathto(boz) == boz def test_construction_from_none(self): """ """ try: Path(None) except TypeError: pass else: raise Exception("DID NOT RAISE") def test_construction_from_int(self): """ Path class will construct a path as a string of the number """ assert Path(1) == '1' def test_string_compatibility(self): """ Test compatibility with ordinary strings. """ x = Path('xyzzy') assert x == 'xyzzy' assert x == str('xyzzy') # sorting items = [Path('fhj'), Path('fgh'), 'E', Path('d'), 'A', Path('B'), 'c'] items.sort() assert items == ['A', 'B', 'E', 'c', 'd', 'fgh', 'fhj'] # Test p1/p1. p1 = Path("foo") p2 = Path("bar") assert p1/p2 == p(nt='foo\\bar', posix='foo/bar') def test_properties(self): # Create sample path object. f = p(nt='C:\\Program Files\\Python\\Lib\\xyzzy.py', posix='/usr/local/python/lib/xyzzy.py') f = Path(f) # .parent nt_lib = 'C:\\Program Files\\Python\\Lib' posix_lib = '/usr/local/python/lib' expected = p(nt=nt_lib, posix=posix_lib) assert f.parent == expected # .name assert f.name == 'xyzzy.py' assert f.parent.name == p(nt='Lib', posix='lib') # .ext assert f.ext == '.py' assert f.parent.ext == '' # .drive assert f.drive == p(nt='C:', posix='') def test_methods(self): # .abspath() assert Path(os.curdir).abspath() == os.getcwd() # .getcwd() cwd = Path.getcwd() assert isinstance(cwd, Path) assert cwd == os.getcwd() def test_UNC(self): if hasattr(os.path, 'splitunc'): p = Path(r'\\python1\share1\dir1\file1.txt') assert p.uncshare == r'\\python1\share1' assert p.splitunc() == os.path.splitunc(str(p)) def test_explicit_module(self): """ The user may specify an explicit path module to use. """ nt_ok = Path.using_module(ntpath)(r'foo\bar\baz') posix_ok = Path.using_module(posixpath)(r'foo/bar/baz') posix_wrong = Path.using_module(posixpath)(r'foo\bar\baz') assert nt_ok.dirname() == r'foo\bar' assert posix_ok.dirname() == r'foo/bar' assert posix_wrong.dirname() == '' assert nt_ok / 'quux' == r'foo\bar\baz\quux' assert posix_ok / 'quux' == r'foo/bar/baz/quux' def test_explicit_module_classes(self): """ Multiple calls to path.using_module should produce the same class. """ nt_path = Path.using_module(ntpath) assert nt_path is Path.using_module(ntpath) assert nt_path.__name__ == 'Path_ntpath' def test_joinpath_on_instance(self): res = Path('foo') foo_bar = res.joinpath('bar') assert foo_bar == p(nt='foo\\bar', posix='foo/bar') def test_joinpath_to_nothing(self): res = Path('foo') assert res.joinpath() == res def test_joinpath_on_class(self): "Construct a path from a series of strings" foo_bar = Path.joinpath('foo', 'bar') assert foo_bar == p(nt='foo\\bar', posix='foo/bar') def test_joinpath_fails_on_empty(self): "It doesn't make sense to join nothing at all" try: Path.joinpath() except TypeError: pass else: raise Exception("did not raise") def test_joinpath_returns_same_type(self): path_posix = Path.using_module(posixpath) res = path_posix.joinpath('foo') assert isinstance(res, path_posix) res2 = res.joinpath('bar') assert isinstance(res2, path_posix) assert res2 == 'foo/bar' class TestSelfReturn: """ Some methods don't necessarily return any value (e.g. makedirs, makedirs_p, rename, mkdir, touch, chroot). These methods should return self anyhow to allow methods to be chained. """ def test_makedirs_p(self, tmpdir): """ Path('foo').makedirs_p() == Path('foo') """ p = Path(tmpdir) / "newpath" ret = p.makedirs_p() assert p == ret def test_makedirs_p_extant(self, tmpdir): p = Path(tmpdir) ret = p.makedirs_p() assert p == ret def test_rename(self, tmpdir): p = Path(tmpdir) / "somefile" p.touch() target = Path(tmpdir) / "otherfile" ret = p.rename(target) assert target == ret def test_mkdir(self, tmpdir): p = Path(tmpdir) / "newdir" ret = p.mkdir() assert p == ret def test_touch(self, tmpdir): p = Path(tmpdir) / "empty file" ret = p.touch() assert p == ret class TestScratchDir: """ Tests that run in a temporary directory (does not test tempdir class) """ def test_context_manager(self, tmpdir): """Can be used as context manager for chdir.""" d = Path(tmpdir) subdir = d / 'subdir' subdir.makedirs() old_dir = os.getcwd() with subdir: assert os.getcwd() == os.path.realpath(subdir) assert os.getcwd() == old_dir def test_touch(self, tmpdir): # NOTE: This test takes a long time to run (~10 seconds). # It sleeps several seconds because on Windows, the resolution # of a file's mtime and ctime is about 2 seconds. # # atime isn't tested because on Windows the resolution of atime # is something like 24 hours. threshold = 1 d = Path(tmpdir) f = d / 'test.txt' t0 = time.time() - threshold f.touch() t1 = time.time() + threshold assert f.exists() assert f.isfile() assert f.size == 0 assert t0 <= f.mtime <= t1 if hasattr(os.path, 'getctime'): ct = f.ctime assert t0 <= ct <= t1 time.sleep(threshold*2) fobj = open(f, 'ab') fobj.write('some bytes'.encode('utf-8')) fobj.close() time.sleep(threshold*2) t2 = time.time() - threshold f.touch() t3 = time.time() + threshold assert t0 <= t1 < t2 <= t3 # sanity check assert f.exists() assert f.isfile() assert f.size == 10 assert t2 <= f.mtime <= t3 if hasattr(os.path, 'getctime'): ct2 = f.ctime if os.name == 'nt': # On Windows, "ctime" is CREATION time assert ct == ct2 assert ct2 < t2 else: # On other systems, it might be the CHANGE time # (especially on Unix, time of inode changes) assert ct == ct2 or ct2 == f.mtime def test_listing(self, tmpdir): d = Path(tmpdir) assert d.listdir() == [] f = 'testfile.txt' af = d / f assert af == os.path.join(d, f) af.touch() try: assert af.exists() assert d.listdir() == [af] # .glob() assert d.glob('testfile.txt') == [af] assert d.glob('test*.txt') == [af] assert d.glob('*.txt') == [af] assert d.glob('*txt') == [af] assert d.glob('*') == [af] assert d.glob('*.html') == [] assert d.glob('testfile') == [] finally: af.remove() # Try a test with 20 files files = [d / ('%d.txt' % i) for i in range(20)] for f in files: fobj = open(f, 'w') fobj.write('some text\n') fobj.close() try: files2 = d.listdir() files.sort() files2.sort() assert files == files2 finally: for f in files: try: f.remove() except: pass def test_listdir_other_encoding(self, tmpdir): """ Some filesystems allow non-character sequences in path names. ``.listdir`` should still function in this case. See issue #61 for details. """ assert Path(tmpdir).listdir() == [] tmpdir_bytes = str(tmpdir).encode('ascii') filename = 'r\xe9\xf1emi'.encode('latin-1') pathname = os.path.join(tmpdir_bytes, filename) with open(pathname, 'wb'): pass # first demonstrate that os.listdir works assert os.listdir(tmpdir_bytes) # now try with path.py results = Path(tmpdir).listdir() assert len(results) == 1 res, = results assert isinstance(res, Path) # OS X seems to encode the bytes in the filename as %XX characters. if platform.system() == 'Darwin': assert res.basename() == 'r%E9%F1emi' return assert len(res.basename()) == len(filename) def test_makedirs(self, tmpdir): d = Path(tmpdir) # Placeholder file so that when removedirs() is called, # it doesn't remove the temporary directory itself. tempf = d / 'temp.txt' tempf.touch() try: foo = d / 'foo' boz = foo / 'bar' / 'baz' / 'boz' boz.makedirs() try: assert boz.isdir() finally: boz.removedirs() assert not foo.exists() assert d.exists() foo.mkdir(0o750) boz.makedirs(0o700) try: assert boz.isdir() finally: boz.removedirs() assert not foo.exists() assert d.exists() finally: os.remove(tempf) def assertSetsEqual(self, a, b): ad = {} for i in a: ad[i] = None bd = {} for i in b: bd[i] = None assert ad == bd def test_shutil(self, tmpdir): # Note: This only tests the methods exist and do roughly what # they should, neglecting the details as they are shutil's # responsibility. d = Path(tmpdir) testDir = d / 'testdir' testFile = testDir / 'testfile.txt' testA = testDir / 'A' testCopy = testA / 'testcopy.txt' testLink = testA / 'testlink.txt' testB = testDir / 'B' testC = testB / 'C' testCopyOfLink = testC / testA.relpathto(testLink) # Create test dirs and a file testDir.mkdir() testA.mkdir() testB.mkdir() f = open(testFile, 'w') f.write('x' * 10000) f.close() # Test simple file copying. testFile.copyfile(testCopy) assert testCopy.isfile() assert testFile.bytes() == testCopy.bytes() # Test copying into a directory. testCopy2 = testA / testFile.name testFile.copy(testA) assert testCopy2.isfile() assert testFile.bytes() == testCopy2.bytes() # Make a link for the next test to use. if hasattr(os, 'symlink'): testFile.symlink(testLink) else: testFile.copy(testLink) # fallback # Test copying directory tree. testA.copytree(testC) assert testC.isdir() self.assertSetsEqual( testC.listdir(), [testC / testCopy.name, testC / testFile.name, testCopyOfLink]) assert not testCopyOfLink.islink() # Clean up for another try. testC.rmtree() assert not testC.exists() # Copy again, preserving symlinks. testA.copytree(testC, True) assert testC.isdir() self.assertSetsEqual( testC.listdir(), [testC / testCopy.name, testC / testFile.name, testCopyOfLink]) if hasattr(os, 'symlink'): assert testCopyOfLink.islink() assert testCopyOfLink.readlink() == testFile # Clean up. testDir.rmtree() assert not testDir.exists() self.assertList(d.listdir(), []) def assertList(self, listing, expected): assert sorted(listing) == sorted(expected) def test_patterns(self, tmpdir): d = Path(tmpdir) names = ['x.tmp', 'x.xtmp', 'x2g', 'x22', 'x.txt'] dirs = [d, d/'xdir', d/'xdir.tmp', d/'xdir.tmp'/'xsubdir'] for e in dirs: if not e.isdir(): e.makedirs() for name in names: (e/name).touch() self.assertList(d.listdir('*.tmp'), [d/'x.tmp', d/'xdir.tmp']) self.assertList(d.files('*.tmp'), [d/'x.tmp']) self.assertList(d.dirs('*.tmp'), [d/'xdir.tmp']) self.assertList(d.walk(), [e for e in dirs if e != d] + [e/n for e in dirs for n in names]) self.assertList(d.walk('*.tmp'), [e/'x.tmp' for e in dirs] + [d/'xdir.tmp']) self.assertList(d.walkfiles('*.tmp'), [e/'x.tmp' for e in dirs]) self.assertList(d.walkdirs('*.tmp'), [d/'xdir.tmp']) def test_unicode(self, tmpdir): d = Path(tmpdir) p = d/'unicode.txt' def test(enc): """ Test that path works with the specified encoding, which must be capable of representing the entire range of Unicode codepoints. """ given = ('Hello world\n' '\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\r\n' '\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\x85' '\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\u2028' '\r' 'hanging') clean = ('Hello world\n' '\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\n' '\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\n' '\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\n' '\n' 'hanging') givenLines = [ ('Hello world\n'), ('\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\r\n'), ('\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\x85'), ('\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\u2028'), ('\r'), ('hanging')] expectedLines = [ ('Hello world\n'), ('\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\n'), ('\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\n'), ('\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15\n'), ('\n'), ('hanging')] expectedLines2 = [ ('Hello world'), ('\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15'), ('\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15'), ('\u0d0a\u0a0d\u0d15\u0a15'), (''), ('hanging')] # write bytes manually to file f = codecs.open(p, 'w', enc) f.write(given) f.close() # test all 3 path read-fully functions, including # path.lines() in unicode mode. assert p.bytes() == given.encode(enc) assert p.text(enc) == clean assert p.lines(enc) == expectedLines assert p.lines(enc, retain=False) == expectedLines2 # If this is UTF-16, that's enough. # The rest of these will unfortunately fail because append=True # mode causes an extra BOM to be written in the middle of the file. # UTF-16 is the only encoding that has this problem. if enc == 'UTF-16': return # Write Unicode to file using path.write_text(). cleanNoHanging = clean + '\n' # This test doesn't work with a # hanging line. p.write_text(cleanNoHanging, enc) p.write_text(cleanNoHanging, enc, append=True) # Check the result. expectedBytes = 2 * cleanNoHanging.replace('\n', os.linesep).encode(enc) expectedLinesNoHanging = expectedLines[:] expectedLinesNoHanging[-1] += '\n' assert p.bytes() == expectedBytes assert p.text(enc) == 2 * cleanNoHanging assert p.lines(enc) == 2 * expectedLinesNoHanging assert p.lines(enc, retain=False) == 2 * expectedLines2 # Write Unicode to file using path.write_lines(). # The output in the file should be exactly the same as last time. p.write_lines(expectedLines, enc) p.write_lines(expectedLines2, enc, append=True) # Check the result. assert p.bytes() == expectedBytes # Now: same test, but using various newline sequences. # If linesep is being properly applied, these will be converted # to the platform standard newline sequence. p.write_lines(givenLines, enc) p.write_lines(givenLines, enc, append=True) # Check the result. assert p.bytes() == expectedBytes # Same test, using newline sequences that are different # from the platform default. def testLinesep(eol): p.write_lines(givenLines, enc, linesep=eol) p.write_lines(givenLines, enc, linesep=eol, append=True) expected = 2 * cleanNoHanging.replace('\n', eol).encode(enc) assert p.bytes() == expected testLinesep('\n') testLinesep('\r') testLinesep('\r\n') testLinesep('\x0d\x85') # Again, but with linesep=None. p.write_lines(givenLines, enc, linesep=None) p.write_lines(givenLines, enc, linesep=None, append=True) # Check the result. expectedBytes = 2 * given.encode(enc) assert p.bytes() == expectedBytes assert p.text(enc) == 2 * clean expectedResultLines = expectedLines[:] expectedResultLines[-1] += expectedLines[0] expectedResultLines += expectedLines[1:] assert p.lines(enc) == expectedResultLines test('UTF-8') test('UTF-16BE') test('UTF-16LE') test('UTF-16') def test_chunks(self, tmpdir): p = (tempdir() / 'test.txt').touch() txt = "0123456789" size = 5 p.write_text(txt) for i, chunk in enumerate(p.chunks(size)): assert chunk == txt[i * size:i * size + size] assert i == len(txt) / size - 1 @pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(os.path, 'samefile'), reason="samefile not present") def test_samefile(self, tmpdir): f1 = (tempdir() / '1.txt').touch() f1.write_text('foo') f2 = (tempdir() / '2.txt').touch() f1.write_text('foo') f3 = (tempdir() / '3.txt').touch() f1.write_text('bar') f4 = (tempdir() / '4.txt') f1.copyfile(f4) assert os.path.samefile(f1, f2) == f1.samefile(f2) assert os.path.samefile(f1, f3) == f1.samefile(f3) assert os.path.samefile(f1, f4) == f1.samefile(f4) assert os.path.samefile(f1, f1) == f1.samefile(f1) def test_rmtree_p(self, tmpdir): d = Path(tmpdir) sub = d / 'subfolder' sub.mkdir() (sub / 'afile').write_text('something') sub.rmtree_p() assert not sub.exists() try: sub.rmtree_p() except OSError: self.fail("Calling `rmtree_p` on non-existent directory " "should not raise an exception.") class TestMergeTree: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def testing_structure(self, tmpdir): self.test_dir = Path(tmpdir) self.subdir_a = self.test_dir / 'A' self.test_file = self.subdir_a / 'testfile.txt' self.test_link = self.subdir_a / 'testlink.txt' self.subdir_b = self.test_dir / 'B' self.subdir_a.mkdir() self.subdir_b.mkdir() with open(self.test_file, 'w') as f: f.write('x' * 10000) if hasattr(os, 'symlink'): self.test_file.symlink(self.test_link) else: self.test_file.copy(self.test_link) def test_with_nonexisting_dst_kwargs(self): self.subdir_a.merge_tree(self.subdir_b, symlinks=True) assert self.subdir_b.isdir() expected = set(( self.subdir_b / self.test_file.name, self.subdir_b / self.test_link.name, )) assert set(self.subdir_b.listdir()) == expected assert Path(self.subdir_b / self.test_link.name).islink() def test_with_nonexisting_dst_args(self): self.subdir_a.merge_tree(self.subdir_b, True) assert self.subdir_b.isdir() expected = set(( self.subdir_b / self.test_file.name, self.subdir_b / self.test_link.name, )) assert set(self.subdir_b.listdir()) == expected assert Path(self.subdir_b / self.test_link.name).islink() def test_with_existing_dst(self): self.subdir_b.rmtree() self.subdir_a.copytree(self.subdir_b, True) self.test_link.remove() test_new = self.subdir_a / 'newfile.txt' test_new.touch() with open(self.test_file, 'w') as f: f.write('x' * 5000) self.subdir_a.merge_tree(self.subdir_b, True) assert self.subdir_b.isdir() expected = set(( self.subdir_b / self.test_file.name, self.subdir_b / self.test_link.name, self.subdir_b / test_new.name, )) assert set(self.subdir_b.listdir()) == expected assert Path(self.subdir_b / self.test_link.name).islink() assert len(Path(self.subdir_b / self.test_file.name).bytes()) == 5000 def test_copytree_parameters(self): """ merge_tree should accept parameters to copytree, such as 'ignore' """ ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns('testlink*') self.subdir_a.merge_tree(self.subdir_b, ignore=ignore) assert self.subdir_b.isdir() assert self.subdir_b.listdir() == [self.subdir_b / self.test_file.name] class TestChdir: def test_chdir_or_cd(self, tmpdir): """ tests the chdir or cd method """ d = Path(str(tmpdir)) cwd = d.getcwd() # ensure the cwd isn't our tempdir assert str(d) != str(cwd) # now, we're going to chdir to tempdir d.chdir() # we now ensure that our cwd is the tempdir assert str(d.getcwd()) == str(tmpdir) # we're resetting our path d = Path(cwd) # we ensure that our cwd is still set to tempdir assert str(d.getcwd()) == str(tmpdir) # we're calling the alias cd method d.cd() # now, we ensure cwd isn'r tempdir assert str(d.getcwd()) == str(cwd) assert str(d.getcwd()) != str(tmpdir) class TestSubclass: class PathSubclass(Path): pass def test_subclass_produces_same_class(self): """ When operations are invoked on a subclass, they should produce another instance of that subclass. """ p = self.PathSubclass('/foo') subdir = p / 'bar' assert isinstance(subdir, self.PathSubclass) class TestTempDir: def test_constructor(self): """ One should be able to readily construct a temporary directory """ d = tempdir() assert isinstance(d, Path) assert d.exists() assert d.isdir() d.rmdir() assert not d.exists() def test_next_class(self): """ It should be possible to invoke operations on a tempdir and get Path classes. """ d = tempdir() sub = d / 'subdir' assert isinstance(sub, Path) d.rmdir() def test_context_manager(self): """ One should be able to use a tempdir object as a context, which will clean up the contents after. """ d = tempdir() res = d.__enter__() assert res is d (d / 'somefile.txt').touch() assert not isinstance(d / 'somefile.txt', tempdir) d.__exit__(None, None, None) assert not d.exists() def test_context_manager_exception(self): """ The context manager will not clean up if an exception occurs. """ d = tempdir() d.__enter__() (d / 'somefile.txt').touch() assert not isinstance(d / 'somefile.txt', tempdir) d.__exit__(TypeError, TypeError('foo'), None) assert d.exists() def test_context_manager_using_with(self): """ The context manager will allow using the with keyword and provide a temporry directory that will be deleted after that. """ with tempdir() as d: assert d.isdir() assert not d.isdir() class TestUnicode: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def unicode_name_in_tmpdir(self, tmpdir): # build a snowman (dir) in the temporary directory Path(tmpdir).joinpath('☃').mkdir() def test_walkdirs_with_unicode_name(self, tmpdir): for res in Path(tmpdir).walkdirs(): pass class TestPatternMatching: def test_fnmatch_simple(self): p = Path('FooBar') assert p.fnmatch('Foo*') assert p.fnmatch('Foo[ABC]ar') def test_fnmatch_custom_mod(self): p = Path('FooBar') p.module = ntpath assert p.fnmatch('foobar') assert p.fnmatch('FOO[ABC]AR') def test_fnmatch_custom_normcase(self): normcase = lambda path: path.upper() p = Path('FooBar') assert p.fnmatch('foobar', normcase=normcase) assert p.fnmatch('FOO[ABC]AR', normcase=normcase) def test_listdir_simple(self): p = Path('.') assert len(p.listdir()) == len(os.listdir('.')) def test_listdir_empty_pattern(self): p = Path('.') assert p.listdir('') == [] def test_listdir_patterns(self, tmpdir): p = Path(tmpdir) (p/'sub').mkdir() (p/'File').touch() assert p.listdir('s*') == [p / 'sub'] assert len(p.listdir('*')) == 2 def test_listdir_custom_module(self, tmpdir): """ Listdir patterns should honor the case sensitivity of the path module used by that Path class. """ always_unix = Path.using_module(posixpath) p = always_unix(tmpdir) (p/'sub').mkdir() (p/'File').touch() assert p.listdir('S*') == [] always_win = Path.using_module(ntpath) p = always_win(tmpdir) assert p.listdir('S*') == [p/'sub'] assert p.listdir('f*') == [p/'File'] def test_listdir_case_insensitive(self, tmpdir): """ Listdir patterns should honor the case sensitivity of the path module used by that Path class. """ p = Path(tmpdir) (p/'sub').mkdir() (p/'File').touch() assert p.listdir(ci('S*')) == [p/'sub'] assert p.listdir(ci('f*')) == [p/'File'] assert p.files(ci('S*')) == [] assert p.dirs(ci('f*')) == [] def test_walk_case_insensitive(self, tmpdir): p = Path(tmpdir) (p/'sub1'/'foo').makedirs_p() (p/'sub2'/'foo').makedirs_p() (p/'sub1'/'foo'/'bar.Txt').touch() (p/'sub2'/'foo'/'bar.TXT').touch() (p/'sub2'/'foo'/'bar.txt.bz2').touch() files = list(p.walkfiles(ci('*.txt'))) assert len(files) == 2 assert p/'sub2'/'foo'/'bar.TXT' in files assert p/'sub1'/'foo'/'bar.Txt' in files @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (2, 6), reason="in_place requires io module in Python 2.6") class TestInPlace: reference_content = textwrap.dedent(""" The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. """.lstrip()) reversed_content = textwrap.dedent(""" .god yzal eht revo depmuj xof nworb kciuq ehT """.lstrip()) alternate_content = textwrap.dedent(""" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. """.lstrip()) @classmethod def create_reference(cls, tmpdir): p = Path(tmpdir)/'document' with p.open('w') as stream: stream.write(cls.reference_content) return p def test_line_by_line_rewrite(self, tmpdir): doc = self.create_reference(tmpdir) # reverse all the text in the document, line by line with doc.in_place() as (reader, writer): for line in reader: r_line = ''.join(reversed(line.strip())) + '\n' writer.write(r_line) with doc.open() as stream: data = stream.read() assert data == self.reversed_content def test_exception_in_context(self, tmpdir): doc = self.create_reference(tmpdir) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc: with doc.in_place() as (reader, writer): writer.write(self.alternate_content) raise RuntimeError("some error") assert "some error" in str(exc) with doc.open() as stream: data = stream.read() assert not 'Lorem' in data assert 'lazy dog' in data class TestSpecialPaths: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class') def appdirs_installed(cls): pytest.importorskip('appdirs') @pytest.fixture def feign_linux(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr("platform.system", lambda: "Linux") monkeypatch.setattr("sys.platform", "linux") monkeypatch.setattr("os.pathsep", ":") # remove any existing import of appdirs, as it sets up some # state during import. sys.modules.pop('appdirs') def test_basic_paths(self): appdirs = importlib.import_module('appdirs') expected = appdirs.user_config_dir() assert SpecialResolver(Path).user.config == expected expected = appdirs.site_config_dir() assert SpecialResolver(Path).site.config == expected expected = appdirs.user_config_dir('My App', 'Me') assert SpecialResolver(Path, 'My App', 'Me').user.config == expected def test_unix_paths(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch, feign_linux): fake_config = tmpdir / '_config' monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME', str(fake_config)) expected = str(tmpdir / '_config') assert SpecialResolver(Path).user.config == expected def test_unix_paths_fallback(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch, feign_linux): "Without XDG_CONFIG_HOME set, ~/.config should be used." fake_home = tmpdir / '_home' monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'HOME', str(fake_home)) expected = str(tmpdir / '_home' / '.config') assert SpecialResolver(Path).user.config == expected def test_property(self): assert isinstance(Path.special().user.config, Path) assert isinstance(Path.special().user.data, Path) assert isinstance(Path.special().user.cache, Path) def test_other_parameters(self): """ Other parameters should be passed through to appdirs function. """ res = Path.special(version="1.0", multipath=True).site.config assert isinstance(res, Path) def test_multipath(self, feign_linux, monkeypatch, tmpdir): """ If multipath is provided, on Linux return the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS """ fake_config_1 = str(tmpdir / '_config1') fake_config_2 = str(tmpdir / '_config2') config_dirs = os.pathsep.join([fake_config_1, fake_config_2]) monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', config_dirs) res = Path.special(multipath=True).site.config assert isinstance(res, Multi) assert fake_config_1 in res assert fake_config_2 in res assert '_config1' in str(res) def test_reused_SpecialResolver(self): """ Passing additional args and kwargs to SpecialResolver should be passed through to each invocation of the function in appdirs. """ appdirs = importlib.import_module('appdirs') adp = SpecialResolver(Path, version="1.0") res = adp.user.config expected = appdirs.user_config_dir(version="1.0") assert res == expected class TestMultiPath: def test_for_class(self): """ Multi.for_class should return a subclass of the Path class provided. """ cls = Multi.for_class(Path) assert issubclass(cls, Path) assert issubclass(cls, Multi) assert cls.__name__ == 'MultiPath' def test_detect_no_pathsep(self): """ If no pathsep is provided, multipath detect should return an instance of the parent class with no Multi mix-in. """ path = Multi.for_class(Path).detect('/foo/bar') assert isinstance(path, Path) assert not isinstance(path, Multi) def test_detect_with_pathsep(self): """ If a pathsep appears in the input, detect should return an instance of a Path with the Multi mix-in. """ inputs = '/foo/bar', '/baz/bing' input = os.pathsep.join(inputs) path = Multi.for_class(Path).detect(input) assert isinstance(path, Multi) def test_iteration(self): """ Iterating over a MultiPath should yield instances of the parent class. """ inputs = '/foo/bar', '/baz/bing' input = os.pathsep.join(inputs) path = Multi.for_class(Path).detect(input) items = iter(path) first = next(items) assert first == '/foo/bar' assert isinstance(first, Path) assert not isinstance(first, Multi) assert next(items) == '/baz/bing' assert path == input if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main()