############################################################################### # # Packager - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Worksheet file. # # Copyright 2013-2016, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org # # Standard packages. import os import stat import tempfile from shutil import copy from .compatibility import StringIO from .compatibility import BytesIO # Package imports. from xlsxwriter.app import App from xlsxwriter.contenttypes import ContentTypes from xlsxwriter.core import Core from xlsxwriter.custom import Custom from xlsxwriter.relationships import Relationships from xlsxwriter.sharedstrings import SharedStrings from xlsxwriter.styles import Styles from xlsxwriter.theme import Theme from xlsxwriter.vml import Vml from xlsxwriter.table import Table from xlsxwriter.comments import Comments class Packager(object): """ A class for writing the Excel XLSX Packager file. This module is used in conjunction with XlsxWriter to create an Excel XLSX container file. From Wikipedia: The Open Packaging Conventions (OPC) is a container-file technology initially created by Microsoft to store a combination of XML and non-XML files that together form a single entity such as an Open XML Paper Specification (OpenXPS) document. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Packaging_Conventions. At its simplest an Excel XLSX file contains the following elements:: ____ [Content_Types].xml | |____ docProps | |____ app.xml | |____ core.xml | |____ xl | |____ workbook.xml | |____ worksheets | | |____ sheet1.xml | | | |____ styles.xml | | | |____ theme | | |____ theme1.xml | | | |_____rels | |____ workbook.xml.rels | |_____rels |____ .rels The Packager class coordinates the classes that represent the elements of the package and writes them into the XLSX file. """ ########################################################################### # # Public API. # ########################################################################### def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ super(Packager, self).__init__() self.tmpdir = '' self.in_memory = False self.workbook = None self.worksheet_count = 0 self.chartsheet_count = 0 self.chart_count = 0 self.drawing_count = 0 self.table_count = 0 self.num_vml_files = 0 self.num_comment_files = 0 self.named_ranges = [] self.filenames = [] ########################################################################### # # Private API. # ########################################################################### def _set_tmpdir(self, tmpdir): # Set an optional user defined temp directory. self.tmpdir = tmpdir def _set_in_memory(self, in_memory): # Set the optional 'in_memory' mode. self.in_memory = in_memory def _add_workbook(self, workbook): # Add the Excel::Writer::XLSX::Workbook object to the package. self.workbook = workbook self.chart_count = len(workbook.charts) self.drawing_count = len(workbook.drawings) self.num_vml_files = workbook.num_vml_files self.num_comment_files = workbook.num_comment_files self.named_ranges = workbook.named_ranges for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if worksheet.is_chartsheet: self.chartsheet_count += 1 else: self.worksheet_count += 1 def _create_package(self): # Write the xml files that make up the XLSX OPC package. self._write_worksheet_files() self._write_chartsheet_files() self._write_workbook_file() self._write_chart_files() self._write_drawing_files() self._write_vml_files() self._write_comment_files() self._write_table_files() self._write_shared_strings_file() self._write_app_file() self._write_core_file() self._write_custom_file() self._write_content_types_file() self._write_styles_file() self._write_theme_file() self._write_root_rels_file() self._write_workbook_rels_file() self._write_worksheet_rels_files() self._write_chartsheet_rels_files() self._write_drawing_rels_files() self._add_image_files() self._add_vba_project() return self.filenames def _filename(self, xml_filename): # Create a temp filename to write the XML data to and store the Excel # filename to use as the name in the Zip container. if self.in_memory: os_filename = StringIO() else: (fd, os_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.tmpdir) os.close(fd) self.filenames.append((os_filename, xml_filename, False)) return os_filename def _write_workbook_file(self): # Write the workbook.xml file. workbook = self.workbook workbook._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/workbook.xml')) workbook._assemble_xml_file() def _write_worksheet_files(self): # Write the worksheet files. index = 1 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if worksheet.is_chartsheet: continue if worksheet.optimization == 1: worksheet._opt_reopen() worksheet._write_single_row() worksheet._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/worksheets/sheet' + str(index) + '.xml')) worksheet._assemble_xml_file() index += 1 def _write_chartsheet_files(self): # Write the chartsheet files. index = 1 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if not worksheet.is_chartsheet: continue worksheet._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/chartsheets/sheet' + str(index) + '.xml')) worksheet._assemble_xml_file() index += 1 def _write_chart_files(self): # Write the chart files. if not self.workbook.charts: return index = 1 for chart in self.workbook.charts: # Check that the chart has at least one data series. if not chart.series: raise Exception("Chart%d must contain at least one " "data series. See chart.add_series()." % index) chart._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/charts/chart' + str(index) + '.xml')) chart._assemble_xml_file() index += 1 def _write_drawing_files(self): # Write the drawing files. if not self.drawing_count: return index = 1 for drawing in self.workbook.drawings: drawing._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/drawings/drawing' + str(index) + '.xml')) drawing._assemble_xml_file() index += 1 def _write_vml_files(self): # Write the comment VML files. index = 1 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if not worksheet.has_vml and not worksheet.has_header_vml: continue if worksheet.has_vml: vml = Vml() vml._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/drawings/vmlDrawing' + str(index) + '.vml')) vml._assemble_xml_file(worksheet.vml_data_id, worksheet.vml_shape_id, worksheet.comments_list, worksheet.buttons_list) index += 1 if worksheet.has_header_vml: vml = Vml() vml._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/drawings/vmlDrawing' + str(index) + '.vml')) vml._assemble_xml_file(worksheet.vml_header_id, worksheet.vml_header_id * 1024, None, None, worksheet.header_images_list) self._write_vml_drawing_rels_file(worksheet, index) index += 1 def _write_comment_files(self): # Write the comment files. index = 1 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if not worksheet.has_comments: continue comment = Comments() comment._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/comments' + str(index) + '.xml')) comment._assemble_xml_file(worksheet.comments_list) index += 1 def _write_shared_strings_file(self): # Write the sharedStrings.xml file. sst = SharedStrings() sst.string_table = self.workbook.str_table if not self.workbook.str_table.count: return sst._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/sharedStrings.xml')) sst._assemble_xml_file() def _write_app_file(self): # Write the app.xml file. properties = self.workbook.doc_properties app = App() # Add the Worksheet heading pairs. app._add_heading_pair(['Worksheets', self.worksheet_count]) # Add the Chartsheet heading pairs. app._add_heading_pair(['Charts', self.chartsheet_count]) # Add the Worksheet parts. for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if worksheet.is_chartsheet: continue app._add_part_name(worksheet.name) # Add the Chartsheet parts. for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if not worksheet.is_chartsheet: continue app._add_part_name(worksheet.name) # Add the Named Range heading pairs. if self.named_ranges: app._add_heading_pair(['Named Ranges', len(self.named_ranges)]) # Add the Named Ranges parts. for named_range in self.named_ranges: app._add_part_name(named_range) app._set_properties(properties) app._set_xml_writer(self._filename('docProps/app.xml')) app._assemble_xml_file() def _write_core_file(self): # Write the core.xml file. properties = self.workbook.doc_properties core = Core() core._set_properties(properties) core._set_xml_writer(self._filename('docProps/core.xml')) core._assemble_xml_file() def _write_custom_file(self): # Write the custom.xml file. properties = self.workbook.custom_properties custom = Custom() if not len(properties): return custom._set_properties(properties) custom._set_xml_writer(self._filename('docProps/custom.xml')) custom._assemble_xml_file() def _write_content_types_file(self): # Write the ContentTypes.xml file. content = ContentTypes() content._add_image_types(self.workbook.image_types) worksheet_index = 1 chartsheet_index = 1 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if worksheet.is_chartsheet: content._add_chartsheet_name('sheet' + str(chartsheet_index)) chartsheet_index += 1 else: content._add_worksheet_name('sheet' + str(worksheet_index)) worksheet_index += 1 for i in range(1, self.chart_count + 1): content._add_chart_name('chart' + str(i)) for i in range(1, self.drawing_count + 1): content._add_drawing_name('drawing' + str(i)) if self.num_vml_files: content._add_vml_name() for i in range(1, self.table_count + 1): content._add_table_name('table' + str(i)) for i in range(1, self.num_comment_files + 1): content._add_comment_name('comments' + str(i)) # Add the sharedString rel if there is string data in the workbook. if self.workbook.str_table.count: content._add_shared_strings() # Add vbaProject if present. if self.workbook.vba_project: content._add_vba_project() # Add the custom properties if present. if self.workbook.custom_properties: content._add_custom_properties() content._set_xml_writer(self._filename('[Content_Types].xml')) content._assemble_xml_file() def _write_styles_file(self): # Write the style xml file. xf_formats = self.workbook.xf_formats palette = self.workbook.palette font_count = self.workbook.font_count num_format_count = self.workbook.num_format_count border_count = self.workbook.border_count fill_count = self.workbook.fill_count custom_colors = self.workbook.custom_colors dxf_formats = self.workbook.dxf_formats styles = Styles() styles._set_style_properties([ xf_formats, palette, font_count, num_format_count, border_count, fill_count, custom_colors, dxf_formats]) styles._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/styles.xml')) styles._assemble_xml_file() def _write_theme_file(self): # Write the theme xml file. theme = Theme() theme._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/theme/theme1.xml')) theme._assemble_xml_file() def _write_table_files(self): # Write the table files. index = 1 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): table_props = worksheet.tables if not table_props: continue for table_props in table_props: table = Table() table._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/tables/table' + str(index) + '.xml')) table._set_properties(table_props) table._assemble_xml_file() self.table_count += 1 index += 1 def _write_root_rels_file(self): # Write the _rels/.rels xml file. rels = Relationships() rels._add_document_relationship('/officeDocument', 'xl/workbook.xml') rels._add_package_relationship('/metadata/core-properties', 'docProps/core.xml') rels._add_document_relationship('/extended-properties', 'docProps/app.xml') if self.workbook.custom_properties: rels._add_document_relationship('/custom-properties', 'docProps/custom.xml') rels._set_xml_writer(self._filename('_rels/.rels')) rels._assemble_xml_file() def _write_workbook_rels_file(self): # Write the _rels/.rels xml file. rels = Relationships() worksheet_index = 1 chartsheet_index = 1 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if worksheet.is_chartsheet: rels._add_document_relationship('/chartsheet', 'chartsheets/sheet' + str(chartsheet_index) + '.xml') chartsheet_index += 1 else: rels._add_document_relationship('/worksheet', 'worksheets/sheet' + str(worksheet_index) + '.xml') worksheet_index += 1 rels._add_document_relationship('/theme', 'theme/theme1.xml') rels._add_document_relationship('/styles', 'styles.xml') # Add the sharedString rel if there is string data in the workbook. if self.workbook.str_table.count: rels._add_document_relationship('/sharedStrings', 'sharedStrings.xml') # Add vbaProject if present. if self.workbook.vba_project: rels._add_ms_package_relationship('/vbaProject', 'vbaProject.bin') rels._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels')) rels._assemble_xml_file() def _write_worksheet_rels_files(self): # Write data such as hyperlinks or drawings. index = 0 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if worksheet.is_chartsheet: continue index += 1 external_links = (worksheet.external_hyper_links + worksheet.external_drawing_links + worksheet.external_vml_links + worksheet.external_table_links + worksheet.external_comment_links) if not external_links: continue # Create the worksheet .rels dirs. rels = Relationships() for link_data in external_links: rels._add_worksheet_relationship(*link_data) # Create .rels file such as /xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet1.xml.rels. rels._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet' + str(index) + '.xml.rels')) rels._assemble_xml_file() def _write_chartsheet_rels_files(self): # Write the chartsheet .rels files for links to drawing files. index = 0 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if not worksheet.is_chartsheet: continue index += 1 external_links = worksheet.external_drawing_links if not external_links: continue # Create the chartsheet .rels xlsx_dir. rels = Relationships() for link_data in external_links: rels._add_worksheet_relationship(*link_data) # Create .rels file such as /xl/chartsheets/_rels/sheet1.xml.rels. rels._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/chartsheets/_rels/sheet' + str(index) + '.xml.rels')) rels._assemble_xml_file() def _write_drawing_rels_files(self): # Write the drawing .rels files for worksheets with charts or drawings. index = 0 for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets(): if not worksheet.drawing_links: continue index += 1 # Create the drawing .rels xlsx_dir. rels = Relationships() for drawing_data in worksheet.drawing_links: rels._add_document_relationship(*drawing_data) # Create .rels file such as /xl/drawings/_rels/sheet1.xml.rels. rels._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/drawings/_rels/drawing' + str(index) + '.xml.rels')) rels._assemble_xml_file() def _write_vml_drawing_rels_file(self, worksheet, index): # Write the vmlDdrawing .rels files for worksheets with images in # headers or footers. # Create the drawing .rels dir. rels = Relationships() for drawing_data in worksheet.vml_drawing_links: rels._add_document_relationship(*drawing_data) # Create .rels file such as /xl/drawings/_rels/vmlDrawing1.vml.rels. rels._set_xml_writer(self._filename('xl/drawings/_rels/vmlDrawing' + str(index) + '.vml.rels')) rels._assemble_xml_file() def _add_image_files(self): # Write the /xl/media/image?.xml files. workbook = self.workbook index = 1 for image in workbook.images: filename = image[0] ext = '.' + image[1] image_data = image[2] xml_image_name = 'xl/media/image' + str(index) + ext if not self.in_memory: # In file mode we just write or copy the image file. os_filename = self._filename(xml_image_name) if image_data: # The data is in a byte stream. Write it to the target. os_file = open(os_filename, mode='wb') os_file.write(image_data.getvalue()) os_file.close() else: copy(filename, os_filename) # Allow copies of Windows read-only images to be deleted. try: os.chmod(os_filename, os.stat(os_filename).st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE) except: pass else: # For in-memory mode we read the image into a stream. if image_data: # The data is already in a byte stream. os_filename = image_data else: image_file = open(filename, mode='rb') image_data = image_file.read() os_filename = BytesIO(image_data) image_file.close() self.filenames.append((os_filename, xml_image_name, True)) index += 1 def _add_vba_project(self): # Copy in a vbaProject.bin file. vba_project = self.workbook.vba_project vba_is_stream = self.workbook.vba_is_stream if not vba_project: return xml_vba_name = 'xl/vbaProject.bin' if not self.in_memory: # In file mode we just write or copy the VBA file. os_filename = self._filename(xml_vba_name) if vba_is_stream: # The data is in a byte stream. Write it to the target. os_file = open(os_filename, mode='wb') os_file.write(vba_project.getvalue()) os_file.close() else: copy(vba_project, os_filename) else: # For in-memory mode we read the vba into a stream. if vba_is_stream: # The data is already in a byte stream. os_filename = vba_project else: vba_file = open(vba_project, mode='rb') vba_data = vba_file.read() os_filename = BytesIO(vba_data) vba_file.close() self.filenames.append((os_filename, xml_vba_name, True))