"""Garbage collection thread for representing zmq refcount of Python objects used in zero-copy sends. """ # Copyright (C) PyZMQ Developers # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import atexit import struct from os import getpid from collections import namedtuple from threading import Thread, Event, Lock import warnings import zmq gcref = namedtuple('gcref', ['obj', 'event']) class GarbageCollectorThread(Thread): """Thread in which garbage collection actually happens.""" def __init__(self, gc): super(GarbageCollectorThread, self).__init__() self.gc = gc self.daemon = True self.pid = getpid() self.ready = Event() def run(self): # detect fork at beginning of the thread if getpid is None or getpid() != self.pid: self.ready.set() return try: s = self.gc.context.socket(zmq.PULL) s.linger = 0 s.bind(self.gc.url) finally: self.ready.set() while True: # detect fork if getpid is None or getpid() != self.pid: return msg = s.recv() if msg == b'DIE': break fmt = 'L' if len(msg) == 4 else 'Q' key = struct.unpack(fmt, msg)[0] tup = self.gc.refs.pop(key, None) if tup and tup.event: tup.event.set() del tup s.close() class GarbageCollector(object): """PyZMQ Garbage Collector Used for representing the reference held by libzmq during zero-copy sends. This object holds a dictionary, keyed by Python id, of the Python objects whose memory are currently in use by zeromq. When zeromq is done with the memory, it sends a message on an inproc PUSH socket containing the packed size_t (32 or 64-bit unsigned int), which is the key in the dict. When the PULL socket in the gc thread receives that message, the reference is popped from the dict, and any tracker events that should be signaled fire. """ refs = None _context = None _lock = None url = "inproc://pyzmq.gc.01" def __init__(self, context=None): super(GarbageCollector, self).__init__() self.refs = {} self.pid = None self.thread = None self._context = context self._lock = Lock() self._stay_down = False atexit.register(self._atexit) @property def context(self): if self._context is None: if Thread.__module__.startswith('gevent'): # gevent has monkey-patched Thread, use green Context from zmq import green self._context = green.Context() else: self._context = zmq.Context() return self._context @context.setter def context(self, ctx): if self.is_alive(): if self.refs: warnings.warn("Replacing gc context while gc is running", RuntimeWarning) self.stop() self._context = ctx def _atexit(self): """atexit callback sets _stay_down flag so that gc doesn't try to start up again in other atexit handlers """ self._stay_down = True self.stop() def stop(self): """stop the garbage-collection thread""" if not self.is_alive(): return self._stop() def _stop(self): push = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) push.connect(self.url) push.send(b'DIE') push.close() self.thread.join() self.context.term() self.refs.clear() self.context = None def start(self): """Start a new garbage collection thread. Creates a new zmq Context used for garbage collection. Under most circumstances, this will only be called once per process. """ if self.thread is not None and self.pid != getpid(): # It's re-starting, must free earlier thread's context # since a fork probably broke it self._stop() self.pid = getpid() self.refs = {} self.thread = GarbageCollectorThread(self) self.thread.start() self.thread.ready.wait() def is_alive(self): """Is the garbage collection thread currently running? Includes checks for process shutdown or fork. """ if (getpid is None or getpid() != self.pid or self.thread is None or not self.thread.is_alive() ): return False return True def store(self, obj, event=None): """store an object and (optionally) event for zero-copy""" if not self.is_alive(): if self._stay_down: return 0 # safely start the gc thread # use lock and double check, # so we don't start multiple threads with self._lock: if not self.is_alive(): self.start() tup = gcref(obj, event) theid = id(tup) self.refs[theid] = tup return theid def __del__(self): if not self.is_alive(): return try: self.stop() except Exception as e: raise (e) gc = GarbageCollector()