// Create, Draw and fit a TGraph2DErrors void macro4(){ gStyle->SetPalette(1); const double e = 0.3; const int nd = 500; TRandom3 my_random_generator; TF2 *f2 = new TF2("f2", "1000*(([0]*sin(x)/x)*([1]*sin(y)/y))+200", -6,6,-6,6); f2->SetParameters(1,1); TGraph2DErrors *dte = new TGraph2DErrors(nd); // Fill the 2D graph double rnd, x, y, z, ex, ey, ez; for (Int_t i=0; iGetRandom2(x,y); // A random number in [-e,e] rnd = my_random_generator.Uniform(-e,e); z = f2->Eval(x,y)*(1+rnd); dte->SetPoint(i,x,y,z); ex = 0.05*my_random_generator.Uniform(); ey = 0.05*my_random_generator.Uniform(); ez = TMath::Abs(z*rnd); dte->SetPointError(i,ex,ey,ez); } // Fit function to generated data f2->SetParameters(0.7,1.5); // set initial values for fit f2->SetTitle("Fitted 2D function"); dte->Fit(f2); // Plot the result TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); f2->Draw("Surf1"); dte->Draw("P0 Same"); // Make the x and y projections TCanvas* c_p= new TCanvas("ProjCan", "The Projections",1000,400); c_p->Divide(2,1); c_p->cd(1); dte->Project("x")->Draw(); c_p->cd(2); dte->Project("y")->Draw(); }