// mathtext - A TeX/LaTeX compatible rendering library. Copyright (C) // 2008-2012 Yue Shi Lai // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA // 02110-1301 USA #include #include #include "../inc/mathrender.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace mathtext { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float math_text_renderer_t:: style_size(const unsigned int style) const { // Intel C++ Compiler 10.1 chokes on this if declared static // const and using -O1: const float size[math_text_t::item_t::NSTYLE - 1] = { script_script_ratio, script_script_ratio, script_ratio, script_ratio, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F }; if(style == math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_UNKNOWN || style >= math_text_t::item_t::NSTYLE) return font_size(); return size[style - 1] * font_size(); } bool math_text_renderer_t:: is_display_style(const unsigned int style) const { switch(style) { case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY_PRIME: return true; default: return false; } } bool math_text_renderer_t:: is_script_style(const unsigned int style) const { switch(style) { case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_PRIME: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_SCRIPT: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_SCRIPT_PRIME: return true; default: return false; } } unsigned int math_text_renderer_t:: prime_style(const unsigned int style) const { switch(style) { case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY_PRIME; case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_TEXT: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_TEXT_PRIME; case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_PRIME; case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_SCRIPT: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_SCRIPT_PRIME; default: return style; } } bool math_text_renderer_t:: is_prime_style(const unsigned int style) const { switch(style) { case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY_PRIME: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_TEXT_PRIME: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_PRIME: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_SCRIPT_PRIME: return true; default: return false; } } // Knuth, The TeXbook (1986), p. 441 unsigned int math_text_renderer_t:: next_superscript_style(const unsigned int style) const { switch(style) { case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_TEXT: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT; case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY_PRIME: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_TEXT_PRIME: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_PRIME; case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_SCRIPT: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_SCRIPT; case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_PRIME: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_SCRIPT_PRIME: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_SCRIPT_SCRIPT_PRIME; default: return style; } } unsigned int math_text_renderer_t:: next_subscript_style(const unsigned int style) const { return prime_style(next_superscript_style(style)); } unsigned int math_text_renderer_t:: next_numerator_style(const unsigned int style) const { switch(style) { case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_TEXT; case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY_PRIME: return math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_TEXT_PRIME; default: return next_superscript_style(style); } } unsigned int math_text_renderer_t:: next_denominator_style(const unsigned int style) const { return if_else_display( style, static_cast( math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_TEXT_PRIME), next_subscript_style(style)); } // The most elementary building block is the math symbol float math_text_renderer_t::x_height(const unsigned int style) { const unsigned int family = FAMILY_ITALIC; const float size = style_size(style); set_font_size(size, family); bounding_box_t math_symbol_bounding_box = bounding_box(L"x", family); reset_font_size(family); return math_symbol_bounding_box.ascent(); } float math_text_renderer_t::quad(const unsigned int style) const { const float size = style_size(style); return size; } void math_text_renderer_t:: post_process_atom_type_initial(unsigned int &atom_type) const { // Rule 5, initial atom if(atom_type == math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_BIN) atom_type = math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_ORD; } void math_text_renderer_t:: post_process_atom_type_interior(unsigned int & previous_atom_type, unsigned int &atom_type) const { // Rule 5, interior/final atom if(atom_type == math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_BIN) switch(previous_atom_type) { case math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_BIN: case math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_OP: case math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_REL: case math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_OPEN: case math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_PUNCT: atom_type = math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_ORD; break; } // Rule 6 else if(previous_atom_type == math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_BIN) switch(atom_type) { case math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_REL: case math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_CLOSE: case math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_PUNCT: previous_atom_type = math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_ORD; break; } } bool math_text_renderer_t:: valid_accent(bool &vertical_alignment, const std::vector:: const_iterator &iterator, const std::vector:: const_iterator &math_list_end) const { if(iterator->_atom._type == math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_ACC) { std::vector::const_iterator iterator_next = iterator + 1; vertical_alignment = true; return iterator_next != math_list_end && iterator_next->_type == math_text_t::item_t::TYPE_ATOM; } else if(iterator->_atom.is_combining_diacritical()) { std::vector::const_iterator iterator_next = iterator + 1; vertical_alignment = false; return iterator_next != math_list_end && iterator_next->_type == math_text_t::item_t::TYPE_ATOM; } else return false; } float math_text_renderer_t::kerning_mu(const float amount) const { // Rule 2 return amount / 18.0F * font_size(); } float math_text_renderer_t:: math_spacing(unsigned int left_type, unsigned int right_type, unsigned int style) const { const unsigned int left_type_modified = left_type <= (unsigned int) math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_INNER ? left_type : (unsigned int) math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_ORD; const unsigned int right_type_modified = right_type <= (unsigned int) math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_INNER ? right_type : (unsigned int) math_text_t::atom_t::TYPE_ORD; const unsigned int space = math_text_t::atom_t:: spacing(left_type_modified, right_type_modified, is_script_style(style)); float mu_skip; switch(space) { case 1: mu_skip = thin_mu_skip; break; case 2: mu_skip = med_mu_skip; break; case 3: mu_skip = thick_mu_skip; break; default: mu_skip = 0.0F; } return kerning_mu(mu_skip); } unsigned int math_text_renderer_t:: math_family(const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol) const { // Use the text font for Latin, Greek, Cyrillic and the minus // sign, and STIX for everything else. if(math_symbol._glyph <= L'\u017e' || (math_symbol._glyph >= L'\u0384' && math_symbol._glyph <= L'\u03ce') || (math_symbol._glyph >= L'\u0400' && math_symbol._glyph <= L'\u052f') || math_symbol._glyph == L'\u2212') { return math_symbol._family; } else { switch(math_symbol._family) { case FAMILY_REGULAR: return FAMILY_STIX_REGULAR; case FAMILY_ITALIC: return FAMILY_STIX_ITALIC; case FAMILY_BOLD: return FAMILY_STIX_BOLD; case FAMILY_BOLD_ITALIC: return FAMILY_STIX_BOLD_ITALIC; case FAMILY_STIX_REGULAR: case FAMILY_STIX_ITALIC: case FAMILY_STIX_BOLD: case FAMILY_STIX_BOLD_ITALIC: case FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_1_REGULAR: case FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_1_BOLD: case FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_2_REGULAR: case FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_2_BOLD: case FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_3_REGULAR: case FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_3_BOLD: case FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_4_REGULAR: case FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_4_BOLD: case FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_5_REGULAR: return math_symbol._family; default: return FAMILY_STIX_REGULAR; } } } void math_text_renderer_t:: large_family(unsigned long &nfamily, const unsigned int *&family, const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol) const { static const unsigned long nlarge_family = 5; static const unsigned int large_family_regular[nlarge_family] = { FAMILY_STIX_REGULAR, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_1_REGULAR, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_2_REGULAR, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_3_REGULAR, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_4_REGULAR, }; static const unsigned int large_family_bold[nlarge_family] = { FAMILY_STIX_BOLD, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_1_BOLD, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_2_BOLD, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_3_BOLD, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_4_BOLD, }; nfamily = nlarge_family; family = math_symbol.bold() ? large_family_bold : large_family_regular; } void math_text_renderer_t:: extensible_glyph(wchar_t glyph[4], unsigned long &nrepeat, const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol, const unsigned int style, const float height) { // See Knuth, The METAFONTbook (1986), p. 318 enum { GLYPH_TOP = 0, GLYPH_MIDDLE, GLYPH_BOTTOM, GLYPH_REPEATABLE, NGLYPH }; switch(math_symbol._glyph) { case L'(': glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\u239b'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\u239d'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\u239c'; break; case L')': glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\u239e'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\u23a0'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\u239f'; break; case L'[': glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\u23a1'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\u23a3'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\u23a2'; break; case L']': glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\u23a4'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\u23a6'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\u23a5'; break; case L'{': glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\u23a7'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\u23a8'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\u23a9'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\u23aa'; break; case L'|': glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = math_symbol._glyph; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = math_symbol._glyph; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = math_symbol._glyph; break; case L'}': glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\u23ab'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\u23ac'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\u23ad'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\u23aa'; break; #if 0 // FIXME: \lmoustache, \rmoustache, \radical require // horizontal offsets case L'\u211a': // \lmoustache glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\u23b7'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\u23b9'; break; case L'\u23b0': // \rmoustache glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\u239b'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\u23a0'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\u239c'; break; case L'\u23b1': // \radical glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\u239e'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\u239d'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\u239f'; break; #endif default: glyph[GLYPH_TOP] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_BOTTOM] = L'\0'; glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] = L'\0'; } const unsigned int family = math_symbol._glyph == L'|' ? FAMILY_STIX_REGULAR : FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_1_REGULAR; const float size = style_size(style); if(glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE] != L'\0') { bounding_box_t bounding_box_sum(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); float current_y = 0; for(unsigned long i = GLYPH_TOP; i <= GLYPH_BOTTOM; i++) { if(glyph[i] != L'\0') { bounding_box_t glyph_bounding_box = math_bounding_box(glyph[i], family, size); current_y += glyph_bounding_box.descent(); bounding_box_sum = bounding_box_sum. merge(point_t(0, current_y) + glyph_bounding_box); current_y += glyph_bounding_box.ascent(); } } const bounding_box_t bounding_box_repeatable = math_bounding_box(glyph[GLYPH_REPEATABLE], family, size); const float remaining_height = height - bounding_box_sum.height(); unsigned long repeat_ratio = 0; if (bounding_box_repeatable.height() !=0) { repeat_ratio = (unsigned long)ceil( remaining_height / bounding_box_repeatable.height()); } nrepeat = glyph[GLYPH_MIDDLE] == L'\0' ? repeat_ratio : ((repeat_ratio + 1UL) >> 1); } else nrepeat = 0; } // Font parameters #include "table/mathfontparam.h" }