// @(#)root/sessionviewer:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 21/03/03 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2003, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TProofProgressDialog // // // // This class provides a query progress bar. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TProofProgressDialog.h" #include "TProofProgressLog.h" #include "TProofProgressMemoryPlot.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TGLabel.h" #include "TGButton.h" #include "TGTextBuffer.h" #include "TGTextEntry.h" #include "TGProgressBar.h" #include "TGSpeedo.h" #include "TProof.h" #include "TSlave.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TTimer.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TNtuple.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "TPaveText.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "THLimitsFinder.h" #ifdef PPD_SRV_NEWER #undef PPD_SRV_NEWER #endif #define PPD_SRV_NEWER(v) (fProof && fProof->GetRemoteProtocol() > v) #ifdef PPD_SRV_NEWER_REV #undef PPD_SRV_NEWER_REV #endif #define PPD_SRV_NEWER_REV(r) (fSVNRev > r) Bool_t TProofProgressDialog::fgKeepDefault = kTRUE; Bool_t TProofProgressDialog::fgLogQueryDefault = kFALSE; TString TProofProgressDialog::fgTextQueryDefault = "last"; //static const Int_t gSVNMemPlot = 25090; ClassImp(TProofProgressDialog) //______________________________________________________________________________ TProofProgressDialog::TProofProgressDialog(TProof *proof, const char *selector, Int_t files, Long64_t first, Long64_t entries) : fDialog(0), fBar(0), fClose(0), fStop(0), fAbort(0), fAsyn(0), fLog(0), fRatePlot(0), fMemPlot(0), fKeepToggle(0), fLogQueryToggle(0), fTextQuery(0), fEntry(0), fTitleLab(0), fFilesEvents(0), fTimeLab(0), fProcessed(0), fEstim(0), fTotal(0), fRate(0), fInit(0), fSelector(0), fSpeedo(0), fSmoothSpeedo(0) { // Create PROOF processing progress dialog. fProof = proof; fFiles = files; fFirst = first; fEntries = entries; fPrevProcessed = 0; fPrevTotal = 0; fLogWindow = 0; fMemWindow = 0; fStatus = kRunning; fKeep = fgKeepDefault; fLogQuery = fgLogQueryDefault; fRatePoints = 0; fRateGraph = 0; fMBRtGraph = 0; fActWGraph = 0; fTotSGraph = 0; fEffSGraph = 0; fProcTime = 0.; fInitTime = 0.; fAvgRate = 0.; fAvgMBRate = 0.; fSVNRev = -1; fRightInfo = 0; fSpeedoEnabled = kFALSE; fSpeedo = 0; fUpdtSpeedo = 0; fSmoothSpeedo = 0; // Make sure we are attached to a good instance if (!proof || !(proof->IsValid())) { Error("TProofProgressDialog", "proof instance is invalid (%p, %s): protocol error?", proof, (proof && !(proof->IsValid())) ? "invalid" : "undef"); return; } // Have to save this information here, in case gProof is dead when // the logs are requested fSessionUrl = (proof && proof->GetManager()) ? proof->GetManager()->GetUrl() : ""; // SVN version run by the master TSlave *mst = (TSlave *) proof->GetListOfActiveSlaves()->First(); if (mst) { TString vrs = mst->GetROOTVersion(); Ssiz_t ib = vrs.Index("|"), from = ib + 2; if (ib != kNPOS) { TString svnr; // Strip of also the 'r' in front of the number // coverity[unchecked_value] vrs.Tokenize(svnr, from, "|"); if (svnr.IsDigit()) { if (gDebug) Info("TProofProgressDialog", "svn revision run by the master: %s", svnr.Data()); fSVNRev = svnr.Atoi(); } else { Info("TProofProgressDialog", "could not find svn revision run by the master"); } } else if (gDebug) { Info("TProofProgressDialog", "non-standard master version string:'%s'", vrs.Data()); } } else { Warning("TProofProgressDialog", "list of active workers is empty!"); } if (PPD_SRV_NEWER(25)) { fRatePoints = new TNtuple("RateNtuple","Rate progress info","tm:evr:mbr:act:tos:efs"); } else if (PPD_SRV_NEWER(11)) { fRatePoints = new TNtuple("RateNtuple","Rate progress info","tm:evr:mbr"); } fDialog = new TGTransientFrame(0, 0, 10, 10); fDialog->Connect("CloseWindow()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoClose()"); fDialog->DontCallClose(); fDialog->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); //======================================================================================= TGHorizontalFrame *hf4 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fDialog, 100, 100); TGVerticalFrame *vf4 = new TGVerticalFrame(hf4, 100, 100); // Title label TString buf; buf.Form("Executing on PROOF cluster \"%s\" with %d parallel workers:", fProof ? fProof->GetMaster() : "", fProof ? fProof->GetParallel() : 0); fTitleLab = new TGLabel(vf4, buf); fTitleLab->SetTextJustify(kTextTop | kTextLeft); vf4->AddFrame(fTitleLab, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 5, 0)); buf.Form("Selector: %s", selector); fSelector = new TGLabel(vf4, buf); fSelector->SetTextJustify(kTextTop | kTextLeft); vf4->AddFrame(fSelector, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 5, 0)); buf.Form("%d files, number of events %lld, starting event %lld", fFiles, fEntries, fFirst); fFilesEvents = new TGLabel(vf4, buf); fFilesEvents->SetTextJustify(kTextTop | kTextLeft); vf4->AddFrame(fFilesEvents, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 5, 0)); // Progress bar fBar = new TGHProgressBar(vf4, TGProgressBar::kFancy, 200); fBar->SetBarColor("green"); fBar->UsePercent(); fBar->ShowPos(kTRUE); vf4->AddFrame(fBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 5, 5)); // Status labels if (PPD_SRV_NEWER(11)) { TGHorizontalFrame *hf0 = new TGHorizontalFrame(vf4, 0, 0); TGCompositeFrame *cf0 = new TGCompositeFrame(hf0, 110, 0, kFixedWidth); cf0->AddFrame(new TGLabel(cf0, "Initialization time:")); hf0->AddFrame(cf0); fInit = new TGLabel(hf0, "- secs"); fInit->SetTextJustify(kTextTop | kTextLeft); hf0->AddFrame(fInit, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 0, 0)); vf4->AddFrame(hf0, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 5, 0)); } TGHorizontalFrame *hf1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(vf4, 0, 0); TGCompositeFrame *cf1 = new TGCompositeFrame(hf1, 110, 0, kFixedWidth); fTimeLab = new TGLabel(cf1, "Estimated time left:"); fTimeLab->SetTextJustify(kTextTop | kTextLeft); cf1->AddFrame(fTimeLab, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft)); hf1->AddFrame(cf1); fEstim = new TGLabel(hf1, "- sec"); fEstim->SetTextJustify(kTextTop | kTextLeft); hf1->AddFrame(fEstim, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 0, 0)); vf4->AddFrame(hf1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 5, 0)); hf1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(vf4, 0, 0); cf1 = new TGCompositeFrame(hf1, 110, 0, kFixedWidth); fProcessed = new TGLabel(cf1, "Processing status:"); fProcessed->SetTextJustify(kTextTop | kTextLeft); cf1->AddFrame(fProcessed, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft)); hf1->AddFrame(cf1); fTotal= new TGLabel(hf1, "- / - events"); fTotal->SetTextJustify(kTextTop | kTextLeft); hf1->AddFrame(fTotal, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 0, 0)); vf4->AddFrame(hf1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 5, 0)); TGHorizontalFrame *hf2 = new TGHorizontalFrame(vf4, 0, 0); TGCompositeFrame *cf2 = new TGCompositeFrame(hf2, 110, 0, kFixedWidth); cf2->AddFrame(new TGLabel(cf2, "Processing rate:")); hf2->AddFrame(cf2); fRate = new TGLabel(hf2, "- events/sec \n"); fRate->SetTextJustify(kTextTop | kTextLeft); hf2->AddFrame(fRate, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 0, 0)); vf4->AddFrame(hf2, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 10, 10, 5, 0)); // Keep toggle button fKeepToggle = new TGCheckButton(vf4, new TGHotString("Close dialog when processing is complete")); if (!fKeep) fKeepToggle->SetState(kButtonDown); fKeepToggle->Connect("Toggled(Bool_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoKeep(Bool_t)"); vf4->AddFrame(fKeepToggle, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom, 10, 10, 10, 5)); hf4->AddFrame(vf4, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandY | kLHintsExpandX)); TGVerticalFrame *vf51 = new TGVerticalFrame(hf4, 20, 20); Int_t enablespeedo = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.EnableSpeedo", 0); if (enablespeedo) fSpeedoEnabled = kTRUE; fSpeedo = new TGSpeedo(vf51, 0.0, 1.0, "", " Ev/s"); if (fSpeedoEnabled) { fSpeedo->Connect("OdoClicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "ToggleOdometerInfos()"); fSpeedo->Connect("LedClicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "ToggleThreshold()"); } vf51->AddFrame(fSpeedo); fSpeedo->SetDisplayText("Init Time", "[ms]"); fSpeedo->EnablePeakMark(); fSpeedo->SetThresholds(0.0, 25.0, 50.0); fSpeedo->SetThresholdColors(TGSpeedo::kRed, TGSpeedo::kOrange, TGSpeedo::kGreen); fSpeedo->SetOdoValue(0); fSpeedo->EnableMeanMark(); fSmoothSpeedo = new TGCheckButton(vf51, new TGHotString("Smooth speedometer update")); if (fSpeedoEnabled) { fSmoothSpeedo->SetState(kButtonDown); fSmoothSpeedo->SetToolTipText("Control smoothness in refreshing the speedo"); } else { fSmoothSpeedo->SetToolTipText("Speedo refreshing is disabled"); fSmoothSpeedo->SetState(kButtonDisabled); } vf51->AddFrame(fSmoothSpeedo, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsCenterX, 0, 0, 5, 0)); hf4->AddFrame(vf51, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom, 5, 5, 5, 5)); fDialog->AddFrame(hf4, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX, 5, 5, 5, 5)); //========================================================================================== // Stop, cancel and close buttons TGHorizontalFrame *hf3 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fDialog, 60, 20); UInt_t nb1 = 0, width1 = 0, height1 = 0; fAsyn = new TGTextButton(hf3, "&Run in background"); if (fProof->GetRemoteProtocol() >= 22 && fProof->IsSync()) { fAsyn->SetToolTipText("Continue running in the background (asynchronous mode), releasing the ROOT prompt"); } else { fAsyn->SetToolTipText("Switch to asynchronous mode disabled: functionality not supported by the server"); fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); } fAsyn->Connect("Clicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoAsyn()"); hf3->AddFrame(fAsyn, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsExpandX, 7, 7, 0, 0)); height1 = TMath::Max(height1, fAsyn->GetDefaultHeight()); width1 = TMath::Max(width1, fAsyn->GetDefaultWidth()); ++nb1; fStop = new TGTextButton(hf3, "&Stop"); fStop->SetToolTipText("Stop processing, Terminate() will be executed"); fStop->Connect("Clicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoStop()"); hf3->AddFrame(fStop, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsExpandX, 7, 7, 0, 0)); height1 = TMath::Max(height1, fStop->GetDefaultHeight()); width1 = TMath::Max(width1, fStop->GetDefaultWidth()); ++nb1; fAbort = new TGTextButton(hf3, "&Cancel"); fAbort->SetToolTipText("Cancel processing, Terminate() will NOT be executed"); fAbort->Connect("Clicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoAbort()"); hf3->AddFrame(fAbort, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsExpandX, 7, 7, 0, 0)); height1 = TMath::Max(height1, fAbort->GetDefaultHeight()); width1 = TMath::Max(width1, fAbort->GetDefaultWidth()); ++nb1; fClose = new TGTextButton(hf3, "&Close"); fClose->SetToolTipText("Close this dialog"); fClose->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fClose->Connect("Clicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoClose()"); hf3->AddFrame(fClose, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsExpandX, 7, 7, 0, 0)); height1 = TMath::Max(height1, fClose->GetDefaultHeight()); width1 = TMath::Max(width1, fClose->GetDefaultWidth()); ++nb1; fDialog->AddFrame(hf3, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX, 5, 5, 5, 5)); TGHorizontalFrame *hf5 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fDialog, 60, 20); fLog = new TGTextButton(hf5, "&Show Logs"); fLog->SetToolTipText("Show query log messages"); fLog->Connect("Clicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoLog()"); hf5->AddFrame(fLog, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsExpandX, 7, 7, 0, 0)); if (PPD_SRV_NEWER(11)) { fRatePlot = new TGTextButton(hf5, "&Performance plot"); fRatePlot->SetToolTipText("Show rates, chunck sizes, cluster activities ... vs time"); fRatePlot->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fRatePlot->Connect("Clicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoPlotRateGraph()"); hf5->AddFrame(fRatePlot, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsExpandX, 7, 7, 0, 0)); } fMemPlot = new TGTextButton(hf5, "&Memory Plot"); fMemPlot->Connect("Clicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoMemoryPlot()"); fMemPlot->SetToolTipText("Show memory consumption vs entry / merging phase"); hf5->AddFrame(fMemPlot, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsExpandX, 7, 7, 0, 0)); fUpdtSpeedo = new TGTextButton(hf5, "&Enable speedometer"); fUpdtSpeedo->Connect("Clicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoEnableSpeedo()"); if (fSpeedoEnabled) { fUpdtSpeedo->ChangeText("&Disable speedometer"); fUpdtSpeedo->SetToolTipText("Disable speedometer"); } else { fUpdtSpeedo->ChangeText("&Enable speedometer"); fUpdtSpeedo->SetToolTipText("Enable speedometer (may have an impact on performance)"); } hf5->AddFrame(fUpdtSpeedo, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsExpandX, 7, 7, 0, 0)); fDialog->AddFrame(hf5, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX, 5, 5, 5, 5)); // Only enable if master supports it if (!PPD_SRV_NEWER(18)) { fMemPlot->SetState(kButtonDisabled); TString tip = TString::Format("Not supported by the master: required protocol 19 > %d", (fProof ? fProof->GetRemoteProtocol() : -1)); fMemPlot->SetToolTipText(tip.Data()); } else { fMemPlot->SetToolTipText("Show memory consumption"); } // Connect slot to proof progress signal if (fProof) { fProof->Connect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)"); fProof->Connect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Connect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Connect("StopProcess(Bool_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "IndicateStop(Bool_t)"); fProof->Connect("ResetProgressDialog(const char*,Int_t,Long64_t,Long64_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "ResetProgressDialog(const char*,Int_t,Long64_t,Long64_t)"); fProof->Connect("CloseProgressDialog()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DoClose()"); fProof->Connect("DisableGoAsyn()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DisableAsyn()"); } // Set dialog title if (fProof) { if (strlen(fProof->GetUser()) > 0) fDialog->SetWindowName(Form("PROOF Query Progress: %s@%s", fProof->GetUser(), fProof->GetMaster())); else fDialog->SetWindowName(Form("PROOF Query Progress: %s", fProof->GetMaster())); } else fDialog->SetWindowName("PROOF Query Progress: "); // Map all widgets and calculate size of dialog fDialog->MapSubwindows(); fDialog->Resize(fDialog->GetDefaultSize()); const TGWindow *main = gClient->GetRoot(); // Position relative to the parent window (which is the root window) Window_t wdum; int ax, ay; Int_t mw = ((TGFrame *) main)->GetWidth(); Int_t mh = ((TGFrame *) main)->GetHeight(); Int_t width = fDialog->GetDefaultWidth(); Int_t height = fDialog->GetDefaultHeight(); gVirtualX->TranslateCoordinates(main->GetId(), main->GetId(), (mw - width), (mh - height) >> 1, ax, ay, wdum); // Make the message box non-resizable fDialog->SetWMSize(width, height); fDialog->SetWMSizeHints(width, height, width, height, 0, 0); fDialog->SetMWMHints(kMWMDecorAll | kMWMDecorResizeH | kMWMDecorMaximize | kMWMDecorMinimize | kMWMDecorMenu, kMWMFuncAll | kMWMFuncResize | kMWMFuncMaximize | kMWMFuncMinimize, kMWMInputModeless); fDialog->Move(ax-10, ay - mh/4); fDialog->SetWMPosition(ax-10, ay - mh/4); // Popup dialog and wait till user replies fDialog->MapWindow(); fStartTime = gSystem->Now(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::ToggleOdometerInfos() { // Toggle information displayed in Analog Meter if (fRightInfo < 1) fRightInfo++; else fRightInfo = 0; if (fRightInfo == 0) { fSpeedo->SetDisplayText("Init Time", "[ms]"); fSpeedo->SetOdoValue((Int_t)(fInitTime * 1000.0)); } else if (fRightInfo == 1) { fSpeedo->SetDisplayText("Proc Time", "[ms]"); fSpeedo->SetOdoValue((Int_t)(fProcTime * 1000.0)); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::ToggleThreshold() { if (fSpeedo->IsThresholdActive()) { fSpeedo->DisableThreshold(); fSpeedo->Glow(TGSpeedo::kNoglow); } else fSpeedo->EnableThreshold(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::ResetProgressDialog(const char *selec, Int_t files, Long64_t first, Long64_t entries) { // Reset dialog box preparing for new query TString buf; // Update title buf.Form("Executing on PROOF cluster \"%s\" with %d parallel workers:", fProof ? fProof->GetMaster() : "", fProof ? fProof->GetParallel() : 0); fTitleLab->SetText(buf); // Reset members fFiles = files; fFirst = first; fEntries = entries; fPrevProcessed = 0; fPrevTotal = 0; fStatus = kRunning; // Update selector name buf.Form("Selector: %s", selec); fSelector->SetText(buf); // Reset 'estim' and 'processed' text fTimeLab->SetText("Estimated time left:"); fProcessed->SetText("Processing status:"); // Update numbers buf.Form("%d files, number of events %lld, starting event %lld", fFiles, fEntries, fFirst); fFilesEvents->SetText(buf); // Reset progress bar fBar->SetBarColor("green"); fBar->Reset(); // Reset speedo fSpeedo->SetMinMaxScale(0.0, 1.0); fSpeedo->SetMeanValue(0.0); fSpeedo->ResetPeakVal(); // Reset buttons fStop->SetState(kButtonUp); fAbort->SetState(kButtonUp); fClose->SetState(kButtonDisabled); if (fProof && fProof->IsSync() && fProof->GetRemoteProtocol() >= 22) { fAsyn->SetState(kButtonUp); } else { fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); } // Reconnect the slots if (fProof) { fProof->Connect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)"); fProof->Connect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Connect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Connect("StopProcess(Bool_t)", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "IndicateStop(Bool_t)"); fProof->Connect("DisableGoAsyn()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "DisableAsyn()"); } // Reset start time fStartTime = gSystem->Now(); // Clear the list of performances points if (PPD_SRV_NEWER(11)) fRatePoints->Reset(); SafeDelete(fRateGraph); SafeDelete(fMBRtGraph); SafeDelete(fActWGraph); SafeDelete(fTotSGraph); SafeDelete(fEffSGraph); fAvgRate = 0.; fAvgMBRate = 0.; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed) { // Update progress bar and status labels. // Use "processed == total" or "processed < 0" to indicate end of processing. Long_t tt; UInt_t hh=0, mm=0, ss=0; TString buf; TString stm; static const char *cproc[] = { "running", "done", "STOPPED", "ABORTED", "***EVENTS SKIPPED***"}; // Update title buf.Form("Executing on PROOF cluster \"%s\" with %d parallel workers:", fProof ? fProof->GetMaster() : "", fProof ? fProof->GetParallel() : 0); fTitleLab->SetText(buf); if (total < 0) total = fPrevTotal; else fPrevTotal = total; // Nothing to update if (fPrevProcessed == processed) return; // Number of processed events Long64_t evproc = (processed >= 0) ? processed : fPrevProcessed; if (fEntries != total) { fEntries = total; buf.Form("%d files, number of events %lld, starting event %lld", fFiles, fEntries, fFirst); fFilesEvents->SetText(buf); } // Update position Float_t pos = Float_t(Double_t(evproc * 100)/Double_t(total)); fBar->SetPosition(pos); // get current time fEndTime = gSystem->Now(); TTime tdiff = fEndTime - fStartTime; Float_t eta = 0; if (evproc > 0) eta = ((Float_t)((Long64_t)tdiff)*total/Float_t(evproc) - Long64_t(tdiff))/1000.; if (processed >= 0 && processed >= total) { tt = (Long_t)Long64_t(tdiff)/1000; if (tt > 0) { hh = (UInt_t)(tt / 3600); mm = (UInt_t)((tt % 3600) / 60); ss = (UInt_t)((tt % 3600) % 60); } if (hh) stm.Form("%d h %d min %d sec", hh, mm, ss); else if (mm) stm.Form("%d min %d sec", mm, ss); else stm.Form("%d sec", ss); fProcessed->SetText("Processed:"); buf.Form("%lld events in %s\n", total, stm.Data()); fTotal->SetText(buf); fEstim->SetText("0 sec"); if (fProof) { fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("StopProcess(Bool_t)", this, "IndicateStop(Bool_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("DisableGoAsyn()", this, "DisableAsyn()"); } // Set button state fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fStop->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fAbort->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fClose->SetState(kButtonUp); if (!fKeep) DoClose(); // Set the status to done fStatus = kDone; } else { // A negative value for process indicates that we are finished, // no matter whether the processing was complete Bool_t incomplete = (processed < 0 && (fPrevProcessed < total || fPrevProcessed == 0)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (incomplete) { fStatus = kIncomplete; // We use a different color to highlight incompletion fBar->SetBarColor("magenta"); } tt = (Long_t)eta; if (tt > 0) { hh = (UInt_t)(tt / 3600); mm = (UInt_t)((tt % 3600) / 60); ss = (UInt_t)((tt % 3600) % 60); } if (hh) stm.Form("%d h %d min %d sec", hh, mm, ss); else if (mm) stm.Form("%d min %d sec", mm, ss); else stm.Form("%d sec", ss); fEstim->SetText(stm.Data()); buf.Form("%lld / %lld events", evproc, total); if (fStatus > kDone) { buf += TString::Format(" - %s", cproc[fStatus]); } fTotal->SetText(buf); buf.Form("%.1f events/sec\n", Float_t(evproc)/Long64_t(tdiff)*1000.); fRate->SetText(buf); if (processed < 0) { // And we disable the buttons fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fStop->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fAbort->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fClose->SetState(kButtonUp); // Set the status to done fStatus = kDone; } } fPrevProcessed = evproc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread, Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime, Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti, Int_t actw, Int_t tses, Float_t eses) { // Update progress bar and status labels. // Use "processed == total" or "processed < 0" to indicate end of processing. Double_t BinLow, BinHigh; Int_t nbins; Long_t tt; UInt_t hh=0, mm=0, ss=0; TString buf; TString stm; static const char *cproc[] = { "running", "done", "STOPPED", "ABORTED", "***EVENTS SKIPPED***"}; // Update title buf.Form("Executing on PROOF cluster \"%s\" with %d parallel workers:", fProof ? fProof->GetMaster() : "", fProof ? fProof->GetParallel() : 0); fTitleLab->SetText(buf); if (initTime >= 0.) { // Set init time fInitTime = initTime; buf.Form("%.1f secs", initTime); fInit->SetText(buf); if (fSpeedoEnabled && fRightInfo == 0) fSpeedo->SetOdoValue((Int_t)(fInitTime * 1000.0)); } Bool_t over = kFALSE; if (total < 0) { total = fPrevTotal; over = kTRUE; } else { fPrevTotal = total; } // Show proc time by default when switching from init to proc if (processed > 0 && fPrevProcessed <= 0) while (fRightInfo != 1) ToggleOdometerInfos(); // Nothing to update if (fPrevProcessed == processed) return; // Number of processed events Long64_t evproc = (processed >= 0) ? processed : fPrevProcessed; Float_t mbsproc = bytesread / TMath::Power(2.,20.); if (fEntries != total) { fEntries = total; buf.Form("%d files, number of events %lld, starting event %lld", fFiles, fEntries, fFirst); fFilesEvents->SetText(buf); } // Update position Float_t pos = Float_t(Double_t(evproc * 100)/Double_t(total)); fBar->SetPosition(pos); Float_t eta = 0; if (evproc > 0 && procTime > 0.) eta = (Float_t) (total - evproc) / (Double_t)evproc * procTime; // Update average rates if (procTime > 0.) { fProcTime = procTime; fAvgRate = Float_t(evproc) / procTime; fAvgMBRate = mbsproc / procTime; } if (fSpeedoEnabled) { if (fRightInfo == 0) fSpeedo->SetOdoValue((Int_t)(fInitTime * 1000.0)); else if (fRightInfo == 1) fSpeedo->SetOdoValue((Int_t)(fProcTime * 1000.0)); } if (over || (processed >= 0 && processed >= total)) { // A negative value for process indicates that we are finished, // no matter whether the processing was complete Bool_t incomplete = (processed < 0 && (fPrevProcessed < total || fPrevProcessed == 0)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; TString st = ""; if (incomplete) { fStatus = kIncomplete; // We use a different color to highlight incompletion fBar->SetBarColor("magenta"); st = TString::Format(" %s", cproc[fStatus]); } tt = (Long_t)fProcTime; if (tt > 0) { hh = (UInt_t)(tt / 3600); mm = (UInt_t)((tt % 3600) / 60); ss = (UInt_t)((tt % 3600) % 60); } if (hh) stm.Form("%d h %d min %d sec", hh, mm, ss); else if (mm) stm.Form("%d min %d sec", mm, ss); else stm.Form("%d sec", ss); fProcessed->SetText("Processed:"); TString sf("MB"); Float_t xb = fAvgMBRate*fProcTime; xb = AdjustBytes(xb, sf); buf.Form("%lld events (%.2f %s)\n", std::max(fPrevProcessed, processed), xb, sf.Data()); fTotal->SetText(buf); buf.Form("%s %s\n", stm.Data(), st.Data()); fTimeLab->SetText("Processing time:"); fEstim->SetText(buf); buf.Form("%.1f evts/sec (%.1f MB/sec)\n", fAvgRate, fAvgMBRate); fRate->SetText(buf); // Fill rate graph Bool_t useAvg = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.RatePlotUseAvg", 0); if (useAvg) { if (fAvgRate > 0.) { fRatePoints->Fill(procTime, fAvgRate, fAvgMBRate); fRatePlot->SetState(kButtonUp); } } else { if (evtrti > 0.) { fRatePoints->Fill(procTime, evtrti, mbrti, (Float_t)actw, (Float_t)tses, eses); fRatePlot->SetState(kButtonUp); } } if (fProof) { fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("StopProcess(Bool_t)", this, "IndicateStop(Bool_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("DisableGoAsyn()", this, "DisableAsyn()"); } // Set button state fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fStop->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fAbort->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fClose->SetState(kButtonUp); if (fSmoothSpeedo->GetState() == kButtonDown) fSpeedo->SetScaleValue(0.0, 0); else fSpeedo->SetScaleValue(0.0); fSpeedo->Glow(TGSpeedo::kNoglow); if (!fKeep) DoClose(); // Set the status to done fStatus = kDone; } else { // A negative value for process indicates that we are finished, // no matter whether the processing was complete Bool_t incomplete = (processed < 0 && (fPrevProcessed < total || fPrevProcessed == 0)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (incomplete) { fStatus = kIncomplete; // We use a different color to highlight incompletion fBar->SetBarColor("magenta"); } tt = (Long_t)eta; if (tt > 0) { hh = (UInt_t)(tt / 3600); mm = (UInt_t)((tt % 3600) / 60); ss = (UInt_t)((tt % 3600) % 60); } if (hh) stm.Form("%d h %d min %d sec", hh, mm, ss); else if (mm) stm.Form("%d min %d sec", mm, ss); else stm.Form("%d sec", ss); fEstim->SetText(stm.Data()); TString sf("MB"); Float_t xb = AdjustBytes(mbsproc, sf); buf.Form("%lld / %lld events - %.2f %s", evproc, total, xb, sf.Data()); if (fStatus > kDone) { buf += TString::Format(" - %s", cproc[fStatus]); } fTotal->SetText(buf); // Post if (evtrti > 0.) { buf.Form("%.1f evts/sec \navg: %.1f evts/sec (%.1f MB/sec)", evtrti, fAvgRate, fAvgMBRate); fRatePoints->Fill(procTime, evtrti, mbrti, (Float_t)actw, (Float_t)tses, eses); fRatePlot->SetState(kButtonUp); if (fSpeedoEnabled) { if (evtrti > fSpeedo->GetScaleMax()) { nbins = 4; BinLow = fSpeedo->GetScaleMin(); BinHigh = 1.5 * evtrti; THLimitsFinder::OptimizeLimits(4, nbins, BinLow, BinHigh, kFALSE); fSpeedo->SetMinMaxScale(fSpeedo->GetScaleMin(), BinHigh); } if (fSmoothSpeedo->GetState() == kButtonDown) fSpeedo->SetScaleValue(evtrti, 0); else fSpeedo->SetScaleValue(evtrti); fSpeedo->SetMeanValue(fAvgRate); } } else { buf.Form("avg: %.1f evts/sec (%.1f MB/sec)", fAvgRate, fAvgMBRate); } fRate->SetText(buf); if (processed < 0) { // And we disable the buttons fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fStop->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fAbort->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fClose->SetState(kButtonUp); if (fSpeedoEnabled) { if (fSmoothSpeedo->GetState() == kButtonDown) fSpeedo->SetScaleValue(0.0, 0); else fSpeedo->SetScaleValue(0.0); fSpeedo->Glow(TGSpeedo::kNoglow); } // Set the status to done fStatus = kDone; } } fPrevProcessed = evproc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TProofProgressDialog::AdjustBytes(Float_t mbs, TString &sf) { // Transform MBs to GBs ot TBs and get the correct suffix Float_t xb = mbs; sf = "MB"; if (xb > 1024.) { xb = xb / 1024.; sf = "GB"; } if (xb > 1024.) { xb = xb / 1024.; sf = "TB"; } // Done return xb; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TProofProgressDialog::~TProofProgressDialog() { // Cleanup dialog. if (fProof) { fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("StopProcess(Bool_t)", this, "IndicateStop(Bool_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("DisableGoAsyn()", this, "DisableAsyn()"); fProof->Disconnect("ResetProgressDialog(const char*,Int_t,Long64_t,Long64_t)", this, "ResetProgressDialog(const char*,Int_t,Long64_t,Long64_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("CloseProgressDialog()", this, "CloseProgressDialog()"); fProof->ResetProgressDialogStatus(); // We are called after a TProofDetach: we delete the instance if (!fProof->IsValid()) SafeDelete(fProof); } if (fLogWindow) delete fLogWindow; if (fMemWindow) delete fMemWindow; fDialog->Cleanup(); delete fDialog; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::CloseWindow() { // Called when dialog is closed. delete this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DisableAsyn() { // Disable the asyn switch when an external request for going asynchronous is issued fProof->Disconnect("DisableGoAsyn()", this, "DisableAsyn()"); fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::IndicateStop(Bool_t aborted) { // Indicate that Cancel or Stop was clicked. if (aborted == kTRUE) fBar->SetBarColor("red"); else fBar->SetBarColor("yellow"); if (fProof) { fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)", this, "Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t,Long64_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Float_t,Int_t,Int_t,Float_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("StopProcess(Bool_t)", this, "IndicateStop(Bool_t)"); fProof->Disconnect("DisableGoAsyn()", this, "DisableAsyn()"); // These buttons are meaningless at this point fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fStop->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fAbort->SetState(kButtonDisabled); } fClose->SetState(kButtonUp); if (!fKeep) DoClose(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::LogMessage(const char *msg, Bool_t all) { // Load/append a log msg in the log frame, if open if (fLogWindow) { if (all) { // load buffer fLogWindow->LoadBuffer(msg); } else { // append fLogWindow->AddBuffer(msg); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoClose() { // Close dialog. fClose->SetState(kButtonDisabled); TTimer::SingleShot(50, "TProofProgressDialog", this, "CloseWindow()"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoLog() { // Ask proof session for logs if (fProof) { if (!fLogWindow) { fLogWindow = new TProofProgressLog(this); if (!fLogWindow->TestBit(TObject::kInvalidObject)) fLogWindow->DoLog(); } else { // Clear window if (!fLogWindow->TestBit(TObject::kInvalidObject)) { fLogWindow->Clear(); fLogWindow->DoLog(); } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoKeep(Bool_t) { // Handle keep toggle button. fKeep = !fKeep; // Last choice will be the default for the future fgKeepDefault = fKeep; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoSetLogQuery(Bool_t) { // Handle log-current-query-only toggle button. fLogQuery = !fLogQuery; fEntry->SetEnabled(fLogQuery); if (fLogQuery) fEntry->SetToolTipText("Enter the query number ('last' for the last query)",50); else fEntry->SetToolTipText(0); // Last choice will be the default for the future fgLogQueryDefault = fLogQuery; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoStop() { // Handle Stop button. // Do not wait for ever, but al least 10 seconds Long_t timeout = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.ShutdownTimeout", 60) / 2; timeout = (timeout > 10) ? timeout : 10; fProof->StopProcess(kFALSE, timeout); fStatus = kStopped; // Set buttons states fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fStop->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fAbort->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fClose->SetState(kButtonUp); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoAbort() { // Handle Cancel button. fProof->StopProcess(kTRUE); fStatus = kAborted; // Set buttons states fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fStop->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fAbort->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fClose->SetState(kButtonUp); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoAsyn() { // Handle Asyn button. fProof->GoAsynchronous(); // Set buttons states fAsyn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoPlotRateGraph() { // Handle Plot Rate Graph. // We must have some point to plot if (!fRatePoints || fRatePoints->GetEntries() <= 0) { Info("DoPlotRateGraph","list is empty!"); return; } // Fill the graphs Int_t np = (Int_t)fRatePoints->GetEntries(); Double_t eymx = -1., bymx = -1., wymx = -1., tymx=-1., symx = -1.; SafeDelete(fRateGraph); SafeDelete(fMBRtGraph); SafeDelete(fActWGraph); SafeDelete(fTotSGraph); SafeDelete(fEffSGraph); fRateGraph = new TGraph(np); fMBRtGraph = new TGraph(np); if (PPD_SRV_NEWER(25)) { fActWGraph = new TGraph(np); fTotSGraph = new TGraph(np); fEffSGraph = new TGraph(np); } Float_t *nar = fRatePoints->GetArgs(); Int_t ii = 0; for ( ; ii < np; ++ii) { fRatePoints->GetEntry(ii); if (!(nar[1] > 0.)) continue; // Evts/s fRateGraph->SetPoint(ii, (Double_t) nar[0], (Double_t) nar[1]); eymx = (nar[1] > eymx) ? nar[1] : eymx; // MBs/s fMBRtGraph->SetPoint(ii, (Double_t) nar[0], (Double_t) nar[2]); bymx = (nar[2] > bymx) ? nar[2] : bymx; // Active workers if (PPD_SRV_NEWER(25)) { fActWGraph->SetPoint(ii, (Double_t) nar[0], (Double_t) nar[3]); wymx = (nar[3] > wymx) ? nar[3] : wymx; } // Sessions info if (PPD_SRV_NEWER(25)) { fTotSGraph->SetPoint(ii, (Double_t) nar[0], (Double_t) nar[4]); tymx = (nar[4] > tymx) ? nar[4] : tymx; fEffSGraph->SetPoint(ii, (Double_t) nar[0], (Double_t) nar[5]); symx = (nar[5] > symx) ? nar[5] : symx; } } // Pad numbering Int_t npads = 4; Int_t kEvrt = 1; Int_t kMBrt = 2; Int_t kActW = 3; Int_t kSess = 4; if (bymx <= 0.) { SafeDelete(fMBRtGraph); npads--; kActW--; kSess--; } if (wymx <= 0.) { SafeDelete(fActWGraph); npads--; kSess--; } // Plot only if more than one active session during the query if (tymx <= 1.) { SafeDelete(fTotSGraph); SafeDelete(fEffSGraph); npads--; kSess--; } if (tymx <= 0.) SafeDelete(fTotSGraph); if (symx <= 0.) SafeDelete(fEffSGraph); // Create a canvas Int_t jsz = 200*npads; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Rate vs Time",200,10,700,jsz); c1->SetFillColor(0); c1->SetGrid(); c1->SetBorderMode(0); c1->SetFrameBorderMode(0); // Padding c1->Divide(1, npads); // Event Rate plot TPad *cpad = (TPad *) c1->GetPad(kEvrt); if (cpad) { cpad->cd(); cpad->SetFillColor(0); cpad->SetBorderMode(20); cpad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); } fRateGraph->SetMinimum(0.); fRateGraph->SetMaximum(eymx*1.1); fRateGraph->SetLineColor(50); fRateGraph->SetLineWidth(2); fRateGraph->SetMarkerColor(38); fRateGraph->SetMarkerStyle(25); fRateGraph->SetMarkerSize(0.8); fRateGraph->SetTitle("Processing rate (evts/sec)"); fRateGraph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("elapsed time (sec)"); fRateGraph->Draw("ALP"); // Line with average TLine *line = new TLine(fRateGraph->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),fAvgRate, fRateGraph->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),fAvgRate); line->SetLineColor(8); line->SetLineStyle(2); line->SetLineWidth(2); line->Draw(); // Label Double_t xax0 = fRateGraph->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Double_t xax1 = fRateGraph->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); Double_t yax0 = 0.; Double_t yax1 = eymx*1.1; Double_t x0 = xax0 + 0.05 * (xax1 - xax0); Double_t x1 = xax0 + 0.60 * (xax1 - xax0); Double_t y0 = yax0 + 0.10 * (yax1 - yax0); Double_t y1 = yax0 + 0.20 * (yax1 - yax0); TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(x0, y0, x1, y1, "br"); pt->SetFillColor(0); pt->AddText(Form("Global average: %.2f evts/sec", fAvgRate)); pt->Draw(); // MB Rate plot if (fMBRtGraph) { cpad = (TPad *) c1->GetPad(kMBrt); if (cpad) { cpad->cd(); cpad->SetFillColor(0); cpad->SetBorderMode(0); cpad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); } fMBRtGraph->SetFillColor(38); TH1F *graph2 = new TH1F("graph2","Average read chunck size (MBs/request)",100, fRateGraph->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),fRateGraph->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); graph2->SetMinimum(0); graph2->SetMaximum(1.1*bymx); graph2->SetDirectory(0); graph2->SetStats(0); graph2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("elapsed time (sec)"); fMBRtGraph->SetHistogram(graph2); fMBRtGraph->Draw("AB"); } // MB Rate plot if (fActWGraph) { cpad = (TPad *) c1->GetPad(kActW); if (cpad) { cpad->cd(); cpad->SetFillColor(0); cpad->SetBorderMode(0); cpad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); } fActWGraph->SetMinimum(0.); fActWGraph->SetMaximum(wymx*1.1); fActWGraph->SetLineColor(50); fActWGraph->SetLineWidth(2); fActWGraph->SetMarkerColor(38); fActWGraph->SetMarkerStyle(25); fActWGraph->SetMarkerSize(0.8); fActWGraph->SetTitle("Active workers"); fActWGraph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("elapsed time (sec)"); fActWGraph->Draw("ALP"); } // MB Rate plot if (fTotSGraph) { cpad = (TPad *) c1->GetPad(kSess); if (cpad) { cpad->cd(); cpad->SetFillColor(0); cpad->SetBorderMode(0); cpad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); } fTotSGraph->SetMinimum(0.); fTotSGraph->SetMaximum(tymx*1.1); fTotSGraph->SetLineColor(50); fTotSGraph->SetLineWidth(2); fTotSGraph->SetMarkerColor(38); fTotSGraph->SetMarkerStyle(25); fTotSGraph->SetMarkerSize(0.8); fTotSGraph->SetTitle("Active, Effective sessions"); fTotSGraph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("elapsed time (sec)"); fTotSGraph->Draw("ALP"); // Effective sessions if (fEffSGraph) { fEffSGraph->SetMinimum(0.); fEffSGraph->SetMaximum(tymx*1.1); fEffSGraph->SetLineColor(38); fEffSGraph->SetLineWidth(2); fEffSGraph->SetMarkerColor(50); fEffSGraph->SetMarkerStyle(21); fEffSGraph->SetMarkerSize(0.6); fEffSGraph->Draw("SLP"); } } c1->Modified(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoMemoryPlot() { // Do a memory plot if (!fMemWindow) { fMemWindow = new TProofProgressMemoryPlot(this, 500, 300); fMemWindow->DoPlot(); } else { // Clear window fMemWindow->Clear(); fMemWindow->DoPlot(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofProgressDialog::DoEnableSpeedo() { // Enable/Disable speedometer if (!fSpeedoEnabled) { // Enable and connect fSpeedoEnabled = kTRUE; fSpeedo->Connect("OdoClicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "ToggleOdometerInfos()"); fSpeedo->Connect("LedClicked()", "TProofProgressDialog", this, "ToggleThreshold()"); fUpdtSpeedo->ChangeText("&Disable speedometer"); fUpdtSpeedo->SetToolTipText("Disable speedometer"); fSmoothSpeedo->SetState(kButtonDown); fSmoothSpeedo->SetToolTipText("Control smoothness in refreshing the speedo"); } else { // Disable and disconnect fSpeedoEnabled = kFALSE; // Reset speedo fSpeedo->SetScaleValue(0); fUpdtSpeedo->ChangeText("&Enable speedometer"); fUpdtSpeedo->SetToolTipText("Enable speedometer (may have an impact on performance)"); fSmoothSpeedo->SetToolTipText("Speedo refreshing is disabled"); fSmoothSpeedo->SetState(kButtonDisabled); } }