// @(#)root/hbook:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 18/02/2002 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2002, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This class is an interface to the Hbook objects in Hbook files // Any Hbook object (1-D, 2-D, Profile, RWN or CWN can be read // NB: a THbookFile can only be used in READ mode // Use the utility in $ROOTSYS/bin/h2root to convert Hbook to Root // // Example of use: // gSystem->Load("libHbook"); // THbookFile f("myfile.hbook"); // f.ls(); // TH1F *h1 = (TH1F*)f.Get(1); //import histogram ID=1 in h1 // h1->Fit("gaus"); // THbookTree *T = (THbookTree*)f.Get(111); //import ntuple header // T->Print(); //show the Hbook ntuple variables // T->Draw("x","y<0"); // as in normal TTree::Draw // // THbookFile can be browsed via TBrowser. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "THbookFile.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "THbookTree.h" #include "THbookBranch.h" #include "THbookKey.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TTreeFormula.h" #include "TLeafI.h" #include "TBrowser.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TMath.h" #define PAWC_SIZE 2000000 // Define the names of the Fortran common blocks for the different OSs #ifndef WIN32 # define pawc pawc_ # define quest quest_ # define hcbits hcbits_ # define hcbook hcbook_ # define rzcl rzcl_ int pawc[PAWC_SIZE]; int quest[100]; int hcbits[37]; int hcbook[51]; int rzcl[11]; #else # define pawc PAWC # define quest QUEST # define hcbits HCBITS # define hcbook HCBOOK # define rzcl RZCL extern "C" int pawc[PAWC_SIZE]; extern "C" int quest[100]; extern "C" int hcbits[37]; extern "C" int hcbook[51]; extern "C" int rzcl[11]; #endif int *iq, *lq; float *q; char idname[128]; int nentries; char chtitl[128]; int ncx,ncy,nwt,idb; int lcont, lcid, lcdir, ltab; float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; const Int_t kNRH = 6; const Int_t kMIN1 = 7; const Int_t kMAX1 = 8; static Int_t gLastEntry = -1; // Define the names of the Fortran subroutine and functions for the different OSs #ifndef WIN32 # define hlimit hlimit_ # define hldir hldir_ # define hropen hropen_ # define hrend hrend_ # define hrin hrin_ # define hnoent hnoent_ # define hgive hgive_ # define hgiven hgiven_ # define hgnpar hgnpar_ # define hgnf hgnf_ # define hgnt hgnt_ # define hgntf hgntf_ # define hgnt1 hgnt1_ # define rzink rzink_ # define hdcofl hdcofl_ # define hmaxim hmaxim_ # define hminim hminim_ # define hdelet hdelet_ # define hntvar2 hntvar2_ # define hntvar3 hntvar3_ # define hbname hbname_ # define hbnamc hbnamc_ # define hbnam hbnam_ # define hi hi_ # define hie hie_ # define hif hif_ # define hij hij_ # define hix hix_ # define hijxy hijxy_ # define hije hije_ # define hcdir hcdir_ # define type_of_call # define DEFCHAR const char* # define PASSCHAR(string) string #else # define hlimit HLIMIT # define hldir HLDIR # define hropen HROPEN # define hrend HREND # define hrin HRIN # define hnoent HNOENT # define hgive HGIVE # define hgiven HGIVEN # define hgnpar HGNPAR # define hgnf HGNF # define hgnt HGNT # define hgntf HGNTF # define hgnt1 HGNT1 # define rzink RZINK # define hdcofl HDCOFL # define hmaxim HMAXIM # define hminim HMINIM # define hdelet HDELET # define hntvar2 HNTVAR2 # define hntvar3 HNTVAR3 # define hbname HBNAME # define hbnamc HBNAMC # define hbnam HBNAM # define hi HI # define hie HIE # define hif HIF # define hij HIJ # define hix HIX # define hijxy HIJXY # define hije HIJE # define hcdir HCDIR # define type_of_call _stdcall # define DEFCHAR const char*, const int # define PASSCHAR(string) string, strlen(string) #endif extern "C" void type_of_call hlimit(const int&); #ifndef WIN32 extern "C" void type_of_call hropen(const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR, const int&,const int&,const int,const int,const int); extern "C" void type_of_call hrend(DEFCHAR,const int); #else extern "C" void type_of_call hropen(const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR, const int&,const int&); extern "C" void type_of_call hrend(DEFCHAR); #endif extern "C" void type_of_call hrin(const int&,const int&,const int&); extern "C" void type_of_call hnoent(const int&,const int&); #ifndef WIN32 extern "C" void type_of_call hgive(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,const float&,const float&, const int&,const float&,const float&,const int&,const int&,const int); #else extern "C" void type_of_call hgive(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,const float&,const float&, const int&,const float&,const float&,const int&,const int&); #endif //SUBROUTINE HGNT1(IDD,BLKNA1,VAR,IOFFST,NVAR,IDNEVT,IERROR) #ifndef WIN32 extern "C" void type_of_call hgiven(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,DEFCHAR, const float&,const float&,const int,const int); extern "C" void type_of_call hgnt1(const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,const int&,const int&,const int&,const int&,const int,const int); #else extern "C" void type_of_call hgiven(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,DEFCHAR, const float&,const float&); extern "C" void type_of_call hgnt1(const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,const int&,const int&,const int&,const int&); #endif #ifndef WIN32 extern "C" void type_of_call hntvar2(const int&,const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,const int,const int, const int); extern "C" void type_of_call hntvar3(const int&,const int&,DEFCHAR, const int); #else extern "C" void type_of_call hntvar2(const int&,const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&); extern "C" void type_of_call hntvar3(const int&,const int&,DEFCHAR); #endif #ifndef WIN32 extern "C" void type_of_call hbnam(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,const int, const int); #else extern "C" void type_of_call hbnam(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&); #endif extern "C" void type_of_call hgnpar(const int&,const char *,const int); extern "C" void type_of_call hgnf(const int&,const int&,const float&,const int&); extern "C" void type_of_call hgnt(const int&,const int&,const int&); extern "C" void type_of_call hgntf(const int&,const int&,const int&); extern "C" void type_of_call rzink(const int&,const int&,const char *,const int); extern "C" void type_of_call hdcofl(); extern "C" void type_of_call hmaxim(const int&,const float&); extern "C" void type_of_call hminim(const int&,const float&); extern "C" void type_of_call hdelet(const int&); extern "C" float type_of_call hi(const int&,const int&); extern "C" float type_of_call hie(const int&,const int&); extern "C" float type_of_call hif(const int&,const int&); extern "C" float type_of_call hij(const int&,const int&,const int&); extern "C" void type_of_call hix(const int&,const int&,const float&); extern "C" void type_of_call hijxy(const int&,const int&,const int&,const float&,const float&); extern "C" float type_of_call hije(const int&,const int&,const int&); #ifndef WIN32 extern "C" void type_of_call hcdir(DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR ,const int,const int); extern "C" void type_of_call hldir(DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR ,const int,const int); #else extern "C" void type_of_call hcdir(DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR); extern "C" void type_of_call hldir(DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR); #endif Bool_t THbookFile::fgPawInit = kFALSE; Int_t *THbookFile::fgLuns = 0; R__EXTERN TTree *gTree; ClassImp(THbookFile) //______________________________________________________________________________ THbookFile::THbookFile() : TNamed(),fLun(0),fLrecl(0) { //the constructor fList = new TList(); fKeys = new TList(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ THbookFile::THbookFile(const char *fname, Int_t lrecl) :TNamed(fname,"") { // Constructor for an HBook file object // Initialize the Hbook/Zebra store Int_t i; if (!fgPawInit) { fgPawInit = kTRUE; lq = &pawc[9]; iq = &pawc[17]; void *qq = iq; q = (float*)qq; int pawc_size = PAWC_SIZE; hlimit(pawc_size); fgLuns = new Int_t[10]; for (i=0;i<10;i++) fgLuns[i] = 0; } //find a free logical unit (max 10) fLun = 0; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { if (fgLuns[i] == 0) { fLun = 10+i; fgLuns[i] = 1; break; } } if (fLun == 0) { Error("THbookFile","Too many HbookFiles\n"); return; } char topdir[20]; snprintf(topdir,19,"lun%d",fLun); Int_t ier = 0; #ifndef WIN32 hropen(fLun,PASSCHAR(topdir),PASSCHAR(fname),PASSCHAR("p"),lrecl,ier,strlen(topdir),strlen(fname),1); #else hropen(fLun,PASSCHAR(topdir),PASSCHAR(fname),PASSCHAR("p"),lrecl,ier); #endif fLrecl = lrecl; SetTitle(topdir); snprintf(topdir,19,"//lun%d",fLun); fCurDir = topdir; if (ier) printf (" Error on hropen was %d \n", ier); if (quest[0]) { printf("Error cannot open input file: %s\n",fname); } if (ier || quest[0]) { fgLuns[fLun-10]=0; fLun = 0; fList = 0; fKeys = 0; MakeZombie(); return; } gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(this,fname); fList = new TList(); fKeys = new TList(); for (Int_t key=1;key<1000000;key++) { int z0 = 0; rzink(key,z0,"S",1); if (quest[0]) break; if (quest[13] & 8) continue; Int_t id = quest[20]; THbookKey *akey = new THbookKey(id,this); fKeys->Add(akey); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ THbookFile::~THbookFile() { //destructor if (!fList) return; Close(); delete fList; delete fKeys; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THbookFile::Browse(TBrowser *b) { // to be implemented if( b ) { b->Add(fList, "memory"); b->Add(fKeys, "IDs on disk"); } cd(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t THbookFile::cd(const char *dirname) { // change directory to dirname Int_t nch = strlen(dirname); if (nch == 0) { #ifndef WIN32 hcdir(PASSCHAR(fCurDir.Data()),PASSCHAR(" "),fCurDir.Length(),1); #else hcdir(PASSCHAR(fCurDir.Data()),PASSCHAR(" ")); #endif return kTRUE; } char cdir[512]; Int_t i; for (i=0;i<512;i++) cdir[i] = ' '; cdir[511] = 0; #ifndef WIN32 hcdir(PASSCHAR(dirname),PASSCHAR(" "),nch,1); hcdir(PASSCHAR(cdir),PASSCHAR("R"),511,1); #else hcdir(PASSCHAR(dirname),PASSCHAR(" ")); hcdir(PASSCHAR(cdir),PASSCHAR("R")); #endif for (i=510;i>=0;i--) { if (cdir[i] != ' ') break; cdir[i] = 0; } fCurDir = cdir; printf("fCurdir=%s\n",fCurDir.Data()); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THbookFile::Close(Option_t *) { // Close the Hbook file if(!IsOpen()) return; if (!fList) return; gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Remove(this); cd(); fList->Delete(); fKeys->Delete(); if (fgLuns) fgLuns[fLun-10] = 0; hdelet(0); #ifndef WIN32 hrend(PASSCHAR(GetTitle()),strlen(GetTitle())); #else hrend(PASSCHAR(GetTitle())); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THbookFile::DeleteID(Int_t id) { //remove id from file and memory hdelet(id); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *THbookFile::FindObject(const char *name) const { // return object with name in fList in memory return fList->FindObject(name); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *THbookFile::FindObject(const TObject *obj) const { // return object with pointer obj in fList in memory return fList->FindObject(obj); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *THbookFile::Get(Int_t idd) { // import Hbook object with identifier idd in memory Int_t id = 0; for (Int_t key=1;key<1000000;key++) { int z0 = 0; rzink(key,z0,"S",1); if (quest[0]) break; if (quest[13] & 8) continue; id = quest[20]; if (id == idd) break; } if (id == 0) return 0; if (id != idd) { printf("Error cannot find ID = %d\n",idd); return 0; } int i999 = 999; // must delete any previous object with the same ID !! lcdir = hcbook[6]; ltab = hcbook[9]; for (Int_t i=1;i<=iq[lcdir+kNRH];i++) { if (iq[ltab+i] == id) { printf("WARNING, previous ID=%d is replaced\n",id); hdelet(id); break; } } hrin(id,i999,0); if (quest[0]) { printf("Error cannot read ID = %d\n",id); return 0; } hdcofl(); lcid = hcbook[10]; lcont = lq[lcid-1]; TObject *obj = 0; if (hcbits[3]) { if (iq[lcid-2] == 2) obj = ConvertRWN(id); else obj = ConvertCWN(id); //hdelet(id); //cannot be deleted here since used in GetEntry if (obj) { fList->Add(obj); ((THbookTree *)obj)->SetTitle(GetName()); } return obj; } if (hcbits[0] && hcbits[7]) { obj = ConvertProfile(id); hdelet(id); if (obj) fList->Add(obj); return obj; } if (hcbits[0]) { obj = Convert1D(id); hdelet(id); if (obj) fList->Add(obj); return obj; } if (hcbits[1] || hcbits[2]) { obj = Convert2D(id); hdelet(id); if (obj) fList->Add(obj); return obj; } return obj; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THbookFile::GetEntry(Int_t entry, Int_t id, Int_t atype, Float_t *x) { // Read in memory all columns of entry number of ntuple id from the Hbook file Int_t ier = 0; if (atype == 0) { hgnf(id,entry+1,x[0],ier); } else { hgnt(id,entry+1,ier); } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THbookFile::GetEntryBranch(Int_t entry, Int_t id) { // Read in memory only the branch bname if (entry == gLastEntry) return 0; gLastEntry = entry; Int_t ier = 0; //uses the fast read method using the Hbook tables computed in InitLeaves hgntf(id,entry+1,ier); //old alternative slow method //#ifndef WIN32 // hgnt1(id,PASSCHAR(blockname),PASSCHAR(branchname),0,-1,entry+1,ier,strlen(blockname),strlen(branchname)); //#else // hgnt1(id,PASSCHAR(blockname),PASSCHAR(branchname),0,-1,entry+1,ier); //#endif return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THbookFile::InitLeaves(Int_t id, Int_t var, TTreeFormula *formula) { // This function is called from the first entry in TTreePlayer::InitLoop // It analyzes the list of variables involved in the current query // and pre-process the internal Hbook tables to speed-up the search // at the next entries. if (!formula) return; Int_t ncodes = formula->GetNcodes(); for (Int_t i=1;i<=ncodes;i++) { TLeaf *leaf = formula->GetLeaf(i-1); if (!leaf) continue; if (var == 5) { //leafcount may be null in case of a fix size array if (leaf->GetLeafCount()) leaf = leaf->GetLeafCount(); } Int_t last = 0; if (var == 1 && i == ncodes) last = 1; #ifndef WIN32 hntvar3(id,last,PASSCHAR(leaf->GetName()),strlen(leaf->GetName())); #else hntvar3(id,last,PASSCHAR(leaf->GetName())); #endif } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t THbookFile::IsOpen() const { // Returns kTRUE in case file is open and kFALSE if file is not open. return fLun == 0 ? kFALSE : kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THbookFile::SetBranchAddress(Int_t id, const char *bname, void *add) { //Set branch address Int_t *iadd = (Int_t*)add; Int_t &aadd = *iadd; #ifndef WIN32 hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(bname),aadd,PASSCHAR("$SET"),0,strlen(bname),4); #else hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(bname),aadd,PASSCHAR("$SET"),0); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFile *THbookFile::Convert2root(const char *rootname, Int_t /*lrecl*/, Option_t *option) { // Convert this Hbook file to a Root file with name rootname. // if rootname="', rootname = hbook file name with .root instead of .hbook // By default, the Root file is connected and returned // option: // - "NO" do not connect the Root file // - "C" do not compress file (default is to compress) // - "L" do not convert names to lower case (default is to convert) TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); Int_t nch = strlen(rootname); char *rfile=0; if (nch) { rfile = new char[nch+1]; strlcpy(rfile,rootname,nch+1); } else { nch = strlen(GetName()); rfile = new char[nch+1]; strlcpy(rfile,GetName(),nch+1); char *dot = strrchr(rfile,'.'); if (dot) strcpy(dot+1,"root"); else strlcat(rfile,".root",nch+1); } nch = 2*nch+50; char *cmd = new char[nch+1]; snprintf(cmd,nch,"h2root %s %s",GetName(),rfile); if (opt.Contains("c")) strlcat (cmd," 0",nch+1); if (opt.Contains("l")) strlcat (cmd," 0",nch+1); gSystem->Exec(cmd); delete [] cmd; if (opt.Contains("no")) {delete [] rfile; return 0;} TFile *f = new TFile(rfile); delete [] rfile; if (f->IsZombie()) {delete f; f = 0;} return f; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *THbookFile::ConvertCWN(Int_t id) { // Convert the Column-Wise-Ntuple id to a Root Tree const int nchar=9; int nvar; int i,j; int nsub,itype,isize,ielem; char *chtag_out; float rmin[1000], rmax[1000]; if (id > 0) snprintf(idname,127,"h%d",id); else snprintf(idname,127,"h_%d",-id); hnoent(id,nentries); //printf(" Converting CWN with ID= %d, nentries = %d\n",id,nentries); nvar=0; #ifndef WIN32 hgiven(id,chtitl,nvar,PASSCHAR(""),rmin[0],rmax[0],80,0); #else hgiven(id,chtitl,80,nvar,PASSCHAR(""),rmin[0],rmax[0]); #endif chtag_out = new char[nvar*nchar+1]; Int_t *charflag = new Int_t[nvar]; Int_t *lenchar = new Int_t[nvar]; Int_t *boolflag = new Int_t[nvar]; Int_t *lenbool = new Int_t[nvar]; UChar_t *boolarr = new UChar_t[10000]; chtag_out[nvar*nchar]=0; for (i=0;i<80;i++)chtitl[i]=0; #ifndef WIN32 hgiven(id,chtitl,nvar,chtag_out,rmin[0],rmax[0],80,nchar); #else hgiven(id,chtitl,80,nvar,chtag_out,nchar,rmin[0],rmax[0]); #endif Int_t bufpos = 0; Int_t isachar = 0; Int_t isabool = 0; char fullname[64]; char name[32]; char block[32]; char oldblock[32]; strlcpy(oldblock,"OLDBLOCK",32); Int_t oldischar = -1; for (i=80;i>0;i--) {if (chtitl[i] == ' ') chtitl[i] = 0; } THbookTree *tree = new THbookTree(idname,id); tree->SetHbookFile(this); tree->SetType(1); char *bigbuf = tree->MakeX(500000); gTree = tree; #ifndef WIN32 hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(" "),bigbuf[0],PASSCHAR("$CLEAR"),0,1,6); #else hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(" "),bigbuf[0],PASSCHAR("$CLEAR"),0); #endif UInt_t varNumber = 0; Int_t golower = 1; Int_t nbits = 0; for(i=0; i0;j--) { if(golower) name[j] = tolower(name[j]); if (name[j] == ' ') name[j] = 0; } if (golower == 2) name[0] = tolower(name[0]); for (j=62;j>0;j--) { if(golower && fullname[j-1] != '[') fullname[j] = tolower(fullname[j]); // convert also character after [, if golower == 2 if (golower == 2) fullname[j] = tolower(fullname[j]); if (fullname[j] == ' ') fullname[j] = 0; } // convert also first character, if golower == 2 if (golower == 2) fullname[0] = tolower(fullname[0]); for (j=30;j>0;j--) { if (block[j] == ' ') block[j] = 0; else break; } if (itype == 1 && isize == 4) strlcat(fullname,"/F",64); if (itype == 1 && isize == 8) strlcat(fullname,"/D",64); if (itype == 2) strlcat(fullname,"/I",64); if (itype == 3) strlcat(fullname,"/i",64); // if (itype == 4) strlcat(fullname,"/i",64); if (itype == 4) strlcat(fullname,"/b",64); if (itype == 5) strlcat(fullname,"/C",64); //printf("Creating branch:%s, block:%s, fullname:%s, nsub=%d, itype=%d, isize=%d, ielem=%d, bufpos=%d\n",name,block,fullname,nsub,itype,isize,ielem,bufpos); Int_t ischar; if (itype == 5) ischar = 1; else ischar = 0; if (ischar != oldischar || strcmp(oldblock,block) != 0) { varNumber = 0; strlcpy(oldblock,block,32); oldischar = ischar; Long_t add= (Long_t)&bigbuf[bufpos]; Int_t lblock = strlen(block); #ifndef WIN32 hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(block),add,PASSCHAR("$SET"),ischar,lblock,4); #else hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(block),add,PASSCHAR("$SET"),ischar); #endif } Int_t bufsize = 8000; THbookBranch *branch = new THbookBranch(tree,name,(void*)&bigbuf[bufpos],fullname,bufsize); tree->GetListOfBranches()->Add(branch); branch->SetBlockName(block); branch->SetUniqueID(varNumber); varNumber++; //NB: the information about isachar should be saved in the branch // to be done boolflag[i] = -10; charflag[i] = 0; if (itype == 4) {isabool++; boolflag[i] = bufpos; lenbool[i] = ielem;} bufpos += isize*ielem; if (ischar) {isachar++; charflag[i] = bufpos-1; lenchar[i] = isize*ielem;} TObjArray *ll= branch->GetListOfLeaves(); TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)ll->UncheckedAt(0); if (!leaf) continue; TLeafI *leafcount = (TLeafI*)leaf->GetLeafCount(); if (leafcount) { if (leafcount->GetMaximum() <= 0) leafcount->SetMaximum(ielem); } } tree->SetEntries(nentries); delete [] charflag; delete [] lenchar; delete [] boolflag; delete [] lenbool; delete [] boolarr; delete [] chtag_out; return tree; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *THbookFile::ConvertRWN(Int_t id) { // Convert the Row-Wise-Ntuple id to a Root Tree const int nchar=9; int nvar; int i,j; char *chtag_out; float rmin[1000], rmax[1000]; if (id > 0) snprintf(idname,127,"h%d",id); else snprintf(idname,127,"h_%d",-id); hnoent(id,nentries); //printf(" Converting RWN with ID= %d, nentries = %d\n",id,nentries); nvar=0; #ifndef WIN32 hgiven(id,chtitl,nvar,PASSCHAR(""),rmin[0],rmax[0],80,0); #else hgiven(id,chtitl,80,nvar,PASSCHAR(""),rmin[0],rmax[0]); #endif chtag_out = new char[nvar*nchar+1]; Int_t golower = 1; chtag_out[nvar*nchar]=0; for (i=0;i<80;i++)chtitl[i]=0; #ifndef WIN32 hgiven(id,chtitl,nvar,chtag_out,rmin[0],rmax[0],80,nchar); #else hgiven(id,chtitl,80,nvar,chtag_out,nchar,rmin[0],rmax[0]); #endif hgnpar(id,"?",1); char *name = chtag_out; for (i=80;i>0;i--) {if (chtitl[i] == ' ') chtitl[i] = 0; } THbookTree *tree = new THbookTree(idname,id); tree->SetHbookFile(this); tree->SetType(0); gTree = tree; Float_t *x = (Float_t*)tree->MakeX(nvar*4); Int_t first,last; for(i=0; i0;j--) { if(golower) name[j] = tolower(name[j]); if (name[j] == ' ' && last == 0) name[j] = 0; else last = j; } if (golower == 2) name[0] = tolower(name[0]); // suppress heading blanks for (j=0;jBranch(&name[first],&x[i],&name[first],bufsize); THbookBranch *branch = new THbookBranch(tree,&name[first],&x[4*i],&name[first],bufsize); branch->SetAddress(&x[i]); branch->SetBlockName(hbookName.Data()); tree->GetListOfBranches()->Add(branch); name += nchar; } tree->SetEntries(nentries); return tree; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *THbookFile::ConvertProfile(Int_t id) { // Convert an Hbook profile histogram into a Root TProfile // // the following structure is used in Hbook // lcid points to the profile in array iq // lcont = lq(lcid-1) // lw = lq(lcont) // ln = lq(lw) // if option S jbyt(iq(lw),1,2) = 1 // if option I jbyt(iq(lw),1,2) = 2 if (id > 0) snprintf(idname,127,"h%d",id); else snprintf(idname,127,"h_%d",-id); hnoent(id,nentries); Int_t lw = lq[lcont]; Int_t ln = lq[lw]; #ifndef WIN32 hgive(id,chtitl,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax,nwt,idb,80); #else hgive(id,chtitl,80,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax,nwt,idb); #endif Float_t offsetx = 0.5*(xmax-xmin)/ncx; chtitl[4*nwt] = 0; const char *option= " "; if (iq[lw] == 1) option = "S"; if (iq[lw] == 2) option = "I"; TProfile *p = new TProfile(idname,chtitl,ncx,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,option); const Int_t kCON1 = 9; Int_t i; Float_t x = 0.; Float_t y = 0.5*(ymin+ymax); for (i=1;i<=ncx;i++) { Int_t n = Int_t(q[ln+i]); hix(id,i,x); for (Int_t j=0;jFill(x+offsetx,y); } Float_t content = q[lcont+kCON1+i]; Float_t error = TMath::Sqrt(q[lw+i]); p->SetBinContent(i,content); p->SetBinError(i,error); } p->SetEntries(nentries); return p; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *THbookFile::Convert1D(Int_t id) { // Convert an Hbook 1-d histogram into a Root TH1F if (id > 0) snprintf(idname,127,"h%d",id); else snprintf(idname,127,"h_%d",-id); hnoent(id,nentries); #ifndef WIN32 hgive(id,chtitl,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax,nwt,idb,80); #else hgive(id,chtitl,80,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax,nwt,idb); #endif chtitl[4*nwt] = 0; TH1F *h1; Int_t i; if (hcbits[5]) { Int_t lbins = lq[lcid-2]; Double_t *xbins = new Double_t[ncx+1]; for (i=0;i<=ncx;i++) xbins[i] = q[lbins+i+1]; h1 = new TH1F(idname,chtitl,ncx,xbins); delete [] xbins; } else { h1 = new TH1F(idname,chtitl,ncx,xmin,xmax); } if (hcbits[8]) h1->Sumw2(); TGraph *gr = 0; if (hcbits[11]) { gr = new TGraph(ncx); h1->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(gr); } Float_t x; for (i=0;i<=ncx+1;i++) { x = h1->GetBinCenter(i); h1->Fill(x,hi(id,i)); if (hcbits[8]) h1->SetBinError(i,hie(id,i)); if (gr && i>0 && i<=ncx) gr->SetPoint(i,x,hif(id,i)); } Float_t yymin, yymax; if (hcbits[19]) { yymax = q[lcid+kMAX1]; h1->SetMaximum(yymax); } if (hcbits[20]) { yymin = q[lcid+kMIN1]; h1->SetMinimum(yymin); } h1->SetEntries(nentries); return h1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *THbookFile::Convert2D(Int_t id) { // Convert an Hbook 2-d histogram into a Root TH2F if (id > 0) snprintf(idname,127,"h%d",id); else snprintf(idname,127,"h_%d",-id); hnoent(id,nentries); #ifndef WIN32 hgive(id,chtitl,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax,nwt,idb,80); #else hgive(id,chtitl,80,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax,nwt,idb); #endif chtitl[4*nwt] = 0; TH2F *h2 = new TH2F(idname,chtitl,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax); Float_t offsetx = 0.5*(xmax-xmin)/ncx; Float_t offsety = 0.5*(ymax-ymin)/ncy; Int_t lw = lq[lcont]; if (lw) h2->Sumw2(); Float_t x = 0.,y = 0.; for (Int_t j=0;j<=ncy+1;j++) { for (Int_t i=0;i<=ncx+1;i++) { hijxy(id,i,j,x,y); h2->Fill(x+offsetx,y+offsety,hij(id,i,j)); if (lw) { Double_t err2 = hije(id,i,j); h2->SetCellError(i,j,err2); } } } h2->SetEntries(nentries); return h2; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THbookFile::ls(const char *path) const { // List contents of Hbook directory Int_t nch = strlen(path); if (nch == 0) { #ifndef WIN32 hldir(PASSCHAR(fCurDir.Data()),PASSCHAR("T"),fCurDir.Length(),1); #else hldir(PASSCHAR(fCurDir.Data()),PASSCHAR("T")); #endif return; } #ifndef WIN32 hldir(PASSCHAR(path),PASSCHAR("T"),strlen(path),1); #else hldir(PASSCHAR(path),PASSCHAR("T")); #endif }