// // File generated by core/utils/src/rootcint_tmp at Tue May 13 12:25:48 2014 // Do NOT change. Changes will be lost next time file is generated // #define R__DICTIONARY_FILENAME mathdImatrixdIsrcdIG__Matrix #include "RConfig.h" //rootcint 4834 #if !defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) //Break the privacy of classes -- Disabled for the moment #define private public #define protected public #endif // Since CINT ignores the std namespace, we need to do so in this file. namespace std {} using namespace std; #include "G__Matrix.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TBuffer.h" #include "TMemberInspector.h" #include "TError.h" #ifndef G__ROOT #define G__ROOT #endif #include "RtypesImp.h" #include "TIsAProxy.h" #include "TFileMergeInfo.h" // Direct notice to TROOT of the dictionary's loading. namespace { static struct DictInit { DictInit() { ROOT::RegisterModule(); } } __TheDictionaryInitializer; } // START OF SHADOWS namespace ROOT { namespace Shadow { #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTBase< float > TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR : public ::TObject { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTBase< float >::EMatrixStatusBits EMatrixStatusBits; #else enum EMatrixStatusBits { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR() throw() {}; int fNrows; //number of rows int fNcols; //number of columns int fRowLwb; //lower bound of the row index int fColLwb; //lower bound of the col index int fNelems; //number of elements in matrix int fNrowIndex; //length of row index array (= fNrows+1) wich is only used for sparse matrices float fTol; //sqrt(epsilon); epsilon is smallest number number so that 1+epsilon > 1 bool fIsOwner; //!default kTRUE, when Use array kFALSE }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTBase< double > TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR : public ::TObject { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTBase< double >::EMatrixStatusBits EMatrixStatusBits; #else enum EMatrixStatusBits { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR() throw() {}; int fNrows; //number of rows int fNcols; //number of columns int fRowLwb; //lower bound of the row index int fColLwb; //lower bound of the col index int fNelems; //number of elements in matrix int fNrowIndex; //length of row index array (= fNrows+1) wich is only used for sparse matrices double fTol; //sqrt(epsilon); epsilon is smallest number number so that 1+epsilon > 1 bool fIsOwner; //!default kTRUE, when Use array kFALSE }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TVectorT< float > TVectorTlEfloatgR; #else class TVectorTlEfloatgR : public ::TObject { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TVectorT< float >::EVectorStatusBits EVectorStatusBits; #else enum EVectorStatusBits { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TVectorTlEfloatgR() throw() {}; int fNrows; //number of rows int fRowLwb; //lower bound of the row index float* fElements; //[fNrows] elements themselves float fDataStack[5]; //! data container bool fIsOwner; //!default kTRUE, when Use array kFALSE }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TVectorT< double > TVectorTlEdoublegR; #else class TVectorTlEdoublegR : public ::TObject { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TVectorT< double >::EVectorStatusBits EVectorStatusBits; #else enum EVectorStatusBits { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TVectorTlEdoublegR() throw() {}; int fNrows; //number of rows int fRowLwb; //lower bound of the row index double* fElements; //[fNrows] elements themselves double fDataStack[5]; //! data container bool fIsOwner; //!default kTRUE, when Use array kFALSE }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixT< double > TMatrixTlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTlEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTBase< double > { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixT< double >::EMatrixCreatorsOp1 EMatrixCreatorsOp1; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp1 { }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixT< double >::EMatrixCreatorsOp2 EMatrixCreatorsOp2; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp2 { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTlEdoublegR() throw() {}; double fDataStack[25]; //! data container double* fElements; //[fNelems] elements themselves }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSym< double > TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTBase< double > { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSym< double >::EMatrixCreatorsOp1 EMatrixCreatorsOp1; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp1 { }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSym< double >::EMatrixCreatorsOp2 EMatrixCreatorsOp2; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp2 { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR() throw() {}; double fDataStack[25]; //! data container double* fElements; //[fNelems] elements themselves }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparse< double > TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTBase< double > { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparse< double >::EMatrixCreatorsOp1 EMatrixCreatorsOp1; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp1 { }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparse< double >::EMatrixCreatorsOp2 EMatrixCreatorsOp2; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp2 { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR() throw() {}; int* fRowIndex; //[fNrowIndex] row index int* fColIndex; //[fNelems] column index double* fElements; //[fNelems] }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTLazy< double > TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR : public ::TObject { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR() throw() {}; int fRowUpb; // int fRowLwb; // int fColUpb; // int fColLwb; // }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTRow_const< double > TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< double >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am a row of int fRowInd; //effective row index int fInc; //if ptr = @a[row,i], then ptr+inc = @a[row,i+1] double* fPtr; //pointer to the a[row,0] }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTRow< double > TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTRow_const< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTDiag_const< double > TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< double >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am the diagonal of int fInc; //if ptr=@a[i,i], then ptr+inc = @a[i+1,i+1] int fNdiag; //number of diag elems, min(nrows,ncols) double* fPtr; //pointer to the a[0,0] }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTColumn_const< double > TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< double >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am a column of int fColInd; //effective column index int fInc; //if ptr = @a[i,col], then ptr+inc = @a[i+1,col] double* fPtr; //pointer to the a[0,col] column }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTFlat_const< double > TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< double >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am the diagonal of int fNelems; // double* fPtr; //pointer to the a[0,0] }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSub_const< double > TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< double >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am a submatrix of int fRowOff; // int fColOff; // int fNrowsSub; // int fNcolsSub; // }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const< double > TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTSparse< double >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am a row of int fRowInd; //effective row index int fNindex; //index range int* fColPtr; //column index pointer double* fDataPtr; //data pointer }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const< double > TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTSparse< double >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am the diagonal of int fNdiag; //number of diag elems, min(nrows,ncols) double* fDataPtr; //data pointer }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTColumn< double > TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTColumn_const< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTDiag< double > TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTDiag_const< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTFlat< double > TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTFlat_const< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSub< double > TMatrixTSublEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTSublEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTSub_const< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSublEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparseRow< double > TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparseDiag< double > TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSymLazy< double > TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR; #else class TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR : public ::TObject { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR() throw() {}; int fRowUpb; // int fRowLwb; // }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTRow_const< float > TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< float >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am a row of int fRowInd; //effective row index int fInc; //if ptr = @a[row,i], then ptr+inc = @a[row,i+1] float* fPtr; //pointer to the a[row,0] }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixT< float > TMatrixTlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTlEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTBase< float > { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixT< float >::EMatrixCreatorsOp1 EMatrixCreatorsOp1; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp1 { }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixT< float >::EMatrixCreatorsOp2 EMatrixCreatorsOp2; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp2 { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTlEfloatgR() throw() {}; float fDataStack[25]; //! data container float* fElements; //[fNelems] elements themselves }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSym< float > TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTBase< float > { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSym< float >::EMatrixCreatorsOp1 EMatrixCreatorsOp1; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp1 { }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSym< float >::EMatrixCreatorsOp2 EMatrixCreatorsOp2; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp2 { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR() throw() {}; float fDataStack[25]; //! data container float* fElements; //[fNelems] elements themselves }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSymLazy< float > TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR : public ::TObject { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR() throw() {}; int fRowUpb; // int fRowLwb; // }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTRow< float > TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTRow_const< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparse< float > TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTBase< float > { public: //friend XX; #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparse< float >::EMatrixCreatorsOp1 EMatrixCreatorsOp1; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp1 { }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparse< float >::EMatrixCreatorsOp2 EMatrixCreatorsOp2; #else enum EMatrixCreatorsOp2 { }; #endif // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR() throw() {}; int* fRowIndex; //[fNrowIndex] row index int* fColIndex; //[fNelems] column index float* fElements; //[fNelems] }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const< float > TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTSparse< float >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am a row of int fRowInd; //effective row index int fNindex; //index range int* fColPtr; //column index pointer float* fDataPtr; //data pointer }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparseRow< float > TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTLazy< float > TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR : public ::TObject { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR() throw() {}; int fRowUpb; // int fRowLwb; // int fColUpb; // int fColLwb; // }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTDiag_const< float > TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< float >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am the diagonal of int fInc; //if ptr=@a[i,i], then ptr+inc = @a[i+1,i+1] int fNdiag; //number of diag elems, min(nrows,ncols) float* fPtr; //pointer to the a[0,0] }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTColumn_const< float > TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< float >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am a column of int fColInd; //effective column index int fInc; //if ptr = @a[i,col], then ptr+inc = @a[i+1,col] float* fPtr; //pointer to the a[0,col] column }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const< float > TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTSparse< float >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am the diagonal of int fNdiag; //number of diag elems, min(nrows,ncols) float* fDataPtr; //data pointer }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::THaarMatrixT< double > THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR; #else class THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTLazy< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::THilbertMatrixT< double > THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR; #else class THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTLazy< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::THilbertMatrixTSym< double > THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR; #else class THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR : public ::TMatrixTSymLazy< double > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTFlat_const< float > TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< float >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am the diagonal of int fNelems; // float* fPtr; //pointer to the a[0,0] }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSub_const< float > TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR() throw() {}; :: TMatrixTBase< float >* fMatrix; //the matrix I am a submatrix of int fRowOff; // int fColOff; // int fNrowsSub; // int fNcolsSub; // }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTColumn< float > TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTColumn_const< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTDiag< float > TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTDiag_const< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTFlat< float > TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTFlat_const< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSub< float > TMatrixTSublEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTSublEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTSub_const< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSublEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::TMatrixTSparseDiag< float > TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR; #else class TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::THaarMatrixT< float > THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR; #else class THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTLazy< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::THilbertMatrixT< float > THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR; #else class THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTLazy< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::THilbertMatrixTSym< float > THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR; #else class THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR : public ::TMatrixTSymLazy< float > { public: //friend XX; // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case. virtual ~THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR() throw() {}; }; #endif } // of namespace Shadow } // of namespace ROOT // END OF SHADOWS namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void delete_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTBase*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTBase) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTBase *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTBase >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTBase", ::TMatrixTBase::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTBase.h", 95, typeid(::TMatrixTBase), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TMatrixTBase) ); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTBase*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTBase*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void delete_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTBase*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTBase) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTBase *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTBase >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTBase", ::TMatrixTBase::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTBase.h", 95, typeid(::TMatrixTBase), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TMatrixTBase) ); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTBase*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTBase*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TVectorTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TVectorTlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TVectorTlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TVectorTlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TVectorTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TVectorTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TVectorTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TVectorTlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TVectorT*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TVectorT) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TVectorTlEfloatgR)); ::TVectorT *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TVectorT >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TVectorT", ::TVectorT::Class_Version(), "include/TVectorT.h", 33, typeid(::TVectorT), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TVectorTlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TVectorT) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TVectorTlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TVectorTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TVectorTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TVectorTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TVectorTlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TVectorTlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TVectorT*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TVectorT*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TVectorTlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TVectorTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TVectorTlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TVectorTlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TVectorTlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TVectorTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TVectorTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TVectorTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TVectorTlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TVectorT*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TVectorT) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TVectorTlEdoublegR)); ::TVectorT *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TVectorT >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TVectorT", ::TVectorT::Class_Version(), "include/TVectorT.h", 33, typeid(::TVectorT), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TVectorTlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TVectorT) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TVectorTlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TVectorTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TVectorTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TVectorTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TVectorTlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TVectorTlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TVectorT*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TVectorT*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TVectorTlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixT*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixT) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixT *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixT >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixT", ::TMatrixT::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixT.h", 40, typeid(::TMatrixT), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TMatrixT) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixT*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixT*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSym*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSym) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTSym *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSym >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSym", ::TMatrixTSym::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTSym.h", 38, typeid(::TMatrixTSym), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TMatrixTSym) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSym*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSym*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparse*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparse) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTSparse *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparse >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparse", ::TMatrixTSparse::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTSparse.h", 39, typeid(::TMatrixTSparse), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparse) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparse*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparse*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void delete_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTLazy*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTLazy) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTLazy *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTLazy >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTLazy", ::TMatrixTLazy::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 45, typeid(::TMatrixTLazy), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TMatrixTLazy) ); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTLazy*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTLazy*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTRow_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTRow_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTRow_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTRow_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTRow_const", ::TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 114, typeid(::TMatrixTRow_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTRow_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTRow_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTRow_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTRow*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTRow) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTRow *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTRow >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTRow", ::TMatrixTRow::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 152, typeid(::TMatrixTRow), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTRow) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTRow*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTRow*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTDiag_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTDiag_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTDiag_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTDiag_const", ::TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 305, typeid(::TMatrixTDiag_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTDiag_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTColumn_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTColumn_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTColumn_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTColumn_const", ::TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 209, typeid(::TMatrixTColumn_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTColumn_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTFlat_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTFlat_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTFlat_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTFlat_const", ::TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 395, typeid(::TMatrixTFlat_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTFlat_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSub_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSub_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTSub_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSub_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSub_const", ::TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 481, typeid(::TMatrixTSub_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSub_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSub_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSub_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseRow_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparseRow_const", ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 574, typeid(::TMatrixTSparseRow_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseRow_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const", ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 640, typeid(::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTColumn*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTColumn) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTColumn *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTColumn >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTColumn", ::TMatrixTColumn::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 247, typeid(::TMatrixTColumn), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTColumn) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTColumn*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTColumn*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTDiag*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTDiag) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTDiag *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTDiag >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTDiag", ::TMatrixTDiag::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 342, typeid(::TMatrixTDiag), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTDiag) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTDiag*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTDiag*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTFlat*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTFlat) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTFlat *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTFlat >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTFlat", ::TMatrixTFlat::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 428, typeid(::TMatrixTFlat), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTFlat) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTFlat*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTFlat*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSublEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSublEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSub*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSub) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSublEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTSub *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSub >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSub", ::TMatrixTSub::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 520, typeid(::TMatrixTSub), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSublEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSub) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSub*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSub*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSublEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseRow) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTSparseRow *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparseRow >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparseRow", ::TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 604, typeid(::TMatrixTSparseRow), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseRow) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseDiag) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTSparseDiag *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparseDiag >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparseDiag", ::TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 666, typeid(::TMatrixTSparseDiag), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseDiag) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void delete_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSymLazy) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR)); ::TMatrixTSymLazy *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSymLazy >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSymLazy", ::TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 88, typeid(::TMatrixTSymLazy), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TMatrixTSymLazy) ); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTRow_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTRow_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTRow_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTRow_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTRow_const", ::TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 114, typeid(::TMatrixTRow_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTRow_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTRow_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTRow_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixT*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixT) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixT *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixT >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixT", ::TMatrixT::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixT.h", 40, typeid(::TMatrixT), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TMatrixT) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixT*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixT*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSym*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSym) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTSym *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSym >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSym", ::TMatrixTSym::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTSym.h", 38, typeid(::TMatrixTSym), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TMatrixTSym) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSym*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSym*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void delete_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSymLazy) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTSymLazy *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSymLazy >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSymLazy", ::TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 88, typeid(::TMatrixTSymLazy), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TMatrixTSymLazy) ); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTRow*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTRow) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTRow *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTRow >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTRow", ::TMatrixTRow::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 152, typeid(::TMatrixTRow), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTRow) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTRow*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTRow*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparse*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparse) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTSparse *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparse >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparse", ::TMatrixTSparse::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTSparse.h", 39, typeid(::TMatrixTSparse), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparse) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparse*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparse*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseRow_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparseRow_const", ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 574, typeid(::TMatrixTSparseRow_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseRow_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseRow) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTSparseRow *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparseRow >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparseRow", ::TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 604, typeid(::TMatrixTSparseRow), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseRow) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void delete_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTLazy*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTLazy) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTLazy *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTLazy >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTLazy", ::TMatrixTLazy::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 45, typeid(::TMatrixTLazy), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TMatrixTLazy) ); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTLazy*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTLazy*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTDiag_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTDiag_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTDiag_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTDiag_const", ::TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 305, typeid(::TMatrixTDiag_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTDiag_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTColumn_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTColumn_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTColumn_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTColumn_const", ::TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 209, typeid(::TMatrixTColumn_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTColumn_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const", ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 640, typeid(::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TDecompBase_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void delete_TDecompBase(void *p); static void deleteArray_TDecompBase(void *p); static void destruct_TDecompBase(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDecompBase*) { ::TDecompBase *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDecompBase >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TDecompBase", ::TDecompBase::Class_Version(), "include/TDecompBase.h", 37, typeid(::TDecompBase), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &::TDecompBase::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TDecompBase) ); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDecompBase); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDecompBase); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDecompBase); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDecompBase*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDecompBase*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBase*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TDecompBK_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void *new_TDecompBK(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TDecompBK(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TDecompBK(void *p); static void deleteArray_TDecompBK(void *p); static void destruct_TDecompBK(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDecompBK*) { ::TDecompBK *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDecompBK >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TDecompBK", ::TDecompBK::Class_Version(), "include/TDecompBK.h", 32, typeid(::TDecompBK), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &::TDecompBK::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TDecompBK) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TDecompBK); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TDecompBK); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDecompBK); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDecompBK); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDecompBK); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDecompBK*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDecompBK*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBK*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TDecompChol_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void *new_TDecompChol(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TDecompChol(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TDecompChol(void *p); static void deleteArray_TDecompChol(void *p); static void destruct_TDecompChol(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDecompChol*) { ::TDecompChol *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDecompChol >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TDecompChol", ::TDecompChol::Class_Version(), "include/TDecompChol.h", 29, typeid(::TDecompChol), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &::TDecompChol::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TDecompChol) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TDecompChol); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TDecompChol); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDecompChol); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDecompChol); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDecompChol); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDecompChol*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDecompChol*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompChol*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TDecompLU_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void *new_TDecompLU(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TDecompLU(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TDecompLU(void *p); static void deleteArray_TDecompLU(void *p); static void destruct_TDecompLU(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDecompLU*) { ::TDecompLU *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDecompLU >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TDecompLU", ::TDecompLU::Class_Version(), "include/TDecompLU.h", 26, typeid(::TDecompLU), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &::TDecompLU::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TDecompLU) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TDecompLU); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TDecompLU); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDecompLU); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDecompLU); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDecompLU); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDecompLU*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDecompLU*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompLU*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TDecompQRH_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void *new_TDecompQRH(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TDecompQRH(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TDecompQRH(void *p); static void deleteArray_TDecompQRH(void *p); static void destruct_TDecompQRH(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDecompQRH*) { ::TDecompQRH *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDecompQRH >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TDecompQRH", ::TDecompQRH::Class_Version(), "include/TDecompQRH.h", 26, typeid(::TDecompQRH), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &::TDecompQRH::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TDecompQRH) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TDecompQRH); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TDecompQRH); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDecompQRH); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDecompQRH); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDecompQRH); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDecompQRH*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDecompQRH*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompQRH*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TDecompSparse_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void *new_TDecompSparse(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TDecompSparse(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TDecompSparse(void *p); static void deleteArray_TDecompSparse(void *p); static void destruct_TDecompSparse(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDecompSparse*) { ::TDecompSparse *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDecompSparse >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TDecompSparse", ::TDecompSparse::Class_Version(), "include/TDecompSparse.h", 52, typeid(::TDecompSparse), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &::TDecompSparse::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TDecompSparse) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TDecompSparse); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TDecompSparse); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDecompSparse); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDecompSparse); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDecompSparse); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDecompSparse*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDecompSparse*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSparse*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TDecompSVD_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void *new_TDecompSVD(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TDecompSVD(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TDecompSVD(void *p); static void deleteArray_TDecompSVD(void *p); static void destruct_TDecompSVD(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDecompSVD*) { ::TDecompSVD *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDecompSVD >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TDecompSVD", ::TDecompSVD::Class_Version(), "include/TDecompSVD.h", 26, typeid(::TDecompSVD), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &::TDecompSVD::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TDecompSVD) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TDecompSVD); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TDecompSVD); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDecompSVD); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDecompSVD); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDecompSVD); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDecompSVD*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDecompSVD*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSVD*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixDEigen_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void *new_TMatrixDEigen(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixDEigen(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixDEigen(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixDEigen(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixDEigen(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixDEigen*) { ::TMatrixDEigen *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixDEigen >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixDEigen", ::TMatrixDEigen::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixDEigen.h", 31, typeid(::TMatrixDEigen), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &::TMatrixDEigen::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TMatrixDEigen) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixDEigen); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixDEigen); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixDEigen); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixDEigen); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixDEigen); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixDEigen*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixDEigen*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDEigen*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::THaarMatrixT*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::THaarMatrixT) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR)); ::THaarMatrixT *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::THaarMatrixT >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("THaarMatrixT", ::THaarMatrixT::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 124, typeid(::THaarMatrixT), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::THaarMatrixT) ); instance.SetNew(&new_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::THaarMatrixT*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::THaarMatrixT*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::THilbertMatrixT*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::THilbertMatrixT) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR)); ::THilbertMatrixT *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::THilbertMatrixT >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("THilbertMatrixT", ::THilbertMatrixT::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 143, typeid(::THilbertMatrixT), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::THilbertMatrixT) ); instance.SetNew(&new_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::THilbertMatrixT*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::THilbertMatrixT*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_Dictionary(); static void *new_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p); static void deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p); static void destruct_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::THilbertMatrixTSym) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); ::THilbertMatrixTSym *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::THilbertMatrixTSym >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("THilbertMatrixTSym", ::THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 163, typeid(::THilbertMatrixTSym), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::THilbertMatrixTSym) ); instance.SetNew(&new_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixDSymEigen_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void *new_TMatrixDSymEigen(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixDSymEigen(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixDSymEigen(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixDSymEigen(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixDSymEigen(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixDSymEigen*) { ::TMatrixDSymEigen *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixDSymEigen >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixDSymEigen", ::TMatrixDSymEigen::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixDSymEigen.h", 34, typeid(::TMatrixDSymEigen), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &::TMatrixDSymEigen::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::TMatrixDSymEigen) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixDSymEigen); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixDSymEigen); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixDSymEigen); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixDSymEigen); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixDSymEigen); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixDSymEigen*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixDSymEigen*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDSymEigen*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTFlat_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTFlat_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTFlat_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTFlat_const", ::TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 395, typeid(::TMatrixTFlat_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTFlat_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSub_const*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSub_const) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTSub_const *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSub_const >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSub_const", ::TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 481, typeid(::TMatrixTSub_const), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSub_const) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSub_const*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSub_const*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTColumn*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTColumn) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTColumn *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTColumn >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTColumn", ::TMatrixTColumn::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 247, typeid(::TMatrixTColumn), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTColumn) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTColumn*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTColumn*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTDiag*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTDiag) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTDiag *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTDiag >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTDiag", ::TMatrixTDiag::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 342, typeid(::TMatrixTDiag), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTDiag) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTDiag*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTDiag*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTFlat*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTFlat) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTFlat *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTFlat >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTFlat", ::TMatrixTFlat::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 428, typeid(::TMatrixTFlat), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTFlat) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTFlat*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTFlat*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSublEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSublEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSub*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSub) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSublEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTSub *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSub >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSub", ::TMatrixTSub::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 520, typeid(::TMatrixTSub), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSublEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSub) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSub*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSub*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSublEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void *p); static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseDiag) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR)); ::TMatrixTSparseDiag *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMatrixTSparseDiag >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSparseDiag", ::TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTUtils.h", 666, typeid(::TMatrixTSparseDiag), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TMatrixTSparseDiag) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR); instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::THaarMatrixT*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::THaarMatrixT) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR)); ::THaarMatrixT *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::THaarMatrixT >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("THaarMatrixT", ::THaarMatrixT::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 124, typeid(::THaarMatrixT), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::THaarMatrixT) ); instance.SetNew(&new_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::THaarMatrixT*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::THaarMatrixT*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::THilbertMatrixT*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::THilbertMatrixT) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR)); ::THilbertMatrixT *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::THilbertMatrixT >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("THilbertMatrixT", ::THilbertMatrixT::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 143, typeid(::THilbertMatrixT), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::THilbertMatrixT) ); instance.SetNew(&new_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::THilbertMatrixT*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::THilbertMatrixT*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { void THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp); static void THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_Dictionary(); static void *new_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p); static void deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p); static void destruct_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::THilbertMatrixTSym) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); ::THilbertMatrixTSym *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::THilbertMatrixTSym >(0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("THilbertMatrixTSym", ::THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Version(), "include/TMatrixTLazy.h", 163, typeid(::THilbertMatrixTSym), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), &THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::THilbertMatrixTSym) ); instance.SetNew(&new_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); instance.SetDelete(&delete_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace TMatrixTCramerInv { namespace ROOT { inline ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(); static void TMatrixTCramerInv_Dictionary(); // Function generating the singleton type initializer inline ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance() { static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTCramerInv", 0 /*version*/, "include/TMatrixTCramerInv.h", 34, ::ROOT::DefineBehavior((void*)0,(void*)0), &TMatrixTCramerInv_Dictionary, 0); return &instance; } // Insure that the inline function is _not_ optimized away by the compiler ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *(*_R__UNIQUE_(InitFunctionKeeper))() = &GenerateInitInstance; // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstance(); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTCramerInv_Dictionary() { GenerateInitInstance()->GetClass(); } } } namespace TMatrixTSymCramerInv { namespace ROOT { inline ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(); static void TMatrixTSymCramerInv_Dictionary(); // Function generating the singleton type initializer inline ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance() { static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TMatrixTSymCramerInv", 0 /*version*/, "include/TMatrixTSymCramerInv.h", 34, ::ROOT::DefineBehavior((void*)0,(void*)0), &TMatrixTSymCramerInv_Dictionary, 0); return &instance; } // Insure that the inline function is _not_ optimized away by the compiler ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *(*_R__UNIQUE_(InitFunctionKeeper))() = &GenerateInitInstance; // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstance(); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TMatrixTSymCramerInv_Dictionary() { GenerateInitInstance()->GetClass(); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTBase::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTBase::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTBase"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTBase::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTBase::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTBase::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTBase::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTBase::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTBase::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTBase"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTBase::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTBase::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTBase::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTBase::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TVectorT::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TVectorT::Class_Name() { return "TVectorT"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TVectorT::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TVectorT::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TVectorT::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TVectorT::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TVectorT::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TVectorT::Class_Name() { return "TVectorT"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TVectorT::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TVectorT::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TVectorT::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TVectorT::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixT::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixT::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixT"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixT::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixT::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixT::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixT::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSym::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSym::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSym"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSym::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSym::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSym::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparse::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparse::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparse"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparse::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparse::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTLazy::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTLazy::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTLazy"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTLazy::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTLazy::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTRow_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTRow_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTRow_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTRow_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTRow::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTRow::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTRow"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTRow::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTRow::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTRow::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTRow::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTDiag_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTDiag_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTDiag_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTDiag_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTColumn_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTColumn_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTColumn_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTColumn_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTFlat_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTFlat_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTFlat_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTFlat_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSub_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSub_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSub_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSub_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseRow_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparseRow_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparseDiag_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTColumn::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTColumn::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTColumn"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTColumn::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTColumn::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTDiag::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTDiag::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTDiag"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTDiag::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTDiag::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTFlat::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTFlat::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTFlat"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTFlat::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTFlat::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSub::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSub::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSub"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSub::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSub::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSub::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSub::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseRow::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparseRow"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseRow::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseDiag::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparseDiag"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSymLazy::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSymLazy"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSymLazy::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSymLazy::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTRow_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTRow_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTRow_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTRow_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixT::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixT::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixT"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixT::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixT::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixT::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixT::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSym::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSym::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSym"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSym::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSym::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSym::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSymLazy::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSymLazy"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSymLazy::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSymLazy::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTRow::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTRow::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTRow"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTRow::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTRow::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTRow::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTRow::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparse::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparse::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparse"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparse::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparse::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseRow_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparseRow_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseRow::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparseRow"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseRow::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTLazy::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTLazy::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTLazy"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTLazy::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTLazy::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTDiag_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTDiag_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTDiag_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTDiag_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTColumn_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTColumn_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTColumn_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTColumn_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparseDiag_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompBase::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompBase::Class_Name() { return "TDecompBase"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompBase::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBase*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TDecompBase::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBase*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompBase::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompBase::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompBK::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompBK::Class_Name() { return "TDecompBK"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompBK::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBK*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TDecompBK::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBK*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompBK::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBK*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompBK::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompBK*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompChol::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompChol::Class_Name() { return "TDecompChol"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompChol::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompChol*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TDecompChol::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompChol*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompChol::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompChol*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompChol::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompChol*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompLU::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompLU::Class_Name() { return "TDecompLU"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompLU::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompLU*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TDecompLU::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompLU*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompLU::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompLU*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompLU::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompLU*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompQRH::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompQRH::Class_Name() { return "TDecompQRH"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompQRH::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompQRH*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TDecompQRH::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompQRH*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompQRH::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompQRH*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompQRH::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompQRH*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompSparse::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompSparse::Class_Name() { return "TDecompSparse"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompSparse::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSparse*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TDecompSparse::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSparse*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompSparse::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompSparse::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompSVD::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompSVD::Class_Name() { return "TDecompSVD"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TDecompSVD::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSVD*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TDecompSVD::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSVD*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompSVD::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSVD*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TDecompSVD::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDecompSVD*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TMatrixDEigen::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TMatrixDEigen::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixDEigen"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TMatrixDEigen::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDEigen*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TMatrixDEigen::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDEigen*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMatrixDEigen::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDEigen*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TMatrixDEigen::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDEigen*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THaarMatrixT::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THaarMatrixT::Class_Name() { return "THaarMatrixT"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THaarMatrixT::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int THaarMatrixT::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THaarMatrixT::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THaarMatrixT::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THilbertMatrixT::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THilbertMatrixT::Class_Name() { return "THilbertMatrixT"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THilbertMatrixT::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THilbertMatrixT::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THilbertMatrixTSym::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Name() { return "THilbertMatrixTSym"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THilbertMatrixTSym::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THilbertMatrixTSym::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TMatrixDSymEigen::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TMatrixDSymEigen::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixDSymEigen"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TMatrixDSymEigen::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDSymEigen*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TMatrixDSymEigen::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDSymEigen*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMatrixDSymEigen::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDSymEigen*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *TMatrixDSymEigen::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixDSymEigen*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTFlat_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTFlat_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTFlat_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTFlat_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSub_const::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSub_const"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSub_const::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSub_const::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTColumn::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTColumn::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTColumn"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTColumn::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTColumn::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTDiag::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTDiag::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTDiag"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTDiag::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTDiag::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTFlat::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTFlat::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTFlat"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTFlat::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTFlat::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSub::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSub::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSub"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSub::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSub::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSub::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSub::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseDiag::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Name() { return "TMatrixTSparseDiag"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THaarMatrixT::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THaarMatrixT::Class_Name() { return "THaarMatrixT"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THaarMatrixT::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int THaarMatrixT::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THaarMatrixT::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THaarMatrixT::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THilbertMatrixT::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THilbertMatrixT::Class_Name() { return "THilbertMatrixT"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THilbertMatrixT::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THilbertMatrixT::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THilbertMatrixTSym::fgIsA = 0; // static to hold class pointer //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Name() { return "THilbertMatrixTSym"; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> const char *THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileName() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetImplFileName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> int THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine() { return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THilbertMatrixTSym::Dictionary() { fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> TClass *THilbertMatrixTSym::Class() { if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); return fgIsA; } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TVectorTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TVectorT. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TVectorTlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNrows", &sobj->fNrows); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowLwb", &sobj->fRowLwb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElements", &sobj->fElements); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDataStack[5]", sobj->fDataStack); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsOwner", &sobj->fIsOwner); sobj->TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TVectorT::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TVectorTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TVectorTlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TVectorT : new ::TVectorT; } static void *newArray_TVectorTlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TVectorT[nElements] : new ::TVectorT[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TVectorTlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TVectorT*)p); } static void deleteArray_TVectorTlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TVectorT*)p); } static void destruct_TVectorTlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TVectorT current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TVectorTlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TVectorT*)obj)->::TVectorT::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TVectorT //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTBase. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNrows", &sobj->fNrows); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNcols", &sobj->fNcols); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowLwb", &sobj->fRowLwb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColLwb", &sobj->fColLwb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNelems", &sobj->fNelems); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNrowIndex", &sobj->fNrowIndex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTol", &sobj->fTol); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsOwner", &sobj->fIsOwner); sobj->TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTBase::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTBase*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTBase*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTBase current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTBase*)obj)->::TMatrixTBase::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTBase //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixT. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDataStack[25]", sobj->fDataStack); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElements", &sobj->fElements); sobj->TMatrixTBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixT::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixT : new ::TMatrixT; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixT[nElements] : new ::TMatrixT[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixT*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixT*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixT current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixT*)obj)->::TMatrixT::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixT //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSym. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDataStack[25]", sobj->fDataStack); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElements", &sobj->fElements); sobj->TMatrixTBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSym::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixTSym : new ::TMatrixTSym; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixTSym[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSym[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSym*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSym*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSym current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSym*)obj)->::TMatrixTSym::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSym //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparse. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fRowIndex", &sobj->fRowIndex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fColIndex", &sobj->fColIndex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElements", &sobj->fElements); sobj->TMatrixTBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparse::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixTSparse : new ::TMatrixTSparse; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixTSparse[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparse[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparse*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparse*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparse current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparse*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparse::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparse //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTLazy::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTLazy. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TMatrixTLazy::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TMatrixTLazy::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTLazy. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowUpb", &sobj->fRowUpb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowLwb", &sobj->fRowLwb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColUpb", &sobj->fColUpb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColLwb", &sobj->fColLwb); sobj->TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTLazy::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTLazy*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTLazy*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTLazy current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTLazy //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSymLazy::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSymLazy. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TMatrixTSymLazy::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TMatrixTSymLazy::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSymLazy. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowUpb", &sobj->fRowUpb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowLwb", &sobj->fRowLwb); sobj->TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSymLazy::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSymLazy*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSymLazy*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSymLazy current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSymLazy //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THaarMatrixT::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class THaarMatrixT. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(THaarMatrixT::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(THaarMatrixT::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class THaarMatrixT. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTLazy::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void THaarMatrixT::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THaarMatrixT : new ::THaarMatrixT; } static void *newArray_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THaarMatrixT[nElements] : new ::THaarMatrixT[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::THaarMatrixT*)p); } static void deleteArray_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::THaarMatrixT*)p); } static void destruct_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::THaarMatrixT current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::THaarMatrixT //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THilbertMatrixT::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class THilbertMatrixT. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(THilbertMatrixT::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(THilbertMatrixT::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class THilbertMatrixT. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTLazy::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void THilbertMatrixT::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THilbertMatrixT : new ::THilbertMatrixT; } static void *newArray_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THilbertMatrixT[nElements] : new ::THilbertMatrixT[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::THilbertMatrixT*)p); } static void deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::THilbertMatrixT*)p); } static void destruct_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::THilbertMatrixT current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::THilbertMatrixT //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THilbertMatrixTSym::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class THilbertMatrixTSym. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(THilbertMatrixTSym::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(THilbertMatrixTSym::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class THilbertMatrixTSym. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTSymLazy::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void THilbertMatrixTSym::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THilbertMatrixTSym : new ::THilbertMatrixTSym; } static void *newArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THilbertMatrixTSym[nElements] : new ::THilbertMatrixTSym[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::THilbertMatrixTSym*)p); } static void deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::THilbertMatrixTSym*)p); } static void destruct_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::THilbertMatrixTSym current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::THilbertMatrixTSym //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTRow_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTRow_const. ::Error("TMatrixTRow_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTRow_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowInd", &sobj->fRowInd); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInc", &sobj->fInc); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPtr", &sobj->fPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTRow_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTRow_const : new ::TMatrixTRow_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTRow_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTRow_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTRow_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTRow_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTRow_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTRow_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTRow_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTRow_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTColumn_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTColumn_const. ::Error("TMatrixTColumn_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTColumn_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColInd", &sobj->fColInd); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInc", &sobj->fInc); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPtr", &sobj->fPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTColumn_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTColumn_const : new ::TMatrixTColumn_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTColumn_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTColumn_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTColumn_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTColumn_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTColumn_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTColumn_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTColumn_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTColumn_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTDiag_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTDiag_const. ::Error("TMatrixTDiag_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTDiag_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInc", &sobj->fInc); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNdiag", &sobj->fNdiag); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPtr", &sobj->fPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTDiag_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTDiag_const : new ::TMatrixTDiag_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTDiag_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTDiag_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTDiag_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTDiag_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTDiag_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTDiag_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTDiag_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTDiag_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTFlat_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTFlat_const. ::Error("TMatrixTFlat_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTFlat_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNelems", &sobj->fNelems); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPtr", &sobj->fPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTFlat_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTFlat_const : new ::TMatrixTFlat_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTFlat_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTFlat_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTFlat_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTFlat_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTFlat_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTFlat_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTFlat_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTFlat_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSub_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSub_const. ::Error("TMatrixTSub_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSub_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowOff", &sobj->fRowOff); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColOff", &sobj->fColOff); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNrowsSub", &sobj->fNrowsSub); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNcolsSub", &sobj->fNcolsSub); } } template <> void TMatrixTSub_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSub_const : new ::TMatrixTSub_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSub_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSub_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSub_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSub_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSub_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSub_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTSub_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSub_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTRow::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTRow. TMatrixTRow_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTRow. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTRow_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTRow::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTRow : new ::TMatrixTRow; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTRow[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTRow[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTRow*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTRow*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTRow current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTRow*)obj)->::TMatrixTRow::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTRow //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTColumn::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTColumn. TMatrixTColumn_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTColumn. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTColumn_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTColumn::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTColumn : new ::TMatrixTColumn; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTColumn[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTColumn[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTColumn*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTColumn*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTColumn current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTColumn*)obj)->::TMatrixTColumn::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTColumn //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTDiag::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTDiag. TMatrixTDiag_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTDiag. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTDiag_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTDiag::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTDiag : new ::TMatrixTDiag; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTDiag[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTDiag[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTDiag*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTDiag*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTDiag current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTDiag*)obj)->::TMatrixTDiag::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTDiag //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTFlat::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTFlat. TMatrixTFlat_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTFlat. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTFlat_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTFlat::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTFlat : new ::TMatrixTFlat; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTFlat[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTFlat[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTFlat*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTFlat*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTFlat current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTFlat*)obj)->::TMatrixTFlat::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTFlat //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSub::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSub. TMatrixTSub_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSublEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSub. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSublEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTSub_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSub::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSublEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSub : new ::TMatrixTSub; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSub[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSub[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSub*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSub*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSub current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSub*)obj)->::TMatrixTSub::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSub //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSparseRow_const. ::Error("TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparseRow_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowInd", &sobj->fRowInd); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNindex", &sobj->fNindex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fColPtr", &sobj->fColPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDataPtr", &sobj->fDataPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const : new ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSparseRow. TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparseRow. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseRow : new ::TMatrixTSparseRow; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseRow[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparseRow[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparseRow*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparseRow*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparseRow current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparseRow*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparseRow::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparseRow //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSparseDiag_const. ::Error("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparseDiag_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNdiag", &sobj->fNdiag); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDataPtr", &sobj->fDataPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const : new ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSparseDiag. TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparseDiag. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseDiag : new ::TMatrixTSparseDiag; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseDiag[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparseDiag[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparseDiag current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparseDiag::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparseDiag //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TVectorTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TVectorT. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TVectorTlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVectorT*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNrows", &sobj->fNrows); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowLwb", &sobj->fRowLwb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElements", &sobj->fElements); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDataStack[5]", sobj->fDataStack); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsOwner", &sobj->fIsOwner); sobj->TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TVectorT::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TVectorTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TVectorTlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TVectorT : new ::TVectorT; } static void *newArray_TVectorTlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TVectorT[nElements] : new ::TVectorT[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TVectorTlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TVectorT*)p); } static void deleteArray_TVectorTlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TVectorT*)p); } static void destruct_TVectorTlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TVectorT current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TVectorTlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TVectorT*)obj)->::TVectorT::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TVectorT //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTBase. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTBase*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNrows", &sobj->fNrows); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNcols", &sobj->fNcols); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowLwb", &sobj->fRowLwb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColLwb", &sobj->fColLwb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNelems", &sobj->fNelems); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNrowIndex", &sobj->fNrowIndex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTol", &sobj->fTol); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsOwner", &sobj->fIsOwner); sobj->TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTBase::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTBase*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTBase*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTBase current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTBase*)obj)->::TMatrixTBase::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTBase //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixT. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDataStack[25]", sobj->fDataStack); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElements", &sobj->fElements); sobj->TMatrixTBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixT::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixT : new ::TMatrixT; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixT[nElements] : new ::TMatrixT[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixT*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixT*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixT current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixT*)obj)->::TMatrixT::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixT //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSym. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDataStack[25]", sobj->fDataStack); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElements", &sobj->fElements); sobj->TMatrixTBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSym::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixTSym : new ::TMatrixTSym; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixTSym[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSym[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSym*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSym*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSym current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSym*)obj)->::TMatrixTSym::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSym //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparse. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparse*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fRowIndex", &sobj->fRowIndex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fColIndex", &sobj->fColIndex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElements", &sobj->fElements); sobj->TMatrixTBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparse::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixTSparse : new ::TMatrixTSparse; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TMatrixTSparse[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparse[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparse*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparse*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparse current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparse*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparse::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparse //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTLazy::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTLazy. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TMatrixTLazy::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TMatrixTLazy::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTLazy. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowUpb", &sobj->fRowUpb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowLwb", &sobj->fRowLwb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColUpb", &sobj->fColUpb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColLwb", &sobj->fColLwb); sobj->TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTLazy::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTLazy*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTLazy*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTLazy current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTLazy //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSymLazy::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSymLazy. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TMatrixTSymLazy::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TMatrixTSymLazy::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSymLazy. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowUpb", &sobj->fRowUpb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowLwb", &sobj->fRowLwb); sobj->TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSymLazy::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSymLazy*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSymLazy*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSymLazy current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSymLazy //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THaarMatrixT::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class THaarMatrixT. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(THaarMatrixT::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(THaarMatrixT::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class THaarMatrixT. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THaarMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTLazy::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void THaarMatrixT::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THaarMatrixT : new ::THaarMatrixT; } static void *newArray_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THaarMatrixT[nElements] : new ::THaarMatrixT[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::THaarMatrixT*)p); } static void deleteArray_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::THaarMatrixT*)p); } static void destruct_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::THaarMatrixT current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::THaarMatrixT //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THilbertMatrixT::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class THilbertMatrixT. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(THilbertMatrixT::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(THilbertMatrixT::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class THilbertMatrixT. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixT*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTLazy::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void THilbertMatrixT::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THilbertMatrixT : new ::THilbertMatrixT; } static void *newArray_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THilbertMatrixT[nElements] : new ::THilbertMatrixT[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::THilbertMatrixT*)p); } static void deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::THilbertMatrixT*)p); } static void destruct_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::THilbertMatrixT current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::THilbertMatrixT //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void THilbertMatrixTSym::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class THilbertMatrixTSym. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(THilbertMatrixTSym::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(THilbertMatrixTSym::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class THilbertMatrixTSym. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTSymLazy::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void THilbertMatrixTSym::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THilbertMatrixTSym : new ::THilbertMatrixTSym; } static void *newArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::THilbertMatrixTSym[nElements] : new ::THilbertMatrixTSym[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::THilbertMatrixTSym*)p); } static void deleteArray_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::THilbertMatrixTSym*)p); } static void destruct_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::THilbertMatrixTSym current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::THilbertMatrixTSym //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTRow_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTRow_const. ::Error("TMatrixTRow_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTRow_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowInd", &sobj->fRowInd); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInc", &sobj->fInc); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPtr", &sobj->fPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTRow_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTRow_const : new ::TMatrixTRow_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTRow_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTRow_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTRow_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTRow_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTRow_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTRow_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTRow_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTRow_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTColumn_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTColumn_const. ::Error("TMatrixTColumn_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTColumn_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColInd", &sobj->fColInd); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInc", &sobj->fInc); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPtr", &sobj->fPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTColumn_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTColumn_const : new ::TMatrixTColumn_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTColumn_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTColumn_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTColumn_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTColumn_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTColumn_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTColumn_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTColumn_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTColumn_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTDiag_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTDiag_const. ::Error("TMatrixTDiag_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTDiag_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInc", &sobj->fInc); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNdiag", &sobj->fNdiag); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPtr", &sobj->fPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTDiag_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTDiag_const : new ::TMatrixTDiag_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTDiag_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTDiag_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTDiag_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTDiag_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTDiag_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTDiag_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTDiag_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTDiag_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTFlat_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTFlat_const. ::Error("TMatrixTFlat_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTFlat_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNelems", &sobj->fNelems); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPtr", &sobj->fPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTFlat_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTFlat_const : new ::TMatrixTFlat_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTFlat_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTFlat_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTFlat_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTFlat_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTFlat_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTFlat_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTFlat_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTFlat_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSub_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSub_const. ::Error("TMatrixTSub_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSub_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowOff", &sobj->fRowOff); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColOff", &sobj->fColOff); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNrowsSub", &sobj->fNrowsSub); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNcolsSub", &sobj->fNcolsSub); } } template <> void TMatrixTSub_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSub_const : new ::TMatrixTSub_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSub_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSub_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSub_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSub_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSub_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSub_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTSub_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSub_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTRow::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTRow. TMatrixTRow_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTRow. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTRow_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTRow::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTRow : new ::TMatrixTRow; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTRow[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTRow[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTRow*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTRow*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTRow current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTRow*)obj)->::TMatrixTRow::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTRow //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTColumn::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTColumn. TMatrixTColumn_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTColumn. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTColumn*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTColumn_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTColumn::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTColumn : new ::TMatrixTColumn; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTColumn[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTColumn[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTColumn*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTColumn*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTColumn current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTColumn*)obj)->::TMatrixTColumn::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTColumn //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTDiag::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTDiag. TMatrixTDiag_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTDiag. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTDiag_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTDiag::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTDiag : new ::TMatrixTDiag; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTDiag[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTDiag[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTDiag*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTDiag*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTDiag current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTDiag*)obj)->::TMatrixTDiag::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTDiag //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTFlat::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTFlat. TMatrixTFlat_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTFlat. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTFlat*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTFlat_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTFlat::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTFlat : new ::TMatrixTFlat; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTFlat[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTFlat[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTFlat*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTFlat*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTFlat current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTFlat*)obj)->::TMatrixTFlat::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTFlat //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSub::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSub. TMatrixTSub_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSublEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSub. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSublEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSub*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTSub_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSub::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSublEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSub : new ::TMatrixTSub; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSub[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSub[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSub*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSub*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSub current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSub*)obj)->::TMatrixTSub::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSub //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSparseRow_const. ::Error("TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparseRow_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowInd", &sobj->fRowInd); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNindex", &sobj->fNindex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fColPtr", &sobj->fColPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDataPtr", &sobj->fDataPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const : new ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparseRow_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSparseRow. TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparseRow. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparseRow::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseRow : new ::TMatrixTSparseRow; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseRow[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparseRow[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparseRow*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparseRow*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparseRow current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparseRow*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparseRow::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparseRow //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSparseDiag_const. ::Error("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Streamer", "version id <=0 in ClassDef, dummy Streamer() called"); if (R__b.IsReading()) { } } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparseDiag_const. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMatrix", &sobj->fMatrix); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNdiag", &sobj->fNdiag); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDataPtr", &sobj->fDataPtr); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const : new ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparseDiag_const //______________________________________________________________________________ template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixTSparseDiag. TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Streamer(R__b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixTSparseDiag. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x0)->GetClass(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } sobj->TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ShowMembers(R__insp); } } template <> void TMatrixTSparseDiag::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { ::ROOT::TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR_ShowMembers(this, R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseDiag : new ::TMatrixTSparseDiag; } static void *newArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixTSparseDiag[nElements] : new ::TMatrixTSparseDiag[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixTSparseDiag current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function. static void streamer_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) { ((::TMatrixTSparseDiag*)obj)->::TMatrixTSparseDiag::Streamer(buf); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixTSparseDiag //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMatrixDEigen::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixDEigen. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TMatrixDEigen::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TMatrixDEigen::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMatrixDEigen::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixDEigen. TClass *R__cl = ::TMatrixDEigen::IsA(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fEigenVectors", &fEigenVectors); R__insp.InspectMember(fEigenVectors, "fEigenVectors."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fEigenValuesRe", &fEigenValuesRe); R__insp.InspectMember(fEigenValuesRe, "fEigenValuesRe."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fEigenValuesIm", &fEigenValuesIm); R__insp.InspectMember(fEigenValuesIm, "fEigenValuesIm."); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixDEigen(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixDEigen : new ::TMatrixDEigen; } static void *newArray_TMatrixDEigen(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixDEigen[nElements] : new ::TMatrixDEigen[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixDEigen(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixDEigen*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixDEigen(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixDEigen*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixDEigen(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixDEigen current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixDEigen //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMatrixDSymEigen::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TMatrixDSymEigen. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TMatrixDSymEigen::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TMatrixDSymEigen::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMatrixDSymEigen::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMatrixDSymEigen. TClass *R__cl = ::TMatrixDSymEigen::IsA(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fEigenVectors", &fEigenVectors); R__insp.InspectMember(fEigenVectors, "fEigenVectors."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fEigenValues", &fEigenValues); R__insp.InspectMember(fEigenValues, "fEigenValues."); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TMatrixDSymEigen(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixDSymEigen : new ::TMatrixDSymEigen; } static void *newArray_TMatrixDSymEigen(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TMatrixDSymEigen[nElements] : new ::TMatrixDSymEigen[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TMatrixDSymEigen(void *p) { delete ((::TMatrixDSymEigen*)p); } static void deleteArray_TMatrixDSymEigen(void *p) { delete [] ((::TMatrixDSymEigen*)p); } static void destruct_TMatrixDSymEigen(void *p) { typedef ::TMatrixDSymEigen current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMatrixDSymEigen //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompBase::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TDecompBase. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TDecompBase::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TDecompBase::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompBase::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDecompBase. TClass *R__cl = ::TDecompBase::IsA(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTol", &fTol); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDet1", &fDet1); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDet2", &fDet2); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCondition", &fCondition); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowLwb", &fRowLwb); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColLwb", &fColLwb); TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TDecompBase(void *p) { delete ((::TDecompBase*)p); } static void deleteArray_TDecompBase(void *p) { delete [] ((::TDecompBase*)p); } static void destruct_TDecompBase(void *p) { typedef ::TDecompBase current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDecompBase //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompBK::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TDecompBK. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TDecompBK::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TDecompBK::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompBK::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDecompBK. TClass *R__cl = ::TDecompBK::IsA(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNIpiv", &fNIpiv); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fIpiv", &fIpiv); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fU", &fU); R__insp.InspectMember(fU, "fU."); TDecompBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TDecompBK(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompBK : new ::TDecompBK; } static void *newArray_TDecompBK(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompBK[nElements] : new ::TDecompBK[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TDecompBK(void *p) { delete ((::TDecompBK*)p); } static void deleteArray_TDecompBK(void *p) { delete [] ((::TDecompBK*)p); } static void destruct_TDecompBK(void *p) { typedef ::TDecompBK current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDecompBK //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompChol::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TDecompChol. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TDecompChol::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TDecompChol::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompChol::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDecompChol. TClass *R__cl = ::TDecompChol::IsA(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fU", &fU); R__insp.InspectMember(fU, "fU."); TDecompBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TDecompChol(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompChol : new ::TDecompChol; } static void *newArray_TDecompChol(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompChol[nElements] : new ::TDecompChol[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TDecompChol(void *p) { delete ((::TDecompChol*)p); } static void deleteArray_TDecompChol(void *p) { delete [] ((::TDecompChol*)p); } static void destruct_TDecompChol(void *p) { typedef ::TDecompChol current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDecompChol //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompLU::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TDecompLU. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TDecompLU::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TDecompLU::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompLU::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDecompLU. TClass *R__cl = ::TDecompLU::IsA(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fImplicitPivot", &fImplicitPivot); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNIndex", &fNIndex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fIndex", &fIndex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSign", &fSign); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fLU", &fLU); R__insp.InspectMember(fLU, "fLU."); TDecompBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TDecompLU(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompLU : new ::TDecompLU; } static void *newArray_TDecompLU(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompLU[nElements] : new ::TDecompLU[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TDecompLU(void *p) { delete ((::TDecompLU*)p); } static void deleteArray_TDecompLU(void *p) { delete [] ((::TDecompLU*)p); } static void destruct_TDecompLU(void *p) { typedef ::TDecompLU current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDecompLU //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompQRH::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TDecompQRH. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TDecompQRH::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TDecompQRH::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompQRH::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDecompQRH. TClass *R__cl = ::TDecompQRH::IsA(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fQ", &fQ); R__insp.InspectMember(fQ, "fQ."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fR", &fR); R__insp.InspectMember(fR, "fR."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fUp", &fUp); R__insp.InspectMember(fUp, "fUp."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fW", &fW); R__insp.InspectMember(fW, "fW."); TDecompBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TDecompQRH(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompQRH : new ::TDecompQRH; } static void *newArray_TDecompQRH(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompQRH[nElements] : new ::TDecompQRH[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TDecompQRH(void *p) { delete ((::TDecompQRH*)p); } static void deleteArray_TDecompQRH(void *p) { delete [] ((::TDecompQRH*)p); } static void destruct_TDecompQRH(void *p) { typedef ::TDecompQRH current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDecompQRH //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompSVD::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TDecompSVD. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TDecompSVD::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TDecompSVD::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompSVD::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDecompSVD. TClass *R__cl = ::TDecompSVD::IsA(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fU", &fU); R__insp.InspectMember(fU, "fU."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fV", &fV); R__insp.InspectMember(fV, "fV."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSig", &fSig); R__insp.InspectMember(fSig, "fSig."); TDecompBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TDecompSVD(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompSVD : new ::TDecompSVD; } static void *newArray_TDecompSVD(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompSVD[nElements] : new ::TDecompSVD[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TDecompSVD(void *p) { delete ((::TDecompSVD*)p); } static void deleteArray_TDecompSVD(void *p) { delete [] ((::TDecompSVD*)p); } static void destruct_TDecompSVD(void *p) { typedef ::TDecompSVD current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDecompSVD //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompSparse::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class TDecompSparse. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TDecompSparse::Class(),this); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TDecompSparse::Class(),this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDecompSparse::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDecompSparse. TClass *R__cl = ::TDecompSparse::IsA(); if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fVerbose", &fVerbose); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIcntl[31]", fIcntl); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCntl[6]", fCntl); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInfo[21]", fInfo); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fPrecision", &fPrecision); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIkeep", &fIkeep); R__insp.InspectMember(fIkeep, "fIkeep."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIw", &fIw); R__insp.InspectMember(fIw, "fIw."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIw1", &fIw1); R__insp.InspectMember(fIw1, "fIw1."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIw2", &fIw2); R__insp.InspectMember(fIw2, "fIw2."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNsteps", &fNsteps); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMaxfrt", &fMaxfrt); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fW", &fW); R__insp.InspectMember(fW, "fW."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIPessimism", &fIPessimism); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRPessimism", &fRPessimism); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fA", &fA); R__insp.InspectMember(fA, "fA."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNrows", &fNrows); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNnonZeros", &fNnonZeros); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fFact", &fFact); R__insp.InspectMember(fFact, "fFact."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRowFact", &fRowFact); R__insp.InspectMember(fRowFact, "fRowFact."); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fColFact", &fColFact); R__insp.InspectMember(fColFact, "fColFact."); TDecompBase::ShowMembers(R__insp); } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TDecompSparse(void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompSparse : new ::TDecompSparse; } static void *newArray_TDecompSparse(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? new(p) ::TDecompSparse[nElements] : new ::TDecompSparse[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TDecompSparse(void *p) { delete ((::TDecompSparse*)p); } static void deleteArray_TDecompSparse(void *p) { delete [] ((::TDecompSparse*)p); } static void destruct_TDecompSparse(void *p) { typedef ::TDecompSparse current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDecompSparse /******************************************************** * math/matrix/src/G__Matrix.cxx * CAUTION: DON'T CHANGE THIS FILE. THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED * FROM HEADER FILES LISTED IN G__setup_cpp_environmentXXX(). * CHANGE THOSE HEADER FILES AND REGENERATE THIS FILE. ********************************************************/ #ifdef G__MEMTEST #undef malloc #undef free #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 && ((__GNUC_MINOR__ == 2 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ >= 1) || (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing" #endif extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtableG__Matrix(); extern "C" void G__set_cpp_environmentG__Matrix() { G__add_compiledheader("TObject.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMemberInspector.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TDecompBase.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TDecompBK.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TDecompChol.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TDecompLU.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TDecompQRH.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TDecompSparse.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TDecompSVD.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDBasefwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDBase.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDEigen.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDfwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixD.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDLazy.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDSparsefwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDSparse.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDSymEigen.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDSymfwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDSym.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDUtilsfwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixDUtils.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFBasefwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFBase.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFfwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixF.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFLazy.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFSparsefwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFSparse.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFSymfwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFSym.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFUtilsfwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixFUtils.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrix.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixTBase.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixTCramerInv.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixT.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixTLazy.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixTSparse.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixTSymCramerInv.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixTSym.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMatrixTUtils.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TVectorDfwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TVectorD.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TVectorFfwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TVectorF.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TVectorfwd.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TVector.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TVectorT.h"); G__cpp_reset_tagtableG__Matrix(); } #include extern "C" int G__cpp_dllrevG__Matrix() { return(30051515); } /********************************************************* * Member function Interface Method *********************************************************/ /* TMatrixTBase */ static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNrows()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNcols()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNoElements()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTol()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrixArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrixArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowIndexArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowIndexArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColIndexArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColIndexArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetRowIndexArray((Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetColIndexArray((Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrixArray((float*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrixArray((float*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetTol((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Invalidate(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->MakeValid(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->IsValid()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->IsOwner()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->IsSymmetric()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 6: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[4].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[5])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 5: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[4].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix2Array((float*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); break; case 1: ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix2Array((float*) G__int(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 4: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->InsertRow((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 3: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->InsertRow((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 4: ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ExtractRow((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); break; case 3: ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ExtractRow((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Shift((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 2: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 5: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 4: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Determinant()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Determinant(*(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[0]), *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Zero(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Abs(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Sqr(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Sqrt(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->UnitMatrix(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByDiag(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByDiag(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->RowNorm()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ColNorm()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->E2Norm()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->NormInf()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Norm1()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->NonZeros()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Sum()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Min()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Max()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator==((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator!=((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator<((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator<=((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator>((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator>=((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Apply(*(TElementActionT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Apply(*(TElementPosActionT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Randomize((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTBase::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTBase::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTBase::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTBase::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTBase::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTBase::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTBase::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTBase::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTBase G__TTMatrixTBaselEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTBase*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTBase*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTBase)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTBase*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTBase*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic assignment operator static int G__G__Matrix_122_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTBase* dest = (TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset(); *dest = *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref; const TMatrixTBase& obj = *dest; result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTBase */ static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNrows()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNcols()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNoElements()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTol()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrixArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrixArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowIndexArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowIndexArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColIndexArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColIndexArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetRowIndexArray((Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetColIndexArray((Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrixArray((double*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrixArray((double*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetTol((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Invalidate(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->MakeValid(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->IsValid()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->IsOwner()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->IsSymmetric()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 6: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[4].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[5])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 5: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[4].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix2Array((double*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); break; case 1: ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix2Array((double*) G__int(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 4: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->InsertRow((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 3: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->InsertRow((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 4: ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ExtractRow((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); break; case 3: ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ExtractRow((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Shift((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 2: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 5: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 4: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Determinant()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Determinant(*(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[0]), *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Zero(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Abs(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Sqr(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Sqrt(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->UnitMatrix(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByDiag(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByDiag(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->RowNorm()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ColNorm()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->E2Norm()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->NormInf()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Norm1()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->NonZeros()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Sum()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Min()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Max()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator==((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator!=((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator<((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator<=((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator>((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator>=((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Apply(*(TElementActionT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Apply(*(TElementPosActionT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Randomize((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTBase::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTBase::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTBase::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTBase::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTBase::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTBase::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTBase::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTBase::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTBase G__TTMatrixTBaselEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTBase*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTBase*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTBase)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTBase*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTBase*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic assignment operator static int G__G__Matrix_123_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTBase* dest = (TMatrixTBase*) G__getstructoffset(); *dest = *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref; const TMatrixTBase& obj = *dest; result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TVectorT */ static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNrows()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNoElements()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrixArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrixArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Invalidate(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->MakeValid(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->IsValid()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->IsOwner()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->SetElements((float*) G__int(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Shift((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 4: { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 3: { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: { const TVectorT* pobj; const TVectorT xobj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2])); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; case 2: { const TVectorT* pobj; const TVectorT xobj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Zero(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Abs(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Sqr(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Sqrt(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->SelectNonZeros(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Norm1()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Norm2Sqr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormInf()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->NonZeros()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Sum()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Min()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Max()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator==((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_71(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator!=((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator<((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator<=((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator>((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator>=((float) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->MatchesNonZeroPattern(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->SomePositive(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->AddSomeConstant((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Randomize((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Apply(*(TElementActionT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Apply(*(TElementPosActionT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TVectorT::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_88(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TVectorT::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_89(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TVectorT::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_95(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TVectorT::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_96(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TVectorT::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_97(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TVectorT::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_98(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TVectorT::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_99(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TVectorT G__TTVectorTlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_124_0_100(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TVectorT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TVectorT*) (soff+(sizeof(TVectorT)*i)))->~G__TTVectorTlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TVectorT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TVectorT*) (soff))->~G__TTVectorTlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TVectorT */ static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNrows()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNoElements()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrixArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrixArray()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Invalidate(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->MakeValid(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->IsValid()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->IsOwner()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->SetElements((double*) G__int(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Shift((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 4: { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 3: { const TVectorT& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: { const TVectorT* pobj; const TVectorT xobj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2])); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; case 2: { const TVectorT* pobj; const TVectorT xobj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Zero(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Abs(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Sqr(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Sqrt(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->SelectNonZeros(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Norm1()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Norm2Sqr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormInf()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->NonZeros()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Sum()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Min()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Max()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator==((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_71(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator!=((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator<((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator<=((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator>((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator>=((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->MatchesNonZeroPattern(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->SomePositive(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->AddSomeConstant((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Randomize((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Apply(*(TElementActionT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Apply(*(TElementPosActionT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TVectorT::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_88(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TVectorT::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_89(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TVectorT::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TVectorT*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_95(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TVectorT::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_96(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TVectorT::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_97(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TVectorT::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_98(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TVectorT::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_99(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TVectorT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TVectorT(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TVectorT(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TVectorT G__TTVectorTlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_125_0_100(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TVectorT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TVectorT*) (soff+(sizeof(TVectorT)*i)))->~G__TTVectorTlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TVectorT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TVectorT*) (soff))->~G__TTVectorTlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixT */ static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 4: //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); } break; case 3: //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 6: //m: 6 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[5])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[5])); } break; case 5: //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT((TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT((TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Plus(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Plus(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Plus(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Minus(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Minus(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Minus(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->MultT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->MultT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->MultT(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->MultT(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 5: { const TMatrixT* pobj; const TMatrixT xobj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[4])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; case 4: { const TMatrixT* pobj; const TMatrixT xobj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert((Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 0: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->InvertFast((Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 0: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->InvertFast(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Transpose(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->T(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (double) G__double(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 2: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Similarity(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByColumn(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByColumn(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByRow(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByRow(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTRow_const* pobj; const TMatrixTRow_const xobj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTRow_const(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTRow* pobj; TMatrixTRow xobj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTRow(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_88(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_89(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator/=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_91(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator/=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_92(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_93(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator/=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT* pobj; const TMatrixT xobj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->EigenVectors(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_95(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixT::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_96(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixT::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_97(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixT::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_98(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_102(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_103(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixT::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_104(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixT::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_105(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixT::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_106(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixT::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixT G__TTMatrixTlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_134_0_107(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixT*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixT)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixT*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSym */ static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 3: //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } break; case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 4: //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); } break; case 3: //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSymLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSymLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Plus(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Minus(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 4: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 3: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 5: { const TMatrixTSym* pobj; const TMatrixTSym xobj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[4])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; case 4: { const TMatrixTSym* pobj; const TMatrixTSym xobj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 1: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert((Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 0: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 1: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->InvertFast((Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 0: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->InvertFast(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Transpose(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->T(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Similarity(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Similarity(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Similarity(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->SimilarityT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTRow_const* pobj; const TMatrixTRow_const xobj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTRow_const(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTRow* pobj; TMatrixTRow xobj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTRow(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSymLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->RandomizePD((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT* pobj; const TMatrixT xobj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->EigenVectors(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSym::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSym::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSym::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSym::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSym::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSym::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSym G__TTMatrixTSymlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_138_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSym*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSym*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSym)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSym*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSym*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparse */ static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 8 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[7])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[7])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse((TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse((TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndex((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndex(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndexAB(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndexAB(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndexAB(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrixArray((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[7])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (const Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[7])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[5])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (const Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[5])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 5: { const TMatrixTSparse* pobj; const TMatrixTSparse xobj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[4])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; case 4: { const TMatrixTSparse* pobj; const TMatrixTSparse xobj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Transpose(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->T(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseRow_const* pobj; const TMatrixTSparseRow_const xobj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparseRow* pobj; TMatrixTSparseRow xobj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparseRow(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_71(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->RandomizePD((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparse::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparse::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparse::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_91(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparse::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_92(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_93(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparse::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparse G__TTMatrixTSparselEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_139_0_95(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparse*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparse*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparse)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparse*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparse*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTLazy */ static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTLazy::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTLazy::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTLazy::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTLazy::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTLazy::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTLazy::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTLazy G__TTMatrixTLazylEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_140_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTLazy*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTLazy*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTLazy)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTLazy*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTLazy*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTRow_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTRow_const& obj = ((TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowIndex()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInc()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTRow_const G__TTMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_141_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTRow_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTRow_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTRow_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTRow_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTRow_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTRow */ static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixTRow*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixTRow*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTRow& obj = ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTRow*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTRow::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTRow::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTRow::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTRow::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTRow G__TTMatrixTRowlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_142_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTRow*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTRow*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTRow)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTRow*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTRow*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTDiag_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTDiag_const& obj = ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInc()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNdiags()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTDiag_const G__TTMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_143_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTDiag_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTDiag_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTDiag_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTColumn_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTColumn_const& obj = ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColIndex()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInc()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTColumn_const G__TTMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_144_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTColumn_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTColumn_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTColumn_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTFlat_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTFlat_const& obj = ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTFlat_const G__TTMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_145_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTFlat_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTFlat_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTFlat_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSub_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub_const( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub_const( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub_const( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub_const( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowOff()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColOff()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNrows()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNcols()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new TMatrixTSub_const(*(TMatrixTSub_const*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSub_const G__TTMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_146_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSub_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSub_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSub_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSub_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSub_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparseRow_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow_const(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow_const(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseRow_const& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowIndex()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNindex()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparseRow_const G__TTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_147_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparseRow_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparseDiag_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNdiags()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparseDiag_const G__TTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_148_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTColumn */ static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixTColumn*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixTColumn*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTColumn& obj = ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTColumn*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTColumn::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTColumn::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTColumn::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTColumn G__TTMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_149_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTColumn*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTColumn)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTColumn*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTColumn*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTDiag */ static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixTDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixTDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTDiag& obj = ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTDiag::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTDiag::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTDiag::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTDiag G__TTMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_150_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTDiag*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTDiag)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTDiag*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTDiag*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTFlat */ static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixTFlat*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixTFlat*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((const TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTFlat& obj = ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTFlat*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTFlat::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTFlat::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTFlat::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTFlat G__TTMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_151_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTFlat*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTFlat)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTFlat*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTFlat*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSub */ static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub(*(TMatrixTSub*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub(*(TMatrixTSub*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); break; case 1: ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSub_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSub& obj = ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSub*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSub_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSub_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSub::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSub::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSub::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSub::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSub G__TTMatrixTSublEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_152_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSub*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSub*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSub)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSublEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSub*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSub*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSublEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparseRow */ static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow(*(TMatrixTSparseRow*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow(*(TMatrixTSparseRow*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseRow& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparseRow G__TTMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_154_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparseRow*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparseRow)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparseRow*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparseDiag */ static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 68, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const double& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseDiag& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparseDiag G__TTMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_155_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparseDiag*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparseDiag)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparseDiag*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSymLazy */ static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSymLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSymLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSymLazy::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSymLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSymLazy G__TTMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_159_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSymLazy*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSymLazy*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSymLazy)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSymLazy*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSymLazy*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTRow_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow_const(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTRow_const& obj = ((TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowIndex()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInc()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTRow_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTRow_const G__TTMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_164_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTRow_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTRow_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTRow_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTRow_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTRow_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixT */ static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 4: //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); } break; case 3: //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 6: //m: 6 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[5])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[5])); } break; case 5: //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[4])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT((TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT((TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT(*(TMatrixTLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Plus(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Plus(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Plus(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Minus(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Minus(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Minus(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->MultT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->MultT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->MultT(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->MultT(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[4])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[4])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 5: { const TMatrixT* pobj; const TMatrixT xobj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[4])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; case 4: { const TMatrixT* pobj; const TMatrixT xobj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert((Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 0: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->InvertFast((Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 0: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->InvertFast(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Transpose(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->T(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (float) G__double(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 2: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->Similarity(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByColumn(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByColumn(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByRow(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->NormByRow(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTRow_const* pobj; const TMatrixTRow_const xobj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTRow_const(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTRow* pobj; TMatrixTRow xobj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTRow(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_88(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_89(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator/=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_91(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator/=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_92(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_93(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->operator/=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT* pobj; const TMatrixT xobj = ((const TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->EigenVectors(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_95(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixT::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_96(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixT::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_97(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixT::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_98(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_102(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_103(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixT::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_104(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixT::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_105(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixT::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_106(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixT::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_107(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixT G__TTMatrixTlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_165_0_108(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixT*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixT)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixT*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSym */ static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 3: //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } break; case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 4: //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); } break; case 3: //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym((TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym((TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSymLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSymLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->TMult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Plus(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Minus(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (float*) G__int(libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 4: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref, (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 3: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 5: { const TMatrixTSym* pobj; const TMatrixTSym xobj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[4])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; case 4: { const TMatrixTSym* pobj; const TMatrixTSym xobj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 1: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert((Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 0: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 1: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->InvertFast((Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 0: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->InvertFast(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Transpose(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->T(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; case 1: { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Similarity(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Similarity(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->Similarity(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->SimilarityT(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTRow_const* pobj; const TMatrixTRow_const xobj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTRow_const(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTRow* pobj; TMatrixTRow xobj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTRow(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSymLazy*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->RandomizePD((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT* pobj; const TMatrixT xobj = ((const TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->EigenVectors(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSym::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSym::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSym::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSym::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSym::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSym::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSym(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSym G__TTMatrixTSymlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_169_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSym*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSym*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSym)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSym*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSym*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSymLazy */ static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSymLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSymLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSymLazy::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSymLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSymLazy::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSymLazy G__TTMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_173_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSymLazy*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSymLazy*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSymLazy)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSymLazy*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSymLazy*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTRow */ static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixTRow*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTRow(*(TMatrixTRow*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTRow& obj = ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTRow*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTRow::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTRow::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTRow::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTRow*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTRow::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTRow::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTRow::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTRow G__TTMatrixTRowlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_174_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTRow*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTRow*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTRow)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTRow*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTRow*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparse */ static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 8 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[7])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[7])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse((TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse((TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp1) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparse( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndex((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndex(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndexAB(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndexAB(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSparseIndexAB(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrixArray((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[3])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTBase& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->ResizeTo(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[7])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (const Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[7])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[5])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (const Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (float*) G__int(libp->para[5])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Use(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 5: { const TMatrixTSparse* pobj; const TMatrixTSparse xobj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[4])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; case 4: { const TMatrixTSparse* pobj; const TMatrixTSparse xobj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSub((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Transpose(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->T(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->Mult(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseRow_const* pobj; const TMatrixTSparseRow_const xobj = ((const TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparseRow* pobj; TMatrixTSparseRow xobj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparseRow(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_71(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->RandomizePD((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparse::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparse::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparse::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparse::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_91(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparse::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_92(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_93(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparse::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparse G__TTMatrixTSparselEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_175_0_95(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparse*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparse*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparse)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparse*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparse*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparseRow_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow_const(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow_const(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow_const(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseRow_const& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowIndex()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNindex()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparseRow_const G__TTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_178_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparseRow_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparseRow */ static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseRow(*(TMatrixTSparseRow*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseRow(*(TMatrixTSparseRow*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseRow& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseRow::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseRow::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparseRow G__TTMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_179_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparseRow*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparseRow)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparseRow*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparseRow*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTLazy */ static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColUpb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTLazy::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTLazy::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTLazy::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTLazy::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTLazy*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTLazy::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTLazy::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTLazy G__TTMatrixTLazylEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_180_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTLazy*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTLazy*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTLazy)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTLazy*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTLazy*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTDiag_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag_const(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTDiag_const& obj = ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInc()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNdiags()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTDiag_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTDiag_const G__TTMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_181_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTDiag_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTDiag_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTDiag_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTDiag_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTColumn_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn_const(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTColumn_const& obj = ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColIndex()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInc()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTColumn_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTColumn_const G__TTMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_182_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTColumn_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTColumn_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTColumn_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTColumn_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparseDiag_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNdiags()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparseDiag_const G__TTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_183_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TDecompBase */ static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTol()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDet1()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDet2()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCondition()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNrows()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNcols()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColLwb()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetTol((Double_t) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Condition()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Det(*(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[0]), *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Decompose()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Solve(*(TVectorD*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorD* pobj; TVectorD xobj = ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Solve(*(TVectorD*) libp->para[0].ref, *(Bool_t*) G__Boolref(&libp->para[1])); pobj = new TVectorD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->Solve(*(TMatrixDColumn*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->TransSolve(*(TVectorD*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorD* pobj; TVectorD xobj = ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->TransSolve(*(TVectorD*) libp->para[0].ref, *(Bool_t*) G__Boolref(&libp->para[1])); pobj = new TVectorD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->TransSolve(*(TMatrixDColumn*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->MultiSolve(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TDecompBase& obj = ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TDecompBase*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDecompBase::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompBase::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDecompBase::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompBase::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompBase*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompBase::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompBase::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompBase::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompBase::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TDecompBase G__TTDecompBase; static int G__G__Matrix_186_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TDecompBase*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TDecompBase*) (soff+(sizeof(TDecompBase)*i)))->~G__TTDecompBase(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TDecompBase*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TDecompBase*) (soff))->~G__TTDecompBase(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TDecompBK */ static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompBK* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompBK[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompBK[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompBK; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompBK; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompBK* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompBK((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompBK((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompBK* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompBK((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompBK((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompBK* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompBK(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompBK(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } break; case 1: //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompBK(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompBK(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompBK* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompBK(*(TDecompBK*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompBK(*(TDecompBK*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD& obj = ((TDecompBK*) G__getstructoffset())->GetU(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompBK*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrix(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompBK*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixDSym* pobj; TMatrixDSym xobj = ((TDecompBK*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(Bool_t*) G__Boolref(&libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixDSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixDSym* pobj; TMatrixDSym xobj = ((TDecompBK*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); pobj = new TMatrixDSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TDecompBK& obj = ((TDecompBK*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TDecompBK*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDecompBK::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompBK::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDecompBK::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompBK::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompBK*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompBK::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompBK::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompBK::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompBK::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TDecompBK G__TTDecompBK; static int G__G__Matrix_189_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TDecompBK*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TDecompBK*) (soff+(sizeof(TDecompBK)*i)))->~G__TTDecompBK(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TDecompBK*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TDecompBK*) (soff))->~G__TTDecompBK(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TDecompChol */ static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompChol* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompChol[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompChol[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompChol; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompChol; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompChol* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompChol((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompChol((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompChol* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompChol((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompChol((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompChol* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompChol(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompChol(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } break; case 1: //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompChol(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompChol(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompChol* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompChol(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompChol(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } break; case 1: //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompChol(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompChol(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompChol* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompChol(*(TDecompChol*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompChol(*(TDecompChol*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixDSym* pobj; TMatrixDSym xobj = ((TDecompChol*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix(); pobj = new TMatrixDSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD& obj = ((const TDecompChol*) G__getstructoffset())->GetU(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompChol*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrix(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompChol*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixDSym* pobj; TMatrixDSym xobj = ((TDecompChol*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(Bool_t*) G__Boolref(&libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixDSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixDSym* pobj; TMatrixDSym xobj = ((TDecompChol*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); pobj = new TMatrixDSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TDecompChol& obj = ((TDecompChol*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TDecompChol*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDecompChol::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompChol::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDecompChol::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompChol::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompChol*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompChol::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompChol::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompChol::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompChol::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TDecompChol G__TTDecompChol; static int G__G__Matrix_190_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TDecompChol*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TDecompChol*) (soff+(sizeof(TDecompChol)*i)))->~G__TTDecompChol(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TDecompChol*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TDecompChol*) (soff))->~G__TTDecompChol(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TDecompLU */ static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompLU* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompLU[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompLU[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompLU; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompLU; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompLU* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompLU((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompLU((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompLU* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompLU((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompLU((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompLU* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 3: //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompLU( *(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompLU( *(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])); } break; case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompLU(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompLU(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } break; case 1: //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompLU(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompLU(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompLU* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompLU(*(TDecompLU*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompLU(*(TDecompLU*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = ((TDecompLU*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix(); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD& obj = ((TDecompLU*) G__getstructoffset())->GetLU(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompLU*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrix(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TDecompLU::InvertLU(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TDecompLU::InvertLU(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1]))); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompLU*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = ((TDecompLU*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(Bool_t*) G__Boolref(&libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = ((TDecompLU*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TDecompLU& obj = ((TDecompLU*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TDecompLU*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDecompLU::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompLU::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDecompLU::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompLU::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompLU*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompLU::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompLU::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompLU::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompLU::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TDecompLU G__TTDecompLU; static int G__G__Matrix_191_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TDecompLU*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TDecompLU*) (soff+(sizeof(TDecompLU)*i)))->~G__TTDecompLU(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TDecompLU*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TDecompLU*) (soff))->~G__TTDecompLU(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TDecompQRH */ static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompQRH* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompQRH[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompQRH[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompQRH; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompQRH; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompQRH* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompQRH((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompQRH((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompQRH* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompQRH( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompQRH( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompQRH* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompQRH(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompQRH(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } break; case 1: //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompQRH(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompQRH(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompQRH* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompQRH(*(TDecompQRH*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompQRH(*(TDecompQRH*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD& obj = ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->GetQ(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD& obj = ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->GetR(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorD& obj = ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->GetUp(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorD& obj = ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->GetW(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrix(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(Bool_t*) G__Boolref(&libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TDecompQRH& obj = ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TDecompQRH*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDecompQRH::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompQRH::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDecompQRH::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompQRH::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompQRH*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompQRH::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompQRH::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompQRH::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompQRH::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TDecompQRH G__TTDecompQRH; static int G__G__Matrix_192_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TDecompQRH*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TDecompQRH*) (soff+(sizeof(TDecompQRH)*i)))->~G__TTDecompQRH(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TDecompQRH*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TDecompQRH*) (soff))->~G__TTDecompQRH(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TDecompSparse */ static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSparse[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSparse[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSparse; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSparse; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSparse( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSparse(*(TMatrixDSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSparse(*(TMatrixDSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSparse* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSparse(*(TDecompSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSparse(*(TDecompSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetVerbose((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrix(*(TMatrixDSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TDecompSparse& obj = ((TDecompSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TDecompSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDecompSparse::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompSparse::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDecompSparse::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSparse::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompSparse*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompSparse::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompSparse::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompSparse::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompSparse::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TDecompSparse G__TTDecompSparse; static int G__G__Matrix_197_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TDecompSparse*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TDecompSparse*) (soff+(sizeof(TDecompSparse)*i)))->~G__TTDecompSparse(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TDecompSparse*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TDecompSparse*) (soff))->~G__TTDecompSparse(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TDecompSVD */ static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSVD* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSVD[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSVD[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSVD; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSVD; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSVD* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSVD((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSVD((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSVD* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSVD( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSVD( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSVD* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSVD(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSVD(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1])); } break; case 1: //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSVD(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSVD(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSVD* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TDecompSVD(*(TDecompSVD*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TDecompSVD(*(TDecompSVD*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix(); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD& obj = ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->GetU(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD& obj = ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->GetV(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorD& obj = ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSig(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMatrix(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(*(Bool_t*) G__Boolref(&libp->para[0])); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->Invert(); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TDecompSVD& obj = ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TDecompSVD*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDecompSVD::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompSVD::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDecompSVD::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TDecompSVD::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TDecompSVD*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompSVD::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompSVD::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDecompSVD::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDecompSVD::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TDecompSVD G__TTDecompSVD; static int G__G__Matrix_198_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TDecompSVD*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TDecompSVD*) (soff+(sizeof(TDecompSVD)*i)))->~G__TTDecompSVD(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TDecompSVD*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TDecompSVD*) (soff))->~G__TTDecompSVD(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixDEigen */ static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixDEigen* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixDEigen[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixDEigen[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixDEigen; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixDEigen; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixDEigen* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixDEigen(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixDEigen(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixDEigen* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixDEigen(*(TMatrixDEigen*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixDEigen(*(TMatrixDEigen*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD& obj = ((const TMatrixDEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->GetEigenVectors(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorD& obj = ((const TMatrixDEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->GetEigenValuesRe(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorD& obj = ((const TMatrixDEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->GetEigenValuesIm(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD* pobj; const TMatrixD xobj = ((const TMatrixDEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->GetEigenValues(); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixDEigen& obj = ((TMatrixDEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixDEigen*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixDEigen::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixDEigen::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixDEigen::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixDEigen::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixDEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixDEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixDEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixDEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixDEigen::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixDEigen::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixDEigen::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixDEigen::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixDEigen G__TTMatrixDEigen; static int G__G__Matrix_200_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixDEigen*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixDEigen*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixDEigen)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixDEigen(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixDEigen*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixDEigen*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixDEigen(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* THaarMatrixT */ static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THaarMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THaarMatrixT[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THaarMatrixT[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THaarMatrixT; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THaarMatrixT; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THaarMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THaarMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THaarMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } break; case 1: //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THaarMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THaarMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) THaarMatrixT::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THaarMatrixT::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) THaarMatrixT::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THaarMatrixT::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((THaarMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THaarMatrixT::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THaarMatrixT::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THaarMatrixT::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THaarMatrixT::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THaarMatrixT* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new THaarMatrixT(*(THaarMatrixT*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef THaarMatrixT G__TTHaarMatrixTlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_202_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (THaarMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((THaarMatrixT*) (soff+(sizeof(THaarMatrixT)*i)))->~G__TTHaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (THaarMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((THaarMatrixT*) (soff))->~G__TTHaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* THilbertMatrixT */ static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixT[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixT[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixT; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixT; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) THilbertMatrixT::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixT::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) THilbertMatrixT::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((THilbertMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixT::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THilbertMatrixT::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new THilbertMatrixT(*(THilbertMatrixT*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef THilbertMatrixT G__TTHilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_203_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (THilbertMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((THilbertMatrixT*) (soff+(sizeof(THilbertMatrixT)*i)))->~G__TTHilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (THilbertMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((THilbertMatrixT*) (soff))->~G__TTHilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* THilbertMatrixTSym */ static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixTSym[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixTSym[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixTSym; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixTSym; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((THilbertMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new THilbertMatrixTSym(*(THilbertMatrixTSym*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef THilbertMatrixTSym G__TTHilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR; static int G__G__Matrix_204_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (THilbertMatrixTSym*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((THilbertMatrixTSym*) (soff+(sizeof(THilbertMatrixTSym)*i)))->~G__TTHilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (THilbertMatrixTSym*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((THilbertMatrixTSym*) (soff))->~G__TTHilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixDSymEigen */ static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixDSymEigen* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixDSymEigen[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixDSymEigen[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixDSymEigen; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixDSymEigen; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixDSymEigen* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixDSymEigen(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixDSymEigen(*(TMatrixDSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixDSymEigen* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixDSymEigen(*(TMatrixDSymEigen*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixDSymEigen(*(TMatrixDSymEigen*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixD& obj = ((const TMatrixDSymEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->GetEigenVectors(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorD& obj = ((const TMatrixDSymEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->GetEigenValues(); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixDSymEigen& obj = ((TMatrixDSymEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixDSymEigen*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixDSymEigen::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixDSymEigen::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixDSymEigen::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixDSymEigen::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixDSymEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixDSymEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixDSymEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixDSymEigen*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixDSymEigen::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixDSymEigen::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixDSymEigen::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixDSymEigen::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixDSymEigen G__TTMatrixDSymEigen; static int G__G__Matrix_205_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixDSymEigen*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixDSymEigen*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixDSymEigen)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixDSymEigen(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixDSymEigen*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixDSymEigen*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixDSymEigen(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTFlat_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat_const(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTFlat_const& obj = ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTFlat_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTFlat_const G__TTMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_207_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTFlat_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTFlat_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTFlat_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTFlat_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSub_const */ static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub_const[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub_const[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub_const; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub_const; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub_const( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub_const( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub_const( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub_const( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMatrix()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRowOff()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetColOff()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNrows()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNcols()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->IsA()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowMembers(*(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub_const*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSub_const::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub_const* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new TMatrixTSub_const(*(TMatrixTSub_const*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSub_const G__TTMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_208_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSub_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSub_const*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSub_const)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSub_const*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSub_const*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTColumn */ static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixTColumn*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTColumn(*(TMatrixTColumn*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTColumn& obj = ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTColumn*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTColumn_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTColumn::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTColumn::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTColumn::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTColumn::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTColumn G__TTMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_209_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTColumn*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTColumn*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTColumn)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTColumn*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTColumn*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTDiag */ static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixTDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTDiag(*(TMatrixTDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTDiag& obj = ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTDiag::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTDiag::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTDiag::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTDiag::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTDiag G__TTMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_210_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTDiag*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTDiag*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTDiag)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTDiag*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTDiag*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTFlat */ static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixTFlat*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTFlat(*(TMatrixTFlat*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((const TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTFlat& obj = ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTFlat*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTFlat_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTFlat::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTFlat::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTFlat::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTFlat::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTFlat G__TTMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_211_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTFlat*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTFlat*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTFlat)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTFlat*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTFlat*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSub */ static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub( *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 5 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub( *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSub(*(TMatrixTSub*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSub(*(TMatrixTSub*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 2: ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); break; case 1: ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->Rank1Update(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSub_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSub& obj = ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSub*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSub_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSub_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSub::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSub::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSub::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSub*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSub::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSub::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSub::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSub G__TTMatrixTSublEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_212_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSub*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSub*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSub)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSublEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSub*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSub*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSublEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSparseDiag */ static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TMatrixTSparseDiag(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TMatrixTSparseDiag(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 70, (long) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataPtr()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((const TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const float& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.d = (double) (obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=((float) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparseDiag& obj = ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag*) libp->para[0].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->operator*=(*(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TMatrixTSparseDiag::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMatrixTSparseDiag::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TMatrixTSparseDiag G__TTMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_214_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (TMatrixTSparseDiag*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) (soff+(sizeof(TMatrixTSparseDiag)*i)))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (TMatrixTSparseDiag*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((TMatrixTSparseDiag*) (soff))->~G__TTMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* THaarMatrixT */ static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THaarMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THaarMatrixT[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THaarMatrixT[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THaarMatrixT; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THaarMatrixT; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THaarMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THaarMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THaarMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } break; case 1: //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THaarMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THaarMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) THaarMatrixT::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THaarMatrixT::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) THaarMatrixT::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THaarMatrixT::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((THaarMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THaarMatrixT::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THaarMatrixT::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THaarMatrixT::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THaarMatrixT::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THaarMatrixT* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new THaarMatrixT(*(THaarMatrixT*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef THaarMatrixT G__TTHaarMatrixTlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_215_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (THaarMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((THaarMatrixT*) (soff+(sizeof(THaarMatrixT)*i)))->~G__TTHaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (THaarMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((THaarMatrixT*) (soff))->~G__TTHaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* THilbertMatrixT */ static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixT[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixT[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixT; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixT; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixT((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 4 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixT( (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) THilbertMatrixT::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixT::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) THilbertMatrixT::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((THilbertMatrixT*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixT::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THilbertMatrixT::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixT* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new THilbertMatrixT(*(THilbertMatrixT*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef THilbertMatrixT G__TTHilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_216_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (THilbertMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((THilbertMatrixT*) (soff+(sizeof(THilbertMatrixT)*i)))->~G__TTHilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (THilbertMatrixT*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((THilbertMatrixT*) (soff))->~G__TTHilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* THilbertMatrixTSym */ static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixTSym[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixTSym[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixTSym; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixTSym; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 1 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new THilbertMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) THilbertMatrixTSym((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::Class()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Name()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 115, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Version()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym::Dictionary(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((THilbertMatrixTSym*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::DeclFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 67, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileName()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) THilbertMatrixTSym::DeclFileLine()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { THilbertMatrixTSym* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new THilbertMatrixTSym(*(THilbertMatrixTSym*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef THilbertMatrixTSym G__TTHilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR; static int G__G__Matrix_217_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 1 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (THilbertMatrixTSym*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((THilbertMatrixTSym*) (soff+(sizeof(THilbertMatrixTSym)*i)))->~G__TTHilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (THilbertMatrixTSym*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((THilbertMatrixTSym*) (soff))->~G__TTHilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTCramerInv */ static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv2x2(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv2x2(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv3x3(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv3x3(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv4x4(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv4x4(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv5x5(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv5x5(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv6x6(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_218_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv6x6(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* TMatrixTSymCramerInv */ static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv2x2(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv2x2(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv3x3(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv3x3(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv4x4(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv4x4(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv5x5(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv5x5(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv6x6(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix_219_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv6x6(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (Double_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* Setting up global function */ static int G__G__Matrix__0_367(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorD* pobj; TVectorD xobj = NormalEqn(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorD*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_368(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorD* pobj; TVectorD xobj = NormalEqn(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorD*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorD*) libp->para[2].ref); pobj = new TVectorD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_369(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = NormalEqn(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixD*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_370(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixD* pobj; TMatrixD xobj = NormalEqn(*(TMatrixD*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixD*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorD*) libp->para[2].ref); pobj = new TMatrixD(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_377(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) operator==(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_378(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator+(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_379(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator-(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_380(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) operator*(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_381(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_382(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_383(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_384(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator*((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_385(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) Dot(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_386(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = OuterProduct(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_387(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = OuterProduct(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_388(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) Mult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_389(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_390(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_391(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_392(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_393(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = AddElemMult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_394(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = AddElemMult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[4].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_395(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = AddElemDiv(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_396(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = AddElemDiv(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[4].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_397(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ElementMult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_398(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ElementMult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_399(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ElementDiv(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_400(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ElementDiv(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_401(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_402(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_403(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_404(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_405(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { Compare(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_406(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) VerifyVectorValue(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (float) G__double(libp->para[3]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_407(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) VerifyVectorIdentity(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (float) G__double(libp->para[3]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_408(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) operator==(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_409(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) E2Norm(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_410(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_411(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_412(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { Compare(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_413(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) VerifyMatrixValue(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (float) G__double(libp->para[3]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_414(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) VerifyMatrixIdentity(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (float) G__double(libp->para[3]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_415(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_416(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_417(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_418(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_419(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_420(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_421(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_422(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_423(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_424(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_425(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_426(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_427(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_428(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_429(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_430(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_431(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator&&(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_432(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator&&(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_433(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator&&(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_434(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator||(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_435(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator||(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_436(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator||(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_437(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_438(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_439(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_440(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_441(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_442(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_443(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_444(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_445(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_446(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_447(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_448(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_449(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator!=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_450(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator!=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_451(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator!=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_452(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = Add(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_453(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = Add(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_454(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ElementMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_455(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ElementMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_456(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ElementDiv(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_457(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ElementDiv(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_458(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) operator==(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_459(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_460(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_461(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator+((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_462(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_463(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_464(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator-((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_465(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_466(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator*((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_467(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator&&(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_468(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator||(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_469(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator>(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_470(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator>=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_471(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator<=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_472(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator<(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_473(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = Add(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_474(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ElementMult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_475(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ElementDiv(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_476(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_477(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_478(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_479(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_480(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_481(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_482(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_483(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_484(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_485(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_486(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_487(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_488(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_489(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*((float) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_490(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_491(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = Add(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (float) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_492(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ElementMult(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_493(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ElementDiv(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_494(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_495(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) operator==(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_496(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator+(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_497(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator-(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_498(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) operator*(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_499(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_500(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_501(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_502(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TVectorT* pobj; TVectorT xobj = operator*((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TVectorT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_503(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) Dot(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_504(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = OuterProduct(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_505(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = OuterProduct(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_506(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) Mult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_507(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_508(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_509(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_510(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = Add(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_511(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = AddElemMult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_512(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = AddElemMult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[4].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_513(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = AddElemDiv(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_514(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = AddElemDiv(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[3].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[4].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_515(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ElementMult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_516(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ElementMult(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_517(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ElementDiv(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_518(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TVectorT& obj = ElementDiv(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , *(TVectorT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_519(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_520(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_521(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_522(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_523(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { Compare(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_524(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) VerifyVectorValue(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_525(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) VerifyVectorIdentity(*(TVectorT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TVectorT*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_526(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) operator==(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_527(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) E2Norm(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_528(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_529(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_530(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { Compare(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_531(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) VerifyMatrixValue(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_532(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) VerifyMatrixIdentity(*(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTBase*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_533(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_534(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_535(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_536(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_537(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator+((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_538(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_539(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_540(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_541(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_542(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator-((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_543(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_544(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_545(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_546(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_547(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_548(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_549(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator&&(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_550(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator&&(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_551(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator&&(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_552(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator||(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_553(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator||(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_554(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator||(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_555(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_556(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_557(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_558(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_559(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_560(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator>=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_561(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_562(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_563(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_564(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_565(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_566(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator<(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_567(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator!=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_568(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator!=(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_569(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixT* pobj; TMatrixT xobj = operator!=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixT(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_570(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = Add(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_571(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = Add(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_572(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ElementMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_573(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ElementMult(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_574(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ElementDiv(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_575(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixT& obj = ElementDiv(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_576(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 103, (long) operator==(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_577(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_578(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_579(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator+((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_580(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_581(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_582(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator-((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_583(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_584(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator*((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_585(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator&&(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_586(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator||(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_587(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator>(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_588(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator>=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_589(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator<=(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_590(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSym* pobj; TMatrixTSym xobj = operator<(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSym(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_591(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = Add(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_592(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ElementMult(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_593(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSym& obj = ElementDiv(*(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSym*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_594(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_595(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_596(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_597(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_598(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator+((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_599(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_600(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_601(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_602(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_603(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator-((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_604(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_605(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixT*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_606(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixT*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_607(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_608(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TMatrixTSparse* pobj; TMatrixTSparse xobj = operator*(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); pobj = new TMatrixTSparse(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_609(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = Add(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[2].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_610(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ElementMult(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_611(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { const TMatrixTSparse& obj = ElementDiv(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref); result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__G__Matrix__0_612(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { switch (libp->paran) { case 3: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]))); break; case 2: G__letint(result7, 103, (long) AreCompatible(*(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TMatrixTSparse*) libp->para[1].ref)); break; } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /********************************************************* * Member function Stub *********************************************************/ /* TMatrixTBase */ /* TMatrixTBase */ /* TVectorT */ /* TVectorT */ /* TMatrixT */ /* TMatrixTSym */ /* TMatrixTSparse */ /* TMatrixTLazy */ /* TMatrixTRow_const */ /* TMatrixTRow */ /* TMatrixTDiag_const */ /* TMatrixTColumn_const */ /* TMatrixTFlat_const */ /* TMatrixTSub_const */ /* TMatrixTSparseRow_const */ /* TMatrixTSparseDiag_const */ /* TMatrixTColumn */ /* TMatrixTDiag */ /* TMatrixTFlat */ /* TMatrixTSub */ /* TMatrixTSparseRow */ /* TMatrixTSparseDiag */ /* TMatrixTSymLazy */ /* TMatrixTRow_const */ /* TMatrixT */ /* TMatrixTSym */ /* TMatrixTSymLazy */ /* TMatrixTRow */ /* TMatrixTSparse */ /* TMatrixTSparseRow_const */ /* TMatrixTSparseRow */ /* TMatrixTLazy */ /* TMatrixTDiag_const */ /* TMatrixTColumn_const */ /* TMatrixTSparseDiag_const */ /* TDecompBase */ /* TDecompBK */ /* TDecompChol */ /* TDecompLU */ /* TDecompQRH */ /* TDecompSparse */ /* TDecompSVD */ /* TMatrixDEigen */ /* THaarMatrixT */ /* THilbertMatrixT */ /* THilbertMatrixTSym */ /* TMatrixDSymEigen */ /* TMatrixTFlat_const */ /* TMatrixTSub_const */ /* TMatrixTColumn */ /* TMatrixTDiag */ /* TMatrixTFlat */ /* TMatrixTSub */ /* TMatrixTSparseDiag */ /* THaarMatrixT */ /* THilbertMatrixT */ /* THilbertMatrixTSym */ /* TMatrixTCramerInv */ /* TMatrixTSymCramerInv */ /********************************************************* * Global function Stub *********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * Get size of pointer to member function *********************************************************/ class G__Sizep2memfuncG__Matrix { public: G__Sizep2memfuncG__Matrix(): p(&G__Sizep2memfuncG__Matrix::sizep2memfunc) {} size_t sizep2memfunc() { return(sizeof(p)); } private: size_t (G__Sizep2memfuncG__Matrix::*p)(); }; size_t G__get_sizep2memfuncG__Matrix() { G__Sizep2memfuncG__Matrix a; G__setsizep2memfunc((int)a.sizep2memfunc()); return((size_t)a.sizep2memfunc()); } /********************************************************* * virtual base class offset calculation interface *********************************************************/ /* Setting up class inheritance */ /********************************************************* * Inheritance information setup/ *********************************************************/ extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_inheritanceG__Matrix() { /* Setting up class inheritance */ if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTBase *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTBase*)0x1000; { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTBase *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTBase*)0x1000; { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR))) { TVectorT *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TVectorT*)0x1000; { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR))) { TVectorT *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TVectorT*)0x1000; { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR))) { TMatrixT *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixT*)0x1000; { TMatrixTBase *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTSym *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSym*)0x1000; { TMatrixTBase *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTSparse *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSparse*)0x1000; { TMatrixTBase *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTLazy *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTLazy*)0x1000; { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTRow *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTRow*)0x1000; { TMatrixTRow_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTRow_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTColumn *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTColumn*)0x1000; { TMatrixTColumn_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTColumn_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTDiag *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTDiag*)0x1000; { TMatrixTDiag_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTDiag_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTFlat *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTFlat*)0x1000; { TMatrixTFlat_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTFlat_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTSub *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSub*)0x1000; { TMatrixTSub_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTSub_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTSparseRow *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x1000; { TMatrixTSparseRow_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTSparseDiag *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x1000; { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR))) { TMatrixTSymLazy *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x1000; { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR))) { TMatrixT *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixT*)0x1000; { TMatrixTBase *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTSym *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSym*)0x1000; { TMatrixTBase *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTSymLazy *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x1000; { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTRow *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTRow*)0x1000; { TMatrixTRow_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTRow_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTSparse *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSparse*)0x1000; { TMatrixTBase *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTSparseRow *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x1000; { TMatrixTSparseRow_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTLazy *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTLazy*)0x1000; { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase))) { TDecompBase *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TDecompBase*)0x1000; { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK))) { TDecompBK *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TDecompBK*)0x1000; { TDecompBase *G__Lpbase=(TDecompBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol))) { TDecompChol *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TDecompChol*)0x1000; { TDecompBase *G__Lpbase=(TDecompBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU))) { TDecompLU *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TDecompLU*)0x1000; { TDecompBase *G__Lpbase=(TDecompBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH))) { TDecompQRH *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TDecompQRH*)0x1000; { TDecompBase *G__Lpbase=(TDecompBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse))) { TDecompSparse *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TDecompSparse*)0x1000; { TDecompBase *G__Lpbase=(TDecompBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD))) { TDecompSVD *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TDecompSVD*)0x1000; { TDecompBase *G__Lpbase=(TDecompBase*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR))) { THaarMatrixT *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(THaarMatrixT*)0x1000; { TMatrixTLazy *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTLazy*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR))) { THilbertMatrixT *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(THilbertMatrixT*)0x1000; { TMatrixTLazy *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTLazy*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR))) { THilbertMatrixTSym *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x1000; { TMatrixTSymLazy *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTSymLazy*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTColumn *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTColumn*)0x1000; { TMatrixTColumn_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTColumn_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTDiag *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTDiag*)0x1000; { TMatrixTDiag_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTDiag_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTFlat *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTFlat*)0x1000; { TMatrixTFlat_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTFlat_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTSub *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSub*)0x1000; { TMatrixTSub_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTSub_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR))) { TMatrixTSparseDiag *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x1000; { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR))) { THaarMatrixT *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(THaarMatrixT*)0x1000; { TMatrixTLazy *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTLazy*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR))) { THilbertMatrixT *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(THilbertMatrixT*)0x1000; { TMatrixTLazy *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTLazy*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR))) { THilbertMatrixTSym *G__Lderived; G__Lderived=(THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x1000; { TMatrixTSymLazy *G__Lpbase=(TMatrixTSymLazy*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1); } { TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived; G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0); } } } /********************************************************* * typedef information setup/ *********************************************************/ extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_typetableG__Matrix() { /* Setting up typedef entry */ G__search_typename2("Int_t",105,-1,0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,"Signed integer 4 bytes (int)",0); G__search_typename2("Double_t",100,-1,0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,"Double 8 bytes",0); G__search_typename2("Bool_t",103,-1,0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,"Boolean (0=false, 1=true) (bool)",0); G__search_typename2("Version_t",115,-1,0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,"Class version identifier (short)",0); G__search_typename2("Option_t",99,-1,256,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,"Option string (const char)",0); G__search_typename2("vector",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTBase",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTBase",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TVectorT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TVectorF",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TVectorT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TVectorD",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixD",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTColumn_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDColumn_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTFlat_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDFlat_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSub_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDSub_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDSparseRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDSparseDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTColumn",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDColumn",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTFlat",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDFlat",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSub",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDSub",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDSparseRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDSparseDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TElementActionT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TElementActionTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TElementPosActionT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TElementPosActionTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSym",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDSym",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparse",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDSparse",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTLazy",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDLazy",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSymLazy",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixDSymLazy",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THaarMatrixT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THaarMatrixD",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THilbertMatrixT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THilbertMatrixD",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THilbertMatrixTSym",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THilbertMatrixDSym",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixF",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTColumn_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFColumn_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTFlat_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFFlat_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSub_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFSub_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFSparseRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFSparseDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTColumn",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFColumn",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTFlat",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFFlat",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSub",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFSub",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFSparseRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFSparseDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TElementActionT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TElementActionTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TElementPosActionT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TElementPosActionTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSym",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFSym",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTLazy",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFLazy",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSymLazy",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFSymLazy",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THaarMatrixT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THaarMatrixF",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THilbertMatrixT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THilbertMatrixF",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THilbertMatrixTSym",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("THilbertMatrixFSym",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparse",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixFSparse",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrix",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TVector",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); } /********************************************************* * Data Member information setup/ *********************************************************/ /* Setting up class,struct,union tag member variable */ /* TMatrixTBase */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTBase *p; p=(TMatrixTBase*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNrows=",0,"number of rows"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNcols=",0,"number of columns"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowLwb=",0,"lower bound of the row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColLwb=",0,"lower bound of the col index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNelems=",0,"number of elements in matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNrowIndex=",0,"length of row index array (= fNrows+1) wich is only used for sparse matrices"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,102,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fTol=",0,"sqrt(epsilon); epsilon is smallest number number so that 1+epsilon > 1"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fIsOwner=",0,"!default kTRUE, when Use array kFALSE"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgRcLcLdA),-1,-2,2,"kSizeMax=25LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgRcLcLdA),-1,-2,2,"kWorkMax=100LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixStatusBits),-1,-2,2,"kStatus=16384LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTBase */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTBase *p; p=(TMatrixTBase*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNrows=",0,"number of rows"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNcols=",0,"number of columns"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowLwb=",0,"lower bound of the row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColLwb=",0,"lower bound of the col index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNelems=",0,"number of elements in matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNrowIndex=",0,"length of row index array (= fNrows+1) wich is only used for sparse matrices"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fTol=",0,"sqrt(epsilon); epsilon is smallest number number so that 1+epsilon > 1"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fIsOwner=",0,"!default kTRUE, when Use array kFALSE"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegRcLcLdA),-1,-2,2,"kSizeMax=25LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegRcLcLdA),-1,-2,2,"kWorkMax=100LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixStatusBits),-1,-2,2,"kStatus=16384LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TVectorT */ static void G__setup_memvarTVectorTlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); { TVectorT *p; p=(TVectorT*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNrows=",0,"number of rows"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowLwb=",0,"lower bound of the row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fElements=",0,"[fNrows] elements themselves"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgRcLcLdA),-1,-2,2,"kSizeMax=5LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgRcLcLdA),-1,-2,2,"kWorkMax=100LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,102,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataStack[5]=",0,"! data container"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fIsOwner=",0,"!default kTRUE, when Use array kFALSE"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgRcLcLEVectorStatusBits),-1,-2,2,"kStatus=16384LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TVectorT */ static void G__setup_memvarTVectorTlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); { TVectorT *p; p=(TVectorT*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNrows=",0,"number of rows"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowLwb=",0,"lower bound of the row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fElements=",0,"[fNrows] elements themselves"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegRcLcLdA),-1,-2,2,"kSizeMax=5LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegRcLcLdA),-1,-2,2,"kWorkMax=100LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataStack[5]=",0,"! data container"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fIsOwner=",0,"!default kTRUE, when Use array kFALSE"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegRcLcLEVectorStatusBits),-1,-2,2,"kStatus=16384LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixT */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixT *p; p=(TMatrixT*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataStack[25]=",0,"! data container"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fElements=",0,"[fNelems] elements themselves"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kZero=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kZero).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUnit=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kUnit).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTransposed=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kTransposed).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kInverted=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kInverted).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAtA=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kAtA).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMult=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kMult).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTransposeMult=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kTransposeMult).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kInvMult=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kInvMult).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMultTranspose=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kMultTranspose).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kPlus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kPlus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMinus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kMinus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSym */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTSym *p; p=(TMatrixTSym*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataStack[25]=",0,"! data container"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fElements=",0,"[fNelems] elements themselves"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kZero=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kZero).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUnit=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kUnit).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTransposed=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kTransposed).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kInverted=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kInverted).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAtA=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kAtA).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kPlus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kPlus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMinus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kMinus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparse */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTSparse *p; p=(TMatrixTSparse*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowIndex=",0,"[fNrowIndex] row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColIndex=",0,"[fNelems] column index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fElements=",0,"[fNelems]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kZero=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kZero).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUnit=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kUnit).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTransposed=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kTransposed).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAtA=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kAtA).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMult=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kMult).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMultTranspose=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kMultTranspose).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kPlus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kPlus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMinus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kMinus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTLazy */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTLazy *p; p=(TMatrixTLazy*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowUpb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowLwb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColUpb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColLwb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTRow_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTRow_const *p; p=(TMatrixTRow_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am a row of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowInd=",0,"effective row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fInc=",0,"if ptr = @a[row,i], then ptr+inc = @a[row,i+1]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fPtr=",0,"pointer to the a[row,0]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTRow */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTRow *p; p=(TMatrixTRow*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTDiag_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTDiag_const *p; p=(TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am the diagonal of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fInc=",0,"if ptr=@a[i,i], then ptr+inc = @a[i+1,i+1]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNdiag=",0,"number of diag elems, min(nrows,ncols)"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fPtr=",0,"pointer to the a[0,0]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTColumn_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTColumn_const *p; p=(TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am a column of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColInd=",0,"effective column index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fInc=",0,"if ptr = @a[i,col], then ptr+inc = @a[i+1,col]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fPtr=",0,"pointer to the a[0,col] column"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTFlat_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTFlat_const *p; p=(TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am the diagonal of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNelems=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fPtr=",0,"pointer to the a[0,0]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSub_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTSub_const *p; p=(TMatrixTSub_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am a submatrix of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowOff=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColOff=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNrowsSub=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNcolsSub=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparseRow_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTSparseRow_const *p; p=(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am a row of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowInd=",0,"effective row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNindex=",0,"index range"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,1,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColPtr=",0,"column index pointer"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataPtr=",0,"data pointer"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparseDiag_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const *p; p=(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am the diagonal of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNdiag=",0,"number of diag elems, min(nrows,ncols)"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,68,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataPtr=",0,"data pointer"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTColumn */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTColumn *p; p=(TMatrixTColumn*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTDiag */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTDiag *p; p=(TMatrixTDiag*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTFlat */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTFlat *p; p=(TMatrixTFlat*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSub */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTSub *p; p=(TMatrixTSub*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegRcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSub::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparseRow */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTSparseRow *p; p=(TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparseDiag */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTSparseDiag *p; p=(TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSymLazy */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR)); { TMatrixTSymLazy *p; p=(TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowUpb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowLwb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTRow_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTRow_const *p; p=(TMatrixTRow_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am a row of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowInd=",0,"effective row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fInc=",0,"if ptr = @a[row,i], then ptr+inc = @a[row,i+1]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fPtr=",0,"pointer to the a[row,0]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixT */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixT *p; p=(TMatrixT*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,102,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataStack[25]=",0,"! data container"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fElements=",0,"[fNelems] elements themselves"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kZero=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kZero).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUnit=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kUnit).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTransposed=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kTransposed).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kInverted=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kInverted).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAtA=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kAtA).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMult=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kMult).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTransposeMult=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kTransposeMult).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kInvMult=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kInvMult).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMultTranspose=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kMultTranspose).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kPlus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kPlus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMinus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixT::kMinus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSym */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTSym *p; p=(TMatrixTSym*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,102,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataStack[25]=",0,"! data container"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fElements=",0,"[fNelems] elements themselves"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kZero=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kZero).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUnit=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kUnit).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTransposed=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kTransposed).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kInverted=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kInverted).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAtA=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kAtA).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kPlus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kPlus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMinus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSym::kMinus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSymLazy */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTSymLazy *p; p=(TMatrixTSymLazy*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowUpb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowLwb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTRow */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTRow *p; p=(TMatrixTRow*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparse */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTSparse *p; p=(TMatrixTSparse*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowIndex=",0,"[fNrowIndex] row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColIndex=",0,"[fNelems] column index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fElements=",0,"[fNelems]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kZero=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kZero).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUnit=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kUnit).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTransposed=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kTransposed).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAtA=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kAtA).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMult=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kMult).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMultTranspose=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kMultTranspose).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kPlus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kPlus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMinus=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSparse::kMinus).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparseRow_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTSparseRow_const *p; p=(TMatrixTSparseRow_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am a row of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowInd=",0,"effective row index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNindex=",0,"index range"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,1,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColPtr=",0,"column index pointer"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataPtr=",0,"data pointer"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparseRow */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTSparseRow *p; p=(TMatrixTSparseRow*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTLazy */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTLazy *p; p=(TMatrixTLazy*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowUpb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowLwb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColUpb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColLwb=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTDiag_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTDiag_const *p; p=(TMatrixTDiag_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am the diagonal of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fInc=",0,"if ptr=@a[i,i], then ptr+inc = @a[i+1,i+1]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNdiag=",0,"number of diag elems, min(nrows,ncols)"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fPtr=",0,"pointer to the a[0,0]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTColumn_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTColumn_const *p; p=(TMatrixTColumn_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am a column of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColInd=",0,"effective column index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fInc=",0,"if ptr = @a[i,col], then ptr+inc = @a[i+1,col]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fPtr=",0,"pointer to the a[0,col] column"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparseDiag_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTSparseDiag_const *p; p=(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am the diagonal of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNdiag=",0,"number of diag elems, min(nrows,ncols)"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fDataPtr=",0,"data pointer"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TDecompBase */ static void G__setup_memvarTDecompBase(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase)); { TDecompBase *p; p=(TDecompBase*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fTol=",0,"sqrt(epsilon); epsilon is smallest number number so that 1+epsilon > 1"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fDet1=",0,"determinant mantissa"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fDet2=",0,"determinant exponent for powers of 2"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fCondition=",0,"matrix condition number"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowLwb=",0,"Row lower bound of decomposed matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColLwb=",0,"Column lower bound of decomposed matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat),-1,-2,2,"kInit=16384LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat),-1,-2,2,"kPatternSet=32768LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat),-1,-2,2,"kValuesSet=65536LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat),-1,-2,2,"kMatrixSet=131072LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat),-1,-2,2,"kDecomposed=262144LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat),-1,-2,2,"kDetermined=524288LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat),-1,-2,2,"kCondition=1048576LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat),-1,-2,2,"kSingular=2097152LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLdA),-1,-2,2,"kWorkMax=100LL",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TDecompBK */ static void G__setup_memvarTDecompBK(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK)); { TDecompBK *p; p=(TDecompBK*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNIpiv=",0,"size of row permutation index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fIpiv=",0,"[fNIpiv] row permutation index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"),-1,2,"fU=",0,"decomposed matrix so that a = u d u^T"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TDecompChol */ static void G__setup_memvarTDecompChol(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol)); { TDecompChol *p; p=(TDecompChol*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"),-1,2,"fU=",0,"decomposed matrix fU so that a = fU^T fU"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TDecompLU */ static void G__setup_memvarTDecompLU(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU)); { TDecompLU *p; p=(TDecompLU*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fImplicitPivot=",0,"control to determine implicit row scale before"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNIndex=",0,"size of row permutation index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fIndex=",0,"[fNIndex] row permutation index"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fSign=",0,"= +/- 1 reflecting even/odd row permutations, resp."); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"),-1,2,"fLU=",0,"decomposed matrix so that a = l u where"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TDecompQRH */ static void G__setup_memvarTDecompQRH(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH)); { TDecompQRH *p; p=(TDecompQRH*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"),-1,2,"fQ=",0,"(m x n) - orthogonal matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"),-1,2,"fR=",0,"(n x n) - upper triangular matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TVectorD"),-1,2,"fUp=",0,"(n) - vector with Householder up's"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TVectorD"),-1,2,"fW=",0,"(n) - vector with Householder beta's"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRHcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TDecompQRH::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TDecompSparse */ static void G__setup_memvarTDecompSparse(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse)); { TDecompSparse *p; p=(TDecompSparse*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fVerbose=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fIcntl[31]=",0,"integer control numbers"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fCntl[6]=",0,"float control numbers"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fInfo[21]=",0,"array used for communication between programs"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fPrecision=",0,"precision we demand from the linear system solver. If it isn't"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayI),-1,-1,2,"fIkeep=",0,"pivot sequence and temporary storage information"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayI),-1,-1,2,"fIw=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayI),-1,-1,2,"fIw1=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayI),-1,-1,2,"fIw2=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNsteps=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fMaxfrt=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayD),-1,-1,2,"fW=",0,"temporary storage for the factorization"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fIPessimism=",0,"amounts by which to increase allocated factorization space when"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fRPessimism=",0,"inadequate space is detected. fIPessimism is for array \"fIw\","); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixDSparse"),-1,2,"fA=",0,"original matrix; needed for the iterative solving procedure"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNrows=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNnonZeros=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayD),-1,-1,2,"fFact=",0,"size of fFact array; may be increased during the numerical factorization"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayI),-1,-1,2,"fRowFact=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayI),-1,-1,2,"fColFact=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TDecompSVD */ static void G__setup_memvarTDecompSVD(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD)); { TDecompSVD *p; p=(TDecompSVD*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"),-1,2,"fU=",0,"orthogonal matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"),-1,2,"fV=",0,"orthogonal matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TVectorD"),-1,2,"fSig=",0,"diagonal of diagonal matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVDcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TDecompSVD::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixDEigen */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixDEigen(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen)); { TMatrixDEigen *p; p=(TMatrixDEigen*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"),-1,2,"fEigenVectors=",0,"Eigen-vectors of matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TVectorD"),-1,2,"fEigenValuesRe=",0,"Eigen-values"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TVectorD"),-1,2,"fEigenValuesIm=",0,"Eigen-values"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigencLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixDEigen::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* THaarMatrixT */ static void G__setup_memvarTHaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR)); { THaarMatrixT *p; p=(THaarMatrixT*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* THilbertMatrixT */ static void G__setup_memvarTHilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR)); { THilbertMatrixT *p; p=(THilbertMatrixT*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* THilbertMatrixTSym */ static void G__setup_memvarTHilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); { THilbertMatrixTSym *p; p=(THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixDSymEigen */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixDSymEigen(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen)); { TMatrixDSymEigen *p; p=(TMatrixDSymEigen*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"),-1,2,"fEigenVectors=",0,"Eigen-vectors of matrix"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),G__defined_typename("TVectorD"),-1,2,"fEigenValues=",0,"Eigen-values"); G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigencLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixDSymEigen::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTFlat_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTFlat_const *p; p=(TMatrixTFlat_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am the diagonal of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNelems=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,70,0,1,-1,-1,-1,2,"fPtr=",0,"pointer to the a[0,0]"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSub_const */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTSub_const *p; p=(TMatrixTSub_const*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),-1,-1,2,"fMatrix=",0,"the matrix I am a submatrix of"); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fRowOff=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fColOff=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNrowsSub=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNcolsSub=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTColumn */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTColumn *p; p=(TMatrixTColumn*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTDiag */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTDiag *p; p=(TMatrixTDiag*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTFlat */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTFlat *p; p=(TMatrixTFlat*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSub */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTSub *p; p=(TMatrixTSub*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgRcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWorkMax=%lldLL",(long long)TMatrixTSub::kWorkMax).data(),0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSparseDiag */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR)); { TMatrixTSparseDiag *p; p=(TMatrixTSparseDiag*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* THaarMatrixT */ static void G__setup_memvarTHaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR)); { THaarMatrixT *p; p=(THaarMatrixT*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* THilbertMatrixT */ static void G__setup_memvarTHilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR)); { THilbertMatrixT *p; p=(THilbertMatrixT*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* THilbertMatrixTSym */ static void G__setup_memvarTHilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); { THilbertMatrixTSym *p; p=(THilbertMatrixTSym*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTCramerInv */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTCramerInv(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTCramerInv)); { } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } /* TMatrixTSymCramerInv */ static void G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymCramerInv(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymCramerInv)); { } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memvarG__Matrix() { } /*********************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ***********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * Member function information setup for each class *********************************************************/ static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTBaselEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTBase */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("GetElements",1117,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, "", "This function is now obsolete (and is not implemented) you should use TMatrix::GetMatrixArray().", (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DoubleLexSort",1324,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n I - 'Int_t' 0 - first " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - second F - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IndexedLexSort",1426,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n I - 'Int_t' 0 - first " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - swapFirst I - 'Int_t' 0 - second " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - swapSecond I - 'Int_t' 0 - index", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowLwb",893,G__G__Matrix_122_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowUpb",895,G__G__Matrix_122_0_6, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,G__G__Matrix_122_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColLwb",867,G__G__Matrix_122_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColUpb",869,G__G__Matrix_122_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,G__G__Matrix_122_0_10, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNoElements",1306,G__G__Matrix_122_0_11, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetTol",591,G__G__Matrix_122_0_12, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,G__G__Matrix_122_0_13, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,G__G__Matrix_122_0_14, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,G__G__Matrix_122_0_15, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,G__G__Matrix_122_0_16, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,G__G__Matrix_122_0_17, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,G__G__Matrix_122_0_18, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("SetRowIndexArray",1627,G__G__Matrix_122_0_19, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("SetColIndexArray",1601,G__G__Matrix_122_0_20, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrixArray",1440,G__G__Matrix_122_0_21, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "F - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetTol",603,G__G__Matrix_122_0_22, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - newTol", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("Invalidate",1025,G__G__Matrix_122_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MakeValid",878,G__G__Matrix_122_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsValid",684,G__G__Matrix_122_0_26, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsOwner",711,G__G__Matrix_122_0_27, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsSymmetric",1145,G__G__Matrix_122_0_28, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_122_0_29, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,G__G__Matrix_122_0_30, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix2Array",1478,G__G__Matrix_122_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "F - - 0 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("InsertRow",941,G__G__Matrix_122_0_32, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row i - 'Int_t' 0 - col " "F - - 10 - v i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ExtractRow",1043,G__G__Matrix_122_0_33, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row i - 'Int_t' 0 - col " "F - - 0 - v i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Shift",510,G__G__Matrix_122_0_34, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_shift i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_shift", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_122_0_35, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_122_0_36, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,G__G__Matrix_122_0_37, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,G__G__Matrix_122_0_38, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Zero",416,G__G__Matrix_122_0_39, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Abs",278,G__G__Matrix_122_0_40, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Sqr",310,G__G__Matrix_122_0_41, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Sqrt",426,G__G__Matrix_122_0_42, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("UnitMatrix",1045,G__G__Matrix_122_0_43, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("NormByDiag",972,G__G__Matrix_122_0_44, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"D\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("RowNorm",724,G__G__Matrix_122_0_45, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ColNorm",698,G__G__Matrix_122_0_46, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("E2Norm",531,G__G__Matrix_122_0_47, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("NormInf",697,G__G__Matrix_122_0_48, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Norm1",461,G__G__Matrix_122_0_49, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NonZeros",830,G__G__Matrix_122_0_50, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Sum",309,G__G__Matrix_122_0_51, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Min",292,G__G__Matrix_122_0_52, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Max",294,G__G__Matrix_122_0_53, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Draw",398,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' name", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_122_0_56, 102, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_122_0_57, 102, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("operator==",998,G__G__Matrix_122_0_58, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=",970,G__G__Matrix_122_0_59, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<",936,G__G__Matrix_122_0_60, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=",997,G__G__Matrix_122_0_61, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>",938,G__G__Matrix_122_0_62, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=",999,G__G__Matrix_122_0_63, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,G__G__Matrix_122_0_64, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,G__G__Matrix_122_0_65, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementPosActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Randomize",937,G__G__Matrix_122_0_66, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - alpha f - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_122_0_67, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_122_0_68, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_122_0_69, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_122_0_70, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_122_0_74, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_122_0_75, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_122_0_76, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_122_0_77, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_122_0_78, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTBase", 1958, G__G__Matrix_122_0_79, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); // automatic assignment operator G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Matrix_122_0_80, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTBaselEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTBase */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("GetElements",1117,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, "", "This function is now obsolete (and is not implemented) you should use TMatrix::GetMatrixArray().", (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DoubleLexSort",1324,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n I - 'Int_t' 0 - first " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - second D - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IndexedLexSort",1426,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n I - 'Int_t' 0 - first " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - swapFirst I - 'Int_t' 0 - second " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - swapSecond I - 'Int_t' 0 - index", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowLwb",893,G__G__Matrix_123_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowUpb",895,G__G__Matrix_123_0_6, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,G__G__Matrix_123_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColLwb",867,G__G__Matrix_123_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColUpb",869,G__G__Matrix_123_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,G__G__Matrix_123_0_10, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNoElements",1306,G__G__Matrix_123_0_11, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetTol",591,G__G__Matrix_123_0_12, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,G__G__Matrix_123_0_13, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,G__G__Matrix_123_0_14, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,G__G__Matrix_123_0_15, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,G__G__Matrix_123_0_16, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,G__G__Matrix_123_0_17, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,G__G__Matrix_123_0_18, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("SetRowIndexArray",1627,G__G__Matrix_123_0_19, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("SetColIndexArray",1601,G__G__Matrix_123_0_20, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrixArray",1440,G__G__Matrix_123_0_21, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetTol",603,G__G__Matrix_123_0_22, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - newTol", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("Invalidate",1025,G__G__Matrix_123_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MakeValid",878,G__G__Matrix_123_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsValid",684,G__G__Matrix_123_0_26, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsOwner",711,G__G__Matrix_123_0_27, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsSymmetric",1145,G__G__Matrix_123_0_28, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_123_0_29, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,G__G__Matrix_123_0_30, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix2Array",1478,G__G__Matrix_123_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "D - - 0 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("InsertRow",941,G__G__Matrix_123_0_32, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row i - 'Int_t' 0 - col " "D - - 10 - v i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ExtractRow",1043,G__G__Matrix_123_0_33, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row i - 'Int_t' 0 - col " "D - - 0 - v i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Shift",510,G__G__Matrix_123_0_34, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_shift i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_shift", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_123_0_35, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_123_0_36, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,G__G__Matrix_123_0_37, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,G__G__Matrix_123_0_38, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Zero",416,G__G__Matrix_123_0_39, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Abs",278,G__G__Matrix_123_0_40, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Sqr",310,G__G__Matrix_123_0_41, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Sqrt",426,G__G__Matrix_123_0_42, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("UnitMatrix",1045,G__G__Matrix_123_0_43, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("NormByDiag",972,G__G__Matrix_123_0_44, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"D\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("RowNorm",724,G__G__Matrix_123_0_45, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ColNorm",698,G__G__Matrix_123_0_46, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("E2Norm",531,G__G__Matrix_123_0_47, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("NormInf",697,G__G__Matrix_123_0_48, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Norm1",461,G__G__Matrix_123_0_49, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NonZeros",830,G__G__Matrix_123_0_50, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Sum",309,G__G__Matrix_123_0_51, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Min",292,G__G__Matrix_123_0_52, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Max",294,G__G__Matrix_123_0_53, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Draw",398,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' name", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_123_0_56, 100, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_123_0_57, 100, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("operator==",998,G__G__Matrix_123_0_58, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=",970,G__G__Matrix_123_0_59, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<",936,G__G__Matrix_123_0_60, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=",997,G__G__Matrix_123_0_61, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>",938,G__G__Matrix_123_0_62, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=",999,G__G__Matrix_123_0_63, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,G__G__Matrix_123_0_64, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,G__G__Matrix_123_0_65, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementPosActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Randomize",937,G__G__Matrix_123_0_66, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - alpha d - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_123_0_67, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_123_0_68, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_123_0_69, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_123_0_70, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_123_0_74, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_123_0_75, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_123_0_76, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_123_0_77, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_123_0_78, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTBase::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTBase", 2059, G__G__Matrix_123_0_79, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); // automatic assignment operator G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Matrix_123_0_80, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTVectorTlEfloatgR(void) { /* TVectorT */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("New_m",502,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 70, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Delete_m",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size F - - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Memcpy_m",823,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 2, 0, "F - - 0 - newp F - - 10 - oldp " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - copySize i - 'Int_t' 0 - newSize " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - oldSize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' init", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 5, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n F - - 10 - elements", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb " "F - - 10 - elements", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_11, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - mr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_12, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - mc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_13, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetLwb",581,G__G__Matrix_124_0_14, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetUpb",583,G__G__Matrix_124_0_15, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,G__G__Matrix_124_0_16, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNoElements",1306,G__G__Matrix_124_0_17, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,G__G__Matrix_124_0_18, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,G__G__Matrix_124_0_19, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invalidate",1025,G__G__Matrix_124_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MakeValid",878,G__G__Matrix_124_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsValid",684,G__G__Matrix_124_0_22, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsOwner",711,G__G__Matrix_124_0_23, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetElements",1129,G__G__Matrix_124_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "F - - 10 - elements", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Shift",510,G__G__Matrix_124_0_25, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_shift", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_124_0_26, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_124_0_27, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_124_0_28, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_124_0_29, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb " "F - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_124_0_30, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb " "F - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_124_0_31, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n F - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_124_0_32, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n F - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_124_0_33, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_124_0_34, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_124_0_35, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_124_0_36, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,G__G__Matrix_124_0_37, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Zero",416,G__G__Matrix_124_0_38, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Abs",278,G__G__Matrix_124_0_39, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Sqr",310,G__G__Matrix_124_0_40, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Sqrt",426,G__G__Matrix_124_0_41, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_124_0_42, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SelectNonZeros",1438,G__G__Matrix_124_0_43, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Norm1",461,G__G__Matrix_124_0_44, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Norm2Sqr",772,G__G__Matrix_124_0_45, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NormInf",697,G__G__Matrix_124_0_46, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NonZeros",830,G__G__Matrix_124_0_47, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Sum",309,G__G__Matrix_124_0_48, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Min",292,G__G__Matrix_124_0_49, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Max",294,G__G__Matrix_124_0_50, 102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_124_0_51, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - ind", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_124_0_52, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - ind", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_124_0_53, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - index", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_124_0_54, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - index", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_124_0_55, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_124_0_56, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - mr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_124_0_57, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - mc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_124_0_58, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_124_0_59, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_124_0_60, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_124_0_61, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_124_0_62, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_124_0_63, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_124_0_64, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_124_0_65, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_124_0_66, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_124_0_67, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_124_0_68, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_124_0_69, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator==",998,G__G__Matrix_124_0_70, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=",970,G__G__Matrix_124_0_71, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<",936,G__G__Matrix_124_0_72, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=",997,G__G__Matrix_124_0_73, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>",938,G__G__Matrix_124_0_74, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=",999,G__G__Matrix_124_0_75, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MatchesNonZeroPattern",2158,G__G__Matrix_124_0_76, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SomePositive",1255,G__G__Matrix_124_0_77, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddSomeConstant",1511,G__G__Matrix_124_0_78, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Randomize",937,G__G__Matrix_124_0_79, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - alpha f - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,G__G__Matrix_124_0_80, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,G__G__Matrix_124_0_81, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementPosActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add",265,G__G__Matrix_124_0_82, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add",265,G__G__Matrix_124_0_83, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Draw",398,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_124_0_87, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TVectorT::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_124_0_88, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TVectorT::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_124_0_89, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TVectorT::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_124_0_90, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TVectorT::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_124_0_94, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_124_0_95, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TVectorT::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_124_0_96, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TVectorT::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_124_0_97, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TVectorT::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_124_0_98, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TVectorT::DeclFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1451,G__G__Matrix_124_0_99, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TVectorT", 1577, G__G__Matrix_124_0_100, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTVectorTlEdoublegR(void) { /* TVectorT */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("New_m",502,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 68, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Delete_m",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size D - - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Memcpy_m",823,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 2, 0, "D - - 0 - newp D - - 10 - oldp " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - copySize i - 'Int_t' 0 - newSize " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - oldSize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' init", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 5, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n D - - 10 - elements", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb " "D - - 10 - elements", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_11, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - mr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_12, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - mc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_13, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetLwb",581,G__G__Matrix_125_0_14, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetUpb",583,G__G__Matrix_125_0_15, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,G__G__Matrix_125_0_16, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNoElements",1306,G__G__Matrix_125_0_17, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,G__G__Matrix_125_0_18, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,G__G__Matrix_125_0_19, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invalidate",1025,G__G__Matrix_125_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MakeValid",878,G__G__Matrix_125_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsValid",684,G__G__Matrix_125_0_22, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsOwner",711,G__G__Matrix_125_0_23, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetElements",1129,G__G__Matrix_125_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 10 - elements", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Shift",510,G__G__Matrix_125_0_25, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_shift", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_125_0_26, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_125_0_27, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_125_0_28, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_125_0_29, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb " "D - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_125_0_30, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - upb " "D - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_125_0_31, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n D - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_125_0_32, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n D - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_125_0_33, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_125_0_34, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_125_0_35, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_125_0_36, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,G__G__Matrix_125_0_37, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Zero",416,G__G__Matrix_125_0_38, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Abs",278,G__G__Matrix_125_0_39, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Sqr",310,G__G__Matrix_125_0_40, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Sqrt",426,G__G__Matrix_125_0_41, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_125_0_42, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SelectNonZeros",1438,G__G__Matrix_125_0_43, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Norm1",461,G__G__Matrix_125_0_44, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Norm2Sqr",772,G__G__Matrix_125_0_45, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NormInf",697,G__G__Matrix_125_0_46, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NonZeros",830,G__G__Matrix_125_0_47, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Sum",309,G__G__Matrix_125_0_48, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Min",292,G__G__Matrix_125_0_49, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Max",294,G__G__Matrix_125_0_50, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_125_0_51, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - ind", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_125_0_52, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - ind", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_125_0_53, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - index", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_125_0_54, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - index", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_125_0_55, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_125_0_56, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - mr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_125_0_57, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - mc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_125_0_58, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_125_0_59, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_125_0_60, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_125_0_61, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_125_0_62, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_125_0_63, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_125_0_64, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_125_0_65, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_125_0_66, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_125_0_67, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_125_0_68, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_125_0_69, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator==",998,G__G__Matrix_125_0_70, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=",970,G__G__Matrix_125_0_71, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<",936,G__G__Matrix_125_0_72, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=",997,G__G__Matrix_125_0_73, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>",938,G__G__Matrix_125_0_74, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=",999,G__G__Matrix_125_0_75, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MatchesNonZeroPattern",2158,G__G__Matrix_125_0_76, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SomePositive",1255,G__G__Matrix_125_0_77, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddSomeConstant",1511,G__G__Matrix_125_0_78, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Randomize",937,G__G__Matrix_125_0_79, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - alpha d - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,G__G__Matrix_125_0_80, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,G__G__Matrix_125_0_81, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementPosActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add",265,G__G__Matrix_125_0_82, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add",265,G__G__Matrix_125_0_83, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Draw",398,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_125_0_87, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TVectorT::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_125_0_88, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TVectorT::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_125_0_89, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TVectorT::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_125_0_90, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TVectorT::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_125_0_94, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_125_0_95, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TVectorT::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_125_0_96, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TVectorT::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_125_0_97, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TVectorT::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_125_0_98, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TVectorT::DeclFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("TVectorT",1552,G__G__Matrix_125_0_99, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TVectorT", 1678, G__G__Matrix_125_0_100, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixT */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("New_m",502,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 68, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Delete_m",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size D - - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Memcpy_m",823,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 2, 0, "D - - 0 - newp D - - 10 - oldp " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - copySize i - 'Int_t' 0 - newSize " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - oldSize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' init i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NaNValue",762,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 100, -1, -1, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "D - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "D - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_11, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_12, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_13, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_14, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp1' - 0 - op u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - prototype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_15, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_16, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_17, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_18, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1554,G__G__Matrix_134_0_19, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTLazy' - 11 - lazy_constructor", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Plus",420,G__G__Matrix_134_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Plus",420,G__G__Matrix_134_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Plus",420,G__G__Matrix_134_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Minus",524,G__G__Matrix_134_0_23, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Minus",524,G__G__Matrix_134_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Minus",524,G__G__Matrix_134_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_134_0_26, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_134_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_134_0_28, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_134_0_29, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_134_0_30, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_134_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_134_0_32, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_134_0_33, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MultT",502,G__G__Matrix_134_0_34, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MultT",502,G__G__Matrix_134_0_35, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MultT",502,G__G__Matrix_134_0_36, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MultT",502,G__G__Matrix_134_0_37, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetRowIndexArray",1627,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetColIndexArray",1601,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_134_0_47, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "D - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_134_0_48, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "D - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_134_0_49, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "D - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_134_0_50, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "D - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_134_0_51, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_134_0_52, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_134_0_54, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_134_0_58, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_134_0_61, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 '0' det", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InvertFast",1030,G__G__Matrix_134_0_62, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 '0' det", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Transpose",959,G__G__Matrix_134_0_63, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("T",84,G__G__Matrix_134_0_64, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Rank1Update",1056,G__G__Matrix_134_0_65, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v d - - 0 '1.0' alpha", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Rank1Update",1056,G__G__Matrix_134_0_66, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2 " "d - - 0 '1.0' alpha", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Similarity",1063,G__G__Matrix_134_0_67, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NormByColumn",1221,G__G__Matrix_134_0_68, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"D\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NormByRow",911,G__G__Matrix_134_0_69, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"D\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_134_0_72, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_134_0_73, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_134_0_74, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_134_0_75, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_134_0_76, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_134_0_77, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTLazy' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_134_0_78, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_134_0_79, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_134_0_80, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_134_0_81, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_134_0_82, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_134_0_83, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_134_0_84, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_134_0_85, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_134_0_86, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_134_0_87, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_134_0_88, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - diag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator/=",984,G__G__Matrix_134_0_89, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - diag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_134_0_90, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator/=",984,G__G__Matrix_134_0_91, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_134_0_92, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator/=",984,G__G__Matrix_134_0_93, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("EigenVectors",1230,G__G__Matrix_134_0_94, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - eigenValues", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_134_0_95, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixT::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_134_0_96, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixT::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_134_0_97, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixT::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_134_0_98, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixT::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_134_0_102, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_134_0_103, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixT::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_134_0_104, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixT::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_134_0_105, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixT::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_134_0_106, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixT::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixT", 1680, G__G__Matrix_134_0_107, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTSym */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("New_m",502,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 68, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Delete_m",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size D - - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Memcpy_m",823,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 2, 0, "D - - 0 - newp D - - 10 - oldp " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - copySize i - 'Int_t' 0 - newSize " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - oldSize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' init i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 5, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows D - - 10 - data " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "D - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_11, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i 'TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1' - 0 - op u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - prototype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_12, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i 'TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1' - 0 - op u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - prototype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_13, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1867,G__G__Matrix_138_0_14, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSymLazy' - 11 - lazy_constructor", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_138_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_138_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_138_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Plus",420,G__G__Matrix_138_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Minus",524,G__G__Matrix_138_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetRowIndexArray",1627,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetColIndexArray",1601,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("IsSymmetric",1145,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_138_0_30, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "D - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_138_0_31, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "D - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_138_0_32, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows D - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_138_0_33, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows D - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_138_0_34, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_138_0_35, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_138_0_36, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_138_0_38, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,G__G__Matrix_138_0_39, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrixArray",1440,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Shift",510,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_shift i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_shift", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_138_0_45, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_138_0_48, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 '0' det", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InvertFast",1030,G__G__Matrix_138_0_49, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 '0' det", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Transpose",959,G__G__Matrix_138_0_50, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("T",84,G__G__Matrix_138_0_51, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Rank1Update",1056,G__G__Matrix_138_0_52, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v d - - 0 '1.0' alpha", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Similarity",1063,G__G__Matrix_138_0_53, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Similarity",1063,G__G__Matrix_138_0_54, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Similarity",1063,G__G__Matrix_138_0_55, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SimilarityT",1147,G__G__Matrix_138_0_56, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_138_0_59, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_138_0_60, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_138_0_61, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_138_0_62, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSymLazy' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_138_0_63, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_138_0_64, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_138_0_65, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_138_0_66, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_138_0_67, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_138_0_68, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementPosActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Randomize",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - alpha d - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("RandomizePD",1085,G__G__Matrix_138_0_72, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - alpha d - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("EigenVectors",1230,G__G__Matrix_138_0_73, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - eigenValues", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_138_0_74, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_138_0_75, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_138_0_76, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_138_0_77, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_138_0_81, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_138_0_82, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_138_0_83, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_138_0_84, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_138_0_85, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSym", 1993, G__G__Matrix_138_0_86, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparselEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparse */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' init i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultB",549,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultB",549,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultB",549,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultBt",665,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultBt",665,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultBt",665,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("APlusB",551,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("APlusB",551,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("APlusB",551,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMinusB",655,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMinusB",655,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMinusB",655,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_14, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_15, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_16, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_17, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 8, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 0 - row " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - col D - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_18, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_19, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_20, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i 'TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp1' - 0 - op u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - prototype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_21, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_22, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2176,G__G__Matrix_139_0_23, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetRowIndexArray",1627,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetColIndexArray",1601,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndex",1426,G__G__Matrix_139_0_32, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nelem_new", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndex",1426,G__G__Matrix_139_0_33, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndexAB",1557,G__G__Matrix_139_0_34, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndexAB",1557,G__G__Matrix_139_0_35, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndexAB",1557,G__G__Matrix_139_0_36, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix2Array",1478,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "D - - 0 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrixArray",1440,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrixArray",1440,G__G__Matrix_139_0_39, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 0 - irow " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - icol D - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("InsertRow",941,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row i - 'Int_t' 0 - col " "D - - 10 - v i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ExtractRow",1043,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row i - 'Int_t' 0 - col " "D - - 0 - v i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_139_0_44, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_139_0_46, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 8, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 0 - pRowIndex " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - pColIndex D - - 0 - pData", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_139_0_47, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 8, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 10 - pRowIndex " "I - 'Int_t' 10 - pColIndex D - - 10 - pData", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_139_0_48, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 0 - pRowIndex " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - pColIndex D - - 0 - pData", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_139_0_49, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 10 - pRowIndex " "I - 'Int_t' 10 - pColIndex D - - 10 - pData", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_139_0_50, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_139_0_51, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_139_0_53, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("IsSymmetric",1145,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Transpose",959,G__G__Matrix_139_0_56, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("T",84,G__G__Matrix_139_0_57, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_139_0_58, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Zero",416,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("UnitMatrix",1045,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("RowNorm",724,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ColNorm",698,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("NonZeros",830,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("NormByDiag",972,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - - C - 'Option_t' 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_139_0_67, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_139_0_68, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_139_0_69, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_139_0_70, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_139_0_71, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_139_0_72, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_139_0_73, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_139_0_74, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_139_0_75, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_139_0_76, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_139_0_77, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_139_0_78, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_139_0_79, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_139_0_80, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Randomize",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - alpha d - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("RandomizePD",1085,G__G__Matrix_139_0_82, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - alpha d - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_139_0_83, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_139_0_84, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_139_0_85, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_139_0_86, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_139_0_90, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_139_0_91, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_139_0_92, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_139_0_93, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_139_0_94, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparse", 2302, G__G__Matrix_139_0_95, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTLazylEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTLazy */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTLazy' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowLwb",893,G__G__Matrix_140_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowUpb",895,G__G__Matrix_140_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColLwb",867,G__G__Matrix_140_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColUpb",869,G__G__Matrix_140_0_10, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_140_0_11, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_140_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_140_0_13, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_140_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_140_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_140_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_140_0_20, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_140_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_140_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTLazy", 2096, G__G__Matrix_140_0_23, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTRow_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow_const",2512,G__G__Matrix_141_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow_const",2512,G__G__Matrix_141_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow_const",2512,G__G__Matrix_141_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow_const",2512,G__G__Matrix_141_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_141_0_5, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_141_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndex",1104,G__G__Matrix_141_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetInc",570,G__G__Matrix_141_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_141_0_9, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_141_0_10, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_141_0_11, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_141_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_141_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_141_0_14, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_141_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_141_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_141_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_141_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_141_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_141_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_141_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_141_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_141_0_23, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTRow_const", 2638, G__G__Matrix_141_0_24, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTRowlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTRow */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow",1866,G__G__Matrix_142_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow",1866,G__G__Matrix_142_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow",1866,G__G__Matrix_142_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow",1866,G__G__Matrix_142_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow' - 11 - mr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_142_0_5, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_142_0_6, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_142_0_7, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_142_0_8, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_142_0_9, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_142_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_142_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_142_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_142_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_142_0_14, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_142_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_142_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_142_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_142_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_142_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_142_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_142_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_142_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_142_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_142_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_142_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_142_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTRow", 1992, G__G__Matrix_142_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTDiag_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag_const",2573,G__G__Matrix_143_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag_const",2573,G__G__Matrix_143_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag_const",2573,G__G__Matrix_143_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag_const",2573,G__G__Matrix_143_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_143_0_5, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_143_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_143_0_7, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetInc",570,G__G__Matrix_143_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_143_0_9, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_143_0_10, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNdiags",886,G__G__Matrix_143_0_11, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_143_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_143_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_143_0_14, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_143_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_143_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_143_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_143_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_143_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_143_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_143_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_143_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_143_0_23, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTDiag_const", 2699, G__G__Matrix_143_0_24, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTColumn_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn_const",2822,G__G__Matrix_144_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn_const",2822,G__G__Matrix_144_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn_const",2822,G__G__Matrix_144_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn_const",2822,G__G__Matrix_144_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_144_0_5, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_144_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndex",1078,G__G__Matrix_144_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetInc",570,G__G__Matrix_144_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_144_0_9, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_144_0_10, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_144_0_11, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_144_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_144_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_144_0_14, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_144_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_144_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_144_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_144_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_144_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_144_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_144_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_144_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_144_0_23, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTColumn_const", 2948, G__G__Matrix_144_0_24, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTFlat_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat_const",2591,G__G__Matrix_145_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat_const",2591,G__G__Matrix_145_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat_const",2591,G__G__Matrix_145_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat_const",2591,G__G__Matrix_145_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_145_0_5, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_145_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_145_0_7, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_145_0_8, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_145_0_9, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_145_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_145_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_145_0_12, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_145_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_145_0_14, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_145_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_145_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_145_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_145_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_145_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_145_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_145_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTFlat_const", 2717, G__G__Matrix_145_0_22, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTSub_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub_const",2498,G__G__Matrix_146_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub_const",2498,G__G__Matrix_146_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub_const",2498,G__G__Matrix_146_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_146_0_4, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowOff",883,G__G__Matrix_146_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColOff",857,G__G__Matrix_146_0_6, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,G__G__Matrix_146_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,G__G__Matrix_146_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_146_0_9, 100, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_146_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_146_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_146_0_12, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_146_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_146_0_14, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_146_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_146_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_146_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_146_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_146_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_146_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_146_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub_const", 2498, G__G__Matrix_146_0_22, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub_const' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSub_const", 2624, G__G__Matrix_146_0_23, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparseRow_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow_const",3134,G__G__Matrix_147_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow_const",3134,G__G__Matrix_147_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow_const",3134,G__G__Matrix_147_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_147_0_4, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_147_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDataPtr",976,G__G__Matrix_147_0_6, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColPtr",884,G__G__Matrix_147_0_7, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndex",1104,G__G__Matrix_147_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNindex",902,G__G__Matrix_147_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_147_0_10, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_147_0_11, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_147_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_147_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_147_0_14, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_147_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_147_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_147_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_147_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_147_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_147_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_147_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_147_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_147_0_23, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparseRow_const", 3260, G__G__Matrix_147_0_24, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparseDiag_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const",3195,G__G__Matrix_148_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const",3195,G__G__Matrix_148_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const",3195,G__G__Matrix_148_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_148_0_4, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_148_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDataPtr",976,G__G__Matrix_148_0_6, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNdiags",886,G__G__Matrix_148_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_148_0_8, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_148_0_9, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_148_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_148_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_148_0_12, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_148_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_148_0_14, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_148_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_148_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_148_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_148_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_148_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_148_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_148_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparseDiag_const", 3321, G__G__Matrix_148_0_22, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTColumn */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn",2176,G__G__Matrix_149_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn",2176,G__G__Matrix_149_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn",2176,G__G__Matrix_149_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn",2176,G__G__Matrix_149_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' - 11 - mc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_149_0_5, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_149_0_6, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_149_0_7, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_149_0_8, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_149_0_9, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_149_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_149_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_149_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_149_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_149_0_14, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_149_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_149_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_149_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_149_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_149_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_149_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_149_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_149_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_149_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_149_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_149_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_149_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTColumn", 2302, G__G__Matrix_149_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTDiag */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag",1927,G__G__Matrix_150_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag",1927,G__G__Matrix_150_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag",1927,G__G__Matrix_150_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag",1927,G__G__Matrix_150_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_150_0_5, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_150_0_6, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_150_0_7, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_150_0_8, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_150_0_9, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_150_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_150_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_150_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_150_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_150_0_14, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_150_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_150_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_150_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_150_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_150_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_150_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_150_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_150_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_150_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_150_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_150_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_150_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTDiag", 2053, G__G__Matrix_150_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTFlat */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat",1945,G__G__Matrix_151_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat",1945,G__G__Matrix_151_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat",1945,G__G__Matrix_151_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat",1945,G__G__Matrix_151_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat' - 11 - mf", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_151_0_5, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_151_0_6, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_151_0_7, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_151_0_8, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_151_0_9, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_151_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_151_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_151_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_151_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_151_0_14, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat' - 11 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_151_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_151_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_151_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_151_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_151_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_151_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_151_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_151_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_151_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_151_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_151_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_151_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTFlat", 2071, G__G__Matrix_151_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSublEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTSub */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub",1852,G__G__Matrix_152_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub",1852,G__G__Matrix_152_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub",1852,G__G__Matrix_152_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub",1852,G__G__Matrix_152_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub' - 11 - ms", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_152_0_5, 100, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Rank1Update",1056,G__G__Matrix_152_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec d - - 0 '1.0' alpha", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_152_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_152_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_152_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_152_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub_const' - 11 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_152_0_11, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub' - 11 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_152_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_152_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub_const' - 11 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_152_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub_const' - 11 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_152_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_152_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_152_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_152_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_152_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_152_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_152_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_152_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_152_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_152_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_152_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_152_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSub", 1978, G__G__Matrix_152_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparseRow */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow",2488,G__G__Matrix_154_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow",2488,G__G__Matrix_154_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow",2488,G__G__Matrix_154_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow' - 11 - mr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDataPtr",976,G__G__Matrix_154_0_4, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_154_0_5, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_154_0_6, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_154_0_7, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_154_0_8, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_154_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_154_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_154_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_154_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_154_0_13, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_154_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_154_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_154_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_154_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_154_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_154_0_19, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_154_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_154_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_154_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_154_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_154_0_27, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_154_0_28, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparseRow", 2614, G__G__Matrix_154_0_29, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparseDiag */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag",2549,G__G__Matrix_155_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag",2549,G__G__Matrix_155_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag",2549,G__G__Matrix_155_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDataPtr",976,G__G__Matrix_155_0_4, 68, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_155_0_5, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_155_0_6, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_155_0_7, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_155_0_8, 100, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_155_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_155_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_155_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_155_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_155_0_13, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_155_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_155_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_155_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_155_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_155_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_155_0_19, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_155_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_155_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_155_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_155_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_155_0_27, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_155_0_28, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparseDiag", 2675, G__G__Matrix_155_0_29, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR(void) { /* TMatrixTSymLazy */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSymLazy' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowLwb",893,G__G__Matrix_159_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowUpb",895,G__G__Matrix_159_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_159_0_9, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_159_0_10, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_159_0_11, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_159_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_159_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_159_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_159_0_18, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_159_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_159_0_20, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSymLazy", 2409, G__G__Matrix_159_0_21, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTRow_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow_const",2411,G__G__Matrix_164_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow_const",2411,G__G__Matrix_164_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow_const",2411,G__G__Matrix_164_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow_const",2411,G__G__Matrix_164_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_164_0_5, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_164_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndex",1104,G__G__Matrix_164_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetInc",570,G__G__Matrix_164_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_164_0_9, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_164_0_10, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_164_0_11, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_164_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_164_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_164_0_14, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_164_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_164_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_164_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_164_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_164_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_164_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_164_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_164_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_164_0_23, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTRow_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTRow_const", 2537, G__G__Matrix_164_0_24, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixT */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("New_m",502,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 70, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Delete_m",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size F - - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Memcpy_m",823,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 2, 0, "F - - 0 - newp F - - 10 - oldp " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - copySize i - 'Int_t' 0 - newSize " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - oldSize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' init i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NaNValue",762,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 102, -1, -1, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "F - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "F - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_11, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_12, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_13, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_14, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp1' - 0 - op u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - prototype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_15, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_16, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_17, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_18, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_19, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTLazy' - 11 - lazy_constructor", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Plus",420,G__G__Matrix_165_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Plus",420,G__G__Matrix_165_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Plus",420,G__G__Matrix_165_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Minus",524,G__G__Matrix_165_0_23, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Minus",524,G__G__Matrix_165_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Minus",524,G__G__Matrix_165_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_165_0_26, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_165_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_165_0_28, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_165_0_29, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_165_0_30, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_165_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_165_0_32, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_165_0_33, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MultT",502,G__G__Matrix_165_0_34, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MultT",502,G__G__Matrix_165_0_35, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MultT",502,G__G__Matrix_165_0_36, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MultT",502,G__G__Matrix_165_0_37, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetRowIndexArray",1627,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetColIndexArray",1601,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_165_0_47, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "F - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_165_0_48, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "F - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_165_0_49, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "F - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_165_0_50, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "F - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_165_0_51, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_165_0_52, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_165_0_54, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_165_0_58, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_165_0_61, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 '0' det", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InvertFast",1030,G__G__Matrix_165_0_62, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 '0' det", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Transpose",959,G__G__Matrix_165_0_63, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("T",84,G__G__Matrix_165_0_64, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Rank1Update",1056,G__G__Matrix_165_0_65, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v f - - 0 '1.0' alpha", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Rank1Update",1056,G__G__Matrix_165_0_66, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2 " "f - - 0 '1.0' alpha", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Similarity",1063,G__G__Matrix_165_0_67, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NormByColumn",1221,G__G__Matrix_165_0_68, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"D\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NormByRow",911,G__G__Matrix_165_0_69, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"D\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,102, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,102, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_165_0_72, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_165_0_73, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_165_0_74, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_165_0_75, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_165_0_76, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_165_0_77, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTLazy' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_165_0_78, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_165_0_79, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_165_0_80, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_165_0_81, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_165_0_82, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_165_0_83, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_165_0_84, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_165_0_85, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_165_0_86, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_165_0_87, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_165_0_88, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - diag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator/=",984,G__G__Matrix_165_0_89, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - diag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_165_0_90, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator/=",984,G__G__Matrix_165_0_91, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_165_0_92, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator/=",984,G__G__Matrix_165_0_93, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("EigenVectors",1230,G__G__Matrix_165_0_94, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - eigenValues", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_165_0_95, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixT::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_165_0_96, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixT::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_165_0_97, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixT::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_165_0_98, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixT::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_165_0_102, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_165_0_103, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixT::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_165_0_104, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixT::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_165_0_105, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixT::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_165_0_106, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixT::DeclFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixT",1453,G__G__Matrix_165_0_107, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixT", 1579, G__G__Matrix_165_0_108, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTSym */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("New_m",502,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 70, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Delete_m",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size F - - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Memcpy_m",823,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 2, 0, "F - - 0 - newp F - - 10 - oldp " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - copySize i - 'Int_t' 0 - newSize " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - oldSize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' init i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 5, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows F - - 10 - data " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "F - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_11, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i 'TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1' - 0 - op u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - prototype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_12, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i 'TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1' - 0 - op u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - prototype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_13, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_14, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSymLazy' - 11 - lazy_constructor", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_169_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMult",502,G__G__Matrix_169_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_169_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Plus",420,G__G__Matrix_169_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Minus",524,G__G__Matrix_169_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetRowIndexArray",1627,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetColIndexArray",1601,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("IsSymmetric",1145,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_169_0_30, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "F - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_169_0_31, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "F - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_169_0_32, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows F - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_169_0_33, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows F - - 10 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_169_0_34, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_169_0_35, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_169_0_36, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_169_0_38, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,G__G__Matrix_169_0_39, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrixArray",1440,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "F - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Shift",510,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_shift i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_shift", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_169_0_45, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Determinant",1147,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_169_0_48, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 '0' det", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InvertFast",1030,G__G__Matrix_169_0_49, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 '0' det", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Transpose",959,G__G__Matrix_169_0_50, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("T",84,G__G__Matrix_169_0_51, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Rank1Update",1056,G__G__Matrix_169_0_52, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v f - - 0 '1.0' alpha", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Similarity",1063,G__G__Matrix_169_0_53, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Similarity",1063,G__G__Matrix_169_0_54, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Similarity",1063,G__G__Matrix_169_0_55, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SimilarityT",1147,G__G__Matrix_169_0_56, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,102, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,102, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_169_0_59, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_169_0_60, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_169_0_61, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_169_0_62, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSymLazy' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_169_0_63, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_169_0_64, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_169_0_65, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_169_0_66, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_169_0_67, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_169_0_68, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Apply",518,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TElementPosActionT' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Randomize",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - alpha f - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("RandomizePD",1085,G__G__Matrix_169_0_72, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - alpha f - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("EigenVectors",1230,G__G__Matrix_169_0_73, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - eigenValues", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_169_0_74, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_169_0_75, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_169_0_76, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_169_0_77, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_169_0_81, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_169_0_82, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_169_0_83, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_169_0_84, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_169_0_85, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSym::DeclFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSym",1766,G__G__Matrix_169_0_86, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSym", 1892, G__G__Matrix_169_0_87, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTSymLazy */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSymLazy' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowLwb",893,G__G__Matrix_173_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowUpb",895,G__G__Matrix_173_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_173_0_9, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_173_0_10, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_173_0_11, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_173_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_173_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_173_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_173_0_18, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_173_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_173_0_20, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSymLazy::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSymLazy", 2308, G__G__Matrix_173_0_21, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTRowlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTRow */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow",1765,G__G__Matrix_174_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow",1765,G__G__Matrix_174_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow",1765,G__G__Matrix_174_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTRow",1765,G__G__Matrix_174_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow' - 11 - mr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_174_0_5, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_174_0_6, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_174_0_7, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_174_0_8, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_174_0_9, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_174_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_174_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_174_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_174_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_174_0_14, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_174_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_174_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_174_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_174_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_174_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_174_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_174_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_174_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_174_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_174_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_174_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_174_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTRow::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTRow", 1891, G__G__Matrix_174_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparselEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparse */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' init i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultB",549,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultB",549,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultB",549,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultBt",665,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultBt",665,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMultBt",665,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("APlusB",551,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("APlusB",551,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("APlusB",551,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMinusB",655,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMinusB",655,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AMinusB",655,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' constr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_14, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_15, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_16, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_17, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 8, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 0 - row " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - col F - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_18, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_19, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_20, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i 'TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp1' - 0 - op u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - prototype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_21, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_22, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparse",2075,G__G__Matrix_175_0_23, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a i 'TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2' - 0 - op " "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrixArray",1428,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndexArray",1615,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndexArray",1589,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetRowIndexArray",1627,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetColIndexArray",1601,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndex",1426,G__G__Matrix_175_0_32, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nelem_new", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndex",1426,G__G__Matrix_175_0_33, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndexAB",1557,G__G__Matrix_175_0_34, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndexAB",1557,G__G__Matrix_175_0_35, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSparseIndexAB",1557,G__G__Matrix_175_0_36, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix2Array",1478,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "F - - 0 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrixArray",1440,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "F - - 10 - data C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrixArray",1440,G__G__Matrix_175_0_39, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 0 - irow " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - icol F - - 0 - data", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("InsertRow",941,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row i - 'Int_t' 0 - col " "F - - 10 - v i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ExtractRow",1043,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row i - 'Int_t' 0 - col " "F - - 0 - v i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' nr_nonzeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ResizeTo",821,G__G__Matrix_175_0_44, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_175_0_46, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 8, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 0 - pRowIndex " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - pColIndex F - - 0 - pData", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_175_0_47, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 8, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 10 - pRowIndex " "I - 'Int_t' 10 - pColIndex F - - 10 - pData", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_175_0_48, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 0 - pRowIndex " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - pColIndex F - - 0 - pData", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_175_0_49, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonzeros I - 'Int_t' 10 - pRowIndex " "I - 'Int_t' 10 - pColIndex F - - 10 - pData", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_175_0_50, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Use",301,G__G__Matrix_175_0_51, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 1 - target C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetSub",586,G__G__Matrix_175_0_53, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb " "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"S\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetSub",598,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("IsSymmetric",1145,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Transpose",959,G__G__Matrix_175_0_56, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("T",84,G__G__Matrix_175_0_57, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult",418,G__G__Matrix_175_0_58, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Zero",416,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("UnitMatrix",1045,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("RowNorm",724,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ColNorm",698,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,102, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("NonZeros",830,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("NormByDiag",972,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - - C - 'Option_t' 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,102, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,102, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_175_0_67, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_175_0_68, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_175_0_69, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_175_0_70, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_175_0_71, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_175_0_72, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_175_0_73, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_175_0_74, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_175_0_75, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_175_0_76, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_175_0_77, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-=",982,G__G__Matrix_175_0_78, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_175_0_79, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_175_0_80, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Randomize",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - alpha f - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("RandomizePD",1085,G__G__Matrix_175_0_82, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - alpha f - - 0 - beta " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - seed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_175_0_83, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_175_0_84, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_175_0_85, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_175_0_86, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_175_0_90, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_175_0_91, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_175_0_92, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_175_0_93, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_175_0_94, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparse::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparse", 2201, G__G__Matrix_175_0_95, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparseRow_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow_const",3033,G__G__Matrix_178_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow_const",3033,G__G__Matrix_178_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow_const",3033,G__G__Matrix_178_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_178_0_4, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_178_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDataPtr",976,G__G__Matrix_178_0_6, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColPtr",884,G__G__Matrix_178_0_7, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowIndex",1104,G__G__Matrix_178_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNindex",902,G__G__Matrix_178_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_178_0_10, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_178_0_11, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_178_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_178_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_178_0_14, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_178_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_178_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_178_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_178_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_178_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_178_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_178_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_178_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_178_0_23, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparseRow_const", 3159, G__G__Matrix_178_0_24, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparseRow */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow",2387,G__G__Matrix_179_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow",2387,G__G__Matrix_179_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseRow",2387,G__G__Matrix_179_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow' - 11 - mr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDataPtr",976,G__G__Matrix_179_0_4, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_179_0_5, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_179_0_6, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_179_0_7, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_179_0_8, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_179_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_179_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_179_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_179_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_179_0_13, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_179_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_179_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_179_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseRow_const' - 11 - r", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_179_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_179_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_179_0_19, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_179_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_179_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_179_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_179_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_179_0_27, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_179_0_28, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseRow::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparseRow", 2513, G__G__Matrix_179_0_29, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTLazylEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTLazy */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTLazy' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowLwb",893,G__G__Matrix_180_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowUpb",895,G__G__Matrix_180_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColLwb",867,G__G__Matrix_180_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColUpb",869,G__G__Matrix_180_0_10, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_180_0_11, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_180_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_180_0_13, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_180_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_180_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_180_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_180_0_20, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_180_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_180_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTLazy::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTLazy", 1995, G__G__Matrix_180_0_23, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTDiag_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag_const",2472,G__G__Matrix_181_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag_const",2472,G__G__Matrix_181_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag_const",2472,G__G__Matrix_181_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag_const",2472,G__G__Matrix_181_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_181_0_5, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_181_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_181_0_7, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetInc",570,G__G__Matrix_181_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_181_0_9, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_181_0_10, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNdiags",886,G__G__Matrix_181_0_11, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_181_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_181_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_181_0_14, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_181_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_181_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_181_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_181_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_181_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_181_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_181_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_181_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_181_0_23, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTDiag_const", 2598, G__G__Matrix_181_0_24, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTColumn_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn_const",2721,G__G__Matrix_182_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn_const",2721,G__G__Matrix_182_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn_const",2721,G__G__Matrix_182_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn_const",2721,G__G__Matrix_182_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_182_0_5, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_182_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColIndex",1078,G__G__Matrix_182_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetInc",570,G__G__Matrix_182_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_182_0_9, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_182_0_10, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_182_0_11, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_182_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_182_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_182_0_14, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_182_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_182_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_182_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_182_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_182_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_182_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_182_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_182_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_182_0_23, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTColumn_const", 2847, G__G__Matrix_182_0_24, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparseDiag_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const",3094,G__G__Matrix_183_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const",3094,G__G__Matrix_183_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const",3094,G__G__Matrix_183_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_183_0_4, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_183_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDataPtr",976,G__G__Matrix_183_0_6, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNdiags",886,G__G__Matrix_183_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_183_0_8, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_183_0_9, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_183_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_183_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_183_0_12, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_183_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_183_0_14, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_183_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_183_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_183_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_183_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_183_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_183_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_183_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparseDiag_const", 3220, G__G__Matrix_183_0_22, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTDecompBase(void) { /* TDecompBase */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase)); G__memfunc_setup("ResetStatus",1159,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Hager",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - est i - 'Int_t' 0 '5' iter", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DiagProd",778,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - diag d - 'Double_t' 0 - tol " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDecompMatrix",1517,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDBase"), 1, 0, 1, 2, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetTol",591,G__G__Matrix_186_0_7, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDet1",622,G__G__Matrix_186_0_8, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDet2",623,G__G__Matrix_186_0_9, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetCondition",1223,G__G__Matrix_186_0_10, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,G__G__Matrix_186_0_11, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,G__G__Matrix_186_0_12, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowLwb",893,G__G__Matrix_186_0_13, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColLwb",867,G__G__Matrix_186_0_14, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetTol",603,G__G__Matrix_186_0_15, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 0 - newTol", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Condition",935,G__G__Matrix_186_0_16, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Det",285,G__G__Matrix_186_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Decompose",927,G__G__Matrix_186_0_18, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,G__G__Matrix_186_0_19, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,G__G__Matrix_186_0_20, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,G__G__Matrix_186_0_21, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,G__G__Matrix_186_0_22, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,G__G__Matrix_186_0_23, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,G__G__Matrix_186_0_24, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3); G__memfunc_setup("MultiSolve",1044,G__G__Matrix_186_0_25, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - B", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' opt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_186_0_27, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompBase' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_186_0_28, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDecompBase::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_186_0_29, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompBase::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_186_0_30, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDecompBase::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_186_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDecompBase::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_186_0_35, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_186_0_36, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompBase::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_186_0_37, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompBase::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_186_0_38, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompBase::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_186_0_39, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompBase::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TDecompBase", 1189, G__G__Matrix_186_0_40, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTDecompBK(void) { /* TDecompBK */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK)); G__memfunc_setup("GetDecompMatrix",1517,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDBase"), 1, 0, 1, 2, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompBK",825,G__G__Matrix_189_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompBK",825,G__G__Matrix_189_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK), -1, 0, 1, 5, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompBK",825,G__G__Matrix_189_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompBK",825,G__G__Matrix_189_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' 'TMatrixDSym' 11 - m d - 'Double_t' 0 '0.0' tol", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompBK",825,G__G__Matrix_189_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompBK' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetU",373,G__G__Matrix_189_0_9, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrix",929,G__G__Matrix_189_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' 'TMatrixDSym' 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Decompose",927,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Det",285,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - - d - 'Double_t' 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_189_0_19, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' 'TMatrixDSym' 1 - inv", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_189_0_20, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDSym"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 1 - status", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_189_0_21, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDSym"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' opt", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_189_0_23, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompBK' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_189_0_24, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDecompBK::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_189_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompBK::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_189_0_26, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDecompBK::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_189_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDecompBK::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_189_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_189_0_32, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompBK::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_189_0_33, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompBK::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_189_0_34, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompBK::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_189_0_35, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompBK::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TDecompBK", 951, G__G__Matrix_189_0_36, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTDecompChol(void) { /* TDecompChol */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol)); G__memfunc_setup("GetDecompMatrix",1517,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDBase"), 1, 0, 1, 2, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompChol",1074,G__G__Matrix_190_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompChol",1074,G__G__Matrix_190_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol), -1, 0, 1, 5, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompChol",1074,G__G__Matrix_190_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompChol",1074,G__G__Matrix_190_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' 'TMatrixDSym' 11 - a d - 'Double_t' 0 '0.0' tol", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompChol",1074,G__G__Matrix_190_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - a d - 'Double_t' 0 '0.0' tol", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompChol",1074,G__G__Matrix_190_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompChol' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_190_0_8, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDSym"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetU",373,G__G__Matrix_190_0_11, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrix",929,G__G__Matrix_190_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' 'TMatrixDSym' 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Decompose",927,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Det",285,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_190_0_21, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' 'TMatrixDSym' 1 - inv", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_190_0_22, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDSym"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 1 - status", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_190_0_23, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDSym"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' opt", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_190_0_25, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompChol' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_190_0_26, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDecompChol::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_190_0_27, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompChol::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_190_0_28, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDecompChol::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_190_0_29, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDecompChol::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_190_0_33, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_190_0_34, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompChol::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_190_0_35, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompChol::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_190_0_36, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompChol::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_190_0_37, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompChol::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TDecompChol", 1200, G__G__Matrix_190_0_38, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTDecompLU(void) { /* TDecompLU */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU)); G__memfunc_setup("DecomposeLUCrout",1613,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 5, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - lu I - 'Int_t' 0 - index " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - sign d - 'Double_t' 0 - tol " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - nrZeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DecomposeLUGauss",1603,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 5, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - lu I - 'Int_t' 0 - index " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - sign d - 'Double_t' 0 - tol " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - nrZeros", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDecompMatrix",1517,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDBase"), 1, 0, 1, 2, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompLU",845,G__G__Matrix_191_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompLU",845,G__G__Matrix_191_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU), -1, 0, 1, 5, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompLU",845,G__G__Matrix_191_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompLU",845,G__G__Matrix_191_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - m d - 'Double_t' 0 '0.0' tol " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' implicit", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompLU",845,G__G__Matrix_191_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompLU' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_191_0_9, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetLU",449,G__G__Matrix_191_0_12, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrix",929,G__G__Matrix_191_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Decompose",927,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Det",285,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("InvertLU",793,G__G__Matrix_191_0_22, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 3, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - a d - 'Double_t' 0 - tol " "D - 'Double_t' 0 '0' det", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixD&, Double_t, Double_t*))(&TDecompLU::InvertLU) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_191_0_23, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - inv", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_191_0_24, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 1 - status", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_191_0_25, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' opt", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_191_0_27, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompLU' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_191_0_28, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDecompLU::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_191_0_29, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompLU::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_191_0_30, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDecompLU::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_191_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDecompLU::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_191_0_35, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_191_0_36, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompLU::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_191_0_37, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompLU::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_191_0_38, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompLU::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_191_0_39, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompLU::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TDecompLU", 971, G__G__Matrix_191_0_40, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTDecompQRH(void) { /* TDecompQRH */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH)); G__memfunc_setup("QRH",235,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 5, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - q u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - diagR " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - up u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - w " "d - 'Double_t' 0 - tol", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDecompMatrix",1517,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDBase"), 1, 0, 1, 2, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompQRH",919,G__G__Matrix_192_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompQRH",919,G__G__Matrix_192_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompQRH",919,G__G__Matrix_192_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompQRH",919,G__G__Matrix_192_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - m d - 'Double_t' 0 '0.0' tol", "be careful for slicing in operator=", (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompQRH",919,G__G__Matrix_192_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompQRH' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetQ",369,G__G__Matrix_192_0_10, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetR",370,G__G__Matrix_192_0_11, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetUp",485,G__G__Matrix_192_0_12, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetW",375,G__G__Matrix_192_0_13, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrix",929,G__G__Matrix_192_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Decompose",927,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Det",285,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_192_0_23, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - inv", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_192_0_24, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 1 - status", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_192_0_25, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' opt", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_192_0_27, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompQRH' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_192_0_28, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDecompQRH::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_192_0_29, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompQRH::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_192_0_30, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDecompQRH::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_192_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDecompQRH::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_192_0_35, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_192_0_36, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompQRH::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_192_0_37, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompQRH::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_192_0_38, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompQRH::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_192_0_39, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompQRH::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TDecompQRH", 1045, G__G__Matrix_192_0_40, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTDecompSparse(void) { /* TDecompSparse */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse)); G__memfunc_setup("NonZerosUpperTriang",1967,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' 'TMatrixDSparse' 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("CopyUpperTriang",1548,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' 'TMatrixDSparse' 11 - a D - 'Double_t' 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InitParam",901,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InitPivot",934,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 13, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n i - 'Int_t' 10 - nz " "u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Airn u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aicn " "u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aiw u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aikeep " "u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aiw1 i - 'Int_t' 1 - nsteps " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - iflag I - 'Int_t' 0 - icntl " "D - 'Double_t' 0 - cntl I - 'Int_t' 0 - info " "d - 'Double_t' 1 - ops", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Factor",607,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 13, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n i - 'Int_t' 10 - nz " "u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Airn u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aicn " "u 'TArrayD' - 1 - Aa u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aiw " "u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aikeep i - 'Int_t' 10 - nsteps " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - maxfrt u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aiw1 " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - icntl D - 'Double_t' 0 - cntl " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 10, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n u 'TArrayD' - 1 - Aa " "u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aiw u 'TArrayD' - 1 - Aw " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - maxfrt u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b " "u 'TArrayI' - 1 - Aiw1 i - 'Int_t' 10 - nsteps " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - icntl I - 'Int_t' 0 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InitPivot_sub1",1408,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 11, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n i - 'Int_t' 10 - nz " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - irn I - 'Int_t' 0 - icn " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw I - 'Int_t' 0 - ipe " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - iq I - 'Int_t' 0 - flag " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - iwfr I - 'Int_t' 0 - icntl " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InitPivot_sub2",1409,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 13, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n I - 'Int_t' 0 - ipe " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw i - 'Int_t' 10 - lw " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - iwfr I - 'Int_t' 0 - nv " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - nxt I - 'Int_t' 0 - lst " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - ipd I - 'Int_t' 0 - flag " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - iovflo i - 'Int_t' 1 - ncmpa " "d - 'Double_t' 10 - fratio", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InitPivot_sub2a",1506,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n I - 'Int_t' 0 - ipe " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw i - 'Int_t' 10 - lw " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - iwfr i - 'Int_t' 1 - ncmpa", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InitPivot_sub3",1410,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 12, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n i - 'Int_t' 10 - nz " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - irn I - 'Int_t' 0 - icn " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - perm I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - ipe I - 'Int_t' 0 - iq " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - flag i - 'Int_t' 1 - iwfr " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - icntl I - 'Int_t' 0 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InitPivot_sub4",1411,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 10, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n I - 'Int_t' 0 - ipe " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw i - 'Int_t' 10 - lw " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - iwfr I - 'Int_t' 0 - ips " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - ipv I - 'Int_t' 0 - nv " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - flag i - 'Int_t' 1 - ncmpa", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InitPivot_sub5",1412,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 9, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n I - 'Int_t' 0 - ipe " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - nv I - 'Int_t' 0 - ips " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - ne I - 'Int_t' 0 - na " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - nd i - 'Int_t' 1 - nsteps " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - nemin", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("InitPivot_sub6",1413,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 14, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n i - 'Int_t' 10 - nz " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - irn I - 'Int_t' 0 - icn " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - perm I - 'Int_t' 0 - na " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - ne I - 'Int_t' 0 - nd " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - nsteps I - 'Int_t' 0 - lstki " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - lstkr I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - info d - 'Double_t' 1 - ops", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Factor_sub1",1081,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 13, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n i - 'Int_t' 10 - nz " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - nz1 D - 'Double_t' 0 - a " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - la I - 'Int_t' 0 - irn " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - icn I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - liw I - 'Int_t' 0 - perm " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw2 I - 'Int_t' 0 - icntl " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Factor_sub2",1082,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 15, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n i - 'Int_t' 10 - nz " "D - 'Double_t' 0 - a i - 'Int_t' 10 - la " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw i - 'Int_t' 10 - liw " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - perm I - 'Int_t' 0 - nstk " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - nsteps i - 'Int_t' 1 - maxfrt " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - nelim I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw2 " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - icntl D - 'Double_t' 0 - cntl " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Factor_sub3",1083,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 8, 3, 2, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 - a I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - j1 i - 'Int_t' 1 - j2 " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - itop i - 'Int_t' 10 - ireal " "i - 'Int_t' 1 - ncmpbr i - 'Int_t' 1 - ncmpbi", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Solve_sub1",995,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 9, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n D - 'Double_t' 0 - a " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw D - 'Double_t' 0 - w " "D - 'Double_t' 0 - rhs I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw2 " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - nblk i - 'Int_t' 1 - latop " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - icntl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Solve_sub2",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 9, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 10 - n D - 'Double_t' 0 - a " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw D - 'Double_t' 0 - w " "D - 'Double_t' 0 - rhs I - 'Int_t' 0 - iw2 " "i - 'Int_t' 10 - nblk i - 'Int_t' 10 - latop " "I - 'Int_t' 0 - icntl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IDiag",446,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 3, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - ix i - 'Int_t' 0 - iy", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("IError",595,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MinRealWorkspace",1623,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MinIntWorkspace",1534,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ErrorFlag",900,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetThresholdPivoting",2077,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetTreatAsZero",1396,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetThresholdPivoting",2089,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 0 - piv", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetTreatAsZero",1408,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 0 - tol", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDecompMatrix",1517,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDBase"), 1, 0, 1, 2, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSparse",1306,G__G__Matrix_197_0_29, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSparse",1306,G__G__Matrix_197_0_30, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nRows i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonZeros " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSparse",1306,G__G__Matrix_197_0_31, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nr_nonZeros i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSparse",1306,G__G__Matrix_197_0_32, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' 'TMatrixDSparse' 11 - a i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSparse",1306,G__G__Matrix_197_0_33, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompSparse' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetVerbose",1026,G__G__Matrix_197_0_34, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrix",929,G__G__Matrix_197_0_37, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' 'TMatrixDSparse' 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Decompose",927,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Det",285,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - - d - 'Double_t' 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' opt", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_197_0_47, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompSparse' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_197_0_48, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDecompSparse::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_197_0_49, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompSparse::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_197_0_50, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDecompSparse::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_197_0_51, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDecompSparse::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_197_0_55, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_197_0_56, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompSparse::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_197_0_57, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompSparse::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_197_0_58, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompSparse::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_197_0_59, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompSparse::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TDecompSparse", 1432, G__G__Matrix_197_0_60, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTDecompSVD(void) { /* TDecompSVD */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD)); G__memfunc_setup("Bidiagonalize",1330,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - u " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - sDiag u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - oDiag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Diagonalize",1127,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - u " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - sDiag u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - oDiag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Diag_1",517,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - sDiag " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - oDiag i - 'Int_t' 0 - k", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Diag_2",518,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - sDiag u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - oDiag " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - k i - 'Int_t' 0 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Diag_3",519,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - u " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - sDiag u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - oDiag " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - k i - 'Int_t' 0 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SortSingular",1261,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - u " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - sDiag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDecompMatrix",1517,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixDBase"), 1, 0, 1, 2, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSVD",921,G__G__Matrix_198_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSVD",921,G__G__Matrix_198_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nrows i - 'Int_t' 0 - ncols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSVD",921,G__G__Matrix_198_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSVD",921,G__G__Matrix_198_0_11, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - m d - 'Double_t' 0 '0.0' tol", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TDecompSVD",921,G__G__Matrix_198_0_12, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompSVD' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_198_0_13, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("GetU",373,G__G__Matrix_198_0_16, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetV",374,G__G__Matrix_198_0_17, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetSig",579,G__G__Matrix_198_0_18, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SetMatrix",929,G__G__Matrix_198_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Decompose",927,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Solve",521,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b g - 'Bool_t' 1 - ok", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("TransSolve",1041,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' 'TMatrixDColumn' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Condition",935,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Det",285,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d1 d - 'Double_t' 1 - d2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_198_0_29, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - inv", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_198_0_30, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 1 - status", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Invert",632,G__G__Matrix_198_0_31, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' opt", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_198_0_33, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDecompSVD' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_198_0_34, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDecompSVD::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_198_0_35, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompSVD::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_198_0_36, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDecompSVD::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_198_0_37, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDecompSVD::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_198_0_41, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_198_0_42, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompSVD::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_198_0_43, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompSVD::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_198_0_44, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDecompSVD::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_198_0_45, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDecompSVD::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TDecompSVD", 1047, G__G__Matrix_198_0_46, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixDEigen(void) { /* TMatrixDEigen */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen)); G__memfunc_setup("MakeHessenBerg",1380,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - ortho " "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - H", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MakeSchurr",1013,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - d " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - e u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - H", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Sort",424,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - d " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - e", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixDEigen",1269,G__G__Matrix_200_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixDEigen",1269,G__G__Matrix_200_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixDEigen",1269,G__G__Matrix_200_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixDEigen' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetEigenVectors",1518,G__G__Matrix_200_0_7, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetEigenValuesRe",1583,G__G__Matrix_200_0_8, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetEigenValuesIm",1582,G__G__Matrix_200_0_9, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetEigenValues",1400,G__G__Matrix_200_0_10, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_200_0_11, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixDEigen' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_200_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixDEigen::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_200_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixDEigen::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_200_0_14, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixDEigen::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_200_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixDEigen::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_200_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_200_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_200_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_200_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_200_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixDEigen::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_200_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixDEigen::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_200_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixDEigen::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_200_0_23, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixDEigen::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixDEigen", 1395, G__G__Matrix_200_0_24, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTHaarMatrixTlEdoublegR(void) { /* THaarMatrixT */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("THaarMatrixT",1934,G__G__Matrix_202_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THaarMatrixT",1934,G__G__Matrix_202_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' no_cols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_202_0_4, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_202_0_5, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_202_0_6, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_202_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_202_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_202_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_202_0_13, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_202_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_202_0_15, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("THaarMatrixT", 1934, G__G__Matrix_202_0_16, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'THaarMatrixT' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~THaarMatrixT", 2060, G__G__Matrix_202_0_17, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTHilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR(void) { /* THilbertMatrixT */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixT",2268,G__G__Matrix_203_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixT",2268,G__G__Matrix_203_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - no_rows i - 'Int_t' 0 - no_cols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixT",2268,G__G__Matrix_203_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_203_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_203_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_203_0_7, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_203_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_203_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_203_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_203_0_14, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_203_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_203_0_16, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixT", 2268, G__G__Matrix_203_0_17, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'THilbertMatrixT' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~THilbertMatrixT", 2394, G__G__Matrix_203_0_18, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTHilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR(void) { /* THilbertMatrixTSym */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR)); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixTSym",2581,G__G__Matrix_204_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixTSym",2581,G__G__Matrix_204_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - no_rows", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixTSym",2581,G__G__Matrix_204_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_204_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_204_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_204_0_7, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_204_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_204_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_204_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_204_0_14, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_204_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_204_0_16, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixTSym", 2581, G__G__Matrix_204_0_17, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'THilbertMatrixTSym' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~THilbertMatrixTSym", 2707, G__G__Matrix_204_0_18, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixDSymEigen(void) { /* TMatrixDSymEigen */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen)); G__memfunc_setup("MakeTridiagonal",1516,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - d " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - e", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MakeEigenVectors",1612,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 3, 2, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 1 - v u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - d " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 1 - e", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixDSymEigen",1582,G__G__Matrix_205_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixDSymEigen",1582,G__G__Matrix_205_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' 'TMatrixDSym' 11 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixDSymEigen",1582,G__G__Matrix_205_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixDSymEigen' - 11 - another", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetEigenVectors",1518,G__G__Matrix_205_0_6, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetEigenValues",1400,G__G__Matrix_205_0_7, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_205_0_8, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixDSymEigen' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_205_0_9, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixDSymEigen::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_205_0_10, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixDSymEigen::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_205_0_11, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixDSymEigen::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_205_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixDSymEigen::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_205_0_13, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_205_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_205_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_205_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_205_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixDSymEigen::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_205_0_18, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixDSymEigen::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_205_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixDSymEigen::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_205_0_20, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixDSymEigen::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixDSymEigen", 1708, G__G__Matrix_205_0_21, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTFlat_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat_const",2490,G__G__Matrix_207_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat_const",2490,G__G__Matrix_207_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat_const",2490,G__G__Matrix_207_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat_const",2490,G__G__Matrix_207_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_207_0_5, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - trc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_207_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_207_0_7, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_207_0_8, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_207_0_9, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_207_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_207_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_207_0_12, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_207_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_207_0_14, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_207_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_207_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_207_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_207_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_207_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_207_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_207_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTFlat_const", 2616, G__G__Matrix_207_0_22, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTSub_const */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub_const",2397,G__G__Matrix_208_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub_const",2397,G__G__Matrix_208_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub_const",2397,G__G__Matrix_208_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetMatrix",917,G__G__Matrix_208_0_4, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetRowOff",883,G__G__Matrix_208_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetColOff",857,G__G__Matrix_208_0_6, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNrows",825,G__G__Matrix_208_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetNcols",799,G__G__Matrix_208_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_208_0_9, 102, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_208_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_208_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_208_0_12, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_208_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,G__G__Matrix_208_0_14, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,G__G__Matrix_208_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Matrix_208_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_208_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_208_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_208_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_208_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_208_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSub_const::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub_const", 2397, G__G__Matrix_208_0_22, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub_const' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSub_const", 2523, G__G__Matrix_208_0_23, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTColumn */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn",2075,G__G__Matrix_209_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn",2075,G__G__Matrix_209_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn",2075,G__G__Matrix_209_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - col", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTColumn",2075,G__G__Matrix_209_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' - 11 - mc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_209_0_5, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_209_0_6, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_209_0_7, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_209_0_8, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_209_0_9, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_209_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_209_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_209_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_209_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_209_0_14, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_209_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_209_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_209_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTColumn_const' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_209_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_209_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_209_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_209_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_209_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_209_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_209_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_209_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_209_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTColumn::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTColumn", 2201, G__G__Matrix_209_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTDiag */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag",1826,G__G__Matrix_210_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag",1826,G__G__Matrix_210_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag",1826,G__G__Matrix_210_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTDiag",1826,G__G__Matrix_210_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_210_0_5, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_210_0_6, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_210_0_7, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_210_0_8, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_210_0_9, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_210_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_210_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_210_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_210_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_210_0_14, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_210_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_210_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_210_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_210_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_210_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_210_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_210_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_210_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_210_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_210_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_210_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_210_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTDiag::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTDiag", 1952, G__G__Matrix_210_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTFlat */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat",1844,G__G__Matrix_211_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat",1844,G__G__Matrix_211_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat",1844,G__G__Matrix_211_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTFlat",1844,G__G__Matrix_211_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat' - 11 - mf", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetPtr",598,G__G__Matrix_211_0_5, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_211_0_6, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_211_0_7, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_211_0_8, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_211_0_9, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_211_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_211_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_211_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_211_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_211_0_14, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat' - 11 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_211_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_211_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_211_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTFlat_const' - 11 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_211_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_211_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_211_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_211_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_211_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_211_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_211_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_211_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_211_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTFlat::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTFlat", 1970, G__G__Matrix_211_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSublEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTSub */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub",1751,G__G__Matrix_212_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub",1751,G__G__Matrix_212_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub",1751,G__G__Matrix_212_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - matrix i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSub",1751,G__G__Matrix_212_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub' - 11 - ms", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_212_0_5, 102, -1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - rown i - 'Int_t' 0 - coln", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Rank1Update",1056,G__G__Matrix_212_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec f - - 0 '1.0' alpha", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_212_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_212_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_212_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_212_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub_const' - 11 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_212_0_11, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub' - 11 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_212_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_212_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub_const' - 11 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_212_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSub_const' - 11 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_212_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_212_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_212_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_212_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_212_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_212_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_212_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_212_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_212_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_212_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_212_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_212_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSub::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSub", 1877, G__G__Matrix_212_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR(void) { /* TMatrixTSparseDiag */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag",2448,G__G__Matrix_214_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag",2448,G__G__Matrix_214_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - matrix", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TMatrixTSparseDiag",2448,G__G__Matrix_214_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag' - 11 - md", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetDataPtr",976,G__G__Matrix_214_0_4, 70, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_214_0_5, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Matrix_214_0_6, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_214_0_7, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Matrix_214_0_8, 102, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_214_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_214_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_214_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_214_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_214_0_13, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Matrix_214_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - vec", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+=",980,G__G__Matrix_214_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*=",979,G__G__Matrix_214_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparseDiag_const' - 11 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_214_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_214_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_214_0_19, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_214_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_214_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_214_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_214_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_214_0_27, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_214_0_28, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMatrixTSparseDiag::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TMatrixTSparseDiag", 2574, G__G__Matrix_214_0_29, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTHaarMatrixTlEfloatgR(void) { /* THaarMatrixT */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("THaarMatrixT",1833,G__G__Matrix_215_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THaarMatrixT",1833,G__G__Matrix_215_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - n i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' no_cols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_215_0_4, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_215_0_5, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_215_0_6, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_215_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_215_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_215_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_215_0_13, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_215_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_215_0_15, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THaarMatrixT::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("THaarMatrixT", 1833, G__G__Matrix_215_0_16, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'THaarMatrixT' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~THaarMatrixT", 1959, G__G__Matrix_215_0_17, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTHilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR(void) { /* THilbertMatrixT */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixT",2167,G__G__Matrix_216_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixT",2167,G__G__Matrix_216_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - no_rows i - 'Int_t' 0 - no_cols", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixT",2167,G__G__Matrix_216_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - col_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_216_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_216_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_216_0_7, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_216_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_216_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_216_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_216_0_14, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_216_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_216_0_16, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THilbertMatrixT::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixT", 2167, G__G__Matrix_216_0_17, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'THilbertMatrixT' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~THilbertMatrixT", 2293, G__G__Matrix_216_0_18, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTHilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR(void) { /* THilbertMatrixTSym */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR)); G__memfunc_setup("FillIn",574,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixTSym",2480,G__G__Matrix_217_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixTSym",2480,G__G__Matrix_217_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - no_rows", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixTSym",2480,G__G__Matrix_217_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_lwb i - 'Int_t' 0 - row_upb", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Matrix_217_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::Class) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Matrix_217_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Name) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Matrix_217_0_7, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::Class_Version) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Matrix_217_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::Dictionary) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Matrix_217_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Matrix_217_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::DeclFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Matrix_217_0_14, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileLine) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Matrix_217_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::ImplFileName) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Matrix_217_0_16, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&THilbertMatrixTSym::DeclFileLine) ), 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("THilbertMatrixTSym", 2480, G__G__Matrix_217_0_17, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'THilbertMatrixTSym' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~THilbertMatrixTSym", 2606, G__G__Matrix_217_0_18, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTCramerInv(void) { /* TMatrixTCramerInv */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTCramerInv)); G__memfunc_setup("Inv2x2",521,G__G__Matrix_218_0_1, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv2x2) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv2x2",521,G__G__Matrix_218_0_2, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv2x2) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv3x3",523,G__G__Matrix_218_0_3, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv3x3) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv3x3",523,G__G__Matrix_218_0_4, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv3x3) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv4x4",525,G__G__Matrix_218_0_5, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv4x4) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv4x4",525,G__G__Matrix_218_0_6, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv4x4) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv5x5",527,G__G__Matrix_218_0_7, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv5x5) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv5x5",527,G__G__Matrix_218_0_8, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv5x5) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv6x6",529,G__G__Matrix_218_0_9, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv6x6) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv6x6",529,G__G__Matrix_218_0_10, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixT&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv6x6) ), 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } static void G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymCramerInv(void) { /* TMatrixTSymCramerInv */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymCramerInv)); G__memfunc_setup("Inv2x2",521,G__G__Matrix_219_0_1, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv2x2) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv2x2",521,G__G__Matrix_219_0_2, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv2x2) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv3x3",523,G__G__Matrix_219_0_3, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv3x3) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv3x3",523,G__G__Matrix_219_0_4, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv3x3) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv4x4",525,G__G__Matrix_219_0_5, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv4x4) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv4x4",525,G__G__Matrix_219_0_6, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv4x4) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv5x5",527,G__G__Matrix_219_0_7, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv5x5) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv5x5",527,G__G__Matrix_219_0_8, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv5x5) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv6x6",529,G__G__Matrix_219_0_9, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv6x6) ), 0); G__memfunc_setup("Inv6x6",529,G__G__Matrix_219_0_10, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - m D - 'Double_t' 0 - determ", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(TMatrixTSym&, Double_t*))(&TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv6x6) ), 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } /********************************************************* * Member function information setup *********************************************************/ extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memfuncG__Matrix() { } /********************************************************* * Global variable information setup for each class *********************************************************/ static void G__cpp_setup_global0() { /* Setting up global variables */ G__resetplocal(); } static void G__cpp_setup_global1() { G__memvar_setup((void*)(&gMatrixCheck),105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,1,"gMatrixCheck=",0,(char*)NULL); } static void G__cpp_setup_global2() { G__resetglobalenv(); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_globalG__Matrix() { G__cpp_setup_global0(); G__cpp_setup_global1(); G__cpp_setup_global2(); } /********************************************************* * Global function information setup for each class *********************************************************/ static void G__cpp_setup_func0() { G__lastifuncposition(); } static void G__cpp_setup_func1() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func2() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func3() { G__memfunc_setup("NormalEqn", 909, G__G__Matrix__0_367, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - A u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NormalEqn", 909, G__G__Matrix__0_368, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TVectorD"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - A u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - b " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - std", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NormalEqn", 909, G__G__Matrix__0_369, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - A u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - b", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("NormalEqn", 909, G__G__Matrix__0_370, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), G__defined_typename("TMatrixD"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - A u 'TMatrixT' 'TMatrixD' 11 - B " "u 'TVectorT' 'TVectorD' 11 - std", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator==", 998, G__G__Matrix__0_377, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_378, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_379, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_380, 102, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_381, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_382, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_383, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_384, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dot", 295, G__G__Matrix__0_385, 102, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("OuterProduct", 1264, G__G__Matrix__0_386, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("OuterProduct", 1264, G__G__Matrix__0_387, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult", 418, G__G__Matrix__0_388, 102, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_389, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_390, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_391, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_392, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddElemMult", 1070, G__G__Matrix__0_393, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddElemMult", 1070, G__G__Matrix__0_394, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2 " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddElemDiv", 943, G__G__Matrix__0_395, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddElemDiv", 943, G__G__Matrix__0_396, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2 " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_397, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_398, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_399, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_400, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_401, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_402, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_403, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_404, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Compare", 711, G__G__Matrix__0_405, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("VerifyVectorValue", 1765, G__G__Matrix__0_406, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - m f - - 0 - val " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose f - - 0 - maxDevAllow", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); } static void G__cpp_setup_func4() { G__memfunc_setup("VerifyVectorIdentity", 2098, G__G__Matrix__0_407, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - m1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose f - - 0 - maxDevAllow", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator==", 998, G__G__Matrix__0_408, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("E2Norm", 531, G__G__Matrix__0_409, 102, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_410, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_411, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Compare", 711, G__G__Matrix__0_412, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("VerifyMatrixValue", 1767, G__G__Matrix__0_413, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m f - - 0 - val " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose f - - 0 - maxDevAllow", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("VerifyMatrixIdentity", 2100, G__G__Matrix__0_414, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose f - - 0 - maxDevAllow", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_415, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_416, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_417, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_418, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source f - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_419, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_420, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_421, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_422, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_423, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source f - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_424, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_425, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_426, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source f - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_427, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_428, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_429, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_430, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator&&", 952, G__G__Matrix__0_431, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator&&", 952, G__G__Matrix__0_432, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator&&", 952, G__G__Matrix__0_433, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator||", 1124, G__G__Matrix__0_434, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator||", 1124, G__G__Matrix__0_435, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator||", 1124, G__G__Matrix__0_436, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>", 938, G__G__Matrix__0_437, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>", 938, G__G__Matrix__0_438, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>", 938, G__G__Matrix__0_439, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=", 999, G__G__Matrix__0_440, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=", 999, G__G__Matrix__0_441, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=", 999, G__G__Matrix__0_442, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=", 997, G__G__Matrix__0_443, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=", 997, G__G__Matrix__0_444, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=", 997, G__G__Matrix__0_445, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<", 936, G__G__Matrix__0_446, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<", 936, G__G__Matrix__0_447, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<", 936, G__G__Matrix__0_448, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=", 970, G__G__Matrix__0_449, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=", 970, G__G__Matrix__0_450, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=", 970, G__G__Matrix__0_451, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_452, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_453, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_454, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_455, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_456, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_457, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator==", 998, G__G__Matrix__0_458, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_459, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_460, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 f - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_461, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_462, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_463, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 f - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_464, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_465, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source f - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_466, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator&&", 952, G__G__Matrix__0_467, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator||", 1124, G__G__Matrix__0_468, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>", 938, G__G__Matrix__0_469, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=", 999, G__G__Matrix__0_470, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=", 997, G__G__Matrix__0_471, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<", 936, G__G__Matrix__0_472, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_473, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_474, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_475, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_476, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_477, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_478, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_479, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source f - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_480, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_481, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_482, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_483, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_484, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source f - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_485, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_486, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_487, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_488, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_489, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "f - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_490, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source f - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_491, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - target f - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_492, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_493, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_494, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator==", 998, G__G__Matrix__0_495, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_496, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_497, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_498, 100, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_499, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_500, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_501, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_502, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Dot", 295, G__G__Matrix__0_503, 100, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("OuterProduct", 1264, G__G__Matrix__0_504, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("OuterProduct", 1264, G__G__Matrix__0_505, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Mult", 418, G__G__Matrix__0_506, 100, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_507, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_508, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); } static void G__cpp_setup_func5() { G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_509, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_510, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - a u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddElemMult", 1070, G__G__Matrix__0_511, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddElemMult", 1070, G__G__Matrix__0_512, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2 " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddElemDiv", 943, G__G__Matrix__0_513, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AddElemDiv", 943, G__G__Matrix__0_514, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2 " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_515, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_516, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_517, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_518, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 1 - target u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source " "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - select", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_519, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_520, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_521, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_522, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - v u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - m " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Compare", 711, G__G__Matrix__0_523, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("VerifyVectorValue", 1765, G__G__Matrix__0_524, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - m d - - 0 - val " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose d - - 0 - maxDevAllow", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("VerifyVectorIdentity", 2098, G__G__Matrix__0_525, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVectorT' - 11 - m1 u 'TVectorT' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose d - - 0 - maxDevAllow", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator==", 998, G__G__Matrix__0_526, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("E2Norm", 531, G__G__Matrix__0_527, 100, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_528, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_529, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Compare", 711, G__G__Matrix__0_530, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("VerifyMatrixValue", 1767, G__G__Matrix__0_531, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m d - - 0 - val " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose d - - 0 - maxDevAllow", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("VerifyMatrixIdentity", 2100, G__G__Matrix__0_532, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTBase' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 - verbose d - - 0 - maxDevAllow", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_533, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_534, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_535, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_536, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source d - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_537, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_538, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_539, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_540, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_541, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source d - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_542, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_543, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_544, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source d - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_545, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_546, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_547, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_548, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator&&", 952, G__G__Matrix__0_549, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator&&", 952, G__G__Matrix__0_550, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator&&", 952, G__G__Matrix__0_551, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator||", 1124, G__G__Matrix__0_552, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator||", 1124, G__G__Matrix__0_553, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator||", 1124, G__G__Matrix__0_554, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>", 938, G__G__Matrix__0_555, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>", 938, G__G__Matrix__0_556, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>", 938, G__G__Matrix__0_557, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=", 999, G__G__Matrix__0_558, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=", 999, G__G__Matrix__0_559, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=", 999, G__G__Matrix__0_560, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=", 997, G__G__Matrix__0_561, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=", 997, G__G__Matrix__0_562, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=", 997, G__G__Matrix__0_563, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<", 936, G__G__Matrix__0_564, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<", 936, G__G__Matrix__0_565, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<", 936, G__G__Matrix__0_566, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=", 970, G__G__Matrix__0_567, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=", 970, G__G__Matrix__0_568, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator!=", 970, G__G__Matrix__0_569, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_570, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_571, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_572, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_573, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_574, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_575, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator==", 998, G__G__Matrix__0_576, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_577, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_578, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 d - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_579, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_580, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_581, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 d - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_582, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_583, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source d - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_584, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator&&", 952, G__G__Matrix__0_585, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator||", 1124, G__G__Matrix__0_586, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>", 938, G__G__Matrix__0_587, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator>=", 999, G__G__Matrix__0_588, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<=", 997, G__G__Matrix__0_589, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator<", 936, G__G__Matrix__0_590, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_591, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_592, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_593, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSym' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSym' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_594, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_595, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_596, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_597, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source d - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+", 919, G__G__Matrix__0_598, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_599, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_600, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_601, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_602, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source d - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-", 921, G__G__Matrix__0_603, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_604, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_605, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_606, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixT' - 11 - source1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source2", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_607, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - val u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator*", 918, G__G__Matrix__0_608, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source d - - 0 - val", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Add", 265, G__G__Matrix__0_609, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - target d - - 0 - scalar " "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("ElementMult", 1132, G__G__Matrix__0_610, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); } static void G__cpp_setup_func6() { G__memfunc_setup("ElementDiv", 1005, G__G__Matrix__0_611, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR), -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 1 - target u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - source", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("AreCompatible", 1304, G__G__Matrix__0_612, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - m1 u 'TMatrixTSparse' - 11 - m2 " "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' verbose", (char*) NULL , (void*) NULL, 0); G__resetifuncposition(); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_funcG__Matrix() { G__cpp_setup_func0(); G__cpp_setup_func1(); G__cpp_setup_func2(); G__cpp_setup_func3(); G__cpp_setup_func4(); G__cpp_setup_func5(); G__cpp_setup_func6(); } /********************************************************* * Class,struct,union,enum tag information setup *********************************************************/ /* Setup class/struct taginfo */ G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TClass = { "TClass" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TBuffer = { "TBuffer" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMemberInspector = { "TMemberInspector" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TObject = { "TObject" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR = { "vector >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR = { "vector >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTBase" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTBase" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR = { "TVectorT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR = { "TVectorT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgRcLcLdA = { "TMatrixTBase::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixStatusBits = { "TMatrixTBase::EMatrixStatusBits" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TElementActionTlEfloatgR = { "TElementActionT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TElementPosActionTlEfloatgR = { "TElementPosActionT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegRcLcLdA = { "TMatrixTBase::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixStatusBits = { "TMatrixTBase::EMatrixStatusBits" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TElementActionTlEdoublegR = { "TElementActionT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TElementPosActionTlEdoublegR = { "TElementPosActionT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLdA = { "TMatrixT::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1 = { "TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp1" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2 = { "TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTSym" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTSparse" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTLazy" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTRow_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTRow" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTDiag_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTColumn_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTFlat_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTSub_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTSparseRow_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTSparseDiag_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTColumn" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTDiag" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTFlat" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTSub" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegRcLcLdA = { "TMatrixTSub::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTSparseRow" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTSparseDiag" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLdA = { "TMatrixTSym::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1 = { "TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2 = { "TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp2" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTSymLazy" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1 = { "TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp1" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2 = { "TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgRcLcLdA = { "TVectorT::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgRcLcLEVectorStatusBits = { "TVectorT::EVectorStatusBits" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTRow_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLdA = { "TMatrixT::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1 = { "TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp1" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2 = { "TMatrixT::EMatrixCreatorsOp2" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSym" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLdA = { "TMatrixTSym::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1 = { "TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp1" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2 = { "TMatrixTSym::EMatrixCreatorsOp2" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSymLazy" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTRow" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSparse" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1 = { "TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp1" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2 = { "TMatrixTSparse::EMatrixCreatorsOp2" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSparseRow_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSparseRow" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTLazy" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTDiag_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTColumn_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSparseDiag_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegRcLcLdA = { "TVectorT::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegRcLcLEVectorStatusBits = { "TVectorT::EVectorStatusBits" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase = { "TDecompBase" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat = { "TDecompBase::EMatrixDecompStat" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLdA = { "TDecompBase::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK = { "TDecompBK" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol = { "TDecompChol" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU = { "TDecompLU" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH = { "TDecompQRH" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRHcLcLdA = { "TDecompQRH::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayD = { "TArrayD" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayI = { "TArrayI" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse = { "TDecompSparse" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD = { "TDecompSVD" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVDcLcLdA = { "TDecompSVD::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen = { "TMatrixDEigen" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigencLcLdA = { "TMatrixDEigen::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR = { "THaarMatrixT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR = { "THilbertMatrixT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR = { "THilbertMatrixTSym" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen = { "TMatrixDSymEigen" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigencLcLdA = { "TMatrixDSymEigen::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTFlat_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSub_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTColumn" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTDiag" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTFlat" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSub" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgRcLcLdA = { "TMatrixTSub::$" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSparseDiag" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR = { "THaarMatrixT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR = { "THilbertMatrixT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR = { "THilbertMatrixTSym" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTCramerInv = { "TMatrixTCramerInv" , 110 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymCramerInv = { "TMatrixTSymCramerInv" , 110 , -1 }; /* Reset class/struct taginfo */ extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtableG__Matrix() { G__G__MatrixLN_TClass.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TBuffer.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMemberInspector.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TObject.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixStatusBits.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TElementActionTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TElementPosActionTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixStatusBits.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TElementActionTlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TElementPosActionTlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgRcLcLEVectorStatusBits.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegRcLcLEVectorStatusBits.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRHcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayD.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayI.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVDcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigencLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigencLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgRcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTCramerInv.tagnum = -1 ; G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymCramerInv.tagnum = -1 ; } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_tagtableG__Matrix() { /* Setting up class,struct,union tag entry */ G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TClass); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TBuffer); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMemberInspector); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TObject); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTBase),-1,95503,"Matrix base class (template)",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTBaselEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTBaselEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTBase),-1,95503,"Matrix base class (template)",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTBaselEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTBaselEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR),sizeof(TVectorT),-1,130816,"Template of Vector class",G__setup_memvarTVectorTlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTVectorTlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),sizeof(TVectorT),-1,130816,"Template of Vector class",G__setup_memvarTVectorTlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTVectorTlEdoublegR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgRcLcLdA); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixStatusBits); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TElementActionTlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TElementPosActionTlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegRcLcLdA); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixStatusBits); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TElementActionTlEdoublegR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TElementPosActionTlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixT),-1,130816,"Template of General Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTlEdoublegR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLdA); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTSym),-1,130816,"Template of Symmetric Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparse),-1,130816,"Template of Sparse Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparselEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparselEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTLazy),-1,327425,"Template of Lazy Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTLazylEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTLazylEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTRow_const),-1,36608,"Template of General Matrix Row Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTRow_constlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTRow),-1,35584,"Template of General Matrix Row Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTRowlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTRowlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTDiag_const),-1,36608,"Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTDiag_constlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTColumn_const),-1,36608,"Template of General Matrix Column Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTColumn_constlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTFlat_const),-1,36608,"Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTFlat_constlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTSub_const),-1,34048,"Template of Sub Matrix Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSub_constlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparseRow_const),-1,36608,"Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const),-1,36608,"Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTColumn),-1,35584,"Template of General Matrix Column Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTColumnlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTDiag),-1,35584,"Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTDiaglEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTFlat),-1,35584,"Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTFlatlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTSub),-1,35584,"Template of Sub Matrix Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSublEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSublEdoublegR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEdoublegRcLcLdA); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparseRow),-1,35584,"Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseRowlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparseDiag),-1,35584,"Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseDiaglEdoublegR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLdA); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR),sizeof(TMatrixTSymLazy),-1,327425,"Template of Lazy Symmeytric class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymLazylEdoublegR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEdoublegRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgRcLcLdA); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEfloatgRcLcLEVectorStatusBits); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTRow_const),-1,36608,"Template of General Matrix Row Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixT),-1,130816,"Template of General Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLdA); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTSym),-1,130816,"Template of Symmetric Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLdA); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymlEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTSymLazy),-1,327425,"Template of Lazy Symmeytric class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymLazylEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTRow),-1,35584,"Template of General Matrix Row Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTRowlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTRowlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparse),-1,130816,"Template of Sparse Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparselEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparselEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp1); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparselEfloatgRcLcLEMatrixCreatorsOp2); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparseRow_const),-1,36608,"Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparseRow),-1,35584,"Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTLazylEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTLazy),-1,327425,"Template of Lazy Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTLazylEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTLazylEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTDiag_const),-1,36608,"Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTColumn_const),-1,36608,"Template of General Matrix Column Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparseDiag_const),-1,36608,"Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegRcLcLdA); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TVectorTlEdoublegRcLcLEVectorStatusBits); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBase),sizeof(TDecompBase),-1,294666,"Matrix Decomposition Base",G__setup_memvarTDecompBase,G__setup_memfuncTDecompBase); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLEMatrixDecompStat); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBasecLcLdA); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompBK),sizeof(TDecompBK),-1,327424,"Matrix Decomposition Bunch-Kaufman",G__setup_memvarTDecompBK,G__setup_memfuncTDecompBK); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompChol),sizeof(TDecompChol),-1,327424,"Matrix Decompositition Cholesky",G__setup_memvarTDecompChol,G__setup_memfuncTDecompChol); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompLU),sizeof(TDecompLU),-1,327424,"Matrix Decompositition LU",G__setup_memvarTDecompLU,G__setup_memfuncTDecompLU); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRH),sizeof(TDecompQRH),-1,327424,"Matrix Decompositition QRH",G__setup_memvarTDecompQRH,G__setup_memfuncTDecompQRH); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompQRHcLcLdA); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayD); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TArrayI); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSparse),sizeof(TDecompSparse),-1,327424,"Matrix Decompositition LU",G__setup_memvarTDecompSparse,G__setup_memfuncTDecompSparse); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVD),sizeof(TDecompSVD),-1,327424,"Matrix Decompositition SVD",G__setup_memvarTDecompSVD,G__setup_memfuncTDecompSVD); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TDecompSVDcLcLdA); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigen),sizeof(TMatrixDEigen),-1,298752,"Eigen-Vectors/Values of a Matrix",G__setup_memvarTMatrixDEigen,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixDEigen); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDEigencLcLdA); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEdoublegR),sizeof(THaarMatrixT),-1,324864,"Template of Haar Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTHaarMatrixTlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTHaarMatrixTlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR),sizeof(THilbertMatrixT),-1,324864,"Template of Hilbert Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTHilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTHilbertMatrixTlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR),sizeof(THilbertMatrixTSym),-1,324864,"Template of Symmetric Hilbert Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTHilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR,G__setup_memfuncTHilbertMatrixTSymlEdoublegR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigen),sizeof(TMatrixDSymEigen),-1,298752,"Eigen-Vectors/Values of a Matrix",G__setup_memvarTMatrixDSymEigen,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixDSymEigen); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixDSymEigencLcLdA); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTFlat_const),-1,36608,"Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTSub_const),-1,34048,"Template of Sub Matrix Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTColumn),-1,35584,"Template of General Matrix Column Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTDiag),-1,35584,"Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTFlat),-1,35584,"Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTSub),-1,35584,"Template of Sub Matrix Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSublEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSublEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgRcLcLdA); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR),sizeof(TMatrixTSparseDiag),-1,35584,"Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class",G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_THaarMatrixTlEfloatgR),sizeof(THaarMatrixT),-1,324864,"Template of Haar Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTHaarMatrixTlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTHaarMatrixTlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR),sizeof(THilbertMatrixT),-1,324864,"Template of Hilbert Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTHilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTHilbertMatrixTlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_THilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR),sizeof(THilbertMatrixTSym),-1,324864,"Template of Symmetric Hilbert Matrix class",G__setup_memvarTHilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR,G__setup_memfuncTHilbertMatrixTSymlEfloatgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTCramerInv),0,-1,0,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTMatrixTCramerInv,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTCramerInv); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MatrixLN_TMatrixTSymCramerInv),0,-1,0,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTMatrixTSymCramerInv,G__setup_memfuncTMatrixTSymCramerInv); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setupG__Matrix(void) { G__check_setup_version(30051515,"G__cpp_setupG__Matrix()"); G__set_cpp_environmentG__Matrix(); G__cpp_setup_tagtableG__Matrix(); G__cpp_setup_inheritanceG__Matrix(); G__cpp_setup_typetableG__Matrix(); G__cpp_setup_memvarG__Matrix(); G__cpp_setup_memfuncG__Matrix(); G__cpp_setup_globalG__Matrix(); G__cpp_setup_funcG__Matrix(); if(0==G__getsizep2memfunc()) G__get_sizep2memfuncG__Matrix(); return; } class G__cpp_setup_initG__Matrix { public: G__cpp_setup_initG__Matrix() { G__add_setup_func("G__Matrix",(G__incsetup)(&G__cpp_setupG__Matrix)); G__call_setup_funcs(); } ~G__cpp_setup_initG__Matrix() { G__remove_setup_func("G__Matrix"); } }; G__cpp_setup_initG__Matrix G__cpp_setup_initializerG__Matrix;