// @(#)root/minuit2:$Id$ // Authors: M. Winkler, F. James, L. Moneta, A. Zsenei 2003-2005 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2005 LCG ROOT Math team, CERN/PH-SFT * * * **********************************************************************/ #include "Minuit2/MnContours.h" #include "Minuit2/MnMinos.h" #include "Minuit2/MnMigrad.h" #include "Minuit2/MnFunctionCross.h" #include "Minuit2/FunctionMinimum.h" #include "Minuit2/FCNBase.h" #include "Minuit2/MnCross.h" #include "Minuit2/MinosError.h" #include "Minuit2/ContoursError.h" #include "Minuit2/MnPrint.h" namespace ROOT { namespace Minuit2 { void PrintContourPoint(const std::pair<double,double> & point) { std::cout << "\t x = " << point.first << " y = " << point.second << std::endl; } std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > MnContours::operator()(unsigned int px, unsigned int py, unsigned int npoints) const { // get contour as a pair of (x,y) points passing the parameter index (px, py) and the number of requested points (>=4) ContoursError cont = Contour(px, py, npoints); return cont(); } ContoursError MnContours::Contour(unsigned int px, unsigned int py, unsigned int npoints) const { // calculate the contour passing the parameter index (px, py) and the number of requested points (>=4) // the fcn.UP() has to be set to the rquired value (see Minuit document on errors) assert(npoints > 3); unsigned int maxcalls = 100*(npoints+5)*(fMinimum.UserState().VariableParameters()+1); unsigned int nfcn = 0; std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > result; result.reserve(npoints); std::vector<MnUserParameterState> states; // double edmmax = 0.5*0.05*fFCN.Up()*1.e-3; //double toler = 0.05; double toler = 0.1; // use same defaut value as in Minos //get first four points // std::cout<<"MnContours: get first 4 params."<<std::endl; MnMinos minos(fFCN, fMinimum, fStrategy); double valx = fMinimum.UserState().Value(px); double valy = fMinimum.UserState().Value(py); MinosError mex = minos.Minos(px); nfcn += mex.NFcn(); if(!mex.IsValid()) { MN_ERROR_MSG("MnContours is unable to find first two points."); return ContoursError(px, py, result, mex, mex, nfcn); } std::pair<double,double> ex = mex(); MinosError mey = minos.Minos(py); nfcn += mey.NFcn(); if(!mey.IsValid()) { MN_ERROR_MSG("MnContours is unable to find second two points."); return ContoursError(px, py, result, mex, mey, nfcn); } std::pair<double,double> ey = mey(); MnMigrad migrad(fFCN, fMinimum.UserState(), MnStrategy(std::max(0, int(fStrategy.Strategy()-1)))); migrad.Fix(px); migrad.SetValue(px, valx + ex.second); FunctionMinimum exy_up = migrad(); nfcn += exy_up.NFcn(); if(!exy_up.IsValid()) { MN_ERROR_VAL2("MnContours: unable to find Upper y Value for x Parameter",px); return ContoursError(px, py, result, mex, mey, nfcn); } migrad.SetValue(px, valx + ex.first); FunctionMinimum exy_lo = migrad(); nfcn += exy_lo.NFcn(); if(!exy_lo.IsValid()) { MN_ERROR_VAL2("MnContours: unable to find Lower y Value for x Parameter",px); return ContoursError(px, py, result, mex, mey, nfcn); } MnMigrad migrad1(fFCN, fMinimum.UserState(), MnStrategy(std::max(0, int(fStrategy.Strategy()-1)))); migrad1.Fix(py); migrad1.SetValue(py, valy + ey.second); FunctionMinimum eyx_up = migrad1(); nfcn += eyx_up.NFcn(); if(!eyx_up.IsValid()) { MN_ERROR_VAL2("MnContours: unable to find Upper x Value for y Parameter",py); return ContoursError(px, py, result, mex, mey, nfcn); } migrad1.SetValue(py, valy + ey.first); FunctionMinimum eyx_lo = migrad1(); nfcn += eyx_lo.NFcn(); if(!eyx_lo.IsValid()) { MN_ERROR_VAL2("MnContours: unable to find Lower x Value for y Parameter",py); return ContoursError(px, py, result, mex, mey, nfcn); } double scalx = 1./(ex.second - ex.first); double scaly = 1./(ey.second - ey.first); result.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(valx + ex.first, exy_lo.UserState().Value(py))); result.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(eyx_lo.UserState().Value(px), valy + ey.first)); result.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(valx + ex.second, exy_up.UserState().Value(py))); result.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(eyx_up.UserState().Value(px), valy + ey.second)); MnUserParameterState upar = fMinimum.UserState(); // std::cout<<"MnContours: first 4 params finished."<<std::endl; int printLevel = MnPrint::Level(); if (printLevel > 0 ) { std::cout << "MnContour : List of found points " << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Parameter x is " << upar.Name(px) << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Parameter y is " << upar.Name(py) << std::endl; } if (printLevel > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) PrintContourPoint(result[i] ); } upar.Fix(px); upar.Fix(py); std::vector<unsigned int> par(2); par[0] = px; par[1] = py; MnFunctionCross cross(fFCN, upar, fMinimum.Fval(), fStrategy); for(unsigned int i = 4; i < npoints; i++) { std::vector<std::pair<double,double> >::iterator idist1 = result.end()-1; std::vector<std::pair<double,double> >::iterator idist2 = result.begin(); double dx = idist1->first - (idist2)->first; double dy = idist1->second - (idist2)->second; double bigdis = scalx*scalx*dx*dx + scaly*scaly*dy*dy; for(std::vector<std::pair<double,double> >::iterator ipair = result.begin(); ipair != result.end()-1; ipair++) { double distx = ipair->first - (ipair+1)->first; double disty = ipair->second - (ipair+1)->second; double dist = scalx*scalx*distx*distx + scaly*scaly*disty*disty; if(dist > bigdis) { bigdis = dist; idist1 = ipair; idist2 = ipair+1; } } double a1 = 0.5; double a2 = 0.5; double sca = 1.; L300: if(nfcn > maxcalls) { MN_ERROR_MSG("MnContours: maximum number of function calls exhausted."); return ContoursError(px, py, result, mex, mey, nfcn); } double xmidcr = a1*idist1->first + a2*(idist2)->first; double ymidcr = a1*idist1->second + a2*(idist2)->second; double xdir = (idist2)->second - idist1->second; double ydir = idist1->first - (idist2)->first; double scalfac = sca*std::max(fabs(xdir*scalx), fabs(ydir*scaly)); double xdircr = xdir/scalfac; double ydircr = ydir/scalfac; std::vector<double> pmid(2); pmid[0] = xmidcr; pmid[1] = ymidcr; std::vector<double> pdir(2); pdir[0] = xdircr; pdir[1] = ydircr; MnCross opt = cross(par, pmid, pdir, toler, maxcalls); nfcn += opt.NFcn(); if(!opt.IsValid()) { // if(a1 > 0.5) { if(sca < 0.) { MN_ERROR_VAL2("MnContours : unable to find point on Contour",i+1); MN_ERROR_VAL2("MnContours : found only i points",i); return ContoursError(px, py, result, mex, mey, nfcn); } // a1 = 0.75; // a2 = 0.25; // std::cout<<"*****switch direction"<<std::endl; sca = -1.; goto L300; } double aopt = opt.Value(); if(idist2 == result.begin()) { result.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(xmidcr+(aopt)*xdircr, ymidcr + (aopt)*ydircr)); if (printLevel > 0) PrintContourPoint( result.back() ); } else { result.insert(idist2, std::pair<double,double>(xmidcr+(aopt)*xdircr, ymidcr + (aopt)*ydircr)); if (printLevel > 0) PrintContourPoint( *idist2 ); } } if (printLevel >0) std::cout << "MnContour: Number of contour points = " << result.size() << std::endl; return ContoursError(px, py, result, mex, mey, nfcn); } } // namespace Minuit2 } // namespace ROOT