// @(#)root/proofd:$Id$ // Author: Gerardo Ganis Feb 2013 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // XpdObject // // // // Authors: G. Ganis, CERN, 2013 // // // // Auxilliary class to stack protocols. // // Adapted version of XrdObject. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_XpdObject #define ROOT_XpdObject #include #include #include #include #include "Xrd/XrdJob.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTrace.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh" class XpdObjectQ; class XrdProofdProtocol; class XrdScheduler; class XpdObject { public: friend class XpdObjectQ; // Item() supplies the item value associated with itself (used with Next()). XrdProofdProtocol *objectItem() { return fItem; } // Next() supplies the next list node. XpdObject *nextObject() { return fNext; } // Set the item pointer void setItem(XrdProofdProtocol *ival) { fItem = ival; } XpdObject(XrdProofdProtocol *ival=0) { fNext = 0; fItem = ival; fQTime = 0; } ~XpdObject() {} private: XpdObject *fNext; XrdProofdProtocol *fItem; time_t fQTime; // Only used for time-managed objects }; /******************************************************************************/ /* x r d _ O b j e c t Q */ /******************************************************************************/ // Note to properly cleanup this type of queue you must call Set() at least // once to cause the time element to be sceduled. class XrdOucTrace; class XpdObjectQ : public XrdJob { public: XrdProofdProtocol *Pop(); void Push(XpdObject *Node); void Set(int inQMax, time_t agemax=1800); void Set(XrdScheduler *sp, XrdOucTrace *tp, int traceChk = 0) {fSched = sp; fTrace = tp; fTraceON = traceChk;} void DoIt(); XpdObjectQ(const char *id, const char *desc) : XrdJob(desc) {fCurage = fCount = 0; fMaxage = 0; fTraceID = id; fMaxinQ = 32; fMininQ = 16; fFirst = 0; } ~XpdObjectQ() {} private: XrdSysMutex fQMutex; XpdObject *fFirst; int fCount; int fCurage; int fMininQ; int fMaxinQ; time_t fMaxage; XrdOucTrace *fTrace; XrdScheduler *fSched; int fTraceON; const char *fTraceID; }; #endif