/***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN_HTML // PiecewiseInterpolation // END_HTML // #include #include "RooFit.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include #include "RooStats/HistFactory/PiecewiseInterpolation.h" #include "RooAbsReal.h" #include "RooAbsPdf.h" #include "RooErrorHandler.h" #include "RooArgSet.h" #include "RooNLLVar.h" #include "RooChi2Var.h" #include "RooRealVar.h" #include "RooMsgService.h" #include "RooNumIntConfig.h" #include "RooTrace.h" using namespace std; ClassImp(PiecewiseInterpolation) ; //_____________________________________________________________________________ PiecewiseInterpolation::PiecewiseInterpolation() { _positiveDefinite=false; TRACE_CREATE } //_____________________________________________________________________________ PiecewiseInterpolation::PiecewiseInterpolation(const char* name, const char* title, const RooAbsReal& nominal, const RooArgList& lowSet, const RooArgList& highSet, const RooArgList& paramSet, Bool_t takeOwnership) : RooAbsReal(name, title), _nominal("!nominal","nominal value", this, (RooAbsReal&)nominal), _lowSet("!lowSet","low-side variation",this), _highSet("!highSet","high-side variation",this), _paramSet("!paramSet","high-side variation",this), _positiveDefinite(false) { // Constructor with two set of RooAbsReals. The value of the function will be // // A = sum_i lowSet(i)*highSet(i) // // If takeOwnership is true the PiecewiseInterpolation object will take ownership of the arguments in sumSet // KC: check both sizes if (lowSet.getSize() != highSet.getSize()) { coutE(InputArguments) << "PiecewiseInterpolation::ctor(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: input lists should be of equal length" << endl ; RooErrorHandler::softAbort() ; } RooFIter inputIter1 = lowSet.fwdIterator() ; RooAbsArg* comp ; while((comp = inputIter1.next())) { if (!dynamic_cast(comp)) { coutE(InputArguments) << "PiecewiseInterpolation::ctor(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: component " << comp->GetName() << " in first list is not of type RooAbsReal" << endl ; RooErrorHandler::softAbort() ; } _lowSet.add(*comp) ; if (takeOwnership) { _ownedList.addOwned(*comp) ; } } RooFIter inputIter2 = highSet.fwdIterator() ; while((comp = inputIter2.next())) { if (!dynamic_cast(comp)) { coutE(InputArguments) << "PiecewiseInterpolation::ctor(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: component " << comp->GetName() << " in first list is not of type RooAbsReal" << endl ; RooErrorHandler::softAbort() ; } _highSet.add(*comp) ; if (takeOwnership) { _ownedList.addOwned(*comp) ; } } RooFIter inputIter3 = paramSet.fwdIterator() ; while((comp = inputIter3.next())) { if (!dynamic_cast(comp)) { coutE(InputArguments) << "PiecewiseInterpolation::ctor(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: component " << comp->GetName() << " in first list is not of type RooAbsReal" << endl ; RooErrorHandler::softAbort() ; } _paramSet.add(*comp) ; if (takeOwnership) { _ownedList.addOwned(*comp) ; } _interpCode.push_back(0); // default code: linear interpolation } // Choose special integrator by default specialIntegratorConfig(kTRUE)->method1D().setLabel("RooBinIntegrator") ; TRACE_CREATE } //_____________________________________________________________________________ PiecewiseInterpolation::PiecewiseInterpolation(const PiecewiseInterpolation& other, const char* name) : RooAbsReal(other, name), _nominal("!nominal",this,other._nominal), _lowSet("!lowSet",this,other._lowSet), _highSet("!highSet",this,other._highSet), _paramSet("!paramSet",this,other._paramSet), _positiveDefinite(other._positiveDefinite), _interpCode(other._interpCode) { // Copy constructor // Member _ownedList is intentionally not copy-constructed -- ownership is not transferred TRACE_CREATE } //_____________________________________________________________________________ PiecewiseInterpolation::~PiecewiseInterpolation() { // Destructor TRACE_DESTROY } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t PiecewiseInterpolation::evaluate() const { // Calculate and return current value of self /////////////////// Double_t nominal = _nominal; Double_t sum(nominal) ; RooAbsReal* param ; RooAbsReal* high ; RooAbsReal* low ; int i=0; RooFIter lowIter(_lowSet.fwdIterator()) ; RooFIter highIter(_highSet.fwdIterator()) ; RooFIter paramIter(_paramSet.fwdIterator()) ; while((param=(RooAbsReal*)paramIter.next())) { low = (RooAbsReal*)lowIter.next() ; high = (RooAbsReal*)highIter.next() ; Int_t icode = _interpCode[i] ; switch(icode) { case 0: { // piece-wise linear if(param->getVal()>0) sum += param->getVal()*(high->getVal() - nominal ); else sum += param->getVal()*(nominal - low->getVal()); break ; } case 1: { // pice-wise log if(param->getVal()>=0) sum *= pow(high->getVal()/nominal, +param->getVal()); else sum *= pow(low->getVal()/nominal, -param->getVal()); break ; } case 2: { // parabolic with linear double a = 0.5*(high->getVal()+low->getVal())-nominal; double b = 0.5*(high->getVal()-low->getVal()); double c = 0; if(param->getVal()>1 ){ sum += (2*a+b)*(param->getVal()-1)+high->getVal()-nominal; } else if(param->getVal()<-1 ) { sum += -1*(2*a-b)*(param->getVal()+1)+low->getVal()-nominal; } else { sum += a*pow(param->getVal(),2) + b*param->getVal()+c; } break ; } case 3: { //parabolic version of log-normal double a = 0.5*(high->getVal()+low->getVal())-nominal; double b = 0.5*(high->getVal()-low->getVal()); double c = 0; if(param->getVal()>1 ){ sum += (2*a+b)*(param->getVal()-1)+high->getVal()-nominal; } else if(param->getVal()<-1 ) { sum += -1*(2*a-b)*(param->getVal()+1)+low->getVal()-nominal; } else { sum += a*pow(param->getVal(),2) + b*param->getVal()+c; } break ; } case 4: { // WVE **************************************************************** // WVE *** THIS CODE IS CRITICAL TO HISTFACTORY FIT CPU PERFORMANCE *** // WVE *** Do not modify unless you know what you are doing... *** // WVE **************************************************************** double x = param->getVal(); if (x>1) { sum += x*(high->getVal() - nominal ); } else if (x<-1) { sum += x*(nominal - low->getVal()); } else { double eps_plus = high->getVal() - nominal; double eps_minus = nominal - low->getVal(); double S = 0.5 * (eps_plus + eps_minus); double A = 0.0625 * (eps_plus - eps_minus); //fcns+der+2nd_der are eq at bd double val = nominal + x * (S + x * A * ( 15 + x * x * (-10 + x * x * 3 ) ) ); if (val < 0) val = 0; sum += val-nominal; } break ; // WVE **************************************************************** } case 5: { double x0 = 1.0;//boundary; double x = param->getVal(); if (x > x0 || x < -x0) { if(x>0) sum += x*(high->getVal() - nominal ); else sum += x*(nominal - low->getVal()); } else if (nominal != 0) { double eps_plus = high->getVal() - nominal; double eps_minus = nominal - low->getVal(); double S = (eps_plus + eps_minus)/2; double A = (eps_plus - eps_minus)/2; //fcns+der are eq at bd double a = S; double b = 3*A/(2*x0); //double c = 0; double d = -A/(2*x0*x0*x0); double val = nominal + a*x + b*pow(x, 2) + 0/*c*pow(x, 3)*/ + d*pow(x, 4); if (val < 0) val = 0; //cout << "Using interp code 5, val = " << val << endl; sum += val-nominal; } break ; } default: { coutE(InputArguments) << "PiecewiseInterpolation::evaluate ERROR: " << param->GetName() << " with unknown interpolation code" << icode << endl ; break ; } } ++i; } if(_positiveDefinite && (sum<0)){ sum = 1e-6; sum = 0; // cout <<"sum < 0 forcing positive definite"<(this); temp->specialIntegratorConfig(kTRUE)->method1D().setLabel("RooBinIntegrator") ; int nbins = ((RooRealVar*) allVars.first())->numBins(); temp->specialIntegratorConfig(kTRUE)->getConfigSection("RooBinIntegrator").setRealValue("numBins",nbins); return true; }else{ cout << "Currently BinIntegrator only knows how to deal with 1-d "<createIntegral(analVars) ; cache->_funcIntList.addOwned(*funcInt) ; // do variations RooFIter lowIter(_lowSet.fwdIterator()) ; RooFIter highIter(_highSet.fwdIterator()) ; RooFIter paramIter(_paramSet.fwdIterator()) ; // int i=0; i=0; while(paramIter.next() ) { func = (RooAbsReal*)lowIter.next() ; funcInt = func->createIntegral(analVars) ; cache->_lowIntList.addOwned(*funcInt) ; func = (RooAbsReal*)highIter.next() ; funcInt = func->createIntegral(analVars) ; cache->_highIntList.addOwned(*funcInt) ; ++i; } // Store cache element Int_t code = _normIntMgr.setObj(normSet,&analVars,(RooAbsCacheElement*)cache,0) ; return code+1 ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t PiecewiseInterpolation::analyticalIntegralWN(Int_t code, const RooArgSet* /*normSet2*/,const char* /*rangeName*/) const { // Implement analytical integrations by doing appropriate weighting from component integrals // functions to integrators of components /* cout <<"Enter analytic Integral"<setDirtyInhibit(kTRUE) ; temp->setShapeDirty() ; } RooFIter highIter(_highSet.fwdIterator()) ; while((temp=(RooAbsReal*)highIter.next())) { // temp->setDirtyInhibit(kTRUE) ; temp->setShapeDirty() ; } */ /* RooAbsArg::setDirtyInhibit(kTRUE); printDirty(true); cout <<"done setting dirty inhibit = true"< vars2( getParameters(RooArgSet()) ); std::auto_ptr iset( _normIntMgr.nameSet2ByIndex(code-1)->select(*vars2) ); cout <<"iset = "<Print("v"); double sum = 0; RooArgSet* vars = getVariables(); vars->remove(_paramSet); _paramSet.Print("v"); vars->Print("v"); if(vars->getSize()==1){ RooRealVar* obs = (RooRealVar*) vars->first(); for(int i=0; inumBins(); ++i){ obs->setVal( obs->getMin() + (.5+i)*(obs->getMax()-obs->getMin())/obs->numBins()); sum+=evaluate()*(obs->getMax()-obs->getMin())/obs->numBins(); cout << "obs = " << obs->getVal() << " sum = " << sum << endl; } } else{ cout <<"only know how to deal with 1 observable right now"<setDirtyInhibit(kFALSE) ; } RooFIter highIter2(_highSet.fwdIterator()) ; while((temp=(RooAbsReal*)highIter2.next())) { temp->setDirtyInhibit(kFALSE) ; } */ /* RooAbsArg::setDirtyInhibit(kFALSE); printDirty(true); cout <<"done"<_funcIntList.fwdIterator() ; RooFIter lowIntIter = cache->_lowIntList.fwdIterator() ; RooFIter highIntIter = cache->_highIntList.fwdIterator() ; RooAbsReal *funcInt(0), *low(0), *high(0), *param(0) ; Double_t value(0) ; Double_t nominal(0); // get nominal int i=0; while(( funcInt = (RooAbsReal*)funcIntIter.next())) { value += funcInt->getVal() ; nominal = value; i++; } if(i==0 || i>1) { cout << "problem, wrong number of nominal functions"<getVal()>0) { value += param->getVal()*(high->getVal() - nominal ); } else { value += param->getVal()*(nominal - low->getVal()); } ++i; } /* // MB : old bit of interpolation code while( (param=(RooAbsReal*)_paramIter->Next()) ) { low = (RooAbsReal*)lowIntIter->Next() ; high = (RooAbsReal*)highIntIter->Next() ; if(param->getVal()>0) { value += param->getVal()*(high->getVal() - nominal ); } else { value += param->getVal()*(nominal - low->getVal()); } ++i; } */ /* KC: the code below is wrong. Can't pull out a constant change to a non-linear shape deformation. while( (param=(RooAbsReal*)paramIter.next()) ) { low = (RooAbsReal*)lowIntIter.next() ; high = (RooAbsReal*)highIntIter.next() ; if(_interpCode.empty() || _interpCode.at(i)==0){ // piece-wise linear if(param->getVal()>0) value += param->getVal()*(high->getVal() - nominal ); else value += param->getVal()*(nominal - low->getVal()); } else if(_interpCode.at(i)==1){ // pice-wise log if(param->getVal()>=0) value *= pow(high->getVal()/nominal, +param->getVal()); else value *= pow(low->getVal()/nominal, -param->getVal()); } else if(_interpCode.at(i)==2){ // parabolic with linear double a = 0.5*(high->getVal()+low->getVal())-nominal; double b = 0.5*(high->getVal()-low->getVal()); double c = 0; if(param->getVal()>1 ){ value += (2*a+b)*(param->getVal()-1)+high->getVal()-nominal; } else if(param->getVal()<-1 ) { value += -1*(2*a-b)*(param->getVal()+1)+low->getVal()-nominal; } else { value += a*pow(param->getVal(),2) + b*param->getVal()+c; } } else if(_interpCode.at(i)==3){ //parabolic version of log-normal double a = 0.5*(high->getVal()+low->getVal())-nominal; double b = 0.5*(high->getVal()-low->getVal()); double c = 0; if(param->getVal()>1 ){ value += (2*a+b)*(param->getVal()-1)+high->getVal()-nominal; } else if(param->getVal()<-1 ) { value += -1*(2*a-b)*(param->getVal()+1)+low->getVal()-nominal; } else { value += a*pow(param->getVal(),2) + b*param->getVal()+c; } } else { coutE(InputArguments) << "PiecewiseInterpolation::analyticalIntegralWN ERROR: " << param->GetName() << " with unknown interpolation code" << endl ; } ++i; } */ // cout << "value = " << value <GetName() << " = " << _interpCode.at(i) <* PiecewiseInterpolation::binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& obs, Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const { // WVE note: assumes nominal and alternates have identical structure, must add explicit check return _nominal.arg().binBoundaries(obs,xlo,xhi) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PiecewiseInterpolation::isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& obs) const { // WVE note: assumes nominal and alternates have identical structure, must add explicit check return _nominal.arg().isBinnedDistribution(obs) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ std::list* PiecewiseInterpolation::plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue& obs, Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const { return _nominal.arg().plotSamplingHint(obs,xlo,xhi) ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PiecewiseInterpolation::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class PiecewiseInterpolation. if (R__b.IsReading()) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(PiecewiseInterpolation::Class(),this); specialIntegratorConfig(kTRUE)->method1D().setLabel("RooBinIntegrator") ; if (_interpCode.empty()) _interpCode.resize(_paramSet.getSize()); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(PiecewiseInterpolation::Class(),this); } } /* //_____________________________________________________________________________ void PiecewiseInterpolation::printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const { // Customized printing of arguments of a PiecewiseInterpolation to more intuitively reflect the contents of the // product operator construction _lowIter->Reset() ; if (_highIter) { _highIter->Reset() ; } Bool_t first(kTRUE) ; RooAbsArg* arg1, *arg2 ; if (_highSet.getSize()!=0) { while((arg1=(RooAbsArg*)_lowIter->Next())) { if (!first) { os << " + " ; } else { first = kFALSE ; } arg2=(RooAbsArg*)_highIter->Next() ; os << arg1->GetName() << " * " << arg2->GetName() ; } } else { while((arg1=(RooAbsArg*)_lowIter->Next())) { if (!first) { os << " + " ; } else { first = kFALSE ; } os << arg1->GetName() ; } } os << " " ; } */