// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** HypoTestInverterResult class: holds the array of hypothesis test results and compute a confidence interval. Based on the RatioFinder code available in the RooStatsCms package developed by Gregory Schott and Danilo Piparo Ported and adapted to RooStats by Gregory Schott Some contributions to this class have been written by Matthias Wolf (error estimation) **/ // include header file of this class #include "RooStats/HypoTestInverterResult.h" #include "RooStats/HybridResult.h" #include "RooStats/SamplingDistribution.h" #include "RooStats/AsymptoticCalculator.h" #include "RooMsgService.h" #include "RooGlobalFunc.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include #include "Math/BrentRootFinder.h" #include "Math/WrappedFunction.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "RooStats/SamplingDistPlot.h" #include ClassImp(RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult) using namespace RooStats; using namespace RooFit; using namespace std; // initialize static value double HypoTestInverterResult::fgAsymptoticMaxSigma = 5; HypoTestInverterResult::HypoTestInverterResult(const char * name ) : SimpleInterval(name), fUseCLs(false), fIsTwoSided(false), fInterpolateLowerLimit(true), fInterpolateUpperLimit(true), fFittedLowerLimit(false), fFittedUpperLimit(false), fInterpolOption(kLinear), fLowerLimitError(-1), fUpperLimitError(-1), fCLsCleanupThreshold(0.005) { // default constructor fLowerLimit = TMath::QuietNaN(); fUpperLimit = TMath::QuietNaN(); } HypoTestInverterResult::HypoTestInverterResult( const HypoTestInverterResult& other, const char * name ) : SimpleInterval(other,name), fUseCLs(other.fUseCLs), fIsTwoSided(other.fIsTwoSided), fInterpolateLowerLimit(other.fInterpolateLowerLimit), fInterpolateUpperLimit(other.fInterpolateUpperLimit), fFittedLowerLimit(other.fFittedLowerLimit), fFittedUpperLimit(other.fFittedUpperLimit), fInterpolOption(other.fInterpolOption), fLowerLimitError(other.fLowerLimitError), fUpperLimitError(other.fUpperLimitError), fCLsCleanupThreshold(other.fCLsCleanupThreshold) { // copy constructor fLowerLimit = TMath::QuietNaN(); fUpperLimit = TMath::QuietNaN(); int nOther = other.ArraySize(); fXValues = other.fXValues; for (int i = 0; i < nOther; ++i) fYObjects.Add( other.fYObjects.At(i)->Clone() ); for (int i = 0; i < fExpPValues.GetSize() ; ++i) fExpPValues.Add( other.fExpPValues.At(i)->Clone() ); } HypoTestInverterResult& HypoTestInverterResult::operator=(const HypoTestInverterResult& other) { if (&other==this) { return *this ; } SimpleInterval::operator = (other); fLowerLimit = other.fLowerLimit; fUpperLimit = other.fUpperLimit; fUseCLs = other.fUseCLs; fIsTwoSided = other.fIsTwoSided; fInterpolateLowerLimit = other.fInterpolateLowerLimit; fInterpolateUpperLimit = other.fInterpolateUpperLimit; fFittedLowerLimit = other.fFittedLowerLimit; fFittedUpperLimit = other.fFittedUpperLimit; fInterpolOption = other.fInterpolOption; fLowerLimitError = other.fLowerLimitError; fUpperLimitError = other.fUpperLimitError; fCLsCleanupThreshold = other.fCLsCleanupThreshold; int nOther = other.ArraySize(); fXValues = other.fXValues; fYObjects.RemoveAll(); for (int i=0; i < nOther; ++i) { fYObjects.Add( other.fYObjects.At(i)->Clone() ); } fExpPValues.RemoveAll(); for (int i=0; i < fExpPValues.GetSize() ; ++i) { fExpPValues.Add( other.fExpPValues.At(i)->Clone() ); } return *this; } HypoTestInverterResult::HypoTestInverterResult( const char* name, const RooRealVar& scannedVariable, double cl ) : SimpleInterval(name,scannedVariable,TMath::QuietNaN(),TMath::QuietNaN(),cl), fUseCLs(false), fIsTwoSided(false), fInterpolateLowerLimit(true), fInterpolateUpperLimit(true), fFittedLowerLimit(false), fFittedUpperLimit(false), fInterpolOption(kLinear), fLowerLimitError(-1), fUpperLimitError(-1), fCLsCleanupThreshold(0.005) { // constructor fYObjects.SetOwner(); // put a cloned copy of scanned variable to set in the interval // to avoid I/O problem of the Result class - // make the set owning the cloned copy (use clone istead of Clone to not copying all links) fParameters.removeAll(); fParameters.takeOwnership(); fParameters.addOwned(*((RooRealVar *) scannedVariable.clone(scannedVariable.GetName()) )); } int HypoTestInverterResult::ExclusionCleanup() { const int nEntries = ArraySize(); // initialization double nsig1(1.0); double nsig2(2.0); double p[5]; double q[5]; std::vector qv; qv.resize(11,-1.0); p[0] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(-nsig2); p[1] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(-nsig1); p[2] = 0.5; p[3] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(nsig1); p[4] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(nsig2); bool resultIsAsymptotic(false); if (nEntries>=1) { HypoTestResult* r = dynamic_cast ( GetResult(0) ); assert(r!=0); if ( !r->GetNullDistribution() && !r->GetAltDistribution() ) { resultIsAsymptotic = true; } } int nPointsRemoved(0); double CLsobsprev(1.0); std::vector::iterator itr = fXValues.begin(); for (; itr!=fXValues.end();) { double x = (*itr); int i = FindIndex(x); //HypoTestResult* oneresult = GetResult(i); SamplingDistribution * s = GetExpectedPValueDist(i); if (!s) break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const std::vector & values = s->GetSamplingDistribution(); /// expected p-values // special case for asymptotic results (cannot use TMath::quantile in that case) if (resultIsAsymptotic) { double maxSigma = 5; // == HypoTestInverterResult::fgAsymptoticMaxSigma; // MB: HACK double dsig = 2.*maxSigma / (values.size() -1) ; int i0 = (int) TMath::Floor ( ( -nsig2 + maxSigma )/dsig + 0.5 ); int i1 = (int) TMath::Floor ( ( -nsig1 + maxSigma )/dsig + 0.5 ); int i2 = (int) TMath::Floor ( ( maxSigma )/dsig + 0.5 ); int i3 = (int) TMath::Floor ( ( nsig1 + maxSigma )/dsig + 0.5 ); int i4 = (int) TMath::Floor ( ( nsig2 + maxSigma )/dsig + 0.5 ); // q[0] = values[i0]; q[1] = values[i1]; q[2] = values[i2]; q[3] = values[i3]; q[4] = values[i4]; } else { double * z = const_cast( &values[0] ); // need to change TMath::Quantiles TMath::Quantiles(values.size(), 5, z, q, p, false); } delete s; /// store useful quantities for reuse later ... /// http://root.cern.ch/root/html532/src/RooStats__HypoTestInverterPlot.cxx.html#197 for (int j=0; j<5; ++j) { qv[j]=q[j]; } qv[5] = CLs(i) ; // qv[6] = CLsError(i) ; // qv[7] = CLb(i) ; // qv[8] = CLbError(i) ; // qv[9] = CLsplusb(i) ; // qv[10] = CLsplusbError(i) ; // double CLsobs = qv[5]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool removeThisPoint(false); // 1. CLs should drop, else skip this point if (!removeThisPoint && resultIsAsymptotic && i>=1 && CLsobs>CLsobsprev) { //StatToolsLogger << kERROR << "Asymptotic. CLs not dropping: " << CLsobs << ". Remove this point." << GEndl; removeThisPoint = true; } else { CLsobsprev = CLsobs; } // 2. CLs should not spike, else skip this point if (!removeThisPoint && i>=1 && CLsobs>=0.9999) { //StatToolsLogger << kERROR << "CLs spiking at 1.0: " << CLsobs << ". Remove this point." << GEndl; removeThisPoint = true; } // 3. Not interested in CLs values that become too low. if (!removeThisPoint && i>=1 && qv[4] 0 && fExpPValues.GetSize() != nThis ) return false; if (otherResult.fExpPValues.GetSize() > 0 && otherResult.fExpPValues.GetSize() != nOther ) return false; oocoutI(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::Add - merging result from " << otherResult.GetName() << " in " << GetName() << std::endl; bool addExpPValues = (fExpPValues.GetSize() == 0 && otherResult.fExpPValues.GetSize() > 0); bool mergeExpPValues = (fExpPValues.GetSize() > 0 && otherResult.fExpPValues.GetSize() > 0); if (addExpPValues || mergeExpPValues) oocoutI(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::Add - merging also the expected p-values from pseudo-data" << std::endl; // case current result is empty // just make a simple copy of the other result if (nThis == 0) { fXValues = otherResult.fXValues; for (int i = 0; i < nOther; ++i) fYObjects.Add( otherResult.fYObjects.At(i)->Clone() ); for (int i = 0; i < fExpPValues.GetSize() ; ++i) fExpPValues.Add( otherResult.fExpPValues.At(i)->Clone() ); } // now do teh real mergemerge combining point with same value or adding extra ones else { for (int i = 0; i < nOther; ++i) { double otherVal = otherResult.fXValues[i]; HypoTestResult * otherHTR = (HypoTestResult*) otherResult.fYObjects.At(i); if (otherHTR == 0) continue; bool sameXFound = false; for (int j = 0; j < nThis; ++j) { double thisVal = fXValues[j]; // if same value merge the result if ( (std::abs(otherVal) < 1 && TMath::AreEqualAbs(otherVal, thisVal,1.E-12) ) || (std::abs(otherVal) >= 1 && TMath::AreEqualRel(otherVal, thisVal,1.E-12) ) ) { HypoTestResult * thisHTR = (HypoTestResult*) fYObjects.At(j); thisHTR->Append(otherHTR); sameXFound = true; if (mergeExpPValues) { ((SamplingDistribution*) fExpPValues.At(j))->Add( (SamplingDistribution*)otherResult.fExpPValues.At(i) ); // check if same toys have been used for the test statistic distribution int thisNToys = (thisHTR->GetNullDistribution() ) ? thisHTR->GetNullDistribution()->GetSize() : 0; int otherNToys = (otherHTR->GetNullDistribution() ) ? otherHTR->GetNullDistribution()->GetSize() : 0; if (thisNToys != otherNToys ) oocoutW(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::Add expexted p values have been generated with different toys " << thisNToys << " , " << otherNToys << std::endl; } break; } } if (!sameXFound) { // add the new result fYObjects.Add(otherHTR->Clone() ); fXValues.push_back( otherVal); } // add in any case also when same x found if (addExpPValues) fExpPValues.Add( otherResult.fExpPValues.At(i)->Clone() ); } } if (ArraySize() > nThis) oocoutI(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::Add - new number of points is " << fXValues.size() << std::endl; else oocoutI(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::Add - new toys/point is " << ((HypoTestResult*) fYObjects.At(0))->GetNullDistribution()->GetSize() << std::endl; return true; } bool HypoTestInverterResult::Add (Double_t x, const HypoTestResult & res) { // Add a single point result (an HypoTestResult) int i= FindIndex(x); if (i<0) { fXValues.push_back(x); fYObjects.Add(res.Clone()); } else { HypoTestResult* r= GetResult(i); if (!r) return false; r->Append(&res); } return true; } double HypoTestInverterResult::GetXValue( int index ) const { // function to return the value of the parameter of interest for the i^th entry in the results if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return -999; } return fXValues[index]; } double HypoTestInverterResult::GetYValue( int index ) const { // function to return the value of the confidence level for the i^th entry in the results if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return -999; } if (fUseCLs) return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLs(); else return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLsplusb(); // CLs+b } double HypoTestInverterResult::GetYError( int index ) const { // function to return the estimated error on the value of the confidence level for the i^th entry in the results if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return -999; } if (fUseCLs) return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLsError(); else return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLsplusbError(); } double HypoTestInverterResult::CLb( int index ) const { // function to return the observed CLb value for the i-th entry if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return -999; } return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLb(); } double HypoTestInverterResult::CLsplusb( int index ) const { // function to return the observed CLs+b value for the i-th entry if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return -999; } return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLsplusb(); } double HypoTestInverterResult::CLs( int index ) const { // function to return the observed CLs value for the i-th entry if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return -999; } return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLs(); } double HypoTestInverterResult::CLbError( int index ) const { // function to return the error on the observed CLb value for the i-th entry if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return -999; } return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLbError(); } double HypoTestInverterResult::CLsplusbError( int index ) const { // function to return the error on the observed CLs+b value for the i-th entry if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return -999; } return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLsplusbError(); } double HypoTestInverterResult::CLsError( int index ) const { // function to return the error on the observed CLs value for the i-th entry if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return -999; } return ((HypoTestResult*)fYObjects.At(index))->CLsError(); } HypoTestResult* HypoTestInverterResult::GetResult( int index ) const { // get the HypoTestResult object at the given index point if ( index >= ArraySize() || index<0 ) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "Problem: You are asking for an impossible array index value\n"; return 0; } return ((HypoTestResult*) fYObjects.At(index)); } int HypoTestInverterResult::FindIndex(double xvalue) const { // find the index corresponding at the poi value xvalue // If no points is found return -1 // Note that a tolerance is used of 10^-12 to find the closest point const double tol = 1.E-12; for (int i=0; i 1 && TMath::AreEqualRel( xvalue, xpoint, tol) ) || (std::abs(xvalue) < 1 && TMath::AreEqualAbs( xvalue, xpoint, tol) ) ) return i; } return -1; } struct InterpolatedGraph { InterpolatedGraph( const TGraph & g, double target, const char * interpOpt) : fGraph(g), fTarget(target), fInterpOpt(interpOpt) {} // return interpolated value for x - target double operator() (double x) const { return fGraph.Eval(x, (TSpline*) 0, fInterpOpt) - fTarget; } const TGraph & fGraph; double fTarget; TString fInterpOpt; }; double HypoTestInverterResult::GetGraphX(const TGraph & graph, double y0, bool lowSearch, double &axmin, double &axmax) const { // return the X value of the given graph for the target value y0 // the graph is evaluated using linear interpolation by default. // if option = "S" a TSpline3 is used TString opt = ""; if (fInterpolOption == kSpline) opt = "S"; InterpolatedGraph f(graph,y0,opt); ROOT::Math::BrentRootFinder brf; ROOT::Math::WrappedFunction wf(f); // find reasanable xmin and xmax if not given const double * y = graph.GetY(); int n = graph.GetN(); if (n < 2) { ooccoutE(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::GetGraphX - need at least 2 points for interpolation (n=" << n << ")\n"; return (n>0) ? y[0] : 0; } double varmin = - TMath::Infinity(); double varmax = TMath::Infinity(); const RooRealVar* var = dynamic_cast( fParameters.first() ); if (var) { varmin = var->getMin(); varmax = var->getMax(); } double xmin = axmin; double xmax = axmax; // case no range is given check if need to extrapolate to lower/upper values if (axmin >= axmax ) { xmin = graph.GetX()[0]; xmax = graph.GetX()[n-1]; // case we have lower/upper limits // find ymin and ymax and corresponding values double ymin = TMath::MinElement(n,y); double ymax = TMath::MaxElement(n,y); // do lower extrapolation if ( (ymax < y0 && !lowSearch) || ( ymin > y0 && lowSearch) ) { xmin = varmin; } // do upper extrapolation if ( (ymax < y0 && lowSearch) || ( ymin > y0 && !lowSearch) ) { xmax = varmax; } } else { #ifdef ISREALLYNEEDED //?? // in case of range given, check if all points are above or below the confidence level line bool isCross = false; bool first = true; double prod = 1; for (int i = 0; i< n; ++i) { double xp, yp; graph.GetPoint(i,xp,yp); if (xp >= xmin && xp <= xmax) { prod *= TMath::Sign(1., (yp - y0) ); if (prod < 0 && !first) { isCross = true; break; } first = false; } } if (!isCross) { return (lowSearch) ? varmin : varmax; } #endif } brf.SetFunction(wf,xmin,xmax); brf.SetNpx(20); bool ret = brf.Solve(100, 1.E-6, 1.E-6); if (!ret) { ooccoutE(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult - interpolation failed - return inf" << std::endl; return TMath::Infinity(); } double limit = brf.Root(); //#define DO_DEBUG #ifdef DO_DEBUG if (lowSearch) std::cout << "lower limit search : "; else std::cout << "Upper limit search : "; std::cout << "do interpolation between " << xmin << " and " << xmax << " limit is " << limit << std::endl; #endif // look in case if a new interseption exists // only when boundaries are not given if (axmin >= axmax) { int index = TMath::BinarySearch(n, graph.GetX(), limit); #ifdef DO_DEBUG std::cout << "do new interpolation dividing from " << index << " and " << y[index] << std::endl; #endif if (lowSearch && index >= 1 && (y[0] - y0) * ( y[index]- y0) < 0) { //search if another interseption exists at a lower value limit = GetGraphX(graph, y0, lowSearch, graph.GetX()[0], graph.GetX()[index] ); } else if (!lowSearch && index < n-2 && (y[n-1] - y0) * ( y[index+1]- y0) < 0) { // another interseption exists at an higher value limit = GetGraphX(graph, y0, lowSearch, graph.GetX()[index+1], graph.GetX()[n-1] ); } } // return also xmin, xmax values axmin = xmin; axmax = xmax; return limit; } double HypoTestInverterResult::FindInterpolatedLimit(double target, bool lowSearch, double xmin, double xmax ) { // interpolate to find a limit value // Use a linear or a spline interpolation depending on the interpolation option ooccoutD(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult - " << "Interpolate the upper limit between the 2 results closest to the target confidence level" << std::endl; // variable minimum and maximum double varmin = - TMath::Infinity(); double varmax = TMath::Infinity(); const RooRealVar* var = dynamic_cast( fParameters.first() ); if (var) { varmin = var->getMin(); varmax = var->getMax(); } if (ArraySize()<2) { double val = (lowSearch) ? xmin : xmax; oocoutW(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::FindInterpolatedLimit" << " - not enough points to get the inverted interval - return " << val << std::endl; fLowerLimit = varmin; fUpperLimit = varmax; return (lowSearch) ? fLowerLimit : fUpperLimit; } // sort the values in x int n = ArraySize(); std::vector index(n ); TMath::SortItr(fXValues.begin(), fXValues.end(), index.begin(), false); // make a graph with the sorted point TGraph graph(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) graph.SetPoint(i, GetXValue(index[i]), GetYValue(index[i] ) ); //std::cout << " search for " << lowSearch << std::endl; // search first for min/max in the given range if (xmin >= xmax) { // search for maximum between the point double * itrmax = std::max_element(graph.GetY() , graph.GetY() +n); double ymax = *itrmax; int iymax = itrmax - graph.GetY(); double xwithymax = graph.GetX()[iymax]; //std::cout << " max of y " << iymax << " " << xwithymax << " " << ymax << " target is " << target << std::endl; // look if maximum is above/belove target if (ymax > target) { if (lowSearch) { if ( iymax > 0) { // low search (minimmum is first point or minimum range) xmin = ( graph.GetY()[0] <= target ) ? graph.GetX()[0] : varmin; xmax = xwithymax; } else { // no room for lower limit fLowerLimit = varmin; lowSearch = false; // search now for upper limits } } if (!lowSearch ) { // up search if ( iymax < n-1 ) { xmin = xwithymax; xmax = ( graph.GetY()[n-1] <= target ) ? graph.GetX()[n-1] : varmax; } else { // no room for upper limit fUpperLimit = varmax; lowSearch = true; // search now for lower limits xmin = varmin; xmax = xwithymax; } } } else { // in case is below the target // find out if is a lower or upper search if (iymax <= (n-1)/2 ) { lowSearch = false; fLowerLimit = varmin; } else { lowSearch = true; fUpperLimit = varmax; } } #ifdef DO_DEBUG std::cout << " found xmin, xmax = " << xmin << " " << xmax << " for search " << lowSearch << std::endl; #endif // now come here if I have already found a lower/upper limit // i.e. I am calling routine for the second time #ifdef ISNEEDED // should not really come here if (lowSearch && fUpperLimit < varmax) { xmin = fXValues[ index.front() ]; // find xmax (is first point before upper limit) int upI = FindClosestPointIndex(target, 2, fUpperLimit); if (upI < 1) return xmin; xmax = GetXValue(upI); } else if (!lowSearch && fLowerLimit > varmin ) { // find xmin (is first point after lower limit) int lowI = FindClosestPointIndex(target, 3, fLowerLimit); if (lowI >= n-1) return xmax; xmin = GetXValue(lowI); xmax = fXValues[ index.back() ]; } #endif } #ifdef DO_DEBUG std::cout << "finding " << lowSearch << " limit betweem " << xmin << " " << xmax << endl; #endif double limit = GetGraphX(graph, target, lowSearch, xmin, xmax); if (lowSearch) fLowerLimit = limit; else fUpperLimit = limit; CalculateEstimatedError( target, lowSearch, xmin, xmax); #ifdef DO_DEBUG std::cout << "limit is " << limit << std::endl; #endif if (lowSearch && !TMath::IsNaN(fUpperLimit)) return fLowerLimit; if (!lowSearch && !TMath::IsNaN(fLowerLimit)) return fUpperLimit; // now perform the opposite search on the complement interval if (lowSearch) { xmin = xmax; xmax = varmax; } else { xmax = xmin; xmin = varmin; } double limit2 = GetGraphX(graph, target, !lowSearch, xmin, xmax); if (!lowSearch) fLowerLimit = limit2; else fUpperLimit = limit2; CalculateEstimatedError( target, !lowSearch, xmin, xmax); #ifdef DO_DEBUG std::cout << "other limit is " << limit2 << std::endl; #endif return (lowSearch) ? fLowerLimit : fUpperLimit; } int HypoTestInverterResult::FindClosestPointIndex(double target, int mode, double xtarget) { // if mode = 0 // find closest point to target in Y, the object closest to the target which is 3 sigma from the target // and has smaller error // if mode = 1 // find 2 closest point to target in X and between these two take the one closer to the target // if mode = 2 as in mode = 1 but return the lower point not the closest one // if mode = 3 as in mode = 1 but return the upper point not the closest one int bestIndex = -1; int closestIndex = -1; if (mode == 0) { double smallestError = 2; // error must be < 1 double bestValue = 2; for (int i=0; i=0) return bestIndex; // if no points found just return the closest one to the target return closestIndex; } // else mode = 1,2,3 // find the two closest points to limit value // sort the array first int n = fXValues.size(); std::vector indx(n); TMath::SortItr(fXValues.begin(), fXValues.end(), indx.begin(), false); std::vector xsorted( n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) xsorted[i] = fXValues[indx[i] ]; int index1 = TMath::BinarySearch( n, &xsorted[0], xtarget); #ifdef DO_DEBUG std::cout << "finding closest point to " << xtarget << " is " << index1 << " " << indx[index1] << std::endl; #endif // case xtarget is outside the range (bbefore or afterwards) if (index1 < 0) return indx[0]; if (index1 >= n-1) return indx[n-1]; int index2 = index1 +1; if (mode == 2) return (GetXValue(indx[index1]) < GetXValue(indx[index2])) ? indx[index1] : indx[index2]; if (mode == 3) return (GetXValue(indx[index1]) > GetXValue(indx[index2])) ? indx[index1] : indx[index2]; // get smaller point of the two (mode == 1) if (fabs(GetYValue(indx[index1])-target) <= fabs(GetYValue(indx[index2])-target) ) return indx[index1]; return indx[index2]; } Double_t HypoTestInverterResult::LowerLimit() { if (fFittedLowerLimit) return fLowerLimit; //std::cout << "finding point with cl = " << 1-(1-ConfidenceLevel())/2 << endl; if ( fInterpolateLowerLimit ) { // find both lower/upper limit if (TMath::IsNaN(fLowerLimit) ) FindInterpolatedLimit(1-ConfidenceLevel(),true); } else { //LM: I think this is never called fLowerLimit = GetXValue( FindClosestPointIndex((1-ConfidenceLevel())) ); } return fLowerLimit; } Double_t HypoTestInverterResult::UpperLimit() { //std::cout << "finding point with cl = " << (1-ConfidenceLevel())/2 << endl; if (fFittedUpperLimit) return fUpperLimit; if ( fInterpolateUpperLimit ) { if (TMath::IsNaN(fUpperLimit) ) FindInterpolatedLimit(1-ConfidenceLevel(),false); } else { //LM: I think this is never called fUpperLimit = GetXValue( FindClosestPointIndex((1-ConfidenceLevel())) ); } return fUpperLimit; } Double_t HypoTestInverterResult::CalculateEstimatedError(double target, bool lower, double xmin, double xmax) { // Return an error estimate on the upper(lower) limit. This is the error on // either CLs or CLsplusb divided by an estimate of the slope at this // point. if (ArraySize()==0) { oocoutW(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::CalculateEstimateError" << "Empty result \n"; return 0; } if (ArraySize()<2) { oocoutW(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::CalculateEstimateError" << " only points - return its error\n"; return GetYError(0); } // it does not make sense in case of asymptotic which do not have point errors if (!GetNullTestStatDist(0) ) return 0; TString type = (!lower) ? "upper" : "lower"; #ifdef DO_DEBUG std::cout << "calculate estimate error " << type << " between " << xmin << " and " << xmax << std::endl; std::cout << "computed limit is " << ( (lower) ? fLowerLimit : fUpperLimit ) << std::endl; #endif // make a TGraph Errors with the sorted points std::vector indx(fXValues.size()); TMath::SortItr(fXValues.begin(), fXValues.end(), indx.begin(), false); // make a graph with the sorted point TGraphErrors graph; int ip = 0, np = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize(); ++i) { if ( (xmin < xmax) && ( GetXValue(indx[i]) >= xmin && GetXValue(indx[i]) <= xmax) ) { np++; // exclude points with zero or very small errors if (GetYError(indx[i] ) > 1.E-6) { graph.SetPoint(ip, GetXValue(indx[i]), GetYValue(indx[i] ) ); graph.SetPointError(ip, 0., GetYError(indx[i]) ); ip++; } } } if (graph.GetN() < 2) { if (np >= 2) oocoutW(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::CalculateEstimatedError - no valid points - cannot estimate the " << type << " limit error " << std::endl; return 0; } double minX = xmin; double maxX = xmax; if (xmin >= xmax) { minX = fXValues[ indx.front() ]; maxX = fXValues[ indx.back() ]; } TF1 fct("fct", "exp([0] * (x - [2] ) + [1] * (x-[2])**2)", minX, maxX); double scale = maxX-minX; if (lower) { fct.SetParameters( 2./scale, 0.1/scale, graph.GetX()[0] ); fct.SetParLimits(0,0,100./scale); fct.SetParLimits(1,0, 10./scale); } else { fct.SetParameters( -2./scale, -0.1/scale ); fct.SetParLimits(0,-100./scale, 0); fct.SetParLimits(1,-100./scale, 0); } if (graph.GetN() < 3) fct.FixParameter(1,0.); // find the point closest to the limit double limit = (!lower) ? fUpperLimit : fLowerLimit; if (TMath::IsNaN(limit)) return 0; // cannot do if limit not computed #ifdef DO_DEBUG TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas(); std::cout << "fitting for limit " << type << "between " << minX << " , " << maxX << " points considered " << graph.GetN() << std::endl; int fitstat = graph.Fit(&fct," EX0"); graph.SetMarkerStyle(20); graph.Draw("AP"); graph.Print(); c1->SaveAs(TString::Format("graphFit_%s.pdf",type.Data()) ); delete c1; #else int fitstat = graph.Fit(&fct,"Q EX0"); #endif int index = FindClosestPointIndex(target, 1, limit); double theError = 0; if (fitstat == 0) { double errY = GetYError(index); if (errY > 0) { double m = fct.Derivative( GetXValue(index) ); theError = std::min(fabs( GetYError(index) / m), maxX-minX); } } else { oocoutW(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::CalculateEstimatedError - cannot estimate the " << type << " limit error " << std::endl; theError = 0; } if (lower) fLowerLimitError = theError; else fUpperLimitError = theError; #ifdef DO_DEBUG std::cout << "closes point to the limit is " << index << " " << GetXValue(index) << " and has error " << GetYError(index) << std::endl; #endif return theError; } Double_t HypoTestInverterResult::LowerLimitEstimatedError() { // need to have compute first lower limit if (TMath::IsNaN(fLowerLimit) ) LowerLimit(); if (fLowerLimitError >= 0) return fLowerLimitError; // try to recompute the error return CalculateEstimatedError(1-ConfidenceLevel(), true); } Double_t HypoTestInverterResult::UpperLimitEstimatedError() { if (TMath::IsNaN(fUpperLimit) ) UpperLimit(); if (fUpperLimitError >= 0) return fUpperLimitError; // try to recompute the error return CalculateEstimatedError(1-ConfidenceLevel(), false); } SamplingDistribution * HypoTestInverterResult::GetBackgroundTestStatDist(int index ) const { // get the background test statistic distribution HypoTestResult * firstResult = (HypoTestResult*) fYObjects.At(index); if (!firstResult) return 0; return firstResult->GetBackGroundIsAlt() ? firstResult->GetAltDistribution() : firstResult->GetNullDistribution(); } SamplingDistribution * HypoTestInverterResult::GetSignalAndBackgroundTestStatDist(int index) const { // get the signal and background test statistic distribution HypoTestResult * result = (HypoTestResult*) fYObjects.At(index); if (!result) return 0; return !result->GetBackGroundIsAlt() ? result->GetAltDistribution() : result->GetNullDistribution(); } SamplingDistribution * HypoTestInverterResult::GetExpectedPValueDist(int index) const { // get the expected p-value distribution at the scanned point index if (index < 0 || index >= ArraySize() ) return 0; if (fExpPValues.GetSize() == ArraySize() ) { return (SamplingDistribution*) fExpPValues.At(index)->Clone(); } static bool useFirstB = false; // get the S+B distribution int bIndex = (useFirstB) ? 0 : index; SamplingDistribution * bDistribution = GetBackgroundTestStatDist(bIndex); SamplingDistribution * sbDistribution = GetSignalAndBackgroundTestStatDist(index); HypoTestResult * result = (HypoTestResult*) fYObjects.At(index); if (bDistribution && sbDistribution) { // create a new HypoTestResult HypoTestResult tempResult; tempResult.SetPValueIsRightTail( result->GetPValueIsRightTail() ); tempResult.SetBackgroundAsAlt( true); // ownership of SamplingDistribution is in HypoTestResult class now tempResult.SetNullDistribution( new SamplingDistribution(*sbDistribution) ); tempResult.SetAltDistribution( new SamplingDistribution(*bDistribution ) ); std::vector values(bDistribution->GetSize()); for (int i = 0; i < bDistribution->GetSize(); ++i) { tempResult.SetTestStatisticData( bDistribution->GetSamplingDistribution()[i] ); values[i] = (fUseCLs) ? tempResult.CLs() : tempResult.CLsplusb(); } return new SamplingDistribution("expected values","expected values",values); } // in case b abs sbDistribution are null assume is coming from the asymptotic calculator // hard -coded this value (no really needed to be used by user) fgAsymptoticMaxSigma = 5; const int npoints = 11; const double smax = fgAsymptoticMaxSigma; const double dsig = 2* smax/ (npoints-1) ; std::vector values(npoints); for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) { double nsig = -smax + dsig*i; double pval = AsymptoticCalculator::GetExpectedPValues( result->NullPValue(), result->AlternatePValue(), nsig, fUseCLs, !fIsTwoSided); if (pval < 0) { return 0;} values[i] = pval; } return new SamplingDistribution("Asymptotic expected values","Asymptotic expected values",values); } SamplingDistribution * HypoTestInverterResult::GetLimitDistribution(bool lower ) const { // get the limit distribution (lower/upper depending on the flag) // by interpolating the expected p values for each point if (ArraySize()<2) { oocoutE(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult::GetLimitDistribution" << " not enought points - return 0 " << std::endl; return 0; } ooccoutD(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult - computing limit distribution...." << std::endl; // find optimal size by looking at the PValue distribution obtained int npoints = ArraySize(); std::vector distVec( npoints ); double sum = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < distVec.size(); ++i) { distVec[i] = GetExpectedPValueDist(i); // sort the distributions // hack (by calling InverseCDF(0) will sort the sampling distribution if (distVec[i] ) { distVec[i]->InverseCDF(0); sum += distVec[i]->GetSize(); } } int size = int( sum/ npoints); if (size < 10) { ooccoutW(this,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverterResult - set a minimum size of 10 for limit distribution" << std::endl; size = 10; } double target = 1-fConfidenceLevel; // vector with the quantiles of the p-values for each scanned poi point std::vector< std::vector > quantVec(npoints ); for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) { if (!distVec[i]) continue; // make quantiles from the sampling distributions of the expected p values std::vector pvalues = distVec[i]->GetSamplingDistribution(); delete distVec[i]; distVec[i] = 0; std::sort(pvalues.begin(), pvalues.end()); // find the quantiles of the distribution double p[1] = {0}; double q[1] = {0}; quantVec[i] = std::vector(size); for (int ibin = 0; ibin < size; ++ibin) { // exclude for a bug in TMath::Quantiles last item p[0] = std::min( (ibin+1) * 1./double(size), 1.0); // use the type 1 which give the point value TMath::Quantiles(pvalues.size(), 1, &pvalues[0], q, p, true, 0, 1 ); (quantVec[i])[ibin] = q[0]; } } // sort the values in x std::vector index( npoints ); TMath::SortItr(fXValues.begin(), fXValues.end(), index.begin(), false); // SamplingDistribution * dist0 = distVec[index[0]]; // SamplingDistribution * dist1 = distVec[index[1]]; std::vector limits(size); // loop on the p values and find the limit for each expected point in the quantiles vector for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j ) { TGraph g; for (int k = 0; k < npoints ; ++k) { if (quantVec[index[k]].size() > 0 ) g.SetPoint(g.GetN(), GetXValue(index[k]), (quantVec[index[k]])[j] ); } limits[j] = GetGraphX(g, target, lower); } if (lower) return new SamplingDistribution("Expected lower Limit","Expected lower limits",limits); else return new SamplingDistribution("Expected upper Limit","Expected upper limits",limits); } double HypoTestInverterResult::GetExpectedLowerLimit(double nsig, const char * opt ) const { // Get the expected lower limit // nsig is used to specify which expected value of the UpperLimitDistribution // For example // nsig = 0 (default value) returns the expected value // nsig = -1 returns the lower band value at -1 sigma // nsig + 1 return the upper value // opt = "" (default) : compute limit by interpolating all the p values, find the corresponding limit distribution // and then find the quantiles in the limit distribution // ioption = "P" is the method used for plotting. One Finds the corresponding nsig quantile in the p values and then // interpolates them return GetExpectedLimit(nsig, true, opt); } double HypoTestInverterResult::GetExpectedUpperLimit(double nsig, const char * opt ) const { // Get the expected upper limit // nsig is used to specify which expected value of the UpperLimitDistribution // For example // nsig = 0 (default value) returns the expected value // nsig = -1 returns the lower band value at -1 sigma // nsig + 1 return the upper value // opt is an option specifying the type of method used for computing the upper limit // opt = "" (default) : compute limit by interpolating all the p values, find the corresponding limit distribution // and then find the quantiles in the limit distribution // ioption = "P" is the method used for plotting. One Finds the corresponding nsig quantile in the p values and then // interpolates them // return GetExpectedLimit(nsig, false, opt); } double HypoTestInverterResult::GetExpectedLimit(double nsig, bool lower, const char * opt ) const { // get expected limit (lower/upper) depending on the flag // for asymptotic is a special case (the distribution is generated an step in sigma values) // distringuish asymptotic looking at the hypotest results // if option = "P" get expected limit using directly quantiles of p value distribution // else (default) find expected limit by obtaining first a full limit distributions // The last one is in general more correct const int nEntries = ArraySize(); if (nEntries <= 0) return (lower) ? 1 : 0; // return 1 for lower, 0 for upper HypoTestResult * r = dynamic_cast (fYObjects.First() ); assert(r != 0); if (!r->GetNullDistribution() && !r->GetAltDistribution() ) { // we are in the asymptotic case // get the limits obtained at the different sigma values SamplingDistribution * limitDist = GetLimitDistribution(lower); if (!limitDist) return 0; const std::vector & values = limitDist->GetSamplingDistribution(); if (values.size() <= 1) return 0; double dsig = 2* fgAsymptoticMaxSigma/ (values.size() -1) ; int i = (int) TMath::Floor ( (nsig + fgAsymptoticMaxSigma)/dsig + 0.5); return values[i]; } double p[1] = {0}; double q[1] = {0}; p[0] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(nsig,1); // for CLs+b can get the quantiles of p-value distribution and // interpolate them // In the case of CLs (since it is not a real p-value anymore but a ratio) // then it is needed to get first all limit distribution values and then the quantiles TString option(opt); option.ToUpper(); if (option.Contains("P")) { TGraph g; // sort the arrays based on the x values std::vector index(nEntries); TMath::SortItr(fXValues.begin(), fXValues.end(), index.begin(), false); for (int j=0; j & values = s->GetSamplingDistribution(); double * x = const_cast(&values[0]); // need to change TMath::Quantiles TMath::Quantiles(values.size(), 1, x,q,p,false); g.SetPoint(g.GetN(), fXValues[i], q[0] ); delete s; } if (g.GetN() < 2) { ooccoutE(this,Eval) << "HypoTestInverterResult - cannot compute limits , not enough points, n = " << g.GetN() << std::endl; return 0; } // interpolate the graph to obtain the limit double target = 1-fConfidenceLevel; return GetGraphX(g, target, lower); } // here need to use the limit distribution SamplingDistribution * limitDist = GetLimitDistribution(lower); if (!limitDist) return 0; const std::vector & values = limitDist->GetSamplingDistribution(); double * x = const_cast(&values[0]); // need to change TMath::Quantiles TMath::Quantiles(values.size(), 1, x,q,p,false); return q[0]; }