// @(#)Root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Peter Speckmayer, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss, Eckhard von Toerne, Jan Therhaag /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : Factory * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation (see header for description) * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Joerg Stelzer - DESY, Germany * * Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland * * Jan Therhaag - U of Bonn, Germany * * Eckhard v. Toerne - U of Bonn, Germany * * Helge Voss - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * Kai Voss - U. of Victoria, Canada * * * * Copyright (c) 2005-2011: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * U. of Bonn, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ //_______________________________________________________________________ // // This is the main MVA steering class: it creates all MVA methods, // and guides them through the training, testing and evaluation // phases //_______________________________________________________________________ #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TLeaf.h" #include "TEventList.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TText.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TMatrixF.h" #include "TMatrixDSym.h" #include "TPaletteAxis.h" #include "TPrincipal.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TMVA/Factory.h" #include "TMVA/ClassifierFactory.h" #include "TMVA/Config.h" #include "TMVA/Tools.h" #include "TMVA/Ranking.h" #include "TMVA/DataSet.h" #include "TMVA/IMethod.h" #include "TMVA/MethodBase.h" #include "TMVA/DataInputHandler.h" #include "TMVA/DataSetManager.h" #include "TMVA/DataSetInfo.h" #include "TMVA/MethodBoost.h" #include "TMVA/MethodCategory.h" #include "TMVA/VariableIdentityTransform.h" #include "TMVA/VariableDecorrTransform.h" #include "TMVA/VariablePCATransform.h" #include "TMVA/VariableGaussTransform.h" #include "TMVA/VariableNormalizeTransform.h" #include "TMVA/ResultsClassification.h" #include "TMVA/ResultsRegression.h" #include "TMVA/ResultsMulticlass.h" const Int_t MinNoTrainingEvents = 10; //const Int_t MinNoTestEvents = 1; TFile* TMVA::Factory::fgTargetFile = 0; ClassImp(TMVA::Factory) #define RECREATE_METHODS kTRUE #define READXML kTRUE //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::Factory::Factory( TString jobName, TFile* theTargetFile, TString theOption ) : Configurable ( theOption ), fDataSetManager ( NULL ), //DSMTEST fDataInputHandler ( new DataInputHandler ), fTransformations ( "I" ), fVerbose ( kFALSE ), fJobName ( jobName ), fDataAssignType ( kAssignEvents ), fATreeEvent ( NULL ), fAnalysisType ( Types::kClassification ) { // standard constructor // jobname : this name will appear in all weight file names produced by the MVAs // theTargetFile : output ROOT file; the test tree and all evaluation plots // will be stored here // theOption : option string; currently: "V" for verbose fgTargetFile = theTargetFile; // DataSetManager::CreateInstance(*fDataInputHandler); // DSMTEST removed fDataSetManager = new DataSetManager( *fDataInputHandler ); // DSMTEST // render silent if (gTools().CheckForSilentOption( GetOptions() )) Log().InhibitOutput(); // make sure is silent if wanted to // init configurable SetConfigDescription( "Configuration options for Factory running" ); SetConfigName( GetName() ); // histograms are not automatically associated with the current // directory and hence don't go out of scope when closing the file // TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); Bool_t silent = kFALSE; #ifdef WIN32 // under Windows, switch progress bar and color off by default, as the typical windows shell doesn't handle these (would need different sequences..) Bool_t color = kFALSE; Bool_t drawProgressBar = kFALSE; #else Bool_t color = !gROOT->IsBatch(); Bool_t drawProgressBar = kTRUE; #endif DeclareOptionRef( fVerbose, "V", "Verbose flag" ); DeclareOptionRef( color, "Color", "Flag for coloured screen output (default: True, if in batch mode: False)" ); DeclareOptionRef( fTransformations, "Transformations", "List of transformations to test; formatting example: \"Transformations=I;D;P;U;G,D\", for identity, decorrelation, PCA, Uniform and Gaussianisation followed by decorrelation transformations" ); DeclareOptionRef( silent, "Silent", "Batch mode: boolean silent flag inhibiting any output from TMVA after the creation of the factory class object (default: False)" ); DeclareOptionRef( drawProgressBar, "DrawProgressBar", "Draw progress bar to display training, testing and evaluation schedule (default: True)" ); TString analysisType("Auto"); DeclareOptionRef( analysisType, "AnalysisType", "Set the analysis type (Classification, Regression, Multiclass, Auto) (default: Auto)" ); AddPreDefVal(TString("Classification")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Regression")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Multiclass")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Auto")); ParseOptions(); CheckForUnusedOptions(); if (Verbose()) Log().SetMinType( kVERBOSE ); // global settings gConfig().SetUseColor( color ); gConfig().SetSilent( silent ); gConfig().SetDrawProgressBar( drawProgressBar ); analysisType.ToLower(); if ( analysisType == "classification" ) fAnalysisType = Types::kClassification; else if( analysisType == "regression" ) fAnalysisType = Types::kRegression; else if( analysisType == "multiclass" ) fAnalysisType = Types::kMulticlass; else if( analysisType == "auto" ) fAnalysisType = Types::kNoAnalysisType; Greetings(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::Greetings() { // print welcome message // options are: kLogoWelcomeMsg, kIsometricWelcomeMsg, kLeanWelcomeMsg gTools().ROOTVersionMessage( Log() ); gTools().TMVAWelcomeMessage( Log(), gTools().kLogoWelcomeMsg ); gTools().TMVAVersionMessage( Log() ); Log() << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::Factory::~Factory( void ) { // destructor // delete fATreeEvent; std::vector::iterator trfIt = fDefaultTrfs.begin(); for (;trfIt != fDefaultTrfs.end(); trfIt++) delete (*trfIt); this->DeleteAllMethods(); delete fDataInputHandler; // destroy singletons // DataSetManager::DestroyInstance(); // DSMTEST replaced by following line delete fDataSetManager; // DSMTEST // problem with call of REGISTER_METHOD macro ... // ClassifierFactory::DestroyInstance(); // Types::DestroyInstance(); Tools::DestroyInstance(); Config::DestroyInstance(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::DeleteAllMethods( void ) { // delete methods MVector::iterator itrMethod = fMethods.begin(); for (; itrMethod != fMethods.end(); itrMethod++) { Log() << kDEBUG << "Delete method: " << (*itrMethod)->GetName() << Endl; delete (*itrMethod); } fMethods.clear(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetVerbose( Bool_t v ) { fVerbose = v; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::DataSetInfo& TMVA::Factory::AddDataSet( DataSetInfo &dsi ) { return fDataSetManager->AddDataSetInfo(dsi); // DSMTEST } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::DataSetInfo& TMVA::Factory::AddDataSet( const TString& dsiName ) { DataSetInfo* dsi = fDataSetManager->GetDataSetInfo(dsiName); // DSMTEST if (dsi!=0) return *dsi; return fDataSetManager->AddDataSetInfo(*(new DataSetInfo(dsiName))); // DSMTEST } // ________________________________________________ // the next functions are to assign events directly //_______________________________________________________________________ TTree* TMVA::Factory::CreateEventAssignTrees( const TString& name ) { // create the data assignment tree (for event-wise data assignment by user) TTree * assignTree = new TTree( name, name ); assignTree->SetDirectory(0); assignTree->Branch( "type", &fATreeType, "ATreeType/I" ); assignTree->Branch( "weight", &fATreeWeight, "ATreeWeight/F" ); std::vector& vars = DefaultDataSetInfo().GetVariableInfos(); std::vector& tgts = DefaultDataSetInfo().GetTargetInfos(); std::vector& spec = DefaultDataSetInfo().GetSpectatorInfos(); if (!fATreeEvent) fATreeEvent = new Float_t[vars.size()+tgts.size()+spec.size()]; // add variables for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivarBranch( vname, &(fATreeEvent[ivar]), vname + "/F" ); } // add targets for (UInt_t itgt=0; itgtBranch( vname, &(fATreeEvent[vars.size()+itgt]), vname + "/F" ); } // add spectators for (UInt_t ispc=0; ispcBranch( vname, &(fATreeEvent[vars.size()+tgts.size()+ispc]), vname + "/F" ); } return assignTree; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTrainingEvent( const std::vector& event, Double_t weight ) { // add signal training event AddEvent( "Signal", Types::kTraining, event, weight ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTestEvent( const std::vector& event, Double_t weight ) { // add signal testing event AddEvent( "Signal", Types::kTesting, event, weight ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTrainingEvent( const std::vector& event, Double_t weight ) { // add signal training event AddEvent( "Background", Types::kTraining, event, weight ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTestEvent( const std::vector& event, Double_t weight ) { // add signal training event AddEvent( "Background", Types::kTesting, event, weight ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddTrainingEvent( const TString& className, const std::vector& event, Double_t weight ) { // add signal training event AddEvent( className, Types::kTraining, event, weight ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddTestEvent( const TString& className, const std::vector& event, Double_t weight ) { // add signal test event AddEvent( className, Types::kTesting, event, weight ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddEvent( const TString& className, Types::ETreeType tt, const std::vector& event, Double_t weight ) { // add event // vector event : the order of values is: variables + targets + spectators ClassInfo* theClass = DefaultDataSetInfo().AddClass(className); // returns class (creates it if necessary) UInt_t clIndex = theClass->GetNumber(); // set analysistype to "kMulticlass" if more than two classes and analysistype == kNoAnalysisType if( fAnalysisType == Types::kNoAnalysisType && DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses() > 2 ) fAnalysisType = Types::kMulticlass; if (clIndex>=fTrainAssignTree.size()) { fTrainAssignTree.resize(clIndex+1, 0); fTestAssignTree.resize(clIndex+1, 0); } if (fTrainAssignTree[clIndex]==0) { // does not exist yet fTrainAssignTree[clIndex] = CreateEventAssignTrees( Form("TrainAssignTree_%s", className.Data()) ); fTestAssignTree[clIndex] = CreateEventAssignTrees( Form("TestAssignTree_%s", className.Data()) ); } fATreeType = clIndex; fATreeWeight = weight; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivarFill(); else fTestAssignTree[clIndex]->Fill(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::Factory::UserAssignEvents(UInt_t clIndex) { // return fTrainAssignTree[clIndex]!=0; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees() { // assign event-wise local trees to data set UInt_t size = fTrainAssignTree.size(); for(UInt_t i=0; iGetName(); SetWeightExpression( "weight", className ); AddTree(fTrainAssignTree[i], className, 1.0, TCut(""), Types::kTraining ); AddTree(fTestAssignTree[i], className, 1.0, TCut(""), Types::kTesting ); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddTree( TTree* tree, const TString& className, Double_t weight, const TCut& cut, const TString& treetype ) { // number of signal events (used to compute significance) Types::ETreeType tt = Types::kMaxTreeType; TString tmpTreeType = treetype; tmpTreeType.ToLower(); if (tmpTreeType.Contains( "train" ) && tmpTreeType.Contains( "test" )) tt = Types::kMaxTreeType; else if (tmpTreeType.Contains( "train" )) tt = Types::kTraining; else if (tmpTreeType.Contains( "test" )) tt = Types::kTesting; else { Log() << kFATAL << " cannot interpret tree type: \"" << treetype << "\" should be \"Training\" or \"Test\" or \"Training and Testing\"" << Endl; } AddTree( tree, className, weight, cut, tt ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddTree( TTree* tree, const TString& className, Double_t weight, const TCut& cut, Types::ETreeType tt ) { if(!tree) Log() << kFATAL << "Tree does not exist (empty pointer)." << Endl; DefaultDataSetInfo().AddClass( className ); // set analysistype to "kMulticlass" if more than two classes and analysistype == kNoAnalysisType if( fAnalysisType == Types::kNoAnalysisType && DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses() > 2 ) fAnalysisType = Types::kMulticlass; Log() << kINFO << "Add Tree " << tree->GetName() << " of type " << className << " with " << tree->GetEntries() << " events" << Endl; DataInput().AddTree( tree, className, weight, cut, tt ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTree( TTree* signal, Double_t weight, Types::ETreeType treetype ) { // number of signal events (used to compute significance) AddTree( signal, "Signal", weight, TCut(""), treetype ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTree( TString datFileS, Double_t weight, Types::ETreeType treetype ) { // add signal tree from text file // create trees from these ascii files TTree* signalTree = new TTree( "TreeS", "Tree (S)" ); signalTree->ReadFile( datFileS ); Log() << kINFO << "Create TTree objects from ASCII input files ... \n- Signal file : \"" << datFileS << Endl; // number of signal events (used to compute significance) AddTree( signalTree, "Signal", weight, TCut(""), treetype ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTree( TTree* signal, Double_t weight, const TString& treetype ) { AddTree( signal, "Signal", weight, TCut(""), treetype ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTree( TTree* signal, Double_t weight, Types::ETreeType treetype ) { // number of signal events (used to compute significance) AddTree( signal, "Background", weight, TCut(""), treetype ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTree( TString datFileB, Double_t weight, Types::ETreeType treetype ) { // add background tree from text file // create trees from these ascii files TTree* bkgTree = new TTree( "TreeB", "Tree (B)" ); bkgTree->ReadFile( datFileB ); Log() << kINFO << "Create TTree objects from ASCII input files ... \n- Background file : \"" << datFileB << Endl; // number of signal events (used to compute significance) AddTree( bkgTree, "Background", weight, TCut(""), treetype ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTree( TTree* signal, Double_t weight, const TString& treetype ) { AddTree( signal, "Background", weight, TCut(""), treetype ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetSignalTree( TTree* tree, Double_t weight ) { AddTree( tree, "Signal", weight ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetBackgroundTree( TTree* tree, Double_t weight ) { AddTree( tree, "Background", weight ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetTree( TTree* tree, const TString& className, Double_t weight ) { // set background tree AddTree( tree, className, weight, TCut(""), Types::kMaxTreeType ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees( TTree* signal, TTree* background, Double_t signalWeight, Double_t backgroundWeight ) { // define the input trees for signal and background; no cuts are applied AddTree( signal, "Signal", signalWeight, TCut(""), Types::kMaxTreeType ); AddTree( background, "Background", backgroundWeight, TCut(""), Types::kMaxTreeType ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees( const TString& datFileS, const TString& datFileB, Double_t signalWeight, Double_t backgroundWeight ) { DataInput().AddTree( datFileS, "Signal", signalWeight ); DataInput().AddTree( datFileB, "Background", backgroundWeight ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees( TTree* inputTree, const TCut& SigCut, const TCut& BgCut ) { // define the input trees for signal and background from single input tree, // containing both signal and background events distinguished by the type // identifiers: SigCut and BgCut AddTree( inputTree, "Signal", 1.0, SigCut, Types::kMaxTreeType ); AddTree( inputTree, "Background", 1.0, BgCut , Types::kMaxTreeType ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddVariable( const TString& expression, const TString& title, const TString& unit, char type, Double_t min, Double_t max ) { // user inserts discriminating variable in data set info DefaultDataSetInfo().AddVariable( expression, title, unit, min, max, type ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddVariable( const TString& expression, char type, Double_t min, Double_t max ) { // user inserts discriminating variable in data set info DefaultDataSetInfo().AddVariable( expression, "", "", min, max, type ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddTarget( const TString& expression, const TString& title, const TString& unit, Double_t min, Double_t max ) { // user inserts target in data set info if( fAnalysisType == Types::kNoAnalysisType ) fAnalysisType = Types::kRegression; DefaultDataSetInfo().AddTarget( expression, title, unit, min, max ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddSpectator( const TString& expression, const TString& title, const TString& unit, Double_t min, Double_t max ) { // user inserts target in data set info DefaultDataSetInfo().AddSpectator( expression, title, unit, min, max ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::DataSetInfo& TMVA::Factory::DefaultDataSetInfo() { // default creation return AddDataSet( "Default" ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetInputVariables( std::vector* theVariables ) { // fill input variables in data set for (std::vector::iterator it=theVariables->begin(); it!=theVariables->end(); it++) AddVariable(*it); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetSignalWeightExpression( const TString& variable) { DefaultDataSetInfo().SetWeightExpression(variable, "Signal"); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetBackgroundWeightExpression( const TString& variable) { DefaultDataSetInfo().SetWeightExpression(variable, "Background"); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetWeightExpression( const TString& variable, const TString& className ) { //Log() << kWarning << DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses() /*fClasses.size()*/ << Endl; if (className=="") { SetSignalWeightExpression(variable); SetBackgroundWeightExpression(variable); } else DefaultDataSetInfo().SetWeightExpression( variable, className ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetCut( const TString& cut, const TString& className ) { SetCut( TCut(cut), className ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::SetCut( const TCut& cut, const TString& className ) { DefaultDataSetInfo().SetCut( cut, className ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddCut( const TString& cut, const TString& className ) { AddCut( TCut(cut), className ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::AddCut( const TCut& cut, const TString& className ) { DefaultDataSetInfo().AddCut( cut, className ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( const TCut& cut, Int_t NsigTrain, Int_t NbkgTrain, Int_t NsigTest, Int_t NbkgTest, const TString& otherOpt ) { // prepare the training and test trees SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(); AddCut( cut ); DefaultDataSetInfo().SetSplitOptions( Form("nTrain_Signal=%i:nTrain_Background=%i:nTest_Signal=%i:nTest_Background=%i:%s", NsigTrain, NbkgTrain, NsigTest, NbkgTest, otherOpt.Data()) ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( const TCut& cut, Int_t Ntrain, Int_t Ntest ) { // prepare the training and test trees // kept for backward compatibility SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(); AddCut( cut ); DefaultDataSetInfo().SetSplitOptions( Form("nTrain_Signal=%i:nTrain_Background=%i:nTest_Signal=%i:nTest_Background=%i:SplitMode=Random:EqualTrainSample:!V", Ntrain, Ntrain, Ntest, Ntest) ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( const TCut& cut, const TString& opt ) { // prepare the training and test trees // -> same cuts for signal and background SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(); DefaultDataSetInfo().PrintClasses(); AddCut( cut ); DefaultDataSetInfo().SetSplitOptions( opt ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( TCut sigcut, TCut bkgcut, const TString& splitOpt ) { // prepare the training and test trees // if event-wise data assignment, add local trees to dataset first SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(); Log() << kINFO << "Preparing trees for training and testing..." << Endl; AddCut( sigcut, "Signal" ); AddCut( bkgcut, "Background" ); DefaultDataSetInfo().SetSplitOptions( splitOpt ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodBase* TMVA::Factory::BookMethod( TString theMethodName, TString methodTitle, TString theOption ) { // Book a classifier or regression method if( fAnalysisType == Types::kNoAnalysisType ){ if( DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses()==2 && DefaultDataSetInfo().GetClassInfo("Signal") != NULL && DefaultDataSetInfo().GetClassInfo("Background") != NULL ){ fAnalysisType = Types::kClassification; // default is classification } else if( DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses() >= 2 ){ fAnalysisType = Types::kMulticlass; // if two classes, but not named "Signal" and "Background" } else Log() << kFATAL << "No analysis type for " << DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses() << " classes and " << DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNTargets() << " regression targets." << Endl; } // booking via name; the names are translated into enums and the // corresponding overloaded BookMethod is called if (GetMethod( methodTitle ) != 0) { Log() << kFATAL << "Booking failed since method with title <" << methodTitle <<"> already exists" << Endl; } Log() << kINFO << "Booking method: " << gTools().Color("bold") << methodTitle << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl; // interpret option string with respect to a request for boosting (i.e., BostNum > 0) Int_t boostNum = 0; TMVA::Configurable* conf = new TMVA::Configurable( theOption ); conf->DeclareOptionRef( boostNum = 0, "Boost_num", "Number of times the classifier will be boosted" ); conf->ParseOptions(); delete conf; // initialize methods IMethod* im; if (!boostNum) { im = ClassifierFactory::Instance().Create( std::string(theMethodName), fJobName, methodTitle, DefaultDataSetInfo(), theOption ); } else { // boosted classifier, requires a specific definition, making it transparent for the user Log() << "Boost Number is " << boostNum << " > 0: train boosted classifier" << Endl; im = ClassifierFactory::Instance().Create( std::string("Boost"), fJobName, methodTitle, DefaultDataSetInfo(), theOption ); MethodBoost* methBoost = dynamic_cast(im); // DSMTEST divided into two lines if (!methBoost) // DSMTEST Log() << kFATAL << "Method with type kBoost cannot be casted to MethodCategory. /Factory" << Endl; // DSMTEST methBoost->SetBoostedMethodName( theMethodName ); // DSMTEST divided into two lines methBoost->fDataSetManager = fDataSetManager; // DSMTEST } MethodBase *method = dynamic_cast(im); if (method==0) return 0; // could not create method // set fDataSetManager if MethodCategory (to enable Category to create datasetinfo objects) // DSMTEST if (method->GetMethodType() == Types::kCategory) { // DSMTEST MethodCategory *methCat = (dynamic_cast(im)); // DSMTEST if (!methCat) // DSMTEST Log() << kFATAL << "Method with type kCategory cannot be casted to MethodCategory. /Factory" << Endl; // DSMTEST methCat->fDataSetManager = fDataSetManager; // DSMTEST } // DSMTEST if (!method->HasAnalysisType( fAnalysisType, DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses(), DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNTargets() )) { Log() << kWARNING << "Method " << method->GetMethodTypeName() << " is not capable of handling " ; if (fAnalysisType == Types::kRegression) { Log() << "regression with " << DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNTargets() << " targets." << Endl; } else if (fAnalysisType == Types::kMulticlass ) { Log() << "multiclass classification with " << DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses() << " classes." << Endl; } else { Log() << "classification with " << DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses() << " classes." << Endl; } return 0; } method->SetAnalysisType( fAnalysisType ); method->SetupMethod(); method->ParseOptions(); method->ProcessSetup(); // check-for-unused-options is performed; may be overridden by derived classes method->CheckSetup(); fMethods.push_back( method ); return method; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodBase* TMVA::Factory::BookMethod( Types::EMVA theMethod, TString methodTitle, TString theOption ) { // books MVA method; the option configuration string is custom for each MVA // the TString field "theNameAppendix" serves to define (and distinguish) // several instances of a given MVA, eg, when one wants to compare the // performance of various configurations return BookMethod( Types::Instance().GetMethodName( theMethod ), methodTitle, theOption ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::IMethod* TMVA::Factory::GetMethod( const TString &methodTitle ) const { // returns pointer to MVA that corresponds to given method title MVector::const_iterator itrMethod = fMethods.begin(); MVector::const_iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end(); // for (; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) { MethodBase* mva = dynamic_cast(*itrMethod); if ( (mva->GetMethodName())==methodTitle ) return mva; } return 0; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::WriteDataInformation() { // put correlations of input data and a few (default + user // selected) transformations into the root file RootBaseDir()->cd(); DefaultDataSetInfo().GetDataSet(); // builds dataset (including calculation of correlation matrix) // correlation matrix of the default DS const TMatrixD* m(0); const TH2* h(0); if(fAnalysisType == Types::kMulticlass){ for (UInt_t cls = 0; cls < DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses() ; cls++) { m = DefaultDataSetInfo().CorrelationMatrix(DefaultDataSetInfo().GetClassInfo(cls)->GetName()); h = DefaultDataSetInfo().CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(m, TString("CorrelationMatrix")+DefaultDataSetInfo().GetClassInfo(cls)->GetName(), "Correlation Matrix ("+ DefaultDataSetInfo().GetClassInfo(cls)->GetName() +TString(")")); if (h!=0) { h->Write(); delete h; } } } else{ m = DefaultDataSetInfo().CorrelationMatrix( "Signal" ); h = DefaultDataSetInfo().CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(m, "CorrelationMatrixS", "Correlation Matrix (signal)"); if (h!=0) { h->Write(); delete h; } m = DefaultDataSetInfo().CorrelationMatrix( "Background" ); h = DefaultDataSetInfo().CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(m, "CorrelationMatrixB", "Correlation Matrix (background)"); if (h!=0) { h->Write(); delete h; } m = DefaultDataSetInfo().CorrelationMatrix( "Regression" ); h = DefaultDataSetInfo().CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(m, "CorrelationMatrix", "Correlation Matrix"); if (h!=0) { h->Write(); delete h; } } // some default transformations to evaluate // NOTE: all transformations are destroyed after this test TString processTrfs = "I"; //"I;N;D;P;U;G,D;" // plus some user defined transformations processTrfs = fTransformations; // remove any trace of identity transform - if given (avoid to apply it twice) std::vector trfs; TransformationHandler* identityTrHandler = 0; std::vector trfsDef = gTools().SplitString(processTrfs,';'); std::vector::iterator trfsDefIt = trfsDef.begin(); for (; trfsDefIt!=trfsDef.end(); trfsDefIt++) { trfs.push_back(new TMVA::TransformationHandler(DefaultDataSetInfo(), "Factory")); TString trfS = (*trfsDefIt); Log() << kINFO << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "current transformation string: '" << trfS.Data() << "'" << Endl; TMVA::MethodBase::CreateVariableTransforms( trfS, DefaultDataSetInfo(), *(trfs.back()), Log() ); if (trfS.BeginsWith('I')) identityTrHandler = trfs.back(); } const std::vector& inputEvents = DefaultDataSetInfo().GetDataSet()->GetEventCollection(); // apply all transformations std::vector::iterator trfIt = trfs.begin(); for (;trfIt != trfs.end(); trfIt++) { // setting a Root dir causes the variables distributions to be saved to the root file (*trfIt)->SetRootDir(RootBaseDir()); (*trfIt)->CalcTransformations(inputEvents); } if(identityTrHandler) identityTrHandler->PrintVariableRanking(); // clean up for (trfIt = trfs.begin(); trfIt != trfs.end(); trfIt++) delete *trfIt; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::OptimizeAllMethods(TString fomType, TString fitType) { // iterates through all booked methods and sees if they use parameter tuning and if so.. // does just that i.e. calls "Method::Train()" for different parameter setttings and // keeps in mind the "optimal one"... and that's the one that will later on be used // in the main training loop. MVector::iterator itrMethod; // iterate over methods and optimize for( itrMethod = fMethods.begin(); itrMethod != fMethods.end(); ++itrMethod ) { Event::SetIsTraining(kTRUE); MethodBase* mva = dynamic_cast(*itrMethod); if (!mva) { Log() << kFATAL << "Dynamic cast to MethodBase failed" <Data()->GetNTrainingEvents() < MinNoTrainingEvents) { Log() << kWARNING << "Method " << mva->GetMethodName() << " not trained (training tree has less entries [" << mva->Data()->GetNTrainingEvents() << "] than required [" << MinNoTrainingEvents << "]" << Endl; continue; } Log() << kINFO << "Optimize method: " << mva->GetMethodName() << " for " << (fAnalysisType == Types::kRegression ? "Regression" : (fAnalysisType == Types::kMulticlass ? "Multiclass classification" : "Classification")) << Endl; mva->OptimizeTuningParameters(fomType,fitType); Log() << kINFO << "Optimization of tuning paremters finished for Method:"<GetName() << Endl; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::TrainAllMethods() { // iterates through all booked methods and calls training if(fDataInputHandler->GetEntries() <=1) { // 0 entries --> 0 events, 1 entry --> dynamical dataset (or one entry) Log() << kFATAL << "No input data for the training provided!" << Endl; } if(fAnalysisType == Types::kRegression && DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNTargets() < 1 ) Log() << kFATAL << "You want to do regression training without specifying a target." << Endl; else if( (fAnalysisType == Types::kMulticlass || fAnalysisType == Types::kClassification) && DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNClasses() < 2 ) Log() << kFATAL << "You want to do classification training, but specified less than two classes." << Endl; // iterates over all MVAs that have been booked, and calls their training methods // first print some information about the default dataset WriteDataInformation(); // don't do anything if no method booked if (fMethods.empty()) { Log() << kINFO << "...nothing found to train" << Endl; return; } // here the training starts Log() << kINFO << " " << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Train all methods for " << (fAnalysisType == Types::kRegression ? "Regression" : (fAnalysisType == Types::kMulticlass ? "Multiclass" : "Classification") ) << " ..." << Endl; MVector::iterator itrMethod; // iterate over methods and train for( itrMethod = fMethods.begin(); itrMethod != fMethods.end(); ++itrMethod ) { Event::SetIsTraining(kTRUE); MethodBase* mva = dynamic_cast(*itrMethod); if(mva==0) continue; if (mva->Data()->GetNTrainingEvents() < MinNoTrainingEvents) { Log() << kWARNING << "Method " << mva->GetMethodName() << " not trained (training tree has less entries [" << mva->Data()->GetNTrainingEvents() << "] than required [" << MinNoTrainingEvents << "]" << Endl; continue; } Log() << kINFO << "Train method: " << mva->GetMethodName() << " for " << (fAnalysisType == Types::kRegression ? "Regression" : (fAnalysisType == Types::kMulticlass ? "Multiclass classification" : "Classification")) << Endl; mva->TrainMethod(); Log() << kINFO << "Training finished" << Endl; } if (fAnalysisType != Types::kRegression) { // variable ranking Log() << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Ranking input variables (method specific)..." << Endl; for (itrMethod = fMethods.begin(); itrMethod != fMethods.end(); itrMethod++) { MethodBase* mva = dynamic_cast(*itrMethod); if (mva && mva->Data()->GetNTrainingEvents() >= MinNoTrainingEvents) { // create and print ranking const Ranking* ranking = (*itrMethod)->CreateRanking(); if (ranking != 0) ranking->Print(); else Log() << kINFO << "No variable ranking supplied by classifier: " << dynamic_cast(*itrMethod)->GetMethodName() << Endl; } } } // delete all methods and recreate them from weight file - this ensures that the application // of the methods (in TMVAClassificationApplication) is consistent with the results obtained // in the testing Log() << Endl; if (RECREATE_METHODS) { Log() << kINFO << "=== Destroy and recreate all methods via weight files for testing ===" << Endl << Endl; RootBaseDir()->cd(); // iterate through all booked methods for (UInt_t i=0; i(fMethods[i]); if(m==0) continue; TMVA::Types::EMVA methodType = m->GetMethodType(); TString weightfile = m->GetWeightFileName(); // decide if .txt or .xml file should be read: if (READXML) weightfile.ReplaceAll(".txt",".xml"); DataSetInfo& dataSetInfo = m->DataInfo(); TString testvarName = m->GetTestvarName(); delete m; //itrMethod[i]; // recreate m = dynamic_cast( ClassifierFactory::Instance() .Create( std::string(Types::Instance().GetMethodName(methodType)), dataSetInfo, weightfile ) ); if( m->GetMethodType() == Types::kCategory ){ MethodCategory *methCat = (dynamic_cast(m)); if( !methCat ) Log() << kFATAL << "Method with type kCategory cannot be casted to MethodCategory. /Factory" << Endl; else methCat->fDataSetManager = fDataSetManager; } //ToDo, Do we need to fill the DataSetManager of MethodBoost here too? m->SetAnalysisType(fAnalysisType); m->SetupMethod(); m->ReadStateFromFile(); m->SetTestvarName(testvarName); // replace trained method by newly created one (from weight file) in methods vector fMethods[i] = m; } } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::TestAllMethods() { Log() << kINFO << "Test all methods..." << Endl; // don't do anything if no method booked if (fMethods.empty()) { Log() << kINFO << "...nothing found to test" << Endl; return; } // iterates over all MVAs that have been booked, and calls their testing methods // iterate over methods and test MVector::iterator itrMethod = fMethods.begin(); MVector::iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end(); for (; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) { Event::SetIsTraining(kFALSE); MethodBase* mva = dynamic_cast(*itrMethod); if(mva==0) continue; Types::EAnalysisType analysisType = mva->GetAnalysisType(); Log() << kINFO << "Test method: " << mva->GetMethodName() << " for " << (analysisType == Types::kRegression ? "Regression" : (analysisType == Types::kMulticlass ? "Multiclass classification" : "Classification")) << " performance" << Endl; mva->AddOutput( Types::kTesting, analysisType ); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::MakeClass( const TString& methodTitle ) const { // Print predefined help message of classifier // iterate over methods and test if (methodTitle != "") { IMethod* method = GetMethod( methodTitle ); if (method) method->MakeClass(); else { Log() << kWARNING << " Could not find classifier \"" << methodTitle << "\" in list" << Endl; } } else { // no classifier specified, print all hepl messages MVector::const_iterator itrMethod = fMethods.begin(); MVector::const_iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end(); for (; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) { MethodBase* method = dynamic_cast(*itrMethod); if(method==0) continue; Log() << kINFO << "Make response class for classifier: " << method->GetMethodName() << Endl; method->MakeClass(); } } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::PrintHelpMessage( const TString& methodTitle ) const { // Print predefined help message of classifier // iterate over methods and test if (methodTitle != "") { IMethod* method = GetMethod( methodTitle ); if (method) method->PrintHelpMessage(); else { Log() << kWARNING << " Could not find classifier \"" << methodTitle << "\" in list" << Endl; } } else { // no classifier specified, print all hepl messages MVector::const_iterator itrMethod = fMethods.begin(); MVector::const_iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end(); for (; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) { MethodBase* method = dynamic_cast(*itrMethod); if(method==0) continue; Log() << kINFO << "Print help message for classifier: " << method->GetMethodName() << Endl; method->PrintHelpMessage(); } } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllVariables( TString options ) { // iterates over all MVA input varables and evaluates them Log() << kINFO << "Evaluating all variables..." << Endl; Event::SetIsTraining(kFALSE); for (UInt_t i=0; iBookMethod( "Variable", s ); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods( void ) { // iterates over all MVAs that have been booked, and calls their evaluation methods Log() << kINFO << "Evaluate all methods..." << Endl; // don't do anything if no method booked if (fMethods.empty()) { Log() << kINFO << "...nothing found to evaluate" << Endl; return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // First part of evaluation process // --> compute efficiencies, and other separation estimators // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // although equal, we now want to seperate the outpuf for the variables // and the real methods Int_t isel; // will be 0 for a Method; 1 for a Variable Int_t nmeth_used[2] = {0,0}; // 0 Method; 1 Variable std::vector > mname(2); std::vector > sig(2), sep(2), roc(2); std::vector > eff01(2), eff10(2), eff30(2), effArea(2); std::vector > eff01err(2), eff10err(2), eff30err(2); std::vector > trainEff01(2), trainEff10(2), trainEff30(2); std::vector > multiclass_testEff; std::vector > multiclass_trainEff; std::vector > multiclass_testPur; std::vector > multiclass_trainPur; std::vector > biastrain(1); // "bias" of the regression on the training data std::vector > biastest(1); // "bias" of the regression on test data std::vector > devtrain(1); // "dev" of the regression on the training data std::vector > devtest(1); // "dev" of the regression on test data std::vector > rmstrain(1); // "rms" of the regression on the training data std::vector > rmstest(1); // "rms" of the regression on test data std::vector > minftrain(1); // "minf" of the regression on the training data std::vector > minftest(1); // "minf" of the regression on test data std::vector > rhotrain(1); // correlation of the regression on the training data std::vector > rhotest(1); // correlation of the regression on test data // same as above but for 'truncated' quantities (computed for events within 2sigma of RMS) std::vector > biastrainT(1); std::vector > biastestT(1); std::vector > devtrainT(1); std::vector > devtestT(1); std::vector > rmstrainT(1); std::vector > rmstestT(1); std::vector > minftrainT(1); std::vector > minftestT(1); // following vector contains all methods - with the exception of Cuts, which are special MVector methodsNoCuts; Bool_t doRegression = kFALSE; Bool_t doMulticlass = kFALSE; // iterate over methods and evaluate MVector::iterator itrMethod = fMethods.begin(); MVector::iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end(); for (; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) { Event::SetIsTraining(kFALSE); MethodBase* theMethod = dynamic_cast(*itrMethod); if(theMethod==0) continue; if (theMethod->GetMethodType() != Types::kCuts) methodsNoCuts.push_back( *itrMethod ); if (theMethod->DoRegression()) { doRegression = kTRUE; Log() << kINFO << "Evaluate regression method: " << theMethod->GetMethodName() << Endl; Double_t bias, dev, rms, mInf; Double_t biasT, devT, rmsT, mInfT; Double_t rho; theMethod->TestRegression( bias, biasT, dev, devT, rms, rmsT, mInf, mInfT, rho, TMVA::Types::kTesting ); biastest[0] .push_back( bias ); devtest[0] .push_back( dev ); rmstest[0] .push_back( rms ); minftest[0] .push_back( mInf ); rhotest[0] .push_back( rho ); biastestT[0] .push_back( biasT ); devtestT[0] .push_back( devT ); rmstestT[0] .push_back( rmsT ); minftestT[0] .push_back( mInfT ); theMethod->TestRegression( bias, biasT, dev, devT, rms, rmsT, mInf, mInfT, rho, TMVA::Types::kTraining ); biastrain[0] .push_back( bias ); devtrain[0] .push_back( dev ); rmstrain[0] .push_back( rms ); minftrain[0] .push_back( mInf ); rhotrain[0] .push_back( rho ); biastrainT[0].push_back( biasT ); devtrainT[0] .push_back( devT ); rmstrainT[0] .push_back( rmsT ); minftrainT[0].push_back( mInfT ); mname[0].push_back( theMethod->GetMethodName() ); nmeth_used[0]++; Log() << kINFO << "Write evaluation histograms to file" << Endl; theMethod->WriteEvaluationHistosToFile(Types::kTesting); theMethod->WriteEvaluationHistosToFile(Types::kTraining); } else if (theMethod->DoMulticlass()) { doMulticlass = kTRUE; Log() << kINFO << "Evaluate multiclass classification method: " << theMethod->GetMethodName() << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Write evaluation histograms to file" << Endl; theMethod->WriteEvaluationHistosToFile(Types::kTesting); theMethod->WriteEvaluationHistosToFile(Types::kTraining); theMethod->TestMulticlass(); multiclass_testEff.push_back(theMethod->GetMulticlassEfficiency(multiclass_testPur)); nmeth_used[0]++; mname[0].push_back( theMethod->GetMethodName() ); } else { Log() << kINFO << "Evaluate classifier: " << theMethod->GetMethodName() << Endl; isel = (theMethod->GetMethodTypeName().Contains("Variable")) ? 1 : 0; // perform the evaluation theMethod->TestClassification(); // evaluate the classifier mname[isel].push_back( theMethod->GetMethodName() ); sig[isel].push_back ( theMethod->GetSignificance() ); sep[isel].push_back ( theMethod->GetSeparation() ); roc[isel].push_back ( theMethod->GetROCIntegral() ); Double_t err; eff01[isel].push_back( theMethod->GetEfficiency("Efficiency:0.01", Types::kTesting, err) ); eff01err[isel].push_back( err ); eff10[isel].push_back( theMethod->GetEfficiency("Efficiency:0.10", Types::kTesting, err) ); eff10err[isel].push_back( err ); eff30[isel].push_back( theMethod->GetEfficiency("Efficiency:0.30", Types::kTesting, err) ); eff30err[isel].push_back( err ); effArea[isel].push_back( theMethod->GetEfficiency("", Types::kTesting, err) ); // computes the area (average) trainEff01[isel].push_back( theMethod->GetTrainingEfficiency("Efficiency:0.01") ); // the first pass takes longer trainEff10[isel].push_back( theMethod->GetTrainingEfficiency("Efficiency:0.10") ); trainEff30[isel].push_back( theMethod->GetTrainingEfficiency("Efficiency:0.30") ); nmeth_used[isel]++; Log() << kINFO << "Write evaluation histograms to file" << Endl; theMethod->WriteEvaluationHistosToFile(Types::kTesting); theMethod->WriteEvaluationHistosToFile(Types::kTraining); } } if (doRegression) { std::vector vtemps = mname[0]; std::vector< std::vector > vtmp; vtmp.push_back( devtest[0] ); // this is the vector that is ranked vtmp.push_back( devtrain[0] ); vtmp.push_back( biastest[0] ); vtmp.push_back( biastrain[0] ); vtmp.push_back( rmstest[0] ); vtmp.push_back( rmstrain[0] ); vtmp.push_back( minftest[0] ); vtmp.push_back( minftrain[0] ); vtmp.push_back( rhotest[0] ); vtmp.push_back( rhotrain[0] ); vtmp.push_back( devtestT[0] ); // this is the vector that is ranked vtmp.push_back( devtrainT[0] ); vtmp.push_back( biastestT[0] ); vtmp.push_back( biastrainT[0]); vtmp.push_back( rmstestT[0] ); vtmp.push_back( rmstrainT[0] ); vtmp.push_back( minftestT[0] ); vtmp.push_back( minftrainT[0]); gTools().UsefulSortAscending( vtmp, &vtemps ); mname[0] = vtemps; devtest[0] = vtmp[0]; devtrain[0] = vtmp[1]; biastest[0] = vtmp[2]; biastrain[0] = vtmp[3]; rmstest[0] = vtmp[4]; rmstrain[0] = vtmp[5]; minftest[0] = vtmp[6]; minftrain[0] = vtmp[7]; rhotest[0] = vtmp[8]; rhotrain[0] = vtmp[9]; devtestT[0] = vtmp[10]; devtrainT[0] = vtmp[11]; biastestT[0] = vtmp[12]; biastrainT[0] = vtmp[13]; rmstestT[0] = vtmp[14]; rmstrainT[0] = vtmp[15]; minftestT[0] = vtmp[16]; minftrainT[0] = vtmp[17]; } else if (doMulticlass) { // TODO: fill in something meaningfull } else { // now sort the variables according to the best 'eff at Beff=0.10' for (Int_t k=0; k<2; k++) { std::vector< std::vector > vtemp; vtemp.push_back( effArea[k] ); // this is the vector that is ranked vtemp.push_back( eff10[k] ); vtemp.push_back( eff01[k] ); vtemp.push_back( eff30[k] ); vtemp.push_back( eff10err[k] ); vtemp.push_back( eff01err[k] ); vtemp.push_back( eff30err[k] ); vtemp.push_back( trainEff10[k] ); vtemp.push_back( trainEff01[k] ); vtemp.push_back( trainEff30[k] ); vtemp.push_back( sig[k] ); vtemp.push_back( sep[k] ); vtemp.push_back( roc[k] ); std::vector vtemps = mname[k]; gTools().UsefulSortDescending( vtemp, &vtemps ); effArea[k] = vtemp[0]; eff10[k] = vtemp[1]; eff01[k] = vtemp[2]; eff30[k] = vtemp[3]; eff10err[k] = vtemp[4]; eff01err[k] = vtemp[5]; eff30err[k] = vtemp[6]; trainEff10[k] = vtemp[7]; trainEff01[k] = vtemp[8]; trainEff30[k] = vtemp[9]; sig[k] = vtemp[10]; sep[k] = vtemp[11]; roc[k] = vtemp[12]; mname[k] = vtemps; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Second part of evaluation process // --> compute correlations among MVAs // --> compute correlations between input variables and MVA (determines importsance) // --> count overlaps // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Int_t nmeth = methodsNoCuts.size(); const Int_t nvar = DefaultDataSetInfo().GetNVariables(); if (!doRegression && !doMulticlass ) { if (nmeth > 0) { // needed for correlations Double_t *dvec = new Double_t[nmeth+nvar]; std::vector rvec; // for correlations TPrincipal* tpSig = new TPrincipal( nmeth+nvar, "" ); TPrincipal* tpBkg = new TPrincipal( nmeth+nvar, "" ); // set required tree branch references Int_t ivar = 0; std::vector* theVars = new std::vector; std::vector mvaRes; for (itrMethod = methodsNoCuts.begin(); itrMethod != methodsNoCuts.end(); itrMethod++, ivar++) { MethodBase* m = dynamic_cast(*itrMethod); if(m==0) continue; theVars->push_back( m->GetTestvarName() ); rvec.push_back( m->GetSignalReferenceCut() ); theVars->back().ReplaceAll( "MVA_", "" ); mvaRes.push_back( dynamic_cast( m->Data()->GetResults( m->GetMethodName(), Types::kTesting, Types::kMaxAnalysisType) ) ); } // for overlap study TMatrixD* overlapS = new TMatrixD( nmeth, nmeth ); TMatrixD* overlapB = new TMatrixD( nmeth, nmeth ); (*overlapS) *= 0; // init... (*overlapB) *= 0; // init... // loop over test tree DataSet* defDs = DefaultDataSetInfo().GetDataSet(); defDs->SetCurrentType(Types::kTesting); for (Int_t ievt=0; ievtGetNEvents(); ievt++) { const Event* ev = defDs->GetEvent(ievt); // for correlations TMatrixD* theMat = 0; for (Int_t im=0; imGetName() << "\"" << Endl; dvec[im] = 0; } else dvec[im] = retval; } for (Int_t iv=0; ivGetValue(iv); if (DefaultDataSetInfo().IsSignal(ev)) { tpSig->AddRow( dvec ); theMat = overlapS; } else { tpBkg->AddRow( dvec ); theMat = overlapB; } // count overlaps for (Int_t im=0; im 0) { (*theMat)(im,jm)++; if (im != jm) (*theMat)(jm,im)++; } } } } // renormalise overlap matrix (*overlapS) *= (1.0/defDs->GetNEvtSigTest()); // init... (*overlapB) *= (1.0/defDs->GetNEvtBkgdTest()); // init... tpSig->MakePrincipals(); tpBkg->MakePrincipals(); const TMatrixD* covMatS = tpSig->GetCovarianceMatrix(); const TMatrixD* covMatB = tpBkg->GetCovarianceMatrix(); const TMatrixD* corrMatS = gTools().GetCorrelationMatrix( covMatS ); const TMatrixD* corrMatB = gTools().GetCorrelationMatrix( covMatB ); // print correlation matrices if (corrMatS != 0 && corrMatB != 0) { // extract MVA matrix TMatrixD mvaMatS(nmeth,nmeth); TMatrixD mvaMatB(nmeth,nmeth); for (Int_t im=0; im theInputVars; TMatrixD varmvaMatS(nvar,nmeth); TMatrixD varmvaMatB(nvar,nmeth); for (Int_t iv=0; iv 1) { Log() << kINFO << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Inter-MVA correlation matrix (signal):" << Endl; gTools().FormattedOutput( mvaMatS, *theVars, Log() ); Log() << kINFO << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Inter-MVA correlation matrix (background):" << Endl; gTools().FormattedOutput( mvaMatB, *theVars, Log() ); Log() << kINFO << Endl; } Log() << kINFO << "Correlations between input variables and MVA response (signal):" << Endl; gTools().FormattedOutput( varmvaMatS, theInputVars, *theVars, Log() ); Log() << kINFO << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Correlations between input variables and MVA response (background):" << Endl; gTools().FormattedOutput( varmvaMatB, theInputVars, *theVars, Log() ); Log() << kINFO << Endl; } else Log() << kWARNING << " cannot compute correlation matrices" << Endl; // print overlap matrices Log() << kINFO << "The following \"overlap\" matrices contain the fraction of events for which " << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "the MVAs 'i' and 'j' have returned conform answers about \"signal-likeness\"" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "An event is signal-like, if its MVA output exceeds the following value:" << Endl; gTools().FormattedOutput( rvec, *theVars, "Method" , "Cut value", Log() ); Log() << kINFO << "which correspond to the working point: eff(signal) = 1 - eff(background)" << Endl; // give notice that cut method has been excluded from this test if (nmeth != (Int_t)fMethods.size()) Log() << kINFO << "Note: no correlations and overlap with cut method are provided at present" << Endl; if (nmeth > 1) { Log() << kINFO << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Inter-MVA overlap matrix (signal):" << Endl; gTools().FormattedOutput( *overlapS, *theVars, Log() ); Log() << kINFO << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Inter-MVA overlap matrix (background):" << Endl; gTools().FormattedOutput( *overlapB, *theVars, Log() ); } // cleanup delete tpSig; delete tpBkg; delete corrMatS; delete corrMatB; delete theVars; delete overlapS; delete overlapB; delete [] dvec; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Third part of evaluation process // --> output // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (doRegression) { Log() << kINFO << Endl; TString hLine = "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"; Log() << kINFO << "Evaluation results ranked by smallest RMS on test sample:" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "(\"Bias\" quotes the mean deviation of the regression from true target." << Endl; Log() << kINFO << " \"MutInf\" is the \"Mutual Information\" between regression and target." << Endl; Log() << kINFO << " Indicated by \"_T\" are the corresponding \"truncated\" quantities ob-" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << " tained when removing events deviating more than 2sigma from average.)" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << hLine << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "MVA Method: RMS RMS_T | MutInf MutInf_T" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << hLine << Endl; for (Int_t i=0; i RMS RMS_T | MutInf MutInf_T" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << hLine << Endl; for (Int_t i=0; iGetName().Data()); } Log() << kINFO << header << Endl; Log() << kINFO << hLine << Endl; for (Int_t i=0; i 0) { Log() << kINFO << hLine << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Input Variables: " << Endl << hLine << Endl; } for (Int_t i=0; i no MVA (usually for Cuts) Log() << kINFO << Form("%-15s: %#1.3f(%02i) %#1.3f(%02i) %#1.3f(%02i) %#1.3f | -- --", (const char*)mname[k][i], eff01[k][i], Int_t(1000*eff01err[k][i]), eff10[k][i], Int_t(1000*eff10err[k][i]), eff30[k][i], Int_t(1000*eff30err[k][i]), effArea[k][i]) << Endl; } else { Log() << kINFO << Form("%-15s: %#1.3f(%02i) %#1.3f(%02i) %#1.3f(%02i) %#1.3f | %#1.3f %#1.3f", (const char*)mname[k][i], eff01[k][i], Int_t(1000*eff01err[k][i]), eff10[k][i], Int_t(1000*eff10err[k][i]), eff30[k][i], Int_t(1000*eff30err[k][i]), effArea[k][i], sep[k][i], sig[k][i]) << Endl; } } } Log() << kINFO << hLine << Endl; Log() << kINFO << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Testing efficiency compared to training efficiency (overtraining check)" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << hLine << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "MVA Signal efficiency: from test sample (from training sample) " << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Method: @B=0.01 @B=0.10 @B=0.30 " << Endl; Log() << kINFO << hLine << Endl; for (Int_t k=0; k<2; k++) { if (k == 1 && nmeth_used[k] > 0) { Log() << kINFO << hLine << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Input Variables: " << Endl << hLine << Endl; } for (Int_t i=0; icd(); DefaultDataSetInfo().GetDataSet()->GetTree(Types::kTesting) ->Write( "", TObject::kOverwrite ); DefaultDataSetInfo().GetDataSet()->GetTree(Types::kTraining)->Write( "", TObject::kOverwrite ); // references for citation gTools().TMVACitation( Log(), Tools::kHtmlLink ); }