// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate Data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : TMVA::MethodHMatrix * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation (see header file for description) * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland * * Helge Voss - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * Kai Voss - U. of Victoria, Canada * * * * Copyright (c) 2005: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #include "TMVA/ClassifierFactory.h" #include "TMVA/MethodHMatrix.h" #include "TMVA/Tools.h" #include "TMatrix.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include REGISTER_METHOD(HMatrix) ClassImp(TMVA::MethodHMatrix) //_______________________________________________________________________ //Begin_Html /* H-Matrix method, which is implemented as a simple comparison of chi-squared estimators for signal and background, taking into account the linear correlations between the input variables This MVA approach is used by the DØ collaboration (FNAL) for the purpose of electron identification (see, eg., hep-ex/9507007). As it is implemented in TMVA, it is usually equivalent or worse than the Fisher-Mahalanobis discriminant, and it has only been added for the purpose of completeness. Two χ2 estimators are computed for an event, each one for signal and background, using the estimates for the means and covariance matrices obtained from the training sample:
TMVA then uses as normalised analyser for event (i) the ratio: (χS(i)2 − χB2(i)) (χS2(i) + χB2(i)). */ //End_Html //_______________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodHMatrix::MethodHMatrix( const TString& jobName, const TString& methodTitle, DataSetInfo& theData, const TString& theOption, TDirectory* theTargetDir ) : TMVA::MethodBase( jobName, Types::kHMatrix, methodTitle, theData, theOption, theTargetDir ) ,fInvHMatrixS(0) ,fInvHMatrixB(0) ,fVecMeanS(0) ,fVecMeanB(0) { // standard constructor for the H-Matrix method } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodHMatrix::MethodHMatrix( DataSetInfo& theData, const TString& theWeightFile, TDirectory* theTargetDir ) : TMVA::MethodBase( Types::kHMatrix, theData, theWeightFile, theTargetDir ) ,fInvHMatrixS(0) ,fInvHMatrixB(0) ,fVecMeanS(0) ,fVecMeanB(0) { // constructor from weight file } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodHMatrix::Init( void ) { // default initialization called by all constructors //SetNormalised( kFALSE ); obsolete! fInvHMatrixS = new TMatrixD( GetNvar(), GetNvar() ); fInvHMatrixB = new TMatrixD( GetNvar(), GetNvar() ); fVecMeanS = new TVectorD( GetNvar() ); fVecMeanB = new TVectorD( GetNvar() ); // the minimum requirement to declare an event signal-like SetSignalReferenceCut( 0.0 ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodHMatrix::~MethodHMatrix( void ) { // destructor if (NULL != fInvHMatrixS) delete fInvHMatrixS; if (NULL != fInvHMatrixB) delete fInvHMatrixB; if (NULL != fVecMeanS ) delete fVecMeanS; if (NULL != fVecMeanB ) delete fVecMeanB; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::MethodHMatrix::HasAnalysisType( Types::EAnalysisType type, UInt_t numberClasses, UInt_t /*numberTargets*/ ) { // FDA can handle classification with 2 classes and regression with one regression-target if( type == Types::kClassification && numberClasses == 2 ) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodHMatrix::DeclareOptions() { // MethodHMatrix options: none (apart from those implemented in MethodBase) } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ProcessOptions() { // process user options } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodHMatrix::Train( void ) { // computes H-matrices for signal and background samples // covariance matrices for signal and background ComputeCovariance( kTRUE, fInvHMatrixS ); ComputeCovariance( kFALSE, fInvHMatrixB ); // sanity checks if (TMath::Abs(fInvHMatrixS->Determinant()) < 10E-24) { Log() << kWARNING << " H-matrix S is almost singular with deterinant= " << TMath::Abs(fInvHMatrixS->Determinant()) << " did you use the variables that are linear combinations or highly correlated ???" << Endl; } if (TMath::Abs(fInvHMatrixB->Determinant()) < 10E-24) { Log() << kWARNING << " H-matrix B is almost singular with deterinant= " << TMath::Abs(fInvHMatrixB->Determinant()) << " did you use the variables that are linear combinations or highly correlated ???" << Endl; } if (TMath::Abs(fInvHMatrixS->Determinant()) < 10E-120) { Log() << kFATAL << " H-matrix S is singular with deterinant= " << TMath::Abs(fInvHMatrixS->Determinant()) << " did you use the variables that are linear combinations ???" << Endl; } if (TMath::Abs(fInvHMatrixB->Determinant()) < 10E-120) { Log() << kFATAL << " H-matrix B is singular with deterinant= " << TMath::Abs(fInvHMatrixB->Determinant()) << " did you use the variables that are linear combinations ???" << Endl; } // invert matrix fInvHMatrixS->Invert(); fInvHMatrixB->Invert(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ComputeCovariance( Bool_t isSignal, TMatrixD* mat ) { // compute covariance matrix Data()->SetCurrentType(Types::kTraining); const UInt_t nvar = DataInfo().GetNVariables(); UInt_t ivar, jvar; // init matrices TVectorD vec(nvar); vec *= 0; TMatrixD mat2(nvar, nvar); mat2 *= 0; // initialize internal sum-of-weights variables Double_t sumOfWeights = 0; Double_t *xval = new Double_t[nvar]; // perform event loop for (Int_t i=0, iEnd=Data()->GetNEvents(); iGetEvent(i); Double_t weight = origEvt->GetWeight(); // in case event with neg weights are to be ignored if (IgnoreEventsWithNegWeightsInTraining() && weight <= 0) continue; if (DataInfo().IsSignal(origEvt) != isSignal) continue; // transform the event GetTransformationHandler().SetTransformationReferenceClass( origEvt->GetClass() ); const Event* ev = GetTransformationHandler().Transform( origEvt ); // event is of good type sumOfWeights += weight; // mean values for (ivar=0; ivarGetValue(ivar); // covariance matrix for (ivar=0; ivarGetEvent(); // loop over variables UInt_t ivar(0), jvar(0), nvar(GetNvar()); std::vector val( nvar ); // transform the event according to the given type (signal/background) if (type==Types::kSignal) GetTransformationHandler().SetTransformationReferenceClass( fSignalClass ); else GetTransformationHandler().SetTransformationReferenceClass( fBackgroundClass ); const Event* ev = GetTransformationHandler().Transform( origEvt ); for (ivar=0; ivarGetValue( ivar ); Double_t chi2 = 0; for (ivar=0; ivar negative chi2: " << chi2 << Endl; return chi2; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodHMatrix::AddWeightsXMLTo( void* parent ) const { // create XML description for HMatrix classification void* wght = gTools().AddChild(parent, "Weights"); gTools().WriteTVectorDToXML( wght, "VecMeanS", fVecMeanS ); gTools().WriteTVectorDToXML( wght, "VecMeanB", fVecMeanB ); gTools().WriteTMatrixDToXML( wght, "InvHMatS", fInvHMatrixS ); gTools().WriteTMatrixDToXML( wght, "InvHMatB", fInvHMatrixB ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ReadWeightsFromXML( void* wghtnode ) { // read weights from XML file void* descnode = gTools().GetChild(wghtnode); gTools().ReadTVectorDFromXML( descnode, "VecMeanS", fVecMeanS ); descnode = gTools().GetNextChild(descnode); gTools().ReadTVectorDFromXML( descnode, "VecMeanB", fVecMeanB ); descnode = gTools().GetNextChild(descnode); gTools().ReadTMatrixDFromXML( descnode, "InvHMatS", fInvHMatrixS ); descnode = gTools().GetNextChild(descnode); gTools().ReadTMatrixDFromXML( descnode, "InvHMatB", fInvHMatrixB ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ReadWeightsFromStream( std::istream& istr ) { // read variable names and min/max // NOTE: the latter values are mandatory for the normalisation // in the reader application !!! UInt_t ivar,jvar; TString var, dummy; istr >> dummy; //this->SetMethodName(dummy); // mean vectors for (ivar=0; ivar> (*fVecMeanS)(ivar) >> (*fVecMeanB)(ivar); // inverse covariance matrices (signal) for (ivar=0; ivar> (*fInvHMatrixS)(ivar,jvar); // inverse covariance matrices (background) for (ivar=0; ivar> (*fInvHMatrixB)(ivar,jvar); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodHMatrix::MakeClassSpecific( std::ostream& fout, const TString& className ) const { // write Fisher-specific classifier response fout << " // arrays of input evt vs. variable " << std::endl; fout << " double fInvHMatrixS[" << GetNvar() << "][" << GetNvar() << "]; // inverse H-matrix (signal)" << std::endl; fout << " double fInvHMatrixB[" << GetNvar() << "][" << GetNvar() << "]; // inverse H-matrix (background)" << std::endl; fout << " double fVecMeanS[" << GetNvar() << "]; // vector of mean values (signal)" << std::endl; fout << " double fVecMeanB[" << GetNvar() << "]; // vector of mean values (background)" << std::endl; fout << " " << std::endl; fout << " double GetChi2( const std::vector& inputValues, int type ) const;" << std::endl; fout << "};" << std::endl; fout << " " << std::endl; fout << "void " << className << "::Initialize() " << std::endl; fout << "{" << std::endl; fout << " // init vectors with mean values" << std::endl; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar& inputValues ) const" << std::endl; fout << "{" << std::endl; fout << " // returns the H-matrix signal estimator" << std::endl; fout << " std::vector inputValuesSig = inputValues;" << std::endl; fout << " std::vector inputValuesBgd = inputValues;" << std::endl; if (GetTransformationHandler().GetTransformationList().GetSize() != 0) { UInt_t signalClass =DataInfo().GetClassInfo("Signal")->GetNumber(); UInt_t backgroundClass=DataInfo().GetClassInfo("Background")->GetNumber(); fout << " Transform(inputValuesSig," << signalClass << ");" << std::endl; fout << " Transform(inputValuesBgd," << backgroundClass << ");" << std::endl; } // fout << " for(uint i=0; i& inputValues, int type ) const" << std::endl; fout << "{" << std::endl; fout << " // compute chi2-estimator for event according to type (signal/background)" << std::endl; fout << " " << std::endl; fout << " size_t ivar,jvar;" << std::endl; fout << " double chi2 = 0;" << std::endl; fout << " for (ivar=0; ivar