// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Tancredi Carli, Dominik Dannheim, Alexander Voigt /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Classes: PDEFoamMultiTarget * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation. * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Tancredi Carli - CERN, Switzerland * * Dominik Dannheim - CERN, Switzerland * * S. Jadach - Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland * * Alexander Voigt - TU Dresden, Germany * * Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland * * * * Copyright (c) 2008, 2010: * * CERN, Switzerland * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ //_____________________________________________________________________ // // PDEFoamMultiTarget // // This PDEFoam variant is used to estimate multiple targets by // creating an event density foam (PDEFoamEvent), which has dimension: // // dimension = number of variables + number targets // // This PDEFoam variant stores in every cell the sum of event weights // and the sum of the squared event weights. During evaluation for a // given event, which has only variables and no targets (number of // event variables is smaller than the foam dimension), the targets // are estimated by finding all cells, which correspond to this event // and calculate the Mean (or Mpv, depending on the ETargetSelection) // cell center weighted by the event density in the cell. // // This PDEFoam variant should be booked together with the // PDEFoamEventDensity density estimator, which returns the event // weight density at a given phase space point during the foam // build-up. // //_____________________________________________________________________ #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_PDEFoamMultiTarget #include "TMVA/PDEFoamMultiTarget.h" #endif ClassImp(TMVA::PDEFoamMultiTarget) //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamMultiTarget::PDEFoamMultiTarget() : PDEFoamEvent() , fTargetSelection(kMean) { // Default constructor for streamer, user should not use it. } //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamMultiTarget::PDEFoamMultiTarget(const TString& name, ETargetSelection ts) : PDEFoamEvent(name) , fTargetSelection(ts) { // User constructor // // Parameters: // // - name - name of PDEFoam object // // - ts - target selection method used in // GetCellValue(const std::map<Int_t, Float_t>& xvec, ECellValue) // Cadidates are: TMVA::kMean, TMVA::kMpv // // - TMVA::kMean - The function GetCellValue() finds all cells // which contain a given event vector 'xvec' and returns the // mean target (for every target variable in the foam). // // - TMVA::kMpv - The function GetCellValue() finds all cells // which contain a given event vector 'xvec' and returns the // most probable target (for every target variable in the // foam), that is the target value which corresponds to the // cell with the largest event density. } //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamMultiTarget::PDEFoamMultiTarget(const PDEFoamMultiTarget &from) : PDEFoamEvent(from) , fTargetSelection(from.fTargetSelection) { // Copy Constructor NOT IMPLEMENTED (NEVER USED) Log() << kFATAL << "COPY CONSTRUCTOR NOT IMPLEMENTED" << Endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________ std::vector<Float_t> TMVA::PDEFoamMultiTarget::GetCellValue(const std::map<Int_t, Float_t>& xvec, ECellValue /*cv*/) { // This function is overridden from PDFEFoam. It returns all // regression targets (in order), given an untransformed event // vector 'xvec'. The key of 'xvec' is the dimension and the value // (Float_t) is the coordinate. // // Note: number of foam dimensions = number of variables + number // of targets // // Parameters: // - xvec - map of event variables (no targets!) // - cv - cell value to return (ignored!) // // Return: // Targets, ordered by missing dimensions in 'xvec'. // The size of the returned vector = foam dimension - size of xvec. // transform event vector std::map<Int_t, Float_t> txvec; // transformed event vector for (std::map<Int_t, Float_t>::const_iterator it = xvec.begin(); it != xvec.end(); ++it) { Float_t coordinate = it->second; // event coordinate Int_t dim = it->first; // dimension // checkt whether coordinate is within foam borders. if not, // push event coordinate into foam if (coordinate <= fXmin[dim]) coordinate = fXmin[dim] + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(); else if (coordinate >= fXmax[dim]) coordinate = fXmax[dim] - std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(); // transform event txvec.insert(std::pair<Int_t, Float_t>(dim, VarTransform(dim, coordinate))); } // map of targets std::map<Int_t, Float_t> target; // find cells, which fit txvec std::vector<PDEFoamCell*> cells = FindCells(txvec); if (cells.empty()) { // return empty target vector (size = dimension of foam - // number of variables) return std::vector<Float_t>(GetTotDim() - xvec.size(), 0); } // initialize the target map for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < GetTotDim(); ++idim) { // is idim a target dimension, i.e. is idim missing in txvec? if (txvec.find(idim) == txvec.end()) target.insert(std::pair<Int_t, Float_t>(idim, 0)); } switch (fTargetSelection) { case kMean: CalculateMean(target, cells); break; case kMpv: CalculateMpv(target, cells); break; default: Log() << "<PDEFoamMultiTarget::GetCellValue>: " << "unknown target selection type!" << Endl; break; } // copy targets to result vector std::vector<Float_t> result; result.reserve(target.size()); for (std::map<Int_t, Float_t>::const_iterator it = target.begin(); it != target.end(); ++it) result.push_back(it->second); return result; } void TMVA::PDEFoamMultiTarget::CalculateMpv(std::map<Int_t, Float_t>& target, const std::vector<PDEFoamCell*>& cells) { // This function calculates the most probable target value from a // given number of cells. The most probable target is defined to // be the coordinates of the cell which has the biggest event // density. // // Parameters: // // - target - map of targets, where the key is the dimension and // the value is the target value. It is assumed that this map is // initialized such that there is a map entry for every target. // // - cells - vector of PDEFoam cells to pick the most probable // target from Double_t max_dens = 0.0; // maximum cell density // loop over all cells and find cell with maximum event density for (std::vector<PDEFoamCell*>::const_iterator cell_it = cells.begin(); cell_it != cells.end(); ++cell_it) { // get event density of cell const Double_t cell_density = GetCellValue(*cell_it, kValueDensity); // has this cell a larger event density? if (cell_density > max_dens) { // get cell position and size PDEFoamVect cellPosi(GetTotDim()), cellSize(GetTotDim()); (*cell_it)->GetHcub(cellPosi, cellSize); // save new maximum density max_dens = cell_density; // calculate new target values for (std::map<Int_t, Float_t>::iterator target_it = target.begin(); target_it != target.end(); ++target_it) { const Int_t dim = target_it->first; // target dimension target_it->second = VarTransformInvers(dim, cellPosi[dim] + 0.5 * cellSize[dim]); } } } } void TMVA::PDEFoamMultiTarget::CalculateMean(std::map<Int_t, Float_t>& target, const std::vector<PDEFoamCell*>& cells) { // This function calculates the mean target value from a given // number of cells. As weight the event density of the cell is // used. // // Parameters: // // - target - map of targets, where the key is the dimension and // the value is the target value. It is assumed that this map is // initialized such that there is a map entry for every target // with all target values set to zero. // // - cells - vector of PDEFoam cells to pick the most probable // target from // normalization std::map<Int_t, Float_t> norm; // loop over all cells and find cell with maximum event density for (std::vector<PDEFoamCell*>::const_iterator cell_it = cells.begin(); cell_it != cells.end(); ++cell_it) { // get event density of cell const Double_t cell_density = GetCellValue(*cell_it, kValueDensity); // get cell position and size PDEFoamVect cellPosi(GetTotDim()), cellSize(GetTotDim()); (*cell_it)->GetHcub(cellPosi, cellSize); // accumulate weighted target values for (std::map<Int_t, Float_t>::iterator target_it = target.begin(); target_it != target.end(); ++target_it) { const Int_t dim = target_it->first; // target dimension target_it->second += cell_density * VarTransformInvers(dim, cellPosi[dim] + 0.5 * cellSize[dim]); norm[dim] += cell_density; } } // normalize the targets for (std::map<Int_t, Float_t>::iterator target_it = target.begin(); target_it != target.end(); ++target_it) { // get target dimension const Int_t dim = target_it->first; // normalize target in dimension 'dim' if (norm[dim] > std::numeric_limits<Float_t>::epsilon()) { target[dim] /= norm[dim]; } else { // normalisation factor is too small -> return approximate // target value target[dim] = (fXmax[dim] - fXmin[dim]) / 2.; } } }