// @(#)root/treeplayer:$Id$
// Author: Philippe Canal 06/06/2004

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers and al.        *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TBranchProxyDescriptor                                               //
//                                                                      //
// Hold the processed information about a TBranch while                 //
// TTreeProxyGenerator is parsing the TTree information.                //
// Also contains the routine use to generate the appropriate code       //
// fragment in the result of MakeProxy.                                 //
//                                                                      //

#include "TBranchProxyDescriptor.h"

#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TROOT.h"

#include "TTreeFormula.h"
#include "TFormLeafInfo.h"
#include <ctype.h>


namespace ROOT {

   TBranchProxyDescriptor::TBranchProxyDescriptor(const char *dataname, 
                                                  const char *type, 
                                                  const char *branchname, 
                                                  Bool_t split,
                                                  Bool_t skipped,
                                                  Bool_t isleaflist) :
      // Constructor.

      fDataName = GetName();
      if (fDataName.Length() && fDataName[fDataName.Length()-1]=='.') fDataName.Remove(fDataName.Length()-1);

      if (!isalpha(fDataName[0])) fDataName.Insert(0,"_");
      fDataName.ReplaceAll(" ","");


   const char *TBranchProxyDescriptor::GetDataName() 
      // Get the name of the data member.
      return fDataName; 

   const char *TBranchProxyDescriptor::GetTypeName() 
      // Get the name of the type of the data member
      return GetTitle(); 

   const char *TBranchProxyDescriptor::GetBranchName() 
      // Get the branch name.
      return fBranchName.Data(); 

   Bool_t TBranchProxyDescriptor::IsEquivalent(const TBranchProxyDescriptor *other,
                                               Bool_t inClass) 
      // Return true if this description is the 'same' as the other decription.

      if ( !other ) return false;
      if ( other == this ) return true;

      if ( inClass ) {
         // If this description belong to a class, the branchname will be 
         // stripped.
      } else {
         if ( fBranchName != other->fBranchName ) return false;
      if ( fIsSplit != other->fIsSplit ) return false;
      if ( fBranchIsSkipped != other->fBranchIsSkipped) return false;
      if ( strcmp(GetName(),other->GetName()) ) return false;
      if ( strcmp(GetTitle(),other->GetTitle()) ) return false;
      return true;

   Bool_t TBranchProxyDescriptor::IsSplit() const 
      // Return true if the branch is split
      return fIsSplit; 

   void TBranchProxyDescriptor::OutputDecl(FILE *hf, int offset, UInt_t maxVarname)
      // Output the declaration corresponding to this proxy
      fprintf(hf,"%-*s%-*s %s;\n",  offset," ",  maxVarname, GetTypeName(), GetDataName()); // might want to add a comment

   void TBranchProxyDescriptor::OutputInit(FILE *hf, int offset, 
                                           UInt_t maxVarname,
                                           const char *prefix) 
      // Output the initialization corresponding to this proxy
      if (fIsSplit) {
         const char *subbranchname = GetBranchName();
         const char *above = "";
         if (strncmp(prefix,subbranchname,strlen(prefix))==0
             && strcmp(prefix,subbranchname)!=0)  {
            subbranchname += strlen(prefix)+1; // +1 for the dot "."
            above = "ffPrefix, ";

         if (fBranchIsSkipped) {
            fprintf(hf,"\n%-*s      %-*s(director, obj.GetProxy(), \"%s\", %s\"%s\")",
                    offset," ", maxVarname, GetDataName(), GetDataName(), above, subbranchname);
         } else {
            if (fIsLeafList) {
               if (above[0]=='\0') {
                  fprintf(hf,"\n%-*s      %-*s(director, \"%s\", \"\", \"%s\")",
                          offset," ", maxVarname, GetDataName(), subbranchname, GetDataName());
               } else {
                  fprintf(hf,"\n%-*s      %-*s(director, %s\"%s\", \"%s\")",
                          offset," ", maxVarname, GetDataName(), above, subbranchname, GetDataName());
            } else {
               fprintf(hf,"\n%-*s      %-*s(director, %s\"%s\")",
                       offset," ", maxVarname, GetDataName(), above, subbranchname);
      } else {

         fprintf(hf,"\n%-*s      %-*s(director, obj.GetProxy(), \"%s\")",
                 offset," ", maxVarname, GetDataName(), GetBranchName() );

         //fprintf(hf,"\n%-*s      %-*s(director, ffPrefix, \"\", \"%s\")",
         //        offset," ", maxVarname, GetName(), GetBranchName() );
