/* @include ajobodata ********************************************************* ** ** AJAX OBO data structures ** ** @author Copyright (C) 2010 Peter Rice ** @version $Revision: 1.8 $ ** @modified May 5 pmr 2010 First AJAX version ** @modified Sep 8 2010 pmr Added query and reading functions ** @modified $Date: 2012/04/26 17:36:15 $ by $Author: mks $ ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. ** ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef AJOBODATA_H #define AJOBODATA_H /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================= include files ============================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ #include "ajdefine.h" #include "ajtextdata.h" AJ_BEGIN_DECLS /* ========================================================================= */ /* =============================== constants =============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================== public data ============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* @data AjPOboin ************************************************************* ** ** Ajax Obo Input object. ** ** Holds the obo term specification and information needed to read ** the obo term and possible further terms. ** ** @alias AjSOboin ** @alias AjOOboin ** ** @attr Input [AjPTextin] General text input object ** @attr OboData [void*] Format data for reuse, e.g. multiple term input ** (unused in current code) ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSOboin { AjPTextin Input; void *OboData; } AjOOboin; #define AjPOboin AjOOboin* /* @data AjPOboAccess ********************************************************* ** ** Ajax Obo Access database reading object. ** ** Holds information needed to read an obo term from a database. ** Access methods are defined for each known database type. ** ** Obo terms are read from the database using the defined ** database access function, which is usually a static function ** within ajobodb.c ** ** This should be a static data object but is needed for the definition ** of AjPOboin. ** ** @alias AjSOboAccess ** @alias AjOOboAccess ** ** @new ajOboMethod returns a copy of a known access method definition. ** @other AjPOboin Obo input ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Access method name used in emboss.default ** @attr Access [AjBool function] Access function ** @attr AccessFree [AjBool function] Access cleanup function ** @attr Qlink [const char*] Supported query link operators ** @attr Desc [const char*] Description ** @attr Alias [AjBool] Alias for another name ** @attr Entry [AjBool] Supports retrieval of single entries ** @attr Query [AjBool] Supports retrieval of selected entries ** @attr All [AjBool] Supports retrieval of all entries ** @attr Chunked [AjBool] Supports retrieval of entries in chunks ** @attr Padding [AjBool] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSOboAccess { const char *Name; AjBool (*Access)(AjPOboin oboin); AjBool (*AccessFree)(void* qry); const char* Qlink; const char* Desc; AjBool Alias; AjBool Entry; AjBool Query; AjBool All; AjBool Chunked; AjBool Padding; } AjOOboAccess; #define AjPOboAccess AjOOboAccess* /* @data AjPOboData *********************************************************** ** ** OBO parsed data ** ** @attr Termtable [AjPTable] Table of terms by id ** @attr Termnametable [AjPTable] Table of terms by name ** @attr Typedeftable [AjPTable] Table of typedefs ** @attr Instancetable [AjPTable] Table of instances ** @attr Annotable [AjPTable] Table of annotation stanzas ** @attr Formulatable [AjPTable] Table of formula stanzas ** @attr Misctable [AjPTable] Table of other stanzas ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSOboData { AjPTable Termtable; AjPTable Termnametable; AjPTable Typedeftable; AjPTable Instancetable; AjPTable Annotable; AjPTable Formulatable; AjPTable Misctable; } AjOOboData; #define AjPOboData AjOOboData* /* @data AjPObotag ************************************************************ ** ** OBO tag name, value and comment. ** ** @alias AjSObotag ** @alias AjOObotag ** ** @attr Name [AjPStr] Tag name ** @attr Value [AjPStr] Tag value ** @attr Modifier [AjPStr] Tag modifier ** @attr Comment [AjPStr] Tag comment ** @attr Linenumber [ajuint] OBO file line number ** @attr Padding [ajuint] Padding to align structure ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSObotag { AjPStr Name; AjPStr Value; AjPStr Modifier; AjPStr Comment; ajuint Linenumber; ajuint Padding; } AjOObotag; #define AjPObotag AjOObotag* /* @data AjPOboxref *********************************************************** ** ** OBO dbxref name and description ** ** @alias AjSOboxref ** @alias AjOOboxref ** ** @attr Name [AjPStr] Dbxref name ** @attr Desc [AjPStr] Description (optional) ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSOboxref { AjPStr Name; AjPStr Desc; } AjOOboxref; #define AjPOboxref AjOOboxref* /* @data AjPOboalias ********************************************************** ** ** Alias name for an OBO identifier ** ** @alias AjSOboalias ** @alias AjOOboalias ** ** @attr Alias [AjPStr] Alias name of term ** @attr Id [AjPStr] Id of term ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSOboalias { AjPStr Alias; AjPStr Id; } AjOOboalias; #define AjPOboalias AjOOboalias* /* @data AjPObo *************************************************************** ** ** Ajax obo term object. ** ** Holds the term itself, plus associated information. ** ** @alias AjOObo ** @alias AjSObo ** ** @attr Id [AjPStr] Id of term ** @attr Trueid [AjPStr] True id of an alt_id ** @attr Fullid [AjPStr] Id of term with prefix ** @attr Name [AjPStr] Name of term ** @attr Namespace [AjPStr] Namespace of term ** @attr Def [AjPStr] Definition of term ** @attr Dbxrefs [AjPList] List of AjPOboxref names descriptions and modifiers ** @attr Comment [AjPStr] Comment tag in term stanza ** @attr Replaced [AjPStr] Replacement term for an obsolete term ** @attr Taglist [AjPList] List of other AjPObotag tag name-value pairs ** @attr Obsolete [AjBool] True if term is obsolete ** @attr Builtin [AjBool] True if term is an OBO Built-in term ** @attr Db [AjPStr] Database name from input ** @attr Setdb [AjPStr] Database name from command line ** @attr Full [AjPStr] Full name ** @attr Qry [AjPStr] Query for re-reading ** @attr Formatstr [AjPStr] Input format name ** @attr Filename [AjPStr] Original filename ** @attr TextPtr [AjPStr] Full text ** @attr Fpos [ajlong] File position (fseek) for Query ** @attr Format [AjEnum] Input format enum ** @attr Padding [ajuint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSObo { AjPStr Id; AjPStr Trueid; AjPStr Fullid; AjPStr Name; AjPStr Namespace; AjPStr Def; AjPList Dbxrefs; AjPStr Comment; AjPStr Replaced; AjPList Taglist; AjBool Obsolete; AjBool Builtin; AjPStr Db; AjPStr Setdb; AjPStr Full; AjPStr Qry; AjPStr Formatstr; AjPStr Filename; AjPStr TextPtr; ajlong Fpos; AjEnum Format; ajuint Padding; } AjOObo; #define AjPObo AjOObo* /* @data AjPOboall ************************************************************ ** ** Ajax obo term all (stream) object. ** ** Inherits an AjPObo but allows more obo terms to be read from the ** same input by also inheriting the AjPOboin input object. ** ** @alias AjSOboall ** @alias AjOOboall ** ** @attr Obo [AjPObo] Current term ** @attr Oboin [AjPOboin] Obo input for reading next ** @attr Totterms [ajulong] Count of terms so far ** @attr Count [ajuint] Count of terms so far ** @attr Multi [AjBool] True if multiple values are expected ** @attr Returned [AjBool] if true: Obo object has been returned to a new owner ** and is not to be deleted by the destructor ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSOboall { AjPObo Obo; AjPOboin Oboin; ajulong Totterms; ajuint Count; AjBool Multi; AjBool Returned; char Padding[4]; } AjOOboall; #define AjPOboall AjOOboall* /* ========================================================================= */ /* =========================== public functions ============================ */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ** Prototype definitions */ /* ** End of prototype definitions */ AJ_END_DECLS #endif /* !AJOBODATA_H */