# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). # Version 2.0.8 # # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify # the SWIG interface file instead. from sys import version_info if version_info >= (2,6,0): def swig_import_helper(): from os.path import dirname import imp fp = None try: fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_StepVector', [dirname(__file__)]) except ImportError: import _StepVector return _StepVector if fp is not None: try: _mod = imp.load_module('_StepVector', fp, pathname, description) finally: fp.close() return _mod _StepVector = swig_import_helper() del swig_import_helper else: import _StepVector del version_info try: _swig_property = property except NameError: pass # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'. def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,static=1): if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own(value) if (name == "this"): if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject': self.__dict__[name] = value return method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name,None) if method: return method(self,value) if (not static): self.__dict__[name] = value else: raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self) def _swig_setattr(self,class_type,name,value): return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,0) def _swig_getattr(self,class_type,name): if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own() method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name,None) if method: return method(self) raise AttributeError(name) def _swig_repr(self): try: strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__() except: strthis = "" return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,) try: _object = object _newclass = 1 except AttributeError: class _object : pass _newclass = 0 class _Pair_int_float(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _Pair_int_float, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _Pair_int_float, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_setmethods__["first"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_float_first_set __swig_getmethods__["first"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_float_first_get if _newclass:first = _swig_property(_StepVector._Pair_int_float_first_get, _StepVector._Pair_int_float_first_set) __swig_setmethods__["second"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_float_second_set __swig_getmethods__["second"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_float_second_get if _newclass:second = _swig_property(_StepVector._Pair_int_float_second_get, _StepVector._Pair_int_float_second_set) def __init__(self, *args): this = _StepVector.new__Pair_int_float(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__Pair_int_float __del__ = lambda self : None; _Pair_int_float_swigregister = _StepVector._Pair_int_float_swigregister _Pair_int_float_swigregister(_Pair_int_float) class _StepVector_Iterator_float(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _StepVector_Iterator_float, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _StepVector_Iterator_float, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): this = _StepVector.new__StepVector_Iterator_float(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this def next(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_float_next(self) def __iter__(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_float___iter__(self) __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__StepVector_Iterator_float __del__ = lambda self : None; _StepVector_Iterator_float_swigregister = _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_float_swigregister _StepVector_Iterator_float_swigregister(_StepVector_Iterator_float) class _StepVector_float(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _StepVector_float, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _StepVector_float, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self): this = _StepVector.new__StepVector_float() try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this def set_value(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_float_set_value(self, *args) def add_value(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_float_add_value(self, *args) def get_all_values_pystyle(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_float_get_all_values_pystyle(self) def get_values_pystyle(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_float_get_values_pystyle(self, *args) def num_values(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_float_num_values(self) __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__StepVector_float __del__ = lambda self : None; _StepVector_float_swigregister = _StepVector._StepVector_float_swigregister _StepVector_float_swigregister(_StepVector_float) cvar = _StepVector.cvar _StepVector_float.min_index = _StepVector.cvar._StepVector_float_min_index _StepVector_float.max_index = _StepVector.cvar._StepVector_float_max_index class _Pair_int_int(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _Pair_int_int, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _Pair_int_int, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_setmethods__["first"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_int_first_set __swig_getmethods__["first"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_int_first_get if _newclass:first = _swig_property(_StepVector._Pair_int_int_first_get, _StepVector._Pair_int_int_first_set) __swig_setmethods__["second"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_int_second_set __swig_getmethods__["second"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_int_second_get if _newclass:second = _swig_property(_StepVector._Pair_int_int_second_get, _StepVector._Pair_int_int_second_set) def __init__(self, *args): this = _StepVector.new__Pair_int_int(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__Pair_int_int __del__ = lambda self : None; _Pair_int_int_swigregister = _StepVector._Pair_int_int_swigregister _Pair_int_int_swigregister(_Pair_int_int) class _StepVector_Iterator_int(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _StepVector_Iterator_int, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _StepVector_Iterator_int, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): this = _StepVector.new__StepVector_Iterator_int(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this def next(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_int_next(self) def __iter__(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_int___iter__(self) __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__StepVector_Iterator_int __del__ = lambda self : None; _StepVector_Iterator_int_swigregister = _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_int_swigregister _StepVector_Iterator_int_swigregister(_StepVector_Iterator_int) class _StepVector_int(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _StepVector_int, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _StepVector_int, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self): this = _StepVector.new__StepVector_int() try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this def set_value(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_int_set_value(self, *args) def add_value(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_int_add_value(self, *args) def get_all_values_pystyle(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_int_get_all_values_pystyle(self) def get_values_pystyle(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_int_get_values_pystyle(self, *args) def num_values(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_int_num_values(self) __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__StepVector_int __del__ = lambda self : None; _StepVector_int_swigregister = _StepVector._StepVector_int_swigregister _StepVector_int_swigregister(_StepVector_int) _StepVector_int.min_index = _StepVector.cvar._StepVector_int_min_index _StepVector_int.max_index = _StepVector.cvar._StepVector_int_max_index class _Pair_int_bool(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _Pair_int_bool, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _Pair_int_bool, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_setmethods__["first"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_bool_first_set __swig_getmethods__["first"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_bool_first_get if _newclass:first = _swig_property(_StepVector._Pair_int_bool_first_get, _StepVector._Pair_int_bool_first_set) __swig_setmethods__["second"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_bool_second_set __swig_getmethods__["second"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_bool_second_get if _newclass:second = _swig_property(_StepVector._Pair_int_bool_second_get, _StepVector._Pair_int_bool_second_set) def __init__(self, *args): this = _StepVector.new__Pair_int_bool(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__Pair_int_bool __del__ = lambda self : None; _Pair_int_bool_swigregister = _StepVector._Pair_int_bool_swigregister _Pair_int_bool_swigregister(_Pair_int_bool) class _StepVector_Iterator_bool(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _StepVector_Iterator_bool, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _StepVector_Iterator_bool, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): this = _StepVector.new__StepVector_Iterator_bool(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this def next(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_bool_next(self) def __iter__(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_bool___iter__(self) __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__StepVector_Iterator_bool __del__ = lambda self : None; _StepVector_Iterator_bool_swigregister = _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_bool_swigregister _StepVector_Iterator_bool_swigregister(_StepVector_Iterator_bool) class _StepVector_bool(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _StepVector_bool, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _StepVector_bool, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self): this = _StepVector.new__StepVector_bool() try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this def set_value(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_bool_set_value(self, *args) def add_value(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_bool_add_value(self, *args) def get_all_values_pystyle(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_bool_get_all_values_pystyle(self) def get_values_pystyle(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_bool_get_values_pystyle(self, *args) def num_values(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_bool_num_values(self) __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__StepVector_bool __del__ = lambda self : None; _StepVector_bool_swigregister = _StepVector._StepVector_bool_swigregister _StepVector_bool_swigregister(_StepVector_bool) _StepVector_bool.min_index = _StepVector.cvar._StepVector_bool_min_index _StepVector_bool.max_index = _StepVector.cvar._StepVector_bool_max_index class _Pair_int_obj(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _Pair_int_obj, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _Pair_int_obj, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_setmethods__["first"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_obj_first_set __swig_getmethods__["first"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_obj_first_get if _newclass:first = _swig_property(_StepVector._Pair_int_obj_first_get, _StepVector._Pair_int_obj_first_set) __swig_setmethods__["second"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_obj_second_set __swig_getmethods__["second"] = _StepVector._Pair_int_obj_second_get if _newclass:second = _swig_property(_StepVector._Pair_int_obj_second_get, _StepVector._Pair_int_obj_second_set) def __init__(self, *args): this = _StepVector.new__Pair_int_obj(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__Pair_int_obj __del__ = lambda self : None; _Pair_int_obj_swigregister = _StepVector._Pair_int_obj_swigregister _Pair_int_obj_swigregister(_Pair_int_obj) class _StepVector_Iterator_obj(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _StepVector_Iterator_obj, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _StepVector_Iterator_obj, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): this = _StepVector.new__StepVector_Iterator_obj(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this def next(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_obj_next(self) def __iter__(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_obj___iter__(self) __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__StepVector_Iterator_obj __del__ = lambda self : None; _StepVector_Iterator_obj_swigregister = _StepVector._StepVector_Iterator_obj_swigregister _StepVector_Iterator_obj_swigregister(_StepVector_Iterator_obj) class _StepVector_obj(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, _StepVector_obj, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, _StepVector_obj, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self): this = _StepVector.new__StepVector_obj() try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this def set_value(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_obj_set_value(self, *args) def add_value(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_obj_add_value(self, *args) def get_all_values_pystyle(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_obj_get_all_values_pystyle(self) def get_values_pystyle(self, *args): return _StepVector._StepVector_obj_get_values_pystyle(self, *args) def num_values(self): return _StepVector._StepVector_obj_num_values(self) __swig_destroy__ = _StepVector.delete__StepVector_obj __del__ = lambda self : None; _StepVector_obj_swigregister = _StepVector._StepVector_obj_swigregister _StepVector_obj_swigregister(_StepVector_obj) _StepVector_obj.min_index = _StepVector.cvar._StepVector_obj_min_index _StepVector_obj.max_index = _StepVector.cvar._StepVector_obj_max_index import sys class StepVector( object ): """A step vector is a vector with integer indices that is able to store data efficiently if it is piece-wise constant, i.e., if the values change in "steps". So, if a number of adjacent vectort elements have the same value, this values will be stored only once. The data can be either one of a number of elementary types, or any object. Usage example: >>> sv = StepVector.StepVector( 20 ) >>> sv[5:17] = 13 >>> sv[12] 13.0 >>> list( sv ) [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 13.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] >>> list( sv.get_steps() ) [(0, 5, 0.0), (5, 17, 13.0), (17, 20, 0.0)] """ @classmethod def create( cls, length = sys.maxint, typecode = 'd', start_index = 0 ): """Construct a StepVector of the given length, with indices starting at the given start_index and counting up to (but not including) start_index + length. The typecode may be: 'd' for float values (C type 'double'), 'i' for int values, 'b' for Boolean values, 'O' for arbitrary Python objects as value. The vector is initialized with the value zero (or, for typecode 'O', with None). """ if typecode == 'd': swigclass = _StepVector_float elif typecode == 'i': swigclass = _StepVector_int elif typecode == 'b': swigclass = _StepVector_bool elif typecode == 'O': swigclass = _StepVector_obj else: raise ValueError, "unsupported typecode" obj = cls() obj._typecode = typecode obj._swigobj = swigclass( ) obj.start = start_index obj.stop = start_index + length return obj def __setitem__( self, index, value ): """To set element i of StepVector sv to the value v, write sv[i] = v If you want to set a whole step, say, all values from i to j (not including j), write sv[i:j] = v Note that the StepVector class will only notice that all the values from i to j are equal if you assign them in this fashion. Assigning each item individually in a loop from i to j will result in the value v being stored many times. """ if isinstance( value, StepVector ): if self._swigobj is value._swigobj and \ value.start == index.start and value.stop == index.stop: return else: raise NotImplemented, "Stepvector-to-Stepvector assignment still missing" if isinstance( index, slice ): if index.step is not None and index.step != 1: raise ValueError, "Striding slices (i.e., step != 1) are not supported" if index.start is None: start = self.start else: if index.start < self.start: raise IndexError, "start too small" start = index.start if index.stop is None: stop = self.stop else: if index.stop > self.stop: raise IndexError, "stop too large" stop = index.stop self._swigobj.set_value( start, stop-1, value ) # Note the "-1": The C++ object uses closed intervals, but we follow # Python convention here and use half-open ones. else: self._swigobj.set_value( index, index, value ) def get_steps( self, values_only = False, merge_steps=True ): """To get a succinct representation of the StepVector's content, call the 'get_steps' method. It returns an iterator that generates triples of values. Each triple contains one step, giving first the start index of the step, then the stop index (i.e., one more than the index of the last element), and as third element the value of the step. If you want to see only a part of the StepVector, use the 'start' and 'stop' parameters of 'get_steps' to specify a window. Sometimes, one might only be interested in the values, not the step boundaries. Then, set 'values_only' to true, and the iterator generates only the values insted of the triples. """ startvals = self._swigobj.get_values_pystyle( self.start ) prevstart = self.start prevval = startvals.next().second for pair in startvals: stepstart, value = pair.first, pair.second if merge_steps and value == prevval: continue if self.stop is not None and stepstart >= self.stop: if not values_only: yield prevstart, self.stop, prevval else: yield prevval return if not values_only: yield prevstart, stepstart, prevval else: yield prevval prevstart, prevval = stepstart, value else: if not values_only: yield prevstart, min( self.stop, self._swigobj.max_index+1), prevval else: yield prevval def __getitem__( self, index ): """Given a StepVector sv, writing sv[i] returns sv's element i (where i is an integer). If you use a slice, i.e., 'sv[i:j]', you get a view on the StepVector, i.e., the same data, but changed boundaries. """ if isinstance( index, slice ): if index.step is not None and index.step != 1: raise ValueError, "Striding slices (i.e., step != 1) are not supported" if index.start is None: start = self.start else: if index.start < self.start: raise IndexError, "start too small" start = index.start if index.stop is None: stop = self.stop else: if index.stop > self.stop: raise IndexError, "stop too large" stop = index.stop res = self.__class__() res._typecode = self.typecode res._swigobj = self._swigobj res.start = start res.stop = stop return res else: return self._swigobj.get_values_pystyle( index ).next().second def __iter__( self ): """When asked to provide an iterator, a StepVector will yield all its value, repeating each value according to the length of the step. Hence, calling, e.g., 'list( sv )' will transform the StepVector 'sv' into an ordinary list. """ for start, stop, value in self.get_steps(): for i in xrange( start, stop ): yield value def __repr__( self ): if self.start == -sys.maxint - 1: start_s = "-inf" else: start_s = str( self.start ) if self.stop == sys.maxint: stop_s = "inf" else: stop_s = str( self.stop ) return "<%s object, type '%s', index range %s:%s, %d step(s)>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.typecode(), start_s, stop_s, self.num_steps() ) def typecode( self ): "Returns the typecode." return self._typecode def __len__( self ): """The length of a StepVector is defined by its index range, not by the number of steps. """ return self.stop - self.start def num_steps( self ): """Returns the number of steps, i.e., the number of triples that get_steps returns. """ return self._swigobj.num_values() def __eq__( self, other ): """StepVectors can be compared for equality. This is conceptually done element for element, but, for performance, taking steps in one go. """ if self.start_index() != other.start_index() or len(self) != len(other) or \ self.typecode() != other.typecode(): print "Mark A" return False selfsteps = self.get_steps() othrsteps = other.get_steps() selfstart, selfstop, selfval = selfsteps.next() othrstart, othrstop, othrval = othrsteps.next() while selfstop < self.start_index() + len(self) and \ othrstop < other.start_index() + len(other): assert selfstart < othrstop and othrstart < selfstop if not( selfval == othrval ): return False if selfstop < othrstop: selfstart, selfstop, selfval = selfsteps.next() elif othrstop < selfstop: othrstart, othrstop, othrval = othrsteps.next() else: selfstart, selfstop, selfval = selfsteps.next() othrstart, othrstop, othrval = othrsteps.next() return True def __neq__( self, other ): return not ( self == other ) def __reduce__( self ): if self.__class__ is not StepVector: raise NotImplemented, "Attempting to pickle a subclass of StepVector without redefined __reduce__." return ( _StepVector_unpickle, ( self.stop - self.start, self._typecode, self.start ), None, None, ( ( slice( start, stop ), val ) for start, stop, val in self.get_steps() ) ) def __iadd__( self, value ): self._swigobj.add_value( self.start, self.stop-1, value ) return self def apply( self, func, start = None, stop = None ): # TODO: check! for stepstart, stepstop, value in self.get_steps( start, stop ): self[ stepstart : stepstop ] = func( value ) def _StepVector_unpickle( length, typecode, start ): return StepVector.create( length, typecode, start ) # This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes.