""" Support for reading and writing the `AXT`_ format used for pairwise alignments. .. _AXT: http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/axt.html """ from bx.align import * import itertools from bx import interval_index_file # Tools for dealing with pairwise alignments in AXT format class MultiIndexed( object ): """Similar to 'indexed' but wraps more than one axt_file""" def __init__( self, axt_filenames, keep_open=False ): self.indexes = [ Indexed( axt_file, axt_file + ".index" ) for axt_file in axt_filenames ] def get( self, src, start, end ): blocks = [] for index in self.indexes: blocks += index.get( src, start, end ) return blocks class Indexed( object ): """Indexed access to a axt using overlap queries, requires an index file""" def __init__( self, axt_filename, index_filename=None, keep_open=False, species1 = None, species2=None, species_to_lengths=None, support_ids=False ): if index_filename is None: index_filename = axt_filename + ".index" self.indexes = interval_index_file.Indexes( filename=index_filename ) self.axt_filename = axt_filename # nota bene: (self.species1 = species1 or "species1") is incorrect if species1="" self.species1 = species1 if (self.species1 == None): self.species1 = "species1" self.species2 = species2 if (self.species2 == None): self.species2 = "species2" self.species_to_lengths = species_to_lengths self.support_ids = support_ids # for extra text at end of axt header lines if keep_open: self.f = open( axt_filename ) else: self.f = None def get( self, src, start, end ): intersections = self.indexes.find( src, start, end ) return itertools.imap( self.get_axt_at_offset, [ val for start, end, val in intersections ] ) def get_axt_at_offset( self, offset ): if self.f: self.f.seek( offset ) return read_next_axt( self.f, self.species1, self.species2, self.species_to_lengths, self.support_ids ) else: f = open( self.axt_filename ) try: f.seek( offset ) return read_next_axt( f, self.species1, self.species2, self.species_to_lengths, self.support_ids ) finally: f.close() class Reader( object ): """Iterate over all axt blocks in a file in order""" def __init__( self, file, species1 = None, species2=None, species_to_lengths=None, support_ids=False ): self.file = file # nota bene: (self.species1 = species1 or "species1") is incorrect if species1="" self.species1 = species1 if (self.species1 == None): self.species1 = "species1" self.species2 = species2 if (self.species2 == None): self.species2 = "species2" self.species_to_lengths = species_to_lengths self.support_ids = support_ids # for extra text at end of axt header lines self.attributes = {} def next( self ): return read_next_axt( self.file, self.species1, self.species2, self.species_to_lengths, self.support_ids ) def __iter__( self ): return ReaderIter( self ) def close( self ): self.file.close() class ReaderIter( object ): def __init__( self, reader ): self.reader = reader def __iter__( self ): return self def next( self ): v = self.reader.next() if not v: raise StopIteration return v class Writer( object ): def __init__( self, file, attributes={} ): self.file = file self.block = 0 self.src_split = True if ("src_split" in attributes): self.src_split = attributes["src_split"] def write( self, alignment ): if (len(alignment.components) != 2): raise ValueError("%d-component alignment is not compatible with axt" % \ len(alignment.components)) c1 = alignment.components[0] c2 = alignment.components[1] if c1.strand != "+": c1 = c1.reverse_complement() c2 = c2.reverse_complement() if (self.src_split): spec1,chr1 = src_split( c1.src ) spec2,chr2 = src_split( c2.src ) else: chr1,chr2 = c1.src,c2.src self.file.write( "%d %s %d %d %s %d %d %s %s\n" % \ (self.block,chr1,c1.start+1,c1.start+c1.size, chr2,c2.start+1,c2.start+c2.size,c2.strand, alignment.score)) self.file.write( "%s\n" % c1.text ) self.file.write( "%s\n" % c2.text ) self.file.write( "\n" ) self.block += 1 def close( self ): self.file.close() # ---- Helper methods --------------------------------------------------------- # typical axt block: # 0 chr19 3001012 3001075 chr11 70568380 70568443 - 3500 [optional text] # TCAGCTCATAAATCACCTCCTGCCACAAGCCTGGCCTGGTCCCAGGAGAGTGTCCAGGCTCAGA # TCTGTTCATAAACCACCTGCCATGACAAGCCTGGCCTGTTCCCAAGACAATGTCCAGGCTCAGA # start and stop are origin-1, inclusive # first species is always on plus strand # when second species is on minus strand, start and stop are counted from sequence end def read_next_axt( file, species1, species2, species_to_lengths=None, support_ids=False ): line = readline( file, skip_blank=True ) if not line: return fields = line.split() if (len(fields) < 9) or ((not support_ids) and (len(fields) > 9)): raise ValueError("bad axt-block header: %s" % line) attributes = {} if (len(fields) > 9): attributes["id"] = "_".join(fields[9:]) seq1 = readline( file ) if not line or line.isspace(): raise ValueError("incomplete axt-block; header: %s" % line) seq2 = readline( file ) if not line or line.isspace(): raise ValueError("incomplete axt-block; header: %s" % line) # Build 2 component alignment alignment = Alignment(attributes=attributes,species_to_lengths=species_to_lengths) # Build component for species 1 component = Component() component.src = fields[1] if (species1 != ""): component.src = species1 + "." + component.src component.start = int( fields[2] ) - 1 # (axt intervals are origin-1 end = int( fields[3] ) # and inclusive on both ends) component.size = end - component.start component.strand = "+" component.text = seq1.strip() alignment.add_component( component ) # Build component for species 2 component = Component() component.src = fields[4] if (species2 != ""): component.src = species2 + "." + component.src component.start = int( fields[5] ) - 1 end = int( fields[6] ) component.size = end - component.start component.strand = fields[7] component.text = seq2.strip() alignment.add_component( component ) # add score try: alignment.score = int( fields[8] ) except: try: alignment.score = float( fields[8] ) except: alignment.score = fields[8] return alignment def readline( file, skip_blank=False ): """Read a line from provided file, skipping any blank or comment lines""" while 1: line = file.readline() if not line: return None if line[0] != '#' and not ( skip_blank and line.isspace() ): return line