""" Read sequence lengths from a file. Each line is of the form where is typically a chromsome name (e.g. chr12) and length is the number of bases the sequence. """ def read_lengths_file( name ): """ Returns a hash from sequence name to length. """ chrom_to_length = {} f = file ( name, "rt" ) for line in f: line = line.strip() if line == '' or line[0] == '#': continue try: fields = line.split() if len(fields) != 2: raise chrom = fields[0] length = int( fields[1] ) except: raise ValueError("bad length file line: %s" % line) if chrom in chrom_to_length and length != chrom_to_length[chrom]: raise ValueError("%s has more than one length!" % chrom) chrom_to_length[chrom] = length f.close() return chrom_to_length