""" Support for scores in the `wiggle`_ file format used by the UCSC Genome Browser. The positions in the wiggle format are 1-relative, however, the positions returned match the BED/interval format which is zero-based, half-open. .. _wiggle: http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/wiggle.html """ def parse_header( line ): return dict( [ field.split( '=' ) for field in line.split()[1:] ] ) def IntervalReader( f ): """ Iterator yielding chrom, start, end, strand, value. Values are zero-based, half-open. Regions which lack a score are ignored. """ current_chrom = None current_pos = None current_step = None # always for wiggle data strand = '+' mode = "bed" for line in f: if line.isspace() or line.startswith( "track" ) or line.startswith( "#" ) or line.startswith( "browser" ): continue elif line.startswith( "variableStep" ): header = parse_header( line ) current_chrom = header['chrom'] current_pos = None current_step = None if 'span' in header: current_span = int( header['span'] ) else: current_span = 1 mode = "variableStep" elif line.startswith( "fixedStep" ): header = parse_header( line ) current_chrom = header['chrom'] current_pos = int( header['start'] ) - 1 current_step = int( header['step'] ) if 'span' in header: current_span = int( header['span'] ) else: current_span = 1 mode = "fixedStep" elif mode == "bed": fields = line.split() if len( fields ) > 3: if len( fields ) > 5: yield fields[0], int( fields[1] ), int( fields[2] ), fields[5], float( fields[3] ) else: yield fields[0], int( fields[1] ), int( fields[2] ), strand, float( fields[3] ) elif mode == "variableStep": fields = line.split() pos = int( fields[0] ) - 1 yield current_chrom, pos, pos + current_span, strand, float( fields[1] ) elif mode == "fixedStep": yield current_chrom, current_pos, current_pos + current_span, strand, float( line.split()[0] ) current_pos += current_step else: raise ValueError("Unexpected input line: %s" % line.strip()) class Reader( object ): """ Iterator yielding chrom, position, value. Values are zero-based. Regions which lack a score are ignored. """ def __init__( self, f ): self.file = f def __iter__( self ): for chrom, start, end, strand, val in IntervalReader( self.file ): for pos in xrange( start, end ): yield chrom, pos, val