# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import six from six.moves import map, zip import warnings import math import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np import matplotlib.cbook as cbook import matplotlib.artist as artist from matplotlib.artist import allow_rasterization import matplotlib.colors as colors from matplotlib import docstring import matplotlib.transforms as transforms from matplotlib.path import Path import matplotlib.lines as mlines from matplotlib.bezier import split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath from matplotlib.bezier import get_intersection, inside_circle, get_parallels from matplotlib.bezier import make_wedged_bezier2 from matplotlib.bezier import split_path_inout, get_cos_sin from matplotlib.bezier import make_path_regular, concatenate_paths # these are not available for the object inspector until after the # class is built so we define an initial set here for the init # function and they will be overridden after object definition docstring.interpd.update(Patch=""" ================= ============================================== Property Description ================= ============================================== alpha float animated [True | False] antialiased or aa [True | False] capstyle ['butt' | 'round' | 'projecting'] clip_box a matplotlib.transform.Bbox instance clip_on [True | False] edgecolor or ec any matplotlib color facecolor or fc any matplotlib color figure a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance fill [True | False] hatch unknown joinstyle ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel'] label any string linewidth or lw float lod [True | False] transform a matplotlib.transform transformation instance visible [True | False] zorder any number ================= ============================================== """) _patch_alias_map = { 'antialiased': ['aa'], 'edgecolor': ['ec'], 'facecolor': ['fc'], 'linewidth': ['lw'], 'linestyle': ['ls'] } class Patch(artist.Artist): """ A patch is a 2D artist with a face color and an edge color. If any of *edgecolor*, *facecolor*, *linewidth*, or *antialiased* are *None*, they default to their rc params setting. """ zorder = 1 validCap = ('butt', 'round', 'projecting') validJoin = ('miter', 'round', 'bevel') # Whether to draw an edge by default. Set on a # subclass-by-subclass basis. _edge_default = False def __str__(self): return str(self.__class__).split('.')[-1] def __init__(self, edgecolor=None, facecolor=None, color=None, linewidth=None, linestyle=None, antialiased=None, hatch=None, fill=True, capstyle=None, joinstyle=None, **kwargs): """ The following kwarg properties are supported %(Patch)s """ artist.Artist.__init__(self) if linewidth is None: linewidth = mpl.rcParams['patch.linewidth'] if linestyle is None: linestyle = "solid" if capstyle is None: capstyle = 'butt' if joinstyle is None: joinstyle = 'miter' if antialiased is None: antialiased = mpl.rcParams['patch.antialiased'] self._hatch_color = colors.to_rgba(mpl.rcParams['hatch.color']) self._fill = True # needed for set_facecolor call if color is not None: if (edgecolor is not None or facecolor is not None): warnings.warn("Setting the 'color' property will override" "the edgecolor or facecolor properties. ") self.set_color(color) else: self.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) self.set_facecolor(facecolor) # unscaled dashes. Needed to scale dash patterns by lw self._us_dashes = None self._linewidth = 0 self.set_fill(fill) self.set_linestyle(linestyle) self.set_linewidth(linewidth) self.set_antialiased(antialiased) self.set_hatch(hatch) self.set_capstyle(capstyle) self.set_joinstyle(joinstyle) self._combined_transform = transforms.IdentityTransform() if len(kwargs): self.update(kwargs) def get_verts(self): """ Return a copy of the vertices used in this patch If the patch contains Bezier curves, the curves will be interpolated by line segments. To access the curves as curves, use :meth:`get_path`. """ trans = self.get_transform() path = self.get_path() polygons = path.to_polygons(trans) if len(polygons): return polygons[0] return [] def _process_radius(self, radius): if radius is not None: return radius if cbook.is_numlike(self._picker): _radius = self._picker else: if self.get_edgecolor()[3] == 0: _radius = 0 else: _radius = self.get_linewidth() return _radius def contains(self, mouseevent, radius=None): """Test whether the mouse event occurred in the patch. Returns T/F, {} """ if callable(self._contains): return self._contains(self, mouseevent) radius = self._process_radius(radius) inside = self.get_path().contains_point( (mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y), self.get_transform(), radius) return inside, {} def contains_point(self, point, radius=None): """ Returns *True* if the given point is inside the path (transformed with its transform attribute). """ radius = self._process_radius(radius) return self.get_path().contains_point(point, self.get_transform(), radius) def update_from(self, other): """ Updates this :class:`Patch` from the properties of *other*. """ artist.Artist.update_from(self, other) # For some properties we don't need or don't want to go through the # getters/setters, so we just copy them directly. self._edgecolor = other._edgecolor self._facecolor = other._facecolor self._fill = other._fill self._hatch = other._hatch self._hatch_color = other._hatch_color # copy the unscaled dash pattern self._us_dashes = other._us_dashes self.set_linewidth(other._linewidth) # also sets dash properties self.set_transform(other.get_data_transform()) def get_extents(self): """ Return a :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` object defining the axis-aligned extents of the :class:`Patch`. """ return self.get_path().get_extents(self.get_transform()) def get_transform(self): """ Return the :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` applied to the :class:`Patch`. """ return self.get_patch_transform() + artist.Artist.get_transform(self) def get_data_transform(self): """ Return the :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance which maps data coordinates to physical coordinates. """ return artist.Artist.get_transform(self) def get_patch_transform(self): """ Return the :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance which takes patch coordinates to data coordinates. For example, one may define a patch of a circle which represents a radius of 5 by providing coordinates for a unit circle, and a transform which scales the coordinates (the patch coordinate) by 5. """ return transforms.IdentityTransform() def get_antialiased(self): """ Returns True if the :class:`Patch` is to be drawn with antialiasing. """ return self._antialiased get_aa = get_antialiased def get_edgecolor(self): """ Return the edge color of the :class:`Patch`. """ return self._edgecolor get_ec = get_edgecolor def get_facecolor(self): """ Return the face color of the :class:`Patch`. """ return self._facecolor get_fc = get_facecolor def get_linewidth(self): """ Return the line width in points. """ return self._linewidth get_lw = get_linewidth def get_linestyle(self): """ Return the linestyle. Will be one of ['solid' | 'dashed' | 'dashdot' | 'dotted'] """ return self._linestyle get_ls = get_linestyle def set_antialiased(self, aa): """ Set whether to use antialiased rendering ACCEPTS: [True | False] or None for default """ if aa is None: aa = mpl.rcParams['patch.antialiased'] self._antialiased = aa self.stale = True def set_aa(self, aa): """alias for set_antialiased""" return self.set_antialiased(aa) def _set_edgecolor(self, color): set_hatch_color = True if color is None: if (mpl.rcParams['patch.force_edgecolor'] or not self._fill or self._edge_default): color = mpl.rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] else: color = 'none' set_hatch_color = False self._edgecolor = colors.to_rgba(color, self._alpha) if set_hatch_color: self._hatch_color = self._edgecolor self.stale = True def set_edgecolor(self, color): """ Set the patch edge color ACCEPTS: mpl color spec, None, 'none', or 'auto' """ self._original_edgecolor = color self._set_edgecolor(color) def set_ec(self, color): """alias for set_edgecolor""" return self.set_edgecolor(color) def _set_facecolor(self, color): if color is None: color = mpl.rcParams['patch.facecolor'] alpha = self._alpha if self._fill else 0 self._facecolor = colors.to_rgba(color, alpha) self.stale = True def set_facecolor(self, color): """ Set the patch face color ACCEPTS: mpl color spec, or None for default, or 'none' for no color """ self._original_facecolor = color self._set_facecolor(color) def set_fc(self, color): """alias for set_facecolor""" return self.set_facecolor(color) def set_color(self, c): """ Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor. ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec .. seealso:: :meth:`set_facecolor`, :meth:`set_edgecolor` For setting the edge or face color individually. """ self.set_facecolor(c) self.set_edgecolor(c) def set_alpha(self, alpha): """ Set the alpha tranparency of the patch. ACCEPTS: float or None """ if alpha is not None: try: float(alpha) except TypeError: raise TypeError('alpha must be a float or None') artist.Artist.set_alpha(self, alpha) self._set_facecolor(self._original_facecolor) self._set_edgecolor(self._original_edgecolor) # stale is already True def set_linewidth(self, w): """ Set the patch linewidth in points ACCEPTS: float or None for default """ if w is None: w = mpl.rcParams['patch.linewidth'] if w is None: w = mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] self._linewidth = float(w) # scale the dash pattern by the linewidth offset, ls = self._us_dashes self._dashoffset, self._dashes = mlines._scale_dashes( offset, ls, self._linewidth) self.stale = True def set_lw(self, lw): """alias for set_linewidth""" return self.set_linewidth(lw) def set_linestyle(self, ls): """ Set the patch linestyle =========================== ================= linestyle description =========================== ================= ``'-'`` or ``'solid'`` solid line ``'--'`` or ``'dashed'`` dashed line ``'-.'`` or ``'dashdot'`` dash-dotted line ``':'`` or ``'dotted'`` dotted line =========================== ================= Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:: (offset, onoffseq), where ``onoffseq`` is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points. ACCEPTS: ['solid' | 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted' | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ``'-'`` | ``'--'`` | ``'-.'`` | ``':'`` | ``'None'`` | ``' '`` | ``''``] Parameters ---------- ls : { '-', '--', '-.', ':'} and more see description The line style. """ if ls is None: ls = "solid" self._linestyle = ls # get the unscalled dash pattern offset, ls = self._us_dashes = mlines._get_dash_pattern(ls) # scale the dash pattern by the linewidth self._dashoffset, self._dashes = mlines._scale_dashes( offset, ls, self._linewidth) self.stale = True def set_ls(self, ls): """alias for set_linestyle""" return self.set_linestyle(ls) def set_fill(self, b): """ Set whether to fill the patch ACCEPTS: [True | False] """ self._fill = bool(b) self._set_facecolor(self._original_facecolor) self._set_edgecolor(self._original_edgecolor) self.stale = True def get_fill(self): 'return whether fill is set' return self._fill # Make fill a property so as to preserve the long-standing # but somewhat inconsistent behavior in which fill was an # attribute. fill = property(get_fill, set_fill) def set_capstyle(self, s): """ Set the patch capstyle ACCEPTS: ['butt' | 'round' | 'projecting'] """ s = s.lower() if s not in self.validCap: raise ValueError('set_capstyle passed "%s";\n' % (s,) + 'valid capstyles are %s' % (self.validCap,)) self._capstyle = s self.stale = True def get_capstyle(self): "Return the current capstyle" return self._capstyle def set_joinstyle(self, s): """ Set the patch joinstyle ACCEPTS: ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel'] """ s = s.lower() if s not in self.validJoin: raise ValueError('set_joinstyle passed "%s";\n' % (s,) + 'valid joinstyles are %s' % (self.validJoin,)) self._joinstyle = s self.stale = True def get_joinstyle(self): "Return the current joinstyle" return self._joinstyle def set_hatch(self, hatch): """ Set the hatching pattern *hatch* can be one of:: / - diagonal hatching \\ - back diagonal | - vertical - - horizontal + - crossed x - crossed diagonal o - small circle O - large circle . - dots * - stars Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern. Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only. ACCEPTS: ['/' | '\\\\' | '|' | '-' | '+' | 'x' | 'o' | 'O' | '.' | '*'] """ self._hatch = hatch self.stale = True def get_hatch(self): 'Return the current hatching pattern' return self._hatch @allow_rasterization def draw(self, renderer): 'Draw the :class:`Patch` to the given *renderer*.' if not self.get_visible(): return renderer.open_group('patch', self.get_gid()) gc = renderer.new_gc() gc.set_foreground(self._edgecolor, isRGBA=True) lw = self._linewidth if self._edgecolor[3] == 0: lw = 0 gc.set_linewidth(lw) gc.set_dashes(0, self._dashes) gc.set_capstyle(self._capstyle) gc.set_joinstyle(self._joinstyle) gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiased) self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_url(self._url) gc.set_snap(self.get_snap()) rgbFace = self._facecolor if rgbFace[3] == 0: rgbFace = None # (some?) renderers expect this as no-fill signal gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) if self._hatch: gc.set_hatch(self._hatch) try: gc.set_hatch_color(self._hatch_color) except AttributeError: # if we end up with a GC that does not have this method warnings.warn("Your backend does not have support for " "setting the hatch color.") if self.get_sketch_params() is not None: gc.set_sketch_params(*self.get_sketch_params()) path = self.get_path() transform = self.get_transform() tpath = transform.transform_path_non_affine(path) affine = transform.get_affine() if self.get_path_effects(): from matplotlib.patheffects import PathEffectRenderer renderer = PathEffectRenderer(self.get_path_effects(), renderer) renderer.draw_path(gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace) gc.restore() renderer.close_group('patch') self.stale = False def get_path(self): """ Return the path of this patch """ raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override') def get_window_extent(self, renderer=None): return self.get_path().get_extents(self.get_transform()) patchdoc = artist.kwdoc(Patch) for k in ('Rectangle', 'Circle', 'RegularPolygon', 'Polygon', 'Wedge', 'Arrow', 'FancyArrow', 'YAArrow', 'CirclePolygon', 'Ellipse', 'Arc', 'FancyBboxPatch', 'Patch'): docstring.interpd.update({k: patchdoc}) # define Patch.__init__ docstring after the class has been added to interpd docstring.dedent_interpd(Patch.__init__) class Shadow(Patch): def __str__(self): return "Shadow(%s)" % (str(self.patch)) @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, patch, ox, oy, props=None, **kwargs): """ Create a shadow of the given *patch* offset by *ox*, *oy*. *props*, if not *None*, is a patch property update dictionary. If *None*, the shadow will have have the same color as the face, but darkened. kwargs are %(Patch)s """ Patch.__init__(self) self.patch = patch self.props = props self._ox, self._oy = ox, oy self._shadow_transform = transforms.Affine2D() self._update() def _update(self): self.update_from(self.patch) if self.props is not None: self.update(self.props) else: r, g, b, a = colors.to_rgba(self.patch.get_facecolor()) rho = 0.3 r = rho * r g = rho * g b = rho * b self.set_facecolor((r, g, b, 0.5)) self.set_edgecolor((r, g, b, 0.5)) self.set_alpha(0.5) def _update_transform(self, renderer): ox = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._ox) oy = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._oy) self._shadow_transform.clear().translate(ox, oy) def _get_ox(self): return self._ox def _set_ox(self, ox): self._ox = ox def _get_oy(self): return self._oy def _set_oy(self, oy): self._oy = oy def get_path(self): return self.patch.get_path() def get_patch_transform(self): return self.patch.get_patch_transform() + self._shadow_transform def draw(self, renderer): self._update_transform(renderer) Patch.draw(self, renderer) class Rectangle(Patch): """ Draw a rectangle with lower left at *xy* = (*x*, *y*) with specified *width*, *height* and rotation *angle*. """ def __str__(self): pars = self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height, self.angle fmt = "Rectangle(xy=(%g, %g), width=%g, height=%g, angle=%g)" return fmt % pars @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, xy, width, height, angle=0.0, **kwargs): """ *angle* rotation in degrees (anti-clockwise) *fill* is a boolean indicating whether to fill the rectangle Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._x = xy[0] self._y = xy[1] self._width = width self._height = height self.angle = float(angle) # Note: This cannot be calculated until this is added to an Axes self._rect_transform = transforms.IdentityTransform() def get_path(self): """ Return the vertices of the rectangle """ return Path.unit_rectangle() def _update_patch_transform(self): """NOTE: This cannot be called until after this has been added to an Axes, otherwise unit conversion will fail. This maxes it very important to call the accessor method and not directly access the transformation member variable. """ x = self.convert_xunits(self._x) y = self.convert_yunits(self._y) width = self.convert_xunits(self._width) height = self.convert_yunits(self._height) bbox = transforms.Bbox.from_bounds(x, y, width, height) rot_trans = transforms.Affine2D() rot_trans.rotate_deg_around(x, y, self.angle) self._rect_transform = transforms.BboxTransformTo(bbox) self._rect_transform += rot_trans def get_patch_transform(self): self._update_patch_transform() return self._rect_transform def get_x(self): "Return the left coord of the rectangle" return self._x def get_y(self): "Return the bottom coord of the rectangle" return self._y def get_xy(self): "Return the left and bottom coords of the rectangle" return self._x, self._y def get_width(self): "Return the width of the rectangle" return self._width def get_height(self): "Return the height of the rectangle" return self._height def set_x(self, x): """ Set the left coord of the rectangle ACCEPTS: float """ self._x = x self.stale = True def set_y(self, y): """ Set the bottom coord of the rectangle ACCEPTS: float """ self._y = y self.stale = True def set_xy(self, xy): """ Set the left and bottom coords of the rectangle ACCEPTS: 2-item sequence """ self._x, self._y = xy self.stale = True def set_width(self, w): """ Set the width rectangle ACCEPTS: float """ self._width = w self.stale = True def set_height(self, h): """ Set the width rectangle ACCEPTS: float """ self._height = h self.stale = True def set_bounds(self, *args): """ Set the bounds of the rectangle: l,b,w,h ACCEPTS: (left, bottom, width, height) """ if len(args) == 0: l, b, w, h = args[0] else: l, b, w, h = args self._x = l self._y = b self._width = w self._height = h self.stale = True def get_bbox(self): return transforms.Bbox.from_bounds(self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) xy = property(get_xy, set_xy) class RegularPolygon(Patch): """ A regular polygon patch. """ def __str__(self): return "Poly%d(%g,%g)" % (self._numVertices, self._xy[0], self._xy[1]) @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, xy, numVertices, radius=5, orientation=0, **kwargs): """ Constructor arguments: *xy* A length 2 tuple (*x*, *y*) of the center. *numVertices* the number of vertices. *radius* The distance from the center to each of the vertices. *orientation* rotates the polygon (in radians). Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ self._xy = xy self._numVertices = numVertices self._orientation = orientation self._radius = radius self._path = Path.unit_regular_polygon(numVertices) self._poly_transform = transforms.Affine2D() self._update_transform() Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _update_transform(self): self._poly_transform.clear() \ .scale(self.radius) \ .rotate(self.orientation) \ .translate(*self.xy) def _get_xy(self): return self._xy def _set_xy(self, xy): self._xy = xy self._update_transform() xy = property(_get_xy, _set_xy) def _get_orientation(self): return self._orientation def _set_orientation(self, orientation): self._orientation = orientation self._update_transform() orientation = property(_get_orientation, _set_orientation) def _get_radius(self): return self._radius def _set_radius(self, radius): self._radius = radius self._update_transform() radius = property(_get_radius, _set_radius) def _get_numvertices(self): return self._numVertices def _set_numvertices(self, numVertices): self._numVertices = numVertices numvertices = property(_get_numvertices, _set_numvertices) def get_path(self): return self._path def get_patch_transform(self): self._update_transform() return self._poly_transform class PathPatch(Patch): """ A general polycurve path patch. """ _edge_default = True def __str__(self): return "Poly((%g, %g) ...)" % tuple(self._path.vertices[0]) @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): """ *path* is a :class:`matplotlib.path.Path` object. Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s .. seealso:: :class:`Patch` For additional kwargs """ Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._path = path def get_path(self): return self._path class Polygon(Patch): """ A general polygon patch. """ def __str__(self): return "Poly((%g, %g) ...)" % tuple(self._path.vertices[0]) @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, xy, closed=True, **kwargs): """ *xy* is a numpy array with shape Nx2. If *closed* is *True*, the polygon will be closed so the starting and ending points are the same. Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s .. seealso:: :class:`Patch` For additional kwargs """ Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._closed = closed self.set_xy(xy) def get_path(self): """ Get the path of the polygon Returns ------- path : Path The :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` object for the polygon """ return self._path def get_closed(self): """ Returns if the polygon is closed Returns ------- closed : bool If the path is closed """ return self._closed def set_closed(self, closed): """ Set if the polygon is closed Parameters ---------- closed : bool True if the polygon is closed """ if self._closed == bool(closed): return self._closed = bool(closed) self.set_xy(self.get_xy()) self.stale = True def get_xy(self): """ Get the vertices of the path Returns ------- vertices : numpy array The coordinates of the vertices as a Nx2 ndarray. """ return self._path.vertices def set_xy(self, xy): """ Set the vertices of the polygon Parameters ---------- xy : numpy array or iterable of pairs The coordinates of the vertices as a Nx2 ndarray or iterable of pairs. """ xy = np.asarray(xy) if self._closed: if len(xy) and (xy[0] != xy[-1]).any(): xy = np.concatenate([xy, [xy[0]]]) else: if len(xy) > 2 and (xy[0] == xy[-1]).all(): xy = xy[:-1] self._path = Path(xy, closed=self._closed) self.stale = True _get_xy = get_xy _set_xy = set_xy xy = property( get_xy, set_xy, None, """Set/get the vertices of the polygon. This property is provided for backward compatibility with matplotlib 0.91.x only. New code should use :meth:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon.get_xy` and :meth:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon.set_xy` instead.""") class Wedge(Patch): """ Wedge shaped patch. """ def __str__(self): pars = (self.center[0], self.center[1], self.r, self.theta1, self.theta2, self.width) fmt = "Wedge(center=(%g, %g), r=%g, theta1=%g, theta2=%g, width=%s)" return fmt % pars @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, center, r, theta1, theta2, width=None, **kwargs): """ Draw a wedge centered at *x*, *y* center with radius *r* that sweeps *theta1* to *theta2* (in degrees). If *width* is given, then a partial wedge is drawn from inner radius *r* - *width* to outer radius *r*. Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.center = center self.r, self.width = r, width self.theta1, self.theta2 = theta1, theta2 self._patch_transform = transforms.IdentityTransform() self._recompute_path() def _recompute_path(self): # Inner and outer rings are connected unless the annulus is complete if abs((self.theta2 - self.theta1) - 360) <= 1e-12: theta1, theta2 = 0, 360 connector = Path.MOVETO else: theta1, theta2 = self.theta1, self.theta2 connector = Path.LINETO # Form the outer ring arc = Path.arc(theta1, theta2) if self.width is not None: # Partial annulus needs to draw the outer ring # followed by a reversed and scaled inner ring v1 = arc.vertices v2 = arc.vertices[::-1] * float(self.r - self.width) / self.r v = np.vstack([v1, v2, v1[0, :], (0, 0)]) c = np.hstack([arc.codes, arc.codes, connector, Path.CLOSEPOLY]) c[len(arc.codes)] = connector else: # Wedge doesn't need an inner ring v = np.vstack([arc.vertices, [(0, 0), arc.vertices[0, :], (0, 0)]]) c = np.hstack([arc.codes, [connector, connector, Path.CLOSEPOLY]]) # Shift and scale the wedge to the final location. v *= self.r v += np.asarray(self.center) self._path = Path(v, c) def set_center(self, center): self._path = None self.center = center self.stale = True def set_radius(self, radius): self._path = None self.r = radius self.stale = True def set_theta1(self, theta1): self._path = None self.theta1 = theta1 self.stale = True def set_theta2(self, theta2): self._path = None self.theta2 = theta2 self.stale = True def set_width(self, width): self._path = None self.width = width self.stale = True def get_path(self): if self._path is None: self._recompute_path() return self._path # COVERAGE NOTE: Not used internally or from examples class Arrow(Patch): """ An arrow patch. """ def __str__(self): return "Arrow()" _path = Path([[0.0, 0.1], [0.0, -0.1], [0.8, -0.1], [0.8, -0.3], [1.0, 0.0], [0.8, 0.3], [0.8, 0.1], [0.0, 0.1]], closed=True) @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, x, y, dx, dy, width=1.0, **kwargs): """ Draws an arrow from (*x*, *y*) to (*x* + *dx*, *y* + *dy*). The width of the arrow is scaled by *width*. Parameters ---------- x : scalar x coordinate of the arrow tail y : scalar y coordinate of the arrow tail dx : scalar Arrow length in the x direction dy : scalar Arrow length in the y direction width : scalar, optional (default: 1) Scale factor for the width of the arrow. With a default value of 1, the tail width is 0.2 and head width is 0.6. **kwargs : Keyword arguments control the :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` properties: %(Patch)s See Also -------- :class:`FancyArrow` : Patch that allows independent control of the head and tail properties """ Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) L = np.hypot(dx, dy) if L != 0: cx = float(dx) / L sx = float(dy) / L else: # Account for division by zero cx, sx = 0, 1 trans1 = transforms.Affine2D().scale(L, width) trans2 = transforms.Affine2D.from_values(cx, sx, -sx, cx, 0.0, 0.0) trans3 = transforms.Affine2D().translate(x, y) trans = trans1 + trans2 + trans3 self._patch_transform = trans.frozen() def get_path(self): return self._path def get_patch_transform(self): return self._patch_transform class FancyArrow(Polygon): """ Like Arrow, but lets you set head width and head height independently. """ _edge_default = True def __str__(self): return "FancyArrow()" @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, x, y, dx, dy, width=0.001, length_includes_head=False, head_width=None, head_length=None, shape='full', overhang=0, head_starts_at_zero=False, **kwargs): """ Constructor arguments *width*: float (default: 0.001) width of full arrow tail *length_includes_head*: [True | False] (default: False) True if head is to be counted in calculating the length. *head_width*: float or None (default: 3*width) total width of the full arrow head *head_length*: float or None (default: 1.5 * head_width) length of arrow head *shape*: ['full', 'left', 'right'] (default: 'full') draw the left-half, right-half, or full arrow *overhang*: float (default: 0) fraction that the arrow is swept back (0 overhang means triangular shape). Can be negative or greater than one. *head_starts_at_zero*: [True | False] (default: False) if True, the head starts being drawn at coordinate 0 instead of ending at coordinate 0. Other valid kwargs (inherited from :class:`Patch`) are: %(Patch)s """ if head_width is None: head_width = 3 * width if head_length is None: head_length = 1.5 * head_width distance = np.hypot(dx, dy) if length_includes_head: length = distance else: length = distance + head_length if not length: verts = [] # display nothing if empty else: # start by drawing horizontal arrow, point at (0,0) hw, hl, hs, lw = head_width, head_length, overhang, width left_half_arrow = np.array([ [0.0, 0.0], # tip [-hl, -hw / 2.0], # leftmost [-hl * (1 - hs), -lw / 2.0], # meets stem [-length, -lw / 2.0], # bottom left [-length, 0], ]) # if we're not including the head, shift up by head length if not length_includes_head: left_half_arrow += [head_length, 0] # if the head starts at 0, shift up by another head length if head_starts_at_zero: left_half_arrow += [head_length / 2.0, 0] # figure out the shape, and complete accordingly if shape == 'left': coords = left_half_arrow else: right_half_arrow = left_half_arrow * [1, -1] if shape == 'right': coords = right_half_arrow elif shape == 'full': # The half-arrows contain the midpoint of the stem, # which we can omit from the full arrow. Including it # twice caused a problem with xpdf. coords = np.concatenate([left_half_arrow[:-1], right_half_arrow[-2::-1]]) else: raise ValueError("Got unknown shape: %s" % shape) if distance != 0: cx = float(dx) / distance sx = float(dy) / distance else: #Account for division by zero cx, sx = 0, 1 M = np.array([[cx, sx], [-sx, cx]]) verts = np.dot(coords, M) + (x + dx, y + dy) Polygon.__init__(self, list(map(tuple, verts)), closed=True, **kwargs) docstring.interpd.update({"FancyArrow": FancyArrow.__init__.__doc__}) class YAArrow(Patch): """ Yet another arrow class. This is an arrow that is defined in display space and has a tip at *x1*, *y1* and a base at *x2*, *y2*. """ def __str__(self): return "YAArrow()" @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, figure, xytip, xybase, width=4, frac=0.1, headwidth=12, **kwargs): """ Constructor arguments: *xytip* (*x*, *y*) location of arrow tip *xybase* (*x*, *y*) location the arrow base mid point *figure* The :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance (fig.dpi) *width* The width of the arrow in points *frac* The fraction of the arrow length occupied by the head *headwidth* The width of the base of the arrow head in points Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ self.xytip = xytip self.xybase = xybase self.width = width self.frac = frac self.headwidth = headwidth Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Set self.figure after Patch.__init__, since it sets self.figure to # None self.figure = figure def get_path(self): # Since this is dpi dependent, we need to recompute the path # every time. # the base vertices x1, y1 = self.xytip x2, y2 = self.xybase k1 = self.width * self.figure.dpi / 72. / 2. k2 = self.headwidth * self.figure.dpi / 72. / 2. xb1, yb1, xb2, yb2 = self.getpoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, k1) # a point on the segment 20% of the distance from the tip to the base theta = math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) r = math.sqrt((y2 - y1) ** 2. + (x2 - x1) ** 2.) xm = x1 + self.frac * r * math.cos(theta) ym = y1 + self.frac * r * math.sin(theta) xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = self.getpoints(x1, y1, xm, ym, k1) xd1, yd1, xd2, yd2 = self.getpoints(x1, y1, xm, ym, k2) xs = self.convert_xunits([xb1, xb2, xc2, xd2, x1, xd1, xc1, xb1]) ys = self.convert_yunits([yb1, yb2, yc2, yd2, y1, yd1, yc1, yb1]) return Path(list(zip(xs, ys)), closed=True) def get_patch_transform(self): return transforms.IdentityTransform() def getpoints(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, k): """ For line segment defined by (*x1*, *y1*) and (*x2*, *y2*) return the points on the line that is perpendicular to the line and intersects (*x2*, *y2*) and the distance from (*x2*, *y2*) of the returned points is *k*. """ x1, y1, x2, y2, k = map(float, (x1, y1, x2, y2, k)) if y2 - y1 == 0: return x2, y2 + k, x2, y2 - k elif x2 - x1 == 0: return x2 + k, y2, x2 - k, y2 m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) pm = -1. / m a = 1 b = -2 * y2 c = y2 ** 2. - k ** 2. * pm ** 2. / (1. + pm ** 2.) y3a = (-b + math.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a) x3a = (y3a - y2) / pm + x2 y3b = (-b - math.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a) x3b = (y3b - y2) / pm + x2 return x3a, y3a, x3b, y3b class CirclePolygon(RegularPolygon): """ A polygon-approximation of a circle patch. """ def __str__(self): return "CirclePolygon(%d,%d)" % self.center @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, xy, radius=5, resolution=20, # the number of vertices ** kwargs): """ Create a circle at *xy* = (*x*, *y*) with given *radius*. This circle is approximated by a regular polygon with *resolution* sides. For a smoother circle drawn with splines, see :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Circle`. Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ RegularPolygon.__init__(self, xy, resolution, radius, orientation=0, **kwargs) class Ellipse(Patch): """ A scale-free ellipse. """ def __str__(self): pars = (self.center[0], self.center[1], self.width, self.height, self.angle) fmt = "Ellipse(xy=(%s, %s), width=%s, height=%s, angle=%s)" return fmt % pars @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, xy, width, height, angle=0.0, **kwargs): """ *xy* center of ellipse *width* total length (diameter) of horizontal axis *height* total length (diameter) of vertical axis *angle* rotation in degrees (anti-clockwise) Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.center = xy self.width, self.height = width, height self.angle = angle self._path = Path.unit_circle() # Note: This cannot be calculated until this is added to an Axes self._patch_transform = transforms.IdentityTransform() def _recompute_transform(self): """NOTE: This cannot be called until after this has been added to an Axes, otherwise unit conversion will fail. This maxes it very important to call the accessor method and not directly access the transformation member variable. """ center = (self.convert_xunits(self.center[0]), self.convert_yunits(self.center[1])) width = self.convert_xunits(self.width) height = self.convert_yunits(self.height) self._patch_transform = transforms.Affine2D() \ .scale(width * 0.5, height * 0.5) \ .rotate_deg(self.angle) \ .translate(*center) def get_path(self): """ Return the vertices of the rectangle """ return self._path def get_patch_transform(self): self._recompute_transform() return self._patch_transform class Circle(Ellipse): """ A circle patch. """ def __str__(self): pars = self.center[0], self.center[1], self.radius fmt = "Circle(xy=(%g, %g), radius=%g)" return fmt % pars @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, xy, radius=5, **kwargs): """ Create true circle at center *xy* = (*x*, *y*) with given *radius*. Unlike :class:`~matplotlib.patches.CirclePolygon` which is a polygonal approximation, this uses Bézier splines and is much closer to a scale-free circle. Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ Ellipse.__init__(self, xy, radius * 2, radius * 2, **kwargs) self.radius = radius def set_radius(self, radius): """ Set the radius of the circle ACCEPTS: float """ self.width = self.height = 2 * radius self.stale = True def get_radius(self): 'return the radius of the circle' return self.width / 2. radius = property(get_radius, set_radius) class Arc(Ellipse): """ An elliptical arc. Because it performs various optimizations, it can not be filled. The arc must be used in an :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance---it can not be added directly to a :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`---because it is optimized to only render the segments that are inside the axes bounding box with high resolution. """ def __str__(self): pars = (self.center[0], self.center[1], self.width, self.height, self.angle, self.theta1, self.theta2) fmt = ("Arc(xy=(%g, %g), width=%g, " "height=%g, angle=%g, theta1=%g, theta2=%g)") return fmt % pars @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, xy, width, height, angle=0.0, theta1=0.0, theta2=360.0, **kwargs): """ The following args are supported: *xy* center of ellipse *width* length of horizontal axis *height* length of vertical axis *angle* rotation in degrees (anti-clockwise) *theta1* starting angle of the arc in degrees *theta2* ending angle of the arc in degrees If *theta1* and *theta2* are not provided, the arc will form a complete ellipse. Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ fill = kwargs.setdefault('fill', False) if fill: raise ValueError("Arc objects can not be filled") Ellipse.__init__(self, xy, width, height, angle, **kwargs) self.theta1 = theta1 self.theta2 = theta2 @allow_rasterization def draw(self, renderer): """ Ellipses are normally drawn using an approximation that uses eight cubic bezier splines. The error of this approximation is 1.89818e-6, according to this unverified source: Lancaster, Don. Approximating a Circle or an Ellipse Using Four Bezier Cubic Splines. http://www.tinaja.com/glib/ellipse4.pdf There is a use case where very large ellipses must be drawn with very high accuracy, and it is too expensive to render the entire ellipse with enough segments (either splines or line segments). Therefore, in the case where either radius of the ellipse is large enough that the error of the spline approximation will be visible (greater than one pixel offset from the ideal), a different technique is used. In that case, only the visible parts of the ellipse are drawn, with each visible arc using a fixed number of spline segments (8). The algorithm proceeds as follows: 1. The points where the ellipse intersects the axes bounding box are located. (This is done be performing an inverse transformation on the axes bbox such that it is relative to the unit circle -- this makes the intersection calculation much easier than doing rotated ellipse intersection directly). This uses the "line intersecting a circle" algorithm from: Vince, John. Geometry for Computer Graphics: Formulae, Examples & Proofs. London: Springer-Verlag, 2005. 2. The angles of each of the intersection points are calculated. 3. Proceeding counterclockwise starting in the positive x-direction, each of the visible arc-segments between the pairs of vertices are drawn using the bezier arc approximation technique implemented in :meth:`matplotlib.path.Path.arc`. """ if not hasattr(self, 'axes'): raise RuntimeError('Arcs can only be used in Axes instances') self._recompute_transform() width = self.convert_xunits(self.width) height = self.convert_yunits(self.height) # If the width and height of ellipse are not equal, take into account # stretching when calculating angles to draw between def theta_stretch(theta, scale): theta = np.deg2rad(theta) x = np.cos(theta) y = np.sin(theta) return np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(scale * y, x)) theta1 = theta_stretch(self.theta1, width / height) theta2 = theta_stretch(self.theta2, width / height) # Get width and height in pixels width, height = self.get_transform().transform_point((width, height)) inv_error = (1.0 / 1.89818e-6) * 0.5 if width < inv_error and height < inv_error: self._path = Path.arc(theta1, theta2) return Patch.draw(self, renderer) def iter_circle_intersect_on_line(x0, y0, x1, y1): dx = x1 - x0 dy = y1 - y0 dr2 = dx * dx + dy * dy D = x0 * y1 - x1 * y0 D2 = D * D discrim = dr2 - D2 # Single (tangential) intersection if discrim == 0.0: x = (D * dy) / dr2 y = (-D * dx) / dr2 yield x, y elif discrim > 0.0: # The definition of "sign" here is different from # np.sign: we never want to get 0.0 if dy < 0.0: sign_dy = -1.0 else: sign_dy = 1.0 sqrt_discrim = np.sqrt(discrim) for sign in (1., -1.): x = (D * dy + sign * sign_dy * dx * sqrt_discrim) / dr2 y = (-D * dx + sign * np.abs(dy) * sqrt_discrim) / dr2 yield x, y def iter_circle_intersect_on_line_seg(x0, y0, x1, y1): epsilon = 1e-9 if x1 < x0: x0e, x1e = x1, x0 else: x0e, x1e = x0, x1 if y1 < y0: y0e, y1e = y1, y0 else: y0e, y1e = y0, y1 x0e -= epsilon y0e -= epsilon x1e += epsilon y1e += epsilon for x, y in iter_circle_intersect_on_line(x0, y0, x1, y1): if x >= x0e and x <= x1e and y >= y0e and y <= y1e: yield x, y # Transforms the axes box_path so that it is relative to the unit # circle in the same way that it is relative to the desired # ellipse. box_path = Path.unit_rectangle() box_path_transform = transforms.BboxTransformTo(self.axes.bbox) + \ self.get_transform().inverted() box_path = box_path.transformed(box_path_transform) thetas = set() # For each of the point pairs, there is a line segment for p0, p1 in zip(box_path.vertices[:-1], box_path.vertices[1:]): x0, y0 = p0 x1, y1 = p1 for x, y in iter_circle_intersect_on_line_seg(x0, y0, x1, y1): theta = np.arccos(x) if y < 0: theta = 2 * np.pi - theta # Convert radians to angles theta = np.rad2deg(theta) if theta1 < theta < theta2: thetas.add(theta) thetas = sorted(thetas) + [theta2] last_theta = theta1 theta1_rad = np.deg2rad(theta1) inside = box_path.contains_point((np.cos(theta1_rad), np.sin(theta1_rad))) # save original path path_original = self._path for theta in thetas: if inside: Path.arc(last_theta, theta, 8) Patch.draw(self, renderer) inside = False else: inside = True last_theta = theta # restore original path self._path = path_original def bbox_artist(artist, renderer, props=None, fill=True): """ This is a debug function to draw a rectangle around the bounding box returned by :meth:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist.get_window_extent` of an artist, to test whether the artist is returning the correct bbox. *props* is a dict of rectangle props with the additional property 'pad' that sets the padding around the bbox in points. """ if props is None: props = {} props = props.copy() # don't want to alter the pad externally pad = props.pop('pad', 4) pad = renderer.points_to_pixels(pad) bbox = artist.get_window_extent(renderer) l, b, w, h = bbox.bounds l -= pad / 2. b -= pad / 2. w += pad h += pad r = Rectangle(xy=(l, b), width=w, height=h, fill=fill, ) r.set_transform(transforms.IdentityTransform()) r.set_clip_on(False) r.update(props) r.draw(renderer) def draw_bbox(bbox, renderer, color='k', trans=None): """ This is a debug function to draw a rectangle around the bounding box returned by :meth:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist.get_window_extent` of an artist, to test whether the artist is returning the correct bbox. """ l, b, w, h = bbox.bounds r = Rectangle(xy=(l, b), width=w, height=h, edgecolor=color, fill=False, ) if trans is not None: r.set_transform(trans) r.set_clip_on(False) r.draw(renderer) def _pprint_table(_table, leadingspace=2): """ Given the list of list of strings, return a string of REST table format. """ if leadingspace: pad = ' ' * leadingspace else: pad = '' columns = [[] for cell in _table[0]] for row in _table: for column, cell in zip(columns, row): column.append(cell) col_len = [max(len(cell) for cell in column) for column in columns] lines = [] table_formatstr = pad + ' '.join([('=' * cl) for cl in col_len]) lines.append('') lines.append(table_formatstr) lines.append(pad + ' '.join([cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(_table[0], col_len)])) lines.append(table_formatstr) lines.extend([(pad + ' '.join([cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(row, col_len)])) for row in _table[1:]]) lines.append(table_formatstr) lines.append('') return "\n".join(lines) def _pprint_styles(_styles): """ A helper function for the _Style class. Given the dictionary of (stylename : styleclass), return a formatted string listing all the styles. Used to update the documentation. """ import inspect _table = [["Class", "Name", "Attrs"]] for name, cls in sorted(_styles.items()): if six.PY2: args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(cls.__init__) else: (args, varargs, varkw, defaults, kwonlyargs, kwonlydefs, annotations) = inspect.getfullargspec(cls.__init__) if defaults: args = [(argname, argdefault) for argname, argdefault in zip(args[1:], defaults)] else: args = None if args is None: argstr = 'None' else: argstr = ",".join([("%s=%s" % (an, av)) for an, av in args]) # adding ``quotes`` since - and | have special meaning in reST _table.append([cls.__name__, "``%s``" % name, argstr]) return _pprint_table(_table) def _simpleprint_styles(_styles): """ A helper function for the _Style class. Given the dictionary of (stylename : styleclass), return a string rep of the list of keys. Used to update the documentation. """ return "[{}]".format("|".join(map(" '{}' ".format, sorted(_styles)))) class _Style(object): """ A base class for the Styles. It is meant to be a container class, where actual styles are declared as subclass of it, and it provides some helper functions. """ def __new__(self, stylename, **kw): """ return the instance of the subclass with the given style name. """ # the "class" should have the _style_list attribute, which is # a dictionary of stylname, style class paie. _list = stylename.replace(" ", "").split(",") _name = _list[0].lower() try: _cls = self._style_list[_name] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown style : %s" % stylename) try: _args_pair = [cs.split("=") for cs in _list[1:]] _args = {k: float(v) for k, v in _args_pair} except ValueError: raise ValueError("Incorrect style argument : %s" % stylename) _args.update(kw) return _cls(**_args) @classmethod def get_styles(klass): """ A class method which returns a dictionary of available styles. """ return klass._style_list @classmethod def pprint_styles(klass): """ A class method which returns a string of the available styles. """ return _pprint_styles(klass._style_list) @classmethod def register(klass, name, style): """ Register a new style. """ if not issubclass(style, klass._Base): raise ValueError("%s must be a subclass of %s" % (style, klass._Base)) klass._style_list[name] = style class BoxStyle(_Style): """ :class:`BoxStyle` is a container class which defines several boxstyle classes, which are used for :class:`FancyBboxPatch`. A style object can be created as:: BoxStyle.Round(pad=0.2) or:: BoxStyle("Round", pad=0.2) or:: BoxStyle("Round, pad=0.2") Following boxstyle classes are defined. %(AvailableBoxstyles)s An instance of any boxstyle class is an callable object, whose call signature is:: __call__(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size, aspect_ratio=1.) and returns a :class:`Path` instance. *x0*, *y0*, *width* and *height* specify the location and size of the box to be drawn. *mutation_scale* determines the overall size of the mutation (by which I mean the transformation of the rectangle to the fancy box). *mutation_aspect* determines the aspect-ratio of the mutation. """ _style_list = {} class _Base(object): """ :class:`BBoxTransmuterBase` and its derivatives are used to make a fancy box around a given rectangle. The :meth:`__call__` method returns the :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` of the fancy box. This class is not an artist and actual drawing of the fancy box is done by the :class:`FancyBboxPatch` class. """ # The derived classes are required to be able to be initialized # w/o arguments, i.e., all its argument (except self) must have # the default values. def __init__(self): """ initializtion. """ super(BoxStyle._Base, self).__init__() def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): """ The transmute method is a very core of the :class:`BboxTransmuter` class and must be overridden in the subclasses. It receives the location and size of the rectangle, and the mutation_size, with which the amount of padding and etc. will be scaled. It returns a :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` instance. """ raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override') def __call__(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size, aspect_ratio=1.): """ Given the location and size of the box, return the path of the box around it. - *x0*, *y0*, *width*, *height* : location and size of the box - *mutation_size* : a reference scale for the mutation. - *aspect_ratio* : aspect-ration for the mutation. """ # The __call__ method is a thin wrapper around the transmute method # and take care of the aspect. if aspect_ratio is not None: # Squeeze the given height by the aspect_ratio y0, height = y0 / aspect_ratio, height / aspect_ratio # call transmute method with squeezed height. path = self.transmute(x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size) vertices, codes = path.vertices, path.codes # Restore the height vertices[:, 1] = vertices[:, 1] * aspect_ratio return Path(vertices, codes) else: return self.transmute(x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size) def __reduce__(self): # because we have decided to nest thes classes, we need to # add some more information to allow instance pickling. import matplotlib.cbook as cbook return (cbook._NestedClassGetter(), (BoxStyle, self.__class__.__name__), self.__dict__ ) class Square(_Base): """ A simple square box. """ def __init__(self, pad=0.3): """ *pad* amount of padding """ self.pad = pad super(BoxStyle.Square, self).__init__() def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): pad = mutation_size * self.pad # width and height with padding added. width, height = width + 2*pad, height + 2*pad # boundary of the padded box x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad, x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height vertices = [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1), (x0, y0)] codes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] return Path(vertices, codes) _style_list["square"] = Square class Circle(_Base): """A simple circle box.""" def __init__(self, pad=0.3): """ Parameters ---------- pad : float The amount of padding around the original box. """ self.pad = pad super(BoxStyle.Circle, self).__init__() def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): pad = mutation_size * self.pad width, height = width + 2 * pad, height + 2 * pad # boundary of the padded box x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad, return Path.circle((x0 + width / 2, y0 + height / 2), max(width, height) / 2) _style_list["circle"] = Circle class LArrow(_Base): """ (left) Arrow Box """ def __init__(self, pad=0.3): self.pad = pad super(BoxStyle.LArrow, self).__init__() def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): # padding pad = mutation_size * self.pad # width and height with padding added. width, height = width + 2. * pad, height + 2. * pad # boundary of the padded box x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad, x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height dx = (y1 - y0) / 2. dxx = dx * .5 # adjust x0. 1.4 <- sqrt(2) x0 = x0 + pad / 1.4 cp = [(x0 + dxx, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0 + dxx, y1), (x0 + dxx, y1 + dxx), (x0 - dx, y0 + dx), (x0 + dxx, y0 - dxx), # arrow (x0 + dxx, y0), (x0 + dxx, y0)] com = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY] path = Path(cp, com) return path _style_list["larrow"] = LArrow class RArrow(LArrow): """ (right) Arrow Box """ def __init__(self, pad=0.3): super(BoxStyle.RArrow, self).__init__(pad) def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): p = BoxStyle.LArrow.transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size) p.vertices[:, 0] = 2 * x0 + width - p.vertices[:, 0] return p _style_list["rarrow"] = RArrow class DArrow(_Base): """ (Double) Arrow Box """ # This source is copied from LArrow, # modified to add a right arrow to the bbox. def __init__(self, pad=0.3): self.pad = pad super(BoxStyle.DArrow, self).__init__() def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): # padding pad = mutation_size * self.pad # width and height with padding added. # The width is padded by the arrows, so we don't need to pad it. height = height + 2. * pad # boundary of the padded box x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height dx = (y1 - y0)/2. dxx = dx * .5 # adjust x0. 1.4 <- sqrt(2) x0 = x0 + pad / 1.4 cp = [(x0 + dxx, y0), (x1, y0), # bot-segment (x1, y0 - dxx), (x1 + dx + dxx, y0 + dx), (x1, y1 + dxx), # right-arrow (x1, y1), (x0 + dxx, y1), # top-segment (x0 + dxx, y1 + dxx), (x0 - dx, y0 + dx), (x0 + dxx, y0 - dxx), # left-arrow (x0 + dxx, y0), (x0 + dxx, y0)] # close-poly com = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY] path = Path(cp, com) return path _style_list['darrow'] = DArrow class Round(_Base): """ A box with round corners. """ def __init__(self, pad=0.3, rounding_size=None): """ *pad* amount of padding *rounding_size* rounding radius of corners. *pad* if None """ self.pad = pad self.rounding_size = rounding_size super(BoxStyle.Round, self).__init__() def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): # padding pad = mutation_size * self.pad # size of the roudning corner if self.rounding_size: dr = mutation_size * self.rounding_size else: dr = pad width, height = width + 2. * pad, height + 2. * pad x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad, x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height # Round corners are implemented as quadratic bezier. e.g., # [(x0, y0-dr), (x0, y0), (x0+dr, y0)] for lower left corner. cp = [(x0 + dr, y0), (x1 - dr, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y0 + dr), (x1, y1 - dr), (x1, y1), (x1 - dr, y1), (x0 + dr, y1), (x0, y1), (x0, y1 - dr), (x0, y0 + dr), (x0, y0), (x0 + dr, y0), (x0 + dr, y0)] com = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3, Path.LINETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3, Path.LINETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3, Path.LINETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3, Path.CLOSEPOLY] path = Path(cp, com) return path _style_list["round"] = Round class Round4(_Base): """ Another box with round edges. """ def __init__(self, pad=0.3, rounding_size=None): """ *pad* amount of padding *rounding_size* rounding size of edges. *pad* if None """ self.pad = pad self.rounding_size = rounding_size super(BoxStyle.Round4, self).__init__() def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): # padding pad = mutation_size * self.pad # roudning size. Use a half of the pad if not set. if self.rounding_size: dr = mutation_size * self.rounding_size else: dr = pad / 2. width, height = (width + 2. * pad - 2 * dr, height + 2. * pad - 2 * dr) x0, y0 = x0 - pad + dr, y0 - pad + dr, x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height cp = [(x0, y0), (x0 + dr, y0 - dr), (x1 - dr, y0 - dr), (x1, y0), (x1 + dr, y0 + dr), (x1 + dr, y1 - dr), (x1, y1), (x1 - dr, y1 + dr), (x0 + dr, y1 + dr), (x0, y1), (x0 - dr, y1 - dr), (x0 - dr, y0 + dr), (x0, y0), (x0, y0)] com = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CLOSEPOLY] path = Path(cp, com) return path _style_list["round4"] = Round4 class Sawtooth(_Base): """ A sawtooth box. """ def __init__(self, pad=0.3, tooth_size=None): """ *pad* amount of padding *tooth_size* size of the sawtooth. pad* if None """ self.pad = pad self.tooth_size = tooth_size super(BoxStyle.Sawtooth, self).__init__() def _get_sawtooth_vertices(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): # padding pad = mutation_size * self.pad # size of sawtooth if self.tooth_size is None: tooth_size = self.pad * .5 * mutation_size else: tooth_size = self.tooth_size * mutation_size tooth_size2 = tooth_size / 2. width, height = (width + 2. * pad - tooth_size, height + 2. * pad - tooth_size) # the sizes of the vertical and horizontal sawtooth are # separately adjusted to fit the given box size. dsx_n = int(np.round((width - tooth_size) / (tooth_size * 2))) * 2 dsx = (width - tooth_size) / dsx_n dsy_n = int(np.round((height - tooth_size) / (tooth_size * 2))) * 2 dsy = (height - tooth_size) / dsy_n x0, y0 = x0 - pad + tooth_size2, y0 - pad + tooth_size2 x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height bottom_saw_x = [x0] + \ [x0 + tooth_size2 + dsx * .5 * i for i in range(dsx_n * 2)] + \ [x1 - tooth_size2] bottom_saw_y = [y0] + \ [y0 - tooth_size2, y0, y0 + tooth_size2, y0] * dsx_n + \ [y0 - tooth_size2] right_saw_x = [x1] + \ [x1 + tooth_size2, x1, x1 - tooth_size2, x1] * dsx_n + \ [x1 + tooth_size2] right_saw_y = [y0] + \ [y0 + tooth_size2 + dsy * .5 * i for i in range(dsy_n * 2)] + \ [y1 - tooth_size2] top_saw_x = [x1] + \ [x1 - tooth_size2 - dsx * .5 * i for i in range(dsx_n * 2)] + \ [x0 + tooth_size2] top_saw_y = [y1] + \ [y1 + tooth_size2, y1, y1 - tooth_size2, y1] * dsx_n + \ [y1 + tooth_size2] left_saw_x = [x0] + \ [x0 - tooth_size2, x0, x0 + tooth_size2, x0] * dsy_n + \ [x0 - tooth_size2] left_saw_y = [y1] + \ [y1 - tooth_size2 - dsy * .5 * i for i in range(dsy_n * 2)] + \ [y0 + tooth_size2] saw_vertices = (list(zip(bottom_saw_x, bottom_saw_y)) + list(zip(right_saw_x, right_saw_y)) + list(zip(top_saw_x, top_saw_y)) + list(zip(left_saw_x, left_saw_y)) + [(bottom_saw_x[0], bottom_saw_y[0])]) return saw_vertices def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): saw_vertices = self._get_sawtooth_vertices(x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size) path = Path(saw_vertices, closed=True) return path _style_list["sawtooth"] = Sawtooth class Roundtooth(Sawtooth): """A rounded tooth box.""" def __init__(self, pad=0.3, tooth_size=None): """ *pad* amount of padding *tooth_size* size of the sawtooth. pad* if None """ super(BoxStyle.Roundtooth, self).__init__(pad, tooth_size) def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): saw_vertices = self._get_sawtooth_vertices(x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size) # Add a trailing vertex to allow us to close the polygon correctly saw_vertices = np.concatenate([np.array(saw_vertices), [saw_vertices[0]]], axis=0) codes = ([Path.MOVETO] + [Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3] * ((len(saw_vertices)-1)//2) + [Path.CLOSEPOLY]) return Path(saw_vertices, codes) _style_list["roundtooth"] = Roundtooth if __doc__: # __doc__ could be None if -OO optimization is enabled __doc__ = cbook.dedent(__doc__) % \ {"AvailableBoxstyles": _pprint_styles(_style_list)} docstring.interpd.update( AvailableBoxstyles=_pprint_styles(BoxStyle._style_list), ListBoxstyles=_simpleprint_styles(BoxStyle._style_list)) class FancyBboxPatch(Patch): """ Draw a fancy box around a rectangle with lower left at *xy*=(*x*, *y*) with specified width and height. :class:`FancyBboxPatch` class is similar to :class:`Rectangle` class, but it draws a fancy box around the rectangle. The transformation of the rectangle box to the fancy box is delegated to the :class:`BoxTransmuterBase` and its derived classes. """ _edge_default = True def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ \ + "(%g,%g;%gx%g)" % (self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, xy, width, height, boxstyle="round", bbox_transmuter=None, mutation_scale=1., mutation_aspect=None, **kwargs): """ *xy* = lower left corner *width*, *height* *boxstyle* determines what kind of fancy box will be drawn. It can be a string of the style name with a comma separated attribute, or an instance of :class:`BoxStyle`. Following box styles are available. %(AvailableBoxstyles)s *mutation_scale* : a value with which attributes of boxstyle (e.g., pad) will be scaled. default=1. *mutation_aspect* : The height of the rectangle will be squeezed by this value before the mutation and the mutated box will be stretched by the inverse of it. default=None. Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._x = xy[0] self._y = xy[1] self._width = width self._height = height if boxstyle == "custom": if bbox_transmuter is None: raise ValueError("bbox_transmuter argument is needed with " "custom boxstyle") self._bbox_transmuter = bbox_transmuter else: self.set_boxstyle(boxstyle) self._mutation_scale = mutation_scale self._mutation_aspect = mutation_aspect self.stale = True @docstring.dedent_interpd def set_boxstyle(self, boxstyle=None, **kw): """ Set the box style. *boxstyle* can be a string with boxstyle name with optional comma-separated attributes. Alternatively, the attrs can be provided as keywords:: set_boxstyle("round,pad=0.2") set_boxstyle("round", pad=0.2) Old attrs simply are forgotten. Without argument (or with *boxstyle* = None), it returns available box styles. The following boxstyles are available: %(AvailableBoxstyles)s ACCEPTS: %(ListBoxstyles)s """ if boxstyle is None: return BoxStyle.pprint_styles() if isinstance(boxstyle, BoxStyle._Base) or callable(boxstyle): self._bbox_transmuter = boxstyle else: self._bbox_transmuter = BoxStyle(boxstyle, **kw) self.stale = True def set_mutation_scale(self, scale): """ Set the mutation scale. ACCEPTS: float """ self._mutation_scale = scale self.stale = True def get_mutation_scale(self): """ Return the mutation scale. """ return self._mutation_scale def set_mutation_aspect(self, aspect): """ Set the aspect ratio of the bbox mutation. ACCEPTS: float """ self._mutation_aspect = aspect self.stale = True def get_mutation_aspect(self): """ Return the aspect ratio of the bbox mutation. """ return self._mutation_aspect def get_boxstyle(self): "Return the boxstyle object" return self._bbox_transmuter def get_path(self): """ Return the mutated path of the rectangle """ _path = self.get_boxstyle()(self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height, self.get_mutation_scale(), self.get_mutation_aspect()) return _path # Following methods are borrowed from the Rectangle class. def get_x(self): "Return the left coord of the rectangle" return self._x def get_y(self): "Return the bottom coord of the rectangle" return self._y def get_width(self): "Return the width of the rectangle" return self._width def get_height(self): "Return the height of the rectangle" return self._height def set_x(self, x): """ Set the left coord of the rectangle ACCEPTS: float """ self._x = x self.stale = True def set_y(self, y): """ Set the bottom coord of the rectangle ACCEPTS: float """ self._y = y self.stale = True def set_width(self, w): """ Set the width rectangle ACCEPTS: float """ self._width = w self.stale = True def set_height(self, h): """ Set the width rectangle ACCEPTS: float """ self._height = h self.stale = True def set_bounds(self, *args): """ Set the bounds of the rectangle: l,b,w,h ACCEPTS: (left, bottom, width, height) """ if len(args) == 0: l, b, w, h = args[0] else: l, b, w, h = args self._x = l self._y = b self._width = w self._height = h self.stale = True def get_bbox(self): return transforms.Bbox.from_bounds(self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) class ConnectionStyle(_Style): """ :class:`ConnectionStyle` is a container class which defines several connectionstyle classes, which is used to create a path between two points. These are mainly used with :class:`FancyArrowPatch`. A connectionstyle object can be either created as:: ConnectionStyle.Arc3(rad=0.2) or:: ConnectionStyle("Arc3", rad=0.2) or:: ConnectionStyle("Arc3, rad=0.2") The following classes are defined %(AvailableConnectorstyles)s An instance of any connection style class is an callable object, whose call signature is:: __call__(self, posA, posB, patchA=None, patchB=None, shrinkA=2., shrinkB=2.) and it returns a :class:`Path` instance. *posA* and *posB* are tuples of x,y coordinates of the two points to be connected. *patchA* (or *patchB*) is given, the returned path is clipped so that it start (or end) from the boundary of the patch. The path is further shrunk by *shrinkA* (or *shrinkB*) which is given in points. """ _style_list = {} class _Base(object): """ A base class for connectionstyle classes. The subclass needs to implement a *connect* method whose call signature is:: connect(posA, posB) where posA and posB are tuples of x, y coordinates to be connected. The method needs to return a path connecting two points. This base class defines a __call__ method, and a few helper methods. """ class SimpleEvent: def __init__(self, xy): self.x, self.y = xy def _clip(self, path, patchA, patchB): """ Clip the path to the boundary of the patchA and patchB. The starting point of the path needed to be inside of the patchA and the end point inside the patch B. The *contains* methods of each patch object is utilized to test if the point is inside the path. """ if patchA: def insideA(xy_display): xy_event = ConnectionStyle._Base.SimpleEvent(xy_display) return patchA.contains(xy_event)[0] try: left, right = split_path_inout(path, insideA) except ValueError: right = path path = right if patchB: def insideB(xy_display): xy_event = ConnectionStyle._Base.SimpleEvent(xy_display) return patchB.contains(xy_event)[0] try: left, right = split_path_inout(path, insideB) except ValueError: left = path path = left return path def _shrink(self, path, shrinkA, shrinkB): """ Shrink the path by fixed size (in points) with shrinkA and shrinkB """ if shrinkA: x, y = path.vertices[0] insideA = inside_circle(x, y, shrinkA) try: left, right = split_path_inout(path, insideA) path = right except ValueError: pass if shrinkB: x, y = path.vertices[-1] insideB = inside_circle(x, y, shrinkB) try: left, right = split_path_inout(path, insideB) path = left except ValueError: pass return path def __call__(self, posA, posB, shrinkA=2., shrinkB=2., patchA=None, patchB=None): """ Calls the *connect* method to create a path between *posA* and *posB*. The path is clipped and shrunken. """ path = self.connect(posA, posB) clipped_path = self._clip(path, patchA, patchB) shrunk_path = self._shrink(clipped_path, shrinkA, shrinkB) return shrunk_path def __reduce__(self): # because we have decided to nest these classes, we need to # add some more information to allow instance pickling. import matplotlib.cbook as cbook return (cbook._NestedClassGetter(), (ConnectionStyle, self.__class__.__name__), self.__dict__ ) class Arc3(_Base): """ Creates a simple quadratic bezier curve between two points. The curve is created so that the middle contol points (C1) is located at the same distance from the start (C0) and end points(C2) and the distance of the C1 to the line connecting C0-C2 is *rad* times the distance of C0-C2. """ def __init__(self, rad=0.): """ *rad* curvature of the curve. """ self.rad = rad def connect(self, posA, posB): x1, y1 = posA x2, y2 = posB x12, y12 = (x1 + x2) / 2., (y1 + y2) / 2. dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1 f = self.rad cx, cy = x12 + f * dy, y12 - f * dx vertices = [(x1, y1), (cx, cy), (x2, y2)] codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3] return Path(vertices, codes) _style_list["arc3"] = Arc3 class Angle3(_Base): """ Creates a simple quadratic bezier curve between two points. The middle control points is placed at the intersecting point of two lines which crosses the start (or end) point and has a angle of angleA (or angleB). """ def __init__(self, angleA=90, angleB=0): """ *angleA* starting angle of the path *angleB* ending angle of the path """ self.angleA = angleA self.angleB = angleB def connect(self, posA, posB): x1, y1 = posA x2, y2 = posB cosA = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleA)) sinA = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleA)) cosB = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleB)) sinB = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleB)) cx, cy = get_intersection(x1, y1, cosA, sinA, x2, y2, cosB, sinB) vertices = [(x1, y1), (cx, cy), (x2, y2)] codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3] return Path(vertices, codes) _style_list["angle3"] = Angle3 class Angle(_Base): """ Creates a picewise continuous quadratic bezier path between two points. The path has a one passing-through point placed at the intersecting point of two lines which crosses the start (or end) point and has a angle of angleA (or angleB). The connecting edges are rounded with *rad*. """ def __init__(self, angleA=90, angleB=0, rad=0.): """ *angleA* starting angle of the path *angleB* ending angle of the path *rad* rounding radius of the edge """ self.angleA = angleA self.angleB = angleB self.rad = rad def connect(self, posA, posB): x1, y1 = posA x2, y2 = posB cosA = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleA)) sinA = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleA)) cosB = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleB)) sinB = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleB)) cx, cy = get_intersection(x1, y1, cosA, sinA, x2, y2, cosB, sinB) vertices = [(x1, y1)] codes = [Path.MOVETO] if self.rad == 0.: vertices.append((cx, cy)) codes.append(Path.LINETO) else: dx1, dy1 = x1 - cx, y1 - cy d1 = (dx1 ** 2 + dy1 ** 2) ** .5 f1 = self.rad / d1 dx2, dy2 = x2 - cx, y2 - cy d2 = (dx2 ** 2 + dy2 ** 2) ** .5 f2 = self.rad / d2 vertices.extend([(cx + dx1 * f1, cy + dy1 * f1), (cx, cy), (cx + dx2 * f2, cy + dy2 * f2)]) codes.extend([Path.LINETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3]) vertices.append((x2, y2)) codes.append(Path.LINETO) return Path(vertices, codes) _style_list["angle"] = Angle class Arc(_Base): """ Creates a picewise continuous quadratic bezier path between two points. The path can have two passing-through points, a point placed at the distance of armA and angle of angleA from point A, another point with respect to point B. The edges are rounded with *rad*. """ def __init__(self, angleA=0, angleB=0, armA=None, armB=None, rad=0.): """ *angleA* : starting angle of the path *angleB* : ending angle of the path *armA* : length of the starting arm *armB* : length of the ending arm *rad* : rounding radius of the edges """ self.angleA = angleA self.angleB = angleB self.armA = armA self.armB = armB self.rad = rad def connect(self, posA, posB): x1, y1 = posA x2, y2 = posB vertices = [(x1, y1)] rounded = [] codes = [Path.MOVETO] if self.armA: cosA = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleA)) sinA = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleA)) # x_armA, y_armB d = self.armA - self.rad rounded.append((x1 + d * cosA, y1 + d * sinA)) d = self.armA rounded.append((x1 + d * cosA, y1 + d * sinA)) if self.armB: cosB = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleB)) sinB = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleB)) x_armB, y_armB = x2 + self.armB * cosB, y2 + self.armB * sinB if rounded: xp, yp = rounded[-1] dx, dy = x_armB - xp, y_armB - yp dd = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5 rounded.append((xp + self.rad * dx / dd, yp + self.rad * dy / dd)) vertices.extend(rounded) codes.extend([Path.LINETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3]) else: xp, yp = vertices[-1] dx, dy = x_armB - xp, y_armB - yp dd = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5 d = dd - self.rad rounded = [(xp + d * dx / dd, yp + d * dy / dd), (x_armB, y_armB)] if rounded: xp, yp = rounded[-1] dx, dy = x2 - xp, y2 - yp dd = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5 rounded.append((xp + self.rad * dx / dd, yp + self.rad * dy / dd)) vertices.extend(rounded) codes.extend([Path.LINETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3]) vertices.append((x2, y2)) codes.append(Path.LINETO) return Path(vertices, codes) _style_list["arc"] = Arc class Bar(_Base): """ A line with *angle* between A and B with *armA* and *armB*. One of the arms is extended so that they are connected in a right angle. The length of armA is determined by (*armA* + *fraction* x AB distance). Same for armB. """ def __init__(self, armA=0., armB=0., fraction=0.3, angle=None): """ Parameters ---------- armA : float minimum length of armA armB : float minimum length of armB fraction : float a fraction of the distance between two points that will be added to armA and armB. angle : float or None angle of the connecting line (if None, parallel to A and B) """ self.armA = armA self.armB = armB self.fraction = fraction self.angle = angle def connect(self, posA, posB): x1, y1 = posA x20, y20 = x2, y2 = posB theta1 = math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1 dd = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5 ddx, ddy = dx / dd, dy / dd armA, armB = self.armA, self.armB if self.angle is not None: theta0 = np.deg2rad(self.angle) dtheta = theta1 - theta0 dl = dd * math.sin(dtheta) dL = dd * math.cos(dtheta) x2, y2 = x1 + dL * math.cos(theta0), y1 + dL * math.sin(theta0) armB = armB - dl # update dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1 dd2 = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5 ddx, ddy = dx / dd2, dy / dd2 else: dl = 0. arm = max(armA, armB) f = self.fraction * dd + arm cx1, cy1 = x1 + f * ddy, y1 - f * ddx cx2, cy2 = x2 + f * ddy, y2 - f * ddx vertices = [(x1, y1), (cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2), (x20, y20)] codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO] return Path(vertices, codes) _style_list["bar"] = Bar if __doc__: __doc__ = cbook.dedent(__doc__) % \ {"AvailableConnectorstyles": _pprint_styles(_style_list)} def _point_along_a_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, d): """ find a point along a line connecting (x0, y0) -- (x1, y1) whose distance from (x0, y0) is d. """ dx, dy = x0 - x1, y0 - y1 ff = d / (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5 x2, y2 = x0 - ff * dx, y0 - ff * dy return x2, y2 class ArrowStyle(_Style): """ :class:`ArrowStyle` is a container class which defines several arrowstyle classes, which is used to create an arrow path along a given path. These are mainly used with :class:`FancyArrowPatch`. A arrowstyle object can be either created as:: ArrowStyle.Fancy(head_length=.4, head_width=.4, tail_width=.4) or:: ArrowStyle("Fancy", head_length=.4, head_width=.4, tail_width=.4) or:: ArrowStyle("Fancy, head_length=.4, head_width=.4, tail_width=.4") The following classes are defined %(AvailableArrowstyles)s An instance of any arrow style class is a callable object, whose call signature is:: __call__(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth, aspect_ratio=1.) and it returns a tuple of a :class:`Path` instance and a boolean value. *path* is a :class:`Path` instance along which the arrow will be drawn. *mutation_size* and *aspect_ratio* have the same meaning as in :class:`BoxStyle`. *linewidth* is a line width to be stroked. This is meant to be used to correct the location of the head so that it does not overshoot the destination point, but not all classes support it. """ _style_list = {} class _Base(object): """ Arrow Transmuter Base class ArrowTransmuterBase and its derivatives are used to make a fancy arrow around a given path. The __call__ method returns a path (which will be used to create a PathPatch instance) and a boolean value indicating the path is open therefore is not fillable. This class is not an artist and actual drawing of the fancy arrow is done by the FancyArrowPatch class. """ # The derived classes are required to be able to be initialized # w/o arguments, i.e., all its argument (except self) must have # the default values. def __init__(self): super(ArrowStyle._Base, self).__init__() @staticmethod def ensure_quadratic_bezier(path): """ Some ArrowStyle class only wokrs with a simple quaratic bezier curve (created with Arc3Connetion or Angle3Connector). This static method is to check if the provided path is a simple quadratic bezier curve and returns its control points if true. """ segments = list(path.iter_segments()) if ((len(segments) != 2) or (segments[0][1] != Path.MOVETO) or (segments[1][1] != Path.CURVE3)): msg = "'path' it's not a valid quadratic bezier curve" raise ValueError(msg) return list(segments[0][0]) + list(segments[1][0]) def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth): """ The transmute method is the very core of the ArrowStyle class and must be overridden in the subclasses. It receives the path object along which the arrow will be drawn, and the mutation_size, with which the arrow head etc. will be scaled. The linewidth may be used to adjust the path so that it does not pass beyond the given points. It returns a tuple of a Path instance and a boolean. The boolean value indicate whether the path can be filled or not. The return value can also be a list of paths and list of booleans of a same length. """ raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override') def __call__(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth, aspect_ratio=1.): """ The __call__ method is a thin wrapper around the transmute method and take care of the aspect ratio. """ path = make_path_regular(path) if aspect_ratio is not None: # Squeeze the given height by the aspect_ratio vertices, codes = path.vertices[:], path.codes[:] # Squeeze the height vertices[:, 1] = vertices[:, 1] / aspect_ratio path_shrunk = Path(vertices, codes) # call transmute method with squeezed height. path_mutated, fillable = self.transmute(path_shrunk, linewidth, mutation_size) if cbook.iterable(fillable): path_list = [] for p in zip(path_mutated): v, c = p.vertices, p.codes # Restore the height v[:, 1] = v[:, 1] * aspect_ratio path_list.append(Path(v, c)) return path_list, fillable else: return path_mutated, fillable else: return self.transmute(path, mutation_size, linewidth) def __reduce__(self): # because we have decided to nest thes classes, we need to # add some more information to allow instance pickling. import matplotlib.cbook as cbook return (cbook._NestedClassGetter(), (ArrowStyle, self.__class__.__name__), self.__dict__ ) class _Curve(_Base): """ A simple arrow which will work with any path instance. The returned path is simply concatenation of the original path + at most two paths representing the arrow head at the begin point and the at the end point. The arrow heads can be either open or closed. """ def __init__(self, beginarrow=None, endarrow=None, fillbegin=False, fillend=False, head_length=.2, head_width=.1): """ The arrows are drawn if *beginarrow* and/or *endarrow* are true. *head_length* and *head_width* determines the size of the arrow relative to the *mutation scale*. The arrowhead at the begin (or end) is closed if fillbegin (or fillend) is True. """ self.beginarrow, self.endarrow = beginarrow, endarrow self.head_length, self.head_width = head_length, head_width self.fillbegin, self.fillend = fillbegin, fillend super(ArrowStyle._Curve, self).__init__() def _get_arrow_wedge(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, head_dist, cos_t, sin_t, linewidth ): """ Return the paths for arrow heads. Since arrow lines are drawn with capstyle=projected, The arrow goes beyond the desired point. This method also returns the amount of the path to be shrunken so that it does not overshoot. """ # arrow from x0, y0 to x1, y1 dx, dy = x0 - x1, y0 - y1 cp_distance = np.hypot(dx, dy) # pad_projected : amount of pad to account the # overshooting of the projection of the wedge pad_projected = (.5 * linewidth / sin_t) # Account for division by zero if cp_distance == 0: cp_distance = 1 # apply pad for projected edge ddx = pad_projected * dx / cp_distance ddy = pad_projected * dy / cp_distance # offset for arrow wedge dx = dx / cp_distance * head_dist dy = dy / cp_distance * head_dist dx1, dy1 = cos_t * dx + sin_t * dy, -sin_t * dx + cos_t * dy dx2, dy2 = cos_t * dx - sin_t * dy, sin_t * dx + cos_t * dy vertices_arrow = [(x1 + ddx + dx1, y1 + ddy + dy1), (x1 + ddx, y1 + ddy), (x1 + ddx + dx2, y1 + ddy + dy2)] codes_arrow = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO] return vertices_arrow, codes_arrow, ddx, ddy def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth): head_length = self.head_length * mutation_size head_width = self.head_width * mutation_size head_dist = math.sqrt(head_length ** 2 + head_width ** 2) cos_t, sin_t = head_length / head_dist, head_width / head_dist # begin arrow x0, y0 = path.vertices[0] x1, y1 = path.vertices[1] # If there is no room for an arrow and a line, then skip the arrow has_begin_arrow = self.beginarrow and not (x0 == x1 and y0 == y1) if has_begin_arrow: verticesA, codesA, ddxA, ddyA = \ self._get_arrow_wedge(x1, y1, x0, y0, head_dist, cos_t, sin_t, linewidth) else: verticesA, codesA = [], [] ddxA, ddyA = 0., 0. # end arrow x2, y2 = path.vertices[-2] x3, y3 = path.vertices[-1] # If there is no room for an arrow and a line, then skip the arrow has_end_arrow = (self.endarrow and not ((x2 == x3) and (y2 == y3))) if has_end_arrow: verticesB, codesB, ddxB, ddyB = \ self._get_arrow_wedge(x2, y2, x3, y3, head_dist, cos_t, sin_t, linewidth) else: verticesB, codesB = [], [] ddxB, ddyB = 0., 0. # this simple code will not work if ddx, ddy is greater than # separation bettern vertices. _path = [Path(np.concatenate([[(x0 + ddxA, y0 + ddyA)], path.vertices[1:-1], [(x3 + ddxB, y3 + ddyB)]]), path.codes)] _fillable = [False] if has_begin_arrow: if self.fillbegin: p = np.concatenate([verticesA, [verticesA[0], verticesA[0]], ]) c = np.concatenate([codesA, [Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY]]) _path.append(Path(p, c)) _fillable.append(True) else: _path.append(Path(verticesA, codesA)) _fillable.append(False) if has_end_arrow: if self.fillend: _fillable.append(True) p = np.concatenate([verticesB, [verticesB[0], verticesB[0]], ]) c = np.concatenate([codesB, [Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY]]) _path.append(Path(p, c)) else: _fillable.append(False) _path.append(Path(verticesB, codesB)) return _path, _fillable class Curve(_Curve): """ A simple curve without any arrow head. """ def __init__(self): super(ArrowStyle.Curve, self).__init__( beginarrow=False, endarrow=False) _style_list["-"] = Curve class CurveA(_Curve): """ An arrow with a head at its begin point. """ def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2): """ Parameters ---------- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4 Length of the arrow head head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2 Width of the arrow head """ super(ArrowStyle.CurveA, self).__init__( beginarrow=True, endarrow=False, head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width) _style_list["<-"] = CurveA class CurveB(_Curve): """ An arrow with a head at its end point. """ def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2): """ Parameters ---------- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4 Length of the arrow head head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2 Width of the arrow head """ super(ArrowStyle.CurveB, self).__init__( beginarrow=False, endarrow=True, head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width) _style_list["->"] = CurveB class CurveAB(_Curve): """ An arrow with heads both at the begin and the end point. """ def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2): """ Parameters ---------- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4 Length of the arrow head head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2 Width of the arrow head """ super(ArrowStyle.CurveAB, self).__init__( beginarrow=True, endarrow=True, head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width) _style_list["<->"] = CurveAB class CurveFilledA(_Curve): """ An arrow with filled triangle head at the begin. """ def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2): """ Parameters ---------- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4 Length of the arrow head head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2 Width of the arrow head """ super(ArrowStyle.CurveFilledA, self).__init__( beginarrow=True, endarrow=False, fillbegin=True, fillend=False, head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width) _style_list["<|-"] = CurveFilledA class CurveFilledB(_Curve): """ An arrow with filled triangle head at the end. """ def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2): """ Parameters ---------- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4 Length of the arrow head head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2 Width of the arrow head """ super(ArrowStyle.CurveFilledB, self).__init__( beginarrow=False, endarrow=True, fillbegin=False, fillend=True, head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width) _style_list["-|>"] = CurveFilledB class CurveFilledAB(_Curve): """ An arrow with filled triangle heads at both ends. """ def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2): """ Parameters ---------- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4 Length of the arrow head head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2 Width of the arrow head """ super(ArrowStyle.CurveFilledAB, self).__init__( beginarrow=True, endarrow=True, fillbegin=True, fillend=True, head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width) _style_list["<|-|>"] = CurveFilledAB class _Bracket(_Base): def __init__(self, bracketA=None, bracketB=None, widthA=1., widthB=1., lengthA=0.2, lengthB=0.2, angleA=None, angleB=None, scaleA=None, scaleB=None): self.bracketA, self.bracketB = bracketA, bracketB self.widthA, self.widthB = widthA, widthB self.lengthA, self.lengthB = lengthA, lengthB self.angleA, self.angleB = angleA, angleB self.scaleA, self.scaleB = scaleA, scaleB def _get_bracket(self, x0, y0, cos_t, sin_t, width, length): # arrow from x0, y0 to x1, y1 from matplotlib.bezier import get_normal_points x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_normal_points(x0, y0, cos_t, sin_t, width) dx, dy = length * cos_t, length * sin_t vertices_arrow = [(x1 + dx, y1 + dy), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x2 + dx, y2 + dy)] codes_arrow = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO] return vertices_arrow, codes_arrow def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth): if self.scaleA is None: scaleA = mutation_size else: scaleA = self.scaleA if self.scaleB is None: scaleB = mutation_size else: scaleB = self.scaleB vertices_list, codes_list = [], [] if self.bracketA: x0, y0 = path.vertices[0] x1, y1 = path.vertices[1] cos_t, sin_t = get_cos_sin(x1, y1, x0, y0) verticesA, codesA = self._get_bracket(x0, y0, cos_t, sin_t, self.widthA * scaleA, self.lengthA * scaleA) vertices_list.append(verticesA) codes_list.append(codesA) vertices_list.append(path.vertices) codes_list.append(path.codes) if self.bracketB: x0, y0 = path.vertices[-1] x1, y1 = path.vertices[-2] cos_t, sin_t = get_cos_sin(x1, y1, x0, y0) verticesB, codesB = self._get_bracket(x0, y0, cos_t, sin_t, self.widthB * scaleB, self.lengthB * scaleB) vertices_list.append(verticesB) codes_list.append(codesB) vertices = np.concatenate(vertices_list) codes = np.concatenate(codes_list) p = Path(vertices, codes) return p, False class BracketAB(_Bracket): """ An arrow with a bracket(]) at both ends. """ def __init__(self, widthA=1., lengthA=0.2, angleA=None, widthB=1., lengthB=0.2, angleB=None): """ Parameters ---------- widthA : float, optional, default : 1.0 Width of the bracket lengthA : float, optional, default : 0.2 Length of the bracket angleA : float, optional, default : None Angle between the bracket and the line widthB : float, optional, default : 1.0 Width of the bracket lengthB : float, optional, default : 0.2 Length of the bracket angleB : float, optional, default : None Angle between the bracket and the line """ super(ArrowStyle.BracketAB, self).__init__( True, True, widthA=widthA, lengthA=lengthA, angleA=angleA, widthB=widthB, lengthB=lengthB, angleB=angleB) _style_list["]-["] = BracketAB class BracketA(_Bracket): """ An arrow with a bracket(]) at its end. """ def __init__(self, widthA=1., lengthA=0.2, angleA=None): """ Parameters ---------- widthA : float, optional, default : 1.0 Width of the bracket lengthA : float, optional, default : 0.2 Length of the bracket angleA : float, optional, default : None Angle between the bracket and the line """ super(ArrowStyle.BracketA, self).__init__(True, None, widthA=widthA, lengthA=lengthA, angleA=angleA) _style_list["]-"] = BracketA class BracketB(_Bracket): """ An arrow with a bracket([) at its end. """ def __init__(self, widthB=1., lengthB=0.2, angleB=None): """ Parameters ---------- widthB : float, optional, default : 1.0 Width of the bracket lengthB : float, optional, default : 0.2 Length of the bracket angleB : float, optional, default : None Angle between the bracket and the line """ super(ArrowStyle.BracketB, self).__init__(None, True, widthB=widthB, lengthB=lengthB, angleB=angleB) _style_list["-["] = BracketB class BarAB(_Bracket): """ An arrow with a bar(|) at both ends. """ def __init__(self, widthA=1., angleA=None, widthB=1., angleB=None): """ Parameters ---------- widthA : float, optional, default : 1.0 Width of the bracket angleA : float, optional, default : None Angle between the bracket and the line widthB : float, optional, default : 1.0 Width of the bracket angleB : float, optional, default : None Angle between the bracket and the line """ super(ArrowStyle.BarAB, self).__init__( True, True, widthA=widthA, lengthA=0, angleA=angleA, widthB=widthB, lengthB=0, angleB=angleB) _style_list["|-|"] = BarAB class Simple(_Base): """ A simple arrow. Only works with a quadratic bezier curve. """ def __init__(self, head_length=.5, head_width=.5, tail_width=.2): """ Parameters ---------- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.5 Length of the arrow head head_width : float, optional, default : 0.5 Width of the arrow head tail_width : float, optional, default : 0.2 Width of the arrow tail """ self.head_length, self.head_width, self.tail_width = \ head_length, head_width, tail_width super(ArrowStyle.Simple, self).__init__() def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth): x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.ensure_quadratic_bezier(path) # divide the path into a head and a tail head_length = self.head_length * mutation_size in_f = inside_circle(x2, y2, head_length) arrow_path = [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)] from .bezier import NonIntersectingPathException try: arrow_out, arrow_in = \ split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath(arrow_path, in_f, tolerence=0.01) except NonIntersectingPathException: # if this happens, make a straight line of the head_length # long. x0, y0 = _point_along_a_line(x2, y2, x1, y1, head_length) x1n, y1n = 0.5 * (x0 + x2), 0.5 * (y0 + y2) arrow_in = [(x0, y0), (x1n, y1n), (x2, y2)] arrow_out = None # head head_width = self.head_width * mutation_size head_left, head_right = make_wedged_bezier2(arrow_in, head_width / 2., wm=.5) # tail if arrow_out is not None: tail_width = self.tail_width * mutation_size tail_left, tail_right = get_parallels(arrow_out, tail_width / 2.) patch_path = [(Path.MOVETO, tail_right[0]), (Path.CURVE3, tail_right[1]), (Path.CURVE3, tail_right[2]), (Path.LINETO, head_right[0]), (Path.CURVE3, head_right[1]), (Path.CURVE3, head_right[2]), (Path.CURVE3, head_left[1]), (Path.CURVE3, head_left[0]), (Path.LINETO, tail_left[2]), (Path.CURVE3, tail_left[1]), (Path.CURVE3, tail_left[0]), (Path.LINETO, tail_right[0]), (Path.CLOSEPOLY, tail_right[0]), ] else: patch_path = [(Path.MOVETO, head_right[0]), (Path.CURVE3, head_right[1]), (Path.CURVE3, head_right[2]), (Path.CURVE3, head_left[1]), (Path.CURVE3, head_left[0]), (Path.CLOSEPOLY, head_left[0]), ] path = Path([p for c, p in patch_path], [c for c, p in patch_path]) return path, True _style_list["simple"] = Simple class Fancy(_Base): """ A fancy arrow. Only works with a quadratic bezier curve. """ def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.4, tail_width=.4): """ Parameters ---------- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4 Length of the arrow head head_width : float, optional, default : 0.4 Width of the arrow head tail_width : float, optional, default : 0.4 Width of the arrow tail """ self.head_length, self.head_width, self.tail_width = \ head_length, head_width, tail_width super(ArrowStyle.Fancy, self).__init__() def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth): x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.ensure_quadratic_bezier(path) # divide the path into a head and a tail head_length = self.head_length * mutation_size arrow_path = [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)] from .bezier import NonIntersectingPathException # path for head in_f = inside_circle(x2, y2, head_length) try: path_out, path_in = \ split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath( arrow_path, in_f, tolerence=0.01) except NonIntersectingPathException: # if this happens, make a straight line of the head_length # long. x0, y0 = _point_along_a_line(x2, y2, x1, y1, head_length) x1n, y1n = 0.5 * (x0 + x2), 0.5 * (y0 + y2) arrow_path = [(x0, y0), (x1n, y1n), (x2, y2)] path_head = arrow_path else: path_head = path_in # path for head in_f = inside_circle(x2, y2, head_length * .8) path_out, path_in = split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath( arrow_path, in_f, tolerence=0.01 ) path_tail = path_out # head head_width = self.head_width * mutation_size head_l, head_r = make_wedged_bezier2(path_head, head_width / 2., wm=.6) # tail tail_width = self.tail_width * mutation_size tail_left, tail_right = make_wedged_bezier2(path_tail, tail_width * .5, w1=1., wm=0.6, w2=0.3) # path for head in_f = inside_circle(x0, y0, tail_width * .3) path_in, path_out = split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath( arrow_path, in_f, tolerence=0.01 ) tail_start = path_in[-1] head_right, head_left = head_r, head_l patch_path = [(Path.MOVETO, tail_start), (Path.LINETO, tail_right[0]), (Path.CURVE3, tail_right[1]), (Path.CURVE3, tail_right[2]), (Path.LINETO, head_right[0]), (Path.CURVE3, head_right[1]), (Path.CURVE3, head_right[2]), (Path.CURVE3, head_left[1]), (Path.CURVE3, head_left[0]), (Path.LINETO, tail_left[2]), (Path.CURVE3, tail_left[1]), (Path.CURVE3, tail_left[0]), (Path.LINETO, tail_start), (Path.CLOSEPOLY, tail_start), ] path = Path([p for c, p in patch_path], [c for c, p in patch_path]) return path, True _style_list["fancy"] = Fancy class Wedge(_Base): """ Wedge(?) shape. Only works with a quadratic bezier curve. The begin point has a width of the tail_width and the end point has a width of 0. At the middle, the width is shrink_factor*tail_width. """ def __init__(self, tail_width=.3, shrink_factor=0.5): """ Parameters ---------- tail_width : float, optional, default : 0.3 Width of the tail shrink_factor : float, optional, default : 0.5 Fraction of the arrow width at the middle point """ self.tail_width = tail_width self.shrink_factor = shrink_factor super(ArrowStyle.Wedge, self).__init__() def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth): x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.ensure_quadratic_bezier(path) arrow_path = [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)] b_plus, b_minus = make_wedged_bezier2( arrow_path, self.tail_width * mutation_size / 2., wm=self.shrink_factor) patch_path = [(Path.MOVETO, b_plus[0]), (Path.CURVE3, b_plus[1]), (Path.CURVE3, b_plus[2]), (Path.LINETO, b_minus[2]), (Path.CURVE3, b_minus[1]), (Path.CURVE3, b_minus[0]), (Path.CLOSEPOLY, b_minus[0]), ] path = Path([p for c, p in patch_path], [c for c, p in patch_path]) return path, True _style_list["wedge"] = Wedge if __doc__: __doc__ = cbook.dedent(__doc__) % \ {"AvailableArrowstyles": _pprint_styles(_style_list)} docstring.interpd.update( AvailableArrowstyles=_pprint_styles(ArrowStyle._style_list), AvailableConnectorstyles=_pprint_styles(ConnectionStyle._style_list), ) class FancyArrowPatch(Patch): """ A fancy arrow patch. It draws an arrow using the :class:`ArrowStyle`. The head and tail positions are fixed at the specified start and end points of the arrow, but the size and shape (in display coordinates) of the arrow does not change when the axis is moved or zoomed. """ _edge_default = True def __str__(self): if self._posA_posB is not None: (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = self._posA_posB return self.__class__.__name__ \ + "(%g,%g->%g,%g)" % (x1, y1, x2, y2) else: return self.__class__.__name__ \ + "(%s)" % (str(self._path_original),) @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, posA=None, posB=None, path=None, arrowstyle="simple", arrow_transmuter=None, connectionstyle="arc3", connector=None, patchA=None, patchB=None, shrinkA=2, shrinkB=2, mutation_scale=1, mutation_aspect=None, dpi_cor=1, **kwargs): """ If *posA* and *posB* are given, a path connecting two points is created according to *connectionstyle*. The path will be clipped with *patchA* and *patchB* and further shrunken by *shrinkA* and *shrinkB*. An arrow is drawn along this resulting path using the *arrowstyle* parameter. Alternatively if *path* is provided, an arrow is drawn along this path and *patchA*, *patchB*, *shrinkA*, and *shrinkB* are ignored. Parameters ---------- posA, posB : None, tuple, optional (default: None) (x,y) coordinates of arrow tail and arrow head respectively. path : None, Path (default: None) :class:`matplotlib.path.Path` instance. If provided, an arrow is drawn along this path and *patchA*, *patchB*, *shrinkA*, and *shrinkB* are ignored. arrowstyle : str or ArrowStyle, optional (default: 'simple') Describes how the fancy arrow will be drawn. It can be string of the available arrowstyle names, with optional comma-separated attributes, or an :class:`ArrowStyle` instance. The optional attributes are meant to be scaled with the *mutation_scale*. The following arrow styles are available: %(AvailableArrowstyles)s arrow_transmuter : Ignored connectionstyle : str, ConnectionStyle, or None, optional (default: 'arc3') Describes how *posA* and *posB* are connected. It can be an instance of the :class:`ConnectionStyle` class or a string of the connectionstyle name, with optional comma-separated attributes. The following connection styles are available: %(AvailableConnectorstyles)s connector : Ignored patchA, patchB : None, Patch, optional (default: None) Head and tail patch respectively. :class:`matplotlib.patch.Patch` instance. shrinkA, shrinkB : scalar, optional (default: 2) Shrinking factor of the tail and head of the arrow respectively mutation_scale : scalar, optional (default: 1) Value with which attributes of *arrowstyle* (e.g., *head_length*) will be scaled. mutation_aspect : None, scalar, optional (default: None) The height of the rectangle will be squeezed by this value before the mutation and the mutated box will be stretched by the inverse of it. dpi_cor : scalar, optional (default: 1) dpi_cor is currently used for linewidth-related things and shrink factor. Mutation scale is affected by this. Notes ----- Valid kwargs are: %(Patch)s """ Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) if posA is not None and posB is not None and path is None: self._posA_posB = [posA, posB] if connectionstyle is None: connectionstyle = "arc3" self.set_connectionstyle(connectionstyle) elif posA is None and posB is None and path is not None: self._posA_posB = None self._connetors = None else: raise ValueError("either posA and posB, or path need to provided") self.patchA = patchA self.patchB = patchB self.shrinkA = shrinkA self.shrinkB = shrinkB self._path_original = path self.set_arrowstyle(arrowstyle) self._mutation_scale = mutation_scale self._mutation_aspect = mutation_aspect self.set_dpi_cor(dpi_cor) def set_dpi_cor(self, dpi_cor): """ dpi_cor is currently used for linewidth-related things and shrink factor. Mutation scale is affected by this. Parameters ---------- dpi_cor : scalar """ self._dpi_cor = dpi_cor self.stale = True def get_dpi_cor(self): """ dpi_cor is currently used for linewidth-related things and shrink factor. Mutation scale is affected by this. Returns ------- dpi_cor : scalar """ return self._dpi_cor def set_positions(self, posA, posB): """ Set the begin and end positions of the connecting path. Parameters ---------- posA, posB : None, tuple (x,y) coordinates of arrow tail and arrow head respectively. If `None` use current value. """ if posA is not None: self._posA_posB[0] = posA if posB is not None: self._posA_posB[1] = posB self.stale = True def set_patchA(self, patchA): """ Set the tail patch. Parameters ---------- patchA : Patch :class:`matplotlib.patch.Patch` instance. """ self.patchA = patchA self.stale = True def set_patchB(self, patchB): """ Set the head patch. Parameters ---------- patchB : Patch :class:`matplotlib.patch.Patch` instance. """ self.patchB = patchB self.stale = True def set_connectionstyle(self, connectionstyle, **kw): """ Set the connection style. Old attributes are forgotten. Parameters ---------- connectionstyle : None, ConnectionStyle instance, or string Can be a string with connectionstyle name with optional comma-separated attributes, e.g.:: set_connectionstyle("arc,angleA=0,armA=30,rad=10") Alternatively, the attributes can be provided as keywords, e.g.:: set_connectionstyle("arc", angleA=0,armA=30,rad=10) Without any arguments (or with ``connectionstyle=None``), return available styles as a list of strings. """ if connectionstyle is None: return ConnectionStyle.pprint_styles() if (isinstance(connectionstyle, ConnectionStyle._Base) or callable(connectionstyle)): self._connector = connectionstyle else: self._connector = ConnectionStyle(connectionstyle, **kw) self.stale = True def get_connectionstyle(self): """ Return the :class:`ConnectionStyle` instance. """ return self._connector def set_arrowstyle(self, arrowstyle=None, **kw): """ Set the arrow style. Old attributes are forgotten. Without arguments (or with ``arrowstyle=None``) returns available box styles as a list of strings. Parameters ---------- arrowstyle : None, ArrowStyle, str, optional (default: None) Can be a string with arrowstyle name with optional comma-separated attributes, e.g.:: set_arrowstyle("Fancy,head_length=0.2") Alternatively attributes can be provided as keywords, e.g.:: set_arrowstyle("fancy", head_length=0.2) """ if arrowstyle is None: return ArrowStyle.pprint_styles() if isinstance(arrowstyle, ArrowStyle._Base): self._arrow_transmuter = arrowstyle else: self._arrow_transmuter = ArrowStyle(arrowstyle, **kw) self.stale = True def get_arrowstyle(self): """ Return the arrowstyle object. """ return self._arrow_transmuter def set_mutation_scale(self, scale): """ Set the mutation scale. Parameters ---------- scale : scalar """ self._mutation_scale = scale self.stale = True def get_mutation_scale(self): """ Return the mutation scale. Returns ------- scale : scalar """ return self._mutation_scale def set_mutation_aspect(self, aspect): """ Set the aspect ratio of the bbox mutation. Parameters ---------- aspect : scalar """ self._mutation_aspect = aspect self.stale = True def get_mutation_aspect(self): """ Return the aspect ratio of the bbox mutation. """ return self._mutation_aspect def get_path(self): """ Return the path of the arrow in the data coordinates. Use get_path_in_displaycoord() method to retrieve the arrow path in display coordinates. """ _path, fillable = self.get_path_in_displaycoord() if cbook.iterable(fillable): _path = concatenate_paths(_path) return self.get_transform().inverted().transform_path(_path) def get_path_in_displaycoord(self): """ Return the mutated path of the arrow in display coordinates. """ dpi_cor = self.get_dpi_cor() if self._posA_posB is not None: posA = self.get_transform().transform_point(self._posA_posB[0]) posB = self.get_transform().transform_point(self._posA_posB[1]) _path = self.get_connectionstyle()(posA, posB, patchA=self.patchA, patchB=self.patchB, shrinkA=self.shrinkA * dpi_cor, shrinkB=self.shrinkB * dpi_cor ) else: _path = self.get_transform().transform_path(self._path_original) _path, fillable = self.get_arrowstyle()( _path, self.get_mutation_scale() * dpi_cor, self.get_linewidth() * dpi_cor, self.get_mutation_aspect()) # if not fillable: # self._fill = False return _path, fillable def draw(self, renderer): if not self.get_visible(): return renderer.open_group('patch', self.get_gid()) gc = renderer.new_gc() gc.set_foreground(self._edgecolor, isRGBA=True) lw = self._linewidth if self._edgecolor[3] == 0: lw = 0 gc.set_linewidth(lw) gc.set_dashes(self._dashoffset, self._dashes) gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiased) self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_capstyle('round') gc.set_snap(self.get_snap()) rgbFace = self._facecolor if rgbFace[3] == 0: rgbFace = None # (some?) renderers expect this as no-fill signal gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) if self._hatch: gc.set_hatch(self._hatch) if self._hatch_color is not None: try: gc.set_hatch_color(self._hatch_color) except AttributeError: # if we end up with a GC that does not have this method warnings.warn("Your backend does not support setting the " "hatch color.") if self.get_sketch_params() is not None: gc.set_sketch_params(*self.get_sketch_params()) # FIXME : dpi_cor is for the dpi-dependecy of the # linewidth. There could be room for improvement. # # dpi_cor = renderer.points_to_pixels(1.) self.set_dpi_cor(renderer.points_to_pixels(1.)) path, fillable = self.get_path_in_displaycoord() if not cbook.iterable(fillable): path = [path] fillable = [fillable] affine = transforms.IdentityTransform() if self.get_path_effects(): from matplotlib.patheffects import PathEffectRenderer renderer = PathEffectRenderer(self.get_path_effects(), renderer) for p, f in zip(path, fillable): if f: renderer.draw_path(gc, p, affine, rgbFace) else: renderer.draw_path(gc, p, affine, None) gc.restore() renderer.close_group('patch') self.stale = False class ConnectionPatch(FancyArrowPatch): """ A :class:`~matplotlib.patches.ConnectionPatch` class is to make connecting lines between two points (possibly in different axes). """ def __str__(self): return "ConnectionPatch((%g,%g),(%g,%g))" % \ (self.xy1[0], self.xy1[1], self.xy2[0], self.xy2[1]) @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, xyA, xyB, coordsA, coordsB=None, axesA=None, axesB=None, arrowstyle="-", arrow_transmuter=None, connectionstyle="arc3", connector=None, patchA=None, patchB=None, shrinkA=0., shrinkB=0., mutation_scale=10., mutation_aspect=None, clip_on=False, dpi_cor=1., **kwargs): """ Connect point *xyA* in *coordsA* with point *xyB* in *coordsB* Valid keys are =============== ====================================================== Key Description =============== ====================================================== arrowstyle the arrow style connectionstyle the connection style relpos default is (0.5, 0.5) patchA default is bounding box of the text patchB default is None shrinkA default is 2 points shrinkB default is 2 points mutation_scale default is text size (in points) mutation_aspect default is 1. ? any key for :class:`matplotlib.patches.PathPatch` =============== ====================================================== *coordsA* and *coordsB* are strings that indicate the coordinates of *xyA* and *xyB*. ================= =================================================== Property Description ================= =================================================== 'figure points' points from the lower left corner of the figure 'figure pixels' pixels from the lower left corner of the figure 'figure fraction' 0,0 is lower left of figure and 1,1 is upper, right 'axes points' points from lower left corner of axes 'axes pixels' pixels from lower left corner of axes 'axes fraction' 0,1 is lower left of axes and 1,1 is upper right 'data' use the coordinate system of the object being annotated (default) 'offset points' Specify an offset (in points) from the *xy* value 'polar' you can specify *theta*, *r* for the annotation, even in cartesian plots. Note that if you are using a polar axes, you do not need to specify polar for the coordinate system since that is the native "data" coordinate system. ================= =================================================== """ if coordsB is None: coordsB = coordsA # we'll draw ourself after the artist we annotate by default self.xy1 = xyA self.xy2 = xyB self.coords1 = coordsA self.coords2 = coordsB self.axesA = axesA self.axesB = axesB FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, posA=(0, 0), posB=(1, 1), arrowstyle=arrowstyle, arrow_transmuter=arrow_transmuter, connectionstyle=connectionstyle, connector=connector, patchA=patchA, patchB=patchB, shrinkA=shrinkA, shrinkB=shrinkB, mutation_scale=mutation_scale, mutation_aspect=mutation_aspect, clip_on=clip_on, dpi_cor=dpi_cor, **kwargs) # if True, draw annotation only if self.xy is inside the axes self._annotation_clip = None def _get_xy(self, x, y, s, axes=None): """ caculate the pixel position of given point """ if axes is None: axes = self.axes if s == 'data': trans = axes.transData x = float(self.convert_xunits(x)) y = float(self.convert_yunits(y)) return trans.transform_point((x, y)) elif s == 'offset points': # convert the data point dx, dy = self.xy # prevent recursion if self.xycoords == 'offset points': return self._get_xy(dx, dy, 'data') dx, dy = self._get_xy(dx, dy, self.xycoords) # convert the offset dpi = self.figure.get_dpi() x *= dpi / 72. y *= dpi / 72. # add the offset to the data point x += dx y += dy return x, y elif s == 'polar': theta, r = x, y x = r * np.cos(theta) y = r * np.sin(theta) trans = axes.transData return trans.transform_point((x, y)) elif s == 'figure points': # points from the lower left corner of the figure dpi = self.figure.dpi l, b, w, h = self.figure.bbox.bounds r = l + w t = b + h x *= dpi / 72. y *= dpi / 72. if x < 0: x = r + x if y < 0: y = t + y return x, y elif s == 'figure pixels': # pixels from the lower left corner of the figure l, b, w, h = self.figure.bbox.bounds r = l + w t = b + h if x < 0: x = r + x if y < 0: y = t + y return x, y elif s == 'figure fraction': # (0,0) is lower left, (1,1) is upper right of figure trans = self.figure.transFigure return trans.transform_point((x, y)) elif s == 'axes points': # points from the lower left corner of the axes dpi = self.figure.dpi l, b, w, h = axes.bbox.bounds r = l + w t = b + h if x < 0: x = r + x * dpi / 72. else: x = l + x * dpi / 72. if y < 0: y = t + y * dpi / 72. else: y = b + y * dpi / 72. return x, y elif s == 'axes pixels': #pixels from the lower left corner of the axes l, b, w, h = axes.bbox.bounds r = l + w t = b + h if x < 0: x = r + x else: x = l + x if y < 0: y = t + y else: y = b + y return x, y elif s == 'axes fraction': #(0,0) is lower left, (1,1) is upper right of axes trans = axes.transAxes return trans.transform_point((x, y)) def set_annotation_clip(self, b): """ set *annotation_clip* attribute. * True: the annotation will only be drawn when self.xy is inside the axes. * False: the annotation will always be drawn regardless of its position. * None: the self.xy will be checked only if *xycoords* is "data" """ self._annotation_clip = b self.stale = True def get_annotation_clip(self): """ Return *annotation_clip* attribute. See :meth:`set_annotation_clip` for the meaning of return values. """ return self._annotation_clip def get_path_in_displaycoord(self): """ Return the mutated path of the arrow in the display coord """ dpi_cor = self.get_dpi_cor() x, y = self.xy1 posA = self._get_xy(x, y, self.coords1, self.axesA) x, y = self.xy2 posB = self._get_xy(x, y, self.coords2, self.axesB) _path = self.get_connectionstyle()(posA, posB, patchA=self.patchA, patchB=self.patchB, shrinkA=self.shrinkA * dpi_cor, shrinkB=self.shrinkB * dpi_cor ) _path, fillable = self.get_arrowstyle()( _path, self.get_mutation_scale() * dpi_cor, self.get_linewidth() * dpi_cor, self.get_mutation_aspect() ) return _path, fillable def _check_xy(self, renderer): """ check if the annotation need to be drawn. """ b = self.get_annotation_clip() if b or (b is None and self.coords1 == "data"): x, y = self.xy1 xy_pixel = self._get_xy(x, y, self.coords1, self.axesA) if not self.axes.contains_point(xy_pixel): return False if b or (b is None and self.coords2 == "data"): x, y = self.xy2 xy_pixel = self._get_xy(x, y, self.coords2, self.axesB) if self.axesB is None: axes = self.axes else: axes = self.axesB if not axes.contains_point(xy_pixel): return False return True def draw(self, renderer): """ Draw. """ if renderer is not None: self._renderer = renderer if not self.get_visible(): return if not self._check_xy(renderer): return FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)