""" Data IO api """ # flake8: noqa from pandas.io.parsers import read_csv, read_table, read_fwf from pandas.io.clipboards import read_clipboard from pandas.io.excel import ExcelFile, ExcelWriter, read_excel from pandas.io.pytables import HDFStore, get_store, read_hdf from pandas.io.json import read_json from pandas.io.html import read_html from pandas.io.sql import read_sql, read_sql_table, read_sql_query from pandas.io.sas import read_sas from pandas.io.feather_format import read_feather from pandas.io.stata import read_stata from pandas.io.pickle import read_pickle, to_pickle from pandas.io.packers import read_msgpack, to_msgpack from pandas.io.gbq import read_gbq # deprecation, xref #13790 def Term(*args, **kwargs): import warnings warnings.warn("pd.Term is deprecated as it is not " "applicable to user code. Instead use in-line " "string expressions in the where clause when " "searching in HDFStore", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) from pandas.io.pytables import Term return Term(*args, **kwargs)