/* @include ajfeatdata ******************************************************** ** ** AJAX feature data include file ** ** @author Copyright (C) 1999 Richard Bruskiewich ** @version $Revision: 1.34 $ ** @modified 2000 Ian Longden. ** @modified 2001 Peter Rice. ** @modified $Date: 2012/04/26 17:36:15 $ by $Author: mks $ ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef AJFEATDATA_H #define AJFEATDATA_H /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================= include files ============================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ #include "ajdefine.h" #include "ajstr.h" #include "ajlist.h" #include "ajtextdata.h" AJ_BEGIN_DECLS /* ========================================================================= */ /* =============================== constants =============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ #define DEFAULT_GFF_VERSION 3 /* ** some featflag values are retained for reading in old output files */ #define AJFEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ 0x0001 /* end */ #define AJFEATFLAG_GENERATED 0x0004 /* generated for GFF3 */ #define AJFEATFLAG_BETWEEN_SEQ 0x0008 /* x^y */ #define AJFEATFLAG_START_TWO 0x0010 /* x.y.. */ #define AJFEATFLAG_END_TWO 0x0020 /* ..x.y */ #define AJFEATFLAG_POINT 0x0040 /* x */ #define AJFEATFLAG_COMPLEMENT_MAIN 0x0080 /* complement around the join */ #define AJFEATFLAG_MULTIPLE 0x0100 /* part of a multiple i.e. join*/ #define AJFEATFLAG_GROUP 0x0200 /* group */ #define AJFEATFLAG_ORDER 0x0400 /* order */ #define AJFEATFLAG_ONEOF 0x0800 /* one_of */ #define AJFEATFLAG_REMOTEID 0x1000 /* AB012345.6: */ #define AJFEATFLAG_LABEL 0x2000 /* label as location */ #define AJFEATFLAG_START_UNSURE 0x4000 /* unsure position: SwissProt '?' */ #define AJFEATFLAG_END_UNSURE 0x8000 /* unsure position: SwissProt '?' */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================== public data ============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* @data AjPFeattable ********************************************************* ** ** Ajax data type for collecting AjPFeatures in a 'feature table'. ** The features themselves may be accessed via iteration methods. ** ** @alias AjSFeattable ** @alias AjOFeattable ** ** @new ajFeattableNew Constructor ** @delete ajFeattableDel Default destructor ** @modify ajFeattableAdd Adds an AjPFeature to a set ** @new ajFeatRead Reads in a feature set in a specified format ** ** @attr Seqid [AjPStr] Sequence name ** @attr Type [AjPStr] Sequence type: P or N ** @attr Features [AjPList] List of AjPFeatures... ** @attr Start [ajuint] First position used (like sequence begin) ** @attr End [ajuint] Last position used (like sequence end) ** @attr Len [ajuint] Maximum length ** @attr Offset [ajuint] Offset when trimmed ** @attr Groups [ajuint] Number of current group being added ** @attr Padding [ajuint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Db [AjPStr] Database name from input ** @attr Setdb [AjPStr] Database name from command line ** @attr Full [AjPStr] Full name ** @attr Qry [AjPStr] UFO query for re-reading ** @attr Formatstr [AjPStr] Input format name ** @attr Filename [AjPStr] Original filename ** @attr TextPtr [AjPStr] Full text ** @attr Fpos [ajlong] File position (fseek) for Query ** @attr Format [AjEnum] Input format enum ** @attr Circular [AjBool] true: circular nucleotide molecule ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFeattable { AjPStr Seqid; AjPStr Type; AjPList Features; ajuint Start; ajuint End; ajuint Len; ajuint Offset; ajuint Groups; ajuint Padding; AjPStr Db; AjPStr Setdb; AjPStr Full; AjPStr Qry; AjPStr Formatstr; AjPStr Filename; AjPStr TextPtr; ajlong Fpos; AjEnum Format; AjBool Circular; } AjOFeattable; #define AjPFeattable AjOFeattable* /* @data AjPFeattabin ********************************************************* ** ** Ajax class for feature table input ** ** @alias AjSFeattabin ** @alias AjOFeattabin ** @alias AjPFeattabIn ** ** @new ajFeattabinNew Constructor ** @new ajFeattabinNewSS Constructor with format, name and type ** @new ajFeattabinNewSSF Constructor with format, name, type and input file ** @delete ajFeattabinDel Destructor ** ** @attr Input [AjPTextin] Text file input object ** @attr Ufo [AjPStr] Original UFO ** @attr Formatstr [AjPStr] Input format name ** @attr Filename [AjPStr] Original filename ** @attr Seqid [AjPStr] Sequence entryname ** @attr Type [AjPStr] Type N or P ** @attr Seqname [AjPStr] name of AjPSeq assoc. with feature table ** @attr Local [AjBool] Opened as a local file if ajTrue ** @attr Rev [AjBool] Reverse/complement if true ** @attr Start [ajint] Start position ** @attr End [ajint] End position ** @attr Circular [AjBool] true: circular nucleotide molecule ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFeattabin { AjPTextin Input; AjPStr Ufo; AjPStr Formatstr; AjPStr Filename; AjPStr Seqid; AjPStr Type; AjPStr Seqname; AjBool Local; AjBool Rev; ajint Start; ajint End; AjBool Circular; char Padding[4]; } AjOFeattabin; #define AjPFeattabin AjOFeattabin* #define AjPFeattabIn AjOFeattabin* /* @data AjPFeattaball ******************************************************** ** ** Ajax feature all (stream) object. ** ** Inherits an AjPFeattable but allows more data resources to be read from the ** same input by also inheriting the AjPFeattabin input object. ** ** @alias AjSFeattaball ** @alias AjOFeattaball ** ** @attr Feattable [AjPFeattable] Current feature table ** @attr Feattabin [AjPFeattabin] Feature input for reading next ** @attr Totfeattables [ajulong] Count of feature tables so far ** @attr Count [ajuint] Count of feature tables so far ** @attr Multi [AjBool] True if multiple values are expected ** @attr Returned [AjBool] if true: featuure table object has been returned ** to a new owner ** and is not to be deleted by the destructor ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFeattaball { AjPFeattable Feattable; AjPFeattabin Feattabin; ajulong Totfeattables; ajuint Count; AjBool Multi; AjBool Returned; char Padding[4]; } AjOFeattaball; #define AjPFeattaball AjOFeattaball* /* @data AjPFeattabAccess ***************************************************** ** ** Ajax feature table access database reading object. ** ** Holds information needed to read a feature table from a database. ** Access methods are defined for each known database type. ** ** Feature tables are read from the database using the defined ** database access function, which is usually a static function ** within ajtextdb.c or ajfeatdb.c ** ** This should be a static data object but is needed for the definition ** of AjPFeatin. ** ** @alias AjSFeattabAccess ** @alias AjOFeattabAccess ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Access method name used in emboss.default ** @attr Access [AjBool function] Access function ** @attr AccessFree [AjBool function] Access cleanup function ** @attr Qlink [const char*] Supported query link operators ** @attr Desc [const char*] Description ** @attr Alias [AjBool] Alias for another name ** @attr Entry [AjBool] Supports retrieval of single entries ** @attr Query [AjBool] Supports retrieval of selected entries ** @attr All [AjBool] Supports retrieval of all entries ** @attr Chunked [AjBool] Supports retrieval of entries in chunks ** @attr Padding [AjBool] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFeattabAccess { const char *Name; AjBool (*Access) (AjPFeattabin ftabin); AjBool (*AccessFree) (void* qry); const char* Qlink; const char* Desc; AjBool Alias; AjBool Entry; AjBool Query; AjBool All; AjBool Chunked; AjBool Padding; } AjOFeattabAccess; #define AjPFeattabAccess AjOFeattabAccess* /* @data AjPFeattabOut ******************************************************** ** ** Ajax class for feature table output ** ** @alias AjSFeattabOut ** @alias AjOFeattabOut ** ** @new ajFeattabOutNew Constructor ** @new ajFeattabOutNewSSF Constructor with format, name, type and ** output file ** @delete ajFeattabOutDel Destructor ** ** @attr Ufo [AjPStr] Original output UFO ** @attr Formatstr [AjPStr] Output format name ** @attr Filename [AjPStr] Output filename ** @attr Directory [AjPStr] Output directory ** @attr Seqid [AjPStr] Output entryname ** @attr Type [AjPStr] Type N or P ** @attr Handle [AjPFile] Output file ** @attr Seqname [AjPStr] AjPSeq assoc. with feature table ** @attr Basename [AjPStr] Basename for output file ** @attr Format [ajint] Output format index ** @attr Local [AjBool] Opened as a local file if ajTrue ** @attr Count [ajuint] Number of feature tables written ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Cleanup [void function] Function to write remaining lines on closing ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFeattabOut { AjPStr Ufo; AjPStr Formatstr; AjPStr Filename; AjPStr Directory; AjPStr Seqid; AjPStr Type; AjPFile Handle; AjPStr Seqname; AjPStr Basename; ajint Format; AjBool Local; ajuint Count; char Padding[4]; void (*Cleanup) (AjPFile filethys); } AjOFeattabOut; #define AjPFeattabOut AjOFeattabOut* /* @data AjPFeature *********************************************************** ** ** Ajax Biological Feature object superclass. ** ** Holds generic data describing a single genome feature. ** ** A feature is a description of a ** sequence location which was determined by some 'source' analysis ** (which may be of 'wet lab' experimental or 'in silico' ** computational nature), has a 'primary' descriptor ('Type'), ** may have some 'score' asserting the level of analysis confidence in ** its identity (e.g. log likelihood relative to a null hypothesis or ** other similar entity), has a 'Location' in the genome, and may have ** any arbitrary number of descriptor Tags and TagValues associated with it. ** ** ** @alias AjSFeature ** @alias AjOFeature ** ** @new ajFeatNew Constructor - must specify the associated ** (non-null) AjPFeattable ** @new ajFeatNewII Simple constructor with only start and end ** positions ** @new ajFeatNewIIRev Simple constructor with only start and end ** positions, sets feature to be ** on the reverse strand ** @new ajFeatNewProt Protein-specific constructor - ** must specify the associated ** (non-null) AjPFeattable ** @delete ajFeatDel Default destructor ** @new ajFeatCopy Copy constructor ** ** @attr Source [AjPStr] Source program name (or EMBL) ** @attr Type [AjPStr] Feature type (feature key) from internal list ** for protein or nucleotide ** @attr Subfeatures [AjPList] Subfeatures ** @attr Tags [AjPList] Tag-value list (qualifier list) ** @attr GffTags [AjPList] GFF3 Tag-value list (qualifier list) ** @attr Protein [AjBool] true for a protein feature ** @attr Start [ajuint] Start position ** @attr End [ajuint] End position ** @attr Start2 [ajuint] Second start position - EMBL (a.b) ** @attr End2 [ajuint] Second end position - EMBL ..(a.b) ** @attr Frame [ajint] Frame 1..3, -1..-3 or 0 ** @attr Flags [ajuint] Flag bit mask for EMBL location ** @attr Group [ajuint] Group for join/order/one-of ** @attr Remote [AjPStr] Remote ID - EMBL Remote:a.b ** @attr Label [AjPStr] Label name for location - EMBL legacy ** @attr Exon [ajuint] Exon number ** @attr Score [float] Score or 0.0 if none ** @attr Strand [char] Strand +/- or NULL ** @attr Padding [char[7]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFeature { AjPStr Source; AjPStr Type; AjPList Subfeatures; AjPList Tags; AjPList GffTags; AjBool Protein; ajuint Start; ajuint End; ajuint Start2; ajuint End2; ajint Frame; ajuint Flags; ajuint Group; AjPStr Remote; AjPStr Label; ajuint Exon; float Score; char Strand; char Padding[7]; } AjOFeature; #define AjPFeature AjOFeature* /* @data AjPFeatGfftags ******************************************************* ** ** Biological feature GFF3 special tags ** ** @alias AjSFeatGfftags ** @alias AjOFeatGfftags ** ** @attr Id [AjPStr] Identifier attribute. Features with the same id are ** one feature with multiple locations ** @attr Name [AjPStr] Display name attribute, can be shared ** @attr Alias [AjPStr] Alias attribute (list) e.g. locus name, can be shared ** @attr Parent [AjPStr] Parent attribute (list) for part_of grouping ** @attr Target [AjPStr] Target attribute "target_id start end [strand]" ** @attr Gap [AjPStr] Gap attribute in exonerate CIGAR format ** @attr DerivesFrom [AjPStr] Derives_from attribute for relations ** @attr Note [AjPStr] Note attribute (list) ** @attr Dbxref [AjPStr] Dbxref attribute (list) in format DBTAG:ID ** @attr OntologyTerm [AjPStr] Ontology_term attribute (list) in format DBTAG:ID ** @attr IsCircular [AjPStr] Is_circular attribute ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFeatGfftags { AjPStr Id; AjPStr Name; AjPStr Alias; AjPStr Parent; AjPStr Target; AjPStr Gap; AjPStr DerivesFrom; AjPStr Note; AjPStr Dbxref; AjPStr OntologyTerm; AjPStr IsCircular; } AjOFeatGfftags; #define AjPFeatGfftags AjOFeatGfftags* /* ========================================================================= */ /* =========================== public functions ============================ */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ** Prototype definitions */ /* ** End of prototype definitions */ AJ_END_DECLS #endif /* !AJFEATDATA_H */