/* @include embshow *********************************************************** ** ** General routines for sequence display. ** ** @author Copyright (c) 2000 Gary Williams ** @version $Revision: 1.21 $ ** @modified $Date: 2011/10/18 14:24:25 $ by $Author: rice $ ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef EMBSHOW_H #define EMBSHOW_H /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================= include files ============================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ #include "ajdefine.h" #include "ajstr.h" #include "ajlist.h" #include "ajseqdata.h" #include "ajfeatdata.h" #include "ajrange.h" #include "ajtranslate.h" AJ_BEGIN_DECLS /* ========================================================================= */ /* =============================== constants =============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================== public data ============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* @enum ShowEValtype ********************************************************* ** ** Descriptor object types ** ** @value SH_SEQ Sequence ** @value SH_BLANK Blank line ** @value SH_TICK Tick marks ** @value SH_TICKNUM Tick numbers ** @value SH_COMP Complementary strand ** @value SH_TRAN Protein translation ** @value SH_RE Restriction enzyme cut sites ** @value SH_FT Features ** @value SH_NOTE Notes ******************************************************************************/ typedef enum { SH_SEQ, SH_BLANK, SH_TICK, SH_TICKNUM, SH_COMP, SH_TRAN, SH_RE, SH_FT, SH_NOTE } ShowEValtype; /* @data EmbPShow ************************************************************* ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for EmbPShow object for a sequence ** ** @attr list [AjPList] list of EmbPShowInfo structures ** ** @cc information about the sequence ** ** @attr seq [const AjPSeq] the sequence ** @attr nucleic [AjBool] ajTrue = the sequence is nucleic ** @attr offset [ajuint] offset to start numbering at ** @attr start [ajuint] sequence position to start printing at ** @attr end [ajuint] sequence position to stop printing at ** ** @cc information about the page layout ** ** @attr width [ajuint] width of sequence to display on each line ** @attr length [ajuint] length of a page (0 = indefinite) ** @attr margin [ajuint] margin for numbers ** @attr html [AjBool] ajTrue = format page for HTML ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShow { AjPList list; const AjPSeq seq; AjBool nucleic; ajuint offset; ajuint start; ajuint end; ajuint width; ajuint length; ajuint margin; AjBool html; } EmbOShow; #define EmbPShow EmbOShow* /* @data EmbPShowInfo ********************************************************* ** ** ** The sequence and associated things to show are held in an ordered list ** of type EmbPShowInfo. This list is held in the structure EmbPShow. ** ** The things to show are displayed around the sequence in the order that ** they are held on the list. ** ** EmbPShowInfo holds the descriptor (one of EmbPShowBlank, EmbPShowTicks, ** EmbPShowSeq, EmbPShowComp, etc.) and the type of the descriptor (one of ** SH_BLANK, SH_TICKS, SH_SEQ, SH_COMP, etc. ) ** ** Each descriptor (EmbPShowSeq, EmbPShowBlank, EmbPShowTicks, etc.) holds ** information that could be useful in displaying its type of information. ** ** So, for example: ** ** EmbPShow could have a list of: ** ---------------------------- ** ** EmbPShowInfo->type=SH_BLANK ** | ->info=EmbPShowBlank ** | ** EmbPShowInfo->type=SH_TICKS ** | ->info=EmbPShowTicks ** | ** EmbPShowInfo->type=SH_SEQ ** | ->info=EmbPShowSeq ** | ** EmbPShowInfo->type=SH_COMP ** | ->info=EmbPShowComp ** | ** EmbPShowInfo->type=etc. ** | ->info=etc. ** | ** etc. ** ** @attr info [void*] Information descriptor (set of available descriptors) ** @attr type [ajint] Type of information (enumerated list) ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowInfo { void * info; ajint type; char Padding[4]; } EmbOShowInfo; #define EmbPShowInfo EmbOShowInfo* /* @data EmbPShowSeq ********************************************************** ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for sequence information, type = SH_SEQ ** ** @attr number [AjBool] ajTrue = number the sequence ** @attr threeletter [AjBool] ajTrue = display proteins in three letter code ** @attr upperrange [const AjPRange] range of sequence to uppercase ** @attr highlight [const AjPRange] range of sequence to colour in HTML ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowSeq { AjBool number; AjBool threeletter; const AjPRange upperrange; const AjPRange highlight; } EmbOShowSeq; #define EmbPShowSeq EmbOShowSeq* /* blank line information, type = SH_BLANK */ /* @data EmbPShowBlank ******************************************************** ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for blank line information, type = SH_BLANK ** ** @attr dummy [AjBool] Dummy attribute - no specific information needed ** AJNEW0() falls over if 0 bytes are allocated, so ** put in this dummy to pad the structure out ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowBlank { AjBool dummy; } EmbOShowBlank; #define EmbPShowBlank EmbOShowBlank* /* @data EmbPShowTicks ******************************************************** ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for tick line information, type = SH_TICK ** ** @attr dummy [AjBool] Dummy attribute - no specific information needed ** AJNEW0() falls over if 0 bytes are allocated, so ** put in this dummy to pad the structure out ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowTicks { AjBool dummy; } EmbOShowTicks; #define EmbPShowTicks EmbOShowTicks* /* @data EmbPShowTicknum ****************************************************** ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for tick number line information, type = SH_TICKNUM ** ** @attr dummy [AjBool] Dummy attribute - no specific information needed ** AJNEW0() falls over if 0 bytes are allocated, so ** put in this dummy to pad the structure out ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowTicknum { AjBool dummy; } EmbOShowTicknum; #define EmbPShowTicknum EmbOShowTicknum* /* @data EmbPShowTran ********************************************************* ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for translation information, type = SH_TRAN ** ** @attr transeq [AjPSeq] Copy of our stored translation ** @attr trnTable [const AjPTrn] translation table ** @attr frame [ajint] 1,2,3,-1,-2 or -3 = frame to translate ** @attr threeletter [AjBool] ajTrue = display in three letter code ** @attr number [AjBool] ajTrue = number the translation ** @attr tranpos [ajuint] store of translation position for numbering ** @attr regions [const AjPRange] only translate in these regions, ** NULL = do all ** @attr orfminsize [ajuint] minimum size of ORF to display ** @attr lcinterorf [AjBool] ajTrue = put the inter-orf regions in lower case ** @attr firstorf [AjBool] ajTrue = beginning of the seq is a possible ORF ** @attr lastorf [AjBool] ajTrue = end of the seq is a possible ORF ** @attr showframe [AjBool] ajTrue = write the frame number ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowTran { AjPSeq transeq; const AjPTrn trnTable; ajint frame; AjBool threeletter; AjBool number; ajuint tranpos; const AjPRange regions; ajuint orfminsize; AjBool lcinterorf; AjBool firstorf; AjBool lastorf; AjBool showframe; char Padding[4]; } EmbOShowTran; #define EmbPShowTran EmbOShowTran* /* @data EmbPShowComp ********************************************************* ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for sequence complement information, type = SH_COMP ** ** @attr number [AjBool] ajTrue = number the complement ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowComp { AjBool number; } EmbOShowComp; #define EmbPShowComp EmbOShowComp* /* @data EmbPShowRE *********************************************************** ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for RE cut site information, type = SH_RE ** ** @attr sense [ajint] 1 or -1 = sense to display ** @attr flat [AjBool] ajTrue = display in flat format with recognition sites ** @attr matches [AjPList] list of AjPMatmatch matches ** @attr plasmid [AjBool] ajTrue = Circular (plasmid) sequence. Needed so ** that when we display sequences we can decide whether ** to show cuts that go past the origin in either ** direction ** @attr hits [ajuint] number of hits in list ** @attr sitelist [AjPList] list of EmbSShowREsite ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowRE { ajint sense; AjBool flat; AjPList matches; AjBool plasmid; ajuint hits; AjPList sitelist; } EmbOShowRE; #define EmbPShowRE EmbOShowRE* /* @data EmbPShowFT *********************************************************** ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for Feature information, type = SH_FT ** ** @attr feat [AjPFeattable] Feature table ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowFT { AjPFeattable feat; } EmbOShowFT; #define EmbPShowFT EmbOShowFT* /* @data EmbPShowNote ********************************************************* ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for annotation information, type = SH_NOTE ** ** @attr regions [const AjPRange] regions to annotate, NULL = no regions ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowNote { const AjPRange regions; } EmbOShowNote; #define EmbPShowNote EmbOShowNote* /********* assorted structures ***********/ /* @data EmbPShowREsite ******************************************************* ** ** NUCLEUS data structure for Restriction Enzyme cut site position list node ** ** @attr name [AjPStr] name of Restriction Enzyme ** @attr pos [ajint] cut site position ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSShowREsite { AjPStr name; ajint pos; char Padding[4]; } EmbOShowREsite; #define EmbPShowREsite EmbOShowREsite* /* ========================================================================= */ /* =========================== public functions ============================ */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ** Prototype definitions */ EmbPShow embShowNew (const AjPSeq seq, ajint begin, ajint end, ajint width, ajint length, ajint margin, AjBool html, ajint offset); void embShowDel (EmbPShow* pthis); void embShowAddSeq (EmbPShow thys, AjBool number, AjBool threeletter, const AjPRange upperrange, const AjPRange colour); void embShowAddBlank (EmbPShow thys); void embShowAddTicks (EmbPShow thys); void embShowAddTicknum (EmbPShow thys); void embShowAddComp (EmbPShow thys, AjBool number); void embShowAddTran (EmbPShow thys, const AjPTrn trnTable, ajint frame, AjBool threeletter, AjBool number, const AjPRange regions, ajint orfminsize, AjBool lcinterorf, AjBool firstorf, AjBool lastorf, AjBool showframe); void embShowAddRE (EmbPShow thys, ajint sense, const AjPList restrictlist, AjBool plasmid, AjBool flat); void embShowAddFT (EmbPShow thys, const AjPFeattable feat); void embShowAddNote (EmbPShow thys, const AjPRange regions); void embShowPrint (AjPFile out, const EmbPShow thys); void embShowUpperRange (AjPStr *line, const AjPRange upperrange, ajuint pos); void embShowColourRange (AjPStr *line, const AjPRange colour, ajuint pos); /* ** End of prototype definitions */ AJ_END_DECLS #endif /* !EMBSHOW_H */