RTG Command Reference

This chapter describes RTG commands with a generic description of parameter options and usage. This section also includes expected operation and output results.

Command line interface (CLI)

RTG is installed as a single executable in any system subdirectory where permissions authorize a particular community of users to run the application. RTG commands are executed through the RTG command-line interface (CLI). Each command has its own set of parameters and options described in this section. The availability of each command may be determined by the RTG license that has been installed. Contact support@realtimegenomics.com to discuss changing the set of commands that are enabled by your license.

Results are organized in results directories defined by command parameters and settings. The command line shell environment should include a set of familiar text post-processing tools, such as grep, awk, or perl. Otherwise, no additional applications such as databases or directory services are required.

RTG command syntax



To run an RTG command at the command prompt (either DOS window or Unix terminal), type the product name followed by the command and all required and optional parameters. For example:

$ rtg format -o human_REF_SDF human_REF.fasta

Typically results are written to output files specified with the -o option. There is no default filename or filename extension added to commands requiring specification of an output directory or format.

Many times, unfiltered output files are very large; the built-in compression option generates block compressed output files with the .gz extension automatically unless the parameter -Z or --no-gzip is issued with the command.

Many command parameters require user-supplied information of various types, as shown in the following:

Type Description
DIR, FILE File or directory name(s)
SDF Sequence data that has been formatted to SDF
INT Integer value
FLOAT Floating point decimal value
STRING A sequence of characters for comments, filenames, or labels

To display all parameters and syntax associated with an RTG command, enter the command and type --help. For example: all parameters available for the RTG format command are displayed when rtg format --help is executed, the output of which is shown below.

Usage: rtg format [OPTION]... -o SDF FILE+
                  [OPTION]... -o SDF -I FILE
                  [OPTION]... -o SDF -l FILE -r FILE

Converts the contents of sequence data files (FASTA/FASTQ/SAM/BAM) into the RTG
Sequence Data File (SDF) format.

File Input/Output
  -f, --format=FORMAT            format of input. Allowed values are [fasta,
                                 fastq, sam-se, sam-pe, cg-fastq, cg-sam]
                                 (Default is fasta)
  -I, --input-list-file=FILE     file containing a list of input read files (1
                                 per line)
  -l, --left=FILE                left input file for FASTA/FASTQ paired end
  -o, --output=SDF               name of output SDF
  -p, --protein                  input is protein. If this option is not
                                 specified, then the input is assumed to
                                 consist of nucleotides
  -q, --quality-format=FORMAT    format of quality data for fastq files (use
                                 sanger for Illumina 1.8+). Allowed values are
                                 [sanger, solexa, illumina]
  -r, --right=FILE               right input file for FASTA/FASTQ paired end
      FILE+                      input sequence files. May be specified 0 or
                                 more times

      --duster                   treat lower case residues as unknowns
      --exclude=STRING           exclude input sequences based on their name.
                                 If the input sequence contains the specified
                                 string then that sequence is excluded from the
                                 SDF. May be specified 0 or more times
      --select-read-group=STRING when formatting from SAM/BAM input, only
                                 include reads with this read group ID
      --trim-threshold=INT       trim read ends to maximise base quality above
                                 the given threshold

      --allow-duplicate-names    disable checking for duplicate sequence names
  -h, --help                     print help on command-line flag usage
      --no-names                 do not include name data in the SDF output
      --no-quality               do not include quality data in the SDF output
      --sam-rg=STRING|FILE       file containing a single valid read group SAM
                                 header line or a string in the form

Required parameters are indicated in the usage display; optional parameters are listed immediately below the usage information in organized categories.

Use the double-dash when typing the full-word command option, as in --output:

$ rtg format --output human_REF_SDF human_REF.fasta

Commonly used command options provide an abbreviated single-character version of a full command parameter, indicated with only a single dash, (Thus --output is the same as specifying the command option with the abbreviated character -o):

$ rtg format -o human_REF human_REF.fasta

A set of utility commands are provided through the CLI: version, license, and help. Start with these commands to familiarize yourself with the software.

The rtg version command invokes the RTG software and triggers the launch of RTG product commands, options, and utilities:

$ rtg version

It will display the version of the RTG software installed, RAM requirements, and license expiration, for example:

$rtg version
Product: RTG Core 3.5
Core Version: 6236f4e (2014-10-31)
RAM: 40.0GB of 47.0GB RAM can be used by rtg (84%)
License: Expires on 2015-09-30
License location: /home/rtgcustomer/rtg/rtg-license.txt
Contact: support@realtimegenomics.com

Patents / Patents pending:
US: 7,640,256, 13/129,329, 13/681,046, 13/681,215, 13/848,653,
13/925,704, 14/015,295, 13/971,654, 13/971,630, 14/564,810
UK: 1222923.3, 1222921.7, 1304502.6, 1311209.9, 1314888.7, 1314908.3
New Zealand: 626777, 626783, 615491, 614897, 614560
Australia: 2005255348, Singapore: 128254

John G. Cleary, Ross Braithwaite, Kurt Gaastra, Brian S. Hilbush, Stuart
Inglis, Sean A. Irvine, Alan Jackson, Richard Littin, Sahar
Nohzadeh-Malakshah, Mehul Rathod, David Ware, Len Trigg, and Francisco
M. De La Vega. "Joint Variant and De Novo Mutation Identification on
Pedigrees from High-Throughput Sequencing Data." Journal of
Computational Biology. June 2014, 21(6): 405-419.
(c) Real Time Genomics Inc, 2014

To see what commands you are licensed to use, type rtg license:

$rtg license
License: Expires on 2015-03-30
Licensed to: John Doe
License location: /home/rtgcustomer/rtg/rtg-license.txt

    Command name    Licensed?  Release Level

Data formatting:
    format          Licensed   GA
    sdf2fasta       Licensed   GA
    sdf2fastq       Licensed   GA

    bgzip           Licensed   GA
    index           Licensed   GA
    extract         Licensed   GA
    sdfstats        Licensed   GA
    sdfsubset       Licensed   GA
    sdfsubseq       Licensed   GA
    mendelian       Licensed   GA
    vcfstats        Licensed   GA
    vcfmerge        Licensed   GA
    vcffilter       Licensed   GA
    vcfannotate     Licensed   GA
    vcfsubset       Licensed   GA
    vcfeval         Licensed   GA
    pedfilter       Licensed   GA
    pedstats        Licensed   GA
    rocplot         Licensed   GA
    version         Licensed   GA
    license         Licensed   GA
    help            Licensed   GA

To display all commands and usage parameters available to use with your license, type rtg help:

$ rtg help
Usage: rtg COMMAND [OPTION]...
       rtg RTG_MEM=16G COMMAND [OPTION]...  (e.g. to set maximum memory use to 16 GB)

Type ``rtg help COMMAND`` for help on a specific command. The
following commands are available:

Data formatting:
      format                 convert a FASTA file to SDF
      cg2sdf                 convert Complete Genomics reads to SDF
      sdf2fasta              convert SDF to FASTA
      sdf2fastq              convert SDF to FASTQ
      sdf2sam                convert SDF to SAM/BAM
Read mapping:
      map                    read mapping
      mapf                   read mapping for filtering purposes
      cgmap                  read mapping for Complete Genomics data
Protein search:
      mapx                   translated protein search
      assemble               assemble reads into long sequences
      addpacbio              add Pacific Biosciences reads to an assembly
Variant detection:
      calibrate              create calibration data from SAM/BAM files
      svprep                 prepare SAM/BAM files for sv analysis
      sv                     find structural variants
      discord                detect structural variant breakends using discordant reads
      coverage               calculate depth of coverage from SAM/BAM files
      snp                    call variants from SAM/BAM files
      family                 call variants for a family following Mendelian inheritance
      somatic                call variants for a tumor/normal pair
      population             call variants for multiple potentially-related individuals
      lineage                call de novo variants in a cell lineage
      avrbuild               AVR model builder
      avrpredict             run AVR on a VCF file
      cnv                    call CNVs from paired SAM/BAM files
      species                estimate species frequency in metagenomic samples
      similarity             calculate similarity matrix and nearest neighbor tree
      genomesim              generate simulated genome sequence
      cgsim                  generate simulated reads from a sequence
      readsim                generate simulated reads from a sequence
      readsimeval            evaluate accuracy of mapping simulated reads
      popsim                 generate a VCF containing simulated population variants
      samplesim              generate a VCF containing a genotype simulated from a population
      childsim               generate a VCF containing a genotype simulated as a child of two parents
      denovosim              generate a VCF containing a derived genotype containing de novo variants
      samplereplay           generate the genome corresponding to a sample genotype
      cnvsim                 generate a mutated genome by adding CNVs to a template
      bgzip                  compress a file using block gzip
      index                  create a tabix index
      extract                extract data from a tabix indexed file
      sdfstats               print statistics about an SDF
      sdfsplit               split an SDF into multiple parts
      sdfsubset              extract a subset of an SDF into a new SDF
      sdfsubseq              extract a subsequence from an SDF as text
      sam2bam                convert SAM file to BAM file and create index
      sammerge               merge sorted SAM/BAM files
      samstats               print statistics about a SAM/BAM file
      samrename              rename read id to read name in SAM/BAM files
      mapxrename             rename read id to read name in mapx output files
      mendelian              check a multi-sample VCF for Mendelian consistency
      vcfstats               print statistics from about variants contained within a VCF file
      vcfmerge               merge single-sample VCF files into a single multi-sample VCF
      vcffilter              filter records within a VCF file
      vcfannotate            annotate variants within a VCF file
      vcfsubset              create a VCF file containing a subset of the original columns
      vcfeval                evaluate called variants for agreement with a baseline variant set
      pedfilter              filter and convert a pedigree file
      pedstats               print information about a pedigree file
      avrstats               print statistics about an AVR model
      rocplot                plot ROC curves from vcfeval ROC data files
      usageserver            run a local server for collecting RTG command usage information
      version                print version and license information
      license                print license information for all commands
      help                   print this screen or help for specified command

The help command will only list the commands for which you have a license to use.

To display help and syntax information for a specific command from the command line, type the command and then the –help option, as in:

$ rtg format --help


The following commands are synonymous: rtg help format and rtg format --help

See also

Refer to Installation and deployment for information about installing the RTG product executable.

Data Formatting Commands



The format command converts the contents of sequence data files (FASTA/FASTQ/SAM/BAM) into the RTG Sequence Data File (SDF) format. This step ensures efficient processing of very large data sets, by organizing the data into multiple binary files within a named directory. The same SDF format is used for storing sequence data, whether it be genomic reference, sequencing reads, protein sequences, etc.


Format one or more files specified from command line into a single SDF:

$ rtg format [OPTION] -o SDF FILE+

Format one or more files specified in a text file into a single SDF:

$ rtg format [OPTION] -o SDF -I FILE

Format mate pair reads into a single SDF:

$ rtg format [OPTION] -o SDF -l FILE -r FILE


For FASTA (.fa) genome reference data:

$ rtg format -o maize_reference maize_chr*.fa

For FASTQ (.fq) sequence read data:

$ rtg format -f fastq -q sanger -o h1_reads -l h1_sample_left.fq -r h1_sample_right.fq


File Input/Output
-f --format=FORMAT The format of the input file(s). Allowed values are [fasta, fastq, fastq-interleaved, sam-se, sam-pe] (Default is fasta).
-I --input-list-file=FILE Specifies a file containing a list of sequence data files (one per line) to be converted into an SDF.
-l --left=FILE The left input file for FASTA/FASTQ paired end data.
-o --output=SDF The name of the output SDF.
-p --protein Set if the input consists of protein. If this option is not specified, then the input is assumed to consist of nucleotides.
-q --quality-format=FORMAT The format of the quality data for fastq format files. (Use sanger for Illumina1.8+). Allowed values are [sanger, solexa, illumina].
-r --right=FILE The right input file for FASTA/FASTQ paired end data.
  FILE+ Specifies a sequence data file to be converted into an SDF. May be specified 0 or more times.
  --duster Treat lower case residues as unknowns.
  --exclude=STRING Exclude individual input sequences based on their name. If the input sequence name contains the specified string then that sequence is excluded from the SDF. May be specified 0 or more times.
  --select-read-group=STRING Set to only include only reads with this read group ID when formatting from SAM/BAM files.
  --trim-threshold=INT Set to trim the read ends to maximise the base quality above the given threshold.
  --allow-duplicate-names Set to disable duplicate name detection.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.
  --no-names Do not include sequence names in the resulting SDF.
  --no-quality Do not include sequence quality data in the resulting SDF.
  --sam-rg=STRING|FILE Specifies a file containing a single valid read group SAM header line or a string in the form @RG\tID:RG1\tSM:G1_SAMP\tPL:ILLUMINA.


Formatting takes one or more input data files and creates a single SDF. Specify the type of file to be converted, or allow default to FASTA format. To aggregate multiple input data files, such as when formatting a reference genome consisting of multiple chromosomes, list all files on the command line or use the --input-list-file flag to specify a file containing the list of files to process.

For input FASTA and FASTQ files which are compressed, they must have a filename extension of .gz (for gzip compressed data) or .bz2 (for bzip2 compressed data).

When formatting human reference genome data, it is recommended that the resulting SDF be augmented with chromosome reference metadata, in order to enable automatic sex-aware features during mapping and variant calling. The format command will automatically recognize several common human reference genomes and install a reference configuration file. If your reference genome is not recognized, a configuration can be manually adapted from one of the examples provided in the RTG distribution and installed in the SDF directory. The reference configuration is described in RTG reference file format.

When using FASTQ input files you must specify the quality format being used as one of sanger, solexa or illumina. As of Illumina pipeline version 1.8 and higher, quality values are encoded in Sanger format and so should be formatted using --quality-format=sanger. Output from earlier Illumina pipeline versions should be formatted using --quality-format=illumina for Illumina pipeline versions starting with 1.3 and before 1.8, or --quality-format=solexa for Illumina pipeline versions less than 1.3.

For FASTQ files that represent paired-end read data, indicate each side respectively using the --left=FILE and --right=FILE flags. Sometimes paired-end reads are represented in a single FASTQ file by interleaving each side of the read. This type of input can be formatted by specifying fastq-interleaved as the format type.

The mapx command maps translated DNA sequence data against a protein reference. You must use the -p, --protein flag to format the protein reference used by mapx.

Use the sam-se format for single end SAM/BAM input files and the sam-pe format for paired end SAM/BAM input files. Note that if the input SAM/BAM files are sorted in coordinate order (for example if they have already been aligned to a reference), it is recommended that they be shuffled before formatting, so that subsequent mapping is not biased by processing reads in chromosome order. For example, a BAM file can be shuffled using samtools collate as follows:

$ samtools collate -uOn 256 reads.bam tmp-prefix >reads_shuffled.bam

And this can be carried out on the fly during formatting using bash process redirection in order to reduce intermediate I/O, for example:

$ rtg format --format sam-pe <(samtools collate -uOn 256 reads.bam temp-prefix) ...

The SDF for a read set can contain a SAM read group which will be automatically picked up from the input SAM/BAM files if they contain only one read group. If the input SAM/BAM files contain multiple read groups you must select a single read group from the SAM/BAM file to format using the --select-read-group flag or specify a custom read group with the --sam-rg flag. The --sam-rg flag can also be used to add read group information to reads given in other input formats. The SAM read group stored in an SDF will be automatically used during mapping the reads it contains to provide tracking information in the output BAM files.

The --trim-threshold flag can be used to trim poor quality read ends from the input reads by inspecting base qualities from FASTQ input. If and only if the quality of the final base of the read is less than the threshold given, a new read length is found which maximizes the overall quality of the retained bases using the following formula.

\arg \max x\left({\sum_{i=x+1}^l (T - q(i))}\right) \text{ if } q(l) < T

Where l is the original read length, x is the new read length, T is the given threshold quality and q(n) is the quality of the base at the position n of the read.


Sequencing system read files and reference genome files often have the same extension and it may not always be obvious which file is a read set and which is a genome. Before formatting a sequencing system file, open it to see which type of file it is. For example:

$ less pf3.fa

In general, a read file typically begins with an @ or + character; a genome reference file typically begins with the characters chr.

Normally when the input data contains multiple sequences with the same name the format command will fail with an error. The --allow-duplicate-names flag will disable this check conserving memory, but if the input data has multiple sequences with the same name you will not be warned. Having duplicate sequence names can cause problems with other commands, especially for reference data since the output many commands identifies sequences by their names.



Convert SDF data into a FASTA file.


$ rtg sdf2fasta [OPTION]... -i SDF -o FILE


$ rtg sdf2fasta -i humanSDF -o humanFASTA_return


File Input/Output
-i --input=SDF SDF containing sequences.
-o --output=FILE Output filename (extension added if not present). Use ‘-‘ to write to standard output.
  --end-id=INT Only output sequences with sequence id less than the given number. (Sequence ids start at 0).
  --start-id=INT Only output sequences with sequence id greater than or equal to the given number. (Sequence ids start at 0).
-I --id-file=FILE Name of a file containing a list of sequences to extract, one per line.
  --names Interpret any specified sequence as names instead of numeric sequence ids.
  --taxons Interpret any specified sequence as taxon ids instead of numeric sequence ids. This option only applies to a metagenomic reference species SDF.
  STRING+ Specify one or more explicit sequences to extract, as sequence id, or sequence name if –names flag is set.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.
  --interleave Interleave paired data into a single output file. Default is to split to separate output files.
-l --line-length=INT Set the maximum number of nucleotides or amino acids to print on a line of FASTA output. Should be nonnegative, with a value of 0 indicating that the line length is not capped. (Default is 0).
-Z --no-gzip Set this flag to create the FASTA output file without compression. By default the output file is compressed with blocked gzip.


Use the sdf2fasta command to convert SDF data into FASTA format. By default, sdf2fasta creates a separate line of FASTA output for each sequence. These lines will be as long as the sequences themselves. To make them more readable, use the -l, --line-length flag and define a reasonable record length like 75.

By default all sequences will be extracted, but flags may be specified to extract reads within a range, or explicitly specified reads (either by numeric sequence id or by sequence name if --names is set). Additionally, when the input SDF is a metagenomic species reference SDF, the --taxons option, any supplied id is interpreted as a taxon id and all sequences assigned directly to that taxon id will be output. This provides a convenient way to extract all sequence data corresponding to a single (or multiple) species from a metagenomic species reference SDF.

Sequence ids are numbered starting at 0, the --start-id flag is an inclusive lower bound on id and the --end-id flag is an exclusive upper bound. For example if you have an SDF with five sequences (ids: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) the following command:

$ rtg sdf2fasta --start-id=3 -i mySDF -o output

will extract sequences with id 3 and 4. The command:

$ rtg sdf2fasta --end-id=3 -i mySDF -o output

will extract sequences with id 0, 1, and 2. And the command:

$ rtg sdf2fasta --start-id=2 --end-id=4 -i mySDF -o output

will extract sequences with id 2 and 3.



Convert SDF data into a FASTQ file.


$ rtg sdf2fastq [OPTION]... -i SDF -o FILE


$ rtg sdf2fastq -i humanSDF -o humanFASTQ_return


File Input/Output
-i --input=SDF Specifies the SDF data to be converted.
-o --output=FILE Specifies the file name used to write the resulting FASTQ output.
  --end-id=INT Only output sequences with sequence id less than the given number. (Sequence ids start at 0).
  --start-id=INT Only output sequences with sequence id greater than or equal to the given number. (Sequence ids start at 0).
-I --id-file=FILE Name of a file containing a list of sequences to extract, one per line.
  --names Interpret any specified sequence as names instead of numeric sequence ids.
  STRING+ Specify one or more explicit sequences to extract, as sequence id, or sequence name if –names flag is set.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.
-q --default-qualty=INT Set the default quality to use if the SDF does not contain sequence quality data (0-63).
  --interleave Interleave paired data into a single output file. Default is to split to separate output files.
-l --line-length=INT Set the maximum number of nucleotides or amino acids to print on a line of FASTQ output. Should be nonnegative, with a value of 0 indicating that the line length is not capped. (Default is 0).
-Z --no-gzip Set this flag to create the FASTQ output file without compression. By default the output file is compressed with blocked gzip.


Use the sdf2fastq command to convert SDF data into FASTQ format. If no quality data is available in the SDF, use the -q, --default-quality flag to set a quality score for the FASTQ output. The quality encoding used during output is sanger quality encoding. By default, sdf2fastq creates a separate line of FASTQ output for each sequence. As with sdf2fasta, there is an option to use the -l, --line-length flag to restrict the line lengths to improve readability of long sequences.

By default all sequences will be extracted, but flags may be specified to extract reads within a range, or explicitly specified reads (either by numeric sequence id or by sequence name if --names is set).

It may be preferable to extract data to unaligned SAM/BAM format using sdf2sam, as this preserves read-group information stored in the SDF and may also be more convenient when dealing with paired-end data.

The --start-id and --end-id flags behave as in sdf2fasta.



Convert SDF read data into unaligned SAM or BAM format file.


$ rtg sdf2sam [OPTION]... -i SDF -o FILE


$ rtg sdf2sam -i samplereadsSDF -o samplereads.bam


File Input/Output
-i --input=SDF Specifies the SDF data to be converted.
-o --output=FILE Specifies the file name used to write the resulting SAM/BAM to. The output format is automatically determined based on the filename specified. If ‘-‘ is given, the data is written as uncompressed SAM to standard output.
  --end-id=INT Only output sequences with sequence id less than the given number. (Sequence ids start at 0).
  --start-id=INT Only output sequences with sequence id greater than or equal to the given number. (Sequence ids start at 0).
-I --id-file=FILE Name of a file containing a list of sequences to extract, one per line.
  --names Interpret any specified sequence as names instead of numeric sequence ids.
  STRING+ Specify one or more explicit sequences to extract, as sequence id, or sequence name if –names flag is set.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Set this flag when creating SAM format output to disable compression. By default SAM is compressed with blocked gzip, and BAM is always compressed.


Use the sdf2sam command to convert SDF data into unaligned SAM/BAM format. By default all sequences will be extracted, but flags may be specified to extract reads within a range, or explicitly specified reads (either by numeric sequence id or by sequence name if --names is set). This command is a useful way to export paired-end data to a single output file while retaining any read group information that may be stored in the SDF.

The output format is either SAM/BAM depending on the specified output file name. e.g. output.sam or output.sam.gz will output as SAM, whereas output.bam will output as BAM. If neither SAM or BAM format is indicated by the file name then BAM will be used and the output file name adjusted accordingly. e.g output will become output.bam. However if standard output is selected (-) then the output will always be in uncompressed SAM format.

The --start-id and --end-if behave as in sdf2fasta.



Trim reads in FASTQ files.


$ rtg fastqtrim [OPTION]... -i FILE -o FILE


Apply hard base removal from the start of the read and quality-based trimming of terminal bases:

$ rtg fastqtrim -s 12 -E 18 -i S12_R1.fastq.gz -o S12_trimmed_R1.fastq.gz


File Input/Output
-i --input=FILE Input FASTQ file, Use ‘-‘ to read from standard input.
-o --output=FILE Output filename. Use ‘-‘ to write to standard output.
-q --quality-format=FORMAT Quality data encoding method used in FASTQ input files (Illumina 1.8+ uses sanger). Allowed values are [sanger, solexa, illumina] (Default is sanger)
  --discard-empty-reads Discard reads that have zero length after trimming. Should not be used with paired-end data.
-E --end-quality-threshold=INT Trim read ends to maximise base quality above the given threshold (Default is 0)
  --min-read-length=INT If a read ends up shorter than this threshold it will be trimmed to zero length (Default is 0)
-S --start-quality-threshold=INT Trim read starts to maximise base quality above the given threshold (Default is 0)
-e --trim-end-bases=INT Always trim the specified number of bases from read end (Default is 0)
-s --trim-start-bases=INT Always trim the specified number of bases from read start (Default is 0)
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Do not gzip the output.
-r --reverse-complement If set, output in reverse complement.
  --seed=INT Seed used during subsampling.
  --subsample=FLOAT If set, subsample the input to retain this fraction of reads.
-T --threads=INT Number of threads (Default is the number of available cores)


Use fastqtrim to apply custom trimming and preprocessing to raw FASTQ files prior to mapping and alignment. The format command contains some limited trimming options, which are applied to all input files, however in some cases different or specific trimming operations need to be applied to the various input files. For example, for paired-end data, different trimming may need to be applied for the left read files compared to the right read files. In these cases, fastqtrim should be used to process the FASTQ files first.

The --end-trim-threshold flag can be used to trim poor quality bases from the ends of the input reads by inspecting base qualities from FASTQ input. If and only if the quality of the final base of the read is less than the threshold given, a new read length is found which maximizes the overall quality of the retained bases using the following formula:

\arg \max x\left({\sum_{i=x+1}^l (T - q(i))}\right) \text{ if } q(l) < T

where l is the original read length, x is the new read length, T is the given threshold quality and q(n) is the quality of the base at the position n of the read. Similarly, --start-quality-threshold can be used to apply this quality-based thresholding to the start of reads.

Some of the trimming options may result in reads that have no bases remaining. By default, these are output as zero-length FASTQ reads, which RTG commands are able to handle normally. It is also possible to remove zero-length reads altogether from the output with the --discard-empty-reads option, however this should not be used when processing FASTQ files corresponding to paired-end data, otherwise the pairs in the two files will no longer be matched.

Similarly, when using the --subsample option to down-sample a FASTQ file for paired-end data, you should specify an explicit randomization seed via --seed and use the same seed value for the left and right files.

Formatting with filtering on the fly

Running custom filtering with fastqtrim need not mean that additional disk space is required or that formatting be slowed down due to additional disk I/O. It is possible when using standard unix shells to perform the filtering on the fly. The following example demonstrates how to apply different trimming options to left and right files while formatting to SDF:

$ rtg format -f fastq -o S12_trimmed.sdf \
    -l <(rtg fastqtrim -s 12 -E 18 -i S12_R1.fastq.gz -o -)
    -r <(rtg fastqtrim -E 18 -i S12_R2.fastq.gz -o -)

See also


Simulation Commands

RTG includes some simulation commands that may be useful for experimenting with effects of various RTG command parameters or when getting familiar with RTG work flows. A simple simulation series might involve the following commands:

$ rtg genomesim --output sim-ref-sdf --min-length 500000 --max-length 5000000 \
  --num-contigs 5
$ rtg popsim --reference sim-ref-sdf --output population.vcf.gz
$ rtg samplesim --input population.vcf.gz --output sample1.vcf.gz \
  --output-sdf sample1-sdf --reference sim-ref-sdf --sample sample1
$ rtg readsim --input sample1-sdf --output reads-sdf --machine illumina_pe \
  -L 75 -R 75 --coverage 10
$ rtg map --template sim-ref-sdf --input reads-sdf --output sim-mapping \
  --sam-rg "@RG\tID:sim-rg\tSM:sample1\tPL:ILLUMINA"
$ rtg snp --template sim-ref-sdf --output sim-name-snp sim-mapping/alignments.bam



Use the genomesim command to simulate a reference genome, or to create a baseline reference genome for a research project when an actual genome reference sequence is unavailable.


Specify number of sequences, plus minimum and maximum lengths:

$ rtg genomesim [OPTION]... -o SDF --max-length INT --min-length INT -n INT

Specify explicit sequence lengths (one more sequences):

$ rtg genomesim [OPTION]... -o SDF -l INT


$ rtg genomesim -o genomeTest -l 500000


File Input/Output
-o --output=SDF The name of the output SDF.
  --comment=STRING Specify a comment to include in the generated SDF.
  --freq=STRING Set the relative frequencies of A,C,G,T in the generated sequence. (Default is 1,1,1,1).
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.
-l --length=INT Specify the length of generated sequence. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --max-length=INT Specify the maximum sequence length.
  --min-length=INT Specify the minimum sequence length.
-n --num-contigs=INT Specify the number of sequences to generate.
  --prefix=STRING Specify a sequence name prefix to be used for the generated sequences. The default is to name the output sequences ‘simulatedSequenceN’, where N is increasing for each sequence.
-s --seed=INT Specify seed for the random number generator.


The genomesim command allows one to create a simulated genome with one or more contiguous sequences - exact lengths of each contig or number of contigs with minimum and maximum lengths provided. The contents of an SDF directory created by genomesim can be exported to a FASTA file using the sdf2fasta command.

This command is primarily useful for providing a simple randomly generated base genome for use with subsequent simulation commands.

Each generated contig is named by appending an increasing numeric index to the specified prefix. For example --prefix=chr --num-contigs=10 would yield contigs named chr1 through chr10.



Simulate Complete Genomics Inc sequencing reads. Supports the original 35 bp read structure (5-10-10-10), and the newer 29 bp read structure (10-9-10).


Generation by genomic coverage multiplier:

$ rtg cgsim [OPTION]... -V INT -t SDF -o SDF -c FLOAT

Generation by explicit number of reads:

$ rtg cgsim [OPTION]... -V INT -t SDF -o SDF -n INT


$ rtg cgsim -V 1 -t HUMAN_reference -o CG_3x_readst -c 3


File Input/Output
-t --input=SDF SDF containing input genome.
-o --output=SDF Name for reads output SDF.
Fragment Generation
  --abundance If set, the user-supplied distribution represents desired abundance.
-N --allow-unknowns Allow reads to be drawn from template fragments containing unknown nucleotides.
-c --coverage=FLOAT Coverage, must be positive.
-D --distribution=FILE File containing probability distribution for sequence selection.
  --dna-fraction If set, the user-supplied distribution represents desired DNA fraction.
-M --max-fragment-size=INT Maximum fragment size (Default is 500)
-m --min-fragment-size=INT Minimum fragment size (Default is 350)
  --n-rate=FLOAT Rate that the machine will generate new unknowns in the read (Default is 0.0)
-n --num-reads=INT Number of reads to be generated.
  --taxonomy-distribution=FILE File containing probability distribution for sequence selection expressed by taxonomy id.
Complete Genomics
-V --cg-read-version=INT Select Complete Genomics read structure version, 1 (35 bp) or 2 (29 bp)
  --comment=STRING Comment to include in the generated SDF.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
  --no-names Do not create read names in the output SDF.
  --no-qualities Do not create read qualities in the output SDF.
-q --qual-range=STRING Set the range of base quality values permitted e.g.: 3-40 (Default is fixed qualities corresponding to overall machine base error rate)
  --sam-rg=STRING|FILE File containing a single valid read group SAM header line or a string in the form @RG\tID:READGROUP1\tSM:BACT_SAMPLE\tPL:ILLUMINA
-s --seed=INT Seed for random number generator.


Use the cgsim command to set either --coverage or --num-reads in simulated Complete Genomics reads. For more information about Complete Genomics reads, refer to http://www.completegenomics.com

RTG simulation tools allows for deterministic experiment repetition. The --seed parameter, for example, allows for regeneration of exact same reads by setting the random number generator to be repeatable (without supplying this flag a different set of reads will be generated each time).

The --distribution parameter allows you to specify the probability that a read will come from a particular named sequence for use with metagenomic databases. Probabilities are numbers between zero and one and must sum to one in the file.



Use the denovosim command to generate a VCF containing a derived genotype containing de novo variants.


$ rtg denovosim [OPTION]... -i FILE --original STRING -o FILE -t SDF -s STRING


$ rtg denovosim -i sample.vcf --original personA -o 2samples.vcf \
  -t HUMAN_reference -s personB


File Input/Output
-i --input=FILE The input VCF containing parent variants.
  --original=STRING The name of the existing sample to use as the original genotype.
-o --output=FILE The output VCF file name.
  --output-sdf=FILE Set to output an SDF of the genome generated.
-t --reference=SDF The SDF containing the reference genome.
-s --sample=STRING The name for the new derived sample.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Set this flag to create the VCF output file without compression.
  --num-mutations=INT Set the expected number of mutations per genome. (Default is 70).
  --ploidy=STRING The ploidy to use when the reference genome does not contain a reference text file. Allowed values are [auto, diploid, haploid] (Default is auto)
  --seed=INT Set the seed for the random number generator.
  --show-mutations Set this flag to display information regarding de novo mutation points.


The denovosim command is used to simulate a derived genotype containing de novo variants from a VCF containing an existing genotype. The new output VCF will contain all the existing variants and samples with a new column for the new sample.

The --output-sdf flag can be used to optionally generate an SDF of the derived genome which can then be used by the readsim command to simulate a read set for the new genome.



Use the readsim command to generate single or paired end reads of fixed or variable length from a reference genome, introducing machine errors.


Generation by genomic coverage multiplier:

$ rtg readsim [OPTION]... -t SDF --machine STRING -o SDF -c FLOAT

Generation by explicit number of reads:

$ rtg readsim [OPTION]... -t SDF --machine STRING -o SDF -n INT


$ rtg readsim -t genome_ref -o sim_reads -r 75 --machine illumina_se  -c 30


File Input/Output
-t --input=SDF SDF containing input genome.
  --machine=STRING Select the sequencing technology to model. Allowed values are [illumina_se, illumina_pe, complete_genomics, complete_genomics_2, 454_pe, 454_se, iontorrent]
-o --output=SDF Name for reads output SDF.
Fragment Generation
  --abundance If set, the user-supplied distribution represents desired abundance.
-N --allow-unknowns Allow reads to be drawn from template fragments containing unknown nucleotides.
-c --coverage=FLOAT Coverage, must be positive.
-D --distribution=FILE File containing probability distribution for sequence selection.
  --dna-fraction If set, the user-supplied distribution represents desired DNA fraction.
-M --max-fragment-size=INT Maximum fragment size (Default is 250)
-m --min-fragment-size=INT Minimum fragment size (Default is 200)
  --n-rate=FLOAT Rate that the machine will generate new unknowns in the read (Default is 0.0)
-n --num-reads=INT Number of reads to be generated.
  --taxonomy-distribution=FILE File containing probability distribution for sequence selection expressed by taxonomy id.
Illumina PE
-L --left-read-length=INT Target read length on the left side.
-R --right-read-length=INT Target read length on the right side.
Illumina SE
-r --read-length=INT Target read length, must be positive.
454 SE/PE
  --454-max-total-size=INT Maximum 454 read length (in paired end case the sum of the left and the right read lengths)
  --454-min-total-size=INT Minimum 454 read length (in paired end case the sum of the left and the right read lengths)
IonTorrent SE
  --ion-max-total-size=INT Maximum IonTorrent read length.
  --ion-min-total-size=INT Minimum IonTorrent read length.
  --comment=STRING Comment to include in the generated SDF.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
  --no-names Do not create read names in the output SDF.
  --no-qualities Do not create read qualities in the output SDF.
-q --qual-range=STRING Set the range of base quality values permitted e.g.: 3-40 (Default is fixed qualities corresponding to overall machine base error rate)
  --sam-rg=STRING|FILE File containing a single valid read group SAM header line or a string in the form @RG\tID:READGROUP1\tSM:BACT_SAMPLE\tPL:ILLUMINA
-s --seed=INT Seed for random number generator.


Create simulated reads from a reference genome by either specifying coverage depth or a total number of reads.

A typical use case involves creating a mutated genome by introducing SNPs or CNVs with popsim and samplesim generating reads from the mutated genome with readsim, and mapping them back to the original reference to verify the parameters used for mapping or variant detection.

RTG simulation tools allows for deterministic experiment repetition. The --seed parameter, for example, allows for regeneration of exact same reads by setting the random number generator to be repeatable (without supplying this flag a different set of reads will be generated each time).

The --distribution parameter allows you to specify the sequence composition of the resulting read set, primarily for use with metagenomic databases. The distribution file is a text file containing lines of the form:

<probability><space><sequence name>

Probabilities must be between zero and one and must sum to one in the file. For reference databases containing taxonomy information, where each species may be comprised of more than one sequence, it is instead possible to use the --taxonomy-distribution option to specify the probabilities at a per-species level. The format of each line in this case is:

<probability><space><taxon id>

When using --distribution or --taxonomy-distribution, the interpretation must be specified one of --abundance or --dna-fraction. When using --abundance each specified probability reflects the chance of selecting the specified sequence (or taxon id) from the set of sequences, and thus for a given abundance a large sequence will be represented by more reads in the resulting set than a short sequence. In contrast, with --dna-fraction each specified probability reflects the chance of a read being derived from the designated sequence, and thus for a given fraction, a large sequence will have a lower depth of coverage than a short sequence.



Use the popsim command to generate a VCF containing simulated population variants. Each variant allele generated has an associated frequency INFO field describing how frequent in the population that allele is.


$ rtg popsim [OPTION]... -o FILE -t SDF


$ rtg popsim -o pop.vcf -t HUMAN_reference


File Input/Output
-o --output=FILE Output VCF file name.
-t --reference=SDF SDF containing the reference genome.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Do not gzip the output.
  --seed=INT Seed for the random number generator.


The popsim command is used to create a VCF containing variants with frequency in population information that can be subsequently used to simulate individual samples using the samplesim command. The frequency in population is contained in a VCF INFO field called AF. The types of variants and the allele-frequency distribution has been drawn from observed variants and allele frequency distribution in human studies.



Use the samplesim command to generate a VCF containing a genotype simulated from population variants according to allele frequency.


$ rtg samplesim [OPTION]... -i FILE -o FILE -t SDF -s STRING


From a population frequency VCF:

$ rtg samplesim -i pop.vcf -o 1samples.vcf -t HUMAN_reference -s person1 --sex male

From an existing simulated VCF:

$ rtg samplesim -i 1samples.vcf -o 2samples.vcf -t HUMAN_reference -s person2 \
  --sex female


File Input/Output
-i --input=FILE Input VCF containing population variants.
-o --output=FILE Output VCF file name.
  --output-sdf=SDF If set, output an SDF containing the sample genome.
-t --reference=SDF SDF containing the reference genome.
-s --sample=STRING Name for sample.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Set this flag to create the VCF output file without compression.
  --ploidy=STRING The ploidy to use when the reference genome does not contain a reference text file. Allowed values are [auto, diploid, haploid] (Default is auto)
  --seed=INT Set the seed for the random number generator.
  --sex=SEX Specifies the sex of the individual. Allowed values are [male, female, either] (Default is either).


The samplesim command is used to simulate an individuals genotype information from a population variant frequency VCF generated by the popsim command or by previous samplesim or childsim commands. The new output VCF will contain all the existing variants and samples with a new column for the new sample. The genotype at each record of the VCF will be chosen randomly according to the allele frequency specified in the AF field.

The ploidy for each genotype is generated according to the ploidy of that chromosome for the specified sex of the individual, as defined in the reference genome reference.txt file. For more information see RTG reference file format.

The --output-sdf flag can be used to optionally generate an SDF of the individuals genotype which can then be used by the readsim command to simulate a read set for the individual.



Use the childsim command to generate a VCF containing a genotype simulated as a child of two parents.


$ rtg childsim [OPTION]... --father STRING -i FILE --mother STRING -o FILE -t SDF \


$ rtg childsim --father person1 --mother person2 -i 2samples.vcf -o 3samples.vcf \
  -t HUMAN_reference -s person3


File Input/Output
  --father=STRING Name of the existing sample to use as the father.
-i --input=FILE Input VCF containing parent variants.
  --mother=STRING Name of the existing sample to use as the mother.
-o --output=FILE Output VCF file name.
  --output-sdf=SDF If set, output an SDF containing the sample genome.
-t --reference=SDF SDF containing the reference genome.
-s --sample=STRING Name for new child sample.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Do not gzip the output.
  --num-crossovers=FLOAT Likelihood of extra crossovers per chromosome (Default is 0.01)
  --ploidy=STRING Ploidy to use. Allowed values are [auto, diploid, haploid] (Default is auto)
  --seed=INT Seed for the random number generator.
  --sex=SEX Sex of individual. Allowed values are [male, female, either] (Default is either)
  --show-crossovers If set, display information regarding haplotype selection and crossover points.


The childsim command is used to simulate an individuals genotype information from a VCF containing the two parent genotypes generated by previous samplesim or childsim commands. The new output VCF will contain all the existing variants and samples with a new column for the new sample.

The ploidy for each genotype is generated according to the ploidy of that chromosome for the specified sex of the individual, as defined in the reference genome reference.txt file. For more information see RTG reference file format. The generated genotypes are all consistent with Mendelian inheritance (de novo variants can be simulated with the denovosim command).

The --output-sdf flag can be used to optionally generate an SDF of the child’s genotype which can then be used by the readsim command to simulate a read set for the child.



Use the samplereplay command to generate the genome SDF corresponding to a sample genotype in a VCF file.


$ rtg samplereplay [OPTION]... -i FILE -o SDF -t SDF -s STRING


$ rtg samplereplay -i 3samples.vcf -o child.sdf -t HUMAN_reference -s person3


File Input/Output
-i --input=FILE Input VCF containing the sample genotype.
-o --output=SDF Name for output SDF.
-t --reference=SDF SDF containing the reference genome.
-s --sample=STRING Name of the sample to select from the VCF.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.


The samplereplay command can be used to generate an SDF of a genotype for a given sample from an existing VCF file. This can be used to generate a genome from the outputs of the samplesim and childsim commands. The output genome can then be used in simulating a read set for the sample using the readsim command.

Every chromosome for which the individual is diploid will have two sequences in the resulting SDF.

Utility Commands



Block compress a file or decompress a block compressed file. Block compressed outputs from the mapping and variant detection commands can be indexed with the index command. They can also be processed with standard gzip tools such as gunzip and zcat.


$ rtg bgzip [OPTION]... FILE+


$ rtg bgzip alignments.sam


File Input/Output
-l --compression-level=INT The compression level to use, between 1 (least but fast) and 9 (highest but slow) (Default is 5)
-d --decompress Decompress.
-f --force Force overwrite of output file.
  --no-terminate If set, do not add the block gzip termination block.
-c --stdout Write on standard output, keep original files unchanged. Implied when using standard input.
  FILE+ File to (de)compress, use ‘-‘ for standard input. Must be specified 1 or more times.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.


Use the bgzip command to block compress files. Files such as VCF, BED, SAM, TSV must be block-compressed before they can be indexed for fast retrieval of records corresponding to specific genomic regions.

See also




Create tabix index files for block compressed TAB-delimited genome position data files or BAM index files for BAM files.


Multi-file input specified from command line:

$ rtg index [OPTION]... FILE+

Multi-file input specified in a text file:

$ rtg index [OPTION]... -I FILE


$ rtg index -f sam alignments.sam.gz


File Input/Output
-f --format=FORMAT Format of input to index. Allowed values are [sam, bam, cram, sv, coveragetsv, bed, vcf, auto] (Default is auto)
-I --input-list-file=FILE File containing a list of block compressed files (1 per line) containing genome position data.
  FILE+ Block compressed files containing data to be indexed. May be specified 0 or more times.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.


Use the index command to produce tabix indexes for block compressed genome position data files like SAM files, VCF files, BED files, and the TSV output from RTG commands such as coverage. The index command can also be used to produce BAM indexes for BAM files with no index.

See also

map, coverage, snp, extract, bgzip



Extract specified parts of an indexed block compressed genome position data file.


Extract whole file:

$ rtg extract [OPTION]... FILE

Extract specific regions:

$ rtg extract [OPTION]... FILE STRING+


$ rtg extract alignments.bam 'chr1:10000+10'


File Input/Output
  FILE The indexed block compressed genome position data file to extract.
  STRING+ Specifies the region to display. The format is one of <sequence_name>, <sequence_name>:start-end or <sequence_name>:start+length. May be specified 0 or more times.
  --header Set to also display the file header.
  --header-only Set to only display the file header.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.


Use the extract command to view specific parts of indexed block compressed genome position data files such as those in SAM/BAM/BED/VCF format.

See also

map, coverage, snp, index, bgzip



View read mapping and variants corresponding to a region of the genome, with output as ASCII to the terminal, or HTML.


$ rtg aview [OPTION]... --region STRING -t SDF FILE+


$ rtg aview -t hg19 -b omni.vcf -c calls.vcf map/alignments.bam \
  --region Chr10:100000+3 –padding 30


File Input/Output
-b --baseline=FILE VCF file containing baseline variants.
-B --bed=FILE BED file containing regions to overlay. May be specified 0 or more times.
-c --calls=FILE VCF file containing called variants. May be specified 0 or more times.
-I --input-list-file=FILE File containing a list of SAM/BAM format files (1 per line)
-r --reads=SDF Read SDF (only needed to indicate correctness of simulated read mappings). May be specified 0 or more times.
-t --template=SDF SDF containing the reference genome.
  FILE+ Alignment SAM/BAM files. May be specified 0 or more times.
-p --padding=INT Padding around region of interest (Default is to automatically determine padding to avoid read truncation)
  --region=STRING The region of interest to display. The format is one of <sequence_name>, <sequence_name>:start-end or <sequence_name>:start+length.
  --sample=STRING Specify name of sample to select. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --html Output as HTML.
  --no-base-colors Do not use base-colors.
  --no-color Do not use colors.
  --no-dots Display nucleotide instead of dots.
  --print-cigars Print alignment cigars.
  --print-mapq Print alignment MAPQ values.
  --print-mate-position Print mate position.
  --print-names Print read names.
  --print-readgroup Print read group id for each alignment.
  --print-reference-line=INT Print reference line every N lines (Default is 0)
  --print-soft-clipped-bases Print soft clipped bases.
  --project-track=INT If set, project highlighting for the specified track down through reads (Default projects the union of tracks)
  --sort-readgroup Sort reads first on read group and then on start position.
  --sort-reads Sort reads on start position.
  --unflatten Display unflattened CGI reads when present.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.


Use the aview command to display a textual view of mappings and variants corresponding to a small region of the reference genome. This is useful when examining evidence for variant calls in a server environment where a graphical display application such as IGV is not available. The aview command is easy to script in order to output displays for multiple regions for later viewing (either as text or HTML).

See also

map, snp



Print statistics that describe a directory of SDF formatted data.


$ rtg sdfstats [OPTION]... SDF+


$ rtg sdfstats human_READS_SDF

Location           : C:\human_READS_SDF
Parameters         : format -f solexa -o human_READS_SDF
SDF Version        : 6
Type               : DNA
Source             : SOLEXA
Paired arm         : UNKNOWN
Number of sequences: 4193903
Maximum length     : 48
Minimum length     : 48
N                  : 931268
A                  : 61100096
C                  : 41452181
G                  : 45262380
T                  : 52561419
Total residues     : 201307344
Quality scores available on this SDF


File Input/Output
  SDF+ Specifies an SDF on which statistics are to be reported. May be specified 1 or more times.
  --lengths Set to print out the name and length of each sequence. (Not recommended for read sets).
-p --position Set to include information about unknown bases (Ns) by read position.
-q --quality Set to display mean of quality.
  --sex=SEX Set to display the reference sequence list for the given sex. Allowed values are [male, female, either]. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --taxonomy Set to display information about the taxonomy.
-n --unknowns Set to include information about unknown bases (Ns).
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.


Use the sdfstats command to get information about the contents of SDFs.



Extracts a specified subset of sequences from one SDF and outputs them to another SDF.


Individual specification of sequence ids:

$ rtg sdfsubset [OPTION]... -i SDF -o SDF STRING+

File list specification of sequence ids:

$ rtg sdfsubset [OPTION]... -i SDF -o SDF -I FILE


$ rtg sdfsubset -i reads -o subset_reads 10 20 30 40 50


File Input/Output
-i --input=SDF Specifies the input SDF.
-o --output=SDF The name of the output SDF.
  --end-id=INT Only output sequences with sequence id less than the given number. (Sequence ids start at 0).
  --start-id=INT Only output sequences with sequence id greater than or equal to the given number. (Sequence ids start at 0).
-I --id-file=FILE Name of a file containing a list of sequences to extract, one per line.
  --names Interpret any specified sequence as names instead of numeric sequence ids.
  STRING+ Specifies the sequence id, or sequence name if the names flag is set to extract from the input SDF. May be specified 0 or more times.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.


Use this command to obtain a subset of sequences from an SDF. Either specify the subset on the command line as a list of space-separated sequence ids or using the --id-file parameter to specify a file containing a list of sequence ids, one per line. Sequence ids start from zero and are the same as the ids that map uses by default in the QNAME field of its BAM files.

For example:

$ rtg sdfsubset -i reads -o subset_reads 10 20 30 40 50

This will produce an SDF called subset_reads with sequences 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 from the original SDF contained in it.

See also

sdfsubseq, sdfstats



Prints a subsequence of a given sequence in an SDF.


Print sequences from sequence names:

$ rtg sdfsubseq [OPTION]... -i FILE STRING+

Print sequences from sequence ids:

$ rtg sdfsubseq [OPTION]... -i FILE -I STRING+


$ rtg sdfsubseq -i reads -I 0:1+100


File Input/Output
-i --input=FILE Specifies the input SDF.
-I --sequence-id Set to use sequence id instead of sequence name in region flag (0-based).
  STRING+ Specifies the region to display. The format is one of <sequence_name>, <sequence_name>:start-end or <sequence_name>:start+length. Must be specified 1 or more times
-f --fasta Set to output in FASTA format.
-q --fastq Set to output in FASTQ format.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.
-r --reverse-complement Set to output in reverse complement.


Prints out the nucleotides or amino acids of specified regions in a set of sequences.

For example:

$ rtg sdfsubseq --input reads --sequence-id 0:1+20

See also

sdfsubset, sdfstats



The mendelian command checks a multi-sample VCF file for variant calls which do not follow Mendelian inheritance, and compute aggregate sample concordance.


$ rtg mendelian [OPTION]... -i FILE -t SDF


$ rtg mendelian -i family.vcf.gz -t genome_ref


File Input/Output
-i --input=FILE VCF file containing multi-sample variant calls or ‘-‘ to read from standard input.
  --output=FILE If set, output annotated calls to this VCF file.
  --output-consistent=FILE If set, output only consistent calls to this VCF file.
  --output-inconsistent=FILE If set, output only non-Mendelian calls to this VCF file.
-t --template=SDF SDF containing the reference genome.
Sensitivity Tuning
  --all-records Use all records, regardless of filters (Default is to only process records where FILTER is . or PASS)
-l --lenient Allow homozygous diploid calls in place of haploid calls and assume missing values are equal to the reference.
  --min-concordance=FLOAT Percentage concordance required for consistent parentage (Default is 99.0)
  --pedigree=FILE Genome relationships PED file (Default is to extract pedigree information from VCF header fields)
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Do not gzip the output.
  --no-index Do not produce indexes for output files.


Given a multi-sample VCF file for a nuclear family with a defined pedigree, the mendelian command examines the variant calls and outputs the number of violations of Mendelian inheritance. If the --output-inconsistent parameter is set, all detected violations are written into an output VCF file. As such, this command may be regarded as a VCF filter, outputting those variant calls needing a non-Mendelian explanation. Such calls may be the consequence of sequencing error, calling on low-coverage, or genuine novel variants in one or more individuals.

Pedigree information regarding the relationships between samples and the sex of each sample is extracted from the VCF headers automatically created by the RTG pedigree-aware variant calling commands. If this pedigree information is absent from the VCF header or is incorrect, a pedigree file can be explicitly supplied with the --pedigree flag.

To ensure correct behavior when dealing with sex chromosomes it is necessary to specify a sex-aware reference and ensure the sex of each sample is supplied as part of the pedigree information. While it is best to give the reference SDF used in the creation of the VCF, for checking third-party outputs any reference SDF containing the same chromosome names and an appropriate reference.txt file will work. For more information, see RTG reference file format.

Particularly when evaluating VCF files that have been produced by third party tools or when the VCF is the result of combining independent per-sample calling, you can end up with situations where calls are not available for every member of the family. Under normal circumstances these will be reported as an allele count constraint violation. It is possible to treat missing values as equal to the reference by using the --lenient parameter. Note that while this approach will be correct in most cases, it will give inaccurate results where the calling between different samples has reported the variant in an equivalent but slightly different position or representation (e.g. positioning of indels within homopolymer regions, differences of representation such as splitting MNPs into multiple SNPs etc).

The mendelian command computes overall concordance between related samples to assist detecting cases where pedigree has been incorrectly recorded or samples have been mislabelled. For each child in the pedigree, pairwise concordance is computed with respect to each parent by identifying diploid calls where the parent does not contain either allele called in the child. Low pairwise concordance with a single parent may indicate that the parent is the source of the problem, whereas low pairwise concordance with both parents may indicate that the child is the source of the problem. A stricter three-way concordance is also recorded.

By default, only VCF records with the FILTER field set to PASS or missing are processed. All variant records can be examined by specifying the --all-records parameter.



Display simple statistics about the contents of a set of VCF files.


$ rtg vcfstats [OPTION]... FILE+


$ rtg vcfstats /data/human/wgs/NA19240/snp_chr5.vcf.gz

Location                      : /data/human/wgs/NA19240/snp_chr5.vcf.gz
Passed Filters                : 283144
Failed Filters                : 83568
SNPs                          : 241595
MNPs                          : 5654
Insertions                    : 15424
Deletions                     : 14667
Indels                        : 1477
Unchanged                     : 4327
SNP Transitions/Transversions : 1.93 (210572/108835)
Total Het/Hom ratio           : 2.13 (189645/89172)
SNP Het/Hom ratio             : 2.12 (164111/77484)
MNP Het/Hom ratio             : 3.72 (4457/1197)
Insertion Het/Hom ratio       : 1.69 (9695/5729)
Deletion Het/Hom ratio        : 2.33 (10263/4404)
Indel Het/Hom ratio           : 3.13 (1119/358)
Insertion/Deletion ratio      : 1.05 (15424/14667)
Indel/SNP+MNP ratio           : 0.13 (31568/247249)


File Input/Output
  --known Set to only calculate statistics for known variants.
  --novel Set to only calculate statistics for novel variants.
  --sample=FILE Set to only calculate statistics for the specified sample. (Default is to include all samples). May be specified 0 or more times.
  FILE+ VCF file from which to derive statistics. Use ‘-‘ to read from standard input. Must be specified 1 or more times.
  --allele-lengths Set to output variant length histogram.
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.


Use the vcfstats command to display summary statistics for a set of VCF files. If a VCF file contains multiple sample columns, the statistics for each sample are shown individually.



Combines the contents of two or more VCF files. The vcfmerge command can concatenate the outputs of per-chromosome variant detection runs to create a complete genome VCF file, and also merge VCF outputs from multiple samples to form a multi-sample VCF file.


$ rtg vcfmerge [OPTION]... -o FILE FILE+


$ rtg vcfmerge -o merged.vcf.gz snp1.vcf.gz snp2.vcf.gz


File Input/Output
-a --add-header=STRING Add the supplied text to the output VCF header. May be specified 0 or more times.
-o --output=FILE Output VCF file. Use ‘-‘ to write to standard output.
  FILE+ Input VCF files to merge. Must be specified 1 or more times.
-f --force-merge=STRING Allow merging of specified header ID even when descriptions do not match. May be specified 0 or more times.
-F --force-merge-all Attempt merging of all non-matching header declarations.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Do not gzip the output.
  --no-index Do not produce indexes for output files.
  --preserve-formats If set, variants with different ALTs and unmergeable FORMAT fields will be kept unmerged (Default is to remove those FORMAT fields so the variants can be combined)
  --stats Output statistics for the merged VCF file.


The vcfmerge command takes a list of VCF files and outputs to a single VCF file. The input files must have consistent header lines, although similar header lines can be forced to merge using the --force-merge parameter. Each VCF file must be block compressed and have a corresponding tabix index file, which is the default for outputs from RTG variant detection tools, but may also be created from an existing VCF file using the RTG bgzip and index commands.

There are two primary usage scenarios for the vcfmerge command. The first is to combine input VCFs corresponding to different genomic regions (for example, if variant calling was carried out for each chromosome independently on different nodes of a compute cluster). The second scenario is when combining VCFs containing variant calls for different samples (e.g. combining calls made for separate cohorts into a single VCF). If the input VCFs contain multiple calls at the same position for the same sample, a warning is issued and only the first is kept.

When multiple records occur at the same position and the length on the reference is the same, the records will be merged into a single record. If the merge results in a change in the set of ALT alleles, any VCF FORMAT fields declared to be of type A, G, or R will be set to the missing value (.), as they cannot be meaningfully updated. The --preserve-formats flag prevents this loss of information by refusing to merge the records (separate records will be output).



Filters VCF records based on various criteria. When filtering on multiple samples, if any of the specified samples fail the criteria, the record will be filtered.


$ rtg vcffilter [OPTION]... -i FILE -o FILE


$ rtg vcffilter -i snps.vcf.gz -o snps_cov5.vcf.gz -d 5


File Input/Output
  --all-samples Apply sample-specific criteria to all samples contained in the input VCF.
  --bed-regions=FILE If set, only read VCF records that overlap the ranges contained in the specified BED file.
-i --input=FILE VCF file containing variants to be filtered. Use ‘-‘ to read from standard input.
-o --output=FILE Output VCF file. Use ‘-‘ to write to standard output. This option is required, unless --javascript is being used.
  --region=STRING If set, only read VCF records within the specified range. The format is one of <sequence_name>, <sequence_name>:start-end or <sequence_name>:start+length.
  --sample=STRING Apply sample-specific criteria to the named sample contained in the input VCF. May be specified 0 or more times.
Filtering (Record based)
-w --density-window=INT Set a window length in which multiple called variants are discarded.
  --exclude-bed=FILE Set to discard all variants within the regions contained in the BED file.
  --exclude-vcf=FILE Set to discard all variants that overlap with the ones in this VCF file.
  --include-bed=FILE Set to only keep variants within the regions contained in the BED file.
  --include-vcf=FILE Set to only keep variants that overlap with the ones in this VCF file.
-j --javascript=STRING Specify filtering functions in javascript. May be either an expression or a file name. May be specified 0 or more times. See Examples
-e --keep-expr=STRING Set to only keep variants for which this expression evaluates to true. See Examples
-k --keep-filter=STRING Set to only keep variants with this FILTER tag. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
-K --keep-info=STRING Set to only keep variants with this INFO tag. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
-C --max-combined-read-depth=INT Set the maximum allowed combined read depth.
-Q --max-quality=FLOAT Set the maximum allowed quality.
-c --min-combined-read-depth=INT Set the minimum allowed combined read depth.
-q --min-quality=FLOAT Set the minimum allowed quality.
  --non-snps-only Set to output MNPs and INDELs only.
-r --remove-filter=STRING Set to remove variants with this FILTER tag. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
-R --remove-info=STRING Set to remove variants with this INFO tag. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --remove-overlapping Set to remove records that overlap with previous records.
  --snps-only Set to output simple SNPs only.
Filtering (Sample based)
-A --max-ambiguity-ratio=FLOAT Set the maximum allowed ambiguity ratio.
  --max-avr-score=FLOAT Set the maximum allowed AVR score.
  --max-denovo-score=FLOAT Set the maximum allowed de novo score.
-G --max-genotype-quality=FLOAT Set the maximum allowed genotype quality.
-D --max-read-depth=INT Set the maximum allowed sample read depth.
  --min-avr-score=FLOAT Set the minimum allowed AVR score.
  --min-denovo-score=FLOAT Set the minimum allowed de novo score.
-g --min-genotype-quality=FLOAT Set the minimum allowed genotype quality.
-d --min-read-depth=INT Set the minimum allowed sample read depth.
  --remove-all-same-as-ref Set to remove records where all the samples are same as the reference.
  --remove-hom Remove where sample is homozygous.
  --remove-same-as-ref Set to remove variants where the sample is the same as reference.
  --clear-failed-samples Instead of removing failed records set the sample GT fields to missing.
  --fail=STRING Instead of removing failed records set their filter field to the provided value.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Do not gzip the output.
  --no-header Prevent VCF header from being written.
  --no-index Do not produce indexes for output files.


Use vcffilter to get a subset of the results from variant calling based on the filtering criteria supplied by the filter flags. When filtering on multiple samples, if any of the specified samples fail the criteria, the record will be filtered. The default behavior is for filtered records to be excluded from output altogether, but alternatively the records can be retained but with an additional user-specified VCF FILTER status set via --fail option, or if sample-specific filtering criteria is being applied, only those samples can be filtered by setting their GT field to missing by using the --clear-failed-samples option.

The --bed-regions option makes use of tabix indexes to avoid loading VCF records outside the supplied regions, which can give faster filtering performance. If the input VCF is not indexed or being read from standard input, or if records failing filters are to be annotated via the --fail option, use the --include-bed option instead.

The flags --min-denovo-score and --max-denovo-score can only be used on a single sample. Records will only be kept if the specified sample is flagged as a de novo variant and the score is within the range specified by the flags. It will also only be kept if none of the other samples for the record are also flagged as a de novo variant within the specified score range.

A powerful general-purpose filtering capability has been included that permits the specification of filter criteria as simple JavaScript expressions (--keep-expr) or more comprehensive JavaScript processing functions (--javascript). Both --keep-expr and --javascript can take JavaScript on the command line or if a filename is supplied then the script/expression will be read from that file. --keep-expr will be applied before --javascript, so the --javascript record function will not be called for records filtered out by --keep-expr.

See also

For full details of functions available in --keep-expr and --javascript see RTG JavaScript filtering API

Simple filtering by JavaScript expression with --keep-expr

The --keep-expr flag aims to provide a convenient way to apply some simple (typically one line) filtering expressions which are evaluated in the context of each record. The final expression of the fragment must evaluate to a boolean value. Records which evaluate to true will be retained, while false will be removed. The value must be of type boolean, simply being truthy/falsy (in the JavaScript sense) will raise an error.

--keep-expr examples:

The following expression keeps records where the NA12878 sample has GQ > 30 and the total depth is > 20. JavaScript will auto convert numerical strings when comparing a string with a number, so calls to parseInt can be omitted.

$ rtg vcffilter -i in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz \
--keep-expr "'NA12878'.GQ > 30 && INFO.DP > 20"

If the field of interest may contain the missing value (‘.’) or may be entirely missing on a per-record basis, the has() function can be used to control whether such records are kept vs filtered. For example, to keep records with depth greater than 20, and remove any without a DP annotation:

$ rtg vcffilter -i in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz \
--keep-expr "has(INFO.DP) && INFO.DP > 20"

Alternatively, to keep records with depth greater than 20, as well as those without a DP annotation:

$ rtg vcffilter -i in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz \
--keep-expr "!has(INFO.DP) || INFO.DP > 20"

The next example keeps records where all samples have a depth > 10. The standard JavaScript array methods every and some can be used to apply a condition on every sample column.

$ rtg vcffilter -i in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz \
  --keep-expr "SAMPLES.every(function(s) {return s.DP > 10})"

Advanced JavaScript filtering with --javascript

The --javascript option aims to support more complicated processing than --keep-expr. permitting modification of the output VCF, or supporting use cases where the script is tasked to compute and output alternative information in addition to (or instead of) the output VCF. The scripts specified by the user are evaluated once at the start of processing. Two special functions may be defined in a --javascript script, which will then be executed in different contexts:

  • A function with the name record will be executed once for each VCF record. If the record function has a return value it must have type boolean. Records which evaluate to true will be retained, while false will be removed. If the record function has no return value then the record will be retained. The record function is applied after any --keep-expr expression.
  • A function with the name end will be called once at the end of processing. This allows reporting of summary statistics collected during the filter process.

This --javascript flag may be specified multiple times, they will be evaluated in order, in a shared JavaScript namespace, before VCF processing commences. This permits a use case where an initial JavaScript expression supplies parameter values which will be required by a subsequent JavaScript file.

Example --javascript scripts:

To find indels with length greater than 5, save the following to a file named find-indels.js:

// Finds indels with length > 5
function record() {
  var deltas = ALT.map(function (alt) {
    return Math.abs(alt.length - REF.length);
  return deltas.some(function (delta) {return delta > 5});

Then perform the filtering via:

$ rtg vcffilter -i in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz --javascript find-indels.js

The following example derives a new FORMAT column containing variant allelic fraction based on the values in the AD and DP FORMAT annotations, for every sample contained in the VCF. Save the following to a file named add-vaf.js:

// Derive new VAF FORMAT field for each sample
ensureFormatHeader('##FORMAT=<ID=VAF,Number=1,Type=Float,' +
  'Description="Variant Allelic Fraction">');

function record() {
  SAMPLES.forEach(function(sample) {
    // Take all but the first AD value as numerics
    var altDepths = sample.AD.split(",").slice(1);
    // Find the max
    var maxAltDepth = Math.max.apply(null, altDepths);
    if (maxAltDepth > 0) {
      sample.VAF = sample.DP / maxAltDepth;

Then run the filtering via:

$ rtg vcffilter -i in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz --javascript add-vaf.js

The next example produces a table of binned indel lengths, save the following to a file named indel-lengths.js:

// bin breakpoints can be customised by defining your own bins[] in a
// previous -j flag
if (typeof bins == "undefined") {
  var bins = [-10, -5, -3, 0, 4, 6, 11];

var counts = [0];
bins.forEach(function () {counts.push(0)});
function record() {
  if (ALT.length == 0) {
    return false;
  var deltas = ALT.map(function (alt) { return alt.length - REF.length; });
  var maxDel = Math.min.apply(null, deltas);
  var maxIns = Math.max.apply(null, deltas);
  var delta = Math.abs(maxDel) > maxIns ? maxDel : maxIns;

  if (delta == 0) {
    return false;
  for (var i = 0; i < bins.length; i++) {
    if (delta < bins[i]) {
  if (delta > bins[bins.length - 1]) {
    counts[counts.length - 1]++;
  return false;

function end() {
  for (var i = 0; i < bins.length; i++) {
    print("<" + bins[i] + "\\t" + counts[i]);
  print(">" + bins[bins.length - 1] + "\\t" + counts[counts.length - 1]);

Then run the filtering via:

$ rtg vcffilter -i in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz --javascript indel-lengths.js

We could use this same script with adjusted bins and omitting the output of the VCF via:

$ rtg vcffilter -i in.vcf.gz -j "var bins = [-20, -10, 0, 20, 20];" \
  -j indel-lengths.js



Used to add annotations to a VCF file, either to the VCF ID field, or as a VCF INFO sub-field.


$ rtg vcfannotate [OPTION]... -b FILE -i FILE -o FILE


$ rtg vcfannotate -b dbsnp.bed -i snps.vcf.gz -o snps-dbsnp.vcf.gz


File Input/Output
-i --input=FILE VCF file containing variants to annotate. Use ‘-‘ to read from standard input.
-o --output=FILE Output VCF file name. Use ‘-‘ to write to standard output.
  --bed-ids=FILE Specifies a file in BED format containing variant ids in the name column to be added to the VCF id field. May be specified 0 or more times.
  --bed-info=FILE Specifies a file in BED format containing annotations in the name column to be added to the VCF info field. May be specified 0 or more times.
  --fill-an-ac Set to add or update the AN and AC info fields to the VCF.
  --info-description=STRING If the BED INFO field is not already declared, use this description in the header. (Default is ‘Annotation’).
  --info-id=STRING The INFO ID for BED INFO annotations. (Default is ‘ANN’)
  --relabel Relabel samples according to old-name new-name pairs in specified file. If only a single sample needs to be relabelled then a construct like <(echo old-name new-name) can be used.
  --vcf-ids=FILE Specifies a file in VCF format containing variant ids to be added to the VCF id field. May be specified 0 or more times.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Do not gzip the output.
  --no-header Prevent VCF header from being written.
  --no-index Do not produce indexes for output files.


Use vcfannotate to add text annotations to variants that fall within ranges specified in a BED or VCF file. The annotations from the BED file are added as an INFO field in the output VCF file.

If the --bed-ids flag is used, instead of adding the annotation to the INFO fields, it is added to the ID column of the VCF file instead. If the --vcf-ids flag is used, the ID column of the input VCF file is used to update the ID column of the output VCF file instead.

If the --fill-an-ac flag is set, the output VCF will have the AN and AC info fields (as defined in the VCF 4.1 specification) created or updated.



Create a VCF file containing a subset of the original columns.


$ rtg vcfsubset [OPTION]... -i FILE -o FILE


$ rtg vcfsubset -i snps.vcf.gz -o frequency.vcf.gz --keep-info AF --remove-samples


File Input/Output
-i --input=FILE VCF file containing variants to manipulate. Use ‘-‘ to read from standard input.
-o --output=FILE Output VCF file. Use ‘-‘ to write to standard output.
  --keep-filter=STRING Keep the specified FILTER tag. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --keep-format=STRING Keep the specified FORMAT field. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --keep-info=STRING Keep the specified INFO tag. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --keep-sample=STRING Keep the specified sample. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --remove-filter=STRING Remove the specified FILTER tag. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --remove-filters Remove all FILTER tags.
  --remove-format=STRING Remove the specified FORMAT field. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --remove-ids Remove the contents of the ID field.
  --remove-info=STRING Remove the specified INFO tag. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --remove-infos Remove all INFO tags.
  --remove-qual Remove the QUAL field.
  --remove-sample=STRING Remove the specified sample. May be specified 0 or more times, or as a comma separated list.
  --remove-samples Remove all samples.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Do not gzip the output.
  --no-header Prevent VCF header from being written.
  --no-index Do not produce indexes for output files.


Use the vcfsubset command to produce a smaller copy of an original VCF file containing only the columns and information desired. For example, to produce a VCF containing only the information for one sample from a multiple sample VCF file use the --keep-sample flag to specify the sample to keep. The various --keep and --remove options can either be specified multiple times or with comma separated lists, for example, --keep-format GT --keep-format DP is equivalent to –keep-format GT,DP.



Use the vcfeval command to evaluate called variants for agreement with a known baseline variant set.


$ rtg vcfeval [OPTION]... -b FILE -c FILE -o DIR -t SDF


$ rtg vcfeval -b goldstandard.vcf.gz -c snps.vcf.gz -t HUMAN_reference \
  --sample daughter -f AVR -o eval


File Input/Output
-b --baseline=FILE The VCF file containing baseline variants. For example, these may be the variants that were used to generate a synthetic sample, a gold-standard VCF corresponding to a reference sample such as NA12878, or simply an alternative call-set being used as a basis for comparison.
  --bed-regions=FILE If set, only read VCF records that overlap the ranges contained in the specified BED file.
  --evaluation-regions=FILE If set, evaluate within regions contained in the supplied BED file, allowing transborder matches. To be used for truth-set high-confidence regions or other regions of interest where region boundary effects should be minimized.
-c --calls=FILE The VCF file containing called variants.
-o --output=DIR The name of the output directory.
  --region=STRING If set, only read VCF records that overlap the specified region. The format is one of <template_name>, <template_name>:start-end or <template_name>:start+length
-t --template=SDF The reference SDF on which the variants were called.
  --all-records Set to use all records regardless of filters. Default is to only process records where FILTER is . or PASS.
  --ref-overlap Allow alleles to overlap where bases of either allele are same-as-ref. (Default is to only allow VCF anchor base overlap).
  --sample=STRING Set the name of the sample to select. Use the form <baseline_sample>,<calls_sample> to select different sample names for baseline and calls. (Required when using multi-sample VCF files).
  --squash-ploidy Treat heterozygous variants as homozygous ALT in both baseline and calls.
  --output-mode Output reporting mode (Must be one of [split, annotate, combine, ga4gh, roc-only]). (Default is split).
-O --sort-order=STRING Set the order in which to sort the ROC scores so that “good” scores come before “bad” scores. (Must be one of [ascending, descending]). (Default is descending).
-f --vcf-score-field=STRING Set the VCF format field to sort the ROC using. Also valid are “QUAL” or “INFO.<name>” to select the named VCF INFO field. (Default is GQ).
-h --help Prints help on command-line flag usage.
-Z --no-gzip Set this flag to create the output files without compression.
-T --threads=INT Specify the number of threads to use in a multi-core processor. (Default is all available cores).


The vcfeval command can be used to generate VCF files containing called variants that were in the baseline VCF, called variants that were not in the baseline VCF and baseline variants that were not in the called variants. It also produces ROC curve data files based on a score contained in a VCF field which show the predictive power of that field for the quality of the variant calls.

When developing and validating sequencing pipelines and variant calling algorithms, the comparison of variant call sets is a common problem. The naïve way of computing these numbers is to look at the same reference locations in the baseline (ground truth) and called variant set, and see if genotype calls match at the same position. However, a complication arises due to possible differences in representation for indels between the baseline and the call sets within repeats or homopolymers, and in multiple-nucleotide polymorphisms (MNPs), which encompass several nearby nucleotides and are locally phased. The vcfeval command includes a novel dynamic-programming algorithm for comparing variant call sets that deals with complex call representation discrepancies, and minimizes false positives and negatives across the entire call sets for accurate performance evaluation. A primary advantage of vcfeval (compared to other tools) is that the evaluation does not depend on normalization or decomposition, and so the results of analysis can easily be used to relate to the original variant calls and their annotations.

Note that vcfeval operates at the level of local haplotypes for a sample, so for a diploid genotype, both alleles must match in order to be considered correct. Some of the vcfeval output modes (described below) automatically perform an additional haploid analysis phase to identify variants which may not have a diploid match but which share a common allele (for example, zygosity errors made during calling). If desired, this more lenient haploid comparison can be used at the outset by setting the --squash-ploidy flag (see below).

Note that variants selected for inclusion in a haplotype cannot be permitted to overlap each other (otherwise the question arises of which variant should have priority when determining the resulting haplotype), and any well-formed call-set should not contain these situations in order to avoid such ambiguity. When such cases are encountered by vcfeval, the best non-overlapping result is determined. A special case of overlapping variants is where calls are denoted as partially the same as the reference (for example, a typical heterozygous call). Strictly speaking such variants are an assertion that the relevant haplotype bases must not be altered from the reference and overlap should not be permitted (this is the interpretation that vcfeval employs by default). However, sometimes as a result of using non-haplotype-aware variant calling tools or when using naïve merging of multiple call sets, a more lenient comparison is desired. The --ref-overlap flag will permit such overlapping variants to both match, as long as any overlap only occurs where one variant or other has asserted haplotype bases as being the same as reference.

Common allele matching with --squash-ploidy

When --squash-ploidy is specified, a haploid match is attempted using each of the non-reference alleles used in the sample genotype. For example if the baseline and call VCFs each had a record with the same REF and ALT alleles declared, the following GT fields would be considered a match:

0/1, 1/1, 1/2   (genotypes match due to the 1 allele)
0/2, 1/2, 2/2   (genotypes match due to the 2 allele)

Thus --squash-ploidy matches any case where the baseline and calls share a common allele. This is most often used to run matching that does not penalize for genotyping errors.

Comparing with a VCF that has no sample column

A common scenario is to match a call set against a baseline which contains no sample column, where the objective is to identify which baseline alleles which have been called. One example of this is to identify whether calls match a database of known high-priority somatic variants such as COSMIC, or to find calls which have been previously seen in a population allele database such as ExAC. Ordinarily vcfeval requires the input VCFs to contain a sample column containing a genotype in the GT field, however, it is possible to specify a special sample name of ‘ALT’ in order to indicate that the the genotypes for comparison should be derived from the ALT alleles of the record. This can be specified independently for baseline and calls, for example:

$ rtg vcfeval -t build37.sdf -b cosmic.vcf.gz -c tumor-calls.vcf.gz \
--squash-ploidy --sample ALT,tumor -o tumor-vs-cosmic

Which would perform a haploid matching of the GT of the called sample ‘tumor’ against all possible haploid genotypes in the COSMIC VCF. The resulting true positives file contains all the calls containing an allele present in the COSMIC VCF.


It is also possible to run a diploid comparison by omitting --squash-ploidy, but this is not usually required, and is computationally more intensive since there may be many more possible diploid genotypes to explore, particularly if the ALT VCF contains many multiallelic records.)

Evaluation with respect to regions

When evaluating exome variant calls, it may be useful to restrict analysis only to exome target regions. In this case, supply a BED file containing the list of regions to restrict analysis to via the --bed-regions flag. For a quick way to restrict analysis only to a single region, the --region flag is also accepted. Note that when restricting analysis to regions, there may be variants which can not be correctly evaluated near the borders of each analysis region, if determination of equivalence would require inclusion of variants outside of the region. For this reason, it is recommended that such regions be relatively inclusive.

When matching against gold standard truth sets which have an accompanying high-confidence regions BED file, the flag --evaluation-regions should be used instead of --bed-regions, as it has special matching semantics that aims to reduce comparison region boundary effects. When this comparison method is used, call variants which match a baseline variant are only considered a true positive if the baseline variant is inside the high confidence regions, and call variants are only considered false positive if they fall inside the high confidence regions.

vcfeval outputs

The primary outputs of vcfeval are VCF files indicating which variants matched between the baseline and the calls VCF, and data files containing information used to generate ROC curves with the rocplot command (or via spreadsheet). vcfeval supports different VCF output modes which can be selected with the --output-mode flag according to the type of analysis workflow desired. The following modes are available:

Split (--output-mode=split)

This output mode is the default, and produces separate VCF files for each of the match categories. The individual VCF records in these files are not altered in any way, preserving all annotations present in the input files.

  • tp.vcf – contains those variants from the calls VCF which agree with variants in the baseline VCF
  • tp-baseline.vcf – contains those variants from the baseline VCF which agree with variants in the calls VCF. Thus, the variants in tp.vcf and tp-baseline.vcf are equivalent. This file can be used to successively refine a highly sensitive baseline variant set to produce a consensus from several call sets.
  • fp.vcf – contains variants from the calls VCF which do not agree with baseline variants.
  • fn.vcf – contains variants from the baseline VCF which were not correctly called.

This mode performs a single pass comparison, either in diploid mode (the default), or haploid mode (if --squash-ploidy has been set). The separate output files produced by this mode allow the use of vcfeval as an advanced haplotype-aware VCF intersection tool.

Annotate (--output-mode=annotate)

This output mode does not split the input VCFs by match status, but instead adds INFO annotations containing the match status of each record:

  • calls.vcf – contains variants from the calls VCF, augmented with match status annotations.
  • baseline.vcf – contains variants from the baseline VCF, augmented with match status annotations.

This output mode automatically performs two comparison passes, the first finds diploid matches (assigned a match status of TP), and a second pass that applies a haploid mode to the false positives and false negatives in order to find calls (such as zygosity errors) that contain a common allele. This second category of match are annotated with status FN_CA or FP_CA in the output VCFs, and those calls which do not have any match are assigned status FN or FP. A status value of IGN indicates a VCF record which was ignored (for example, due to having a non-PASS filter status, representing a structural variant, or otherwise containing a non-variant genotype). A status of OUT indicates a VCF record which does not contain a match status due to falling outside the evaluation regions when --evaluation-regions is being used.

Combine (–output-mode=combine)

This output mode provides an easy way to view the baseline and call variants in a single two-sample VCF.

  • output.vcf – contains variants from both the baseline and calls VCFs, augmented with match status annotations. The sample under comparison from each of the input VCFs is extracted as a column in the output. As the VCF records from the baseline and calls typically have very different input annotations which can be difficult to merge, and to keep the output format simple, there is no attempt to preserve any of the original variant annotations.

As with the annotation output mode, this output mode automatically performs two comparison passes to find both diploid matches and haploid (lenient) matches.

ROC-only (–output-mode=roc-only)

This output mode provides a lightweight way to run performance benchmarking, as VCF file output is omitted, and only ROC data files are produced.

All of the output modes produce the following ROC data files:

  • weighted_roc.tsv – contains ROC data derived from all analyzed call variants, regardless of their representation. Columns include the score field, and standard accuracy metrics such as true positives, false positives, false negatives, precision, sensitivity, and f-measure corresponding to each score threshold.
  • snp_roc.tsv – contains ROC data derived from only those call variants which were represented as SNPs. This file includes a subset of accuracy metrics, as the computation of some metrics is not meaningful on a subset of the data where representation may differ between the baseline and the call.
  • non_snp_roc.tsv – contains ROC data derived from only those call variants which were not represented as SNPs. As above, not all metrics are computed for this file.

A common desire is to perform analysis separately for SNPs vs indels. However, it is important to note that due the representation ambiguity problem, it is not always trivial to decide in a global sense whether a variant is a SNP or an indel or other complex variant. A group of variants that may be represented as single SNPs in one call-set may be represented as a single complex variant in another call-set. In the snp_roc.tsv and non_snp_roc.tsv files above, the representation used by the called variants is used to classify the variant type, as it is the called variants which contain the scores which are used to determine the ranking for ROC curves. Thus the type-specific ROC data files should not be considered portable from one caller to another.


In addition, vcfeval has an output mode (--output-mode=ga4gh) which produces the intermediate evaluation format defined by the GA4GH Benchmarking Team, without additional statistics files. This mode is not generally intended for end users, rather it is used when vcfeval is selected as the comparison engine inside the hap.py benchmarking tool see: https://github.com/ga4gh/benchmarking-tools and https://github.com/Illumina/hap.py

Multiple ROC data files (from a single or several vcfeval runs) can be plotted with the rocplot command, which allows output to a PNG or SVG image or analysis in an interactive GUI that provides zooming and visualization of the effects of threshold adjustment. As these files are simple tab-separated-value format, they can also be loaded into a spreadsheet tool or processed with shell scripts.

While ROC curve analysis provides a much more thorough method for examining the performance of a call set with respect to a baseline truth set, for convenience, vcfeval also produces a summary.txt file which indicates match summary statistics that correspond to two key points on the ROC curve. The first point is where all called variants are included (i.e. no thresholding on a score value); and second point corresponding to a score threshold that maximises the F-measure of the curve. While this latter point is somewhat arbitrary, it represents a balanced tradeoff between precision and sensitivity which is likely to provide a fairer comparison when comparing call sets from different callers.

Note that vcfeval reports true positives both counted using the baseline variant representation as well as counted using the call variant representation. When these numbers differ greatly, it indicates a general difference in representational conventions used between the two call sets. Since false negatives can only be measured in terms of the baseline representation, sensitivity is defined as:

\text{Sensitivity} = \text{TP}_\text{baseline} / (\text{TP}_\text{baseline} + \text{FN})

Conversely since false positives can only be measured in terms of the call representation, precision is defined as:

\text{Precision} = \text{TP}_\text{call} / (\text{TP}_\text{call} + \text{FP})


For definitions of the terminology used when evaluating caller accuracy, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Receiver_operating_characteristic and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_and_specificity



Filter and convert a pedigree file.


$ rtg pedfilter [OPTION]... FILE


$ rtg pedfilter --remove-parentage mypedigree.ped


File Input/Output
  FILE The pedigree file to process, may be PED or VCF, use ‘-‘ to read from stdin.
  --keep-primary Keep only primary individuals (those with a PED individual line / VCF sample column)
  --remove-parentage Remove all parent-child relationship information.
  --vcf Output pedigree in in the form of a VCF header rather than PED.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.


The pedfilter command can be used to perform manipulations on pedigree information and convert pedigree information between PED and VCF header format. For more information about the PED file format see Pedigree PED input file format.

The VCF files output by the family and population commands contain full pedigree information represented as VCF header lines, and the pedfilter command allows this information to be extracted in PED format.

This command produces the pedigree output on standard output, which can be redirected to a file or another pipeline command as required.



Output information from pedigree files of various formats.


$ rtg pedstats [OPTION]... FILE


For a summary of pedigree information:

$ rtg pedstats ceph_pedigree.ped

Pedigree file: /data/ceph/ceph_pedigree.ped

Total samples:               17
Primary samples:             17
Male samples:                 9
Female samples:               8
Afflicted samples:            0
Founder samples:              4
Parent-child relationships:  26
Other relationships:          0
Families:                     3

To output a list of all founders:

$ rtg pedstats --founder-ids ceph_pedigree.ped

For quick pedigree visualization using GraphViz and ImageMagick, use a command-line such as:

$ dot -Tpng <(rtg pedstats --dot "A Title" mypedigree.ped) | display -


File Input/Output
  FILE The pedigree file to process, may be PED or VCF, use ‘-‘ to read from stdin.
  --dot=STRING Output pedigree in GraphViz format, using the supplied text as a title.
  --families Output information about family structures.
  --female-ids Output ids of all females.
  --founder-ids Output ids of all founders.
  --male-ids Output ids of all males.
  --maternal-ids Output ids of maternal individuals.
  --paternal-ids Output ids of paternal individuals.
  --primary-ids Output ids of all primary individuals.
  --simple-dot When outputting GraphViz format, use a layout that looks less like a traditional pedigree diagram but works better with large complex pedigrees.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.


This command is used to show pedigree summary statistics or select groups of individual Ids. In addition, it is possible to generate a simple pedigree visualization, using GraphViz, which can be saved to PNG or PDF. For example, with the following chinese-trio.ped:

#PED format pedigree
#fam-id/ind-id/pat-id/mat-id: 0=unknown
#sex: 1=male; 2=female; 0=unknown
#phenotype: -9=missing, 0=missing; 1=unaffected; 2=affected
#fam-id ind-id  pat-id  mat-id  sex     phen
0       NA24631 NA24694 NA24695 1       0
0       NA24694 0       0       1       0
0       NA24695 0       0       2       0

We can visualize the pedigree with:

$ dot -Tpng <(rtg pedstats --dot "Chinese Trio" chinese-trio.ped) -o chinese-trio.png

This will create a PNG image that can be displayed in any image viewing tool and contains the pedigree structure as shown below.


For more information about the PED file format see Pedigree PED input file format.

The VCF files output by the RTG pedigree-aware variant calling commands contain full pedigree information represented as VCF header lines, and the pedstats command can also take these VCFs as input. For example, given a VCF produced by the population command after calling the CEPH-1463 pedigree:

$ dot -Tpng <(rtg pedstats --dot "CEPH 1463" population-ceph-calls.vcf.gz) -o ceph-1463.png

Would produce the following pedigree directly from the VCF:




Plot ROC curves from readsimeval and vcfeval ROC data files, either to an image, or using an interactive GUI.


$ rtg rocplot [OPTION]... FILE+
$ rtg rocplot [OPTION]... --curve STRING


$ rtg rocplot eval/weighted_roc.tsv.gz


File Input/Output
  --curve=STRING ROC data file with title optionally specified (path[=title]). May be specified 0 or more times.
  --png=FILE If set, output a PNG image to the given file.
  --svg=FILE If set, output a SVG image to the given file.
  --zoom=STRING Show a zoomed view with the given coordinates, supplied in the form <xmax>,<ymax> or <xmin>,<ymin>,<xmax>,<ymax>
  FILE+ ROC data file. May be specified 0 or more times.
  --hide-sidepane If set, hide the side pane from the GUI on startup.
  --line-width=INT Sets the plot line width (Default is 2)
-P --precision-sensitivity If set, plot precision vs sensitivity rather than ROC.
  --scores If set, show scores on the plot.
-t --title=STRING Title for the plot.
-h --help Print help on command-line flag usage.


Used to produce ROC plots from the ROC files produced by readsimeval and vcfeval. By default this opens the ROC plots in an interactive viewer. On a system with only console access the plot can be saved directly to an image file using the either the --png or --svg parameter.

Strictly speaking, a true ROC curve should use rates rather than absolute numbers on the X and Y axes (e.g. True Positive / Total Positives rather than True Positives on the Y, and False Positive / Total Negatives on the X axis). However, there are a couple of difficulties involved with computing these rates with variant calling datasets. Firstly, the truth sets do not include any indication of the set of negatives (the closest we may get is in the cases of truth sets which contain a set of confidence regions, where it can be assumed that no other variants may be present inside the specified regions); secondly even with knowledge of negative regions, how do you count the set of possible negative calls, when a call could occupy multiple reference bases, or even (in the case of insertions) zero reference bases. It is conceptually even possible to have a call-set contain more false positives than there are reference bases. For this reason the ROC curves are plotted using the absolute counts.

Some quick tips for the interactive GUI:

  • Select regions within the graph to zoom in. Right click to bring up a context menu that allows resetting the zoom.
  • Click on a spot in the graph to show the equivalent accuracy metrics for that location in the status bar. Clicking to the left or below the axes will clear the cross-hair. Note that sensitivity depends on the baseline total number of variants being correct. If for example the ROC curve corresponds to evaluating an exome call-set against a whole-genome baseline, this number will be inaccurate.
  • Additional ROC data files can be loaded by clicking on the “Open...” button, and multiple ROC data files within a directory can be loaded at once using multi-select.
  • Each ROC curve can be shown/hidden, renamed, and reordered in it’s widget area on the right hand side of the UI.
  • Right-clicking within the ROC widget area allows permanently removing that ROC curve.
  • Each ROC curve has a slider to simulate the effect of applying a threshold on the scoring attribute. If the “show scores” option is set, this provides an easy way to select appropriate filter threshold values, which you might apply to variant sets using rtg vcffilter or similar VCF filtering tools.
  • The ‘Cmd’ button will open a message window that contains a command-line equivalent to the currently displayed set of ROC curves. This command-line may be copy-pasted, providing an easy way to replicate the current set of curves in another session, generate a curve in a script, or share with a colleague.
  • There is a drop down that allows for switching between ROC and precision/sensitivity graph types.


For definitions of the terminology used when evaluating caller accuracy, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Receiver_operating_characteristic and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_and_specificity

See also

readsimeval, vcfeval



The RTG version display utility.


$ rtg version


$ rtg version

Product: RTG Core 3.5
Core Version: 4586490 2015-12-04
RAM: 3.5GB of 3.8GB RAM can be used by RTG (91%)
CPU: Defaulting to 4 of 4 available processors (100%)
License: Expires on 2016-03-30
Contact: support@realtimegenomics.com

Patents / Patents pending:
US: 7,640,256, 13/129,329, 13/681,046, 13/681,215, 13/848,653,
13/925,704, 14/015,295, 13/971,654, 13/971,630, 14/564,810
UK: 1222923.3, 1222921.7, 1304502.6, 1311209.9, 1314888.7, 1314908.3
New Zealand: 626777, 626783, 615491, 614897, 614560
Australia: 2005255348, Singapore: 128254


John G. Cleary, Ross Braithwaite, Kurt Gaastra, Brian S. Hilbush, Stuart Inglis, Sean A. Irvine, Alan Jackson, Richard Littin, Sahar Nohzadeh-Malakshah, Mehul Rathod, David Ware, Len Trigg, and Francisco M. De La Vega. "Joint Variant and De Novo Mutation Identification on Pedigrees from High-Throughput Sequencing Data." Journal of Computational Biology. June 2014, 21(6): 405-419.  doi:10.1089/cmb.2014.0029.

(c) Real Time Genomics, 2014


There are no options associated with the version command.


Use the version command to display release and version information.

See also

help, license



The RTG license display utility.


$ rtg license


$ rtg license


There are no options associated with the license command.


Use the license command to display license information and expiration date. Output at the command line (standard output) shows command name, licensed status, and command release level.

See also

help, version



The RTG help command provides online help for all RTG commands.


List all commands:

$ rtg help

Show usage syntax and flags for one command:

$ rtg help COMMAND


$ rtg help format


There are no options associated with the help command.


Use the help command to view syntax and usage information for the main rtg command as well as individual RTG commands.

See also

license, version