# First field: # INIT = initialisation, not counted in testing # P = expected to pass # F = expected to fail # Second field: # Filename of expected output # Third onwards; command to execute. $fmt is replaced by the current file # format, ie sam, bam or cram. $samtools is a pointer to the desired # samtools binary. This can be useful for testing older versions. # # Create variant formats INIT x $samtools view -C mpileup.1.bam > mpileup.1.cram INIT x $samtools view -C mpileup.2.bam > mpileup.2.cram INIT x $samtools view -C mpileup.3.bam > mpileup.3.cram INIT x $samtools index mpileup.1.cram INIT x $samtools index mpileup.2.cram INIT x $samtools index mpileup.3.cram INIT x $samtools view -h mpileup.1.bam > mpileup.1.sam INIT x $samtools view -S -b overlap50.sam > overlap50.bam INIT x $samtools view -S -C overlap50.sam > overlap50.cram INIT x $samtools view -S -b anomalous.sam > anomalous.bam INIT x $samtools view -S -C anomalous.sam > anomalous.cram INIT x $samtools view -S -b indels.sam > indels.bam INIT x $samtools view -S -C indels.sam > indels.cram INIT x xz -d < expected/1.out.xz > expected/1.out # Nasty file corner cases P 1.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f ce.fa ce#large_seq.bam P 2.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f ce.fa ce#unmap.bam P 3.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f ce.fa ce#unmap1.bam P 4.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f ce.fa ce#unmap2.bam P 5.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f c1.fa c1#clip.bam P 6.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f c1.fa c1#pad1.bam P 7.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f c1.fa c1#pad2.bam # I'm not convinced this case is valid, but I also don't know if it's even # possible to encode this data in a pileup format output. P 8.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f c1.fa c1#pad3.bam P 9.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f xx.fa xx#minimal.bam P 10.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f xx.fa xx#triplet.bam P 11.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f c1.fa c1#ID.bam P 12.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -x -f c1.fa c1#ID2.bam # Test basic pileup options P 13.out $samtools mpileup -x mpileup.1.$fmt P 14.out $samtools mpileup -x mpileup.[123].$fmt P 15.out ls -1 mpileup.[123].$fmt > 15.list.tmp; $samtools mpileup -x -b 15.list.tmp P 16.out $samtools mpileup -x -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt P 17.out $samtools mpileup -x -B -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt P 18.out $samtools mpileup -x -B -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt P 19.out $samtools mpileup -x -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt P 20.out $samtools mpileup -x -6 -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt P 21.out $samtools mpileup -x -E -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt P 22.out $samtools mpileup -x -R -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt # -x option P 23.out $samtools mpileup -f mpileup.ref.fa overlap50.$fmt P 24.out $samtools mpileup -x -f mpileup.ref.fa overlap50.$fmt # -6 for Illumina format input P 25.out $samtools mpileup -x -6 -f mpileup.ref.fa overlapIllumina.bam # -A for anomalous read pairs P 26.out $samtools mpileup -x -Q0 anomalous.$fmt P 27.out $samtools mpileup -A -x -Q0 anomalous.$fmt # -B P 28.out $samtools mpileup -B -x -Q1 -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt # -q; filter by mapping quality P 29.out $samtools mpileup -q 61 1read.bam P 30.out $samtools mpileup -q 60 1read.bam # -Q filter by base quality P 31.out $samtools mpileup -Q 7 1read.bam P 32.out $samtools mpileup -Q 8 1read.bam # -E P 33.out $samtools mpileup -x -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup-E.bam P 34.out $samtools mpileup -E -x -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup-E.bam # -G for excluding RG. All bar one: P 35.out $samtools view mpileup.1.bam|sed -n 's/.*RG:Z://;s/[^A-Z0-9].*//p'|sort -u |grep -v ERR013140 > 35.rg.tmp;$samtools mpileup -G 35.rg.tmp mpileup.1.bam # Region based options # SAM indices don't exist (no tabix support due to header?) # CRAM index currently fails P 37.out $samtools mpileup -x -r 17 mpileup.1.$fmt P 38.out $samtools mpileup -x -r 17:4000 mpileup.1.$fmt P 39.out $samtools mpileup -x -r 17:4,000-4,010 mpileup.1.$fmt P 40.out $samtools mpileup -l regions ce#5b.$fmt P 41.out $samtools mpileup -l regions -r CHROMOSOME_V:40-60 ce#5b.$fmt P 42.out $samtools mpileup -l regions -r CHROMOSOME_I:40-60 ce#5b.$fmt # --rf and --ff P 43.out $samtools view -h -f 16 mpileup.1.bam | $samtools mpileup -x - P 44.out $samtools view -h mpileup.1.bam | $samtools mpileup -x --rf 0x10 - P 45.out $samtools view -h -F 16 mpileup.1.bam | $samtools mpileup -x - P 46.out $samtools view -h mpileup.1.bam | $samtools mpileup -x --ff 0x714 - # -d; depth F 47.out $samtools mpileup -x -d 8500 -B -f mpileup.ref.fa deep.sam|awk '{print $4}' # BCF output options P 48.out $samtools mpileup -x -g -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt | $filter P 49.out $samtools mpileup -x -v -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt | $filter P 50.out $samtools mpileup -D -V -x -g -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt | $filter P 51.out $samtools mpileup -S -x -g -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.$fmt | $filter P 52.out $samtools mpileup -u -x -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.bam | GREP_OPTIONS= egrep -v '^##samtools' # # -o/e/h for indel scores P 53.out $samtools mpileup -e 1 -u -x -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 54.out $samtools mpileup -e 10 -u -x -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 55.out $samtools mpileup -h 10 -u -x -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 56.out $samtools mpileup -h 90 -u -x -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 57.out $samtools mpileup -e 1 -o 10 -u -x -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 58.out $samtools mpileup -e 1 -o 40 -u -x -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' # -F/-m for indel reads; 2 samples {2indel, 1not} + {1indel, 1not}. P 59.out $samtools mpileup -x -F 0.60 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 60.out $samtools mpileup -x -F 0.66 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 61.out $samtools mpileup -x -m 3 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 62.out $samtools mpileup -x -m 4 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 63.out $samtools mpileup -x -p -F 0.66 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 64.out $samtools mpileup -x -p -F 0.67 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 65.out $samtools mpileup -x -p -m 2 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 66.out $samtools mpileup -x -p -m 3 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 67.out $samtools mpileup -x -L 3 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 68.out $samtools mpileup -x -L 2 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 69.out $samtools mpileup -x -I -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' # -P to select platform. Note the actual indel sequence call is made on the entire set. P 70.out $samtools mpileup -x -m 3 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 71.out $samtools mpileup -x -P ILLUMINA,LS454 -m 3 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 72.out $samtools mpileup -x -P ILLUMINA -m 3 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 73.out $samtools mpileup -x -P ILLUMINA -m 2 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 74.out $samtools mpileup -x -P LS454 -m 2 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' P 75.out $samtools mpileup -x -P LS454 -m 1 -u -f mpileup.ref.fa indels.$fmt|$filter|awk '/INDEL/' # Pileup output options; -s/O P 76.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -s -x -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.bam P 77.out $samtools mpileup -Q0 -O -x -f mpileup.ref.fa mpileup.1.bam