/*=========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. * * =========================================================================== * */ /*========================================================================== * INSDC Sequence Read Archive schema */ version 1; include 'insdc/seq.vschema'; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * types */ /* spotid_t * unique id given to every spot */ typedef U32 INSDC:SRA:spotid_t; /* spot_ids_found */ typedef U64 INSDC:SRA:spot_ids_found [ 4 ]; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * functions */ /* format_spot_name * given a name format string, X, and Y * produce a reconstructed spot name string * * "name_fmt" [ DATA ] - name format string ( see format explanation below ) * * "X" [ DATA ] - X coordinate for spot * * "Y" [ DATA ] - Y coordinate for spot * * "spot_name" [ DATA, OPTIONAL ] - potential source of unformatted names * * SYNOPSIS: * "name_fmt" may have any ASCII characters * the special character '$' is an escape symbol * when followed by a recognized format character, * both the '$' and its format character will be * replaced with a numeral generated from X and/or Y. * * when "spot_name" is present and the "name_fmt" row is empty, * output is taken verbatim from "spot_name" */ function ascii INSDC:SRA:format_spot_name #1 ( ascii name_fmt , I32 X , I32 Y * ascii spot_name ); function ascii INSDC:SRA:format_spot_name_no_coord #1 ( ascii name_fmt * ascii spot_name ); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * spotcoord * spot coordinate table * gives X and Y and potentially other common coordinates */ table INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotcoord #1 { /* X, Y * 32 ( or 16 ) bit coordinates within plate region * the coordinate system ( zero or one-based ) is unspecified */ extern default column INSDC:coord:val X = out_x_coord; extern default column INSDC:coord:val Y = out_y_coord; // backward compatibility for 16-bit unsigned coordinates extern readonly column U16 X = cast ( x_clip_U16 ); extern readonly column U16 Y = cast ( y_clip_U16 ); // clip signed 32-bit coordinates to unsigned 16-bit INSDC:coord:val x_clip_U16 = < INSDC:coord:val > clip < 0, 0xFFFF > ( out_x_coord ); INSDC:coord:val y_clip_U16 = < INSDC:coord:val > clip < 0, 0xFFFF > ( out_y_coord ); /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotcoord virtual productions * out_x_coord * out_y_coord */ }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * spotname * spot name table * the name column is normally indexed * * history: * 1.0.1 - split X and Y into spotcoord table */ table INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotname #1.0.1 = INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotcoord #1 { /* NAME * external name for spot */ extern column ascii NAME = _out_name; /* SPOT_IDS_FOUND * lookup by NAME column */ readonly column INSDC:SRA:spot_ids_found SPOT_IDS_FOUND = spot_ids_found; /* default rules */ // assemble NAME column output in order of preference ascii _out_name = INSDC:SRA:format_spot_name ( out_name_fmt, out_x_coord, out_y_coord, out_spot_name ) | INSDC:SRA:format_spot_name ( out_name_fmt, out_x_coord, out_y_coord ) | INSDC:SRA:format_spot_name_no_coord (out_name_fmt) | out_spot_name; /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotcoord inherited virtual productions * out_x_coord * out_y_coord */ /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotname virtual productions * out_name_fmt * out_spot_name * spot_ids_found */ }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * spotdesc * spot descriptor table * * history: * 1.0.1 - base explicitly upon sequence #1.0.1 * 1.0.2 - added alternate taps for in_read_type and in_read_len */ table INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotdesc #1.0.2 = INSDC:tbl:sequence #1.0.1 { /* NREADS * describes the number of reads within spot */ extern column U8 NREADS = out_nreads; /* SPOT_LEN * length of sequence * FIXED_SPOT_LEN * non-zero if sequence length is fixed throughout table */ readonly column INSDC:coord:len SPOT_LEN = spot_len; readonly column INSDC:coord:len FIXED_SPOT_LEN = fixed_spot_len; /* TRIM_START * TRIM_LEN * define the spot segment after applying trimming * trimming may be based upon technical segments and read quality */ readonly column INSDC:coord:zero TRIM_START = trim_start | < INSDC:coord:zero> echo < 0 > (); readonly column INSDC:coord:one TRIM_START = ( INSDC:coord:one ) < I32 > sum < 1 > ( trim_start ) | < INSDC:coord:one> echo < 1 > (); readonly column INSDC:coord:len TRIM_LEN = trim_len | spot_len; /* LABEL * LABEL_START, LABEL_LEN * column pair for writing read labels * the label text for all reads is concatenated to form the LABEL row * starting coordinates and lengths delineate labels by read * * NB - row length for LABEL_START/LEN === NREADS, * row length for LABEL === SUM ( LABEL_LEN [ n ] ) for NREADS */ extern column ascii LABEL = out_label; extern column INSDC:coord:zero LABEL_START = out_label_start; extern column INSDC:coord:len LABEL_LEN = out_label_len; // 16-bit versions readonly column U16 LABEL_START = cast ( out_label_start ); readonly column U16 LABEL_LEN = cast ( out_label_len ); /* READ_TYPE * binary values giving type of a read * * NB - row length === NREADS */ extern default column INSDC:SRA:xread_type READ_TYPE = out_read_type; INSDC:SRA:xread_type in_read_type = READ_TYPE | _alt_in_read_type; readonly column INSDC:SRA:read_type READ_TYPE = out_read_type | < INSDC:SRA:xread_type, INSDC:SRA:read_type > map < [ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ], [ 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1 ] > ( out_read_type ); /* READ_START * READ_LEN * define starting coordinates and length of read segments * * NB - row length === NREADS */ extern default column INSDC:coord:zero READ_START = out_read_start; extern column INSDC:coord:one READ_START = ( INSDC:coord:one ) < I32 > sum < 1 > ( out_read_start ); extern column INSDC:coord:len READ_LEN = out_read_len; // 16-bit versions readonly column U16 READ_START = cast ( out_read_start ); readonly column U16 READ_LEN = cast ( out_read_len ); INSDC:coord:len in_read_len = READ_LEN | _alt_in_read_len; /* READ_FILTER * bits indicate usability of sequence * always available */ extern column INSDC:SRA:read_filter READ_FILTER = out_rd_filter | < INSDC:SRA:read_filter > echo < SRA_READ_FILTER_PASS > ( out_read_start ); // RD_FILTER - only available if physical column is present extern readonly column INSDC:SRA:read_filter RD_FILTER = out_rd_filter; /* spot_len is used internally */ INSDC:coord:len spot_len = base_space_spot_len | color_space_spot_len | align_spot_len; INSDC:coord:len fixed_spot_len = static_fixed_spot_len | base_space_fixed_spot_len | color_space_fixed_spot_len; /* INSDC:tbl:sequence inherited virtual productions * out_2cs_packed * out_2na_packed */ /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotdesc productions * trim_len * out_label * out_nreads * trim_start * out_read_len * out_label_len * out_rd_filter * out_read_type * out_read_start * out_label_start * static_fixed_spot_len */ }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * stats * run and spot-group statistics * * history: * 1.1.0 - added CMP_BASE_COUNT */ table INSDC:SRA:tbl:stats #1.1 { readonly column INSDC:SRA:spotid_t MIN_SPOT_ID = min_spot_id | < INSDC:SRA:spotid_t > echo < 1 > (); readonly column INSDC:SRA:spotid_t MAX_SPOT_ID = max_spot_id | cast ( spot_count ); readonly column U64 SPOT_COUNT = spot_count; readonly column U64 BASE_COUNT = base_count; readonly column U64 BIO_BASE_COUNT = bio_base_count; readonly column U64 CMP_BASE_COUNT = cmp_base_count | base_count; U8 stats_dummy = in_stats_bin; /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:stats productions * base_count * spot_count * max_spot_id * min_spot_id * in_stats_bin * bio_base_count * cmp_base_count */ }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * sra * the INSDC SRA table * * history: * 1.0.1 - base explicitly upon spotname #1.0.1 * 1.0.2 - base explicitly upon sequence #1.0.1, spotdesc #1.0.1 * 1.0.3 - base upon spotdesc #1.0.2 */ // platform constants from typedef U8 INSDC:SRA:platform_id; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_UNDEFINED = 0; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_454 = 1; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_ILLUMINA = 2; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_ABSOLID = 3; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_COMPLETE_GENOMICS = 4; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_HELICOS = 5; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_PACBIO_SMRT = 6; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_ION_TORRENT = 7; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_CAPILLARY = 8; const INSDC:SRA:platform_id SRA_PLATFORM_OXFORD_NANOPORE = 9; table INSDC:SRA:tbl:sra #1.0.3 = INSDC:tbl:sequence #1.0.1, INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotname #1.0.1, INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotdesc #1.0.2, INSDC:SRA:tbl:stats #1.1.0 { /* PLATFORM * platform description * one version returns a constant defined above * while the other returns a textual representation */ extern column INSDC:SRA:platform_id PLATFORM = .PLATFORM | out_platform; readonly column ascii PLATFORM = platform_name; physical column < INSDC:SRA:platform_id > zip_encoding .PLATFORM = PLATFORM; /* SPOT_ID * reports spot id of current row */ extern column INSDC:SRA:spotid_t SPOT_ID = < INSDC:SRA:spotid_t > add_row_id ( .SPOT_ID ) | cast ( rowid_64 ); I64 rowid_64 = row_id (); physical column < INSDC:SRA:spotid_t > izip_encoding .SPOT_ID = < INSDC:SRA:spotid_t > sub_row_id ( SPOT_ID ); /* SPOT_GROUP * a name denoting group membership, '' * used for "barcode" support */ extern column ascii SPOT_GROUP = out_spot_group | .SPOT_GROUP | < ascii > echo < '' > (); ascii in_spot_group = SPOT_GROUP; physical column < ascii > zip_encoding < Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, Z_BEST_SPEED > .SPOT_GROUP = in_spot_group; /* INSDC:tbl:sequence inherited virtual productions * cs_native * in_cs_key * out_cs_key * out_signal * in_dna_text * out_2cs_bin * out_2na_bin * out_4na_bin * out_dna_text * out_x2cs_bin * out_x2na_bin * in_color_text * out_2cs_packed * out_2na_packed * out_4na_packed * out_color_text * out_qual_phred * out_color_matrix */ /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotcoord inherited virtual productions * out_x_coord * out_y_coord */ /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotname inherited virtual productions * out_name_fmt * out_spot_name * spot_ids_found */ /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotdesc inherited productions * trim_len * out_label * out_nreads * trim_start * out_read_len * out_label_len * out_rd_filter * out_read_type * out_read_start * out_label_start * static_fixed_spot_len */ /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:stats inherited productions * base_count * spot_count * max_spot_id * min_spot_id * in_stats_bin * bio_base_count */ /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:sra productions * out_platform * platform_name */ };