/*=========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. * * =========================================================================== * */ /*========================================================================== * NCBI Illumina Sequence Read Archive schema */ version 1; include 'ncbi/sra.vschema'; include 'ncbi/spotname.vschema'; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * types */ typedef INSDC:quality:log_odds NCBI:qual4 [ 4 ]; typedef NCBI:qual4 NCBI:SRA:rotated_qual4, NCBI:SRA:swapped_qual4; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * functions */ /* tokenize_spot_name * scans name on input * tokenizes into parts */ extern function NCBI:SRA:spot_name_token NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tokenize_spot_name #1 ( ascii name ); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * NCBI:SRA:Illumina:qual4 * 4-channel log-odds-ish quality */ /* history: * 1.0.1 - base explicitly upon updated ancestry */ table NCBI:SRA:Illumina:qual4_nocol #1.0.1 = INSDC:tbl:sequence #1.0.1 , NCBI:tbl:log_odds_quality_nocol #1.0.1 { /* QUALITY * 4-channel quality column */ readonly column NCBI:qual4 QUALITY = out_qual4; NCBI:qual4 out_qual4 = < NCBI:qual4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( out_qual4_swapped, read_unpack ) | < NCBI:qual4 > NCBI:SRA:rotate < false > ( out_qual4_rotated, read_unpack ); /* single-channel output * convert 4-channel log-odds to single channel * must retain n-encoding, which was intended to be the 4-channel pattern * ( -5, -5, -5, -5 ) and a base of 'A' */ // first, extract quality for called base INSDC:quality:log_odds out_qual1_ch0 = < INSDC:quality:log_odds> cut < 0 > ( out_qual4_swapped ) | < INSDC:quality:log_odds> cut < 0 > ( out_qual4_rotated ); // clip it to -5 and above INSDC:quality:log_odds out_qual1_clip = < INSDC:quality:log_odds > clip < -5, 127 > ( out_qual1_ch0 ); // convert 4 channel to single 32-bit value U32 out_qual4_32 = redimension ( out_qual4_swapped ) | redimension ( out_qual4_rotated ); // detect ( -5, -5, -5, -5 ) and introduce a -6 value into log-odds // this is treated as an 'N', but still not ready INSDC:quality:log_odds out_qual1_fives = < U32, INSDC:quality:log_odds > map < 0xFBFBFBFB, -6 > ( out_qual4_32, out_qual1_clip ); // now slam zeros into anything that doesn't correspond to an A // essentially this leaves all of the A qualities. any having -6 are really N. INSDC:quality:log_odds out_qual1_n = < U8, INSDC:quality:log_odds > map < [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] > ( read_unpack, out_qual1_fives ); // finally, produce log-odds with n-encoded as -6 INSDC:quality:log_odds out_qual_log_odds = < INSDC:quality:log_odds, INSDC:quality:log_odds > map < -6, -6 > ( out_qual1_n, out_qual1_clip ); /* NCBI:tbl:n_encoding inherited productions * read_unpack */ /* NCBI:SRA:Illumina:qual4_nocol productions * out_qual4_rotated * out_qual4_swapped */ }; /* 4-channel log-odds compression */ // encoded type - a single byte code for 4-channel pattern typedef B8 NCBI:SRA:encoded_qual4; // decoding function extern function NCBI:SRA:swapped_qual4 NCBI:SRA:qual4_decode #1 ( NCBI:SRA:encoded_qual4 in ); // encoding function extern function NCBI:SRA:encoded_qual4 NCBI:SRA:qual4_encode #1 ( NCBI:SRA:swapped_qual4 in ); // compression rules physical NCBI:SRA:swapped_qual4 NCBI:SRA:qual4_encoding #1 { encode { // produce codes NCBI:SRA:encoded_qual4 encoded = NCBI:SRA:qual4_encode ( @ ); // gzip return zip < Z_RLE, Z_BEST_SPEED > ( encoded ); } decode { // gunzip NCBI:SRA:encoded_qual4 unzipped = unzip ( @ ); // inflate to swapped return NCBI:SRA:qual4_decode ( unzipped ); } } /* history: * 1.0.1 - base upon updated qual4_nocol */ table NCBI:SRA:Illumina:qual4 #1.0.1 = NCBI:SRA:Illumina:qual4_nocol #1.0.1 { // read directly as swapped, n-encoded log_odds NCBI:SRA:swapped_qual4 out_qual4_swapped = .QUALITY; /* NCBI:tbl:n_encoding inherited virtual productions * read_unpack */ }; /* history: * 2.0.2 - base upon updated ancestry * 2.0.3 - base upon updated ancestry * 2.0.4 - base upon updated ancestry * 2.1.0 - base upon updated ancestry, added in_qual_log_odds */ table NCBI:SRA:Illumina:qual4 #2.1.0 = NCBI:tbl:base_space #2.0.3 , NCBI:tbl:log_odds_quality_nocol #2.1.0 { /* QUALITY * 4-channel log-odds */ extern column NCBI:qual4 QUALITY = out_qual4; NCBI:SRA:swapped_qual4 in_qual4 = ( NCBI:SRA:swapped_qual4 ) < NCBI:qual4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( QUALITY, in_x2na_bin ) | ( NCBI:SRA:swapped_qual4 ) < NCBI:qual4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( QUALITY, in_2na_bin ); NCBI:qual4 out_qual4 = < NCBI:SRA:swapped_qual4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( .QUALITY, out_x2na_bin ); physical column NCBI:SRA:qual4_encoding .QUALITY = in_qual4; // feed to compressed statistics NCBI:qual4 in_stats_qual = in_qual4; // single channel INSDC:quality:log_odds in_qual_log_odds = < INSDC:quality:log_odds > cut < 0 > ( in_qual4 ); INSDC:quality:log_odds out_qual_log_odds = < INSDC:quality:log_odds > cut < 0 > ( .QUALITY ); }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * NCBI:SRA:Illumina * Illumina SRA Platform */ /* NCBI:SRA:Illumina:common #1 * basic table interface based upon Illumina's pipelines * * history: * 1.0.1 - explictly base upon sra #1.0.1 * 1.0.2 - base explicitly upon sra #1.0.2 * 1.0.3 - base explicitly upon sra #1.0.3 */ table NCBI:SRA:Illumina:common #1.0.3 = INSDC:SRA:tbl:sra #1.0.3 { // platform name is always 'ILLUMINA' ascii platform_name = < ascii > echo < "ILLUMINA" > (); /* TRIMMED SEQUENCE * need to find the 0-based trim_start and trim_len */ INSDC:coord:zero bio_start = NCBI:SRA:bio_start ( out_read_start, out_read_type ); INSDC:coord:zero trim_start = bio_start; U32 trim_left = ( U32 ) trim_start; INSDC:coord:len trim_len = (INSDC:coord:len) < U32 > diff ( spot_len, trim_left ); /* COORDINATES * in addition to X and Y, * Illumina has LANE and TILE */ readonly column INSDC:coord:val LANE = out_lane_coord; readonly column INSDC:coord:val TILE = out_tile_coord; }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tbl:v2 #1 * normalized v2 table * still has variants based upon quality type * * history: * 1.0.1 - explictly base upon sra #1.0.1 and related tables * 1.0.2 - updated ancestry * 1.0.3 - updated ancestry */ physical NCBI:SRA:swapped_fsamp4 NCBI:SRA:Illumina:encoding:SIGNAL #2 { decode { return NCBI:SRA:fsamp4:decode #2 ( @ ); } encode { return NCBI:SRA:fsamp4:encode #2 < 14, 10 > ( @ ); } } physical NCBI:fsamp4 NCBI:SRA:Illumina:encoding:NOISE #2 { decode { F32 dcmp = funzip ( @ ); return redimension ( dcmp ); } encode { F32 ncmp = redimension ( @ ); return fzip < 10 > ( ncmp ); } } physical NCBI:SRA:swapped_fsamp4 NCBI:SRA:Illumina:encoding:INTENSITY #2 { decode { return NCBI:SRA:fsamp4:decode #2 ( @ ); } encode { return NCBI:SRA:fsamp4:encode #2 < 14, 10 > ( @ ); } } // v2 base table table NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tbl:v2 #1.0.4 = NCBI:SRA:tbl:sra #2.1.3 , NCBI:tbl:base_space #2.0.3 , NCBI:SRA:Illumina:common #1.0.3 { /* NAME tokenizing and coordinates * most work happens in skeyname table * we still obtain LANE and TILE from name */ INSDC:coord:val out_lane_coord = ( INSDC:coord:val ) NCBI:SRA:extract_name_coord < NCBI:SRA:name_token:L > ( _out_name, out_spot_name_tok ); INSDC:coord:val out_tile_coord = ( INSDC:coord:val ) NCBI:SRA:extract_name_coord < NCBI:SRA:name_token:T > ( _out_name, out_spot_name_tok ); NCBI:SRA:spot_name_token out_spot_name_tok = NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tokenize_spot_name ( _out_name ); NCBI:SRA:spot_name_token in_spot_name_tok = NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tokenize_spot_name ( NAME ); /* SIGNAL * optional, no longer archived */ extern column NCBI:fsamp4 SIGNAL { read = out_signal; validate = < NCBI:fsamp4 > no_compare #1 ( in_signal, out_signal ); } NCBI:fsamp4 in_signal = SIGNAL; NCBI:fsamp4 out_signal = < NCBI:SRA:swapped_fsamp4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( .SIGNAL, out_x2na_bin ); physical column NCBI:SRA:Illumina:encoding:SIGNAL #2 .SIGNAL = ( NCBI:SRA:swapped_fsamp4 ) < NCBI:fsamp4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( in_signal, in_x2na_bin ) | ( NCBI:SRA:swapped_fsamp4 ) < NCBI:fsamp4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( in_signal, in_2na_bin ); /* NOISE * optional, no longer archived */ extern column NCBI:fsamp4 NOISE { read = out_noise; validate = < NCBI:fsamp4 > no_compare #1 ( in_noise, out_noise ); } NCBI:fsamp4 in_noise = NOISE; NCBI:fsamp4 out_noise = .NOISE; physical column NCBI:SRA:Illumina:encoding:NOISE #2 .NOISE = in_noise; /* INTENSITY * optional, no longer archived */ extern column NCBI:fsamp4 INTENSITY { read = out_intensity; validate = < NCBI:fsamp4 > no_compare #1 ( in_intensity, out_intensity ); } NCBI:fsamp4 in_intensity = INTENSITY; NCBI:fsamp4 out_intensity = < NCBI:fsamp4 > NCBI:SRA:denormalize ( out_norm_intensity, out_x2na_bin ); NCBI:fsamp4 out_norm_intensity = ( NCBI:fsamp4 ) < NCBI:SRA:swapped_fsamp4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( .INTENSITY, out_x2na_bin ); NCBI:fsamp4 in_norm_intensity = < NCBI:fsamp4 > NCBI:SRA:normalize ( in_intensity, in_x2na_bin ) | < NCBI:fsamp4 > NCBI:SRA:normalize ( in_intensity, in_2na_bin ); physical column NCBI:SRA:Illumina:encoding:INTENSITY #2 .INTENSITY = ( NCBI:SRA:swapped_fsamp4 ) < NCBI:fsamp4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( in_norm_intensity, in_x2na_bin ) | ( NCBI:SRA:swapped_fsamp4 ) < NCBI:fsamp4 > NCBI:SRA:swap ( in_norm_intensity, in_2na_bin ); /* INSDC:tbl:sequence inherited virtual productions * out_qual_phred */ /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotdesc inherited productions * static_fixed_spot_len */ }; /* 4-channel log-odds qualities * * history: * 1.0.2 - updated ancestry * 1.0.3 - updated ancestry * 1.0.4 - updated ancestry * 1.1.0 - updated ancestry */ table NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tbl:q4:v2 #1.1.0 = NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tbl:v2 #1.0.4 , NCBI:SRA:Illumina:qual4 #2.1.0 { /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotdesc inherited virtual productions * static_fixed_spot_len */ }; /* 1-channel log-odds qualities * * history: * 1.0.2 - updated ancestry * 1.0.3 - updated ancestry * 1.0.4 - updated ancestry * 1.1.0 - updated ancestry */ table NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tbl:q1:v2 #1.1 = NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tbl:v2 #1.0.4 , NCBI:tbl:log_odds_quality #2.1.0 { /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotdesc inherited productions * static_fixed_spot_len */ }; /* phred qualities * * history: * 1.0.2 - updated ancestry * 1.0.3 - updated ancestry * 1.0.4 - updated ancestry */ table NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tbl:phred:v2 #1.0.4 = NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tbl:v2 #1.0.4 , NCBI:tbl:phred_quality #2.0.3 { /* INSDC:SRA:tbl:spotdesc inherited virtual productions * static_fixed_spot_len */ };