/*=========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. * * =========================================================================== * */ /*========================================================================== * VDB external functions, formats and types */ version 1; // built-in functions should be known to all include 'vdb/built-in.vschema'; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * types */ /* text_token * a vector describing tokens recognized within a text string * * COMPONENTS: * 0 - token id * 1 - token starting coordinate * 2 - token length */ typedef U16 text:token [ 3 ]; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typesets */ typeset pack_set { B8, B16, B32, B64, integer_set }; typeset izip_set { integer_set }; typeset fzip_set { F32 }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * formats */ fmtdef izip_fmt; fmtdef fzip_fmt; fmtdef rle_fmt; fmtdef zlib_fmt; fmtdef bzip2_fmt; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * functions */ /* echo * returns single or repeated constant value * * "T" [ TYPE ] - type of constant data to return * * "val" [ CONST ] - a data constant * * "row_len" [ DATA, OPTIONAL ] - if omitted, "val" will be * issued once and the resultant row-length will be the length * of "val". otherwise, "val" will be repeated and/or truncated * as necessary to produce a row-length equal to that of input. * * USAGE: * to echo a single constant value * U16 len = row_len ( col ) | < U16 > echo < 0 > (); * * to create a row of repeated values * ascii allN = < ascii > echo < 'N' > ( col ); */ function < type T > T echo #1.0 < T val > ( * any row_len ) = vdb:echo; /* exists * returns constant or dynamic value if predicate input exists * * "T" [ TYPE ] - type of data to return * * "cval" [ CONST, OPTIONAL ] - a data constant. when present, * the function will behave like "echo" ( see below ) * * "predicate" [ DATA ] - an input whose existence determines * whether the function will operate or not. * * "dval" [ DATA, OPTIONAL ] - data value, either passed through * or used to determine a repeat count of "cval" ( see below ) * * USAGE: * when "cval" is omitted, "dval" must be present and will be * passed through depending upon the existence of "predicate" * U8 count = < U8 > exists ( col, count2 ); * * when "cval" is present, "dval" may be omitted, and "cval" will * be passed through just like echo depending upon "predicate" * U8 count = < U8 > exists < 2 > ( col2 ) | < U8 > echo < 1 > (); * * when "cval" and "dval" are both present, the behavior is * like echo, but gated with "predicate" * ascii poly = < ascii > exists < 'a' > ( col, repeat ); */ function < type T > T exists #1.0 < * T cval > ( any predicate, * T dval ) = vdb:exists; /* map * translate input elements * behaves much like the Unix "tr" command * except that charsets are not [currently] supported * * "A" [ TYPE ] - input data type, e.g. "ascii" * * "B" [ TYPE ] - output data type, e.g. "ascii" or "U8" * * "from" [ CONST ] - set of key values. * * "to" [ CONST ] - set of mapped values, * where length ( from ) === length ( to ) * * "in" [ DATA ] - input data to be matched against keys * in "from". also serves as source data when "src" is omitted * * "src" [ DATA, OPTIONAL ] - source data to be edited by * substituting "to" values when corresponding "in" value * matches key in "from". if omitted, "in" is used. * * USAGE: * to upper case letters from a given alphabet * ascii upper = < ascii, ascii > map < 'acgtn', 'ACGTN' > ( in ); * * to translate from ascii to binary * U8 bin = < ascii, U8 > map < 'ACGTN', [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 0 ] > ( in ); * * to alter certain values of a column based upon values in another * U8 n_encoded = < ascii, U8 > map < 'N', 0 > ( read, quality ); * * CAVEATS: * the full canonical mode of operation uses separate inputs * for key matching and output source. * * when a single input is specified: * - sizeof ( A ) must equal sizeof ( B ) * - A must be a proper subset of B -OR- * - "from" keys must match every possible "in" value ( total substitution ) */ function < type A, type B > B map #1.0 < A from, B to > ( A in, * B src ) = vdb:map; /* clip * limit data values to given bounds * * "T" [ TYPE ] - input and output data type * * "dim" [ CONST >= 1 ] - fixed dimension on * input and output vectors * * "lower" [ CONST ] - lower bound, inclusive * * "upper" [ CONST ] - upper bounds, inclusive * * "in" [ DATA ] - data to be clipped */ function < type T > T clip #1.0 < T lower, T upper > ( T in ) = vdb:clip; function < type T, U32 dim > T [ dim ] vclip #1.0 < T lower, T upper > ( T [ dim ] in ) = vdb:clip; /* ceil * round up to the nearest integer * * "in" [ DATA ] - data to be processed */ function numeric_set ceil #1.0 ( float_set in ) = vdb:ceil; /* floor * round down to the nearest integer * * "in" [ DATA ] - data to be processed */ function numeric_set floor #1.0 ( float_set in ) = vdb:floor; /* round * round to nearest integer away from zero * * "T" [ TYPE = { F32, F64 } ] - input and output data type * * "in" [ DATA ] - data to be processed */ function numeric_set round #1.0 ( float_set in ) = vdb:round; /* trunc * round to the nearest integer not larger in absolute value * * "T" [ TYPE = { F32, F64 } ] - input and output data type * * "in" [ DATA ] - data to be processed */ function numeric_set trunc #1.0 ( float_set in ) = vdb:trunc; /* min * return the minimum value of each element * max * return the maximum value of each element * * "T" [ TYPE ] - input and output data type * * "a" [ DATA ] - first operand * * "b" [ DATA ] - second operand * * SYNOPSIS: * compares two inputs element by element * returns min or max element of each * * USAGE: * intersections * U32 left = < U32 > max ( left_a, left_b ); * U32 right = < U32 > min ( right_a, right_b ); */ function < type T > T min #1.0 ( T a, T b ) = vdb:min; function < type T > T max #1.0 ( T a, T b ) = vdb:max; /* sum * return the sum of inputs * diff * return the difference of inputs * * "T" [ TYPE ] - input and output data type * must be member of numeric_set * * "k" [ CONST, DEFAULT 0 ] - optional constant * to be added or subtracted * * "a" [ DATA ] - left-most operand * * "b" [ DATA ] - optional subtractand * * SYNOPSIS: * incorporates "k" into expression for every row * returns sum or difference of inputs for all rows * * USAGE: * length of half-closed interval * U32 len = < U32 > diff ( stop, start ); * convert one-based coordinate to zero based * U32 zero_based = < U32 > diff < 1 > ( one_based ); */ function < type T > T sum #1.0 < * T k > ( T a, ... ) = vdb:sum; function < type T > T diff #1.0 < * T k > ( T a * T b ) = vdb:diff; /* deriv * return the 1st derivative of an input row * integral * return the "integral" of an input row * integral -> starts with 1st value * integral_0 -> starts with 0 * * "T" [ TYPE ] - input and output data type * must be signed integer of any size * * "in" [ DATA ] - input to be modified * * SYNOPSIS: * derivative function is ( in [ i ] - in [ i - 1 ] ) * for i = 0 .. length ( in ) - 1, * assuming in [ 0 - 1 ] = 0 ( i.e. leaves in [ 0 ] intact ). * * integral function is sum ( in [ 0 ] .. in [ i ] ) * for i = 0 .. length ( in ) - 1. * * integral_0 function is sum ( in [ 0 ] .. in [ i - 1 ] ) * for i = 1 .. length ( in ) - 1, * setting output [ 0 ] = 0. * * USAGE: * "deriv" and "integral" are reciprocal functions. * the oddity is that "deriv" creates an output series * with the same length as the input series, causing the * first element of input to be copied to first element * of output. * * "integral_0" always creates an output with the first * element being 0. the oddity here is again that the output * series is the same length as the input, dropping the effect * from the last element of input. its utility is primarily in * operations such as creating absolute offsets from a series of * lengths. * * EXAMPLES: * given an input series ( 15, 17, 12, 315 ): * "deriv" produces ( 15, 2, -5, 303 ) [ NOTICE first element ] * integrating ( 15, 2, -5, 303 ): * "integral" produces ( 15, 17, 12, 315 ), while * "integral_0" produces ( 0, 15, 17, 12 ). * * generating starting offsets from a series of lengths ( 15, 17, 12, 315 ): * "integral_0" produces ( 0, 15, 32, 44 ) which can be used * to accompany the input series for starts and lengths. */ function < type T > T deriv #1.0 ( T in ) = vdb:deriv; function < type T > T integral #1.0 ( T in ) = vdb:integral; function < type T > T integral_0 #1.1 ( T in ) = vdb:integral_0; /* delta * return the 1st derivative of a whole blob * undelta * return the integral of a whole blob * * "T" [ TYPE ] - input and output data type * must be signed integer of any size * * "in" [ DATA ] - input to be modified * * SYNOPSIS: * similar to deriv/integral but operates on full blob */ function < type T > T delta #1.0 ( T in ) = vdb:delta; function < type T > T undelta #1.0 ( T in ) = vdb:undelta; /* outlier_encode * removes a given outlier from a data series * outlier_decode * removes the effect of outlier_encode * * "T" [ TYPE ] - input and output data type * must be an integer of any size * * "in" [ DATA ] - input to be modified * * SYNOPSIS: * The encode replaces every element that is equal to the * outlier with (the value of the previous element) * 2 + 1 * and the remaining elements are replaced with their value * 2. */ function < type T > T outlier_encode #1.0 < T outlier > ( T in ) = vdb:outlier_encode; function < type T > T outlier_decode #1.0 < T outlier > ( T in ) = vdb:outlier_decode; /* add_row_id * return the sum of an input and its row-id * sub_row_id * return the difference of an input and its row-id * * "T" [ TYPE ] - input and output data type * must be member of numeric_set * * "in" [ DATA ] - input to be modified * * SYNOPSIS: * adjusts for relationship between input and row-id * used primarily to reduce serial ids to constants */ function < type T > T add_row_id #1.0 ( T in ) = vdb:add_row_id; function < type T > T sub_row_id #1.0 ( T in ) = vdb:sub_row_id; /* cut * extract one or more elements from input vector * to form an output vector of equal or less dimension * * "T" [ TYPE ] - base element type to be processed * * "idx" [ CONST ] - mandatory initial element index * count of parameters must equal dimension of output type * * "in" [ DATA ] - source of input vectors where the vector * element type is known, but any dimension is accepted. * * USAGE: * extracting a single channel from a 4 channel vector * F32 [ 4 ] vect ... * F32 chan = < F32 > cut < 0 > ( vect ); * * extracting multiple channels * U8 [ 16 ] in ... * U8 [ 3 ] out = < U8 > cut < 5, 1, 3 > ( in ); * * reversing channels * I16 [ 2 ] norm ... * I16 [ 2 ] rev = < I16 > cut < 1, 0 > ( norm ); */ function < type T > T [ * ] cut #1.0 < U32 idx, ... > ( T [ * ] in ) = vdb:cut; /* paste * combine all elements of all inputs into a single vector * output dimension is sum of all input dimensions after type normalization * * "T" [ TYPE ] - base element type to be processed * * "in" [ DATA ] - first of an arbitrary number of columns * the total of input elements produces an output of "T [ total ]" */ function < type T > T [ * ] paste #1.0 ( T [ * ] in, ... ) = vdb:paste; /* vec_sum * compute the sum of all the elements of the row * * "T" [ TYPE ] - base element type to be processed * * "in" [ DATA ] - the input */ function < type T > T vec_sum #1.0 ( T [ * ] in ) = vdb:vec_sum; /* vec_sum * compute the sum of all the elements of the input vector * * "T" [ TYPE ] - base element type to be processed * * "in" [ DATA ] - the input */ function < type T > T fixed_vec_sum #1.0 ( T [ * ] in ) = vdb:fixed_vec_sum; /* checksum * compute a checksum ( hash ) of all of the input bytes * to be used in a trigger production * * "node" [ CONST ] - path to metadata node where checksum * will be stored. * * "algorithm" [ CONST ] - type of checksum to perform: * 'crc-32' # match against POSIX cksum * 'md5' # " " md5sum * 'sha-1' # " " sha1sum * 'sha-256' # " " sha256sum * 'sha-384' # " " sha384sum * 'sha-512' # " " sha512sum * * "in" [ DATA ] - the octet-stream to be checksummed */ function bool checksum #1.0 < ascii node, ascii algorithm > ( B8 in ) = vdb:checksum; /* md5sum * compute an md5 checksum of all of the input bytes */ function bool md5sum #1.0 < ascii node > ( B8 in ) { return checksum < node, 'md5' > ( in ); } /* pack * packs words into bit-aligned units * words are expected in architecture native byte-order * and returned in "big-bit-endian" order * * the packed size is determined by the dimension of the * left-hand assignment value. * * "in" [ DATA ] - B8, B16, B32 or B64 data */ function B1 [ * ] pack #1.0 ( pack_set in ) = vdb:pack; /* unpack * unpacks bit-aligned units into words * input is expected in "big-bit-endian" order * and returned in architecture native byte-order * * the unpacked type is determined from the left-hand * assignment value. * * "in" [ DATA ] - B[1]..B[64] */ function pack_set unpack #1.0 ( B1 [ * ] in ) = vdb:unpack; /* izip * iunzip * integer compression */ function izip_fmt izip #2.1 ( izip_set in ) = vdb:izip; function izip_set iunzip #2.1 ( izip_fmt in ) = vdb:iunzip; physical < type T > T izip_encoding #1.0 { decode { return ( T ) iunzip ( @ ); } encode { return izip ( @ ); } }; /* fzip * funzip * floating point compression * * "mantissa" [ CONST ] - the number of mantissa bits * to preserve */ function fzip_fmt fzip #1.0 < U32 mantissa > ( fzip_set in ) = vdb:fzip; function fzip_set funzip #1.0 ( fzip_fmt in ) = vdb:funzip; physical < type T > T fzip_encoding #1.0 < U32 mantissa > { decode { return funzip ( @ ); } encode { return fzip < mantissa > ( @ ); } }; /* rlencode * rldecode * run-length encoding */ function rle_fmt rlencode #1.0 ( any in ) = vdb:rlencode; function any rldecode #1.0 ( rle_fmt in ) = vdb:rldecode; /* zip * unzip * run things through zlib * * "strategy" [ CONST, OPTIONAL ] - set the compression strategy * * "level" [ CONST, OPTIONAL ] - set the amount of compression * from 0..9 ( none to best compression ), or use -1 for zlib * default behavior. */ // zlib strategy const I32 Z_FILTERED = 1; const I32 Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2; const I32 Z_RLE = 3; const I32 Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0; // zlib level const I32 Z_NO_COMPRESSION = 0; const I32 Z_BEST_SPEED = 1; const I32 Z_BEST_COMPRESSION = 9; const I32 Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1; function zlib_fmt zip #1.0 < * I32 strategy, I32 level > ( any in ) = vdb:zip; function any unzip #1.0 ( zlib_fmt in ) = vdb:unzip; physical < type T > T zip_encoding #1.0 < * I32 strategy, I32 level > { decode { return unzip ( @ ); } encode { return zip < strategy, level > ( @ ); } }; physical bool bool_encoding #1.0 { decode { B1 bit = unzip ( @ ); return ( bool ) unpack ( bit ); } encode { U8 lim = < U8 > clip < 0, 1 > ( @ ); B1 bit = pack ( lim ); return zip < Z_RLE, Z_BEST_SPEED > ( bit ); } } physical < type T > T delta_izip_encoding #1.0 { decode { T dlt = iunzip ( @ ); return < T > undelta ( dlt ); } encode { T dlt = delta ( @ ); return izip ( dlt ); } } physical < type T > T delta_zip_encoding #1.0 { decode { T dlt = unzip ( @ ); return < T > undelta ( dlt ); } encode { T dlt = delta ( @ ); return zip < Z_RLE, Z_BEST_SPEED > ( dlt ); } } physical < type T > T delta_average_zip_encoding #1.0 { decode { delta_averaged_fmt t = unzip ( @ ); return undelta_average ( t ); } encode { delta_averaged_fmt t = delta_average ( @ ); return zip < Z_RLE, Z_BEST_SPEED > ( t ); } } /* bzip * bunzip * run things through bzip2 * * "blockSize100k" [ CONST, OPTIONAL ] - set the compression workspace size * from 1..9 inclusive, produces a workspace of blockSize100K * 100000 bytes * default is 5 * * "workFactor" [ CONST, OPTIONAL ] - set compression level * from 0..250 inclusive, where 0 means bzip2 default, currently 30 */ function bzip2_fmt bzip #1.0 < * U32 blockSize100k, U32 workFactor > ( any in ) = vdb:bzip; function any bunzip #1.0 ( bzip2_fmt in ) = vdb:bunzip; physical < type T > T bzip_encoding #1.0 < * U32 blockSize100k, U32 workFactor > { decode { return bunzip ( @ ); } encode { return bzip < blockSize100k, workFactor > ( @ ); } }; /* simple_sub_select * project a column from another table within database * * "T" [ TYPE ] - data type of column * must be compatible with source column * * "tbl" [ CONST ] - name of table within parent * * "col" [ CONST ] - column spec, i.e. simple name or * typed name spec * * "row" [ DATA ] - row to select * * "idx" [ DATA ] - one-based indexing of what element to pick, defaults to all if not given */ function < type T > T simple_sub_select #1.0 < ascii tbl, ascii col > ( I64 row * I32 idx ) = vdb:simple_sub_select_1; /* extract_token * extract a textual token from an input string * * "idx" [ CONST ] - a zero-based index of the token * if value < row_len ( tok ), then the substring of * indexed token is returned. otherwise, returns empty. * * "str" [ DATA ] - input text. type must be compatible with * output production, meaning types must be same, or ascii input * with utf8 output. * * "tok" [ DATA ] - results of tokenizing "str" */ function text_set extract_token #1.0 < U32 idx > ( text_set str, text:token tok ) = vdb:extract_token; /* strtonum * convert string to number * * "radix" [ CONST, DEFAULT 10 ] * if not specified, or if given as 0, the default will be 10 * unless the string begins with "0x" or "0X", in which case radix will be 16 * octal is NOT inferred ( i.e. leading "0" does not imply octal ) * * "str" [ DATA ] - text to be converted */ function numeric_set strtonum #1.0 < * U32 radix > ( text_set str ) = vdb:strtonum; /* sprintf * formatted print to a string * * formatting rules differ somewhat from C sprintf: * * '%' [ ] [ ] [ '.' ] [ ':' ] * * where: * * flags * = ' ' : prepend space to a numeral if it does not have a sign * | '+' : always produce a sign on numeric conversion * | '-' : left-align parameter within field * | '0' : left-pad with zeroes rather than spaces * | '#' : use "alternate" representation * | ',' : produce comma-separated triples * ; * * field-width * = DECIMAL : a base-10 numeral * | '*' : take field width from args * ; * * precision * = DECIMAL : a base-10 numeral * | '*' : take precision from args * | : an empty precision means 0 * ; * * index * = idx : a single, zero-based vector element * | idx '-' idx : a fully-closed, zero-based interval * | idx '/' len : a start index plus length * ; * * idx * = DECIMAL : an unsigned base-10 numeral * | '*' : take index from args * | '$' : last element in cell * | : an empty index means 0 or $ * ; * * len * = DECIMAL : a base-10 numeral * | '*' : take length from args * | '$' : row-length of ( cell ) * | : an empty length means $ * ; * * * storage-class * = 'd' | 'i' : general decimal integer * | 'u' : decimal unsigned integer * | 'x' : lower-case hex * | 'X' : upper-case hex * | 'o' : octal * | 'b' : binary * | 'f' : floating point * | 'e' : scientific notation * | 'g' : general floating point * | 'c' | 's' : character * ; * * * "fmt" [ CONST ] - constant format string, adhering to * the description above * * "p1" [ DATA ] - first param * this and any subsequent params must correspond to format * in type/position/number. */ function text_set sprintf #1.0 < ascii fmt > ( any p1, ... ) = vdb:sprintf;