# Author: petr.danecek@sanger # =head1 NAME FaSlice.pm. Module for cached access to fasta sequences, employs samtools faidx. =head1 SYNOPSIS use FaSlice; my $fa = FaSlice->new(file=>'ref.fa'); $fa->get_base(1,12345); $fa->get_slice(1,12345,54321); =cut package FaSlice; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; =head2 new About : Creates new FaSlice object. Usage : my $fa = FaSlice->new(file=>'ref.fa'); Args : file .. the fasta file oob .. out-of-bounds requests: one of 'throw' (throws), 'N' (fills the missing bases with Ns), or '' (returns empty string, default) size .. size of the cached chunk read by samtools faidx (1_000_000) =cut sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = @args ? {@args} : {}; bless $self, ref($class) || $class; if ( !$$self{file} ) { $self->throw("Missing the parameter file\n"); } $$self{chr} = undef; $$self{from} = undef; $$self{to} = undef; if ( !$$self{size} ) { $$self{size}=1_000_000; } $$self{ncache_missed} = 0; $$self{nqueries} = 0; if ( !exists($$self{oob}) ) { $$self{oob}=''; } if ( $$self{oob} ne '' && $$self{oob} ne 'throw' && $$self{oob} ne 'N' ) { $self->throw("The value of oob not recognised: [$$self{oob}]"); } $self->chromosome_naming($$self{file}); return $self; } sub throw { my ($self,@msg) = @_; confess(@msg); } sub cmd { my ($self,$cmd) = @_; my @out = `$cmd`; if ( $? ) { my @msg = (); push @msg, qq[The command "$cmd" returned non-zero status $?]; if ( $! ) { push @msg, ": $!\n"; } else { push @msg, ".\n"; } if ( scalar @out ) { push @msg, @out; } $self->throw(@msg); } return (@out); } # Read the first file of the fasta file and make a guess: Are all chromosomes # names as 'chr1','chr2',etc or just '1','2',...? # Future TODO: more robust chromosome name mapping? sub chromosome_naming { my ($self,$fa_file) = @_; open(my $fh,'<',"$fa_file.fai") or $self->throw("$fa_file.fai: $!"); my $line=<$fh>; if ( !($line=~/^(chr)?\S+\t/) ) { chomp($line); $self->throw("FIXME: the sequence names not in '>(chr)?\\S+' format [$line] ... $fa_file.fai\n"); } close($fh); $$self{chr_naming} = defined $1 ? $1 : ''; } sub cache_chr_lengths { my ($self) = @_; if ( exists($$self{chr_lengths}) ) { return; } open(my $fh,'<',"$$self{file}.fai") or $self->throw("$$self{file}.fai: $!"); while (my $line=<$fh>) { my @items = split(/\t/,$line); my $chr = $$self{chr_naming}.$items[0]; $$self{chr_lengths}{$chr} = $items[1]; } close($fh) or $self->throw("close $$self{file}.fai"); } sub read_chunk { my ($self,$chr,$pos) = @_; $$self{chr} = $chr; $chr =~ s/^chr//; $chr = $$self{chr_naming}.$chr; if ( exists($$self{chr_lengths}) && (!exists($$self{chr_lengths}{$chr}) or $$self{chr_lengths}{$chr} < $pos ) ) { $$self{to} = $$self{from} - 1; $$self{chunk} = ''; return; } my $to = $pos + $$self{size}; my $cmd = "samtools faidx $$self{file} $chr:$pos-$to"; my @out = $self->cmd($cmd) or $self->throw("$cmd: $!"); my $line = shift(@out); if ( !($line=~/^>$chr:(\d+)-(\d+)/) ) { $self->throw("Could not parse: $line"); } $$self{from} = $1; my $chunk = ''; while ($line=shift(@out)) { chomp($line); $chunk .= $line; } $$self{to} = $$self{from} + length($chunk) - 1; $$self{chunk} = $chunk; $self->cache_chr_lengths(); return; } =head2 get_base About : Retrieves base at the given chromosome and position Usage : my $fa = FaSlice->new(file=>'ref.fa'); $fa->get_base(1,12345); Args : chromosome 1-based coordinate =cut sub get_base { my ($self,$chr,$pos) = @_; if ( !$$self{chr} || $chr ne $$self{chr} || $pos<$$self{from} || $pos>$$self{to} ) { $self->read_chunk($chr,$pos); } $$self{nqueries}++; my $idx = $pos - $$self{from}; if ( $$self{from}>$$self{to} ) { if ( $$self{oob} eq '' ) { return ''; } elsif ( $$self{oob} eq 'N' ) { return 'N'; } $self->throw("No such site $chr:$pos in $$self{file}\n"); } return substr($$self{chunk},$idx,1); } =head2 get_slice About : Retrieves region Usage : my $fa = FaSlice->new(file=>'ref.fa'); $fa->get_base(1,12345,54321); Args : chromosome 1-based coordinate =cut sub get_slice { my ($self,$chr,$from,$to) = @_; if ( $to-$from >= $$self{size} ) { $$self{size} = $to-$from+1; } if ( $from>$to ) { $self->throw("Expected $from>$to\n"); } if ( !$$self{chr} || $chr ne $$self{chr} || $from<$$self{from} || $to>$$self{to} ) { $self->read_chunk($chr,$from); } $$self{nqueries}++; if ( $$self{from}>$$self{to} || $$self{from}>$from || $$self{to}<$to ) { if ( $$self{oob} eq 'throw' ) { $self->throw("The region out of bounds $chr:$from-$to in $$self{file}\n"); } elsif ( $$self{oob} eq '' ) { return ''; } if ( $$self{from}>$$self{to} ) { return 'N' x ($to-$from+1); } if ( $$self{from}>$to ) { $self->throw("FIXME: this shouldn't happen $chr:$from-$to .. $$self{from},$$self{to} .. $$self{file}"); } my $lfill = ''; my $rfill = ''; if ( $$self{from}>$from ) { $lfill = 'N' x ($$self{from}-$from); $from=$$self{from}; } if ( $$self{to}<$to ) { $rfill = 'N' x ($to-$$self{to}); $to=$$self{to}; } return $lfill . substr($$self{chunk},$from-$$self{from},$to-$from+1) . $rfill; } return substr($$self{chunk},$from-$$self{from},$to-$from+1); } # http://www.illumina.com/documents/products/technotes/technote_topbot.pdf sub illumina_alleles_TOP_to_ref { my ($self,$a1,$a2,$chr,$pos,$ref) = @_; my %map = (A=>'T', C=>'G', G=>'C', T=>'A'); my %top = ( A=>{A=>-2,C=> 1,G=> 1,T=>-1}, C=>{A=> 1,C=>-2,G=>-1,T=> 0}, G=>{A=> 1,C=>-1,G=>-2,T=> 0}, T=>{A=>-1,C=> 0,G=> 0,T=>-2} ); my $stat = $top{$a1}{$a2}; if ( $stat==-2 ) { $self->throw("Expected two different bases, got $a1 and $a2.\n"); } if ( $stat==-1 ) { # Now we should do the sequence walking to see if the reference is TOP or BOT, # but we do not this in ill-to-vcf: C/G would become G/C and A/T would become T/A. return ($a1,$a2); } if ( $stat==0 ) { $self->throw("Expected Illumina TOP, got $a1 and $a2.\n"); } if ( $ref eq $a1 or $ref eq $a2 ) { return ($a1,$a2); } return ($map{$a1},$map{$a2}); } 1;