#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use IPC::Open2; use Vcf; my $opts = parse_params(); fill_ref_md5($opts); exit; #-------------------------------- sub error { my (@msg) = @_; if ( scalar @msg ) { confess @msg; } die "About: The script computes MD5 sum of the reference sequence and inserts\n", " 'reference' and 'contig' tags into header as recommended by VCFv4.1.\n", " The VCF file must be compressed and tabix indexed, as it takes advantage\n", " of the lightning fast tabix reheader functionality.\n", "Usage: fill-ref-md5 [OPTIONS] in.vcf.gz out.vcf.gz\n", "Options:\n", " -d, --dictionary <file> Where to read/write computed MD5s. Opened in append mode, existing records are not touched.\n", " -i, --info <AS:xx,SP:xx,TX:xx> Optional info on reference assembly (AS), species (SP), taxonomy (TX)\n", " -r, --refseq <file> The reference sequence in fasta format indexed by samtools faidx\n", " -h, -?, --help This help message.\n", "Examples:\n", " fill-ref-md5 -i AS:NCBIM37,SP:\"Mus\\ Musculus\" -r NCBIM37_um.fa -d NCBIM37_um.fa.dict in.vcf.gz out.vcf.gz\n", "\n"; } sub parse_params { my $opts = {}; while (my $arg=shift(@ARGV)) { if ( $arg eq '-i' || $arg eq '--info' ) { $$opts{info}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( $arg eq '-r' || $arg eq '--refseq' ) { $$opts{refseq}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( $arg eq '-d' || $arg eq '--dictionary' ) { $$opts{dictionary}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( -e $arg && !exists($$opts{file}) ) { $$opts{file} = $arg; next } if ( exists($$opts{file}) && !exists($$opts{outfile}) ) { $$opts{outfile} = $arg; next } if ( $arg eq '-?' || $arg eq '-h' || $arg eq '--help' ) { error(); } error("Unknown parameter \"$arg\" or non-existent file. Run -h for help.\n"); } if ( !exists($$opts{refseq}) && !exists($$opts{dictionary}) ) { error("Expected one of -d or -r options\n"); } if ( !exists($$opts{file}) ) { error("No input VCF file given.\n"); } if ( !exists($$opts{outfile}) ) { error("No output VCF file given.\n"); } return $opts; } sub read_dict { my ($dict) = @_; my $out = {}; if ( !$dict or !-e $dict ) { return $out } open(my $fh,'<',$dict) or error("$dict: $!"); my $line=<$fh>; if ( $line ne "\@HD\tVN:1.0\tSO:unsorted\n" ) { error("Could not parse $dict: $line"); } while (my $line=<$fh>) { chomp($line); # @SQ SN:5 LN:152537259 UR:file:/lustre/scratch102/projects/mouse/ref/NCBIM37_um.fa M5:f90804fb8fe9cb06076d51a710fb4563 my @items = split(/\t/,$line); if ( @items != 5 ) { error("Could not parse $dict: $line"); } my $item = shift(@items); if ( $item ne '@SQ' ) { next; } my $rec = {}; for my $item (@items) { if ( !($item=~/^([^:]+):(.+)$/) ) { error("Could not parse $dict: [$item] [$line]"); } $$rec{$1} = $2; } if ( !exists($$rec{SN}) ) { error("No SN in [$dict] [$line]?"); } $$out{$$rec{SN}} = $rec; } close($fh); return $out; } sub add_to_dictionary { my ($opts,$dict,$chr) = @_; if ( !exists($$opts{refseq}) ) { error("The chromosome [$chr] not present in the dictionary and no reference sequence given.\n"); } my($md5_in,$md5_out,$ok,$len); eval { open2($md5_out,$md5_in,'md5sum'); $ok=1; }; if ( !$ok ) { error("md5sum: $!"); } my $cmd = "samtools faidx $$opts{refseq} $chr"; open(my $refseq,"$cmd |") or error("$cmd: $!"); # get rid of the first ">$chr" line. <$refseq>; while (my $line=<$refseq>) { chomp($line); print $md5_in $line; $len += length($line); } close($refseq); close($md5_in); my @md5 = <$md5_out>; close($md5_out); $md5[0] =~ s/\s+.*$//; chomp($md5[0]); if ( !$len ) { error("The sequence [$chr] not present in $$opts{refseq}\n"); } $$dict{$chr} = { dirty=>1, SN=>$chr, LN=>$len, UR=>'file://'.$$opts{refseq}, M5=>$md5[0] }; $$dict{dirty} = 1; } sub write_dictionary { my ($opts,$dict) = @_; if ( !$$dict{dirty} or !exists($$opts{dictionary}) ) { return } my $needs_header = !-e $$opts{dictionary} ? 1 : 0; open(my $fh,'>>',$$opts{dictionary}) or error("$$opts{dictionary}: $!"); print $fh "\@HD\tVN:1.0\tSO:unsorted\n" unless !$needs_header; for my $key (sort keys %$dict) { if ( ref($$dict{$key}) ne 'HASH' or !$$dict{$key}{dirty} ) { next; } my $sn = $$dict{$key}{SN}; my $ln = $$dict{$key}{LN}; my $ur = $$dict{$key}{UR}; my $m5 = $$dict{$key}{M5}; print $fh "\@SQ\tSN:$sn\tLN:$ln\tUR:$ur\tM5:$m5\n"; } close($fh); } sub write_header { my ($opts,$dict,$chroms) = @_; my %info; if ( exists($$opts{info}) ) { $$opts{info} =~ s/AS:/assembly:/; $$opts{info} =~ s/SP:/species:/; $$opts{info} =~ s/TX:/taxonomy:/; for my $item (split(/,/,$$opts{info})) { my ($key,$value) = split(/:/,$item); if ( !defined $value ) { error("Could not parse the info: [$item] [$$opts{info}]"); } $info{$key} = $value; } } my $vcf = Vcf->new(file=>$$opts{file}); $vcf->parse_header(); my $uri = $$opts{refseq}=~m{^[^/:]+:} ? '' : 'file:'; $vcf->add_header_line({key=>'reference', value=>"$uri$$opts{refseq}"}); for my $chrom (@$chroms) { my %line = ( key => 'contig', ID => $$dict{$chrom}{SN}, length => $$dict{$chrom}{LN}, md5 => $$dict{$chrom}{M5}, %info ); $vcf->add_header_line(\%line); } open(my $out,'>',"$$opts{outfile}.header") or error("$$opts{outfile}.header: $!"); print $out $vcf->format_header(); close($out); } sub fill_ref_md5 { my ($opts) = @_; # List chromosomes my @chroms = `tabix -l $$opts{file}`; if ( $? ) { error("The command failed: tabix -l $$opts{file}\n"); } # Read dictionary my $dict = read_dict($$opts{dictionary},\@chroms); for my $chr (@chroms) { chomp($chr); if ( !exists($$dict{$chr}) ) { add_to_dictionary($opts,$dict,$chr); } } write_dictionary($opts,$dict); write_header($opts,$dict,\@chroms); `tabix -r $$opts{outfile}.header $$opts{file} > $$opts{outfile}`; }