/* * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 1999-2013 The R Core Team. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ #ifndef R_DEFINES_H #define R_DEFINES_H #if !defined(R_R_H) && !defined(R_S_H) /* user forgot to include R.h or S.h */ # include # include #endif #include /* * Much is from John Chambers' "Programming With Data". * Some of this is from Doug Bates. * * It is presented here to support a joint programming style which * will work in both R and S. In particular it helps with: * * 1. S/R <-> CORBA code. * 2. S/R <-> Java Code. * * And to hide some internal nastiness. */ /* * Added some macros defined in S.h from Splus 5.1 */ #define NULL_USER_OBJECT R_NilValue #define AS_LOGICAL(x) coerceVector(x,LGLSXP) #define AS_INTEGER(x) coerceVector(x,INTSXP) #define AS_NUMERIC(x) coerceVector(x,REALSXP) #define AS_CHARACTER(x) coerceVector(x,STRSXP) #define AS_COMPLEX(x) coerceVector(x,CPLXSXP) #define AS_VECTOR(x) coerceVector(x,VECSXP) #define AS_LIST(x) coerceVector(x,VECSXP) #define AS_RAW(x) coerceVector(x,RAWSXP) #define IS_LOGICAL(x) isLogical(x) #define IS_INTEGER(x) isInteger(x) #define IS_NUMERIC(x) isReal(x) #define IS_CHARACTER(x) isString(x) #define IS_COMPLEX(x) isComplex(x) /* NB: is this right? It means atomic or VECSXP or EXPRSXP */ #define IS_VECTOR(x) isVector(x) /* And this cannot be right: isVectorList(x)? */ #define IS_LIST(x) IS_VECTOR(x) #define IS_RAW(x) (TYPEOF(x) == RAWSXP) #define NEW_LOGICAL(n) allocVector(LGLSXP,n) #define NEW_INTEGER(n) allocVector(INTSXP,n) #define NEW_NUMERIC(n) allocVector(REALSXP,n) #define NEW_CHARACTER(n) allocVector(STRSXP,n) #define NEW_COMPLEX(n) allocVector(CPLXSXP,n) #define NEW_LIST(n) allocVector(VECSXP,n) #define NEW_STRING(n) NEW_CHARACTER(n) #define NEW_RAW(n) allocVector(RAWSXP,n) #define LOGICAL_POINTER(x) LOGICAL(x) #define INTEGER_POINTER(x) INTEGER(x) #define NUMERIC_POINTER(x) REAL(x) #define CHARACTER_POINTER(x) STRING_PTR(x) #define COMPLEX_POINTER(x) COMPLEX(x) /* Use of VECTOR_PTR will fail unless USE_RINTERNALS is in use This is probably unused. */ #define LIST_POINTER(x) VECTOR_PTR(x) #define RAW_POINTER(x) RAW(x) /* The following are not defined in `Programming with Data' but are defined in S.h in Svr4 */ /* * Note that LIST_DATA and RAW_DATA are missing. * This is consistent with Svr4. */ #define LOGICAL_DATA(x) (LOGICAL(x)) #define INTEGER_DATA(x) (INTEGER(x)) #define DOUBLE_DATA(x) (REAL(x)) #define NUMERIC_DATA(x) (REAL(x)) #define CHARACTER_DATA(x) (STRING_PTR(x)) #define COMPLEX_DATA(x) (COMPLEX(x)) /* Use of VECTOR_PTR will fail unless USE_RINTERNALS is in use VECTOR_DATA seems unused, and RECURSIVE_DATA is used only in the Expat part of XML. */ #define RECURSIVE_DATA(x) (VECTOR_PTR(x)) #define VECTOR_DATA(x) (VECTOR_PTR(x)) #define LOGICAL_VALUE(x) asLogical(x) #define INTEGER_VALUE(x) asInteger(x) #define NUMERIC_VALUE(x) asReal(x) #define CHARACTER_VALUE(x) CHAR(asChar(x)) #define STRING_VALUE(x) CHAR(asChar(x)) #define LIST_VALUE(x) error("the 'value' of a list object is not defined") #define RAW_VALUE(x) error("the 'value' of a raw object is not defined") #define SET_ELEMENT(x, i, val) SET_VECTOR_ELT(x, i, val) #define GET_ATTR(x,what) getAttrib(x, what) #define GET_CLASS(x) getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol) #define GET_DIM(x) getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol) #define GET_DIMNAMES(x) getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol) #define GET_COLNAMES(x) GetColNames(x) #define GET_ROWNAMES(x) GetRowNames(x) #define GET_LEVELS(x) getAttrib(x, R_LevelsSymbol) #define GET_TSP(x) getAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol) #define GET_NAMES(x) getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol) #define SET_ATTR(x, what, n) setAttrib(x, what, n) #define SET_CLASS(x, n) setAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol, n) #define SET_DIM(x, n) setAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol, n) #define SET_DIMNAMES(x, n) setAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol, n) #define SET_LEVELS(x, l) setAttrib(x, R_LevelsSymbol, l) #define SET_NAMES(x, n) setAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol, n) /* These do not support long vectors */ #define GET_LENGTH(x) length(x) #define SET_LENGTH(x, n) (x = lengthgets(x, n)) #define GET_SLOT(x, what) R_do_slot(x, what) #define SET_SLOT(x, what, value) R_do_slot_assign(x, what, value) #define MAKE_CLASS(what) R_do_MAKE_CLASS(what) /* NEW_OBJECT is recommended; NEW is for green book compatibility */ #define NEW_OBJECT(class_def) R_do_new_object(class_def) #define NEW(class_def) R_do_new_object(class_def) #define s_object SEXPREC #define S_EVALUATOR /**/ /* These conflict with definitions in R_ext/Boolean.h, but spatstat relies on them in a C file */ #ifdef __cplusplus # ifndef R_EXT_BOOLEAN_H_ # ifndef TRUE # define TRUE 1 # endif # ifndef FALSE # define FALSE 0 # endif # endif #else # ifndef TRUE # define TRUE 1 # endif # ifndef FALSE # define FALSE 0 # endif #endif #define COPY_TO_USER_STRING(x) mkChar(x) #define CREATE_STRING_VECTOR(x) mkChar(x) #define CREATE_FUNCTION_CALL(name, argList) createFunctionCall(name, argList) #define EVAL(x) eval(x,R_GlobalEnv) #endif