Some todos: 1) links, toTable etc need to be better documented 2) hgu95av2_dbschema() should not just cat its output across the screen - it should return something that could be processed 3) Put details on the meta data needed for building chip packages into the vignette myMeta = c("DBSCHEMA" = "HUMANCHIP_DB", "ORGANISM" = "Homo sapiens", "SPECIES" = "Human", "MANUFACTURER" = "Affymetrix", "CHIPNAME" = "Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Version 2", "MANUFACTURERURL" = "") 4) Add a function to the templates for all the classes to make the datacache available do this before we push out new devel packages in January. So near to where you see: @ANNOBJPREFIX@_dbInfo <- function() dbInfo(datacache) Add something that will produce: hgu95av2_datacache(), once it has been called.