Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
AgiAnnDbMap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
AgiAnnDbMap-class |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
AnnDbBimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
AnnDbBimap-class |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
AnnDbMap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
AnnDbMap-class |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
AnnDbObj |
AnnDbObj objects |
AnnDbObj-class |
AnnDbObj objects |
AnnDbObj-objects |
AnnDbObj objects |
AnnDbPkg-checker |
Check the SQL data contained in an SQLite-based annotation package |
AnnotationDb |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
AnnotationDb-class |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
as.character-method |
Formatting a Bimap as a list or character vector | |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
as.list |
Formatting a Bimap as a list or character vector |
as.list-method |
Formatting a Bimap as a list or character vector |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Bimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
Bimap-class |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
Bimap-direction |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Bimap-envirAPI |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
Bimap-keys |
Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object |
Bimap-toTable |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
BimapFormatting |
Formatting a Bimap as a list or character vector |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Check the SQL data contained in an SQLite-based annotation package |
ChipDb-class |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
class:AgiAnnDbMap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:AnnDbBimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:AnnDbMap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:AnnDbObj |
AnnDbObj objects |
class:AnnotationDb |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
class:Bimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:Go3AnnDbBimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:GOAllFrame |
GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects |
class:GoAnnDbBimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:GOFrame |
GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects |
class:GOTerms |
Class "GOTerms" |
class:GOTermsAnnDbBimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:IpiAnnDbMap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:KEGGFrame |
KEGGFrame objects |
class:ProbeAnnDbBimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:ProbeAnnDbMap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:ProbeGo3AnnDbBimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
class:ProbeIpiAnnDbMap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
colmetanames |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
colmetanames-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
colnames |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
colnames-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
cols |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
columns |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
columns-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
contents-method |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
count.links |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
count.links-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
count.mappedkeys |
Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object |
count.mappedkeys-method |
Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object |
count.mappedLkeys |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
count.mappedLkeys-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
count.mappedRkeys |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
count.mappedRkeys-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
createSimpleBimap |
Creates a simple Bimap from a SQLite database in an situation that is external to AnnotationDbi |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
dbconn |
AnnDbObj objects |
dbconn-method |
AnnDbObj objects |
dbconn-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
dbfile |
AnnDbObj objects |
dbfile-method |
AnnDbObj objects |
dbfile-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
dbInfo |
AnnDbObj objects |
dbInfo-method |
AnnDbObj objects |
dbmeta |
AnnDbObj objects |
dbmeta-method |
AnnDbObj objects |
dbschema |
AnnDbObj objects |
dbschema-method |
AnnDbObj objects |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for GO.db. |
Definition |
Class "GOTerms" |
Definition-method |
Class "GOTerms" |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
dim-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
direction |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
direction-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
direction<- |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
direction<--method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
eapply |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
eapply-method |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
exists |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
exists-method |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
length-method |
Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object |
links |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
links-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Lkeyname |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Lkeyname-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Lkeys |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Lkeys-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Lkeys<- |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Lkeys<--method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Llength |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Llength-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
loadDb |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
ls |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
ls-method |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
makeGOGraph |
A convenience function to generate graphs based on the GO.db package |
make_eg_to_go_map |
Create GO to Entrez Gene maps for chip-based packages |
make_go_to_eg_map |
Create GO to Entrez Gene maps for chip-based packages |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
mapIds |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
mapIds-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
mappedkeys |
Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object |
mappedkeys-method |
Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object |
mappedLkeys |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
mappedLkeys-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
mappedRkeys |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
mappedRkeys-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
metadata-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
mget |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
mget-method |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
print.probetable |
Print method for probetable objects |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
ProbeAnnDbBimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
ProbeAnnDbBimap-class |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
ProbeAnnDbMap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
ProbeAnnDbMap-class |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
ProbeGo3AnnDbBimap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
ProbeGo3AnnDbBimap-class |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
ProbeIpiAnnDbMap |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
ProbeIpiAnnDbMap-class |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Rattribnames |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Rattribnames-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Rattribnames<- |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Rattribnames<--method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
ReactomeDb-class |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
revmap |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
revmap-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Rkeyname |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Rkeyname-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Rkeys |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Rkeys-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Rkeys<- |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Rkeys<--method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Rlength |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Rlength-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
sample |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
sample-method |
Environment-like API for Bimap objects |
saveDb |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
saveDb-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Secondary |
Class "GOTerms" |
Secondary-method |
Class "GOTerms" |
select |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
select-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
setInpBimapFilter |
Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object |
setInpBimapFilter-method |
Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
show-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
show-method |
Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object |
show-method |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
show-method |
Class "GOTerms" |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
species |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
species-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
subset-method |
Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys |
summary-method |
Bimap objects and the Bimap interface |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Synonym |
Class "GOTerms" |
Synonym-method |
Class "GOTerms" |
tagname |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
tagname-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
tail-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
taxonomyId |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
taxonomyId-method |
AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for GO.db. |
Term |
Class "GOTerms" |
Term-method |
Class "GOTerms" |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
toggleProbes |
Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object |
toggleProbes-method |
Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object |
toSQLStringSet |
Convert a vector to a quoted string for use as a SQL value list |
toTable |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
toTable-method |
Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |
Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages. |