Package: BSgenome.Vvinifera.URGI.IGGP12Xv2 Title: Full reference nuclear genome sequences for Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera PN40024 (IGGP version 12Xv2) Description: Full reference nuclear genome sequences for Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera PN40024 (derived from Pinot Noir and close to homozygosity after 6-9 rounds of selfing) as assembled by the IGGP (version 12Xv2) and available at the URGI (INRA) Version: 0.1 Author: Timothee Flutre [cre,aut] Maintainer: Timothee Flutre Depends: BSgenome (>= 1.38.0) Imports: BSgenome Suggests: License: CC0 organism: Vitis vinifera vinifera common_name: Grape provider: URGI provider_version: IGGP12Xv2 release_date: Nov. 2013 release_name: IGGP 12Xv2 source_url: biocViews: AnnotationData, Genetics, BSgenome, Vitis_vinifera NeedsCompilation: no Packaged: 2015-10-28 14:18:22 UTC; flutre Built: R 3.2.3; ; 2016-10-26 19:55:03 UTC; unix