Install/Update Bioconductor, CRAN, and github Packages

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Documentation for package ‘BiocInstaller’ version 1.20.3

Help Pages

all_group Convenience functions to return package names associated with Bioconductor publications.
biocases_group Convenience functions to return package names associated with Bioconductor publications.
biocinstallRepos Display current Bioconductor and CRAN repositories.
biocLite Install or update Bioconductor and CRAN packages
biocUpdatePackages Update previously installed Bioconductor or CRAN packages and their dependencies.
BiocUpgrade Upgrade Bioconductor to the latest version available for this version of R
biocValid Validate installed package versions against biocLite versions.
biocVersion Bioconductor version
monograph_group Convenience functions to return package names associated with Bioconductor publications.
RBioinf_group Convenience functions to return package names associated with Bioconductor publications.
useDevel Get the 'devel' version of the BiocInstaller package.