BiodiversityR versions This ChangeLog provides information on new functions integrated in the package and some required updates. Updates related to error messages for new versions of the base and loaded packages are typically not included here (as these were addressed). BiodiversityR details on installation are available from: The manual accompanying the original version of BiodiversityR is available from: Version 2.7-2 (August 2016) * compatible with Rcmdr 2.3-0 (August 2016) and vegan 2.4-0 (June 2016) * new function ensemble.threshold to calculate threshold values to differentiate between absence and presence suitabilities. This function was used earlier only internally in the ensemble.test, ensemble.test.splits and ensemble.batch functions, whereas it is now available and documented as separarte function. * corrected error in makecommunitydataset (error reported by Pascal Hirsch) * Graphical User Interface (GUI) now supports following functions or options from vegan: o dispweight function (via Transform community matrix menu) o fitspecaccum function (via options of "arrhenius", "gleason", "gitay", "lomolino", "asymp", "gompertz", "michaelis-menten", "logis" and "weibull" in Species accumulation curves menu) o specslope function (via options in Species accumulation curves menu) o rareslope function (via options in Species accumulation curves menu) o rarefy function (via options in Species accumulation curves menu) o tsallis function (via options in Renyi profile menu) o tsallisaccum function (via options in Renyi profile menu) o dbrda function (via Constrained ordination menu) o monoMDS function (via Unconstrained ordination menu) o stressplot function (via unconstrained and constrained ordination menus) o betadisper function (via Compare distance matrices menu) o designdist function (in Distance matrix calculation menu) o Lingoes and Cailliez adjustments for wcmdscale, capscale, dbrda and betadisper o sqrt.dist argument for wcmdscale, capscale, dbrda and betadisper o descriptive string of "species" in scaling of ordination axes (via unconstrained and constrained ordination menus) o RsquareAdj function for cca, dbrda and capscale (in summaries of constrained ordination) o ordibar function (via plotting functions for unconstrained and constrained ordination) o plotting factor levels in different colours with ordihull, ordiarrows, ordisegments, ordispider, ordibar and ordiellipse (via plotting functions for unconstrained and contrained ordination) o summary and ordiareatest for ordihull and ordiellipse (via plotting functions for unconstrained and contrained ordination) o ehull option of ordiellipse ((via plotting functions for unconstrained and contrained ordination)) * change in calculation for ensemble.threshold function when using thresholds from the PresenceAbsence package with ensemble.threshold options of "threshold.mean" and "threshold.min": five thresholds from the PresenceAbsence package will be used (see Details) * new parameter ENSEMBLE.weight.min to set minimum output weight for ensemble.test, ensemble.test.splits and ensemble.batch. Note that parameter ENSEMBLE.min refers to the minimum input weight (and typically used to exclude algorithms with low AUC values). * ensemble.plot allows to add country boundaries (via maptools package) * ensemble.plot exports breaks and colours if only one suitability map is plotted * breaks are forced to be unique in ensemble.plot * ensemble.analogue gives warning is variables are very strongly correlated with method 'mahal' (as algorithm my fail) * corrected problem in ensemble.novel function when x only has one layer * avoid error when launching the GUI when dismo package was not installed * corrected error in labeling the y-axis in reyniplot function (error reported by Mauricio Carrasquilla) Version 2.7-1 (April 2016) * ensemble.batch: procedure stops when no algorithms retained in the k-fold cross-validation procedure * new Graphical User Interface (GUI) for renaming layer names of calibration and prediction stacks * included link to Hijmans RJ and Elith J. 2016. Species distribution modelling with R. * options to set width and height of new graphical device for ensemble.plot, evaluation.strip.plot and ensemble.centroids functions. Setting any of these parameters to a value < 0 results in no opening of a new device . Version 2.7-0 (March 2016) * new Graphical User Interface (GUI) for ensemble suitability modelling. Guidelines for getting started are available from the GUI and in the 'doc' folder of BiodiversityR * included the ensemble.mean function within ensemble.batch, so that ensemble.batch also produces the mean ('_MEAN_') ensemble files when several ensembles are calibrated via ensemble.batch * new function ensemble.plot, especially to apply a colourscheme that differentiates between suitabilities below and above a threshold that discriminates between predicted absence-presence of the organism * new feature in the evaluation.strip.plot to include a boxplot for the presence locations of a data set used for model calibrations * included help buttons in various GUI windows Version 2.6-1 (January 2016) * ensemble.centroid and ensemble.zones: New functions to determine centroid locations in principal components space of presence locations of an organism. Mahalanobis distance from centroid locations to map zones based on the minimum distance from centroid locations. * report information on spatial sorting bias in ensemble.test. * and CIRCLES.d options in ensemble.test function to reduce spatial sorting bias between evaluation presence and absence locations * threshold.PresenceAbsence option in ensemble.test to use the PresenceAbsence package to calculate absence-presence thresholds. * ensemble.novel: New function to map novel environmental conditions. * ensemble.area: New function to calculate areas of suitability raster maps. * ensemble.analogue: New function to map environmental (climate) analogues. * ensemble.ecocrop: New function to map suitability based on temperature and rainfall optimal and absolute ranges. * corrected problem in handling probit-transformations in ensemble.raster function * started ChangeLog Version 2.5-4 (September 2015) * compatibility with Rcmdr restored (eg qqPlot) * menu interface scripts updated * new menu option of Analysis of diversity > Add diversity variables to data set * new menu option of silhouette in the Cluster analysis plot options Version 2.5-3 (July 2015) * changes in the CAPdiscrim function to result in same results as PRIMER (problem handled by including as.dist() function prior to cmdscale() function). * new function importancevalue to calculate Importance Value Index, and new ifri data set (collaboration with the International Forestry Resources and Institutions [IFRI] research network; * new menu option of replacing NA with 0 in the community data set * corrected problem in ensemble.test.splits function in obtain AUC-derived weights for submodels when weights are not tuned * ensured that subfolder to save models is created (ensemble.test function) * included package information for function visibility Version 2-5.2 (April 2015) * included droplevels() function in function ensemble.test * avoiding loading of libraries in ensemble functions (including gam::s() for gam formula) * included topography-derived variables in BCI.env data (provided by P. Legendre) Version 2-5.1 (November 2014) * menu option to remove species with zero total abundance * handle new 8-character species codes in vegan in examples * include options to plot as.phylo() cluster dendrograms * option to reorder cluster dendrograms * option to plot symbols in cluster diagrams * BiodiversityR start up message * expand vegan functions from menu interface (vegemite, tabasco, coverscale, screeplot, bioenv, betadisper, contribdiv, beals, betadiverr, wcmscale, pcnm, polaccum, estaccumR, eventstar, indpower, isomap, meandist, nestedchecker, nestedtemp, nestednodf, nestedbetasor, nestedbetajac, RsquareAdj, drarefy, simper, treeheight) * corrected problems with jackknife of diversity analysis (diversityresult function with method='jackknife') Version 2-4.4 (May 2014) * new PROBIT option in ensemble.test function to transform outputs of ensemble submodels with probit transformation (also supported in ensemble.raster function) * new ENSEMBLE.exponent option to modify weights of ensemble submodels in ensemble model by using exponent * corrected use of persp() for accumulated renyi profiles in menu interface Version 2-4.1 (January 2014) * new functions of ensemble.simplified.categories and ensemble.dummy.variables * new function of ensemble.evaluation.strip * only allow ensemble calibration in ensemble.test and ensemble.test.splits functions * include legends in menu-interface generated plots no longer via locator() Older versions * mainly changes related to newer version of R base and loaded packages, including changes required to maintain compatility with R-commander