CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.1 ------------------------- o Change import of ggplot2 to selective import, to avoid collisions with BiocGenerics. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.0 ------------------------- o Added MLE argument to plotMA(). o Added normTransform() for simple log2(K/s + 1) transformation, where K is a count and s is a size factor. o When the design contains an interaction, DESeq() will use betaPrior=FALSE. This makes coefficients easier to interpret. o Independent filtering will be less greedy, using as a threshold the lowest quantile of the filter such that the number of rejections is within 1 SD from the maximum. See ?results. o summary() and plotMA() will use 'alpha' from results(). CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.42 ------------------------- o New function 'normTranform', for making DESeqTransform objects from normalized counts plus a pseudocount (default 1) then applying a transformation (default log2). o Added MLE argument to plotMA(), if results() was run with addMLE=TRUE, this allows for comparison of shrunken and unshrunken estimates of fold change. o summary() and plotMA() use the 'alpha' which was specified in results() rather than defaulting to 0.1. o Removed rlog's fast option, and instead recommending VST for very large matrices of counts (100s of samples). CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.17 ------------------------- o Independent filtering: results() no longer uses the maximum of the number of rejections as calculated by the filter_p() function from the genefilter package. Small numbers of rejections at a high quantile of the filter threshold could result in a high filter threshold. Instead, now the results() function will use the lowest quantile of the filter for which the number of rejections is close to the peak of a lowess curve fit through the number of rejections over the filter quantiles. 'Close to' is defined as within 1 residual standard deviations. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.16 ------------------------- o When the design formula contains interaction terms, the DESeq() function will by default not use a beta prior (betaPrior=FALSE). The previous implementation of a log fold change prior for interaction terms returned accurate inference, but was confusing for users to interpret. New instructions on building results tables for designs with interactions will be included in the software vignette. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8.0 ------------------------ o Added support for user-supplied model matrices to DESeq(), estimateDispersions() and nbinomWaldTest(). This helps when the model matrix needs to be edited by the user. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.45 ------------------------- o Added a test in rlog for sparse data, mostly zero and some very large counts, which will give a warning and suggestion for alternate transformations. o Added plotSparsity() which will help diagnose issues for using rlog: data which do not resemble negative binomial due to many genes with mostly zeros and a few very large counts. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.43 ------------------------- o Added 'replaced' argument to counts() and plotCounts() such that the assay in "replaceCounts" will be used if it exists. Raised a minimum dispersion value used in Cook's calculation, so that other counts in a group with an outlier won't get extreme Cook's distances themselves. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.32 ------------------------- o Added logic to results() which will zero out the LFC, Wald statistic and set p-value to 1, for 'contrast' argument results tables where the contrasted groups all have zero count. Non-zero LFCs were otherwise occuring due to large differences in the size factors. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.11 ------------------------- o Added support for user-supplied model matrices to DESeq(), estimateDispersions() and nbinomWaldTest(). CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.9 ------------------------ o Added Genome Biology citation for the DESeq2 methods. o Introduced type="iterate" for estimateSizeFactors, an alternative estimator for the size factors, which can be used even when all genes have a sample with a count of zero. See man page for details. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.3 ------------------------ o Fixed two minor bugs: DESeq() with parallel=TRUE was dropping rows with all zero counts, instead of propogating NAs. nbinomLRT() with matrices provided to 'full' and 'reduced' and a design of ~ 1, the matrices were being ignored. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6.0 ------------------------ o DESeq() and results() gets a 'parallel' argument. o results() gets an 'addMLE' argument. o results() gets a 'test' argument, for constructing Wald tests after DESeq() was run using the likelihood ratio test. o results() argument 'format' for GRanges or GRangesList results. o new plotCounts() function. o Less outlier calling from Cook's distance for analyses with many samples and many conditions. o More robust beta prior variance and log fold change shrinkage. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.70 ------------------------- o Added 'parallel' also for results(), which can be slow if run with 100s of samples. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.54 ------------------------- o Added 'parallel' argument to DESeq() which splits up the analysis over genes for those steps which are easily done in parallel, leveraging BiocParallel's bplapply. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.50 ------------------------- o A matrix can be provided to rlog or to the VST and will return a matrix. Also 'fitType' argument is included, in case dispersions are not estimated which is passed on to estimateDispersions. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.49 ------------------------- o The fast=TRUE implementation of rlog is even faster, subsetting genes along the range of base mean to estimate the dispersion trend and for fitting the optimal amount of shrinkage. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.40 ------------------------- o Further improved code behind the robust estimation of variance for Cook's cutoff, resulting in less outlier calls due to an individual condition with few samples and high variance. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.28 ------------------------- o New results() argument 'addMLE' adds the unshrunken fold changes for simple contrasts or interaction terms to the results tables. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.27 ------------------------- o Applied the beta prior variance calculation from v1.5.22 to the regularized logarithm. o Added MLE coefficients as MLE_condition_B_vs_A columns to mcols(dds). o Fixed the statistic which is returned when lfcThreshold is used. Previously, only the p-value and adjusted p-value was changed. o plotPCA() with argument 'returnData' will return a data.frame which can be used for custom plotting. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.25 ------------------------- o Improved the robust variance estimate used for calculating Cook's distances. The previous estimate could lead to outlier calls in datasets with many conditions, and when a single condition had large, highly variable counts for all its samples. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.22 ------------------------- o Adding an alternate method for beta prior variance calculation in nbinomWaldTest. This helps to produce more robust prior variance estimates when many genes have small counts and highly variable MLE log fold changes. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.15 ------------------------- o For likelihood ratio test, expanded model matrices not default. Some improvements in fit time from handling of genes with dispersions that do not converge using line search. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.13 ------------------------- o Adding test argument to results(), which allows users to perform a Wald test after DESeq(dds, test="LRT") / nbinomLRT has been run. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.11 ------------------------ o Swapping in ggplot2 for lattice for the plotPCA function. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.9 ------------------------ o Added a VST for fitType = mean. Allowed designs with ~ 0 and betaPrior = FALSE. Fixed some potential metadata column insertion bugs. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.8 ------------------------ o Suppress the convergence warning from parametric dispersion curve fitting procedure, instead use this for the iterative convergence test. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.3 ------------------------ o Speeding up and reducing copying for DESeqDataSet construction. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.2 ------------------------ o Added 'format' argument to results, which will attach results to GRangesList or GRanges if requested (default is DataFrame). CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.4 ------------------------ o Fixed a hang which could occur in the GLM fitting procedure. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.3 ------------------------ o Fixed simple bug when using normalizationFactors and running nbinomWaldTest, error was "no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector". CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.2 ------------------------ o Fixed bugs: estimating beta prior for interaction between factor and numeric; not returning row names for counts(); construction of DESeqDataSet gives wrong error when there are empty levels: instead now drops the levels for the user. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.1 ------------------------ o Fixed bug where DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount() imported the special rows, "_ambiguous", etc. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.0 ------------------------ o *** USAGE NOTE *** Expanded model matrices are now used when betaPrior = TRUE (the default). Therefore, level comparison results should be extracted using the 'contrast' argument to the results() function. Expanded model matrices produce shrinkage of log fold changes that is independent of the choice of base level. Expanded model matrices are not used in the case of designs with an interaction term between factors with only 2 levels. o The order of the arguments 'name' and 'contrast' to the results() function are swapped, to indicate that 'contrast' should be used for the standard comparisons of levels against each other. Calling results() with no arguments will still produce the same comparison: the fold change of the last level of the last design variable over the first level of the last design variable. See ?results for more details. o The DESeq() function will automatically replace count outliers flagged by Cook's distance when there are 7 or more replicates. The DESeq() argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' (default 7) is used to decide which samples are eligible for automatic replacement. This default behavior helps to prevent filtering genes based on Cook's distance when there are many degrees of freedom. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.58 ------------------------- o Added a list() option to the 'contrast' argument of results(). See examples in ?results. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.24 ------------------------- o rlogTransformation() gains an argument 'fast', which switches to an approximation of the rlog transformation. Speed-up is ~ 2x. o A more robust estimator for the beta prior variance is used: instead of taking the mean of squared MLE betas, the prior variance is found by matching an upper quantile of the absolute value of MLE betas with an upper quantile of a zero-centered Normal distribution. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.17 ------------------------- o It is possible to use a log2 fold change prior (beta prior) and obtain likelihood ratio test p-values, although the default for test="LRT" is still betaPrior=FALSE. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.15 ------------------------- o The DESeq() function will automatically replace count outliers flagged by Cook's distance when there are 7 or more replicates. The DESeq() argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' (default 7) is used to decide which samples are eligible for automatic replacement. This default behavior helps to prevent filtering genes based on Cook's distance when there are many degrees of freedom. o The results() function produces an object of class 'DESeqResults' which is a simple subclass of 'DataFrame'. This class allows for methods to be written specifically for DESeq2 results. For example, plotMA() can be called on a 'DESeqResults' object. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.12 ------------------------- o Added a check in nbinomWaldTest which ensures that priors on logarithmic fold changes are only estimated for interactions terms, in the case that interaction terms are present in the design formula. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.6 ------------------------ o Reduced the amount of filtering from Cook's cutoff: maximum no longer includes samples from experimental groups with only 2 samples, the default F quantile is raised to 0.99, and a robust estimate of dispersion is used to calculate Cook's distance instead of the fitted dispersion. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.5 ------------------------ o New arguments to results(), 'lfcThreshold' and 'alternativeHypothesis', allow for tests of log fold changes which are above or below a given threshold. o plotMA() function now passes ellipses arguments to the results() function. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.32 ------------------------- o By default, use QR decomposition on the design matrix X. This stabilizes the GLM fitting. Can be turned off with the useQR argument of nbinomWaldTest() and nbinomLRT(). o Allow for "frozen" normalization of new samples using previous estimated parameters for the functions: estimateSizeFactors(), varianceStabilizingTransformation(), and rlogTransformation(). See manual pages for details and examples. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.31 ------------------------- o The adjustment of p-values and use of Cook's distance for outlier detection is moved to results() function instead of nbinomWaldTest(), nbinomLRT(), or DESeq(). This allows the user to change parameter settings without having to refit the model. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.24 ------------------------- o The results() function allows the user to specify a contrast of coefficients, either using the names of the factor and levels, or using a numeric contrast vector. Contrasts are only available for the Wald test differential analysis. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.23 ------------------------- o The results() function automatically performs independent filtering using the genefilter package and optimizing over the mean of normalized counts. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.21 ------------------------- o The regularized log transformation uses the fitted dispersions instead of the MAP dispersions. This prevents large, true log fold changes from being moderated due to a large dispersion estimate blind to the design formula. This behavior is also more consistent with the variance stabilizing transformation. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.10 ------------------------- o Outlier detection: Cook's distances are calculated for each sample per gene and the matrix is stored in the assays list. These values are used to determine genes in which a single sample disproportionately influences the fitted coefficients. These genes are flagged and the p-values set to NA. The argument 'cooksCutoff' of nbinomWaldTest() and nbinomLRT() can be used to control this functionality. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ o Base class: SummarizedExperiment is used as the superclass for storing the data. o Workflow: The wrapper function DESeq() performs all steps for a differential expression analysis. Individual steps are still accessible. o Statistics: Incorporation of prior distributions into the estimation of dispersions and fold changes (empirical-Bayes shrinkage). A Wald test for significance is provided as the default inference method, with the likelihood ratio test of the previous version also available. o Normalization: it is possible to provide a matrix of sample- *and* gene-specific normalization factors