DEXSeq Performs the differential exon usage test in a single command DEXSeq-defunct This functions are deprecated and will become defunct. DEXSeqDataSet-class DEXSeqDataSet object and constructors DEXSeqHTML DEXSeq HTML report writer DEXSeqResults-class DEXSeqResults object [,DEXSeqDataSet-method Subset and replacements of DEXSeqDataSet slots counts Accessors for the 'counts' slot of a DEXSeqResults object. estimateDispersions Estimate the dispersions for a DEXSeqDataSet estimateExonFoldChanges Estimates exon usage coefficients from the fitted terms of the GLM. estimateSizeFactors Estimate the size factors for a DEXSeqDataSet featureCounts Accessor functions for DEXSeqDataSet details findOverlaps Methods from GRanges overlaps for the DEXSeq object perGeneQValue Summarize per-exon p-values into per-gene q-values. plotDEXSeq Visualization of the per gene DEXSeq results. plotDispEsts Plot dispersion estimates plotMA-methods Generate an MA plot testForDEU Test for Differential Exon Usage.